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Week 2 – Professional and Personal Development Plan

(Part 1 of 2)

DUE: TUESDAY JULY 18th by 11:59PM

Develop a draft set of personal and professional goals using knowledge gained in
classes, readings, and online resources.
( Worth 15% of final grade)

You will receive feedback on your submission that will help you complete Part 2.
Provide details and examples wherever possible.

Pay attention to your spelling and grammar. Use MS editor to help guide you.

Describe someone you admire.

1. Name and relationship to you.

Ans: Drashti Shah, my elder sister

2. What qualities do they possess? Which do you admire and why?

Ans: Drashti possesses numerous qualities, which I deeply admire. As my elder sister, she has been a
constant source of inspiration and guidance throughout my life. Her strength, and determination in the
face of challenges have always amazed me and pushed me to become a stronger and more independent

From a young age, I have witnessed her overcome various obstacles with grace and perseverance. She has
tackled personal setbacks, academic pressures, and professional challenges with unwavering
determination. Her ability to stay focused even during difficult times is truly commendable.

One quality of my sister that I particularly admire is her unwavering commitment to her goals. She sets the
highest standards for herself and works tirelessly to achieve them. Her dedication and work ethic serve as
a constant reminder to me that success requires effort, perseverance, and a clear vision of what one wants
to accomplish.

In summary, my elder sister Drashti possesses qualities of strength, resilience, and determination that I
deeply admire. Her ability to overcome challenges and stay focused on her goals inspires me to strive for
personal and professional growth.

3. In what ways are you similar/dissimilar to this person?

Ans: I am both similar and dissimilar to my elder sister, Drashti Shah, in many ways.
- Determination: Like my sister, I possess a strong determination to overcome challenges and achieve my
goals. Like her, I set high goals for myself to achieve and strive for perfection.
- Ambition and drive: We share a common drive to succeed and make a positive impact in our respective
pursuits. We both set high standards for ourselves and constantly strive to improve.

- Life experiences: As my elder sister, Drashti has had more life experiences and has faced challenges that I
have yet to encounter. This age difference brings a difference in perspectives and wisdom.
- Personal interests and talents: While we share some common interests, we also have our unique passions
and talents. Our individuality allows us to explore different paths and contribute to different areas of

Overall, despite our similarities and differences, I greatly admire my sister for the strength she has shown
in facing challenges and the inspiration she has provided me throughout my life. She has been a guiding
light, demonstrating the qualities of strength, independence, and resilience that I aspire to possess.

4. What lesson have they taught you?

Ans: My elder sister, Drashti Shah, has taught me several valuable lessons throughout my life. One of the
most important lessons she has imparted to me is the importance of resilience and strength in the face of

Through her own experiences, my sister has demonstrated that challenges and setbacks are inevitable in
life, but it is our response to them that truly matters. She has shown me that it is possible to overcome
difficult situations with grace, determination, and a positive mindset.

Furthermore, my sister has taught me the importance of independence and self-reliance. She has always
encouraged me to pursue my own passions and goals, emphasizing the significance of carving my own path
in life. Her example has motivated me to take ownership of my choices, embrace responsibility, and strive
for personal independence.

Overall, my sister's lessons on resilience, independence, and compassion have had a profound impact on
me. Her guidance and example have shaped my character and instilled in me a strong belief in my own
abilities. I am grateful for the valuable lessons she has taught me, and I strive to embody those qualities in
my own life.

Answer each of the following questions.

1. What does your perfect future look like?

Ans: In my perfect future, I envision succeeding as a CPA, finding personal happiness, and living peacefully
in a spacious home. I aim to be a good person, spreading kindness and joy, while also spoiling my parents
and sister with thoughtful gifts. Achieving a harmonious balance between professional success, personal
fulfillment, and strong family bonds is at the core of my ideal life.
2. Who do you want to be?
Ans: I want to be a successful CPA (Certified Public Accountant). By attaining this professional goal, I can
utilize my skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the financial world and secure a rewarding

3. Where will you be?

Ans: I envision myself being in Canada. Canada offers a diverse community, high quality of life, and
opportunities for pursuing a career as a CPA. It aligns with ideal future and values, providing opportunities
for family and landscape enjoyment.

4. What will you be doing?

Ans: My profession as a CPA will involve providing expert financial advice, assisting individuals and
businesses with tax planning, and ensuring financial compliance. Beyond my career, I will be committed to
personal growth and happiness, spreading kindness, and nurturing strong bonds with my loved ones.

5. Who will you be spending time with?

Ans: Spending time with loved ones, including parents and sister, is crucial for my life. I cherish the strong
bonds we share and aim to create beautiful memories, engage in quality time, and support each other.
Surrounding myself with like-minded friends fosters a supportive and uplifting social circle.

6. What will your creative outlets be?

Ans: In my ideal future, I will explore photography as one of my main creative outlets. Capturing moments,
emotions, and the beauty of the world through the lens of a camera will enable me to preserve memories
and appreciate the wonders of life. Photography offers a unique way to showcase the world's beauty to
those around me and provide a source of artistic expression and fulfillment.

Additionally, I may delve into music, perhaps learning to play a musical instrument or singing. Music can
evoke emotions and be a therapeutic outlet for self-expression, allowing me to immerse myself in its
world. These creative pursuits will be enriching my experiences and contributing to my overall happiness.

7. What will you be doing to ensure health of your body, your relationships, and your mind?
Ans: I'll take a holistic approach to ensure the health of my body, relationships, and mind. Regular
exercise and a well-balanced diet will keep my body in shape, while limiting my caffeine intake will
promote better sleep and overall well-being. I plan to strengthen my relationships by spending quality time
with loved ones and being supportive and empathetic. Mindfulness practices such as meditation and
creative hobbies will help me maintain reduce stress and provide mental clarity (hopefully). This balanced
lifestyle will contribute to my overall happiness and fulfilment, promoting a vibrant and healthy lifestyle.
Describe three current personal goals. These could be short/long-term goals. Please ensure
your goals are SMART.

1. Attend all classes, complete assignments, and ace (get an A+) ACCT20 and ADMN1000 midterms, which
are due in a week, for which I will revise the notes I made everyday and practice for the midterms by doing
the assignments.
2. Learn French within a year. To accomplish this, I am going to download DuoLingo app and learn a
little bit of French every day.
3. Take care of my physical health by maintaining a good diet by reducing my coffee intake, eating legumes
and lentils for at least a week. To accomplish this, I will force myself to put in efforts for my well-being.

Describe three professional goals. These could be short- or long-term goals. Please ensure
your goals are very specific.

1. Search for jobs on Indeed, LinkedIn, and in-person. Apply for more than 25 jobs by the end of this week.
To accomplish this, I will keep checking for any new job openings and try to find references for those jobs
and apply there.
2. Enhance relevant job skills by completing two online courses or certifications within the next month, for
which, I will study those courses daily for 30 minutes.
3. Secure an internship in a local company or organization related to my field of study within the next three
months. To accomplish this, I will set a target of applying to at least 15 suitable positions within the first
month, making sure each application is well-crafted and personalized and follow-up after submitting those

Additional Questions

1. What could prevent you from achieving a goal?

Ans: Several factors can make it difficult to achieve a goal. Procrastination, or putting off taking action towards a
goal, can result in missed opportunities and slowed progress. Low motivation and commitment can lead to
decreased effort and focus, making it difficult to stay on track. Furthermore, overworking without proper self-care
can lead to burnout, which has a negative impact on both mental and physical well-being and impedes progress.
Being aware of and addressing these roadblocks is critical for maintaining momentum and achieving one's goals.
2. How will you respond in these situations?
Ans: Overcoming obstacles that prevent achieving a goal requires taking proactive measures. To combat
procrastination, I'll divide tasks into manageable chunks with deadlines and seek assistance. When I'm
lacking motivation, I visualize the desired outcomes and celebrate accomplishments. To avoid burnout, I'll
prioritize self-care, maintain work-life balance, and be willing to rethink my strategy. Seeking advice from
mentors or professionals as needed will help me stay adaptable, focused, and committed to my goals.

3. What are your Top 3 interests? Is there a way you could monetize these interests?
Ans: My top three interests are photography, writing, and graphic designing. To monetize these interests, I
can offer photography services for events, freelance as a writer for businesses and publications, and
provide graphic design services for clients. Additionally, selling prints, creating stock photos, and selling
digital assets can further generate income from these passions.

4. What’s In Your Hand? (reflection based on class discussion)

Ans: I have the power to change my future and become a better person in my hands. I can shape my
destiny and pursue my dreams with determination and hard work. I have the ability to make decisions that
promote personal development by learning from my experiences and challenges. By embracing this
potential, I can strive to better myself, learn new skills, and positively contribute to the world around me. It
is within my power to shape a brighter and more fulfilling future, and I am eager to seize the opportunities
that present themselves in order to achieve my goals and become the best version of myself.

Professional and Personal Development Plan Part 1 – Rubric

Below Partially Meets Above Score
Standard Meets Standard Standard
Part 1 0-2 3 4 5 /5
Communication 0-2 3 4 5 /5
Critical 0-2 3 4 5 /5

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