Gentrep - Activity 3

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General Entrepreneurship


A. As a Louisian Engineer, determine YOUR ten (10) personal values significant in

making entrepreneurial decisions that help bring positive societal changes during
these challenging and changing times. Please write them below by the most
important to the least (1 is the most important).
1. Responsible
2. Self-Discipline
3. Perseverance
4. Submissive
5. Thoughtfulness
6. Optimistic
7. Strategic
8. Work Ethic
9. Dependability
10. Kindness

B. Of the ten values, explain WHY you ranked the top 3 as the most important for your
entrepreneurial decision-making. Elucidate your reasoning in at most 150 words.
Write below.

Knowing your values is essential for us, Why? Because your personal
values Personal values serve as a compass for decision-making. When you are aware
of your values, you can make choices that align with what truly matters to you. This
clarity can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling decisions in various aspects of life,
especially in the world of entrepreneurship. Being responsible in running a business
ensures that you are accountable for your actions and decisions as an entrepreneur.
Being responsible can also help you to build trust and credibility with stakeholders,
including customers, employees, investors, and partners. When you take responsibility
for your actions, people are more likely to trust you and your business, which is crucial
for long-term success. Your reputation as an entrepreneur is closely tied to your sense
of responsibility. In addition, self-discipline is a foundational trait for entrepreneurs. It
underpins many other essential qualities and behaviors necessary for success in the
business world. Developing and maintaining self-discipline is an ongoing process that
can significantly benefit your entrepreneurial journey. Lastly, Perseverance.
Perseverance is the driving force that keeps you going when others might give up. It's a
critical trait for achieving long-term success as an entrepreneur. In conclusion,
entrepreneurship is a challenging journey that requires the ability to persist in the face of
adversity and uncertainty.

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