Afda2aad 6. Life in Makkah

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Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Recite “RABBI ZIDNEE I'LMAA” after salat to increase knowledge.

Early life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) before Prophet hood

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Mecca in 571 AD.

2. He was an orphan by birth.
3. His mother, Aminah was from Madinah.
4. It was the custom of Arab that when a child was born, he was handed to nurses of Bedouin
tribes so they can grow in healthy environment and learn manners.
5. Prophet Muhammad was sent to his Nanny, Halima Al Saadia.
6. As soon as she lifted that boy, her life changed and became filled with blessings.
7. The old camel started giving a lot of milk.
8. The donkey that she rode when she came to Makkah was slow and was the last to reach Makah.
9. On her return, donkey recovered speech and she was the first to reach back.
10. One day when Prophet (PBUH) was playing outside, two angels came in the form of men and
made him lay down.
11. They opened his chest and took out a black spot from his heart.
12. The angel said, “This was something in you that belonged to Satan”.
13. Abdullah (foster brother) saw these two strangers.
14. He ran to his parents saying that Muhammad (saw) had been killed.
15. When they went to see, he was fine and smiling.
16. They got afraid to see this and sent him back to his mother, Amina.
17. At age of six, Prophet (PBUH) went to Madinah with his mother.
18. On return Aminah felt sick and passed away.
19. Then his grandfather Abdul Muttalib looked after him who loved him a lot.
20. He also died when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was only eight years old.
21. He was then raised by his uncle Abu Talib who was also the father of the caliph Ali.
22. Abu Talib took him to Syria to teach him trading.
23. There, a Christian monk Bahira recognized him as prophet.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

24. Bahira saw Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sitting under a tree which bowed to him.
25. Also, there was a cloud above to provide shelter from heat.
26. He looked at the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) back and noticed the seal of the prophets.
27. He told Abu Talib not to tell anyone as Quraysh would kill him.
28. Prophet Muhammad was known for his trustworthiness and Honesty.
29. At age of 25, He was sent for business by Khadijah Bint Khalid.
30. He came back with huge profits.
31. Khadijah Bint Khalid (40-year-old widow) asked to marry him because of his honesty.

32. He agreed to marry her.

33. When Prophet Muhammad was 30 years old, Quraishite tribe decided to rebuild Kaabah.

34. The tribe representatives began to fight on who will place the black stone.

35. Abu Ummayah gave a solution.

36. He said, whoever will reach mosque first in the morning will decide the person to place black

37. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the first person to reach.

38. He then ordered all the tribes to choose a single representative.

39. All of them held an edge of a cloth on which black stone was put.

40. Finally, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself lifted the sone and put in its position.

Exam Question:

Describe the main events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from his childhood until he
received revelation. [10]

Halima Saadia

1. Halima Saadia was the nurse of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

2. It was the custom of Arab that when a child was born, he was handed to nurses of Bedouin
tribes so they can grow in healthy environment and learn manners.
3. When the group of foster mothers arrived at the Makkah city, they picked up most of the rich
4. Halima arrived with her husband (Al-Harith) riding a donkey and old camel.
5. She found only one orphan boy who had no father to pay her for his upbringing.
6. She did not want to return without a baby.
7. She decided to pick up the orphan.
8. His name was Muhammad (SAW).
9. As soon as she lifted that boy, her life changed and became filled with blessings.
10. The old camel started giving a lot of milk.
11. The donkey that she rode when she came to Makkah was slow and was the last to reach Makah.
12. On her return, donkey recovered speech and she was the first to reach back.
13. One day when Prophet (PBUH) was playing outside, two angels came in the form of men and
made him lay down.
14. They opened his chest and took out a black spot from his heart.
15. The angel said, “This was something in you that belonged to Satan”.
16. Abdullah (foster brother) saw these two strangers.
17. He ran to his parents saying that Muhammad (saw) had been killed.
18. When they went to see, he was fine and smiling.
19. Halima got afraid to see this and sent him back to Amina.

Did the prophet's family prepare him for prophet hood?

1. I agree with the statement.

2. His uncle Abu Talib was important because he took him on trade journeys to Syria.
3. There they met Bahira (monk) who told Abu Talib that Muhammad (PBUH) is a prophet.
4. Abu Talib protected prophet when the Muslims faced difficult times in Makkah.
5. His wife Khadija supported him financially.
6. This allowed/gave him more time for meditation in Cave Hira where he received first revelation.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Exam Question:
‘The Prophet’s family was important in preparing him for prophet hood.’ Agree or disagree, giving
reasons for your answer. [4]

First Few Years of Preaching in secret

1. For 3 years after the prophet (saw) received the first revelation he taught and practiced in secret.
2. The prophet (saw) preached Islam to his close relatives and friends first.
3. Khadijah, Zaid bin Harith (adopted son), Ali and Abu Bakar were one of the early people to
convert to Islam.
4. Prophet (saw) received another revelation to preach people near him.
5. Surah Shurah was revealed “And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred.” [26:214]

6. The Prophet (pbuh) would meet and teach these new converts in secret.
7. The Muslims prayed twice a day in the mountains.
8. Soon more people converted.
9. It was hard to keep it a secret anymore.
10. He called his own clan (Hashemites) to dinner.
11. After the meal, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) announced to his relatives that he was the Messenger
of Allah.
12. He asked, “Who among you will stand by me and help me?”
13. Nobody had the courage to say anything, but Hazrat Ali (RA).
14. He stood up and said, “O Prophet of Allah, though I am just a young boy, but still I am present
to stand by you.”

15. Then God allowed him to preach openly to everyone.

16. Allah revealed, ‘Expand openly what your God commanded and turn away those who join false
Gods with Him. (15:94)
17. He gathered the entire people of Mecca at Mount Safa.
18. He asked the people, “Would you believe me if I say that there is an enemy at the foot of this
mountain behind, ready to launch an attack on you”; will you believe me?

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

19. They said: “Yes. You are Al-Ameen (trustworthy) and Al-Sadiq (truthful) and we have never
seen you speak lies.
20. But when he invited them to Tawhid (oneness of God) and warned about punishment, they
turned away.
21. Abu Lahb criticized him by saying “May you perish forever”.
22. Then God revealed Surah Lahab, where Allah (swt) says He will punish Abu Lahab.

23. After this persecution started on the early converts but Makkans continued to convert to Islam.

Exam Question:

Give an account of the main events of the Prophet’s preaching up until the public declaration on Mount
Safa. [10]

How did Islam grow in the years between the Prophet’s first revelation and his first public preaching in
Makkah? [10]

Significance of Preaching in Secret

1. It was significant because the message of Islam was new to the people of Makah.
2. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not know how the Quraysh would react.
3. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his closest followers needed time to get used to the
4. It was better to wait until they had some strength before preaching openly in public.
5. They were waiting for God to tell them about the right time to preach Islam openly.

Exam Question

Was it significant that the Prophet began preaching the message in secret? [4]

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

How can we learn from the behavior of the first converts of Islam?

1. Quraysh oppressed Muslims, but Muslims stayed patient.

2. Today Muslims are facing hate for their faith in many places around the world.
3. They should try to stay patient and avoid hurting others in return.
4. Muslims should stay firm and not give up their religious practices.
5. We should promote Islam by showing good acts even to the non-Muslims.

6. For example, a lady used to throw garbage on Prophet (PBUH), but he never got angry on her
and instead visited her when she was ill.

Exam Question:

How can the behavior of the first converts to Islam provide an example for Muslims today? [4]

How can we learn from the Prophet (SW)’s struggles in modern day?

1. Muslims should stay committed to their belief even if they are finding it hard to do so.
2. For example, people may not want a Muslim to pray openly or wear hijab.
3. We should try their best to stick to their Islamic practices.
4. We do not have to always tell people about our actions if there is fear of being harmed.
5. For example, in China practicing Islam openly is discouraged.
6. In such situation, we can practice in secret.

Exam Question:

What do the Prophet’s struggles in these early years teach Muslims about dealing with their own
difficulties? (4)

Tortures on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Quraysh

1. People converting to Islam increased, when Prophet Muhammad (saw) started preaching openly.
2. The Quraysh at first used to be nice to the Prophet (PBUH).

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

3. But after, started to torture him for not following their religion.
4. There was verbal, physical and mental torture on the followers of the Prophet (PBUH).

5. They used to say why God chose him and not any other leader.
6. They used to ask that why God didn’t send angels for guidance.
7. Some said He is mad or possessed by the devil.
8. They assumed that the Quran was written by him.
9. They used to insult him by misspelling his name.
10. They called him Mudammam which means ugly.
11. Prophet said, “Look at how Allah diverts the insults and curses of Quraish from me. They insult
'Mudammam' and curse 'Mudammam' - but I am Muhammad."
12. Pagans went to Abu Talib and asked him to stop Prophet (saw) from preaching and offered
13. When Abu Talib spoke to Prophet (PBUH) he replied, “If they place the sun on my right hand
and the moon on my left hand, and ask me to stop preaching the word of God to the people, I
will never accept what they say. I shall persist in it until Allah enables me to discharge it fully
or I perish in the attempt.”
14. After this Meccans started torturing Muslims.
15. The wife of Abu Lahab (Umm-e-Jamil) placed thorns in the path of Prophet (PBUH).
16. An old woman used to throw garbage on Holy Prophet (PBUH).
17. Once the Prophet was praying, Uqba Ibn Abi Muit threw the waste of slaughtered camel on him.
18. His family also tried to kill Prophet Muhammad (saw).
19. Sons of Abu Lahab divorced Prophet Muhammad (saw) daughters for being Muslim.
20. The people of Quraysh insulted Prophet Muhammad (saw) when his son passed away and called
him Abtar.

Tortures on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) companions

1. People converting to Islam increased, when Prophet Muhammad (saw) started preaching openly.
2. The believers who accepted Islam in the beginning were weak and helpless.
3. They had no supporters or protectors and so were tortured a lot.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

4. Some Muslims had ropes tied to the legs and were dragged on the stony ground of the desert.
5. Others were thrown on the burning sand.
6. Bilal Ibn Rabbah was beaten with sticks and lashes by Umaiya Bin Khalaf.
7. Heavy stones were placed on him.
8. They tied rope around his neck and he was dragged through streets.
9. Umaiya would say “Your gods are Lat and Uzza so testify your faith in them.”
10. In reply Bilal (RA) would say “Ahad, Ahad” (Allah is One, Allah is One)
11. Ibn Yasir parents accepted Islam on his call but they were martyred by Pagans.
12. Uthman bin Affan was wrapped in palm leaves and set to fire by his uncle.
13. He was locked in room and not given food until he fainted.
14. Abu Fakih was a slave, he accepted Islam.
15. When Safwan came to know that Abu Fakih had become a Muslim, he tortured him a lot.
16. He would bind him with a rope, and drag him on the burning sand.
17. Abu Fakih was asked to worship the idols, but he said that he would worship Allah alone.
18. His master put a very heavy stone on his chest which brought out his tongue
19. Khabab bin al-Arat was a slave of a women.
20. When she came to know that he was visiting the Prophet (SAW), she used to hit his head with a
hot iron rod.
21. She also used to make him lie on burning coal with a rock on his chest.
22. Umm-e-Kulthum and Ruqqyah were married to Utaibah and Utbah, sons of Abu Lahab.
23. Sons of Abu Lahab divorced prophet’s daughters for being Muslim.
24. In 7th year of prophethood, the Meccans boycotted Banu Hashim for 3 years.
25. There was no proper food or shelter for them in the valley.
26. They were starved and sometimes ate leaves and boiled water.

Exam Question:
The Muslims in Makkah faced a lot of hostility after the Prophet began preaching openly. Describe the
persecutions against the followers of the Prophet at this time. [10]

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Why Quraysh feared Prophet?

1. They feared him because they knew he was honest and trustworthy.
2. Due to this he was very popular and respected by people of Makah.
3. They feared that due to his reputation, people would believe his message of Islam.
4. Quraysh did not want slaves, women and children to be treated equally.
5. But Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was just and treated everyone the same.
6. His message was about worshipping one God.
7. Quraysh feared that if his message got accepted by people, idols would not remain in Kaabah.
8. This meant they a loss of income as many people used to earn money by making and selling

Exam Question

Why did the Quraysh fear the Prophet and his message even though he was not violent or aggressive
towards them? (4)

Quraysh kept their belongings with Prophet PBUH

1. Even before he was given prophet hood, He was known as ‘Al-Amin’.

2. They valued their belongings a lot.
3. So, they wanted to keep belongings with someone trust worthy to get them back.
4. Quraysh did not agree with the message he was preaching.
5. But they still knew that he was trustworthy.
6. Even after 10 years of torture, he instructed Ali to return peoples belonging before migrating to

Exam Question:

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Why Quraysh were still willing to keep their belongings with the Prophet after he started to preach
Islam? [4]

How should we react to the persecutions?

1. They are very practical as it teaches us how to react in difficult situations.

2. When the persecution increased in Makah and it was difficult to preach Islam.
3. So, Prophet decided to migrate to medina.
4. Migration can ease the tortures.

5. This teaches us that if it becomes difficult to live in a place, people can migrate to other places.
6. Today, people from Syria and Palestine are migrating to other countries to find peace and hope.
7. Prophet (PBUH) stayed patient to the tortures he faced from Quraysh.

8. The Muslims can learn to be patient when they face difficulties.

9. We should believe that God will grant ease, whether in this life or the next.

Exam Question:

In today’s world how practical are the reactions of the Prophet’s followers to these persecutions? [4]
How can the behavior of the first converts to Islam provide an example for Muslims today? [4]

Migration to Abyssinia:

1. In the 4th year of Prophethood, the tortures on Muslims increased in Makkah.

2. Surah Al-Zumar was revealed telling Muslims to migrate.
3. It said, ‘Good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world and Allah’s earth is spacious”
4. Prophet (PBUH) ordered Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

5. It was ruled by famous Christian, King Negus.

6. First group of 11 men and 4 women migrated.
7. Uthman and his wife Ruqqyah also went with them.
8. Prophet praised them and said, “They are the first people to migrate in the cause of Allah after
Abraham and Lut (AS).”

9. Second group was of 79 men and 7 women.

10. The Quraysh sent Amar ibn Al-Aas to bring Muslims back.
11. They took valuable gifts for the king.
12. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) told Jaffar to deliver a speech to King Negus as he was well
13. The king asked the Muslims to explain their religion.
14. Jafar (RA) said, “O King!..We have believed in Muhammad (SAW),.. and his injunctions to
worship Allah along. For this reason, our people have risen against us..”
15. In his speech he said:
❖ Quraysh were in darkness as they worshipped wood and stones.
❖ Quraysh were ignorant who would steal, kill and eat dead animals.
❖ They did not believe in one God.
❖ God showed his favor and appointed His prophet amongst us.
❖ He taught us to worship one God.
❖ Our own people went against us because we have faith on Muhammad as Messenger.
16. The king was amazed and asked Muslims to recite the Quran.
17. He recited few verses from Surah Maryam about the birth of John and Jesus.
18. After listening to the recitation, king rejected the Quraysh demands.

19. Next day makkan leaders came again and told that Muslims do not believe in divinity of Jesus.

20. Jaffer (RA) replied we believe that he was the Prophet of God and Allah’s word came to mother

21. The king was impressed after listening to this.

22. After this, King Negus told Muslims that they can live peacefully in Abyssinia.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Exam Question:

The Prophet allowed some of the early Muslims to move to Abyssinia. Write about the events of this
migration. [10]

Significance of migration to Abyssinia

1. Muslims got a place of safety from the Quraysh who were harming them.
2. They got some relief from torture.
3. They got the chance to openly practice their religion.
4. It helped improve Muslim-Christian relationship.
5. It proved to be successful and so gave the idea to migrate to Madinah.

How does this compare to migrations today?

1. The migration to Abyssinia can also be compared to Muslims migrating to non-Muslim countries.

2. They are given freedom to live, work and practice their religion.

3. Muslim of Syria and Palestine are being tortured, killed and oppressed in their countries.

4. They are trying to find hope in new places.

5. Muslims left their possessions in Makkah when they migrated to Abyssinia.

6. Similarly, Syrians are migrating to other countries leaving all their belongings behind.

Exam Question:

Can this migration be compared to the migration of some Muslims today? Give reasons for your answer.

Prophet’s Visit to Taif

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

1. The Prophet had been preaching to the people of Makkah for ten years.
2. He faced many hardships during this time.
3. The numbers of Muslims were small.
4. His greatest supporters Khadija and Abu Talib had passed away.
5. To preach his message, he looked to preach outside Makkah.
6. He went to Taif with his adopted son Zaid bin Haritha.
7. He thought people would support his message but they were hostile towards him.
8. Taif was populated by Banu Thaqeef tribe.
9. He met chiefs and asked them to believe in one God and support him in his mission of spreading
10. He stayed ten days there spreading the message to the people.
11. But he was abused and mocked.
12. The chiefs asked their children and slaves to hurt Prophet (PBUH).
13. They threw stones at him, till his shoes were filled with blood.
14. He took shelter in an orchard/garden few mile away.
15. The garden belonged to two brothers, Atabah and Shaibah.
16. They sent for their servant named Adaas and gave him a plate full of grapes.
17. Jibril later appeared with another angel and asked the Prophet for permission to bury the city.
18. “O prophet of Allah if you give permission, I will crush the city of Taif between two
19. Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied, “Why shall I pray for the destruction of these people? I hope that
their prosperity will certainly be among the believers.”

20. He prayed to Allah to guide the people of Taif towards the truth.

Exam Question:

The Prophet (PBUH) went to spread Islam in Ta’if. Write about the background and details of this event.

How can Muslims learn from Taif incident?

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

1. Muslims should learn to be patient in times of difficulty for example when they have lost family
2. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not curse people of Taif who had treated him badly.
3. He instead prayed for their guidance.
4. One should not get angry and wish bad towards those who insult us or our religion.
5. They should pray to guide disbelievers on the right path.

6. Today, in countries such as France, Muslims women are abused for wearing Hijab.

7. We should in return forgive those who abuse us and pray for their guidance.

Exam Question:

The Prophet showed great forgiveness despite the cruelty of the people of Ta’if. Do you think Muslims
now can follow this example?

Pledges of Aqabah

1. In the 10th year of prophet hood, he started preaching to pilgrims.

2. He met six people of Banu Khazraj who accepted Islam.
3. Some of them were Swaid bin Samit, Eyas bin Muadh and Abu Zar Ghifari
4. They knew about Islam as Jews already told them about it.
5. In 12th year of prophet hood, 12 people came to Makah.
6. They took the 1st pledge of Aqabah in 621 AD.
7. Six men said they would go back and tell people about Islam in Yathrib.
8. The first pledge was about:
❖ worshipping one God
❖ give up stealing
❖ not killing their children
❖ and obeying the Prophet.

9. Musab bin Umair was sent with them to teach about Islam.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

10. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “He who carries it out, Allah will reward him and who
neglects and is afflicted in this world; it may prove redemption for him in hereafter.”
11. In 13th year of prophet hood, 70 people came and took the 2nd pledge of Aqabah.
12. Among them were leaders and chiefs of medina.
13. They accepted Islam and invited him for migration.
14. They invited the Prophet to come to Yathrib as their leader.
15. Abbas (RA) warned them that they can only take Prophet (PBUH) if they could defend him
against his enemies.
16. The second pledge was to:
❖ listen and obey the Prophet (PBUH)
❖ to do good and stay away from evil
❖ fear no one but Allah
❖ and defend the Prophet if he needs it.
17. After this event, the Prophet told Muslims to start migrating.

Exam Question:

The Pledges of Aqaba were made in the Prophet’s last years in Makkah. Outline the reasons for these
pledges and write about the details in them. [10]

Significance of pledge Al-Aqabah

1. The holy prophet got success finally as the numbers of followers increased.
2. Muslims gained strength as Islam spread outside Makah.
3. It became a reason for the migration.
4. Prophet’s mission to spread Islam in Taif failed earlier.
5. This was a new hope for Muslims.
6. Now, Muslims thought Islamic community could be established and can have its own laws.

Muslims should look after refugees coming in their country

1. Muslims should look after people coming to their country from other places.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

2. Islam teaches to care for others and to provide the basic needs of fellow human beings.
3. This will increase brotherhood and increase peace in the community.
4. Muslims could also provide a safe place for those who have lost their families.
5. Especially children who are now orphaned.
6. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that the person who looks after an orphan will be with him in
7. Providing homes and shelter for them would help them to start a new life just like Muslims of
Makkah started a new life due to the support of the Medinan’s.

Exam Question:

In your view, why should Muslims provide a safe haven for others? Give reasons for your answer.


1. Gabriel one night came to the prophet and woke him for sleep.
2. Gabriel took him to Kaaba and washed his chest with Zam zam.
3. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was first taken on a night journey to the farthest mosque in
Jerusalem known as Isra and then to heavens known as Miraj.
4. This was not an ordinary journey.
5. As in those days it would take only two months to travel back from Jerusalem.
6. But the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) completed the whole journey in a small part of night.
7. The Quran says, “All praises are for HIM who took his servant (Muhammad) to a journey from
the sacred Mosque (at Makkah) to the farthest Mosque (at Jerusalem) ...” (17:1)
8. The first part of the journey from Mecca to Masjid al- Aqsa is known as ISRA.
9. He travelled on Buraq, the heavenly horse.
10. The first stop was at ‘the place of emigration’ i.e. Madinah.
11. The second stop was at Mount Sinai, where Torah was revealed to Musa (as).
12. The third stop was at Bethlehem, where ’Isa (as) was born.
13. The fourth stop was the grave of Musa (as).
14. Finally, the Prophet (saw) reached Masjid al-Aqsa.
15. 124,000 Prophets were waiting inside for him.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

16. Jibril (as) led the Prophet (saw) to the front, and he (saw) led them all in prayer.
17. Then Buraq took him to the heavens and this journey is called MIRAAJ.
18. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met all prophets such as Adam, John, Jesus, Moses, Abraham
19. He was taken to Sidratul-Muntaha (the highest heaven), where no angels or human beings could
20. God spoke directly to Him at this place.
21. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given the command to pray fifty times a day.
22. But when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) descended he met Musa (AS).
23. Musa (AS) said it would be difficult for believers to pray 50 times a day.
24. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) returned to Allah and asked for reduction in number of prayers.
25. He kept on requesting until God reduced the number to five daily prayers.
26. God gave him the last two verses of Surah Baqarah.
27. God also promised that the period of long sufferings was about to end.
28. He was then brought back to Al-Aqsa where he led the prayer of prophets.
29. The whole journey happened in one night.
30. His bed was warm and the chain of his door was still moving.
31. When he returned back and told Makkans details of the journey they laughed and made fun of
32. The Quran mentions the purpose of the journey, “…in order that We might show him
(Muhammad) of our Ayat (proof, evidences, signs,).” (17:1)

Exam Question:

The Prophet Muhammad was taken on a night journey and ascent to the heavens (al-‘isra wa-l-mi’raj).
Write an account of this journey. [10]

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Significance of ISRA WAAL MIRAJ to Prophet.

1. This journey provided him a proof of paradise, hell and existence of Allah.
2. Since he witnessed himself, he could invite people to Islam with complete confidence.
3. The journey took place when Muslims were facing tortures.
4. Prophet Mohammad (saw) was sad as Khadija (ra) and Abu Talib had died and mission to Taif
5. In this situation, Allah gave him confidence and showed that HE is behind the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH).
6. He was honored as he led all the prophets in prayers.

Exam Question:
What was the significance of this journey to the Prophet? [4]

Plot to Kill prophet Muhammad

1. After pledges of Aqabah, the number of Muslims increased.

2. They started migrating to Madinah.
3. Meccans considered it as threat.
4. A meeting was called in Dar un Nadwa in 622 A.D.
5. It is said that Satan was present there in human form.
6. Three suggestions were made:
❖ His imprisonment
❖ His expulsion from town
❖ His murder.
7. They agreed that one man should be chosen out of every tribe to kill.
8. So that responsibility of the killing is shared by all the tribes.
9. Prophet had been warned of the danger.
10. He told 'Ali (RA) to lie down in his place and wrap himself up in his green cloak.
11. The killers surrounded Prophet’s house.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

12. They thought Prophet (PBUH) was sleeping in his bed but it was Ali (RA).
13. Prophet escaped through the window.
14. When the Quraysh got this news, they were angry.
15. A price of 100 camels was set to kill Prophet (PBUH).
16. The Holy Quran says, “And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted
against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah
plans. And Allah is the best of planners” (Quran 8:30).

Migration to Yathrib (Madinah)

1. After pledges of Aqabah, the number of Muslims increased.

2. They started migrating to Madinah.
3. Meccans considered it as threat.
4. A meeting was called in Dar un Nadwa in 622 A.D and it was decided to kill Prophet (PBUH).
5. Prophet had been warned of the danger.
6. The Holy Quran says, “And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted
against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah
plans. And Allah is the best of planners” (Quran 8:30).
7. In 622 A.D, God ordered him to migrate.
8. He asked his son-in-law Ali Ibn Abi Talib to sleep on his bed.
9. His house was surrounded but the Holy Prophet threw dust at the enemies and escaped unhurt.
10. Quran says, “And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and we have
covered them up, so that they do not see”. (36:9)
11. He left for Madinah with his friend Abu Bakr.
12. During migration they stayed in the cave of Thaur.
13. Abu Bakr went in first to make sure that it was clean and safe.
14. There were some holes which he covered with pieces of cloth.
15. One hole was left uncovered which he covered with his toe.
16. Abu Bakr’s daughter would give them food secretly.
17. Abu Bakr’s son (Abdullah) used to visit them and bring secret information about Quraysh.
18. The Prophet slept on his lap.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

19. Abu Bakr was bit by a snake on his foot.

20. Prophet put his saliva and the pain disappeared.
21. In Mecca, the Quraysh set a reward of 100 camels to bring the prophet back.
22. When the Quraish reached the cave of Thaur, they saw a spider web and birds nest.
23. They returned back thinking no one was inside.
24. The Holy Quran says, “It does not matter˺ if you ˹believers˺ do not support him, for Allah did in
fact support him when the disbelievers drove him out ˹of Mecca˺ and he was only one of two.
While they both were in the cave, he reassured his companion, “Do not worry; Allah is
certainly with us.” (9:40)
25. From Thaur they moved to Quba.
26. On their way, Suraqa bin Malik followed them but his horse kept stumbling.
27. Suraqa gave up his evil plans and returned back.
28. They stayed at Quba for 14 days.
29. Hazrat Ali joined prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr at Quba.
30. He built the mosque at Quba there and the first Friday prayer was offered.
31. When they reached Madinah, a warm welcome was given to Him by reciting nasheed.
32. Everyone wanted him to stay with Prophet (PBUH).
33. He allowed his camel to walk and where it would stop he would stay there.
34. The camel stopped at Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari’s house and he stayed there.

Exam Question:

Give an account of the hijra of the Prophet from Makkah to Medina. [10]

Significance of Building Mosques

1. Mosques are the center of a community.

2. They allow people to meet and to worship God.
3. Unlike Makkah, they got place to worship freely together.
4. Building a mosque in Madinah provided a place for social gatherings and increase brotherhood.
5. Muslims could pray together in mosque which showed their strength to non-Muslims.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Exam Question:

Why was it significant that one of the Prophet’s first tasks was to construct mosques at Quba and
Madina? (4)

Cave Hira

1. He received the first revelation at the age of 40 years old in Cave Hira.
2. The Prophet (PBUH) used to stay in the Cave Hira for long periods of time.
3. One night, an angel came down to the Prophet (PBUH).
4. The angel told the Prophet (PBUH) to say “Iqra”, which means to “Read”.
5. The Prophet (PBUH) told the angel “I cannot recite/read”
6. The angel asked Prophet (PBUH) thrice to read.
7. When the angel asked for the third time, he squeezed the Prophet (PBUH) and recited Surah

8. “Read in the name of your Lord, the Creator. He Who created man from a clot. Read! And your
Lord is the Generous. Who taught by the Pen, taught man what he knew not?” [96:1-5]
9. The Prophet (PBUH) felt that the words of this Surah were written on his heart.
10. He then ran out of the cave to Khadija and told her what happened.

Cave Thawr

1. When the Prophet (PBUH) migrated to Madinah, men from the Quraysh tribe followed to kill

2. He left for Madinah with his friend Abu Bakr.

3. During migration they stayed in the cave of Thaur.
4. Abu Bakr went in first to make sure that it was clean and safe.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

5. There were some holes which he covered with pieces of cloth.

6. One hole was left uncovered which he covered with his toe.
7. Abu Bakr’s daughter would give them food secretly.
8. Abu Bakr’s son (Abdullah) used to visit them and bring secret information about Quraysh.
9. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) slept on his lap.
10. Abu Bakr was bit by a snake on his foot.
11. Abu Bakr did not cry because he didn’t want to wake the Prophet (PBUH) up.
12. Prophet put his saliva and the pain disappeared.
13. In Mecca, the Quraysh announced a reward of 100 camels to bring the prophet (PBUH) back.
14. When the Quraish reached the cave of Thaur, they saw a spider web and birds’ nest.
15. Abu Bakr was scared.
16. But the Prophet (PBUH) told him not to worry as God was with them.
17. The Holy Quran says, “It does not matter˺ if you (believers) do not support him, for Allah did in
fact support him when the disbelievers drove him out (of Mecca) and he was only one of two.
While they both were in the cave, he reassured his companion, “Do not worry; Allah is
certainly with us.” (9:40)
18. The Quraish returned back thinking no one was inside.
19. From Thaur they moved to Quba where they stayed 14 days.

Exam Question:

The Prophet had different experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr. Give an account of his experiences
in both caves. [10]

Why was the experience in the cave of Thaur important?

1. The spider web and birds’ nest on entrance of the cave Thawr protected Prophet (PBUH) and his
companion from the Quraysh.

2. This made the Prophet (PBUH) realize that God was looking after them always.
3. This event showed that Abu Bakr (RA) was very loyal to the Prophet (PBUH).

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

4. He put his life in danger for Prophet (PBUH).

5. This shows that Allah supported Prophet (PBUH) by surrounding him with best of companions to
support him in his mission and increased his trust in Allah.

Exam Question:

How did the events in the cave of Thawr help strengthen the Prophet’s relationship with God? [4]

The Boycott of Banu Hashim (for your own knowledge)

1. Quraysh asked Banu Hashim stop giving protection to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
2. They though this would stop him from preaching.
3. The warned Banu Hashim of social and economic boycott if they did not accept Quraysh
4. Banu Hashim rejected Quraysh demands.
5. In 7th year, Meccans boycotted Banu Hashim and decided:
● Socio – economic boycott on Banu Hashim
● Not to trade with sons of Hashim and Muttalib
● Not to marry anyone form Hashim tribe.
6. They were forced to live outside Makkah in a valley called Shib Abi Talib.
7. There was no proper food or shelter for them in the valley.
8. They sometimes ate leaves and boiled water.
9. They stayed there for 3 years.
10. Some kind hearted Quraysh grew tired of the boycott and tortures on Muslims.
11. Soon after the lifting of the boycott, Abu Talib and Khadijah passed away.
12. That year was known as the year of grief.
13. Persecutions started after their death.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

Changes in Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) relationship with Quraysh during years from marriage to
Khadija and death of Abu Talib / Prophets relationship with Quraysh

1. When he was twenty-five, he married to Khadija (ra), who was a rich lady.
2. Soon he became a wealthy man and his respect in Makkah increased further.
3. He was known to be truthful and honest in his dealings.
4. He was always ready to help poor and needy.
5. He hated cruelty and bad customs in the Arab society.
6. For this character, he was highly respected by all people of Makkah.
7. The Quraysh used to consult him in important matters.
8. Prophet (pbuh) was chosen by the Quraysh to settle the dispute of who should replace the
sacred Black Stone to its position at the Kaabah.
9. He was known as Sadiq and Ameen by the people of his city.
10. After receiving first revelation, he started preaching in secret.
11. The Quraysh would still keep their belongings with him.
12. But they would abuse him and tell people not to listen to what he was saying.
13. He was so reliable that his close friends accepted Islam immediately.
14. After three years, he started facing severe persecution by Makkans.
15. They were against him because his message was challenging the wrong practices of pagans.
16. It was against their political, traditional and economic interests.
17. He gathered the entire people of Mecca at Mount Safa.
18. He asked the people, “Would you believe me if I say that there is an enemy at the foot of this
mountain behind, ready to launch an attack on you”; will you believe me?”
19. They said: “Yes. You are Al-Ameen (trustworthy) and Al-Sadiq (truthful) and we have never
seen you speak lies.
20. But when he invited them to Tawhid (oneness of God) and warned about punishment, they
turned away.
21. Abu Lahab criticized him by saying “May you perish forever”.
22. He was taunted, mocked and openly humiliated by different members of the Quraysh.
23. Members of his family threw animals organs on him, and others threw rubbish in his way.
24. There was verbal, physical and mental torture on the followers of the Prophet (PBUH).

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

25. They used to say why God chose him and not any other leader.
26. They used to ask that why God didn’t send angels for guidance.
27. Some said He is mad or possessed by the devil.
28. They used to insult him by misspelling his name.
29. They called him Mudammam which means ugly.
30. Umm-e-Kulthum and Ruqqyah were married to Utaibah and Utbah, sons of Abu Lahab.
31. They divorced his daughters to hurt him.
32. The prophet was offered wealth and power but he rejected everything.
33. The acceptance of Islam by Hamza (RA) greatly upset the Quraysh
34. They could see honor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) growing.
35. They demanded Banu Hashim not to protect Prophet (PBUH) but Banu Hashim refused.
36. In 7th year of Prophethood, Meccans boycotted Banu Hashim.
37. There was no proper food or shelter for them in the valley.
38. They sometimes ate leaves and boiled water.
39. They stayed there for 3 years.
40. Soon after the lifting of the boycott, Abu Talib and Khadijah passed away.

Exam Question:
Write about the changes in the relationship between the Prophet and the Quraysh in the years between
his marriage to Khadija and the death of Abu Talib.

Good character should not be changed

1. Muslims should develop good qualities and not change their behavior in any situation.
2. People may create difficulties in our life.
3. God looks at how we react in difficult situations and will help if we remain patient.
4. Muslims should learn to be patient in times of difficulty for example when they have lost family
5. The Prophet did not curse people of Taif who had treated him badly.
6. He instead prayed for their guidance.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

7. We should still try to keep good relations even with those who hurt us.
8. One should not get angry and wish bad towards those who insult Islam.
9. They should try to pray to God to guide disbelievers on the right path.

Exam Question:
The Prophet (pbuh) faced challenges in his early years but maintained his good character. How can
Muslims learn from this today? (4)

Preaching Islam Openly & Rejection (opposition) (not very important for exam but still read)

There were four main reasons behind rejection:

1. Religious reasons:
a. Meccans were idol worshipers.
b. They saw their forefather worshipping idols.
c. They said that they did not hear about their forefathers doing such things.
d. They used to question why God would send humans as messengers.
e. Main idols that they worshiped were Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Al-Mannat and Hubal.
2. Social reasons:
a. They were racists and Islam brought equality (every skin color, gender and ethnicity is
b. Many of the things they used to do were not allowed in Islam e.g. drinking, stealing from
others, gambling etc.
c. Islam raised the position of Women which they didn’t want e.g. inheritance (women
inherit ⅛ of their fathers shares)
3. Economic reasons:
a. Makkah was a trade place at that time.
b. The donations from other Arab tribes would stop.
4. Political reasons:
a. The Hashemites and Umayyads were enemies.

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah

b. The rulers knew that if they will accept Muhammad (sw), they have to give up their


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