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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3084315, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

An automated platform for surface plasmon

resonance based sensors
Francisco J. da Silva∗ , Leiva C. Oliveira†∗ and Antonio M.N. Lima‡
∗ Electrical Engineering Graduate Program UFERSA
† Department of Computing, Center for Exact and Natural Sciences

Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró-RN, Brasil

‡ Department of Electrical Engineering, Center for Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande-PB, Brasil

Abstract—This paper presents the design of an automated Many scientific and engineering works provide the devel-
platform to quickly, efficiently, and accurately manipulate the opment details of sensors with prisms of triangular [3], trape-
components required for a typical SPR sensing instrument. In zoidal [4] and semicylindrical [5], [6] shapes, which in general
traditional SPR platforms, such parts are at pre-arranged and
fixed positions. The proposed solution enables individual and require rotational components for exciting and detecting the
group component movements by adjusting the alignment and resonance. Some specific prism designs presented elsewhere
positioning to ensure either the proper excitation and detection [7] avoid the use of rotational elements however may require
of the surface plasmon resonance. The platform’s mechanical complex instrumentation due to the angular arrangement of
chassis is constructed with an aluminum V-slot profile and the optical and electronic components. Moreover, complex
trapezoidal thread spindles and nuts to guide the components’
displacement. An L-shaped frame specially designed for this optical arrangement-prisms can be found for the SPR sensors
purpose holds all the parts. Besides mechanical chassis, micro- development based on smartphones [8].
controllers, motors, distance sensors, temperature sensors, and a The so-called PPBIO trapezoidal prism [9] is a promising
touch-screen compose the automated platform components. The solution for the development of SPR sensors with low in-
use of the so-called PPBIO biochip operating in the angular strumentation complexity. With a trapezoidal geometry and
interrogation mode demonstrates the platform’s functioning. The
obtained experimental results agree with the ones acquired with small size (22×10×3 mm), this prismatic biochip is covered
a similar but manually adjusted test platform. with a thin gold layer of 50 nm thickness at the upper
planar face, avoiding the use of gel or oil for coupling [see
Index Terms—optoelectronic devices, surface plasmon reso-
nance, biosensor, thin-film, intelligence-instrumentation.
Figs. 1a)-b0]. The inclined side faces reflect specularly fan-
in, fan-out, along with two total internal reflections of the
incoming/outgoing light beam at the plane bottom face. As
I. I NTRODUCTION shown in Fig. 1c, in angular interrogation mode (AIM) - fixed
wavelength (monochromatic) light-source with input angle
URFACE plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors are well-
S established optical instruments to study real-time molec-
ular interactions in aqueous/gaseous analytes (i.e., the target
variation - lenses and mirror deliver the light source to the
prism sensing spot. A camera is used to capture the angular
spectrum at which resonance occurs. For more details about
solutions). The SPR sensor instrumentation requires optical, the PPBIO, we refer [10], [11].
electronic, fluidic, and mechanical components carefully dis- In the PPBIO-AIM experimental set-up [9] the components
posed of and adjusted for the correct phenomenon excitation. are arranged at fixed positions, as illustrated in Fig. 1d; the
Generally, these components are arranged in fixed positions. initial positioning of the parts, as well as its repositioning
Manual adjustments are necessary to maintain the alignment for maintenance, are performed manually in the sequence
conditions during the sensor operation. Eventually, these SPR (alphabetical order) indicated in the figure. Only the prism
sensors require massive instrumentation with expensive labor- and the camera require movements on more than one axis. The
procedures, which demand for well-trained operators and vertical adjustment (y-axis) is performed to provide the correct
advanced laboratory infrastructure. alignment of the incident light beam. The prism must also
Historically, the development of SPR sensors is based on be adjusted horizontally (x-axis) for alignment between the
the attenuated total reflection (ATR) through coupled prisms sensitive region (sensing spot) and the flow cell. The camera
[1]. In particular, the prisms-ATR configuration proposed by has the depth adjustment (z-axis) to correct the reflected
Kretschmann became the most used approach in SPR sensors light, allowing for the proper analysis of the SPR image.
[2]. The typical Kretschmann’s configuration comprises a thin These manual adjustments require a well-trained operator.
metal film placed between two dielectric media, the prism First, initial attempts to position the optical elements (laser and
(optical substrate) supports the SPR interface, and the metal lenses) are performed. A visual inspection is used to verify
film is deposited on its top surface; above the metal film is the quality of the light beam. The manual repositioning of
placed the analyzed substance, typically delivered in a flow or the components is repeated several times to get the best light
drop way. beam. Then, the prism, flow cell, and camera are aligned in

0018-9456 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE. Downloaded on June 01,2021 at 20:01:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3084315, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement


The PPBIO design shown in Fig. 2 illustrates the geometry
and the ideal optical path for the light beams through the
biochip. The figure indicates the height h, the oblique face side
angle α to set the sensing spot at X4 for a given incident angle
θ, and the lengths L and l. The values DX2 min and DX2 max
are the input distances from the first and last light beams at
point X4 (the sensing spot). The total angular aperture ranges
from 62 deg to 73 deg and can be determined by
! !
−1 DX2 min −1 DX2 max
θmin = tan , θmax = tan . (1)
h0max + h h0min + h

Fig. 2. Light beams optical paths. The blue triangle is just for showing that
the distance traveled vertically by the light beams from X6 to X8 indeed
depends on h and h0 and defines the hypotenuse adjacent angle, which is
directly related to the input angular aperture ([θmin ,θmax ]). The actual values
are F = 5.36 mm, DX2 min = 9.66 mm, DX2 max = 12.62 mm, h0 = 0.5-2.5 mm,
h = 3 mm, L = 26.72 mm, l = 17.84 mm, α = 34 deg, and θ = 68 deg.

By using the Fresnel Analysis [12], [13] for the PBBIO,

Fig. 1. PPBIO photographs with (a) and without (b) thin metal layer. c)
block diagram of the AIM PPBIO SPR sensor: the acquisition-control-process- one may determine the reflectivity plots. Fig. 3 illustrates nine
display unit (ACPDU) controls the camera as well as performs processing and resonance curves, each for a different analyte refractive index.
displaying the data. d) Experimental assembly of the PPBIO-based SPR sensor For all these nine cases, the PBBIO operates in the angular
for the angular interrogation mode, with emphasis on the movements needed
to adjust each element. interrogation mode (AIM), the chip is made of BK7 glass,
and there is a 50 nm gold layer covering the top layer [see
manual adjustments’ sequential steps to get the best resonance Fig. 1a)]. The angular range is used in the selection of the
image. Besides, for each new sensing application, such as operating point for the substrate/metal pair. It also guides the
change of environment, type of PPBIO, light source, analyzed geometric alignment of the experimental configuration as well
sample, and situations in which components broke or failed, as the pixel-angle function mapping.
alignment and positioning become necessary. Also, system
A. Optical effects
component replacement due to damage or wear always de-
mands alignment and positioning. Those manual adjustments Considering the correct alignment of the elements, the
are subject to failure. If the light hit-region (sensing spot) is light beam must be focused on the sensing spot (X4) as
not preserved, the light beam dispersion inside PPBIO will illustrated in Fig. 4a. At the correct alignment situation, the
not be properly obtained when the incidence angle varies. angular range is obtained, and the flow-cell aligns precisely
This type of alignment problem can be solved with automated to the luminous beams’ focus. Positive and negative vertical
instrumentation, to keep the sensing spot’s position unchanged (Figs. 4b-c respectively) or horizontal misalignments (Fig. 4d)
on the metallic surface for a specific incidence angle [12]. of any element degrades SPR image.

Based on the requirements for automatic positioning and B. Thermal effects

alignment described above, this work proposes the design of The misalignment of optical components may occur due to
a PPBIO-based automated platform for SPR sensing, which environmental conditions, such as the temperature variation
allows independent or combined component movements in during the experiment execution. The thermal behavior of
a quick, efficient, and accurate way. This instrumentation the PPBIO trapezoidal prism at room temperatures (25◦ C,
provides movement of the elements by the use of specific soft- 30◦ C, 35◦ C), and at high temperatures (50◦ C, 70◦ C), early
ware. With the help of a microcontroller system, this platform reported in [14], providing guidelines for PPBIO design,
controls the structure’s internal temperature and enables the optimization as well as optical alignments mounting accuracy.
remote control of the different sensor components. The PPBIO prism dilates/compresses from the central point to

0018-9456 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE. Downloaded on June 01,2021 at 20:01:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3084315, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Fig. 6. Resonance angle variation as a function of the input position for

different temperatures.

Fig. 3. The theoretical reflectivity (SP-sensing characteristic) of SPR sensor

C. Geometrical alignment
for nine different analyte refractive indices: i) the PBBIO operates in the Fig. 7 shows the diagram of optical geometry, indicating dis-
angular interrogation mode (AIM); ii) the biochip is made of BK7 glass; iii)
there is a 50 nm gold layer covering the top layer, and iv) the light wavelength
tances, positions, and the system’s engineering characteristics.
is 670 nm. The inset shows how the analyte’s refractive index changes From this figure, one may determine the alignment parameters
the resonance angle (∆θR /∆n); this is indeed the expected instrumental for SPR excitation with PPBIO. The elements employed in
this geometrical analysis are the same used in the fixed set-up
[9]: cylindrical LJ1960L1 lens and spherical lens LA1951 (for
light beam collimation), both commercialized by Thorlabs.
The geometric analysis provides the trapezoidal prism
”Field of View” (FoV) at X8, which represents the angular
aperture of the light beam that reaches the SPR image sensor
(camera). Misalignment changes the location of the resonance
pixel on the image sensor. The trapezoidal prism FoV is given
by !
−1 IC
FoV = 2 tan , (2)
and is fundamental for the alignment of all parts as well as the
choice of image sensor quality [15]. Fig. 7 show the values
for IC [see the inclined path value in Fig. 7] and FD, the focal
Fig. 4. Light beams dispersion within the PPBIO for a) correct alignment distance of the cylindrical lens [see the f value in Fig. 7].
of all experimental set-up elements. b) Positive and c) negative vertical
misalignment of the elements. d) Horizontal misalignment.

the edges. Changing the X4 position will produce a blurred

focus, contributing to misalignment between the sensing spot,
flow cell, and camera, as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 7. Schematic indicating distances and elements of the AIM set-up: left
Fig. 5. Effect of temperature increase over the focus blur at the sensing hand side show the alignment parameters for SPR excitation using PPBIO,
spot. Light beam input from X2 position. Detail for focus blur from the light and right hand side shows the Field of View (FoV) of the PPBIO.
The temperature changes also affect the exit position of the Fig. 8 presents a schematic view of the proposed platform.
beams that are reflected on the inclined face of the trapezoidal The structure is based on a rectangular chassis in which
prism (X6). The exit position is directly related to where the the upper fixed support and motor shafts (upper region) and
beams hit the image sensor (X8) and influences the location of the lower fixed support (lower region) are connected. The
the resonance pixel on the image sensor, as shown in Fig. 6. chassis also holds and guides the individual supports of each

0018-9456 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE. Downloaded on June 01,2021 at 20:01:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3084315, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

part, which can be moved individually or collectively. Thus, buttons present in the platform itself.
each element is attached to the L-shaped support that fits the
chassis’s vertical axis and is controlled by stepper motors. The
structure is almost completely enclosed, except for the fan
cooler and shutter [see Fig. 10a)], to allow the control of the
internal temperature.

Fig. 9. State machine representing the platform self-calibrating algorithm.

Determining the actual SPR curve depth δ starts the execution of the algorithm
that ends when δ ≤ δmax . The one-step-move at states ML1, ML2, MP, and
MC, can be either forward or backward along the respective movement axis.
The SPR image quality accessed by the SPR curve depth (δ) is used as a
decision value for the calibration [see Fig. 8 for finding the lens, the PPBIO,
and the camera].


Fig. 10 exhibits two photographs of the proposed platform.
The first photograph [see a), b) and c)] show the main case, the
control box and the external buttons. The second photograph
[see d)] show what was inside the main case where all the
parts are labelled. The main case’s dimensions are 23×24×17
cm. Note that there is a cooler positioned on the top of the
main case. There is also a special shutter mounting to block
external light (not visible). The control unit accommodates
the micro-controllers, relay module, voltage regulator and
Fig. 8. Schematic view of the proposed platform. Optical, mechanical and power supply. A touch-screen user interface allows one to
electronic elements are indicated. Details for the chassis and L-shape supports
are shown. Two micro-controllers are used to measure, control the motors and position the parts. The interface informs the distances in
display information. mm of each L-shape frame and the temperature inside the
platform. Fig. 11 shows the boot screen and the menus of
A structural build with aluminum V-slot 20x20 mm profile options and information. Alternatively, one may use external
was used to ensure mechanical precision, robustness and buttons [see Fig. 10] for controlling the stepper motors and
stability. The L-shape supports were designed and manufac- switching on/off the cooler. To test the platform, experiments
tured with a Storm600 G-Weike laser cutting machine. To with ultrapure (type1) water (Milipore Direct Q3 System)
accommodate the motors, 3 mm acrylic supports were used at electrical resistance of 18.7MΩ/cm were performed for
to ensure low weight. Trapezoidal thread spindles and nuts different alignments. The temperature inside the platform was
guide the displacement of the components. set to 25.40◦ C and maintained by the platform.
The automation system includes a micro-controller Atmega Three preliminary measurements are performed for extract-
2560 Arduino, with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module (ESP 8266) ing the SP-resonance, employing a p-polarized beam (the
allowing wireless communication with the ACPDU (PC). The electric field direction is parallel to the plane of incidence): the
28BYJ-48 stepper motors were used, with 34.3 mN torque, dark image Rdark , in the absence of radiation, is taken; a dry
unipolar, 5 V power output, ULN2003 control-driver, and 1/64 cell recording RAir , to serve as a reference; finally the wet cell
reduction, capable to complete a full turn in 4096 steps, measurement RH2 O [see the red image in Fig. 11], comprising
equivalent to 0.08 deg step-angle resolution. The VL53L0X the metal-plain water solution interface is accomplished. The
laser distance sensor has been placed on each L-shape frame to dark image is subtracted from both wet and dry cell recordings.
guarantee precise positioning. For internal temperature control, This three step procedure almost eliminates all system-specific
the DHT 22/cooler pair has been installed, and a specific inhomogeneities and nonlinearities related to the light source’s
algorithm was embedded to adjust the parts according to the spectral features and optical sensor.
operating temperature. Fig. 9 presents a state machine describ- For AIM operation, a LED with emission at 670±10 nm,
ing the self-calibrating algorithm. At a given temperature, the adjusted for output power of 25µW, measured with a Thor-
SPR curve depth (δ) is used as the movement tasks’ decision labs PW100USB power meter, was utilized as light source.
value. The control of each piece can also be done using the The 2D CMOS camera (DCC1645C Thorlabs) served as the

0018-9456 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE. Downloaded on June 01,2021 at 20:01:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3084315, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

image sensor. Their output signals are fed into a PC for data
processing and display.
Fig. 12 shows the experimental SPR curves obtained after
the solution dropped on the PPBIO sensing spot. Initially, the
light source position are fixed. Sub-sequently the elements are
displaced to obtain the maximum coupling, i.e., the higher
depth/contrast of the SPR curve, follows the sequence: ’col-
limating lens → cylindrical lens → PPBIO → camera’ as
indicated by the algorithm described in Fig. 9. The platform
performs the positional adjustment by moving the pieces with
1 mm accuracy.
With the correct alignment, the SPR curve approaches the
theoretical curve. It is important to mention that the distortions
(in terms of depth, width and position) between the experimen-
tal curve with the correct alignment, and the theoretical curve,
are due to inherent characteristics of the PPBIO manufacturing
process, as roughness and birefringence [12]. The captured
SPR image indicates the position of resonance, determined by
the dark line in the center of the image [see Fig. 12].
For testing purposes, positive (+6 mm) and negative (-6 mm)
vertical misalignment was intentionally created between the
cylindrical lens and the PPBIO. The temperature controller
was switched on and off sequentially. A lower depth value
of the SPR curve is observed for both misalignments, charac-
terizing poor optical coupling and insufficient excitation [see
Fig. 12].

Fig. 10. Automated platform photography: a) the external case for compo-
nents assembly. Details of the b) control unit and panel with touch display; c)
buttons for stepper motors controlling and on/off the cooler. d) Detail of the
components assembly for automated SPR excitation; components indications
in the figure.

Fig. 12. SPR curves obtained with the automated platform, indicates the
Influence of mechanical misalignment on the curve response. The width
parameter taken at FWHM is calculated as CR + CL , where CR as CL
are the distances in degrees between resonance minimum and right and left
edges of the curve, respectively. SPR captured image (in red) illustrating the
correct excitation phenomenon.

The SPR curve morphology comparison is summarized

in Table I. The Width=CR + CL and Asymmetry=CR /CL
features are obtained by the distance between the left edge
(CL ) and the right edge (CR ), respectively [see Fig. 12].
The reflectivity curve provides a way to determine optical
coupling effectiveness for the surface plasmon resonance. A
Fig. 11. Touch-screen user nterface: a) boot screen; b) menus: distance, sharp resonance depth/contrast indicates high photon energy
temperature/humidity sensors, and cooler control; c) distance in mm of the absorption by the surface plasmons. The SPR curve’s energy
L-shape support in relation to the platform base; and d) indication of the
internal temperature and humidity. (E), computed as indicated in [16], shows how good the
optical-coupling is.

0018-9456 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE. Downloaded on June 01,2021 at 20:01:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3084315, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Even the negative misaligned curve presents a low width instrumentation elements for the automation. The special L-
compare to correct alignment, this last one has a more pro- shape frames were designed to ensure correct displacement
nounced minimum with a better curve shape asymmetry. without phenomenon disturbance. The thermal control was
also embedded as another platform feature, leading to the
TABLE I obtainment of SPR curve with a better angular distribution
SPR CURVE FEATURES . N OTE THAT ’θR ’ AND ’W IDTH ’ ARE GIVEN IN when the elements are correctly aligned/positioned.
Additionally, the platform also provides remote access for
Curve θR Width Depth Asymmetry E elements positional control. The absence of rotational parts,
Theoretical 67.96 1.39 0.10 0.80 913 their reduced dimension, the individual or collective movement
Correct alignment 68.06 3.30 0.28 1.02 926
Neg. misalignment 67.84 1.85 0.6 1.14 1055
of the elements, and the thermal control of the platform allows
Pos. misalignment 67.90 4.23 0.76 0.40 1140 the implementation of intelligent algorithms for mechanical
self-calibration, from operating conditions and possible needs
for thermal effects compensation. Such algorithms adjust the
Furthermore, the comparison of automated and manual
positioning of the equipment parts by obtaining a greater
PPBIO SPR platforms is presented in Fig. 13. The admission
SPR curve depth/contrast, and consequently, the quality of the
of a NaClO aqueous solution (i.e., a specific analyte) was
optical coupling.
used, causing an increase of the refractive index of ∆n =
Such advantages are not easily found in low-cost com-
6.047 × 10−3 RIU. This corresponds to an angular variation
mercial equipment [17]. Alignment automation is present
and curve morphology equivalent for both system, attesting
generally, in the auto-sampler feature integrated with some
the feasibility of the proposed automated platform.
SPR platforms systems. The optical-electronic adjustments for
SPR excitation are still traditionally performed manually.
Opportunities for sophisticated self-calibration routines
combining mechanical alignments, electrical adjustments (cur-
rent and voltage), and driver set-points for the image sensor
(like integration time and pixel clock values) will be explored
in the future.
The authors thank CAPES, UFERSA and UFCG for the
financial support and research grants.

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temperature sensors and touch-screen composes the main

0018-9456 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE. Downloaded on June 01,2021 at 20:01:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIM.2021.3084315, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

[11] L. C. Oliveira, C. S. Moreira, H. Neff, and A. M. N. Lima, “A Antonio M. N. Lima (Senior Member, IEEE) was
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[14] L. H. C. de Lima Junior and et al., “A fiber optical thermometer for 1983 to March 2002, he worked at the Electrical
high power transformer monitoring utilizing the thermo-optical phase Engineering Department of UFPB, where he became a Full Professor in 1996.
transition of vo2,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE/I2MTC, 2012, pp. 1387–1390. At UFPB, he was a Coordinator of Graduate Studies from 1991 to 1993 and
[Online]. Available: from 1997 to 2002. Since April 2002, he has been with the Department of
[15] L. C. Oliveira and T. A. T. de Sousa and et al., “Sensitivity of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG),
an optical sensor that operates at angular or wavelength interrogation where he is a Full Professor. He was the Head of the Department of Electrical
mode,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE/I2MTC, 2013, p. 1476. [Online]. Available: Engineering, UFCG, from 2002 to 2010. In 2010, he was admitted to the National Order of Scientific Merit in the category of Commander. His current
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[17] A. Marquart, “Sprpages home,” 2021, accessed 2021-03-22. [Online].

Francisco J. da Silva was born in Mossoró, RN,

Brazil, in 1982. He received his degree in Con-
trol and Automation Engineer from Universidade
de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Ceará, Brazil, in 2018,
and a master’s degree in electrical engineering in
2021 form Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-
Árido (UFERSA), Mossoró, RN, Brazil. He is cur-
rently an automation and instrumentation engineer
at UORNCE/PROJ/CM-ARGRN Petrobrás, Brazil.

Leiva C. Oliveira was born in Crato, CE, Brazil,

in 1987. He received his degree in computation
from Universidade Estadual da Paraı́ba (UEPB),
Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2009, and a master’s
degree in computer science in 2011, and a Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering in 2016 both from
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG),
Brazil. From 2009 to 2010, he had a scholarship as
a senior developer at Fundação Parque Tecnológico
da Paraı́ba, Campina Grande, Brazil. From 2016 to
2018, he had a scholarship as a postdoctoral position
in biosensor area, UFCG. From July 2010 to Nov. 2013, he was a professor
at the Computer Dept. of UEPB. Since Dec. 2013, he has been with the
Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), Mossoró, RN, Brazil.
From May 2016 to June 2017, he has been Coordinator of Research and
Graduate Studies at UFERSA-Angicos. He was the Head of the Department
of Computer, UFERSA, from 2017 to 2019. Since 2020 he was a Coordinator
of Graduate Studies in the Computer Science program, UFERSA. His current
research interests areas are in the fields of surface plasmon resonance sensors,
embedded systems for biosensor and bioelectronics, digital image processing
for surface plasmon resonance, and machine learning applied to biosensors.

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