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Mirror Moments Recently 1 was. asked why God repeated his question 10 Elijah during the as woll as the power of nt onaservant of God. Because of Jezebel’s threat, Elijah headed south, as far away from Jezebel es he could get. After along. doing here El recounting the teri ‘years and concluded by say faithful person/prophet left. Go deeply himself'and decide who he was going be and what he was going to do. He could have given up ot he could decided to move forward and live for God. Thank: J to move forward and ‘may not be one of those times mentioned above, but,.what are YOU doing here? God's principles and sends us back to work for Gos. Preachers and (cachers may repeat facts card for yeas, but they are doi ‘Yesterday 's Prayers in | Thessalonians 5:1 wonished to “pray without ceasing’ constant | heres ed yest Maybe the end of | Mattew 25:13. Maybe s we don texpet seed but also Heep us “pina” pea Shoughntemile ofa carl wos Jeaspeye ok ad we ae nt amis ose that wn is Sty body be rengnzed a temendos need fod rs le ftom praying arty that prayer | ispreparing. Letus focuson the day at hand. Yesterday gone and the fight is athand, Whatever we di pales in comparison to where we are now, Ow trie shuld Were knowledge tocortectit ands Het Sh ais Can We Really Live For Jesus? ‘There are those who teach that it Is not possi ble for human beings to live up to the standard of ‘godliness that Christianity demands. The devil would like for us to accept that heresy so as to discourage us from even trying to live for God. Do we have certain propensities within us that prohibit a closer walk with God? Did our Creator ‘make us with an al deficiency that read this passage.) From this we the following: 's judgments are right, 2. God's merciful kindness comforts. 3. God’s law is my delight shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). Do you know why most of the world ges on Matthew 6: first the kingdom of God, the vast majo the world are'seeking food, loth- first and putting God last. As a on food, nges us and ow or to the end of time, in Matthew 6:33. No many people take the Lord seriously on thé promise. It is a tragedy how that high ethical standard is ignored! Johnny Ramsey ADVANTAGES “For everyone fo whom him much will be required...” Luke 12:48, What do you have that you have not been given? More precisely, what do you have that you gained or achieved strictly on your own uch is given, from Every higher capacity and ca ity flows from having been created in His (Genesis 1:26.27). From a human perspective, we're born help- less, utterly dependent on others for survi the formative years where one might be able to survive “on his own,” both capacities and oppor- tunities would be stunningly diminished without ongoing help from others. ‘On top of that, few of us would dare to claim to be seifeducated, “Self-educated” isa fasci ingly ironic concept. Only with major qualifica- tion could the phrase have any hint of truth. Even iffa person taught himself to read, he would do so using material written by others. And it gets even sillier if we claim to be What the world as blessings. By hhave more than our share, Even ie wage, access to health care, de- Precious memories, awareness of God, Knowledge of His word, the fellowship of 1 hope of heaven, th ty o give, the capacity 10 grow, Many forget their adv moves them to focus on wt Others forget differently, pridefully, They persuade themselves that their gifts are their do= ing and their “property.” They lose gratitude and the bless brings But others remember their advantages. They God for the special people who have helped them leam and grow. They use vantages to God's glory (Matthew 5:13-1 ‘And they welcome the additional blessings and ‘opportunities that God sends (Matthew 25:21- 23), We are wise to be among them. Change Me {can really feel fa Even though and here is the hard part; some- 'sa painful process. low God to to make me , my world change, sometimes before my very Life has many choices. Eternity has ‘two, What's yours? How Do You View Death? Death surrounds us, we can't can’t escape constantly hearing a any TV news program and the almost always be about some violent death. Pick up any newspaper and usually somewhere on the life in a new location. Maybe it's time to con- sider if you are ready for that day! Commitment ‘Commitment is the act of committing, pledg- ing or engaging oneself. It is regarded as a pledge or a promise. When we became Chris- and follow Christ daily. This commitment was for a lifetime, In Christianity there is no to sit at the beginning of the runway revving the engines but never moving. They have been saved bat have never gotten engaged in their faith. Christianity is not a spectator sport; everyone ‘must compete against an enemy who is out to get ‘their souls (Ephesians 6:10-13; 1 Peter §:8) This is ‘ota competition where winning or losing does not matter. Iisa competition with efemal consequences. Jesus told the church at Smyrna, “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is some of you into prison, that you te cro fle (Rev 210) Ow ihn he commitment with n0 end, Let's not spend our time zunning the engine on the runway. Let's et nvolved! Why Did Jesus Suffer the Cross? Jesus indicated that He didn’t have to suffer the cross. Why? Jesus suffered the cross... FOR THE FATHER. “And he went forward a litle, and fell on the ground, and prayed thax ifit were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And he said, Abba Father, all things are possible unto thee: take away this cup from Me neverthe- less not what 1 wil, but what thow wilt” (Mark the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For it became Him, whom are ail things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many Sons unto glory, to make the cap- tain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both He that sanctifieh and they who are sanctified are all one, for which cause He is not ashamed to cal then brethren” iabrews 2:9 0 How Do You View Death? Death surrounds us, we can’t escape it and we can’t escape constantly hearing about it. Tum on any TV news program and the lead story will almost always be about some violent death. Pick up any newspaper and usually somewhere on the font page will be story that deals with some- ‘how good you are, someday you ‘and then face the maker of the universe. ‘How do you view death? How have you pre- pated for this eventuality? Do you face our mor- at the end of history, Taps, it will be Revell gin 1 Thessalonians 4:13- ‘our death, The key to these life in 8 now location. Maybe it's time to con- sider if you are ready for that day! Commitment Commitment is the act of committing, pledg- ing or engaging oneself. It is regarded as a pledge or a promise. When we became Chris- tians, we commited ourselves to take up our cross and follow Christ daily. This commitment was fora lifetime. In Christianity thee is no such thing as 2 of the way down the runway. He must decision from the beginning and stay with itto become airbome. ‘Many members ofthe church have obeyed the ving the old man of sin; but they seem ‘but have never gotten Alcoa in their faith, Christianity is not a spectator what you are about to suffer. Behold, the about to throw some of you into prison, ‘may be tested, and for ten days tribulation Be faith unto death. and the crown of lfe” (Rev. 2:10), Our faith in Christ isa ‘commitment with no end. Let's not spend our time ‘gunning the engine on the runway. Let's get involved! Why Did Jesus Suffer the Cross? Jesus indicated that He didn’t have to suffer the cross by affirming, “Therefore doth my Fo- the cross. Why? Jesus suffered the cross... FOR THE FATHER. “And he went forward a litle, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. ‘And he said, Abba Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from Me neverthe- what I will, but what thou wilt” (Mark 14:35-36) BECAUSE OF THE DEVIL. “And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this thing, thow art cursed above ‘and above every beast of the field: upon thy belly it shall bruise thy bruise his hee!” (Genesis 3: FOR HIS BRETHREN. “But we see Jesus, who was made a litle lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and ‘honour; that He by the grace of God should taste ‘one, for which cause He is not ‘ashamed to call them brethren” (Hebrews 2:9- 1m, What is the Real Cause ‘cs rionkztow ae ter God pleas wih OW Wasi because He ks of Rehgious Division eee GUEST EDITORIAL ‘This divided state has arisen over questions ‘of authority rather than that of interpretation When the questi thority is settled that the needs of the wi ‘enduring (Lk. 21:33). We shal (Sn, 12:48), ‘The Authority Of God’s Word is Supreme! The Devil you say! jot what God has thought and said. Our opinions can be wrong, and often are, God's Word can never be wrong, (Ps. 33: ind. Man would not even know about for the authoritative Word of ( How Can We Help Those Who are Suffering? liar, and the father thereof” John 8:44, ‘Not only that, bt he is the enemy of God and in thatthe tares will be bundled up and burned in the fire, He is our adversary, “Be sober, be watchful: your seeking whom he may devour,” Are you using sound judgment and watching so the devil won't get you? 7 ‘What about Sunday evening? An i hs been given 10 the elders to ously ftom the grave and was to be observed regularly by His church. Seeing the Lost as Lost ‘When Jesus viewed the masses of people He this day that Jesus arose from the dead becoming the Lord of both the living and the dead (Rom. 14:9). strangers, and without God, We see their material their physical health, and their contentedness, () The events of Pentec on a Sunday. Thus, took place on a Sunday. ‘Tis being te casei should never be reduced a “having to attend” event, but considered an honor and privilege to observe, The Sabbath day is not the same day because the first day fol- lowed the Sabbath (Mt. 28:1), “fear” is wholesome reverence and moral respect. __ “The judgments of the LORD are true; they are sacred volume we call The Bible. Awake for 36 Hours Straight ‘Almighty God, may the knowledge of redemption inthe Chosen One possess ux entirely Kin Someone Before You Go The subway train sways back and forth, its wheels tohis fither, 60 shifte bit But stead of moving on, the boy leans fo ao 2% ; Jeans, Sake Shia, froming us hse day 1 pay ofen that the hen Z cealy Father will continue to strengthen my heart, HK L Mine” to help it be tender to His will and kindhearted to of ‘those around me. I am daily comforted by God's have admired for years the old song, written thin you: I will take the heart‘of stone out of in the early 1860's, “Jesus Loves Me, This | your flesh and give you a heart offlesh. [will put Know.” Especially dear and meaningful tome is “My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in the third verse which expresses, “Jesus, take this My stantes, and you will keep My judgments and ‘ear of mine, Make it pure and wholly Thine.” do them,” chap. 36:26-27. we truly allow Jesus to take our heart, mold it to « . ‘His wants, and use it to His glory! ‘A Better Life’ Hopefully, as the years pass, we can under- Narrow Minded? stand this love and heart condition emphasis Often the Christian may be accused of being, more and more. For our hearts to be in agree- narrow-minded because he insist that we MUST For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth forbidden. There is_no room for broad- speaks” Luke 6:45. mindedness in music. There are only eight notes ‘Obviously, itis a common thing for man to in an octave. In the mathematics classroom, allow his heart to become infituated with those things are narrow. Geometry, calculus, nor trigo- things that God despises. The account ofthe be- _nometry allows zero variation from accuracy. sinnings of civilization is listed in chapter 4 of The solution to the problem is either right or itis. Genesis. From Adam and Eve, from Adam to wrong. On the athletic field the game is played [Noah we find, “Then the Lord saw that the wick- by the rules. ‘edness of man was great in the earth and that How then, shall we expect that broad- every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only mindedness shall rule in the realm of Christianity: gone andthe ight ist hand, Whatever wedi ofl ‘evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He and morals? 4 pales in comparison to where we re now: The things hhad made man on the earth, and He was grieved . sil tre do ri ed wy ha Si in His heart” ws. 5-6. cul ermory truly sod, But, ob, ‘God's people are “..10 love your God with all || ow tag should we rogize a nee. hve te Your heart and with all your soul, that you may snowledgeto corectit it slipaway Letus then heart is an abomination 10 the Lord,” Prov. “He who believes in the Son has everlasting eee eee eee aes 16:8, We will understand righteousness and jus- Ife; and he who does not believe the Son shall tice when wisdom enters our hears. Knowledge not see lif, but the wrath of God abides on him” is pleasant tothe soul, Prov.2:9-10. John 3:36. destruction. Our bodies are temples of Cor. 6:19). Like Jesus overturned the cchangers in the physical temple, to overturn the tables of Bait & Switch __ Back when gas prices began to be 1 price went up when s person used 3€ of trick isc great looking bey God, but then when we get turns out to be worthless! Or w itive. In what ways does he do thi dejected because he loved cannot serve two maste Mat iifton to pay attention to phys 1002 Johnson St MeCrory church of Chis our souls. He baits us ‘McCrary, AR 72101 "MeCrony, AR for more information! BULLETIN DIGEST * January 2014 3 Your Children Go to Heaven?” Church leaders all over the nation are con- ‘cerned about the drop-out rate of young people. ‘And well they should be. It is a tragic thing to see these precious boys and girls, who are so thrilled with Bible study cold and uninterested in the Lord’s work as they grow older. Lately, several congregations have made in- dlepth studies of te factors leading to youth leav- ing the church, with an eye to learning what ‘might be done to help solve this problem. What do we need? More youth programs? More ral- lies? Special teachers? ‘A great central truth has begun to emerge fiom these studies. Their faithfulness to Jesus doesn’t have anything to. do with special pro- ‘grams or teachers. It is not dependent on whether they are members of a large congregation or a small one. The single most important factor is their own immediate family. (One congregation found that when both par- cents were faithful to the Lord, and that includes active interest in the local congregation's pro- grams, 93 percent ofthe children remained faith- ful. On the other hand, if only one parent was faithful, the figure dropped to 73 percent. Where both parents were only marginally active, it fell to 53 percent, Now comes the shocker - when both parents attended infrequently, six percent of their children remained faithful to the Lord, Do you want your children to go to heaven? ‘Then make cértain you are leading them. The likelihood is they'll go no other way! BULLETIN DIGEST Ron Readhimer Pine Calvert City church of Crist ‘Abies, TE 7960 ‘Calvert Cy, KY A bird doesn't sing because it has an ‘answer. It sings because it has a song.

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