1963 4 Eng

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w C O N T E N T S P ub mu ~t be returned




V new timely and relioble method to

measure cloud and visibility


x hints fo~ hunters

Much has been written about aircraft accident causes in the RCAF . Some-
times the significance of this written material becomes lost in the unending
9 FROM AIB FILES competition with other attention-demanding infarmation . Statistics for the
past three years on accidents involving aircrew error reveal two facts
what's the matter?
which I would like to inject loudly and clearly into the ear of every aircrew


member of the RCAF. These are the two facts :

behind the p ower curve in the every- DISOBEDIENCE OF ORDERS WAS INVOLVED IN MORE THAN HALF OF
da Y mechanics of flY in
Editor-in-Chief-Squadron Leader W. A. Smith 14 PROGRESS IN ESCAPE SYSTEMS CRAFT WRITE-OFFS .
ejection seafs since World War I I
Editor-Miss A. V, Mclntosh These many instances of disobedience of orders varied from a lack of
diligence in the performance of vital checks to an absolute and wilful dis-
Editorial Assistant-Miss R. Mayhew 19 ARMAMENT DOORS regard for regulations . Oftentimes "just this once" is enough . The record
Circulation Flight Lieutenant 0. G. Amesbury batten the hatches proves it . One can only assume, when viewing the record, that some per-
sonnel are determined to impress others with their skill in handling aircraft,
Artists-1. A. Dubord
H. K. Hames or to die in the attempt .

Features Aircrew! Flying regulations are our inheritance, purchased with the labour,
OFFICIAL INFORMATION - The printing of the pain, and even the life of our predecessors . If you permit juvenile
this publication has been approved by the
Minister of National Defence. Contributions ~ Editorial instincts to seduce you into ignoring this priceless benefaction, then it may
are welcome, as are comment and criticism . be said of you :
Address all correspondence to the Editor,
Flight Cornment, Directorate of Flight Safety, 5 Heads-U P FI Y in 9
RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa 4, Ontario.
"He wasted our aircraft"
1he Editor reserves the right to make any
changes in the manuscript which he believes $ Near Miss "He squandered his life" .
will improve thc material without altering the
intended meaning. Service organizations may
reprint artides from Flighl Comment without 20 Arrivals and De Parture
further authorization. Non-service organiza-
tions must obtain official permission in
writing frorn RCAF Headquarters before 24 Thrust and Parr Y
reprinting any of the contents of this publica-
tion. The opinions expressed in Flight Com-
ment are the personal views of contributing
writers; lhey do not necessarily reflect the ROYAI CANADIAN AIR FOR~E DIRECTQR QF FIIGHT SAFETY
official opinion of the Royal Canadion Air
Force. Unless otherwise stated, contents
should not be construed as regulahons, orders F
an abundance of readings it is possible to ob-
serve variations of change in ceiling height
from one measurement to the next, and with

Electronic Weather Observing Aids practice, the character of the cloud base can
be inferred .
There are four major components in the
ceilometer instrument assembly . They are the
Mr, B.V. Benedictson
rotating beam projector, and a fixed detector
located in the approach zone of the airfield ,
Stn Comox
The display components in the met office
consist of a cathode-ray tube indicator and an
electronic recorder . The basic principle in-
Installation s of ce i lometers and transmisso _
volved in making a cloud height measurement
meters at most of the major airfields in Canada
is one of triangulatlon . As the pro~ector rotates
are expected to provide aircrew with reliable
from 0° through 90° it paints the cloud in the
and timely reports on ceiling and visibility .
field of view of the detector v~nth modulated CRT Indicator and Electronic Recorder
The instruments are sited to measure these
(chopped) light . The detector is tuned to this
important meteorological parameters in the
modulated frequency, In other words, the on final approach can be accurately measured .
area of primary concern to landing aircraft-
detector sees this modulated light on the cloud All readings from the CRT are preserved on
approach and touchdown zones . In addition, to
base once for every sweep of the projector the facsimile recorder which runs in phase with
ensure prompt observation and reporting, their
from horizon to zenith . The angle of the pro- the CRT .
recording components are located at the ob-
jector at the moment when the detector senses When the equipment is first installed, the
server's work position in the Met Office . They
the chopped light on the cloud base determines light from the projector can create a distraction
Y f are to provide a continuous display of ceiling
the height of the ceiling . If the angle is large, to pilots executing an approach at night under

Ceilometer Rotating Beam Projector and visibility changes .

the ceiling is high, and if the angle is small, low celing conditions , After a brief period of
Upto this time the methods used to measure
the ceiling is correspondingly low . When an familiarization, however, it has been found
ceiling and visibility had shortcomings, es-
amplified cloud signal from the detector is fed that aircrew usually adjust to the condition and
pecially in considering the requirements of
into the cathode-ray tube, it causes an electron it no longer is a point of concern, If this ad-
high speed jets . The main problem centered
beam running up the face of the tube to widen justment does not ensue, it may be necessary
on the currency and reliability of reports .
momentarily . The point at which the beam to relocate the instrument or modify it to
The currency depended to a degree on time
widens corresponds to the angle of the pro- operate on energybeyond thevisible spectrum .
available tothe Met observer to rnake periodic
jector at the moment when the projector beam The Transmissometer provides a sensitive
checks . During periods of change there was a
moves along the cloud directly above the measurement of visibilities in the area where
built-in delaybetweenthe arrival of the change ;
detector, This display of cloud height on the it is installed, and is a better indicator of
the recognition, rneasurement, recording, and
cathode-ray tube (CRT) can be read directly trends than those obtained by periodic visual
finally reporting . This proce s sing time
in feet, As the intensity of the modulated light observations . It is designed to provide meas-
seriously limited the number of observations
imposed ontheclouddecreases wzth increasing urements of visibilities in the range between
which could be taken, The weather picture may
cloud height so will the indication on the CRT Z50 feet and Z miles . For visibilities greater
have changed considerably from the time the
be less for high than for low clouds . Below than this, the indication of trends is generally
observation was made until the report is re-
5000 feet the indication is quite strong so that good but the accuracy of the visibility meas-
quested by the pilot . The ceilometer and
cloud heights in the range of interest to pilots urementdecreases withincreasingvisibility . In
transmissometer will now give up-to-the
minute measurements .
The official observing site often far removed
from the critical approach touchdown zone
compounded the problem, particularly in cases
where marked changes in topography exist in
the vicinity of the airport or where there are B Verne Benedictson is Senior Meteorological Officer at Station
strong urban or industrial influences . Under Comox . He has served in the same capacity at RCAF Stations Gimli
these conditions the Met observation may and Namao. During the war from 1943 - 1945 Mr, Benedictson was
repre sent weather at the official observing site a forecaster at RCAF Stations Claresholm, Portage la Prairie and
only, and itwas not necessarily representative Rivers . In 1945 he moved to the DOT Forecast Office at Regina
where he stayed for five years.
of the defined runway area .
Mr. Benedictson is a graduate of the University of Alberta and
The Ceilometer provides accurate day and
received his Meteorological training at the University of Toronto.
night measurements every six seconds . For
all practical purposes this is equivalent to a
Transmissometer Projector
continuous reading of cloud height . With such
the higher visibility ranges visual methods for side the runway . lt is thus necessary to locate

measuring this element are still considered these instruments up to 800 feet to one side of
the best . the touchdown arza . It is extremely important
The Transmissometer Set consists of a that terrain conditions at the instrument site
projector and a receiver located in the area be like those in the touchdown area so that
of interest, and an indicator-recorder in the visibilitymeasurements willberepresentative .
weather office . The projector directs a light The most serious situation which could arise
beam toward the receiver . The amount of would be in a patchy fog condition where the
light reaching the receiver varies with the instruments are in a fog free area and the
density of the obstructing medium in the path tauchdo~~n zone is enveloped in fog . If the
between the two instruments . A reading pro- observer were unable to monitor the instrument
portional to the amount of light incident on the site visually, he could then be under the im-
receiver is electrically produced on the indi- pression that the visibility is excellent when pressure . F10 Raeside then made a pass
cator in the Met office . To provide a record actually it is near zero at the button of the between the tower and runway to attract atten-
F/L C .N . Hartley, captain, and F/L R , tion . During the overshoot he formated on a
of these visibility measurements> a trace of runu~ay . Itmust alwaysbe remembered thatthe
transmissometer is an aid, and the resultant Sowerly, first officer, were cruising at dual aircraft and made signs with a grease
the readings is produced on the recorder .
Present zoning regulations prohibit siting measurements still require scrutinizing and 18, 000 ft . from Chatham to Montreal in a pencil indicating his difficulties . The other
Cosmopolitan wzth 40 passengers on board . aircraft informed the tower of the failure and
the projector and receiver immediately alon~- comrnon sense inte rpretation .
Between Millinocket and Sherbrooke, oil indicated later by hand signals for the dis-
pressure dropped and the port engine had to tressed pilot to return and land . Two passes
be feathered . were then made to determine wind conditions, a
The crew declared an emergency and since green flare was shot and an uneventful short
they could not maintain 18, 000 ft . started to field landing was made .
leave airways . However ATC cleared them to It was later discovered that the flexible

HOT WEATHER NOTES 14, 000 which they could not maintain either
and they then received further clearance to
brake line had failed . Flight Comment is
pleased to award Heads-Up Flying to FIO
12, 000 ft .which was satisfactory . The captain Raeside for his ingenuity in drawing attention
took stock of what airfields were available for to his problems and his skill in landing the
ot weat h e r i s with us ag ain . Do you know the mental hazard is perhaps equally serious . landing . 5herbrooke was closest but this was aircraft without mishap .
that of allaircraft performance characteristics, Whenpanic takes over, turbulence precipitation rejected because it had only 3, 500 ft .of packed
takeoff is the one most profoundly affected by and lightning will appear to get worse . Concen- snow and no emergency equipment available .
outside air ternperatures . Each aircraft type trate on your plan of action . A calm sensible This left St Hubert or Montreal and after careful
has different characteristics but all are af- attitude which permits you to think clearly and consideration the captain decided in favour Heads -Up Flying to F / L R , W , Hallworth of
fected rnore or less . act skilfully will be your biggest aid . of Montreal because better facilities were Stn Chatham who used good judgement and
High outside air temperatures increase Select an altitude to avoid the worst of the available for his passengers and since he was displayed a high degree of skill in landing a
takeoff distance for two reasons - engine thrust turbulence - in a piston this vvill be at as low maintaining 12, 000 ft . the short distance Sabre, when faced with a loss of power at
is decreased and the ground speed required to an altitude as possible atornearthe base ofthe farther was of little consequence . An uneventful L500 feet due to centre bearing failure .
achieve takeoff airspeed is increased . cloud - in a jet it will be as high as possible . single-engine landing was made . FJL Hallworth had been assigned to an
A CF 104, for example, on a 95 ° F day with There is no reliable rnethod of kno~~"ing The professional manner in whichthis crew airtest following a #4 check . A11 temperatures
zero wind at an aerodrome 1,000 feet ASL prior to entry whether hail is occurring in a handled a serious in-flight emergency is and pressures were normal on start-up and
takes 10, 500 feet to clear a 50 foot obstacle . precipitation area . The best means of avoiding Heads-UP F1~~in g all the wa y" . The decision run-up . Takeoff was normal, but at approxi-
Do you know the length of runtvay" required for it is to keep well a way frorn overrunning cloud to overfly an airfield while an emergency exists mately L500 feet and 350 kts . severe engine
takeoff in the bird you are currently flying . ledges especially under the anvil . Those nasty must not be taken lightly, but in this case we rumble and excessive vibration started .
It might be worth~~~hile to check the AOIs airborne ice cubes have evenbeen encountered think the captain showed good judgement . RPM and JPT were normal . The pilot im-
again . in clear air 10 miles downwind ! mediatelv retarded the throttle to idle where
Also, hot weather often means thunder- If landing in a thunderstorm is absolutely it remained until the engine was flarned out
storms and the best advice is, avoid them if necessary, expect wind shifts, heavy rain and BRAKE LINE FAILURE
a fte r the landin g wa s as s ured .
at ail possible . dowmdrafts with possible loss of airspeed and Heads-Up Flying to F/0 A .5 . Raeside of F/I, Hallworth landed the Sabre downwind
The area of maximum frequency of thunde r- altitude . A1so be alert to sudden pressure Station Penhold for good airmanship in landing on an icy surface, with a heavy fuel load . He
storms in Canada are Southern Ontario, variations vc~thin the thunderstorm area which a Harvard without mishap when his VIiF and could have jettisoned his external fuel during
interior regions of B .C . - worst of all - the will cause the alti«~eter to indicate other than brakes failed . approach to ease his position but this would
stretch between the Head of the Lakes and true height . F10 Raeside was returning to base with a have personnel and property
Winnipeg . The Prairies can boast about some It might be very worthwhile to review the student pilot after completing a training ex- beneath him .
exceptionallyr big ones, too . article called "Thunderstorms Ahead" in the ercise when it was discovered that his VHF This pilot merits the compliments of Flight
The problems encountered in thunderstorm Jul/Aug 196Z issue of Flight Comment and had failed . To add to his difficultv, on the Comment for the fine airmanship he displayed
flying are generally listed as turbulence, hail, also the article on "llot Weather Takeoff" in downwind check his brake pe d a 1 s depressed
, in completin~ a safe landing under critical
lightning and icing . But remember too that the May/ .Tun issue . completely . Pumping brakes produced no conditions .

Vancouver . Now don't laugh, I told the wing
commander the idea had merit : winter wa.s
fast approaching and temperatures of 40 below
Within the past five years the RCAF has experienced 139 bird zero here are not uncommon . Being from BC
strikes, 19 of ihem serious. Within the past four years one airline mvself
. I was intimatel y' familiar with the west
lost over a million dollars in direct costs because of bird damage . To coast living conditions in the winter . I'll admit
say we had a slight problem with birds is a gross understatement . we might not get rid of the birds out there, but
we would enjoy our work a lot better . Well, to
make a long story short, it got cold, the birds
went south, and we stayed in Manitoba .
To sum up our 1962 experiences it could be
safely said that we finished the year with more
birds than we originally started wzth . But,
being stout-hearted fellows, we were not ready
to admit defeat . We took courage from that
o1d safety officers' motto, "Non Bastoris
Corburondum" (please see your local Flight SEAGULL DAMAGE TO NOSE OF ARGUS AIRCRAFT
Safety Officer for the official translation) .
will go to the elevator hinge point on a Sabre . In 1963 we adopted the sage advice of the Frequent bird hunting patrols by Ops per-
In fact he is pretty much satisfied w~th any tactician Von Clauswitz ; "In order to achieve sonnel to favorite nesting places . Once a bird
little nook or cranny as long as it's part of local superiority in an engagement, it is was shot, it was leftthere for a couple of days .
an airplane , necessary to overwhelm the opposition with This was especially effective with crows and
Realizing our ignorance of the problem, vve surprise and superior numbers ." sea gulls .
called in experts . The first expert came, Not even the invasion of Normandy could Frequent inspections of the airfield and
took one look and said the solution was simple . have surpassed our planning of the Bird Cam- grass areas by CE, Air Traffic Control, Ops
Our grass near the run~~ay was too high ; the paign of 1963 . Our plan of attack was finalized and Flight Safety personnel to monitor the
birds were nesting in it . Cut the grass low, he after the sprinb thaw (that was the latter part grass-cutting program .
said, and the birds will go away . It sounded of June, this year) . We decided to use all the A well-planned poison program that covers
logical, so we cut the grass . There was only methods of attack we had used in 1962, with a allmajor grass areas aroundthe runway, alert
one problem . Cutting the grass lower exposed few additions . First we The mixture used
would cut grass, area, and parking apron .
the hiding place of thousands of insects . This shoot, poison and scare the birds all at the was five gallons of 50 per cent emulsifiable
brought in larger birds . The birds that were same time . Second, allbirds shot would be left chlordane to 200 gallons of demineralized
in the grass originally couldn't see passing up for a few days . This was to be a gentle re- water . For our field, it took a total of 3000


a good meal, so they stayed also . The next minder to those brave souls that stayed behind . gallons of the mixture for two sprayings . We
expert suggested poisoning the birds . Checking Our reserve plan was a masterpiece of sheer used two men in a decontaminating truck spray-
with the wildlife people we foundthis was legal genius . If everything else failed, I would again ing approximately 10 gallons per acre .
so long as it was in the interest of flight safety . recommendtothe wing commander thattheunit In addition to the poison program, the CE
So out we «~ent with the poison, For a few days be transferred to Vancouver . But this time Section applied herbicides to grass areas to
ou name a ty pe o f b ird a nd he could b e it looked like we had it made ; there was a I would wait until it was 40 below ze ro . We kill broad-leaf seed-producing plants, and a
found near our runway . There were black marked decrease in birds . But then the birds were also going to stick BC travel posters in weedkiller where feasible, to eiiminate roost-
birds, blue birds, crows, sea gulls, starlings, that eat dead birds came in . They were larger strategic places--like the cioor to his office, ing areas . Although one application of insecti-
and sparrnws . One of the NGOs, who is a wheel still . One more round of this and we would etc . Our planning staff did veto my piece de cide spray is supposed to be effective for four
in the local bird watchers society, swears he have birds larger than the airplanes . resistance, however . I thought a few miniature years, we plan to give at least one complete
saw a yellow-bellied sap sucker . He thought After the experts finished we decided to totem poles in discreet locations would help, application each year .
there were several varieties of birds on our try' a few things on our own . First, our Ops but they said my ideas were too far ahead of Now don't get the idea we are clairning all
airfield that the Audubon Society had never people got some special shotgun shells . When the times . the credit for the success of this P ro g ram~
hea rd of . fired, they gave out wzth a r35-decibel bang . Well, fortunately we didn't have to use our there was a lot of hard work and research put
As Station Flight Safetv Officer, I had more Atfirstthe crows were scared offbythe sound . reserve plan . Our campaign of a massive in by the experts fromthe Wildlife Service and
than J'ust a casual interest in the p roblem, After the novelty wore off, it looked like they assault has worked . Sa far this year, there the Research Council . A lot more hard work
The wing commander suggested that vs~e find came from miles around justto hearthe noise . has not been one reported case of bird damage ~~as done by the troops that cut the grass and
a solution to the p roblem but q uick . Durin g Enough was enough . We really gave them the to aircraft or engine . We still find an oc- spread the poison .
the next several months 1 learned more about business then . The Ops officer went out for casional nest, but there has been a marked The wing commander has finally convinced
birds than I did about airplanes . For instance, them with real shells . The more birds he decrease as compared to last year . me that things aren't all milk and honey in
do y-ou kno~;' where a starling likes to build shot the more the~' seemed to appear . Listed below are the important steps in our Vancouver either . Seems they have a terrific
his nest best? If you guess a tree, you are Finally someone made what I thought v~~s so-called battle plan : problem with rain on the runway .
wrong . ile prefers the carburettor air intake an excellent suggestion . They suggested we Keep the grass cut so that the maximum
on a llakota . If he finds this space taken, he move the unit to some other base-say, like height does not exceed four inches . Adapted from COMBAT CREW

6 7
c~-~_ _
A ub must be returned .



A pilot was cleared for a touch and go landing viceability of the telephone system on which he
in a CF104, The landing had been completed works is not known .
and the aircraft was rolling along on the runw~y This "Near Miss" has provided concrete
when a vehicle pulled out on the runway in front evidence of the need for colour blind tests for
of the aircraft . Full afterburner was applied all vehicle drivers on aerodromes .
and the aircraft became airborne approximately
800 feet before the vehicle .
In the interest of safety the need for absolute FO D
control of vehicle traffic on aerodromes was
established several years ago . This occur- On an acceptance check of a Neptune, the
elevators were removed for the first time since
rence was too close, and an accident was only
averted by the quick action of the pilot . Had the aircraft hadbeen ona special inspection by
the afterburner failed to light, or had not lit a civilian contractor some two years before,
immediately, the pilot wouldnothave been able Inside was found a flashlight in a damaged con-
to avert a disaster . dition, obviously in a location where it could
This incident has a curious twist . It turned have completely jammed the elevators . Had
out that the civilian driver of the vehicle had this occurred in flight, the results would have Whatisha PP enin g to our ex p erienced Pilots? runway at the 4000' mark . Here is a pilot who
been given a red light by the tower, but subse- been fatal . Are they guilty of cornplacency ; or are they the has multi hours on type attempting to stop too
quent investigation revealedhe was colour blind This case is an ideal example of FOD at its victims of an inadequate unit training program '? quickly when he had another 6000' ahead of him .
and consequently could not interpret the light worst . The battle against it is never ending Let's look at a few cases that have occurred These are only a few of many problems that
from the tower correctly . It was also learned and although a potential killer like this may in the past : have occurred over the past few months and
that the driver was an electronic technician who rattle around in an aircraft for years without Number one - An experienced pilot in a jet each of the causes can be attributable to pilot
dailv handles many coloured wires . The ser- striking, we must forever be on guard . flames out on the approac.h and lands some error together with a materiel failure .
yards short of the runway . Cause - poor fuel It would seem that a number of our problems
handling . occur because the pilots concerned are not
Number two - The pilot of a recip aircraft familiar withtheir emergency procedures, are
lands long and fast . Iiecause of improper not up-to-date in their training or just over
handling techniques he runs off the end and confident . It seems that many pilots are not
almost writes off an aircraft, receiving adequate refresher training on the
Number three - A jet pilot takes off from a unit or are not aware of cause factors of the
base for a long trip and has a high Jl'T , He various problems experienced by their parti-
carries on and bv, the g race of the Alrni g ht Y~ cular type of aircraft . This, of course, points
arrives safelyathis destination . His problem - to the higher echelon, the supervisors . In the
a burnt out flame tube which couldhave caused case of our older aircraft whenfailures occur,
a forced landing, a fatal crash or ejection . you can bet that the incident has happened to
Number four - A pilot has a main system someone before and the problem is on record,
hydraulic failure . He and his FE check the Are vour pilots familiar «Zth their emer-
EOs believing they have a real problem as he gency procedures ? R e m e mb e r the oldada g e
must carrv out a flapless landing using the "forewarned is forearmed , "
emergency system, He applies brakes at high S L JEA Hermanson
speed, a brake seizes and he runs off the AFHQ

8 9
Steady flight implies

i--- (a) Lift equals weight .

M~x ~-
o rni~~- I
o I (b) Thrust equals drag .
i i w~ CURVE
REVERSE (c) The airplane is trimmed to a specific
~ ~- COrnMnND -- AREA
airspeed .

Ct05Ep ' ~ ~1A~~ J

FIG. 2 Transient state implies that the airplane

is being accelerated from a lower to a higher
airspeed or decelerated from a higher to a
lower airspeed .
his article is a direct and simplified dis- to attain these speeds will vary, but the basic of speed, power, and drag becomes apparent .
cussion on aircraft power curves . The writer facts pertaining to this curve wi11 remain the' We can also see the area where a greater (a) If controls are used to maintain an
has taken a few liberties w~ith the subject to same . You w~ill notice, that relatively high amount of power is required for each reduction airspeed and an excess of power exists,
rnake the article more comprehensible . power settings are required to overcome drag
of speed . Also notice that this characteristic the airplane wi11 climb .
We have heard the expression "behind the at speeds near stall, that maximum speed re- exists in the lower speed range, near stall . (b) If controls are used to maintain an
power curve" many times . Just what does it quires maximum power, and that a point exists This area, where an increase in power is re- airspeed and a deficiency of power
mean? Let us attempt to explain this pheno- between the two extremes where a relatively quired to maintain level flight with a reduction exists, the airplane will descend .
menon in evPryday language . sma11 amount of power will maintain level
in speed,is defined as the backside of the power
The power curve for purposes of this dis- flight . Let us now attempt to explain why the curve . Accepting these facts, let us proceed with
cussion is identical to the drag curve . The power curve takes this characteristic form, Just what does being on the backside of the the explanation . The power curve may be
drag curve is classically represented as Approximately 75 per cent of the total drag power curve mean to the average pilot during divided into two areas as shown in Figure Z .
indicated airspeed plotted against thrust in the of an airplane near stalling speed is induced the everyday mechanics of flying? I3eing on The two areas are defined as the area of
case of a jet airplane, and as indicated airspeed drag, the result of producing lift . Parasitic the backside of the power curve is not an un- reverse command and the area of normal com-
versus horsepower in a propeller driven air- drag reacts in opposite fashion . This form of common occurrence ; it is being behind the mand . The area of reverse command requires
plane . The plots which comprise the tower drag increases sharply as speed increases so power curve that can mean trouble . Getting a greater amount of power to go slower . The
curve represent the total drag for the particular that at maxirrYUm speed parasitic drag repre- behind the power curve requires that drag area of normal command is an axea where the
flight condition and configuration . Total drag sents approximately 90 per cent of the total be reduced, power be added, altitude be sacri- airspeed increases with an increase in power .
is induced drag which results from producing dragwhich mustbe overcome bythepowerplant ficed, or a combination of these corrections be With this introduction into the two regions
lift, parasite drag or fuselage skin friction and to maintain flight at this speed . Hence, induced made to either get back on or ahead of the of the power curve, let us now cite a specific
formdrag which is expressed as the equivalent drag predominates at the lower speed ranges curve . Under some conditions these cor- example . An airplane is at a steady state
flat plate area for the complete aircraft . while parasitic drag predominates in the higher rections cannot be made or are not practical . cruise condition at 96 per cent thrust, at 0 .87
Figure 1 illustrates a typical power curve . speed ranges . These two factors explain the When this occurs, you are in trouble . IMN as illustrated in Figure 3 .
Power curves for all airplanes are similar . reason for the characteristic form of the power Now that we have defined the power curve Let us now suppose thata gustis encountered
The speed range plotted on the horizontal axis curve . on paper let us explain to the pilot what this that raises the nose, and the indicated Mach
will differ and the units used to define the power By referring to Figure 1 the relationship
means in the mechanics of flying . To do this number is reduced to 0 .83 . The thrust is atthe
we mustbe in agreement witha few basic facts same setting ; the controls are not moved . The
of aerodynamics relating to the power curve airspeed is reduced but you have an excess of
MAX : i which are : thrust and are now at p oint B . You now have a
MIL Thatbalance of power controls the airplane's sl~werindicated Machnumberandan excessive
rate of climb or rate of descent . amount of thrust . The basic facts of aerodyna-
w Thatthe pitch attitude controls the indicated mics state that you willnow climb . We assume
airspeed, that you were trimmed for level flight prior to
_ n
H w

. 1 _
v srnu o .a3 o .a~

FIG. 3
FIG. 1

10 11
98' MAX
96', -

7 _



V $Tq~l 0 .87 0 9? H


FIG . 4
encountering the gust, consequently you do not original steady condition
(airspeed) if it ex-
FIG. 7
climb but accelerate back to your original periences a momentary decrease or increase
airspeed . in airspeed . We s~~ill next examine a similar The thrust setting was not changed so you now point B . The cross hatched area is the surplus
Let us assume another condition in the situation in the region of reverse command . have a deficiency of thrust . This is because it power available atvarious points . The airplane
region of normal command of the power curve . In Figure 5 we assume that the airplane is requires more thrustto go slower inthe region operates at point A or B with the same power
Referring to Figure 4 we find an airplane in in the steady state trimmed flight of position A . of reverse command, If this situation is al- setting .
position A . The airplane encountered a gust A gust is encountered which deflects the nose lowed to continue, the airplane will slow down When ope rating at point A, you are well
which forced the nose down, causing the air- down momentarily . This causes the airplane or descend unless the airspeed is increasedby within the area of reverse command, without
plane to accelerate to a 0 .9l IMN . At this to accelerate to position B . In contrast to the changing pitch attitude or the addition of powe r . any surplus power available . It is atthis point,
position the airplane is at a greater airspeed deficiency of thrust caused by a similar dis- In situation B you are behind the power curve . under partial power, that the condition can and
with a deficiency of thrust . It would require turbance within the region of normal command The airplane will not return to the original often does become critical .
98 per cent thrust to maintain the new airspeed . you now have an excess of thrust . The airplane steady state condition without a power or pitch In summary, we can conclude that ; (1) On
The throttle or cantrols are not moved ; the will then climb or accelerate . The continued correction . This situation again is the reverse the backside of the power curve in the area of
airplane is still trimmed for the steady state acceleration followingmornentary acceleration of the condition in the area of normal command reverse command it requires more power to go
straight and level flight of point B . The air- is in reverse of what we expect in the area of where less airspeed requires less power and slower . (2) The important point to remember
plane is trimmed for straight and level flight, normal command . the airplane will return to the steady state con- about the curve is that once behind the curve
so it will decelerate to the point where it was Let us now examine the second and more dition it was in before being disturbed . It now the pilot must add power, reduce drag, or
prior to being upset by the gust . It will not critical situation in the region of reverse becomes apparent what can happen under the sacrifice altitude for airspeed to get back on
descend because it was originally trimmed for command . This is the occurrence which means right circumstances if you do get behind the or ahead of it . (3) With a knowledge of this
this airspeed , trouble under certain circumstances . Again power curve and allow the condition to persist . curve, its implications and pitfalls, the pilot
The two conditions described are normal assume that the aircraft is trimmed for straight Figure 7 graphically represents a power can plan and execute each flight so that he will
conditions and are the characteristics of an and level flight at the indicated airspeed A, curve typical for a multi-engine airplane . The remain on the right side of the cur<<e and not
airplane flying the region of normal command . Figure 6 . A gust then deflects the nose up, broken horizontal line represents 50 per cent contribute to statistics .
In this area the airplane will return to the resulting in a decrease in airspeed to point B . or one-half of total thrust available . Maximum Talon Service News
speed with half of total thrust is shown at Northrop Corporation


85°~0 l
w w

d ~0°~0 70~0
w C~
SUPERVISORS : have you
_ I
_ seen our back cover?
i~ ~ i
i i !
I I I _ -.
160 180
160 180

FIG . S fIG . b

12 13
high rate of onset of acceleration and appreci- ment to keep the crewman within the bounds of
ated the negative lift characteristics of ejected specified human tolerances, The following
seats, The former leads to back in'urJ Y and the figures are approximately those accepted by
latter to decreased trajectory clearance over most test a g encies for esca P e s Y stem work :
the aircraft's vertical stabilizer .
PROGRE55 IN InJuly 1946 Martindirectedthe first planned

ESCAPE SYSTEMS live ejection of a subject from a test aircraft ACCEIERATIONS

using the patented Martin-Baker ejection seat,
Peak, POSITIVE, spmally, 20 g
The escape was successful and paved the way
Peak, NEGATIVE, spinally,l0 g
for the adoption of MB equipment by many
countries . taken as the 10 millisecond portion of the acceleration-time curve
containing the largest area divided by ihe 10 millisecond time interval
A tendency exists, generally, to speak of
ejection seats as though they were the sole
item responsible for escape of crewmen . Rate of onset of 'g' --250 g sec.
A lthough the seat is a very important item, it
token as the highest rate of change of acceleration averaged over a
is but one link in a sequence of events, the 30 millisecond time interval
failure of any one of which could result in an
unsatisfactory escape, It has been agreed by
most workers that the term "escape system"
is apt and by definition includes the complete
activity which occurs from the moment that an
airman ejects until he is returned safely to his
base . The syster~~ therefore consists of the
e jection seat, the harachute, all personal
equipment and protective clothing and the
survival equipment which will sustain the
crewman until he is rescued, The escape
system in a modern jet aircraft is a complex
of integrated equipment designed to operate in
severe environments and to save lives under
any aircraft flight conditions .
The requirements of an escape system are The rockef sled is being lowered onto the breech of the high speed
of two general types . The first is concerned test track at Edwards AFB .

withhuman pY h siolo g icaltolerances the second

with the mechanical aspects of the system,
Bot}~ have limitations, Ideally, an escape
system should be able to guarantee safe crew
recovery across the entire flight envelope of
the aircraft frorn g round level at zero s P eed
by S/l DR West through all speeds and altitudes of which the
aircraft is capable, Few systems can do all
these things and a compromise, which will
l~e science of escape systems had its be- recorded, Postwar examination of German
provide the best results for the most probable
ginning in World War II and owed its initial records indicate a thorouah knowledge of ejec-
case, is usually adopted .
impetus to Gern,an aeromedical workers . The tion equipment and attending physiological
The crewman, during an ejection, is pre-
adver.t of higher performance a~rcraft and the limitations, These basic data have changed only
cipitated ina rY~atter of rnilliseconds, from the
increased probability of crews getting out of slightly as the result of the very considerable
equable surroundings of the aircraft~s cockpit
them in a hurry led to the obvious requirement research done subsequently by other agencies,
into a hostile environment . He is exposed, in
of forci}~le ejection of crew members, Early Undoubtedly, the greatest contributor to
rapid succession, to fairly high accelerations
studies }lad shown, for example, that a pilot escape systems, in the early work following
by the ejection seat, airblast or dynamic pres-
bailing out at 500 mph at a 3000 ft altitude World War II was the Martin-Baker Company
sure effects of atmosphere, deceleration by
would pass the tailplane of his aircraft at 90 of England, Under the guidance of James
air drag, shock of parachute deployment and
mph - a situation not conducive to longevity, Martin, investigation and development pro-
finally, the impact of landing,
The Germans started research on ejection ceeded much along the lines followed by the
Extensive studies have been rz~ade on the
seats in 1939 . By 1944 they were able to make Germans, Many empirical data were gathered
tolerance of the human body to the various
them standard eyuipment in all fighters and by usinglive subjects inthe Martin-Baker ejection
forces experienced duringan escape sequence, The rocket sled receives a final checkout by the project crew prior to
t~ e e~ :d cf I~osr.ilities 60 live ejections had been seat . Martin recognized the harards of the a high speed track test .
Systems designers now can tailor their equip-
14 15
Accelerations are usually measured in three pilot in flight, The seat must possess the tg' for the crewman as the seat starts to move, the geometric relationship between the centre
directions - spinal or vertical, fore and aft, structural inte g rit Y to withstandhi g h accelera- and may cause back injuries . The simple bal- of g ravitv, of the combined seat-man mass and
and lateral, T}rey may be considered as tions on ejection and airblast damage as it lis,tic catapult exists today in the T33, F86 and the resultant thrust vector of the rocket, In
positive or neaative for each case, For the enters the airstream, The seat must provide F101escape systems, butthought isbeinggiven the general case, if the thrust line passes
e jection seat case where the greatest accelera- stability in flight, l~rior to crewman separation . to the substitution of rocket powered equipment. throu g h the centre of g ravit y~
~ there will be no
tion is along the seat rails, the spinal acceler- The man-carrying parachute is a vital link The rocket catapults now available are si- force cou P le tendin g to rotate the seat and it
ation is the most critical one . in the esca p e s yrstem, It must be ca p able of milar in concept . In outward appearance they will therefore remain stable during the pe riod
Dynac~-tic pressure is defined as the para- positive, rapid deployment for the low-level, resemble the ballistic catapults which they of applied thrust, Stability is very important
meter -~-v 2 and its value therefore depends low-speed case but must also be capable of supersede ; however, the internal conficuration if optimum trajectory height is to be achieved,
upon air density and velocity-, In ejection deploying, without damage to itself or imposing With the ballistic M5 and M3 t YP e cata P ult no
is significantly different . The rocket catapult
work, agencies are careful to avoid refer- unacce P table decelerations on the crewman at is a tw~o-stage device consisting of a booster stabilitv exists because of a fairly large offset
ences to Mach numbers and will refer to very high ejection
speeds, The crewmants cartridoe and a rocket motor or sustainer, of t} e thru st line from the s eat-man centre of
equivalent air speeds (EAS) which are in- must be designed to with-
personal equipment The booster cartrid g e P rovides the forc~ gravity. Ejection seats powered by ballistic ca-
dicated air speeds (IAS) corrected for local stand high airblast loads and to adapt readily As for tapults will pitch in a very pronounced fashion
req uired to start the seat u p the rails .
ambient temperature and density variations to the ejection seat, The survival equipment and seat-man separation may be both poor and
the ballistic catapult, the inner tube telescopes
at the time of testing, It wi11 be appreciated must be compact and light in weight, yet must from the outer which remains fixed to the air- unpredicta}~le,
readil y~~ that an e'ection p erformed at a s P eci- consist of all t}ie essential iterns for survival
J frame . When the inner tube has travelled a During the past year the RCAF CF104 C2
fied true air speed (TAS) at sea level will under extreme environr~~ental conditions . usually about 3 feet, the e'ection seat has been thorou g hl y tested in a
sp ecified distance, J
encounter considerably greater blast effects
booster `~ases are led into the rocket motor series of trials by the CEPF Escape Systerns
than one performed at altitude at the same CF104-C2 Escape System Section . In February '62 eight ejections were
which ignites and carries the seat awa Y from
true airspeed, The lowered air density will of the Primose
the aircraft, The two stage action of the rocket performed using facilities
reduce considerably the value of P UZ and a The escape system in use in the CF104 Super cata p ult allows for relatively low tgt on the Lalce Evaluation Range at RCAF Station Cold
mtcch increased speed would be necessary to Starfighter consistof basic equiprr~ent designed back injuries as a Lake . Five dynamic and ttivo static ejections
p ilot and has eliminated
duplicate the sea level case for airblast affects, forthe USAF F104 by Lockheed AircraftCor- were executed at Edward ~1h'B using the hlgll
Practical e~cperiments have shown that the poration and modified by CEPE to meet RCAF rocket powered seat is s p eed ex Perimental track and a rocket sled
Stability of the
dynamic pressure limit for a crewman (eyes requirements . The C2 ejection seat embodies (Fyor a description of the
readily attained by c~iving careful attention to ejection vehicle .
and mouth closed) without special face protec- the following features ;
tion occurs at about 500 knots EAS, At this
ejection speed the dynamic pressure on his (a) Single rD' ring control which operates CF 104 ESCAPE SYSTEM--TYPICAL EVENT SEQUENCE
body, as }re first enters the airstream is about AND COMPARATIVE CURVES FOR "ZERO-ZERQ" EJECTIQN
all seat p rimar Y and secondar Y s Y stems
7,0 psi or 1000 lbift2 at sea level, This force in one motion .
willcause tissue and eye darnageand will strip (b) Positive automatic leg retraction and 400
off clothin g and P rotective e q ui P ment, It has retention systems, The performance curves shown will serve to give the reader
been known t.o cause premature parachute de- (c) Automatic erecting 1eg guards . Quarter-bog folls away allowing a concept of the improved capability available to the CF104 C2
main canopy fo filf
ployment by forced openinp, of the pack, ejection seat, The M5 and M3 catapult performances, not shown in
(d) Arm support provided by automatically
Most ejection seats will tumble in an un- this diagram, would give the seat a maximum height of only 40 feet
deployed webbing .
iiming box pulls under similar conditions.
controlled fashion shortly after the seat leaves (e) Automatic lap belt release and leg pack pins
the aircraft, This tumbling is usually self- reteution separation . 300
p~lot chute deploys cnd
withdraws main canopy
damping and since a crewman normally separ- (f) Positive automatic man-seat separating
ates from the seat in about one second, it does dEVrce .
not cause a physiological problem, Were he CURVE A Rocket Power Inc. trial
lop bell release

The C2 seat is the first in the history of Mesa, Arizona b Aug 62

to separate at a high altitude and cornrnence
fc~ol-refrnlion cables cul

RCAF escape systerr~s to be propelled by a

separator sirap throws
rocket catapult-TAlCO 2174-11
free-fall toa safe parachute deployment height, man out of scat
ejected weight-428 Ibs
rocket catapult, Only in recent years has the para .timing box armed

a phenomenon called auto-rotation will occur 2_OQ max, trajectory height- 395 ft
and the body will act as a propeller and rotate technology of rocketry reached the point where
in a prone position . The centrifugal force set full } r reliable rocket cata P ults can be used on
CURVE B Lockheed trial
up by this rotation can be severe, and fatal if ejection seats . Early seats were propelled
Edwards AFB 10 Apr 59
uncontrolled . Tlre effect. is one of negative 'gt out of the aircraft by a cartridge of cordite XM10 rocket catapult
and from ex P erirnental work it a pP ears that a or some comparable material, which would ejected weight-424 Ibs
maximum safe limit for rotation rate is about burn rapidly when ignited, giving off a large max, trajectory height-209 ft
volurne of g as, This g as ~ ex pandin g a gainst 100
90 l~,P,M, for 4 seconds .
TVre design of tlre seatand escape system as a p istonina tube ~p ro~rided the force necessar yr CURVE C-RCAF trial
a whole rnust consider the physiological limita- to eject the seat, The main drawback to the Edwards AFB-9 Aug 62
basic cartridge device is that a high rate of XM10-El rocket catapult
Rocket section of
tions ~'`~hich we have J'ust discussed, The ideal catapult propels
ejection seat will possess positive leg, arm, pressure rise is necessary to give the seat seal-man instable ejected weight-393 Ibs
max. trajectory height 135 ft
and torso restraint during ejection but must sufficient velocity to clear it over the tail- RANGE (XI FEET I
permit optimum freedom of movement for the plane, This results in a hi~h rate of onset of 50 100 150 200 250

16 17
Edwards AFB project, see Roundel April'63), with the RPI PiN 2174 rocket catapult, When
During these trials a problem was en- this has been accomplished, RCAF aircrew
countered with the M10 rocket catapult, which flying the CF 104 will have a "zero - zero" or
is the current standard item for the C2 seat, g round level ca Pabilitv, from a motionless air-
The RCAF test group was unable to attain a craft, At the P resent time no known aircraft
perforrt~ance with tl~e It110 catapult equivalcnt has this capability, However, response to this
to that obtained by Lockireed Aircraft Corpor- progress is favourable and various prograrns
ation during their proving trials for the USAF, are going ahead to retrofit rocket catapults to
Fortuitously, a replacement rocket catapult, ot .her jet aircraft,
adaptable to the h'104 configuration, but with The progress made in escape systems
a much increased performance, had been development, since its beginning in World War
designed and built by lZocket Power, Inc, of II has been irnpressive, The stirnulus of space
M e sa, A rizona and was made availa b1e to the programs and the accornpanying exacting pro-
RCAF, Using this catapult the RCAF Qroup blems of assuring safe escape for the astronaut ,..y

successfull Y accom P lished a 600 knot ( E q ui- under all conditions have required mtensive
valent Air Speed) ejection of the C2 seat from research and development work in the fields
a rocket sled, Un August 6, 1962, a world of human tolerances (biodynarnics) and escape
first was achieved bv, the test g rou P when the system design, Much of this information has .
' x ; a y~''
CZ seat was ejected usin~, the RPI rocket been applied to the escape systems of high- -. .:, .~ ;r,r  ~~~. .~`~~ '
catapult from a stationary sled (zero speed - performance jet aircraft and has resulted in ,
zero altitude) . The seat rose to a height of increased survival capability, ,. ., : ;
"~ ~'*~_,,ti,~,a
`4:, +. ~
39ti feet above ground level, The diagram The prognosis for rocket. catapult.s is very ~,,a t "

. . A~ 1,'P .l

shows the results of the "zero - zero" test favourable, 1'rohosals have heen received for
{ ~±N
~.~ ~':`~ ~
and indicates the comparative improvement the retrofitof'T33and CF101 aircraftand plans '4 `~ ~.~:cc~~
°:F . . "'` i
possible with the new rocket catapult, have beenrT~adetotestthe CT114 Tutoraircraft ,,t,1~ ,, 1~t
1~~ ~ ~~~ ~ Y~
'~1J y~' ~.<

., , ; ;r r ' , , `~'. f-
A s a result of the RCAF trials a decision escape system using rocket catapults, The ~` ~ ~'}`} : . , ~tt! ~~~''r~~ ,., Y'y ~ , . . ~. i
, s
- r,~t~z, ~.~ :t ~'-.`
v, .

haS been made to retrofit the CF104 aircraft ,E_,, .

, :
;l~; ~,~,., -., ..~.,. ~ ,
impetus to use this system will vary between ~;
~ iS 7" ~j~~,~ ~, ~~ .~ ;{ ti~^i,~ ,~
. - ._ w + , ., .
military organizations and will of necessity
consider the factors of cost, aircraft obsoles-
cence, and operating conditions . In the case
where a large number of aircraft and long In 1959, there was another fatal crash when
service life are indicated, rocket catapults an armament door opened just after takeoff but
will undoubtedly be fitted, For new aircraft this fatality was due to the pilot stalling the
they will be mandatory, The irnproved escape aircraft with insufficient heigilt to recover .
capability provided for the cre«~man, wzll in- Last October a pilotnoticed an armament door
crease his confidence in his aircraft . 1Ie ~ti711 opening just after lift off and with the gear
be able to operate his craft through all normal retracted . He aborted and luckily escaped
flight configurations without the present "twi- injury, but the aircraft was a write-off .
light zone'' of limited capability . Much credit is Thus armament doors have resulted in four

due to organizations which have developed fatalities and the loss of three aircraft . With
rocket catapults, in some instances at their the exception of the first case which occurred
own erpense, Acceptance of new developments before the locks were modified, the statistics
is sornetime slow, either through skepticism show that if the pilot follows the proper tech-
or i g norance, Technical and fli g ht safet Y nique as outlmed m AUIs the aircraft can be
branches of the air forces have a res f~onsibilit Y brought back and landed with no damage than
to look ahead const.anily to imhroved escape ,ince the RCAF began operating T33s, there perhaps a bent door . This was done in three
systemsv have been only six reported cases of armament of the six rep~~rted cases . Alsa, we suspect
Progressive, oE~en-n~inded attention to the doors opening in flight and two of these cases that there were several other cases that were
CF104 escape systerz~ by RCAF authorities in occurred in the last six months . not reported since no damage occurred . This
the adoption and testinh of up-to-date equipment The first case, in 1954, was fatal . It is the is not to sa~~ that taking off with the armarnent
S L DR West was tronsferred to CEPE in December 1960 after a tour
of duty in Air Division . He was appointed head of a section set up to has p laced the CF104 iti the forefront. of tech- onlv time where the armament door came off doors unfastened is not hazardous - but if it
test and evaluate escape systems, Under his direction a number of nologt~, With the installation of the RPI P/~N completely and was due to fa i lure o f the loc k s does happen follow the AUIs . Abort the takeoff
projects were carried out on the T33 and CF10(1 systems. The most 21i4 rocket catapult, the CF'104 will have the themselves . only if sufficient runway remains to bring the
ambitious program was on ihe CF104. This was the first time the most reliable and cahable escape system of That accident initiated a modification and aircraft safely to a stop .
RCAF tested rocket seats and used high speed track testing . The any agency operating the Starfighter aircraft, each subsequent case has been pilot error - Butabove all, doa proper external, because
trials were carried out at Edwards Air force Base, USA, The section
at CEPE is currently at work on the Tutor CT 114. failure to ensure that latches were properly whatever the result, if vou take off with the
fastened prior to flight . doors unfastened it's bound to be embarrassing .

18 19
at ~iU knots control was transferred from nose-
«~heel steerina to flying controls, A gradual OVERREACHED-OVERSPED
drift to the left could not be corrected with Prior to takeoff on a pilot training mission
rudder, The airspeed reached 115 knots and
inan Argus, the captain instructed his co-pilot
the flyin~ controls had no effect whatsoever on LIBRARY COPY-~~~ :s
to simulate a failure of one engine as soon as
the aircraft, The pilots suddenly realized that
the aircraft was established in a climb, This pub must be return~ "~~
the gust locks were onand called for the abort! the co-pilot did by moving the mixture control
Using reverse thrust, normal brakes, and
of number 4 engme to idle cut-off, The engine
emergency brakes, they managed to stop the
cut OK, but the co-pilot inadvertently moved
aircraft on fairlti~ level ground 1000 feet past
the control slightly towards rich, The engine
the end of the runway with little damage . But
caught again, and since the throttle was still
it is frightening to think ho«~ close this was to EVERY STEP COUNTS
nearly wide open, the engine oversped
the complete loss of crew and aircraft,
Any aircraft engine is a pretty expensive When the undercarriage in an Expeditor
Resumes of accidents ure selected for their interest and The gust locks are required items in two
the lessons which they contoin. The time required to com- piece of machinery and it doesn~t seern to be was selected down prior to landing, nothing
separate places onthe check list but they were
plete the accident investigation and the additional time very good airmanship to abuse them like this . happened . A check of the circuit breakers
necessary for publication generally totals six months. missed both times, There were five red lights
An official order cannot be published to did not reveal the cause of the trouble . But
glowmg on the mstrument panel and they were
cover every possible situation but it is only this should be "no sweat" - the aircraft de-
not noticed, Also the throttle arrestor safety
common sense that retarding the throttle is signer very thoughtfully installed an emergency
feature whichis designed to prevent full power
the only really safe way to simulate an engine system for lo~~~ering the gear . When the emer-

from being applied to all four engines simul-
failure, gency system «as used, the green light would
taneo~~slv did not perform its intended function
not come on and the horn blew when power was
since the extra pressure to open the throttles

reduced . Now there was some cause for con-
wa~ again not noticed,
cern . A re-selection and a second attempt to
It this professioaalism? The captain was
lower the gear by the emergency system didn't
court martialled and the throttle arrestor

help . The pilot flew across the button to be
safety feature is being modified to be more ~AOt)N' ~ N ~ ..+ I~'
- ~- .- :_ observed by another aircraft and was told that
positive, What else can be doue? Accidents
the gear appeared normal, It was then decided
like this should just not happen .
to flythe aircraft onto the runway to do a gear
check . Ontouchdo~~mthe undercarriage seemed
secure so the landing was completed and the
aircraft shut down . A check on the ground
revealed that although the undercarriage was
An instructor and student took off in a T3? geometrically locked down, it vas not fully
for a pre solo check, As the instructor h~d extended . There was a real risk that it might
briefed, as soon as the aircraft reached 5000 have collapsed on the landing .
feet and Z75 knots, he retarded the throttle A malfunction of the }~ort undercarriage
and said "PFL," The student carried out the lower limit switch «as the suspected reason
appropriate checks, posii.ioned himself well for the gear not lowering by the normal method .
at 1ow key, and when on final with 150 knots, Ilowever the disturbin g fact aboutthis incident
it looked as if he had it rY~ade so he lowered is that although the captain ~~~.s a very ex-
fu11 flaps, It still looked OK to the instructor perienced pilot, he used the incorrect emer-
and at 250 feet he ordered the student to over- gency procedure in that he failed to keep the
shoot . Power was applied and t}~e nose lifted clutch depressed «~hile the hand crank was
but with over 400 gals, aboard, the T-Bird rotated to lock the undercarriage down . It
ABORT! continued to sink . At 100 feet the instructor was very fortunate that a serious accident did
took control and applied full throttle but it was not result from this incident simply through
Au ~1r~~us crew were rietailed for a routine just a little too late . On the back side of the the omission of a single item inthe emergency
patrol . They checl:ed their aircraft and tatied power curve, the aircraft just wouldntt climb procedure for lowering the undercarriage .
out to tal< .eoff position only to be called back au~ay and after clipping out a few aphroach To make matters worse a check of the L14
because the weather was below limits . How- li g hts finall y ~ settled to the g round short of revealed that another pilot undoubtedly did
ever, before shutting do«~n, the weather lifted the runway, causin~J "A" damage to the aircraft exactly the same thing six months before ! l le
and so the`~ taxied back to takeoff position, A s b~it no in'urv
J , to the 1~ilots . got a~tay with it too, and it was not reported .
they ~~~ere now behind schedule a hurried pre- It~s the old story of how far can an instructor How well do you kno«- your emergency
takeoff checkofwhat~~~as considered "essential let a student go before taking control, In any procedures ? Perhaps there is a tendency for
item s" was comrleted . Takeoff power was case it might be a good idea to read the article all of us to become a little complacent «-~hen
applied and everyt.hing seemed normal unt.il on the 1'ower Curve on pa`,e 10 ~f this issuP, flving some of our older more simpler aircraft .

so n
Compared to the Argus or Yukon, the C45 is
perhaps a "piece of cake" . But let's not take
it for granted . There is just no excuse for a
pilot to be captain of any aircraft for which he
doesn't have the emergency procedures down
cold . ..~r= _ -
.:;"'" ~.~~i "~'~~ :~=;
. ..~, ", .",~c ~
:"~"~ ~~~r.`°_ ' - ~ti
- ~ ;.. .~;~ _
-- _ ` ~:~
' . - - --

After start-up in a Neptune, a fault was
discovered in the ASW detection equipment, CUiv1ULATIVE ERRORS CARELESS COLLISION
and the engines were left running for approx- During an engine re-installation in a Sabre, As a Harvard was beingtowed into a hangar
imately one and one-}~alf }iours while the fault «~ork«~asinterruptedwhenAFTechs discovered at the end of the daS', the starboard wing struck
was rectified, a hydraulic leak, It was repaired the following a hangar-door causing "D" category damage .
Althougha plug cleaning procedure and igni- day and the engine crew cornpleted the installa- It took Z7 manhours to fit a new «zng .
tion analizer check had been carried out just tion, The accidenthappened at dusk during a rush
BIRD STRIKE prior to takeoff, the torque on number two
engine fell to l40 pounds after approximately
When the aircraft was ready for post ins- period when several night-flying jobs besides
pection run-up, an airframe crew chief pro- aircraft towing, were in progress . The towing
A CFIe_i! had just been lifted off the runway 1500 feet of runway had been used on the take- ceeded with the run-up even though the engine crew consisted of two LACs, and a sergeant
when the pilot observed a large guli inthe path off roll, The captain decided to abort and the entries in the L14-1B had not been completed, who «as NCO i/c of night shift groundcrew .
of the aircraft . The bird appeared to be below aircraft was safely stopped with Z000 feet of There were three other night shift crewmen
Tlce Corporal who had started the installation
the line of flight but an impact was felt near the runway remaining, was on a one-day security course and the NCO on duty .
pilot's feet . Estimated height of aircraft was It was later determined that the partial i~c AETechs was not available due to Urderly The towing operation was being supervised
100 feet and airspeed was 250 kts . enpine failure was due to fouled spark plugs - Sergeant duties . by the sergeant, who was sitting in the front
The aircraft responded normally but on probably aggravated by the prolonged ground The engine start-up was normal ; the tem- cockpit of the aircraft, despite the EO which
shutdown it was found the forward right door running . perature and oil pressure held normal and the reads "The NCO i/c will valk in a position
to the fire control system was damaged, sur- Although inthis case the crew used accepted airframe crew chief commeuced an accelera- where he can see both wing tips and the per-
prisingly so considering the relatively low procedures, the incident again points up the tion to top RPM, At 95°~a the oil pressure sonnel detailed ." The tractor driver was
airspeed . need for crews to use extra caution after an dropped to zero and he immediately retarted experienced with a valid permit but in this in-
Investigation continues on several fronts extended period of ground running of a reci- the throttle, cident was not cautious enough .
On deceleration at about 75~a a A second
into eliminating hazards of bird strikes in the procating engine, loud thump was heard and a very short run- airman «as riding on the tractor but had not
vicinity of airfields, bcct as yet no satisfactory If a long delay is envisaged after the engines received instructions from the sergeant or
down time was noted .
solution has been found . Trv and share the have been started, it would appear to be a good
When the engine was removed, it was im- the tractor driver before or during the move .
air with the birds--don't argue about who has idea to shut down and use ground power, if There was no clear understanding that he was
possible to turn it over by hand ; the bearing
~riority . This goes for the birds too! feasible .
had seized due to oil starvation, It was dis- a Part of the towin g crew so that he was not
covered that the quick disconnect coupling on of much value to the job .
the oil line from the oil tank to the oil pump The accident was the result of negligence
was not connected but just held in place by the by the NCO i/c of night flying crew . He did
spring of the flex hose, not organize and supervise his available men
Although the primary cause of this accident so that aircraft to«ring operation could be done
is assessedas the error of the engine technician safely ~uithout haste and in accordance with
who did not connect an oil line, inadequate existing orders . The EO pertaining to towing
supervision also played a major role in the in this instance states "The position of the men
accident, The engine installation procedure will be left to the NCO i/c who will ensure
was interrupted by the airframe hydraulic snag maximum coverage against possible damage ."
spoiling continuity of operation ; failure to run This was an accident «~hich should never
an independent check hrior to engine ground have happened . There are clear and adequate
run as was the usual 1~ractise at the station and orders covering aircraft servicing duties in-
a post inspection run-up without L14B entries cluding aircraft to~t-ing . It pays to "toe the
complete, all added up to a cumulative effect line" at all times .
in defeating a system of maintenance control . Supervisors are urged to exert particular
and continuing emphasis on proper aircraft
marshalling, towing and handling procedures .



Dear Editor :
WHAT'S BEHIND? In the article "Don~t Wait Too Long" on
page 13 of the Mar-Apr 61 issue of Flight
A rnule driver was detailed to tow a mobile
C omment , it is stated that , as the rate of
ct~ock rack out of the hangar into the servicing
descent increases beyond 250 fps .the altimeter
line, On entering the hangar he noticed the
lag increases rapidly- until a rate of descent
clearance betweena parked C47 and the hangar
between 600 and 625 f p s . is reached, This is
walls was not sufficient for him to pass bet-
the maxirnum unwind speed of the instrument
ween, but on checking the clearance under
itself .
the wing tip found it to be alright, He then
During a test done here in a vacuum chamber
proceeded to drive the tractor to the rear of
simulatin g a descent from 40, 000 ft .at rates in
the hangar where he attached the chock rack
excess of 60, 000 fpm, the altimeter exhibited
and started the return trip to the servicing !.
no appreciable lag, I should like to determine
line .
the reason for the discrepancy, rt°
The airman apparently overlool:ed the
D.F Moffatt FIO i
warning mast attached to the chock rack and 4 (F) Win 9
as he P roceeded under the starboard win g of Baden Soelligen
the parked a~c the warning mast struck and
damaged the wing tip and aileron, Editor's Comment
The warnin g mast on the mobile chock We have been unable to verify the source of
do11y, consisting of a 1" diameter steel pipe, the figures on maximurn unwind speed of the
extends to a lreight of approximately twelve instrument itself quoted inthe original article .
feet frorn ground level and has a setof warning The Directorate of InstrurY~ent and Electrical
vanes attached to the uppermost end to mark Engineering, AFHQ, have advised that the
the position of the dolly when it is parkecf in only figures they are aware of are contained
its normal position on the servicing line . At in a report by Sperry which stated that the
night, the dolly is brought into the hangar and maximum safe (no damage to the instrument)
upon commencement of flying next day it is unwind speed is 50, 000 fprn for the CF104
again towed out to the line . type AAU-8/A precision altirneter,
If the airman had taken time to get an over- They conclude that your observation is
all 1 ~icture of the J'ob he would have realized quite valid . An altimeter ina vacuum chamber
that clearance sufficient for the driver and wi11 unwind almost as fast as the pressure can
mule is not necessarily sufficient for the load be increased . However, it will not do so in an
£ollowin~ behind, aircraft, because the length, small diameter,
and bends in the tubing used in the aircraftos

v ~~. ~.
static pressure system result in considerable

THE C1~AZY-FLYING~.~.x..: . ..
syster7~ lag, Other static pressure instruments
being fed from the sarne source cause additional
lag, Also, position error due to the location of
the static p ressure sensin gport increases with
speed and adds ~~et another error, All of these Although this bird is similar in appearance io the desirable species known as
Heads' Up Hawk, it can easily be distinguished by ihe foolhardy and show-off
are accur7~ulative and a~z~ount toa considerable
manner in which it flies . It is convinced that rules of the flock do not apply to it
error in a very fast descent, and will arrogantly ffaunt any order or regulation . It seems to have a compulsive
In the final analysis, it is what the aircrew need to impress other species with its flying ability and for this reason has a very
actually read on the instrument t .hat is im- short life-span .
portant and the total error given in the original A few have been known to respond to a treatment of stnct discrphne and become
article is thought to be substantially correct . identical with the desirable species they resemble . These few are the only ones
--Ed, ihat live to maturity .


Roc:~:N DuaANtEt,, F.R .S .c ., Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, Ottawa, 1963
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