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Vince B. Maganaka

12- ABM

S.Y. 2023-2024
Household Income and Expenditure Analysis

I. Introduction

Skyrocketing of food and other things are the cause of famishment. Food and beverages
are the most important thing that we needed. We acquire this thing through buying it in the market
or any grocery stores. Food is needed so that our body can replenish its energy.
How can we by food? Is it free?
We all know that acquiring something is not free especially nowadays that all things you
need can only be bought by money. This research can help you to better understand the rules and
information on how to save your money. You can gain knowledge on how you can properly handle
your money and spend it wisely.

II. Objectives

1. To expound our knowledge on how to spend money wisely.

2. To determine if the income of our parents is sufficient to supply the things that we need.
3. To apply the knowledge that we have gained in order to finish the research.

III. Research Methodology

In this research I use focus group discussion as my research instrument in order to attain
the data that I needed. We have discussed in our family the income that they have gained and the
expenses that they have spent on for a month. The location of this research is at our home and my
parents are my respondents.

IV. Data Presentation

A. Household Income

Person Involve Amount Percentage

Father 3,500 41%

Mother 5,000 59%

8,500 100%

B. Household Expenses

Particulars Amount. Percentage

Food and beverages 4,000 46%

Allowances 2,500 28%

School necessities 700 8%

Cleaning products 500 6%

Electricity 400 5%
Other expenses (clothing) 300 3%
Water 300 3%
Medicines 100 1%
8,800 100%

V. Results and Findings

In the table shown above you can see that food and beverages are the things that is more
need in the house with the total percentage of forty-six (46%), on the other hand only one percent
(1%) of money are spent on medicines. Allowance is the next where the money has spent more,
with the total percentage of twenty- eight percent (28%), school necessities eight percent (8%),
cleaning products six percent (6%), electricity five percent (5%), water three percent (3%), and
another three percent (3%) for other expenses.

VI. Conclusion
Base on the research that I have conducted with the use of focus group discussion I
therefore conclude that most of the income of the parents are likely to be spent most on food and
beverages with an equivalent of forty-six percent (46%), while only a little has spent on medicines.

VII. Recommendation
As a student and a member of a family I recommend that every household should have a
savings in order to have an asset in the future. I also suggest that we should lessen the money spent
on allowance and add it on the savings to further secure the future necessities.

VIII. Reflection

In conducting this research, I have learned such knowledge on how to spend your household
money wisely and to better understand on what are the things that is really important. I also find
this research amusing because as a son of my mother and father this kind of information doesn’t
really bother me or I don’t really know about it. This research also help me to better realize that
don’t just spend your money unperceptive.

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