Historical Foundation of Education

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Report Reflections (Topic: Historical Foundation of Education)

P- ectographs, phonographs , even the logograms provide symbols, presenting their own signs of
explanations included sounds, objects, and also word when it comes in Development of Writing.

Q- uality of Education, base in the Historical Foundation of Education “Education is for all”. Everyone
has an ability to read and write, is often considered one of the primary goals of formal education.

R- esults of punishment in Ancient Education during the BCE. They have a rules when it comes in
Education. * you are not allowed to stand, to speak, and leaving the room without permission. Simple
mistakes turn into harsh punishments.

S- trengthen the professional competence of the teacher. We need to study the historical foundation
of Education, knowing the different aspects of learning both learners and teachers.

T- etrad” known as (the group of compositions) it also classified for students would copy, repeatedly,
memorize, and recite composition.

Prepared by: Cherry Ann Velasco

Group: LT 8

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