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Frangelism --- a ee of Life Living the Christian life means that ‘we serve God in spirit and in truth and that we let ‘our lights shine among men so that they may see ‘our good works and glorify our Father in heaven find that our love for God and our desire to serve Him will grow as we diligently study His word Understanding that the God unto salvation (Romans ‘pare ourselves to lead others It is perhaps difficult for some of us to take that first step toward teaching others about Jesus. Cur love and appreciation for what God has done for us must be great enough that we i to take that step. As we pray and stu soul-winning fe. We find 1 ities and looking forward xy we develop our tal- “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-dresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more Srait” (1 John 15:1,2). Jesus explained to his disciples, “A goad man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart ‘his mouth speaketh” (Luke 6:45). Solomon revealed in the book of Proverbs, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is Satan wants control of your mind, He wants to control your life so he can make you suffer. He wants you to be anxious, depressed, ‘What are you choosing to fill ies of Satan or the truths of God? Today is a gift from God Goose Slory the fall when you see geese flew alone. People who share a common direc- tion and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are traveling on the thrust of one another. ‘Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it immediately in {a a goose we Wi ‘who are headed where we want to go. ‘When the lead goose gets tired, i rotates into encourage these up front to keep up their speed. We need to make sure our honking from behind is encouraging -- not something les helpful Finally, when a goose gets sick or wounded ‘geese, we will stand by one another like they do. Do we as Christians have as much sense as the geese? Christian Service word are found together in he Bible. For example, the apostle Paul sai, “That ye put off ‘concerning the former conversation the old (palaion) man sin might be destroyed, that hencefor serve sin” (Romans 6:6). ‘The old man is old because he is in the is not part of the new man. to those who are in Christ sins was buried with that ‘oldman (Romans 8:1, 2). The old man does notneed to bestudied, but, instead, he needs tobe left buried. THE WEDIVESDAY NIGHT (Ow) ‘As a gospel preacher I have noticed the various names that we give to our Wednesday night assembly. We have called Bible Study ofthe Lord's church meets on Wednesday night. The Wednesday Night Crowd doesn’t have any fact, some of this number are among the busi town. They are people who make time fort Hispeople. ‘The Wednesday Night Crowd doesn’ farthest to our b ‘Wednesday night. because they look tt their fais as blessings from God and not hindrances for service to God. ‘You know, the Wednesday Night Crowd has the same work responsibilities, the same number of out of town visitors dropping in unexpectedly, the same number of headach homework as other that the Wednesday have made the commitment to be a part 7 ‘week assembly every week. They feel blessed for having doneso, ‘fwemake our children believe the Wednesday night assembly isnot important, wonder wha they will each their children concerning the importance of assembling fon Wednesday night or Sunday night or Sunday ‘moming? Let us encourage the spiritual evelopment of our families and not discourage‘tin any way! ‘See you Wednesday night! By Whose Standards? for his robberies. For example, not kill anyone unless I have sin, “For God so loved the world that He gave Hilson and only Son, that whoever Contentment “have learned o be content whatever stantial matter. Ifthe conditions are right wwe feel happy. But there is something far sreater to be grasped than this. Contentment has nothing to do with and hungry. Yet he found contentment in is Sit, Ha bad plecy tone tie You cour circumstances. Paul was shivering Somebody |; Ought To Do It! ‘Theres the legend of an ancient king who ‘became weary ofthe complaints of his sub- 1 send, and who will go for us?” Isaiah n- ‘mediately responded, “Here am I! Send me! —_—— ‘The church can use a lot more folks like with that task. It takes all of us to do the ‘work of the church, what is your task? Words of Wisdom =A man is only as good as what he loves. in the world ‘they really need is courage to climb them. = He has the right to criticize, who has the heart to help. - If you want to get even with someone, start with someone who has helped you. thing atthe right time and place, but far more difficut still, to leave unsaid the ‘wrong thing at the tempting moment. = We have no one to blame but ourselves. ‘when our enthusiasm and zeal are gone, if ‘we have filed to feed them, = When you speak, remember that God is ‘one of your hearers. ~ If someone lies for you, how do you know that they won't lic to you? = Leaving in a huff is some folks’ favor- ite form of transportation. What About The 2% I read the label,on a bot 1, you know the one that kills germs, it said 1% of all germs. Now that sounds great Bt then I began to wonder about the ‘they ate the worst of all germs? What germs on your hands they were the of all germs? What if that two percent was some new horrible ‘What could you do? I suppose you could wash your hands twice. Strange isn’t it that we are horror stricken lover the germs on our hands, but we care litle h we might take into our souls. The even two per- cent, why then will we watch, read, go to things that might cost us our eternity’ There is no right way To do Wrongt 1 Can Do It all by Myself 1 can do it all by myself!” Have you ever heard these words before, ossibly fom a child who is very idependent? There are many times in life when we think we ean handle ‘everything on our own, whether it be job-related, church- js the word that comes is particular subject. also another word that ‘comes to mind, because so often we hesitate to delegate! Why is it that we are hesi- tant to pass things off to others to keep us from being bogged down and becoming inefficient? It ‘seems that pride and fear keep us from delega- tion: pride because we want to show people we the task and fear because we reed someone else to do it. Consider the church. The role of servants (which I believe eventually developed into the role of deacons as described in 1 Tim, 3) came ‘about as a result of the daily distribut needs which were threatening to take the apostles away from what they really needed to be doing, aspect of shepherding by delegating other areas of work to the deacons. time with me to see one of ‘of delegation. Moses had a t of responsibility placed on hiis shoulders in leading the Israelites out of Egypt. There was a point in time where he not only was a prophet, ‘but he was also acting as a judge to determine the outcome of disputes between the peo- ple (Ex. 18:13). When his father-in-law, Jethro saw what was happening, by these Judgments taking up so much of Moses’ time, he told Moses “what you are doing is not good” (17). This not only was tak- ing to much time but it was going to wear everybody out. Jethro recommended a plan of action that would allow Moses to appoint others to judge the cases of the there were hard matters upon which to decide, Because of the advice of Jethro, Moses was able to delegate and therefore SINNERS SINGING TO THE YOUTH Several years ago, Christiana Aguilera, Lil” Kim, Mya, and Pink (singers which are adored by today's youth) performed “LADY MARMA- LADE.” Lady Marmalade was @ Creole prosti- tute. The French chorus, “Voulezvous coucher avec moi (Ce soir)? means, “Do you want to sleep with me tonight?” All of the songstresses wore the: scandalous attire as they sang and danced. They are not examples for our youth (1 TL 2:9-10; 1 Co. 15:33)! Persistent & Passionate Prayer time you prayed three times in one day? | P* ‘Was it last week when you attended ail the | services on Sunday? Was it on your way to "see the doctor? Was it on your way to a job ‘prayer is not answered with least for the moment. Don’t forget that Jesus taught His people | it to make their way through life by praying passionately and persistently, even when the answer seems like a definite no (Luke 11-13). Praying three times a day can keep a lot of things away from us or it can bring a Jo to us. So keep in touch with God, end don’t be surprised when His blessings touch you. “For Christ’s Sake” ‘One ofthe basic atts of this generation ‘Christ Jet the riches of Heaven for the pov- Remember, the only life worth living is the one lived forthe sake of Christ. Are You Covered? Alll kinds of insurance are available to we must be in Him in order to receive the those who are willing to pay the price. benefits. Are we covered? i i if In his letter to the church at Rome, Paul car insurance, liability insurance, home iting Psalm 32:1-2) encourage, “Bles- this retin, Praise God in Chris He has us covered! Have a great day having accepted the policy that truly saves! polly indy pid for by oor Lord, but Some things to think o Never neglect daily prayer. When you that private Bible jou read, remember ing to you, and that co and act upon what ‘Never take your standard of Chri anity from other Christians, or argue ‘A Time to Embrace’ Thad not heard of the “hug lady” until ‘hi pst Saturday, Jnuary 2, 2016. Be had died. were offered at her passing, and many people attended her funeral, All of this because of one simple gesture which anyone can offer. ‘The hug lady's story reminds me of a couple of things which are so important clear demonstration of love and appreci- + ation (Acts 20:27), Secondly, hugging is something any Chiis- tian can do. Public speaking ability, in-depth Bible knowledge, as well many other traits some desire, are not necessary. Itis a simple, tmiversal gesture of acceptance and appre- ciation. You may not be as eloquent, or as ‘years—hug them. [tis gift that will be re- ‘umed to you several times over. Truly, there is “a time to embrace” (Eoclsiastes 3:5), {John 412 d is Love Go seK A rest vere cive ee eeee Know 06 een far ‘oom remecreo Sor Finding My Worth in God “Let nothing be done through selfish ‘ambition or conceit, but in Jowliness of ‘mind let each esteem others better than himself” Phil 2:3 NKJV). CHOSEN By Gop In school many kids dread the scenario in. | gym class, where two captains pick teams, ‘Every kid is lined up and one-by-one the ity | teams are picked. No one in that line want- age does not come through believing we aro wonderful, but through the knowl- ‘haps the old children’s song has more prac- tical advice on developing self-esteem than all of today’s pop-psychology: “Jesus fist, yourself LAST, and others in-between.” f | ed to be the last kid to be picked. Being picked last means the two captains valued oa he leon of everyone cn, And wot NOBLE-MINDED (On Paul's second missionary journey, he and Silas went to Berea, a town in southwestern Ma- cedonia. The Bereans are described as more no- ble, or noble-minded, than those of Thessalonica, ‘where Paul was before he came to Berea (Acts (influential) by human standards (‘according to worldly standards”) ‘These Bereans were not deemed noble due to their birth or ancestry, but because “they re- ‘ceived the word Wi the Scriptures daily to see if these things were 0” (Acts 17:11). They did not blindly accept the ‘message Paul preached as truth, nor did they as false. Instead, they ex- which caused them to be described as noble, or noble-minded, ‘Most of us today cannot trace our roots to sidered noble by God. It comes by seekine the Written In Sand And Stone ough the desert friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, in the sand: “Today my bestfriend slapped been slapped got stuck in the mire, sed rooming His end saved ‘The end ‘who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, “After I hurt you, you the sand and now you write on a stone. ‘When someone hurts us we and where the winds of for- away. But, wien someone for us, we must engrave it long be remembered.” ‘Lear to write your hurts in sand and carve ‘your benefits in stone. Someone observed that it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour them, a day (0 love them, but an e to forget them. INTERESTING? ‘You probably but in ease you dor be of interest. nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed floor of fat ground, means of escape at the top, but persiss in trying to find some way out throu sides near the seek a way where none exists, unt destroys itself In many ways there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bee. They are str problems and fru they look up, What Must I Do To Be Saved? reacheritis souls from the road to hell. (Jude 23). |) fas‘ other pln to sone man tan rough the |] gospel of Jesus Che F) Story oF the dest ‘| Jesus produces f What Is Macriege? toves you so much He die for you. heart eto Hi love to pierce yor fown your walls of resi WHAT THEN? f cities have put our + We have bei sins and (Acts 2:38) The Call For Modern - Worship Practices inspired by God or devised by m Worship must be based upon knowledge of id it must be done with the right attempt to 260 anything new te Ne ‘God and proclaim it as worship john 4:24). Clap- ing, 2, rang Moly hands, oF ‘joy among many other distracting ‘not worshipping God decently and in pased upon te Old Testament clapping. We must offered sacrifices of church at e pal ‘The apostle Peter gall. to your vi Synagogues Ane Bible Classes ‘would provide a carpenter himself (Matthew Jesus to be a carpenter (Mark ‘very Sabbath to hear the rea hey listened 10 it att ‘Their rewards are changed lives, and your ex ssions of appre for their work. your ‘YOU FM ‘Once there was member was j ‘cooperated and suppor ler. deacons and preacher were al ie church to the same deyree as

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