Beligan - Gentrep - Activity 1

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Name: Beligan Jr. Napoleon V.

Program/Year: BSME 2
Course: GEntrep_3108

 What were the most significant takeaways or insights you gained from the
video? Are there specific points that resonated with you?
The takeaway or the insights that I’ve gained/learned from the video
are; How important happiness are, How to improve our entrepreneurial minds,
How to change our mindset in such different situations, and lastly, Tips on
how to become a successful entrepreneur. Finding out what are the things that
makes you happy in life or how important happiness are, is one of the key
points that specifically resonate within me. because we all know that life is
tough, and happiness is the key on how we live our life here in this world.

 Did the video challenge your preconceived notions about

entrepreneurship or the entrepreneurial mindset? Were there any mindset
shifts you experienced while watching?
The video that I’ve watched challenge me in different aspects in my life, such
as how to improve my perspective in entrepreneurship like expanding your ideas and
creativity on handling a certain thing especially businesses. Linda Chiou also gives us
an advice that we also need to be realistic. Realistic that we can be able to execute nor
achieve on our businesses, because majority of individual nowadays who have a
business, totally forgot about being realistic. In summary there are a lot of changes
that I adopt after watching the video. Like continue on pushing your self to achieve
your goals in life, and what are the pros and cons that you might be able in your
journey, especially I am planning to establish a business after I got my degree in

 Based on the video, what are some key characteristic or qualities of an

entrepreneurial mindset How might you overcome these challenges in
your journey?
Based on the video that I’ve watch the key characteristic or qualities of an
entrepreneurial mindset is being able to manage their time properly. Time
management is very important to an entrepreneur due to the reason that being an
entrepreneur they have a lot of commitments, meetings, and other appointments to do
so that time is a gold for them. To overcome the challenges just like cramming,
rushing, for the commitments that you might have, you must create a plan, and
strategies on managing your time. Spend your time wisely to achieve your goals in life,
because time is more valuable than money. This advice of Mrs. Chiou is not only
applicable on entrepreneurs but also to the students.

 Reflect on your own experiences and goals. How might cultivating an

entrepreneur mindset benefit your academic, professionals, or personal
Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset can have a profound impact on
various aspects of life, especially on students just like me, for their academic,
professional and pursuits. In academic Critical Thinking and Problem-
Solving: Entrepreneurs are often required to think critically and solve complex
problems in their ventures. This mindset can be applied to academic studies, helping
individuals to analyze information, approach challenges, and generate innovative
solutions. While in profession Initiative: Entrepreneurs are self-starters who take the
initiative to identify opportunities and take action. In a job or career setting, this can
lead to increased responsibility and leadership roles. And lastly in personal Self-
Confidence: Success in
entrepreneurship can boost self-confidence. This self-assuredness can spill
over into personal life, improving relationships and overall well-being.

 Did the video address any barriers or challenges you might face when
adopting an entrepreneurial mindset? How might you over come these
challenges in your journey.
YES, the video addresses different challenges such as the fear of failure
One of my biggest challenges is the fear of failure, which can be able to paralyze me
from taking risks or functioning well. Overcoming this fear involves reframing failure
as a learning opportunity. Embrace the idea that failures are stepping stones to
success and that each setback provides valuable lessons. Time management
Balancing entrepreneurial pursuits with other responsibilities, such as a full-time job
or family commitments, can be challenging. Effective time management, setting clear
priorities, and creating a structured schedule can help address this issue that I might
face in the future.

 How can you apply the insights from the video to your current or future
projects? Are there specific strategies or behaviors you plan to
incorporate into your approach?
As a student I can apply the insights from the video that I watched for my
current and future challenges, like poor handling my own time, and afraid of failures.
The strategies that I can be able to apply about this approach is making a plan to
spend my time wisely and learn from your mistakes, and accept the fact and do your
My Action Plan Achieving My Goals
(Short term & Long term)

Short term Long term Goals

1. Finish all my Finish my program Have a degree


2. Reading and Applying what I’ve Become an

understanding learned in entrepreneur
what entrepreneurship
really means

3. Saving Investing Speculating

4. Making friends Networking Employing

5. Failing Learning Success

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