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GOD'S GLORY HowGr'; at Thouha

Tl`e glory of God and of Chrlsl is revealed in
God'a word over and over. Do we actwowledge ]Fshifye:hoevis::.'{,S,',±hp3;|','o`u''t?|';:I,|',:.i?:!'suenddies'Eia`yed...
this gloryiin oL)I worship and behavior? The fol-
lowing ls a good deflnltion of glory: `.The un- Thl8 wonderful came from 'a Swedish Folk
folded fullness of tfie divine powers"( Bumnger: melody written ln I 8 a,-gr,iw8scalled"0MightyGod."It
Critical Lexicon).
When MOBcs was trying to under3tatid how he £%Tn°&t#3non:::ih`,;nt6}a:j£#a¥!R%##8in°g*'hgnin£:
waB to !c8d Ood's people, hc mBdc thc!e two
requelts: PIcacc read the followlilg vcrseB found
in Exodu8 33.

Vei`i. 18 - "JVow dAow me }Jowr g/ory. " The art- ::::::::::::-::=-::=:::;:i::::=;:-:_:i:-::::-::::=:=:=_i:-:-::::i-::::::_:=:-:-:::

gwor 18 tomb lt\ v.rB. 19 - "I will cause all lay This sorig would tlcfinitely be among my favorite
gooc7»e§S /a paHF be/ore yo%. " Thl3 goodness
included fnercy and compasBlon, God'5 glory i88#98i'n;hoen8?hnegp::&!,'j:e%fth6oay8enjanfu:eu.I.:£`or,i.t,%
was so powerful that Moge8 was told, "yo# o4#- '#§rv#n%l!if:sS:£ifa%sl'i|i'g2fi`#§i?e`|!s;o°ordeag*,nh3if,,',#neg%°,'#'ad
These verBe8 exhibit God'8 glory in actlon:
Hebrews l..a - "The Son is the radiance Of
Godrs glory.`' `

#'gnd;:,I,1L;;:„.e„gw::.ct;:c:#:i;::#",:g#; §!::::hi#i§j;i:i:;i[iiu§i;i:#:irniii:d#!i§`h;t|ii:8ig';a§ii{.;#j:£:e:
the glory Of the One and only, yfao came firom
\the Father, full Of grace and trilth. " w,e#]i;„hg{B8t#,ays:#hbj;.R°otge#.B#okr::nfi:Omthebook,
John 2:11. Christ rovcalcd His glory when He Cam)I Duncan
• wine,
Romans 6..4 - I.We were therefore buried with

How can`wc acknowledgo God'8 glor]# We
prayer, songs, and obedience, remembering. the
Lord's resurrection cash first day of the week, q§#iychmu:c¥jnm8emwb::
and with our lives. .
the preacher won'l lbank
Where wlll you be when `the Lord'9 body
comes together?
CaTrol Duncan
toke8 some effort to bc. thankful when life is difficult,

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