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The Wind When I drove into the office this morn- ing, the wind was not blowing very much We can’t sce the wind, but we can see the results of it. The reason I knew the wind ‘was not blowing much, was the flag was ‘moving only @ little, The wind is spoken of in the Bible some times in a destructive ten children were in the elder house and a wind came and with His disciples. “And a great w: he waves bes was already ‘Then He arose and and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the cased and there was a calm” (Mark 4:37-39). The disciples were amazed when Jesus can this be?” Jesus looked like dinary man, but we know by fai He was the Son of God. He was with God in the beginning and they created the world together. So the wind was | His and He could command it as He chose. We are His creation and He has given us the Bible, This is His word and His commands to us! He will save those who obey His commands. Those who do not obey ibe boat and Jesus came for all people: 5; Acts 17:30; John 3: 8) We see he fin the Spiri 2 person, that person is not a Christian. Some people desire to heal or 1 | speak in tongues as evidence they have the Holy Spirit. Miracles have ceased fon earth (1 Cor. 13:10), bi the fruit of the spirit will never end as long as the earth stands, Examine yourself. Are ‘you showing forth the fruit of the spirit? You, everyday, in and out. Practice these | before God. \ernon Cay The Will of the Father Matthew 12:50 Jesus says to his disci- “For whoever does the will of my in heaven is my brother and and mother.” Often in this world we are focused obeying John 14: desires at we desire for our- for us and not selves. Jesus gave us the example of how we are do the will of the Father. Jesus lived a life following the will of God of Heaven. In Matthew 26 when Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane, He repeat ced the phrase “not as I will, but as you His prayers to God. Jesus knew the importance of following, the will of Father. He gave us the ultimate exam- ple by following through with His sacri- fice on the cross to fulfill the will of the Father, God desires us to follow Him and leave behind the world, Following the will of the Father means cutting ties with the world. Obeying the Gospel and life in accordance to His Frantic? Or Faithful? thought had seer God wa: finish this particular bs was a key player. We too, can observe the world around the cha- tus, and become frantic due to I always cau: ; lems on this earth, but God is steadfast, immovable, Jesus sa tothe Don’t become frantic. Be faith- ful. The Lord knows what He is doing. Rick Laon For “Fun-Filled Worship” The headline extended almost the width of “fun” places i in the entegory of appealing tothe camal nature. The object of public worship must \Watace Alexander GOOD PROM EVIL Someone had suid that one advantage of to- day's music is that nobi that goes to show that something good can be found in the most unexpected places HAVING A CENTER holds, but we can know Him tho Future, iol ing is excellent or pra 1. 4:8) to the destructive thoughts that drain our energy and defeat our Notice the statement in the" preceding BYS we can choose what we We must never ing we would prefer can rejoice even in i. ou Bede If A Care Is Too Small To Be Turned Into A Prayer: It Is Too Small To Be Made Into A Burden. "Cast infor ne covet for you" 1 Pe A Good Seat We all appreciate a good seat. 1 was re- minded of this recently when I had the misfor- carly to find a seat near the front so we can witness our child receiving her gradua- tion diploma and to take « quality photograph. We pay top dollar for a concert ticket so that we can lay eyes on the performer not just his silhou- ette ata distance. Yes, sometimes n good seat is however, when where difference. We don't About Our Fatner’s Business ‘When Jesus vas twelve-years-old he accom- panied his pererts to Jerusalem to observe the Jewish Feast of the Passover (Luke 2:41-S1). The feast ended, and traveling back to Nazareth Joseph and Mary discovered Jesus was missing. They retumed to Jerusalem. Three days later Jesus was found in the temple conversing with the teachers, While some people were “amazed at his un- derstanding and his answers,” his parents were astonished and frustrated, His mother said to him, “Son, why henve'you treated us so? Behold, your fo- 1 herve Been searching for you in great dis- mother’s response. rhy were you looking for me? pam, on Sunday? Have ity of being “about our among our ‘and sisters in Christ? A der Oot oh to'want to be in every assembly on the first day of every week to praise our, God. It is “our Father's business,” for God himself has called us together on that special day to conduct his worship affairs. The first day came to be called “the Lord's day’ (Revelation Let's be motivated by the cross! James Codd THE POWER OF LOVE needed type complicated the probl my blood for my began, he took eyes and lay silently on the bed. A\ completed, the d saving his sist EXCUSES DONT COUNT e (Of all the lessons taught in| the Scriptures, one of the most difficult to learn is that God has not, does not, not accept EXCUSES in the place of most prominent men and pease God with “The woman whom You gave 10 be with me, she gave me of the tree, and 1 aie” (Genesis fire, and this calf came ow” (Exodus 32:23). ‘Thus Aaron “explained” how the golden calf How many of us ex- ‘cuse ourselves from duty on the ground of fear? ‘These are but a few ofthe many attempts peo- their disobedience in a the same results! BECAUSE | HAD COMPANY." Yet, we will not miss work because we have company! “| CAN'T GET INVOLVED BECAUSE | HAVE CHILDREN.” However, we can shop, travel, visit with friends, and do a variety of ‘other things even though we have chitdren. “SUNDAY IS MY ONLY DAY OFF.” What better way to spend that one day than with God and fami “nsert began to make Sesto What About the Two Greatest Commands? Recently I was walking across a parking Jot in another state and noticed a sticker on the back window of a pickup truck. It said: “Obey the Ten ‘We must understand that the moral direction of a person, and ult bbe changed one heart at alent Sed ly of a nation can only if we obey the Ten law, we would have turday as the day of worship and rest. Since the old covenant has passed aviay, those commandments are not (Ephesians 2:14-16). The p the Ten Commandments, however, are brought forth in the new covertan-ard are writen on the it would be far better for allo remember the two greatest commands. You see, Jesus “ut to the chase” and provided the foundation for righteous living when he You shall love the Lord ‘your God with all your heart and with all your ‘soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is lke it the heart and can direct one’s - would give their hearts and lives to Jesus and tus be saved (John 1 ‘imothy 2:4), but to the extent that people would think first of God and others, everyone would be better off. Lance Conde we hear some such expression to God as thank you that we have a chance for salvat “both sure and steadfast” so much so serves as an anchor to our soul. If we must use a modifier, we might thank God that He has provided us a way of salvation, ‘or an opportunity for salvation. Better yet, let's just thank Him for our salvation. No one can have Christ as the Savior of his soul, who will not let Him be the Master of his life. we will be able to endure il. This does not mean that temptation THE WAY OF ESCAPE our heels, but ae you you ean stretch band 0 God knows just how much you can sian and He will not allow a temptation you cannot resis. stand by you that you always have ths strength “Let us hold fast the confesston of our hope without wavering, for He who promised Is Hebrews 1013 VV spe EXAMINATION 1. Am s0 CRITICAL that I see only a person's fallures and no his/her good points? ILDISH that people must handle 3, Am 1 MATURE ENOUGH to handle hurts ‘and disappointments without feeling mistreated and making everyone else miserable? 1 le boasting “I believe do | seek to excuse myseif by BLAMING OTH- ERS? 3. Do L excuse my CONDEMNING oth 9. Are others. Ul AGED through s while selftighteously Goa is tha ony one ino position to look down on- others. Most of us love to “Jesus Loves Me get my vote as Popular children’s hymn of all time, When we sing it at VBS or other occasions, the children (and we adults Some time ago | received an adaptation of the song for us older folks. 1 don’t know the author ‘but | think you will enjoy its words. Thanks to whoever sent it my way. Though 1 am no longer yourg, I have much which He's begun Let me serve Christ witha smile, Go with others the extra mile. (Chorus) When the nights are dark and long, in my heart He puts a song: Telling me in words so clear, Have no fear, for I (Chorus) BUILDING UP — NOT TEARING DOWN When each member of a congregation is in- tent on building up the church, great are the re- sults! There is power in the positive approach! ‘The work of the Lord flourishes when brethren love each other, care for each other, and shoulder together the respon entailed in carrying ‘out the great cornmission of Christ. Ephesians 4 15-16 certainly teaches us will for ust Please reflect upon the Lord's Wo verses ther hand, there is nothing more de- Cause than a pre- Mhenever breth- tearing down than he effects are devas- ch destroyer! May we ever keep d, how good and how pleasant dwell together in unity!” Psalms 13:1 BAD COMPANY ‘An old parrot flew out of a farm house and joined knowing ti hen he knew. His foolish choice of associates had endangered bir, SO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY Do you want to be happy? Would you like ‘others around you to love and appreciate you? To merely desire those things for selfish reasons is of course, wrong. However, assuming your motivation is good, the New Testament offers two verses from Jesus that will change your life and help change others more blessed to give than to receive.” 20:35 Paul quoted the Lord as saying this. Blessed means happy. bbe happier, give to the Lord ind you, #2. “Give and it shall be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure — pressed down, shaken together and running over. For by your standard of measure it will he meas- isas simple as that. We do not receive often because we are stingy with our giving. And even if they do not give back, you a blessed person because the Lord appreciates you Rick Laing Leroy Brownlow FLEE THE SCENE Wee r erp b - sna hin aad % porkst cael x Leewite: pres few dvese th gratefil ned sep unalysis of love Can We Know We Are Saved? ‘That question above is a good question isn’t it? Now there are a lot of theological ideas that are rampant among denominations as to whether we can know of not. Some will teach that we can never know and others say that once you are saved you are always saved ‘When pondering questions best thing to do isto goto the ul the answers. That would be the Bible of course. fone, the ‘may know that ye have eternal that betieve onthe name of te Son of God” 1 Now, if you're you had better thou faithful unto death and I erawn of life.” The way these few passages (and there are many more) is that we can lose our salv 2:12 Paul tll he brethre mn with fear and trem Many sincere folks feet their hears to God and believe th with God. Feelings are not a g ‘member either. James 2:19 says that demons believe. Do you think they will be in heaven? Our salvation comes by being obedis what God want us to do. “But thanks be form of teachi ye were delivered, and being made 1e servants of righteous- how do we get back? ".. and the blood of Jesus hhis Son cleanseth us from all sin..1f we confess ‘our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us cour sins, and (o cleanse us from all warighteous- ness” 1 Jobo 1:7-9. John shows us here that we have a wonderful loving and merciful God that if we go to Him we forgiveness, "you been obedient to God? Can you say wubting that you know you have salva- riot, make the needed corrections right upon him: for He pursue us? Purity in Dress , followed by a sense of shame and the himself. Man today has com- pletely reversed the process. He appears in ut ‘arious stages of undress, denying that such is sin, and dhs, eling no shame for his conduct. Were they ashamed when they had clearly discerned in his res "5. atlerpt to remedy ‘Unio Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God ‘make coats of skin and clothed them” (Gen. 3: ‘Their temporary clothing of fig leaves. woul comparable 1 dr dy tating st However ‘man and woman, but they have been erected by man, not God. God's standard for purity and holiness is the same for both sexes. It is worthy of note that God addresses this matter of modest apparel atthe very beginning of human history. Thus, the "how" of dress is not ‘an optional matter, an expression of di ference. Purity in dress is imper mo man shall The First Day of the Week All around the world the first day of the week, 1B more than another day in ‘many homes where they do what they want to do. Should we do what we desire on the first day of the week or what God desires? It can be seen « day of the week, Sun- fay, chosen by God. at fon that day. The chur ‘on the day of Pentecost in the ci (Acts 2:1-47). The day of Pe ‘Sunday. God decided to establish the church on a Sunday, Third, the first day of the we because the Christians of the fit together according to the ber the sacrifice of Jesus to worship God ‘The Bible says, “And upon the first day of the week, when the bread...” (Acts 2 “The Lord's Suppe brethren every rgether 10 break ). The phrase “bread” means but they worshiped God by means of singing, praying, preaching and the offering. “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by you could be ts = you neglected ble study. ‘Now, new car dings can be fixed and painted Ihe A Man-And He Said... have, especi the soul. This young man asked me the fol- want to be gentle and kind, | want to be firm in my con- a slippery slope when he ken. rmessage inside.” Some place Bible verses or de- doubt this accurately reflects ion. It has for years been known as one of the most liberal among many liberal ‘Broups inthe Protestant world, claims to be Christi passage than any other? If one who would de- Remember why Paul wrote this brief ltr to Timothy: "These things 1 write to you, though {hope (0 2 Spiritual Kingdons. Which for You? But Trophimus Have I Left have to ask son. Paul left sick, , we can understand better why Tro ‘not healed. According to Mark 16: the purpose of miracles was to confirm the word. ‘And, this information is given to us again in He- :34. Also, John 3:2 shows us that the miracles would show that the speaker was sent from God. In other words, the purpose of mira- cles was not to heal someone or bring someone back to life. The purpose of miracles was to help people understand that the word spoken to them ‘was the word of God and they need to listen t servants (John Why was Troph cause to heal him would not have fit into the purpose ofmmiraces. Miracles were not sel serving. Chates Coats DON’T FENCE ME IN ‘An old classic western song pleads, “Doa't bi offer protection, be establish ownership and ‘others they also offer freedom and protect us make a spiritual application as we consider various kinds offences. BARBED WIRE FENCE: Don't carelessly grab hold of this fence, it is a no-nonsense fence ‘boundaries and keep in establishes ownership and protects that ‘owned, The word of God is a barbed- ables, and down stand, Christians should be like 58). FARM FENCE: Again we have a rugged fence built to last, establish boundaries, and keep stock in and intruders out. It is practical and functional, of what Christians should be, (Luke 9:23; 2 Timothy 4:1-5). PRIVACY FENCE: Its basic message is KEEP ries and protecting nothing. Those who profess to be Christians outwardly but are not inwardly, and who would loose where God has bound are lke this fence (James 2; Phil. 1:17) Which kind of these fences portray you? Let Jesus Carry The Load “Come to me, all you who are weary and bur- ugh spot maybe from a de mptations may just seem too much to Everyone will struggle at some poi Ives. That may be the things but we can easily become overwhelmed, Jesus will be there for us if we choose to lean on. Him, We should also never forget that when times seem like they are easy and we are on top of our “rollercoaster” ride that we should praise God for that as well and stil look for His guid- Jedda Begs, Precious Thoughts ‘Are you burning the candle at both ends? Do you meet yourself coming and going? Are you there no rest for the 2 Spiritual Kingdoms: Which for You? the ball game, fr Busy! Busy! Busy! We ot glect our respon of darkness will be overwhelmed and conquered by the power and glory of Jesu: coming, Satan, ; and deceived us. They were wonderful articles. hanks ever so much for all the sf oa in the Bulletin. Love, Beverly M, ooo Were The Children OF Manasseh Successful? Certainly, many would think so. They dwelled in their allotment of the land of Canaan. Notice how the Holy Spirit describes their cir- cumstances in 1 Chronicles five. their numbers increased, They had size on their side. Second, those specified in the texts were “beads he Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh i captivity.” (1 Chronicles §:25-26a). They f lowed the worldly influences around them. They forsook God for the gods of the land. Therefore, God withdrew His protection and allowed them to suffer the consequences of th sions. May we learn from this, that, as we aspire to succeed by worldly standards, we do not For- htful piace God deserves. God the Son ing or our doing, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12 ing above, Filled with His goodness, fo love, I especially enjoy immersing myse! words and thoughts of the old 1969 song The Emotional Hects Of Sint \ ss is undoubtedly one of the ma- problems of our society. It has been at least half of those persons in hospital beds are there partly because of nal problems. Dr. S. 1. McMillen, author of “None of These Diseases,” has made the state- ment that “me ience recognizes that emo- tions such as fear, sorrow, envy, resentment and hatred are responsible for the majority of our sickness. Estimates vary from sixty percent to nearly one hundred percent.” What are some of the emotional effects of sin? First, sin separates a person from a being of ‘No one can long as he is separated from his c Second, sin saddens, The prod: person knows he may continue of his sin. Long after his con- eds my service to referred to himself as the wants me to help a few, ddo what needs to be done Fourth, sin sours. Carrying the burden of sin ‘can often cause a person to become negative and al of others. sin sickens who take care of their of every day. art to become hardened. Paul ‘wrote to the church at Ephesus concerning those persons who were “past feeling” (Ephesians 4:19) Rod Haliburton

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