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Teaching and Assessment of Grammar

First Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Prepared by:
Raphy A. Rapista
Rubyjean Rendon
Regine Royo
BSED Major in English - 2B

Submitted to:
Eliakim A. Balolot, LPT
Associate Language Instructor I

Detailed Lesson Plan In Teaching And Assessment Of Grammar

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. define and discuss the words chosen; (Understanding)

2. read the story titled “ The Legend of Maria Makiling” using Silent Reading;
3. read and discuss each sentence about concrete and abstract noun; (Analysis)
4. present a broadcast about the current issues around San Francisco with the
use of concrete and abstract noun . (Product)

II. Subject Matter:

Literature: The Legend of Maria Makiling by Jose P. Rizal

Language Focus: Concrete and Abstract Noun
Skill(s): Speaking, Reading, and Writing
References: Rizal, J. P. (1966, January 1). The legend of Maria Makiling -
Philippine culture. Retrieved November 25, 2022, from
makiling- philippine-culture
Time Frame: One (1) hour
Learners: Grade 8
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Projector, handouts, visual aids, and

III. Teaching-Learning Process:

TIME One (1) Hour

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preliminary Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher!

Management of Before we start the class, let us (A student will lead the prayer.)
Learning have a prayer.
(Two Minutes)
Class monitor, please check the
 Prayer attendance and submit those who
 Checking of are not around right after the
Attendance conclusion of this session.
 Brief Review
 Setting of Who can recapitulate the lesson Yesterday, we discussed about
Standards that we had previously? Conjunction. Conjunctions are
 Presentation of words that link other words,
`Learning phrases, or clauses together.
Why is it important to study Because of conjunctions, we are
about conjunction? able to connect several words
and even broader concepts and
ideas together – allowing us to
build complex sentences that can
convey interesting and
compelling messages

Outstanding! It seems that you

understood our lesson last Sir, a good student should:
meeting. Now, before we start a
new one, what should a student 1. listen attentively to the
do during the lesson? discussion;
2. participate in group or
individual activity;
3. be confident to share
your ideas;
4. raise your right hand
before speaking;
5. treat others with respect
Great! I’m expecting all this at all times.
from you. Now class, kindly
read our objectives for today’s At the end of the lesson, the
lesson. students are expected to:

1. define and discuss the

words chosen;

2. read the story titled

“ The Legend of
Maria Makiling”
using Silent Reading;

3. read and discuss each

sentence about
concrete and abstract
noun; (Analysis)

4. present a broadcast
about the current
issues around San
Francisco with the
use of concrete and
abstract noun .
a. Motivation Xavier Knights Deal or No
(5 Minutes) Deal!

Today, we will be having a new

lesson, but before that let's first
have an activity, this activity
called "Xavier knights Deal or
No Deal!" I have here five
briefcases that contain words
inside. All you have to do is to
define and discuss the word, I
will choose a student who will
first to do the activity, after that
he/she will choose one his/her
classmates to do the activity,
same procedure until all
briefcases were open.

Okay, are you ready class? Yes sir.

Okay, teachers bring on down

the cases!

(Students are participating)

Mount Makiling




What have you observed about (students response)

the words on each briefcase?

Okay these words are related to

the story "The Legend of Maria
Makiling ” by Jose P. Rizal
The Legend of Maria Makiling
b. Reading by Jose P. Rizal
(15 Minutes) Now, class I have here the
reading materials for the story
"The Legend of Maria Makiling"
by Jose P. Rizal. I will distribute
a copy to each of you and you
will read it silently. I will give
you five minutes to read and
understand the story. Because
after that, I will ask some

Okay class, I guess everyone is

ready. So, you’re timer starts

Once upon a time, a diwata lived (Students are reading)

in a mountain of Laguna. She
was called Maria Makiling. She
has light olive skin, long shining
black hair and twinkling eyes.
She was breathtakingly
beautiful. Maria was always
about helping other people. One
time, the children of a farmer got
sick. When he went to Maria to
seek help, he was given a bilao
full of ginger. The farmer sadly
went home carrying the bilao of
ginger. When he reached his hut,
he was greatly surprised: the
ginger had turned to gold!
Because of Maria's kindness, the
townsfolk had grown to love her.
Maria was a great beauty. She
was sought for and wooed by
many suitors. Three of them
were very much determined to
have her. One is Captain Lara, a
Spanish soldier who always
brought her gifts from Europe.
The other is Joselito, a Spanish
mestizo who was studying in
Manila. Every time Joselito
visits Maria, he had many stories
to tell her about foreign
countries and the things that he
had read in books. He dreamed
of going to Spain. He didn't like
to live in the Philippines. Of the
three, it was Juan who is the
most industrious. He is a
common farmer. But he is so
hard working, and his fruits and
vegetable grew fat and juicy. He
also had many pet animals and
birds. But if truth be told, it was
Juan who Maria secretly
admired. As time passed, her
suitors became more and more
impatient and demanded that
Maria tell them who she loves.
So the diwata was forced to
promise: "By the night of the full
moon, I will tell you my answer.
"When the night of the full moon
arrived, all of her suitors climbed
up the mountain to know her
decision. All was startled when
Maria told them that it was Juan
whom she loved. The suitors
went away feeling dejected. On
the other hand, Joselito and
Captain Lara were very much
angry with Juan. They thought of
a plan against him. One day, all
was surprised when a huge fire
devoured the cuartel of the
Spanish. Because of the fire,
Captain Lara ordered many
Filipinos to be captured.
Secretly, Joselito helped him.
Juan was among those who they
imprisoned and tortured. Many
prisoners did not last long from
the tortures the Spanish had
inflicted upon them. One night,
Captain Lara and Joselito
secretly spoke with the
prisoners. The next day, Juan
was blamed for the burning of
the Spanish cuartel. "I did not do
it!" cried Juan. But the prisoners
pointed at him because Captain
Lara and Joselito frightened
them. The soldiers brought Juan
to the plaza. In front of hundreds
of people, Juan was shot as the
enemy of the Spaniards. He was
killed even though he didn't
commit any wrongdoing. But
before he died, he managed to
shout out loud Maria's name. It
was heard by the diwata so she
quickly went down her
mountain. But Juan was already
dead when Maria arrived. Tears
falling down her face, she
embraced tightly his lifeless
body. Afterwards, she faced the
crowd. "Why did you not take
care of him?" she shouted.
Meanwhile, Captain Lara and
Joselito fled to Manila because
they were afraid of Maria. When
she learned of this, she cursed
the two. She also cursed those
men who cannot accept failure in
love. Soon, the curse took effect.
Joselito suddenly became ill.
There was no cure for his illness.
Captain Lara, on the other hand,
was called back to Laguna when
the Filipinos revolted against the
abuse that the Spaniards had
inflicted upon them. The
revolution quickly spread to
many parts of the Philippines.
The revolutionary Filipinos
killed Captain Lara. From then
on, Maria never let herself be
seen by the people. Every time
somebody got lost on the
mountain, they remember the
curse of the diwata. They
remember the great love of
Maria Makiling.

c. Analysis Okay, time is up! So now, I

(5 Minutes) would like you to answer these

What is the title of the story? The Legend of Maria Makiling.

Who are the characters in the Maria, Joselito, Juan, and

story? Captain Lara

What is the story all about? It’s all about the woman with a
three suitors.

What have you learned from the I learned that we should accept
story? failure because every time is not
our time.

d. Abstraction Now class, look at the blue and

(20 Minutes) red cartolinas on the board. Each
Cartolina contains words from
the story we read. I would like
you to read the words in the blue

(students are reading)

Okay, thank you for reading.

What have you noticed about the Those words are nouns that
words in the blue cartolina? represent objects that can be
seen and touch physically.
Okay, Very Good.

Next, please read the words on

the red cartolina. (students are reading)

How about on the red cartolina?

What have you noticed about the Those are emotions in feelings
words? of a character in the story.

Okay, thank you.

So class, you said that in blue

cartolina is all about the objects
that can be sense by our five
senses, while in the red cartolina
is all about feelings and
emotions which is cannot be
touched. Yes sir.

So, do you have an idea what we

are going to discuss this
afternoon? (students are reading)

Okay, our topic for today is

about concrete and abstract
nouns. Let us first read each
definition and examples. (students response)

Okay in your own idea, what is

concrete noun?

Okay, thank you (students response)

How about abstract noun, any


Okay, thank you for your

wonderful ideas class. So now, I
have here the definition and
examples of concrete and
abstract noun. Please read.
Concrete Noun- Represents
something that can be seen,
touched, tasted, heard, or smell.
In other words, a concrete noun
is something you can perceive
with at least one of your senses.

Examples; Dog, cat, ball, ice

cream cone, and bread.

Abstract noun- represents

intangible ideas or things you
can't perceive with the five main

Examples; love, time, beauty,

and science.

Okay, thank you for reading. To

deepen your knowledge about
concrete and abstract nouns, we
will have a Game, this Game
called “Family Feud”. Okay, I
will divide the class into two
groups. This part will be the
group 1 the “Team Santos” and
this part will be the group 2 the
“Team Agoncillo”.
The mechanics of this game is, I
will read a sentence all you have
to do is to identify and give the
word that is a concrete or
abstract noun.

For example;

Jim needed to buy a new suit for

the interview.

This sentence is an example of

concrete noun, and the word
there that makes it a concrete
noun is the “Suit”.

Okay, did you get it class? Yes sir.

Okay, let’s start!

1. I pet the soft, fluffy cat Cat.

on my lap.

2. Can you hear that lovely Classical music.

classical music?

3. Rachel could smell her Apple pie.

grandmother’s apple pie
as soon as she walked in.

4. The savoury soup tasted Soup.

like a combination of
root vegetables and broth

5. Harry watched the Car.

Toyota car pull away
from the parking lot.

 People lost faith in Faith.


 She will defeat them. Defeat.

 Was delighted at the Success.

news of her success.

 Don’t underestimate your Strength.

own strength.

 She tried to restrain her Anger.


Okay class, thank you for

answering, I hope you have
understood the differences
between concrete and abstract
e. Application Alright! Now we are done to our
(20 Minutes) discussion about concrete and
abstract noun and I think you
assimilated our lessons for
today. So now, we are going to
have an activity, I will group you
into two groups by counting
1and 2, Group 1 will be named
group 2 will be named TEAM
have to do is to create news
about the current issues around
San Francisco, in your sentence,
concrete and abstract noun
should be visible, you are given
10 minutes to prepare. After that,
present your news using the
broadcast way. It means that you
are like a reporter on a
Television. You are judged by
this performance standard;

Content 30%
Delivery 20%
Unity 10%

Did you get it class? Yes sir.

Okay, your timer starts now!

Goal The students will be able to have
knowledge about concrete and
abstract noun.
Role The students will actively
participate to the task given by
the teacher.
Situation In line with the story “The
Legend of Maria Makiling”
students are able get examples of
concrete and abstract noun.
Performance The expected output of the
students is to actively
participate. In any given

f. Valuing So now class, I will show a

Activity quote from the story “The
(2 Minutes) Legend of Maria Makiling”.

“Every choice comes with a


What have you understand from (students response)

this quote?

Do you think we are really (students response)

capable of our own choice?
Great! Thank you class for your
ideas and participation.

h. Assignment For your assignment;

(1 Minute)
Cut pictures that are examples of
concrete and abstract noun, then
create a photo collage with an
essay. You will be graded based
on this rubrics;

Rubrics Points
Content 30 points
Creativity 20 points
Originality 10 points
TOTAL 50 points

Okay class, thank you for your Good bye sir.

presence and participation today,
let’s call it a day, and see you
next meeting. Goodbye and God

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