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Case 2:23-cv-07471-CBM-PD Document 1-1 Filed 09/08/23 Page 1 of 9 Page ID #:9

Exhibit A
Case 2:23-cv-07471-CBM-PD Document 1-1 Filed 09/08/23 Page 2 of 9 Page ID #:10


(12 ) Chen
United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10,690,336 B1
(45 ) Date of Patent: Jun . 23, 2020


7,332,841 B2 * 2/2008 Hsu HO2K 7/14
(71) Applicant: Chien - Hao Chen , Yilan County (TW ) 310 /261.1
2004/0115986 A1 * 6/2004 Chen F04D 29/601
(72 ) Inventor: Chien -Hao Chen , Yilan County ( TW ) 2006/0012973 Al * 1/2006 Lin F04D 25/0613
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this 2011/0116234 A1 * 5/2011 Ye G06F 1/20
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 361/695
2017/0331346 A1 * 11/2017 Lai F04D 25/0693
U.S.C. 154 (b ) by 0 days. 2019/0242688 A1 * 8/2019 Huang GO1D 11/245
2019/0301473 A1 * 10/2019 Kato FO4D 25/08
(21) Appl. No.: 16 /403,867 * cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Bao Q Truong
(22 ) Filed : May 6 , 2019 (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Muncy, Geissler, Olds &
Lowe, P.C.
( 30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data (57 ) ABSTRACT
Dec. 26 , 2018 ( TW ) 107217659 U An illumination fan connectable with at least one illumina
tion fan for a computer includes a body, provided with a fan
in center of the body, an illumination area on at least two
(51) Int. Cl. sides of the fan at top of the body , a power socket and a first
H05K 7/20 (2006.01 ) connector on one side of the body, and a second connector
F21V 33/00 (2006.01) on another side of the body. The power socket is electrically
(52 ) U.S. CI. connected with the first connector, the second connector, the
fan and the illumination area. When the power socket is
CPC F21V 3370096 ( 2013.01); H05K 7/20172 supplied with power, the fan and the illumination area of the
( 2013.01) body is respectively driven into rotation and illumination ,
( 58 ) Field of Classification Search and when the first connector of the body is connected with
CPC ...... F21V 33/0096 ; F21V 29/60 ; F21V 29/67 ; a second connector of a body of another illumination fan , a
F21V 29/673; F21V 29/677 ; HO5K fan and an illumination area of the body of another illumi
7/20172 ; HO5K 7/20136 ; H05K 7/20 ; nation fan is respectively driven into rotation and illumina
HO5K 7/202 tion .
See application file for complete search history . 5 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets

2 3 1

8 7
3 4 7
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Case 2:23-cv-07471-CBM-PD Document 1-1 Filed 09/08/23 Page 8 of 9 Page ID #:16

US 10,690,336 B1
1 2
ILLUMINATION FAN CONNECTABLE WITH the body of another illumination fan can be respectively
AT LEAST ONE ILLUMINATION FAN FOR A driven into rotation and illumination .
COMPUTER In an implementation , an electrically conductive terminal
is provided in the first connector, and an electrically con
FIELD OF THE INVENTION 5 ductive contact surface is provided in the second connector
for being electrically connected with the electrically con
The present invention relates to an illumination fan con ductive terminal, such that when the first connector of the
nectable with at least one illumination fan for a computer body of the illumination fan is connected with the second
that is structurally simple and particularly suited to desktop connector of the body of another illumination fan , the fan
users . 10 and the illumination area of the body of another illumination
fan can be respectively driven into rotation and illumination.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In an implementation, when the body of the illumination
fan is connected with the body of another illumination fan ,
the illumination areas of the two bodies form a continuous
In recent years, computing devices are making progress 15 illumination
by leaps and bounds, and the applications of computing area .
devices can be seen everywhere. Among these, computers In an implementation , a groove is provided on one side of
have been satisfying the needs of people by providing a the body of the illumination fan , while an engaging block is
myriads of functions, such as executions and calculations . provided on another side thereof to be engaged into the
groove, such that when the groove of the body of the
stages, inmany personal
family lives computers
in offering have taken the, 20 illumination fan is engaged with the engaging block of the
document processing , image displaying, etc .; industrial body of another illumination fan , the body of the illumina
computers provides services such as management, control fan . is connected with the body of another illumination
tion fan
and monitoring for factories ; and automotive computers In an implementation , a groove is provided on two sides
provides drivers and passengers with multimedia entertain- 25 of the body of the illumination fan , and the body of the
ments and the ability to receive information in real time. On illumination fan is connected with the body of another
the whole , computers have become an integral part of the illumination fan by respectively engaging an engaging block
human society. with one of the grooves on the sides of the body of the
Moreover, more attention has been focused on heat dis illumination fan and one of the grooves on the sides of the
sipation inside the housings of the computers with increas- 30 body of another illumination fan .
ing demands for higher specifications of the computers. The foregoing features and advantages of the present
Therefore , fans are usually provided during assembly to invention will become more apparent from the following
dispel heat accumulated inside a housing to the outside . detailed description taken in conjunction with the accom
However, each fan has to be connected to the power supply panying drawings .
through an independent power cable , so the number of fans 35
that can be assembled is limited by the finite number of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
connections available on the power supply . This in turn
limits the efficiency of heat dissipation . Furthermore , the FIG . 1 is a schematic diagram depicting the outer appear
additional wire inside the housing makes cable routing and ance of a body in accordance with an embodiment of the
managing much more cumbersome. 40 present invention .
FIG . 2 is a schematic diagram depicting two bodies before
being assembled in accordance with an embodiment of the
present invention .
In view of the above shortcomings and problems, the FIG . 3 is a schematic diagram depicting the outer appear
inventor, through years of continued research and improve- 45 ance of a plurality of bodies after being assembled in
ments in the field , has finally come up with the present accordance with an embodiment of the present invention .
invention that improves the efficiency of heat dissipation FIG . 4 is a schematic diagram depicting two bodies before
inside a computer housing unlike the structures of the prior being assembled in accordance with another embodiment of
art . the present invention .
The main object of the present invention is to provide an 50 FIG . 5 is a schematic diagram depicting two bodies after
illumination fan connectable with at least one illumination being assembled in accordance with another embodiment of
fan for a computer that is simple in structure. the present invention.
In order to achieve the above and other objects, the
present invention provides an illumination fan connectable DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
with at least one illumination fan for a computer, which may 55 EMBODIMENTS
include a body, provided with a fan in center of the body , an
illumination area on at least two sides of the fan at top of the Referring to FIGS. 1-3 , an illumination fan connectable
body, a power socket and a first connector on one side of the with at least one illumination fan for a computer in accor
body , and a second connector on another side of the body , dance with an embodiment of the present invention is
wherein the power socket is electrically connected with the 60 provided .
first connector, the second connector, the fan and the illu The illumination fan connectable with at least one illu
mination area , such that when the power socket on the one mination fan for a computer of the present invention
side of the body is supplied with power, the fan and the includes a body 1 , a fan 2 disposed in the center of the body
illumination area of the body can be respectively driven into 1, an illumination area 3 disposed on at least two sides of the
rotation and illumination, and when the first connector of the 65 fan at the top of the body 1 , a power socket 4 and a first
body is connected with a second connector of a body of connector 5 disposed on one side of the body 1 , and a second
another illumination fan , a fan and an illumination area of connector 6 disposed on another side of the body 1. The
Case 2:23-cv-07471-CBM-PD Document 1-1 Filed 09/08/23 Page 9 of 9 Page ID #:17

US 10,690,336 B1
3 4
power socket 4 is electrically connected with the first What is claimed is :
connector 5 , the second connector 6 , the fan 2 and the 1. An illumination fan connectable with at least one
illumination area 3 .
As such , once the power socket 4 at a side of the body is illumination fan for a computer, comprising :
supplied with power, the fan 2 of the body 1 can be driven 5 a body , provided with a fan in center of the body , an
into rotation and the illumination area 3 can be illuminated . illumination area on at least two sides of the fan at top
If at least two bodies 1 are joined together to form of the body, a power socket and a first connector on one
multiple sets of fans (as shown in FIGS . 2 and 3), the first side of the body , and a second connector on another
connector 5 is provided with an electrically conductive side of the body , wherein the power socket is electri
terminal 51, and the second connector 6 is provided with an 10 cally connected with the first connector, the second
electrically conductive contact face 61 to be electrically connector, the fan and the illumination area , such that
connected with the electrically conductive terminal 51 , so when the power socket on the one side of the body is
that when the first connector 5 of a body 1 is connected to sur ed with power, the fan and the illumination area
the second connector 6 of another body 1 , the fan 2 of the of the body are respectively driven into rotation and
another body 1 can be driven into rotation and the illumi- 15 illumination , and when the first connector of the body
nation area 3 can be illuminated . The illumination areas 3 of is connected with a second connector of a body of
the two bodies 1 may form a continuous illumination area 3 . another illumination fan , a fan and an illumination area
Furthermore, a groove 7 is provided at one side of the body of the body of another illumination fan are respectively
1, while an engaging block 8 is provided on the other side , driven into rotation and illumination .
such that the groove 7 of one body 1 can be mated with the 20 2. The illumination fan connectable with at least one
engaging block 8 of the other body 1, allowing the two illumination fan for a computer of claim 1, wherein an
bodies 1 to be combined together.
With regards to combining two bodies 1 , another electrically conductive terminal is provided in the first
approach is shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 , wherein grooves 7 are connector, and an electrically conductive contact surface is
provided on two sides of a body 1,and an engaging block 25 provided in the second connector for being electrically
8 is used to simultaneously engage with the grooves 7 on one connected with the electrically conductive terminal, such
side of each of two bodies 1 , allowing the two bodies 1 to thatwhen the first connector of the body of the illumination
be combined together. fan is connected with the second connector of the body of
As a result, once assembled , two fans that could be another illumination fan , the fan and the illumination area of
independently used can be joined together, and power can be 30 into
the body of another illumination fan are respectively driven
rotation and illumination .
supplied by connecting the power socket ofone of the bodies
with a power supply of a computer to simultaneously drive 3. The illumination fan connectable with at least one
the fans of the two bodies into rotation and the illumination illumination fan for a computer of claim 1, wherein when the
areas into illumination . This solves the issue of insufficient body of the illumination fan is connected with the body of
power cables provided by the power supply and eliminates 35 another illumination fan , the illumination areas of the two
cumbersome routing due to large number of wires. With the bodies form a continuous illumination area .
combinational design of the present invention , the efficiency 4. The illumination fan connectable with at least one
of heat dissipation at any location in a computer can be illumination fan for a computer of claim 1 , wherein a groove
greatly improved . is provided on one side of the body of the illumination fan ,
The above descriptions provide embodiments of the pres- 40 while an engaging block is provided on another side thereof
ent invention and the technical means employed . Various to be engaged into the groove , such that when the groove of
changes and modifications can be derived in light of the the body of the illumination fan is engaged with the engag
disclosure or teachings of the present application , and are ing block of the body of another illumination fan , the body
therefore deemed as equivalents to the concepts of the of the illumination fan is connected with the body of another
present invention . The effects resulted from such changes 45 illumination fan .
and modifications should be construed as within the tech 5. The illumination fan connectable with at least one
nical scope of the present invention to the extent that they do illumination
not exceed the substantive spirit covered by the present is provided onfantwo for a computer of claim 1 , wherein a groove
sides of the body of the illumination fan ,
application and the drawings. and the body of the illumination fan is connected with the
mmary , based on the disclosure above , the present 50 body of another illumination
In sumn fan by respectively engaging
invention provides an illumination fan connectable with at an engaging block with one of the grooves on the sides of the
least one illumination fan for a computer that is simple in body of the illumination fan and one of the grooves on the
structure and low in cost , and thus possess practicality and sides of the body of another illumination fan .
industrial value, and a patent application is hereby filed in
accordance with the law .

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