The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years 04

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년 만에 환생한 흑마법사


There was no one in the magic world who didn’t know the name
Jamie Welton.

No matter how small the rumors were, he was at least known to be a

genius. And even fandoms were established in his name.

“I didn’t know it was Jamie Welton. I am sorry for not recognizing

The magicians said with a puzzled face.

Jamie shook his head.

“No. it is weird if you recognize me the moment you see me.”

“Haha. But I heard that you are 8 years old this year, and you seem
quite tall. You are one year younger than my son, but taller than him.
I guess this is to be expected from Count Welton’s son.”

“Thanks to my father I guess.”

“This side.”

The magician led him through a maze-like room.

“If you walk all the way down this hall, there will be an exclusive
secretary for the Master, and they will take you.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah. Polite too. Next time, give me an autograph, my daughter is a

huge fan of yours.”

It seemed like she had both a daughter and a son.

Jamie nodded and moved away.

‘This is why people need to become famous.’

Wouldn’t it be nice to have people guide us?

If he wasn’t famous, they would have just told him the directions.
Jamie continued to walk down and as he turned right at the corner,
he found a huge door and a man working in front of it.

The exclusive secretary as mentioned before.

“Who are you?”

The man asked as he got up.

“I am Jamie Welton. I came to see Lord Linmel, is he here?”

“Ah. I met a famous person. An appointment?”


“Then wait here for a moment please.”

The secretary bowed and then approached the huge door and
knocked on it.

“Master. Jamie Welton came to visit. Should I bring him in?”


“Please enter.”

As the secretary looked at Jamie and said it, he raised his hand into
the air.

As mana formed on his palm a green magic circle was drawn in air.

Looked like a security device.

When the magic circle was completed, he put his index finger in the
centre and turned it clockwise. The huge door opened slightly with a
click, and the sound of a lock being released sounded.
“Come in.”

As the secretary opened the door, the inside scene appeared.

Jamie’s eyes widened. It was clearly said that this was an office. But
this place wasn’t like an office.

It was too spacious for an office. It wasn’t just spacious, it was…

right. Like an unorganized library.


The door closed.

When he turned around the secretary hadn't come in.

He looked back and looked around.

“What is all this?”

Numerous bookshelves were arranged, with desks lined up between


A number of books and scrolls scattered on the desk, some of which

were stretched out and put on the floor.

When he got closer and looked, it was all magic books.

It wasn’t known if the contents were organized or not, but all kinds of
theories were written in a mess.

It wasn’t just one or two.

Jamie walked along the red carpet which was stretched open. It was
messy but not too messy.
This was because it was placed for anyone to see. It was when
Jamie looked around curiously.

“Isn’t this a little dirty?”

A voice came from somewhere.

A voice mixed with mana, making it impossible to know the direction.

Marquis Linmel.

Mana manipulation had been applied to the entire space. It wasn't

easy magic.

It was just to show that he had the perfect control of this entire place
in him.

Given that this office belonged to him, it was natural.

“It's a little messy rather than dirty… feels good.”

“Haha. Does Jamie know how to see things?”

This time the voice became clearer.

Jamie turned to the left and there was Linmel with a slightly tired

“You seem busy with research.”

“As you can see, I have been busy these past few days.”

“I apologize for coming here without prior notice.”

“My Jamie is coming, how can I not have time?”

Linmel treated Jamie like his grandson, which made Jamie smile.

Inside he mumbled, ‘How dare he pretend that we are close when

we haven’t met in years?’

“So, what is up?”

“Before that. there are a lot of books here, can I ask what you are

“Oh oh. You probably don’t know that a magician shouldn't be asked
that until the research is published.”

“This is my first time hearing such a thing?”

“Not deceiving you.”

“It won't work on me.”



The two looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

“It is nothing.”

Linmel said after a smile.

“I was studying war magic.”

“…war magic.”
“Yes. You know this well.”

The one thing associated with war in the kingdom.

The war with Zenith which might happen.

Linmel is a high ranking noble of the Seldam Kingdom, and one of

the people with great magic talent. He was in the process of
developing war magic for the possible war, and studied magic books.

“And the opponent is the Zenith church. It won’t be easy. Their God
symbolizes war. I heard that if Zenith Church goes to war, it is when
their victory is guaranteed. What kind of magic must be created to
defeat such people? I am currently contemplating that part.”

Jamie could immediately grasp the meaning of it.

‘The completion of this magic will become a horn which signals the
start of war.’

A super wide area magic which will be a serious blow to the Zenith

There was nothing that came to his mind other than that of magic
that would bring victory of war in one shot.

Sword and magic didn’t match, but the war had already begun.

“Anyway, the progress hasn’t been much, so it is still a pain. Now

that we have talked about me, let’s talk about you too. What did you
come here for?”

“Permission for what?”

“I want to teach a student of mine how to use the whole body

breathing method.

Would that be fine?”

Linmel’s eyes widened.

The whole body breathing method was handed down to Jamie only,
it was Linmel’s own technique.

But when Jamie said that he would pass it to someone, Linmel was a
bit shocked.

“You know what you are saying?”

“That is why I am asking for permission.”

“If I say no…”

“I will teach something else. It would be far less compared to your

method, though.

Such a great method right? Unique in the world.”

Jamie bluntly answered and praised Linmel too.

Linmel coughed and greed.

“Yes. It is hard to find one which is as good as it. Though it would

differ with elves and dragons.”

“She’s a talented child. But, she also is an unfortunate one who lacks
mana. So, if you allow me, I’ll teach her this method.”
“And the child’s name?”

“Ann. Ann Myers.”

“Ann… ah, that girl.”

Linmel snapped his fingers.

As Siegfried said, Ann was once a topic for the elders.

Linmel nodded.

“It was said that she is a girl with an unusual brain. I mean, enough
to understand what she sees at once. I remember Siegfried trying to
voice it out.”

Jamie was slightly surprised to hear Siegfried being vocal about her.
When he talked before, he gave the impression that Ann was a pitiful

“That method will alleviate the lack of mana to some extent.”

“But you do know right? Mana isn’t the only thing lacking.”


“I know she has a nice brain, but she lacks the qualities of a
magician. She is too ordinary. If she learns the method she might be
able to reach the 5th class, but it is a bit of a waste to use such a
great method only for her to reach 5th class.”

In this regard, Linmel was cold.

He took great pride in his method. Handing down to Jamie too was
something he did after much deliberation.
If Ann had been gifted to some extent, he might have stepped ahead
before Jamie even asked.

But Jamie had different thoughts.

“5th class or higher. No. What if I raise her up to be a great



“It is quite possible.”

“Even if you aren’t a great magician, that is too…”

“One can become a great magician at any time.”

Jamie cut off Linmel’s words.

In a moment, silence fell. The two looked at each other and smiled,
but their faces were stiff.

“Jamie. It goes without saying that you are a child with great talent in
the world. But a great magician isn’t some position which is easily

“My explanation was lacking.”

“About what?”

“Magical realisation has been completed. It is just that I don’t like it


At those words, Linmel seemed shocked.

Only a great magician who reached 7th class knew what it meant to
complete a magical realisation.

Because only those who have experienced it can empathize with it.


“It is difficult right now because the state itself isn’t fully matured, but
when the time comes I can become a great magician easily.”

Because he had experience from his past life.

And if he had the magical realisation ‘multi complex three

dimensional magic circle’

was done, he could take the rank of a great magician at any time.

However, it failed once.

So in this life, he was planning to use another method to rise up.

“Right now you… are you suggesting that you are trying to create
another magical realisation?”

“Something like that.”


Even if a magician gave up his life, it was impossible to have a single

realization. And impossible to even think of two in one lifetime.

And an idea that even the dragons won’t be able to do.

“I can do it.”
Arrogant. However, looking at Jamie’s current progress, no one
could take it as a joke.

Linmel was intimidated by a boy who turned 8 this year.

Suddenly, it felt like someone was standing behind Jamie and giving
him confidence.

It felt like some tremendous presence was watching him.

‘Jamie Welton. A child like you… ’

Linmel smiled as it sounded absurd.

However, he didn’t intend to allow the usage of his method so easily.

“An offer.”



The space trembled as Linmel raised mana, the robes which weren’t
washed were now looking new, and the messy hair was cleared.

And when he stretched out his hand, a powerful magic sparked and
an indigo staff


“I would like to have a match here.”

“Huhuhu. It doesn’t mean for one to win. Just make me happy. I will
not consider you as a genius, but as any other magician. Let’s try our

“Marquis you will not go back on your word, right?”

“What do you think of me? I am not a stupid person. And not one to
act like Serpent.”

Linmel too doesn't seem to like Serpent.

Jamie smiled and his left hand gripped Scud and the right hand

The staff called ‘Beyond Avalon’ was summoned from the air.

“Beyond Avalon? How did you…”

“I got it as a present.”

“…that old woman didn’t sell that to me. Haha. Let’s hear the new
story later. And start.”

The space changed as Linmel hit the floor with his staff.

It was a large cube shaped space. Seeing the strong mana on six
sides, it seemed like this place couldn’t be damaged by any attack.

Sshhh- Jamie half pulled out Scud from its sheath and warned with a
happy face.

“Don’t regret this.”

And he started to occupy the space.

[Sea of Hundred.]

All the mana flowing around Jamie revolved.

“It has been a while, so I don’t think I can control my strength.”

The time had come when sword and magic became one.

Linmel was shocked.

All the flow of mana was focused on the boy with fluttering emerald
hair. He knew what this was.

He had seen Count Welton use it.

Was it ‘Sea of Hundred’? Just like it, the feeling of a hundred seas
merging and spreading out was right in front of his eyes.

Compared to Count Welton, Jamie’s was a bit too shabby. But the
difference was expected because the person doing it was different.

But it was surprising. The technique was wonderful enough that no

one other than the Welton family and the most outstanding knights
could learn it. Jamie was short of the Count, but compared to a
knight, Jamie wasn’t the least bit lacking.

He had to be 8?

‘Gifted in swordsmanship. It's natural for him to do this.’

Welton’s bloodline.

The dazzling emerald colored hair was evidence of the strong

inheritance of blood.

From generation to generation, the Welton family produced Sword

Masters. They established them as prestigious people when it came
to Swordsmanship, and were always known to the world.

So Jamie will be the next head of such a family.

How can one not be shocked.

Sword and magic. A child loved by the two forces them to mingle.

“But, that won’t be enough.”

Linmel raised his eyebrows.

This child had grown beyond comparison from when he first saw

Was it a year now?

Meanwhile, Jamie had the great magician in front of him. In other

words, Jamie was lacking now.

And Linmel, an 8th class who was just below the supreme state and
beyond great magicians.

“Let’s see you in action after a long time?”

Linmel moved back and Jamie slammed the ground as he

The mana here existed for him alone. An energy began to flow from
the Scud’s tip.

[4th form of Welton.]

Body acceleration.

Scud was pulled and clenched.

The movement of the sword, the silent thunderbolt exploded like

thousands of them.

Jamie slammed the forefoot right in front of Linmel.

The moment the acceleration stopped, the blade bounced forward

and flew in aiming for Linmel’s neck.


Flashes went off.

Jamie felt a shield bounce off the sword and stretched out his
prepared left hand.

[Doom of the Left.]

The magic which almost broke down the wooden sword of Welton.

Linmel’s eyes widened.

The black light blasted with a roar and smashed the round shield.

Linmel was genuinely surprised. The magic which Jamie used was
only to break the shield. He approached once again knowing the
shield was hit.

‘Did he predict this… ’

Linmel flew up.

Lightning struck the sword and then bounced off the top and was
swept away.

“That looks good, Jamie.”

“Still a long way off.”

He knew that this wasn’t enough to satisfy Linmel.

Jamie lowered his posture and created mana all over his body.



Black which assists with magic, came up. It was a pity that he
couldn’t use black magic, but this seemed like it was enough.

He scratched the sword on the floor. Not once had Jamie tried to
properly mix both sword and magic. So this was going to be his first


The sword bounced off the groove on the floor.

Jamie's new form moved.

Linmel opened his eyes wide and re-deployed the shield again.
Kwaaang! He felt a huge shock on the shield behind him.

No, not just behind him.

Suddenly, appeared ahead and was ready to slash the sword down

The shield seemed like it would crack so it was readjusted.


The sword pierced through the right side and slipped into the shield.

Crack! This time from the left.

Linmel gulped at the cracking sounds from all directions.

Jamie was all around him.

All of the spells Jamie had memorized.

[Magma Blade]

[Plasma Cutter]

[Aero Blast]


Four spells started from the sword.


A huge explosion engulfed Linmel.

And Jamie watched it unfold.

He used clones and teleportation for this.

“Movement Effect.”

When used once, mana consumption increases according to the

number of clones used, however the drawbacks were, the skill was
impossible to block.

Since Explosion was a breaker type magic, even Linmel wouldn’t be

able to easily break it.

“Come out already.”

After the smoke had cleared down for a bit, Jamie spoke and Linmel
appeared as if nothing happened.

At first glance, it looked like he blocked all the attacks, but Jamie

“You couldn’t act back.”

“Ah! Look at this, I was trying to act like it didn’t matter!”

Linmel looked at the back of his robe, the burn on it.

He tried to show that the attacks did nothing to him but regenerated
the burnt clothes.

“If it was completely hidden then I would have been quite


“Ended up making a mistake as I was in a hurry, huhu.”

Linmel came down.

Despite saying it, there were no injuries on him.

‘Even with movement effect, I couldn’t make a single scratch on him.
what can my current skills even do?’

It was a pity that he couldn’t do much, but he didn’t feel resentful.

Because he could catch up to them all.

To say catch up was ridiculous, he was going to head back to his

previous state.

“But, do you want to end this?”

Mana around Linmel began to fluctuate.

“I just wanted to greet you in this way because you were too proud of
your skills.”

He wanted to show Jamie that the gap was still huge.

Expected to break down the arrogance of a child. But fortunately, the

robe was burnt.

And despite trying to get rid of the burn marks, he couldn’t hide them
as the time wasn’t enough.

And because of that, he was caught.

“Jamie. This time, you try to stop.”

The flow of mana occupied by the Sea of Hundred left.

A huge power that was even more terrifying came.

A situation of the strong eating the weak had come.

Linmel was definitely stronger than Jamie now, so he could break
down the mana pool of Jamie any instant.

It could be because he expected Jamie to know his true power. So

Jamie put the sword away, he knew that his current swordsmanship
skills weren’t enough to handle this.

Instead, Beyond Avalon was put in front.

Taken out, but not used till now.

“Finally going to use it?”

“I think so.”

“You are a funny one.”

Beyond Avalon.

The power of this had been confirmed before.

“If you are going to use it, use it without hesitation.”

What was Linmel’s magic going to be?

Jamie was curious as he hadn't shown it till now.

If so, he had to make him show it.

Linmel flicked his right hand.


The floor began to crumble like sand but Jamie didn’t dodge it.
The terrifying level of savage wind engulfed him. It was magic with
power that even a 6th class couldn’t handle.

One could even die.

However, there wasn’t even a slightest agitation in Linmel’s


Instead, he spoke with a smile and asked.

“What are your thoughts?”

“It is nice to be in a warm and cold breeze.”

The place where the ferocious wind had scratched was messy, but
there was no scratch on Jamie’s body.

He led the translucent body forward.

Beyond Avalon. The staff which meant Utopia had the ability to make
the master exist and not exist in reality at the same time.

In other words, Jamie existed in this world, but the body was in
another world.

And the translucent body returned to its original state.

“You can’t seem to stay long.”

“I will get it right within no time.”

“That confidence. So nice to see really.”

Linmel said sarcastically and stretched his arms outwards.

The floor was lifted and Jamie’s tiny body soared.

“This one will hurt.”

“Let’s see about that.”

The sword passed by Linmel’s ear.

Linmel looked at Scud which barely passed from the side of his face.

Jamie was mid-air but the attack came from behind.

The magic he did a moment ago.

“It seems like you want to see my best.”

“Please show me.”

Swords came up from all directions.

Getting through it would be fun.

Linmel opened his eyes wide to check the clouds.

He placed a hand on the ground to create a magic circle.

“Ideological Collapse.”

The space collapsed in cube shapes.

Jamie saw the vast amount of Mana which was concentrated on


“If the junior wants to see it so much, then there is nothing a senior
can do but show it.”
Linmel raised his hand up.

“The realization I have gained isn’t from natural disasters like raging
fire, lightning bolts, and hail.”

Jamie didn’t even know why he was smiling in such a situation.

Something big was going to come.

“Still, a big shock will come, so be prepared.”


He clapped his hands and there was a sound.


But nothing changed.

It was the moment Jamie realized it.


A strange sense of discomfort. It didn’t take him long to realize the

true nature of the discomfort.


Jamie admired the changes in the world that his five senses couldn’t
feel The magical realization Linmel obtained was—

[Cognitive Dissonance.]

The skin was hot.

Jamie turned his head to the side, a huge mass of ice flying towards
He thought it was a flame.

Jamie swung the staff to summon flame.

Dududk! The ice cracked and this time came the lightning!


A shield was created by crossing the sword and staff.

As lightning struck the thin shield, fire erupted and chill rushed into
his body.

It was only then he realized that clue which Linmel threw in.

‘Not a natural disaster.’

Hail, ice, lightning, flames.

On the surface it was a disaster, but this was a psychic magic that
invaded the brain.

So meticulously constructed that one couldn’t even imagine it


If one wasn’t an expert in the spiritual world, one would struggle to

survive in these kinds of situations and die without knowing what

‘The problem is that I have to struggle even if I know!’

Explosions from all sides, heavy rain and lightning from above. The
ground cracked with lava gushing out.

Jamie tried to break free from Linmel’s bondage which manipulated

his mind, but Linmel’s magic was completed through realization.

And with Jamie’s current skills it was impossible.

‘Then… ’

Jamie began to release a hazy mist all over his body. So that no one
could see what was happening.

Yet, all sorts of disasters were breaking in.

And it came.


If he can’t solve it, and then swallow it.

‘Black. Control the black mana.’

If he openly used black magic suspicion would rise.

So, excluding that, Leviathan was released in the form of a white

magic. The predation power will decrease but it was fine.

The mist cleared, and fifty thousand calamities swallowed Jamie

from above and below.

There, Jamie did his sword dance.

[Welton’s form 1 to 10.]

With the Sea of Hundreds open, he could move more freely than

‘Mana will be eaten.’

A disaster is simply the delirium of a disorganized mind.

He was going to swallow the mana of Linmel, the source of this.

With that thought alone, he began to absorb the mana covered

around him.

And then a faint light began to flow through Scud’s blade.

Linmel looked at Jamie.

His magical realization ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ touches all the

senses of the subject, causing them to see powerful hallucinations.

Despite the calm face, there must have been a fierce battle on the

Even if he understood it, he wouldn’t be able to cope.

It would be impossible to escape it unless the opponent was superior

to him.

Even if they were good, they would have to do a lot of work for it to

“And you would die if you tried, Jamie Welton.”

If he can’t get rid of the hallucinations, he would feel like he was
dying multiple times.

Linmel could already do that to Jamie.

This magical realization was obtained to defeat a Sword Master. This

was a secret technique to show that the magicians who were treated
as weak by swordsmen, weren’t weak.

“I need to do this to you.”

If left like this, even Jamie would suffer mental damage. The world
wouldn’t forgive Linmel if he hurt Jamie, the treasure of Seldam in a
mere spar.

And before that, Count Welton might decapitate him.

“Your father is a scary man.”

Linmel said with a smile and raised his hand.

It was a moment to adjust the mana of the magic.


Jamie’s tiny body shook once, sending over a shockwave to the


White dust floated in the air.

At that moment, the mana around him began to get absorbed by

Jamie, or more precisely, the sword and staff in both hands.

“That kid, what is…?”

He stopped and watched Jamie.

Something was about to change around Jamie, he wasn’t sure what

the change was but seeing that, Linmel knew that he would see it till
the end even if didn’t want to.

Mana swirled.

Mana which was being absorbed. At that moment, a black light

appeared on Jamie’s skin.

It was Leviathan. However, since the black mana was drained,

Linmel’s could only consider it as a strange power.

At that moment, Jamie raised both hands and crossed the sword and
staff. And lowered the sword in a straight line.


Linmel saw a huge ball of fire falling over his head.

The earth cracked and lava rose.

Thunderbolt fell and a gust of wind raged.

And he laughed.

All sorts of disasters were engulfing him.

Jamie had a strange experience.

At first, he was planning to return to reality by absorbing all the mana

with Leviathan.
He wasn’t sure if it would even work or not, but he thought of trying,
so he danced the sword dance. Following the Sea of Hundred, he
somehow drew the mana towards him.

From then came the strange experience.

The first was Scud, with his dimly opened eyes, he followed the trail
of the sword.

The tangled disaster seemed to be cut down like paper.

Next was Beyond Avalon. The staff poured the mana absorbed into
the superficial world. And the illusion began to be sucked into Jamie.

At first, he was thinking of only absorbing the mana, but Linmel’s

entire magic was targeted.

‘What is this… ’

Something unexpected happened.

Scud’s sword blade fluttered in rainbow colors.

As soon as he saw it, he knew. This was Linmel’s magical realization

‘Cognitive Dissonance’.

‘But how is this?’

The great magician’s magical realization was assimilated with his


Jamie smiled.

He wasn’t sure what happened, but Jamie decided to accept it and

crossed his

Both resonated.

And Scud was lowered in a straight line. All illusions were shattered
and reality was revealed.

Linmel clearly looked shocked. The illusion which was slashed was
shot back to its master.

When Jamie looked at the sword, the light had disappeared.

“What did you do?”

Linmel asked.

It must have been an illusion that evoked the illusion of all senses,
and he stood there as if nothing had happened.

“I didn’t know you could reverse the illusion in five senses.”

He spoke bluntly, unable to hide the faint emotional change in his


Linmel was in a state of shock and it was difficult to accept the reality

Jamie looked at Scud and Beyond Avalon and then put them both
into the subspace.

“I don’t know either. At first, I only thought of absorbing mana with

the intention of dispelling the hallucination, but at some point, the
weapon turned into one with Marquis’s power.”

“…into one.”
“I don’t know the full theory. I think I should go and do more analysis
on this.”

“Huh. A coincidence?”


It meant that what happened wasn’t intentional.

‘But if I let this go, it’ll be a waste.’

Jamie saw this as a new path. He wasn’t sure, but it felt like he could
have a clue.

‘Maybe, maybe this is my new… ’

It hasn't been confirmed yet.

Because people didn’t know how things would turn out.

But the power he saw and witnessed.

Such power didn’t exist anywhere.

It’s because he took the opponent’s power and gave it back.

The problem was that it depended on the strength of the opponent.

Jamie smiled.

He thought he was just learning swordsmanship, but now he had a

new weapon.

Jamie thought,
“Marquis. So, how was it?”

Linmel laughed bitterly at that question.

This was supposed to be a lighthearted situation, but it wasn’t so

light anymore.

He had no intention of going back on what he said.

“It was good. I give you the control of the Whole Body breathing

“Thank you.”

Jamie smiled.

“Did you see everything?”


Linmel looked at Raymon, the 4th elder who was unable to take his
eyes off the crystal ball.

Currently, the two were trying to create magic for the war which
might come. And then Jamie showed up, so Raymon decided to
watch it from behind.

“I wish I could tell you how I felt…”

Raymon looked at Linmel.

He sighed and then chuckled as if he wanted to say something.

“Shocking. I never thought that sword and magic could be so

The attack from Jamie wasn’t an attack from a magician swordsmen

for the sake of attacking.

Magician swordsmen treated swords like magic tools. Throwing

fireballs or putting fire on a sword.

It was just a substitute to aura which they can’t use. There were only
a handful of people who could use both magic and swords.

Yet, their status would be ambiguous, and in practice, they wouldn’t

show much result.

But Jamie was different. When he first teleported and aimed for
Linmel, the attack was nothing short of an assassin's technique.

If the opponent wasn’t Linmel, they would have died. But Jamie
seemed aware of that.

After creating a clone, he fired a blow mixed with powerful magic

from all four directions. It wasn’t enough that Linmel’s shield was
shattered but even the back of his robe was burned.

What followed was even more shocking. Linmel’s magic realization

was well known to Raymon. The absolute hallucination which was
impossible to escape from.

He made that his own. Although it was temporary, it was even sent
back to the caster.

“Jamie, just what kind of existence is this child?”

“The eldest child of the Welton family.”

“I didn’t mean that. This child, is he really a child?”

Raymon thought Jamie wasn’t human.

Dragon or high elf.

He had talent which couldn’t be explained unless he was a child of

those two races.

In addition, the swordsmanship he saw was small, but it was still

unusual for a child his age.

“Do you think humans can be born with so many skills?”



“What is that supposed to mean?”

“The very existence of Jamie Welton seems artificial. Like a

superhuman as if he was made for ‘something’, like that!”

Raymon spoke to Linmel who was wide-eyed.

“And you, you must know what this means.”


“Right. Jamie Welton is the one who came down to save humans,
those who are at the bottom of the world!”
“Don’t say anymore. There are ears everywhere.”

“To abolish the Zenith Church. Right. The start will be the Zenith
Church. Jamie Welton has the power to destroy the Zenith Church.
He will definitely grow within the coming 10 years.”

“Hold back your reins! The people of 12 Gods exist everywhere, and
right now Jamie is a saint of Pyro.”

“That is the only thing I don’t understand. Why did the Goddess
make Jamie Welton into her saint? What is she aiming for? Did she
realize that he is the savior of humans…?”

“Just guesses. Rather, hold yourself. Your face is turning red.

Haven't you broken out of that habit, yet?”

Raymon let out a short breath and Linmel pointed it out.

“Phew- sorry, It was shocking.”

“Aren't you more excited than the party involved? I had my magical
realization shot back at me.”

He was able to control the power. He thought even if it was Jamie,

he would be a little hurt.

Even so, Linmel’s self esteem hurt as his attack was reflected back.

‘On the one hand, it gives us hope.’

Raymon was right.

Jamie wasn’t an ordinary kid and he knew it.

A being with absurd power, as if he appeared for the present


That was Jamie Welton.

“Let’s keep watching him. There is still time to spare.”

“Those bastards of Zenith Church. Let’s see how long they can

The two great magicians' faces hardened as they recalled a common


Linmel gave permission to use the Whole Body breathing method.

It was unknown how far it will help Ann grow. If it didn’t work, he was
thinking of giving up.

For those with no qualification, the Whole Body breathing method

was just a little hope.

However, he was going to do his best as he promised Linmel. Ann

must do her best too.

“This is a challenge for me too.”

In the past, Diablo Volfir was an excellent teacher.

All the disciples he taught turned into amazing magicians. Those

were happy days.

He remembered the time when his disciples brought and introduced

their disciples to him.

A child he taught would bring in their own students.

That was how it went. Even if they didn’t share a bond, the education
they imparted created a bond as strong as that of a family.
It all ended in ruins, but Jamie was determined to do it again.

That was Jamie and Diablo Volfir’s education system.

‘Prevent that from happening again.’

Become much stronger than the previous life.

Transcend the phases of the 12 Gods so nothing happens the same

way it did in the past.

Even if it was just Ann, he would do his best.

It was when Jamie was walking along thinking of how to teach.



He turned and looked at the red haired boy, Lennon.

Jamie frowned and strode towards him.


“W-why are you coming at me like that?”

“Why is this child acting rude to his teacher??”


Jamie walked up to Lennon and flicked his forehead.

Lennon’s head was hurt because of the mana used.

It seemed quite painful that he was shaking his head.

Jamie looked at Lennon and said.

“In the past we were the same age, but now I am your teacher and
you refer to me as




Jamie reached out to hit him again but Lennon covered his forehead
and with a hurt expression, he apologized.

“Sorry sir.”

“Next time you call your teacher like that, it won’t end with a
nightmare. You remember that time, right?”

Lennon gulped at it. It was because of his memories of being thrown

into an abyss by Jamie.

Lennon nodded.

“So, why did you call me?”

“That… I heard you are teaching Ann Myers magic.”

“I don’t remember telling anyone?”

“I was passing by and overhead that.”

“Don’t spew nonsense. Do you think I don’t know your character?”

“…I heard it from a student who was passing.”

To be precise, it was a student who was passing who wanted to be in

Lennon’s good graces that told him.

Lennon had quite a few followers in here, all people who wanted a
connection with the Simon family.

“Bastard, are you trying to build your own power? How long have
you been here?”

“N-No, I didn’t! They come up to me and say stuff like that. I mean it!”

In the past he would have appreciated this, but after being hurt by
Jamie, he stopped thinking about such things.

“So, are you really going to teach Ann?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Teach me too!”


Jamie frowned at Lennon’s sudden remarks.

“You have the Count with you.”

“I-It has nothing to do with father.”

Lennon spoke as he flinched.

“I know everything. You are planning to pass on that mysterious

breathing technique, right? Please tell me! I don’t want to lose to

“How dare you raise your voice in front of a teacher?”

Lennon screamed and moved a step back seeing Jamie ready to hit

And Jamie smiled.

‘He feels inferior to Ann.’

A few days back, Ann came to ask about the magic circle. And
Lennon himself saw how she managed to recreate the three
dimensional magic circle in one try.

It must have been since then. He began to harbor a sense of

inferiority to Ann’s brain.

‘What is this?’

Rivals are needed for growth.

Lennon will be a good rival for Ann. And that would work the other
way too.

Lennon had great talent. He couldn’t be compared with Jamie or

Siegfried, but he would surely become a great magician if he grew

“Please! I want to be strong!”

Lennon asked earnestly.

Seeing Ann’s talent, he didn’t want to fall back. It didn’t matter that
Ann wasn’t born with talent in magic.

She had enough brains to do something and handle what she


Lennon was ahead of her at the moment, but who knew what would
happen after this moment passed?

And what if Jamie became her personal teacher?

‘Reversal in an instant.’

He didn’t want to feel like that. So if Ann learned something, he

should too!

So Lennon approached Jamie with that thought.

Of course, the choice was up to Jaime. Lennon looked at him


Scratching his chin, Jamie thought.


Lennon was talented.

Although his mind was a bit twisted and his talent wasn’t touched
until now, he was still a fast growing child for someone who only
recently began to learn magic in earnest.

And if he takes someone like him as a disciple, it would be amazing.

And if he was going to take Ann, adding another person shouldn’t be
a problem.

And if it was Lennon, he could handle tougher training too, so

wouldn’t it relieve stress for Jamie?

However, the problem was his father, Count Simon.

Jamie made a decision.

“That isn’t for me to decide.”


“Come with the Count's permission first. Your teacher is Count. But
for me, teaching you would be like ignoring him. To be honest, didn’t
you think that I would be disrespectful to the Count if you say
something like this?”


Lennon didn’t answer.

Because Jamie’s words were right.

Blinded by jealousy, he acted on a whim. He didn’t think that what he

wanted to do would undermine his father.

“I will come with my father’s permission, wait a little longer for me.”

Saying that Lennon left.

‘Funny one.’
He wasn’t saying that he would give up. It was definite that he didn’t
want to be pushed by Ann.

“The teaching from Count should be enough. But teaching is a

different matter.”

Count Simon was a strong magician, but he never had a disciple

under him.

It wasn't certain but Lennon had to be his first disciple, so Jamie

didn’t expect Count Simon to teach well.

“I need to go back and think about how my teaching should be.”

Jamie went straight to his home.

Lennon looked at the five-story building nervously. This was Count

Simon’s lab.

It was a lab, but he heard that his father practically lived there.

He came here after hearing from Jamie that his father’s permission
was needed, but his steps didn’t move fast.

‘What if he doesn’t give permission?’

Permission wasn’t the problem.

He might get angry. Be called an ungrateful child and could be

thrown out of the family.

This was greatly exaggerated but for Lennon his father might surely
do that!
But he wanted to learn the mana method from Jamie. There are
things he hated, and being left behind by Ann was on the top of it,
and he wanted to know this new breathing method.

He was sure that he would rise to a higher level by just learning it.

‘Will he throw me out?’


Despite all that, he was still the son.

No… since there were two children, abandoning one wouldn’t be a

problem right?

Still, he was better than his older brother so that wouldn’t happen.

However, if his request went beyond line, then Count Simon wouldn’t
think of such things.

All kinds of delusions were running around his mind.

“What made you come here?”

At that moment, he heard a familiar voice from behind.

Lennon flinched and looked back.

There was a middle-aged man.


Count Simon.
He asked his second son who came all the way here.

“I asked what made you come here.”

The Count didn’t like to repeat the same things over and over again.

Lennon knew it too, despite being shocked he decided to answer

and hurriedly spoke.

“I-I have something to ask, father.”



Lennon was always withdrawn in front of his father.

Count Simon didn’t like that, but he knew the reason, so he didn’t
bother pointing it out.

“Follow me.”

Count Simon passed Lennon and entered the building.

Lennon followed slowly.

Count Simon held no other positions except for the elder in the
Magic world.

The reasons were varied, but the main reason was that he didn’t get
too caught up in such things.

In fact, if he could have given up the elder position, he would have

done that too.
But it was the King’s order. So he was forced to take it.

“Had a nice trip, Count? And your son.”

Count Simon was headed upstairs when a magician approached him

politely and greeted the boy.

The Count called out the magician’s name.

“Mion. Bring tea to my office.”

“…I am not a servant.”

“If you don’t like it, leave my lab.”

“It will be there in a minute.”

The magician called Mion went to make tea with tears in eyes.

The Count looked back and asked lennon.

“What did you feel about him?”

“…he might look young, but has a high level of skill.”

“He turned 30 this year. 5th class and on the verge of hitting 6th

6th class at 30.

Lennon’s eyes widened. He was a 3rd class at the age 9, but from
this time on, he knew that the growth wouldn’t be too high.

Lennon too would stay in the 3rd class for quite a while and even if
he gets to 4th class, he didn’t think that he would take so long to
reach the 5th class.
Nevertheless, he grew with the sound of him being a genius, so how
talented was this guy called Mion?

“But the world scoffs saying that isn’t a big deal. Even with being a
7th elder, I am about the same age as him.”

Mion didn’t have unusual talent, but Siegfried was young and already
an elder.

Mion’s talent didn’t seem that great to the world.

“And Jamie Welton makes even Sigfried seem trivial.”


“Do you understand what I am saying?”


Count Simon continued walking up.

“I am saying this because I think I know why you are here. I am not
saying that you shouldn’t be greedy for talents greater than you. I am
the kind of person who thinks jealousy and inferiority make people
stronger. In fact, I too lived with such a mindset.


The Count turned back to his son and said,

“You shouldn’t get too caught up in it. With a monster at that.”

“…I have a friend in class who understands what is seen at once.”

The word ‘friend’ didn’t sound right, but he couldn’t call her ‘that one’.

“It is heartbreaking to see more talent than me at the academy that I

thought was nothing. I maybe be stronger, but I can’t sleep when I
imagine that at some point they will be standing next to me. I want to
win. I want to move so far that they can’t even follow my tail.”

The Count seemed slightly surprised at Lennon’s words.

He was a child who didn’t show much emotions apart from fear
because of his fear of his father.

Even during those brief teaching sessions, Lennon practiced quietly.

Even though it was difficult, he constantly clung to magic.

He knew the reason. It was because he wanted to show his father

that he was good.

But what about now?

‘He is expressing his feelings in front of me.’

That would mean that the child Lennon is talking about is that great.

A smile formed on his lips.

He didn’t realize it. Count Simon smiled and turned.

Arriving at the office, he sat down and suggested his son sit on the
other side of the table.

“Sit. So why did you come?”

“That… well… it was…”

“Speak out like a man.”

Lennon summoned courage and looked at his father.

It took a lot of courage for Lennon. Clenching his chin, he took a

deep breath and bit his teeth.

And said,

“I want to learn magic from Jamie Welton. I came here thinking that
asking my father for permission was the first priority.”

Upon hearing that, Count Simon’s expression hardened terribly.

“Black. Do you think Count Simon will give permission?”


Jamie had summoned Black to think about the Whole Body

breathing technique.

The ability to move freely while using the full body breathing
technique was possible for Jamie because of Black.

So no one else could do it.

It could work if the others had a familiar like Black, but it was
impossible for a human to handle this.

If it exists, it must have been created by a dragon or high elf.

“You don’t think he’ll allow it? Why?”

“You think he is cold-hearted?! Do you think he’ll act like that to his


“Rather, wouldn’t it be nice if he wasn’t removed from the family?”

Jamie was shocked by Black’s words.

Even in his eyes, Count Simon was someone who was quite cold

Still, he was also a gentleman.


“Isn’t it more like a choice?”

A person who is kind to those who are the same level as him, but
would mercilessly throw people away if he thinks they are inferior.

Jamie was somewhat of the same thought as Black.

“But I have a different opinion.”


“Maybe he will.”

It wasn’t certain.

It was because Count Simon was someone who was difficult to

analyze. And the Count was someone who taught Lennon.
He was letting his son be here because there was potential in him.

“As you said, Count Simon is a man with a twisted sense of choice,
but that’s why he will allow it.”


Black shook its head.

“Right? Count Simon is the family head. Lennon’s request will hurt
the pride, but that means that if Lennon has skills worthy of the head,
he’ll be satisfied.”

So Lennon will come back with Count Simon’s permission.

If not, no.

Lennon was terrified of the change on his father’s face. He never

expected his father to make such a face.

As expected it would be a no. Any father with pride wouldn’t allow it.

He was going to have to bang his head on the table and say sorry.
He would have to do something before the mood turned sour.


“Did you ask that child to teach you first?”

But the words from Count Simon weren’t what he was expecting.

“Did you first bow down to him and ask?”

“…yes. I was the one who asked him to teach.”

“You are saying you don’t have pride?”

The Count had an interesting expression on.

He rubbed his stubble and smiled. Lennon was a proud child and it
was something he confirmed with his own eyes while teaching him.

But he bowed and asked someone, that too Jamie Welton who
humiliated him in the past.

If it was the old Lennon, this would have been unimaginable.

‘He doesn’t seem angry?’

Lennon, unable to understand his father's thoughts, was still worried.

Because the Count’s face was still stiff.

Lennon spoke cautiously.

“…if it makes you uncomfortable, I won’t do it.”


The Count tilted his head at the sudden words from his son.

“Aren’t you angry that I asked Jamie Welton to teach me?”

“Angry? Me?”
Lennon nodded.

Count Simon didn’t understand. What made him think that?

Then he remembered what Mion said.

-Count’s face gets really scary when it looks surprised. Loosen up

your facial muscles.

He was shocked once in the past when he discovered a new form of

magic and Mion, who saw it, was afraid.

The Count summoned a mirror.

Lennon flinched at the sudden action, but the Count didn’t care and
looked at his face in the mirror.

‘I do look terrifying.’

Not once had anyone said that to him, so he didn’t know.

Count Simon pushed the mirror and said to his son.

“There is nothing I am uncomfortable about. I am just a little

surprised by your

actions, don’t be afraid.”


“It is just that I am not used to showing emotions to someone. But

there is nothing I am angry about.”
Lennon was genuinely surprised. He never thought that his father
would explain it to him like that.

He was also self-centered which created room for

misunderstandings. However, not once did his father shout on

However, he was caring in his own way.

For his sons. To be honest, this was something which never

happened in his life.

Lennon was in a state of shock because he grew up seeing his

father always rush out of home.

And Count Simon said to him.

“I allow it. You can learn from Jamie Welton.”

And Lennon felt amazed by that.


“Yes. But, make sure not to tarnish the name of the Simon family.


Lennon replied with a broad smile.

Lennon wasn’t acting like his age because of the cold and strict
atmosphere in the family, but still a few childish things would pop up.

Like right now.

‘I was feeling a bit bad that the relation with the Welton family
degraded because of the past incident, but with this, things might go
back to normal.’
Of course, to Count Simon who was a noble to the bone, the status
of his family was still more important than his son.

But he didn’t want to say that out loud in front of his happy son.

“Now go. Your father has a lot to do.”

“Yes, yes! Thank you! I will work hard! And not tarnish the family

“Work hard.”

A smile bloomed on Lennon’s face.

And he answered.


Somehow, it felt like he was getting closer to his father.

Late in the evening, Lennon went to Jamie's home.

With a face so full of joy that one wouldn’t have to ask why he came.

“The Count gave you permission.”

“Yes. Now accept me as your disciple.”

Lennon bowed his head.

It wasn’t an easy thing for a guy with self-esteem to bow like that.

Jamie, who realized that the child had changed since the last time,
“It won’t be much. After classes, come to my place with Ann.”


Lennon answered.

It was quite weird to see him respond so brightly, but Jamie believed
that children were meant to be like this.

Although noble children were expected to act maturely, they still had
innocence in them.

This was because they received all manners and character

education from a young age. Occasionally, they would be given
freedom, but most parents were the problem.

Well, at least Lennon was acting like a child.

And Jamie, who was thinking that, was one year younger than

“My class will be difficult. You get what I mean?”

“To become a son father isn’t ashamed of, I need to grow much
stronger than now. So I will do anything.”

“Confidence is good. But if you can’t follow me, I’ll abandon you right
away. Ann Myers is no exception either. You need to prove

“I will do that!”

“Okay. Now go. I have something to do.”

Jamie was about to turn away when Lennon called for him.

“Jamie Welton.”

“This child is calling a teacher by their name…”

Jamie stopped.

It was because Lennon’s face was much more serious than usual.
He was nervous and clenching his trembling fist.

“I bowed down now, but one day I will catch up to you. So right now,
enjoy this moment! Bye!”

Lennon ran out the moment he said that.

Jamie, who stared at that, grinned.

“I think serving the peers as a teacher is a good motivator. Right?”


Black who was hiding in the shadows, came out and answered.

“…still, for calling a teacher by their name, I am going to give him a

taste of hellish training.”

Jamie was a man who held grudges. And he made sure to pay it all

“More… I said more.”

A man sat down in the dark alley and reached out his hand
desperately to someone.
Bloodshot eyes, pale skin and sunken cheeks, nothing seemed

“G-give me medicine, give me.”

“The side effects seem quite severe.”

A man wearing a large robe stood in front of such a man.

The man in the robe looked at the crawling man with an indifferent
expression. A person looking at a drug addict. A person who looked
like a zombie.

“Blood vessels have ruptured and the heart seems useless.”

“Medicine… please…”

The man grabbed the ankle of the man in the robe.

The tremors from the hand said that the condition was more horrible
than what could be seen.

But the man in the robe shook his ankle and kicked the man to the


The man lacked the strength to scream.

The man in the robe looked at the vial in his hand. A drug which
didn’t even have a label.

The man ahead had taken this for an entire month without skipping a
“The response in the first week was satisfactory.”

The first week of taking it, the man in front of him had a 1.5 times
increase in mana, his muscle mass had increased and he had a rise
in concentration too.

However, from the moment he entered the second week, the man’s
condition began to deteriorate rapidly.

The mana core in his heart shrank, the flow of mana seemed
messed up. The muscles became like a deflated balloon.

And the intelligence dropped more than expected.

Fortunately, with the drug it would work, but the effect only lasted for
2 hours.

“The doctor will be disappointed. He had high expectations for EX.”

The man in the robe smiled bitterly.

The man on the floor crawled and kept repeating his words like a
trained parrot asking for medicine.

He squatted and asked the weak man.

“Want to drink this?”

“Please, please give it.”

He rubbed his hands and begged. It seemed like he abandoned his


Without it, it felt like he would die, so he kept begging.

The man in the robe smiled and shook his head.

“But I can’t, not to trash like you.”

“Ahh… please. I will do what…”

“What can trash like you even do? Still, you were of use. You did
distribute the X

directly to the students. Really what is expected from trash.”

Having said that, he laughed and got up.

He kicked the man who was trying to get close.

“Prepare to hear complaints of the disciples from other places,




His head exploded.

The man in the robe smiled at the splattered blood. Killing people
was such a thrilling thing. Especially when the head was crushed like
tofu, the pleasure of seeing it was several times more.

“Ah. And this.”

He tucked the vial into the robe wiping off the blood from his shoes.

The corpses will be cleared by other people.

The man in the robe leaned against the wall and took out a cigarette
and put it in his mouth.

He didn’t know magic so he used a matchstick.

“But, this city is boring.”

It was hard to believe that this was the most magical city in the

‘Maybe that is why the darkness is more deeply rooted.’

The man in the robe liked this place.

From the outside it was a bright city with the innocence and passion
of the magicians here.

What was even more interesting was that this was also a place
where evil deeds started.

“Living is so fun these days.”

A very big event was going to happen here.

Just the thought of it made the man in the robe feel happy.

The world is most beautiful when it is in darkness. He wanted a

world where someone’s screams, tears and pain were mixed.

“You don’t think so?”

The man in a robe asked, looking at the person standing at the

entrance of the alley.

A person also hid their face in a similar robe.

Without answering, he walked to the corpse and looked at the other

man. He didn’t know what the expression was because of the robe
and asked.
“Do you have anything to say?”

“Didn’t I kill him cleanly?”

“This doesn’t fit the requirement. What if a colleague…”


The man in the robe stopped him.

He knew that a battle with the other one would be a slaughtering


‘It isn’t time yet.’

A red blood stream flowed from inside the robe.

The man in robe chuckled as he threw away the cigarette.

“I will go first.”

With that he soared into the air.

The other one frowned when he disappeared. And without a word

looked at the corpse.

“No beauty in this at all.”

In a dry voice.
The academy teachers gathered with serious expressions waiting for

“Sir Silver hasn’t come?”

“Uh… he isn’t the kind to be late.”

“He seemed to be in a bad mood lately. Maybe he is sick?”

“He would inform us if that was the case.”

“I can't contact him.”

Silver Blanc.

A homeroom teacher for the elementary level Beta in Phoenix

Academy, a cheerful and healthy man.

He was close to all the staff so it was natural that they were worried
because of his sudden absence.

“Does anyone know where he lives? Didn’t you drink a lot with him
after classes?”

“We did but I don’t know the address. We never drank till we were

Magicians don’t drink too much.

Because alcohol messes up with memory. And memory was

important to magicians, and they wouldn’t do things which would
deteriorate their memories.

Because of that, even if they drank, it would only be until they felt
And the door opened and a little boy, Jamie entered while rubbing
his eyes.

“Ahh~ good morning.”

Jamie went to his seat.

One of the teachers called him.

“Mr. Jamie. Did you see Mr. Silver yesterday?”

“Mr. Silver?”

Jamie didn’t remember most people, but he remembered this one


It was because he had spoken to him a few times. And he seemed

like a very kind person.

“No. I didn’t see him.”

“Well. He couldn’t have been with you.”

“Did something happen?”

One of the teachers explained.

“He didn’t even contact?”

“Yes. I tried calling, but he didn’t accept it.”

Sophia with her blue wavy hair responded and sighed.

“Something bad didn’t happen right?”

“It can’t be that. He just had to be tired.”

“Did Mr. Silver have class today?”

“Fortunately, no.”

“Then Miss Sophia can go to the beta class for today.”

“Yes yes.”

Although they were worried, they had an obligation to the academy,

so they have to fill the vacancy.

“What are you all gathered here for?”

The door opened and Javelin entered.

He approached them with a smile.

The teacher who explained to Jamie, explained again.

“Is Mr. Silver sick?”

“I don’t know.”

“I will go see him. I will go find his address.”

Since Javelin would take the position as acting principal, finding an

address wouldn’t be tough.

“As expected! So reassured by our acting principal!”

“It is fine.”

When Javelin solved the problem, everyone cheered for him.

“W-what is with you all acting like this. Of course I need to do this.”

“We've been worried for an hour.”

“We can go to class at ease now.”

Javelin was a reliable man for not just the students but teachers too.

Everytime Jamie saw Javelin, he thought that he was a difficult-to-

understand person, but he also knew that giving someone so much
trust wasn’t easy.

Which meant he had to be a good man.

“Anyway, I’ll tell you after I find out.”

A large problem was resolved so Jamie headed to his seat.

He put down his bag, took off the tie around his neck and leaned
back on the chair.

The door opened with a knock and Ann entered while looking around
and found the spot.

“Ann. Over here.”

“Ah! Good morning.

Ann greeted the other teachers too as she walked towards Jamie.

“You came.”

Yesterday, he met Ann on the way and talked to her and asked to
drop by the teacher’s room in the morning.

Jamie looked at Ann.

A 10 year girl with her mouth shut as she was nervous, but eyes full
of life.

It was the eyes which changed Jamie’s mind.

Jamie nodded with a smile.

“Come to my teacher’s house after class today.”

“H-home? I don’t know where.”

“Lennon knows.”


“Right. Lennon is also taking classes from me.”

At that, Ann’s expression wrinkled.

He knew without even asking.

Just yesterday he heard what Ann thought of Lennon.

“Why? Any complaints?”

“No, but…”

Muffled words.

Jamie would have been disappointed if he heard a stiff answer.

Jamie saw a bit of anger on Ann’s face. Ann’s envy and jealousy
towards Lennon won’t be resolved in just one day.

Ann still had a strong sense of inferiority towards Lennon.

So he accepted Lennon too.

He felt bad to take Lennon in on that thought, but he hoped that his
presence would be a catalyst for Ann.

“Then good. Come with Lennon. And know this.”


“You two aren’t my disciples yet. Only when you pass the test will
you be my disciples.”


“Right, so work hard, or it could be only you or Lennon. Both may

remain, or both may fall.”

The sound of Ann gulping could be heard.

“Please don’t miss the chance.”

“I-I’ll do my best!”

When Ann answered loudly, all the teachers looked their way. Ann
quickly covered her mouth and bowed in their direction.

It was quite remarkable to see her white skin turn red.

Jamie smiled and waved to Ann.

“Now go and get ready for class.”

“Yes. I’ll see you later.”

Ann nodded and walked out.

It seemed like there was too much motivation for her.

‘Ann needs stimulation.’

And in order to raise the magical talent she lacked, the emotional
part had to be tapped.

And Lennon might be the right one for her.

“Are you going to make that child your disciple?”

“Ah! You shocked me!”

Jamie almost fell back at the sudden words from Keniac.

The gloomy man suddenly appeared with no sign.

“Give me a sign before you come! Please! I thought my heart was

going to fall.”

“I am sorry. It looked like you were too deep in thought so I didn’t

care much about it.”

“…but, what is going on?”

“I guess you were too shocked to hear. I asked if you were taking
Ann as a disciple.”
Jamie felt uncomfortable talking about this to Keniac.

This was because they were talking for the first time, only after the
first magic circle class was done.

He knew that Keniac respected him after the class, but Jamie was
more comfortable with arrogant ones.

“I am still thinking about it.”

“Are you interested?”

“It is because I am interested that I am thinking if I should take her in

or not. Why?”

Keniac stared at Jamie and lowered his head and spoke quietly only
for his ears.

“Don’t be interested.”

“I think you should explain more about what you mea…”

“Don’t ask. Just keep it in mind.”

Keniac began to head back.

“…I don’t want to see a great talent fall down so quickly. Don’t ignore
the words.”

With that, Keniac left to teach.

Jamie, who looked at that, frowned.

‘What was that?’

Didn’t this mean that Ann was dangerous?

Ann was a genius with the talent of a scholar, but her family was

He did a little research about her and her family and how she grew
up. And Jamie couldn’t find anything problematic in it.

So Keniac's warning didn’t make sense.

‘More than anything… when I talked about Ann to Siegfried, I didn’t

hear any warning.’

Of course, Siegfried was the principal so he might not have known

everything considering how he worked.

So he would have to look into the matter separately.

Ding! Dong! Dang!

The class bell rang.

Jamie got up as he decided to think about it later.

When Ann returned to class, she ran into Lennon at the entrance.

The two stared at each other without a word.



Both snorted at the other. But Ann felt bad.

Looking back. Lennon was staring at her terrifyingly. After a brief

night, Lennon snorted and looked away.
‘Just why?’

Ann couldn’t understand why Lennnon who was amazing in magic,

was acting like this towards her. In addition, the Simon family was
known to have excellent magicians.

And his father was an elder in the Magic world. Having such a great
father, why did he have to ask Jamie to teach him?

And she thought of something else.

‘I will not lose.’

Although they were quite far away now, she was going to grit her
teeth and learn.

And will pass this test and become Jamie’s disciple.

Ann had been diligent with her studies since she was young.

Although she is still young, she thought that there was nothing she
couldn’t do.

Ann prepared for class without knowing that Lennon was thinking the
same thing.

And looked at Finn next to her.

Finn didn’t look nice. His eyes were slightly open and he looked

“Finn, are you alright? Are you sick somewhere?”

“I am fine.”
He forced a smile.

“It is because the weather is cold… I have been feeling tired.”

Finn clenched his teeth and lowered his head.

Just yesterday Finn looked fine. And just a day later he looked like a

“Are you really alright?”

“I am really fine. Phew… don’t worry, I will be back to normal once I

drink this.”

Finn said, taking out a bottle of Apophis X.

Ann stopped him,

“If you drink nutritional supplements, they won’t help your body.”

“It is okay. This is good medicine.”

“You drink four to five of this a day.”

“I told you I am fine!”

Finn groaned and shook Ann's hand.

When Ann looked at Finn with a bewildered look, Finn’s face

became startled as he recognized what he did.

“S-sorry. I am really fine, don't worry.”

Ann turned away.

Meanwhile, Finn opened the bottle and shoved it into his mouth.

Did he have to do that?

Ann was concerned about his condition, but seeing how he reacted
she didn’t want to.

And the bell rang.

Ann looked away reluctantly and opened her textbook.

The class was over.

Ann hurriedly grabbed her bag and ran to the door.



But she collided with someone running from the other side.

Ann bounced back and rubbed her left arm as her forearm hurt quite
a bit.

It wasn’t just that, but the right shoulder which had collided with the
other one also throbbed.

Ann identified who she collided with.


Being hit, he squinted his one eye and stood up.

And when their eyes met, sparks flew.

“Can’t you see where you are going?”

“I need to ask you that!”

Both growled like animals and stared at each other.

And then, came a sudden crash of students who came to check up

on them.

“Are you alright, Ann?”

“Lennon, you? The sound was pretty loud?”

Hearing words of concern, yet the two didn’t stop staring at each

One student suggested that they stop, but at least there was no fight
between them.

They just stared and then ran out the door as if competing with each

The students watching those two disappear mumbled.

“What is with them? Did they fight?”

“They don’t even talk, what is there to fight about?”

“Right. I don’t think I saw them talk at all… are they close?”

“Don’t know. Let’s head home.”

The students went back to packing their bags and started leaving.

Ann glanced to the side.

Lennon was walking next to her, one step ahead of her.

The situation was quite uncomfortable for her. She didn’t like how
they bumped into each other and didn’t like him learning from Jamie.

Perhaps Lennon felt the same way. If only she had known where
Jamie stayed, she would have chosen a different direction.

‘How did Lennon know where he stayed?’

Was he taught in advance?

As soon as she thought that, jealousy rose again.

Ann sighed. Lately she began to feel more of this emotion.

She would remember the time when her father and mother would
quarrel. And wondered why they fought when they were a couple
and adults, but emotions were so hard to control.

And she constantly thought ‘this shouldn’t be it’.

In the future, if they were going to learn under the same teacher, and
they continued like this, it would have a negative impact on both of
‘Right. I need to act calm.’

Jealousy. Inferiority.

Jamie said that all humans feel that but to not get too caught up in
the emotions and use them as a driving force.

Which meant that there should be a fair competition.

Lennon was superior as a magician, but he was going to be her peer

if they were going to learn under the same teacher.

And if the test failed, then it would be a different story, it was now her
duty to reach out to him as an elder in learning.

‘Right. I am more like a sister.’

Lennon was 9 and she was 10.

Which meant she was older than him by 1 year.

Ann coughed to get Lennon’s attention.



Lennon, who walked in front, looked back at the coughing sound.

Ann stared at the ground with an awkward expression.

“Do you have something to say?”

“Don’t drag this. If you are going to say something, say it. Stop
wasting my time.”

“…I am trying to make you feel good, why say such nasty things?”

She wanted to improve the relationship between them, but Lennon

seemed so unwilling.

“Feel good? We will compete in the future? Why would you try to
make me feel good?”

Although Lennon had changed, he was still a twisted boy.

In particular, he had no intention of having fun or being close to

someone he felt jealous of.

Although he didn’t show it, Lennon was envious of Ann’s brain. And
he was angry with Ann who didn’t even know the best feature about
her and kept going after magic.

But Lennon wasn’t too great. Although he had talent superior to Ann
in magic, Ann was a genius when it came to mind stuff.

Envy and jealousy. It was impossible to treat her kindly when he had
such feelings.

“I have no intention of playing house with you. I never did that


Ann couldn’t understand it. At the end of the day, she was talking to
a 9 year old who acted like he had been through all the troubles in
the world.

She sighed.

Well, they both were water and oil. Both could never be mixed. She
knew it from the beginning.
‘As long as these feelings don’t go, Lennon is right.’

Feeling inferior, getting along was impossible.

For that to happen, one of the two had to be excellent than their
current level.

Ann clenched her fist and started running.

“What? Where are you going?”

When Ann rushed ahead, Lennon, who was shocked, followed her.

And now it was a running competition.

And there was no turning back for Lennon. The one year difference
was large and girls grew faster than boys at a young age.

It was the same in running.

The problem was that both kids weren’t normal.


Wings of mana spread behind Lennon, who flew.

It was the basic Fly magic.

Lennon flew up in an instant and passed by Ann.


Ann was in shock as she looked at Lennon pass her. And Lennon
“Huh, catch up if you can.”

Fly was 3rd class magic. Something Ann couldn’t do when she was
still in 2nd class.

However, flying wasn’t the only magic which helped pick the pace.


Ann’s legs moved rapidly.

The buff magic to increase the body speed. Haste gave her small
legs wings.

Lennon clicked his tongue as he saw that.

On the academy road, two elementary level students started a

running competition.

Phoenix Academy back gate.

Finn was with other students.

They were all from Alpha class, but they all looked three to four
years younger than Finn.

“Finn. You must be really lucky. I usually don’t do this, but I decided
to help.”

“Uh, Ivan, thank you.”

The boy named Ivan nodded with a smile and told everyone.
“Normally, Mr. Silver guided us, but it was said that he is absent from
work today, so I will guide you today, follow me.”

Finn looked at Ivan with a curious look.

Ivan the hard worker.

That was Ivan’s nickname. Student who worked hard but didn’t get
any results.

A timid boy who always lacked confidence to talk to people.

Such a boy was now acting like a leader of this group.

‘In the beta class, there was a talk about friends dropping out… ’

Beta’s oldest.

Like Finn, Ivan was a little older.

“Anyway, today I will be the VIP so everyone can look forward to


The place they were going to was the Trinity lab where the Apophis
X was being developed.

This time an invitation only to the VIPs was sent saying that a new
drug had been developed.

Finn was surprised that Ivan was a VIP. He too started drinking
Apophis X because of Ivan, but the VIP position wasn’t something
that could be achieved by simply buying and drinking a nutritional
‘I am fine. Because Apophis X really works. There are some side
effects though.’

He felt like he was losing it, and the body aches died down after he
drank Apophis X.

It increases mana and concentration, but aches and hurting in the

body was a risk.

The students arrived at Trinity lab.

The lab existed outside the magic world, and wasn’t as wide as they
thought it would be.

Ivan approached a guard in black suit and showed a card and the
door opened.

“Everyone follow me.”

As Ivan gestured, the students gulped and entered.

Space expansion was applied so the inside was quite spacious

compared to the outside.

As they entered, a silver-haired, brown-skinned man greeted them.

“Young guests. Welcome. I am Ashtar, the manager of this place.”

“It’s been a while, Mr. Ashtar.”

At Ivan’s greeting the man smiled.

“It’s been two months.”

Red eyes which looked like they were studded with rubies.

“Gasp! Gasp!”

Ann looked at Lennon gasping for breath by leaning against the wall.

It was a disappointing one. But the result was expected. Ann barely
managed to use Haste and Lennon used Fly.

Fly had an advantage and it was impossible for Ann, who was using
a 2nd class skill, to win.

Still, she followed, wanting to win.

‘That monstrous child.’

Lennon thought, looking at Ann with bitter eyes.

At first he thought she was stupid. Why bother running when he was
flying? The correct answer would be to give up, but Ann ran till the

And she not just used Haste, but other boost magic too.

This wasn’t something others would do. This was possible only for
Ann who had a great understanding of magic.

Ann looked like a monster to Lennon.

“But I won.”


Ann couldn’t even raise her head in anger.

What was this feeling of resentment when she knew she was going
to lose?
Lennon said, with his back to the wall.

“Get up. The teacher is waiting.”


Ann got up. And the two went to Jamie’s place without a word.

And Jamie, who saw Ann and Lennon looking like a mess, asked,

“You people? What did you do while coming here?”

The two were silent as they couldn’t tell that they ran here.

‘Something seems wrong.’

He didn’t know what it was but from Ann’s expression it seems like
Ann lost. And with her current skills that was bound to happen if what
they did was related to magic.

The difference between the two was heaven and earth.

“Come in.”

Jamie told them and gave them chairs and handed two spellbooks
he prepared all night.

“Take this.”

“This is?”

“Whole body… breathing?”

“This is a breathing method that you are so curious about. The one
who did it was Marquis Linmel, so next time you meet, make sure to
thank him. Without his permission I wouldn’t have been able to teach
you this.”

“…Marquis Linmel’s mana breathing technique.”

The two silently looked at the book.

Even though it was covered, the book seemed thick and there was
nothing else than— [How to breathe].

“It doesn’t matter what you did on the way here. It doesn’t matter if
you two did your best or not. Or if you have a good relationship or

Ann and Lennon glared at each other.

Jamie slapped both of them on the head.



“But it isn’t okay for you to act like brats in front of the teacher, right?”



Both rubbed their foreheads.

Jamie shook his head and began to explain.

“Anyway, the reason I'm saying this is because if you don’t pass the
test after this, it is all pointless.”

“Not a difficult one.”

Jamie took the spellbook in Lennon’s hand and shook it.

“Learn this within today. That is all.”

Jamie smiled adding,

“Really easy, right?”

The two students were unable to answer the question.

Honestly, they wanted to cry.

“L-learn it today?”

“A joke, right?”

Ann and Lennon couldn’t believe it.

The whole body mana breathing method is the basis of all magic,
and everything.

Depending on how familiar one is with their breathing technique,

their qualification as a magician is determined.
And unlike the usual breathing method, the whole body breathing
method was the original method which Jamie depended on after
learning it from Linmel.

And he knew how difficult it would be to learn it without a book, so he

prepared one.

“Not a joke. If you don’t get it done, you won’t be a disciple.”


“No buts, can you do it or not? These are the only two things you can
do now.”

Jamie didn’t smile anymore, he was looking at his students with a

serious face.

“Becoming my disciple isn’t an easy task. If you aren’t confident,

then go back.”

Ann bit her lower lip and Lennon frowned.

Neither of them answered. And Jamie waited silently, he knew better

than anyone that answering wouldn’t be easy.

But it wasn't an impossible task.

‘Ann. You can do it.’

A girl who understands in an instant after seeing the process and

thinking back on it.

Ann Myer with her Talent of a Scholar.

And Lennon.

‘Lennon too can do it.’

It’s nothing compared to Ann, but it wasn’t impossible for him either.
Of course, it will be difficult to understand it like Ann, so he might feel

However, just by opening up the possibility of it, Lennon will grow


He might fail, but this wasn’t a test to see the end results.

“Made your decision?”

Ann was the one who answered.

“I will. I will do it.”

Seeing her determined eyes, Jamie smiled and looked at Lennon.

“What about you?”

“…same here. I will do it.”

Lennon too responded in the same manner.

A satisfactory answer for Jamie. He nodded his head and handed

the book to Lennon and raised his hand.

“It’ll be a waste of time to explain it more. Let’s start right away.”

As he lowered his hand, the space around changed.

The two were shocked at the changed surroundings.

Either they were shocked or not, Jamie continued.

“The time here is half that of outside. In other words, 24 hours here
is 12 hours outside. So, practice with ease.”

“W-what is this?”

“Any questions will be taken after everything is done.”

When Jamie snapped his finger, the two disappeared.

Each was moved to a different room.

Jamie created a chair and sat there.

The space was created by combining Gremia and Beyond Avalon.

It was the result of using Gremia’s free form building and Beyond
Avalon’s world.

“This is one real thing.”

Beyond Avalon.

He wasn’t sure who made that staff, but they sure had the ability to
manipulate space and time.

Besides, its compatibility with Gremia made it very useful.

“Let’s see.”

Two screens came to his eyes when he tapped the staff.

They were Ann and Lennon.

And Jamie just looked at them while crossing his arms and leaning
back in the chair.
Ivan knew Ashtar, so he naturally approached and shook hands.

“Mr. Silver couldn’t come today.”

“I heard about it. I’m sorry. Mr. Silver would have been delighted to
see the progress of the new drug in development.”

“He didn’t even come to work today.”

“Aha. Well, I can tell him about this later. Everyone, follow me.”

Ashtar smiled and took the lead.

A few steps away the children approached Ivan and asked.

“Have you been here a lot?”

“Did you come here with Mr. Silver?”

“Now, now- calm down. Ask me later when this is done. This elder
brother will answer every question.”

Ivan lifted his fist and pounded on his chest.

Everyone thought that he was reliable apart from Finn who didn’t
think that. He couldn’t help it. All of the kids were in Beta class and
only Finn was from Alpha class.

He had been in Alpha class for a long time, so he knew only Ivan.

Ivan turned around to Finn and said,

“Finn, don’t move alone and come along. We will be moving together
in the future.’
“Ah, right.”

“We need to set rules for those who have been ignoring us till now. If
only we had Apophis, we might even be in the top 10 in class, no in
the entire academy. Isn’t that right, Mr. Ashtar?”

“Hahaha. With the newly developed Apophis EX, it is more than



The children couldn’t hide their excitement at the word Apophis EX.

An upgraded version of X.

It was the name of a new drug under development. Ashtar looked at

the children and opened the door.

“Over here. It’s a little cold because it’s a place to store medicine.”

As he said, it was like a cold storage room.

Various glass bottles were lined up in transparent storage.

Ashtar walked to the centre and touched the floor and a small pillar
came up.

When he tapped the small pillar with finger, it split into 5 parts and a
transparent glass tube appeared inside.

It was about the length of an adult man’s index finger and Ashtar
carefully pulled out a glass tube.

“This is EX. It hasn't been finished yet.”


As the transparent liquid was projected onto the light, a faint rainbow
colors shone.

The students gulped at it.

“It was confirmed that the mana absorption rate is 1.5 times higher
than X and the concentration also doubled.”

“Wow, it doesn’t even compare to X anymore.”

“However, this isn’t a finished product and the side effects are quite
severe, so we haven’t put it on the market yet.”

“What are the side effects?”

“Fever, body aches, like those. Haha.”

Hearing the words, fever and body aches, Finn raised his hand.

“Does X have any side effects?”

At that question, Ashtar looked at Finn. After taking a good look he


“Your skin is pale and your face slightly shrunken and your shoulders
seem heavy.”

“Yes. All of a sudden from morning…”

“Are you suspecting it was from Apophis?”

“Rather than suspect, no matter how good a drug is, they are bound
to have some side effects…”

“Ah, I am not questioning you. I said this because I wanted to correct

a misunderstanding.”


Finn titled his head and Ashtar continued.

“Simply put… your name please?”

“Finn Batik.”

“Finn. It seems to be muscle pain.”

“Muscle pain?”

“How does a body feel the next day after an intense workout?”

“Muscles get sore and hurt when moved.”

“Sucks. Apophis increases the mana absorption rate. In other words,

you will be taking in more mana than usual, so what happens to the
core of the heart?”

“It also increases.”

“Yes. What if it turns bigger than it used to be?”


“The core doesn’t tear. However it draws the energy from the body to
maintain the new size. And that naturally makes you feel weak.”
“And that is my current situation.”


Ashtar snapped his fingers and answered cheerfully.

“Don’t worry, the longer the core stays its size, the better it feels.”

“Phew, th-thank god. I was wondering what to do if there were side


“It differs for each person, but it gets better as time goes. Please
continue to take it.”


As expected of Apophis X.

Ann said overdosing wasn’t right, but the experts here were saying

After that, they spent time exchanging short questions and answers
and gave the students a small bottle of Apophis EX before they left
as a gift.

“It is a relaxed version. The effect isn’t different from X, but it will
taste better due to the added orange flavor. No side effects.”

And when he talked about side effects, he looked at Finn.

Finn sighed in embarrassment.

“Then bye! Next time we will come with Mr. Silver!”

“See you again!”

Ashtar waved his hands at the students and when he lowered it, the
smile vanished.
“Dog shit. Why do I have to deal with those brats?”

He ruffled the silver hair back and forth. And with a cigarette in his
mouth, he entered the lab, but someone blew out the cigarette.

Ashtar frowned and turned to the side.


“No smoking indoors.”

A woman in a black robe.

“Sigh-really annoying.”

“Trash should be in the trash cans.”

Ashtar threw the cigarette butt on the floor and the woman with
magic and moved it.

“Don’t be so annoyed. I’ll have to kill you.”

“Mr. Silver’s body has been cleaned up.”

Mr. Silver.

A teacher in the Phoenix Academy who died last night after his head
was crushed by Ashtar’s feet.

And the homeroom teacher of the Beta class students who left just

Thinking that far, Ashtar couldn’t hold back his laughter.

“Those brats, kuakauk! In front of the man who killed their teacher,
they were laughing. Especially the old one. He believed that I was
telling the truth. Muscle pain my ass. Kekekeke.”

The woman didn’t respond to it.

Ashtar coughed and said.

“Rather, the doctor?”

“Checking the side effects, he headed back to the lab.”

“Such a busy person. Isn’t life boring to live that way? No smoking,
no drinking here, no bringing in women. So annoying.”

“What’s boring about making money while playing most of the time?”

“See, Mary, I didn’t come here to make money.”


“I came to see blood.”

A mad light flashed in Ashtar's eyes as he spoke.

Then he grinned and tapped the shoulder of the robed woman called

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”

“If you kill me, well even Mr. Ashtar will have to die.”

“Well. The doctor won’t leave it alone. But that doesn’t sound too
bad, right?”
As Ashtar wiggled his fingers, Mary took a deep breath.

“I will not ask you to move for our purposes. Instead, please act
according to the contract. This is business here.”

“Oh oh. The employee must serve the employer.”

Mary didn’t respond to the sarcastic words.

Losing interest, he threw off the suit and opened the window.

“I don’t have any reservations today, so this manager will go out.”

“Just don’t create trouble.”

Ashtar jumped out and smiled.

Left alone, Mary called someone.

“Teacher. Ashtar is gone.”

-Don’t worry. He’s under surveillance so if there is any accident, it

can be fixed quickly.

“Then, okay.”

-Please suffer a little more with him, Mary.

“Yes, teacher.”

Mary inserted the communication device into her robe and walked to
the window where Ashtar left through.

A cold wind blew. As the robe moved back, her blue hair flowed out.
Ann sat down at the desk and read the book.

It was difficult.

It was a different level of difficulty than what she had learned in the

‘Can I do it?’

Anxiety was creeping up, but she shook her head and shook off her

It can’t be done, but must be done.

She definitely wanted to be a magician and build a name for her

family. And her dream hadn’t changed till now.

But disappointment was inevitable.

There were a lot of great kids. Since she was young, she often heard
that she was smart, so she entered the Alpha class, but no matter
how much she tried she couldn’t head further.

So, she studied magic. If magic wasn’t enough, she’d use her brain

But even that proved to be difficult.

Someone at the age of 9 with the skills of an adult. Some who grew
rapidly as if their potential had exploded.

And she was here for a year. If she hadn’t learned magic, would she
have had fun like girls her age?
“No. I am going to become a magician!”

She can play freely with her peers and be in the arms of her parents.
But that wasn’t what Ann wanted from her life.

“I can do it. I need to do it.”

At the age of just 10, she turned into an adult.

It was the same with the boy.

“I can’t lose.”

Lennon knew from an early age that he was gifted with a talent that
was higher than his older brother.

He could learn anything. It wasn’t hard to study and magic wasn’t


Even manipulating people from behind and messing with them was

All he wanted was his father’s acceptance. And he thought it could

happen if he grew more.

And then he met Jamie Welton.

Miserable. The frustration he felt at the younger boy didn’t recover.

And his father, Count Simon reached out to Lennon and that began a

Everything worked out well. Although not acknowledged by his

father, he received
the positive attention he wished. He quickly learnt everything his
father taught.

Even when he came here, he had no doubts that he would succeed.

Ann Myer. If only he didn’t meet her.

“Such experiences are meant to be had only once!”

The memory of being trampled on by Jamie Welton.

It is unacceptable to have someone else stand above him.

So he had to prove himself to be superior.

By replacing envy, jealousy and inferiority with strength, he was

going to learn the whole body breathing method.

He knew.

Ann had an advantage with this.

So what about it?

“I am Lennon Simon. The proud son of Richter Simon!”

The boy and girl whose eyes were shining, began.

Jamie mumbled looking at the two students who were immersed in

the book with joy.


They deserved to be disciples.

Jamie looked at the two screens.

Taking in a disciple meant taking both of them under his wing and he
had to check how far they could learn the whole-body breathing

“Can they learn it in one day?”

It took less than a day for Jamie.

Of course, he was assisted by Black but that was to improve the

technique Linmel gave into his own.

And now he was making them learn Linmel’s technique and not his

Unless they had a familiar like Black, they couldn’t use the same
method like Jamie.

Of course, the technique now was slightly modified to match Ann

and Lennon.

‘Ann is gifted in scholarly works, but her talent in magic is poor. So

even if it is slow, she can build up slowly.’

Ann had the ability to copy what she had seen once.

If it were her, she would quickly learn the technique. However, her
energy and the core in her heart wouldn’t be able to handle the
mana absorbed in her body.

So, instead of slightly reducing the amount absorbed, it was

designed to last for a long time.
It will take longer to meditate than others, but it will be more than 3
times effective than a normal breathing method.

‘On the contrary, the breathing method I gave Lennon is an

accelerated one.’

Lennon’s magical talent wasn’t lacking compared to any magician.

It could be said that he was a Great magician.

So, without being slow, the whole body breathing method divided
into 5 steps was designed to start from step 2.

As Lennon, who had already received much help from the family,
had his core far superior to that of his peers.

However, it was impossible for Lennon to learn this today. It was true
that he was talented in various fields of magic, but Lennon wasn’t a

Ann’s insight would see the essence of the magic, but Lennon had to
read, memorize and understand it.

Although he learned faster compared to others, he couldn’t be on par

with Ann.

‘But in the end, they will be on the same level.’

Ann stacks up one by one, and Lennon climbs up explosively.

It was known that Lennon surpassed Ann in an instant the moment

he learned of this method.

Of course, in the long run…

“Lennon. It will depend on how far you go.”

Jamie enjoyed watching the two compete.

12 hours passed.

The children who should be running around and playing were now
with a book in their hands.

Ann was reading it for the tenth time.

She understood it.

She looked through every detail of how it has to proceed and how
the interaction was needed to maintain the whole body breathing
method, and how to handle it.

Yet, the reason she kept reading it over and over was that
understanding it didn’t seem enough.

‘If I want to, I can do it right now.’

No, she could do it the first time she read it.

The problem was that there was a difference between doing it, and
perfectly doing it.

Ann wanted it to be perfect, and knew that ambiguity in success was

worse than doing it.

‘Splitting mana is the difficult thing here.’

To split mana required a delicate control over it. This was the part
most difficult for Ann, who lacked talent in magic.
It wasn’t just Ann. The mana control was always proportional to the
state of the magician, so it was natural of excellent magicians to
have good mana control.

Lennon had a higher level of magic than Ann, but looking closely at
the society as a whole, Lennon had a mediocre talent.

He, too, won't be able to overcome it so easily.

‘To feel the mana particles as grains and break them down to a size
which the skin can absorb… Mr. Jamie does this?’

In the book, it was written, ‘in a safe place, sit cross-legged and do
not move and meditate.’

However, Jamie maintained this method in his daily life. How it was
possible was something Ann’s brain couldn’t understand.

She realized once again what this nickname of the greatest talent
actually meant.

‘I am stuck here… the second condition is too harsh for me.’

Ann wept.

The first was to break the mana into sizes which the skin could

The second condition was the limit of the core to store mana.

The whole body breathing method stores an overwhelming amount

of mana in the core compared to other methods. In other words, if
frequently used, it would put a strain on her heart.
And it only slightly shortens the time compared to the normal
breathing methods.

There was only one way of shortening it.

‘I have to extend the core to several places.’

The act of destroying the common sense of a magician.

But Ann’s eyes, lacking in magic, saw potential.

Lennon, on the other hand, was able to do both unlike Ann, but was
stuck in the other area.

“…damn it.”

Split particles?

Increase core?

He didn’t know why he should do it.

“Why split mana? If breathing through skin is possible, why split it?”

“Increase the core? It is an impossible concept. The heart acts as a

mana core thanks to the vessels which all merge there and not other

It was a stereotype he had to hold since he was a magician.

Lennon’s thoughts were so strong that he couldn’t accept this new


He even wondered if Jamie was doing this to tease him.

It was a pity that he was a 9 year old boy, but it was Lennon who
grew up like this.

‘It can’t be. Even if he doesn’t like me, there is no way he would do

Lennon trusted Jamie.

Above all, the breathing method is the only answer to maintain the
ridiculous amount of mana that was accumulating in the body.

“Phew- terribly difficult.”

How far did Ann go?

She had an unusual brain, so she might understand the technique.

In fact, Ann had understood the theory was what he thought.

“Yes. The parts that require comprehension are pushed. Let’s admit
that and move.”

Being stubborn always worked for him. Lennon gave up

understanding what Ann was up to.

Looking at the books.

“Let’s hit it up now.”

If he followed what was written in the book, he would be able to do


It was better to see than hear, and do it yourself than to see.

And feel it with the body and understand it little by little, even if you
don’t understand it.

Lennon sat cross-legged and began to meditate it.

Without thinking whether or not he could, he focused on splitting the


His surroundings were dyed in blue.


Ann understood the technique.

As Lennon expected it happened, and he couldn't understand the

technique, but it seemed to work for him.

Lennon began to use the whole-body breathing method.

“Is he the one to hit it and see for himself?”

Jamie smiled.

Because this was unique. Because there was a great difference

between heaven and earth when experiencing it directly or not.

Jamie thought Lennon lacked the will to act. He liked to act like a
black screen. A black screen was something where one listens but
they wouldn’t move ahead.

Simply put, they hated actions. They preferred someone else doing it
and didn’t move.

So Jamie thought Lennon wouldn’t beat Ann.

‘I don’t know if there has been a change in the past, or if this was
who he really is.’

It was especially good for things he had to do himself. Like the

method. If he was unlucky, he may have an unfortunate accident
where his core could be twisted, but he was acting confidently.

As long as he had confidence, Lennon wasn’t a bad one.

“Ann. Might need to get a bit more excited?”

Ann was a smart child.

The problem was that when she sees magic which exceeds the level
of hers, she is at a loss.

And Ann was the kind who couldn’t get a 50m run in 10 seconds and
even if she understood the concept of dance, she would be confused
with the left and right coordination.

It meant that even if she worked hard, she wouldn’t be able to

achieve the excellent level.

With that said, it would be better for Ann to give up as a magician,

but that was why Jamie brought her.

“I will turn her into a Great magician.”

The first would be the breathing method.

If she successfully masters the whole body breathing method, she

can perfectly master the control of mana.

As she levels up, the most important thing would be mana

adjustment, and that would be control.
Even if the innate mana was insufficient, a magician with excellent
control can handle it.

If the mana core can be extended to the other parts of the body, then
the mana shortage can be resolved.

Whole body breathing method was an essential thing to compensate

for Ann’s shortcomings to some extent.

‘If that didn’t work. I can help with her core expansion, but… ’

Jamie wanted her to figure it out for herself.

Helping wasn’t a bad thing, but if she was going to be his disciple,
then she needs to be able to figure it out.

“Even if it is slow. Find your own pace and complete it.

And another 12 hours passed and the test was done.

Jamie clicked his tongue as he looked at Ann and Lennon.

He didn’t expect that the two of them would hang around without
sleeping and because of them even, Jamie couldn’t sleep.

‘They are still 9 to 10 years old.’

It didn’t matter if one hadn’t slept for a day, but staying up was still an
ignorant action for young people according to Jamie.

The head turns clear with a good rest.

Sleep is essential, unless one was at Jamie’s level.

But he didn’t say anything about it. He was someone who learned
this within a day, and now he was looking at the children working
hard in front of him.



However, regardless of the effort, the both children had dark

expressions on their faces.

Jamie said,

“You both failed.”

Ann and Lennon didn’t fully master the method.

They worked hard and the results could be pass or failed.

And Jamie wasn’t the type to praise the hard work. Rather, he was a
cold-hearted person who thought the others had no talent if they

“What did you think I would say?”



This time, neither of them said anything.

From the moment they received the book, they were told that they
could only become disciples if they somehow learned this.
But they failed.

There was no shame in it. The level of this method was so high that
even a veteran magician couldn't master it.

Children who are new to magic couldn’t learn it.

But the two kids couldn’t say that it was an unfair test in front of
Jamie. He did tell them that it was difficult, and they still accepted

“Sorry. I did work hard…”

“You don’t become a magician by just working hard.”

He cut off Ann’s words.

“If you give me a little more tim…”

“You didn’t understand it properly and tried to do it and you seem

exhausted. But do you think giving you more time will lead to some
dramatic realization?”

Lennon’s words were blocked, two children were upset and Ann
actually burst into tears.

Lennon was also patient, but the expression was no different from

Jamie said to them.


The two children looked up at Jamie with red eyes.

Like his younger sisters,

“You have shown your will.”



“Yes. Will.”

The will to do it, the tenacity to hold on and learn it.

Patience which doesn’t want to give up.

In the end, they didn’t achieve it, and they had a sense of deprivation
and resentment which came from it.

Jamie believed that they must be there to create an ideal human


“You have failed. And that isn’t deniable.”

Both of them frowned at the word ‘fail’.

Since they were young, they couldn’t hide their faces.

Jamie continued.

“However, if there was no time limit, you would have tried to learn it,
even if it meant to call you death? Right?”


Both answered right away. And Jamie knew that they weren’t

Which meant they were good enough to be his disciples.

“It’s a pity that you didn’t learn the method. Because I was hoping
you could do it to some extent. But apart from that, you exceeded
the standard.”


“From today on, both of you are my disciples.”

At Jamie’s calm words, Ann and Lennon both looked at each other.
Lennon, cautiously asked to confirm what he thought.


“Why? Don’t want to? Leave if you don’t want to,”

“I wont leave!”

Lennon spoke with a red face.

Ann too looked at Lennon and then cheered.

“Wow! Passed!”

“Passed! I passed!”

Ann and Lennon hugged.

24 hours of harsh time on them. And the emotions they had

accumulated had burst out.

The two cried and laughed and couldn’t believe it.

To the extent that one would wonder if they really didn’t like each

‘Yes. Hell will unfold in the future so have fun now.’

Jamie smiled looking at the kids.

14,000,605 drills flashed through his mind.

With flustered faces, Ann and Lennon coughed and turned away
from each other.

Rather than being close, they had been the kind who were jealous of
each other and it was embarrassing that just because they passed,
they were hugging each other.

Jamie smiled.

“It’s late, so sleep here for today.”

“Is that alright?”

“There are many rooms here.”

The place that the Magic world paid for Jamie was a penthouse that
was 198 square meters.
And it was too much for an 8 year old to live alone, but Jamie was a
noble so this much was expected.

“And the classes will start from tomorrow after school, so come here
right away once the classes are over.”



“Why are your voices so low?”




Jamie smiled satisfied, as if they were under him.

“Just go to any room and wash up and go to bed. I’m leaving.”




“Good night!”

“Have a good night!”

“Go and sleep.”

Jamie went back to his room and shut his eyes tightly. He was quite
tired from watching the two kids move for 24 hours.

Even after Jamie left, Ann and Lennon stood there dazed, and
glanced at each other.

Then, without anyone telling them anything, they went to empty


“Good night.”

“Have some rest.”

Despite not even hitting puberty, their actions seemed highly

conscious of the other gender.

Jamie shook his head feeling the awkwardness from the children.

Still, the disciples weren’t that bad.

Although they weren’t amazing, if they were raised right, they would
become good magicians.

“Right. I hope that both of them will grow with good powers.”

Things are different from the old days.

Since he decided to take disciples, Jamie had no intention of giving

them warm hugs like before.

That feeling no longer lingered in him, and the current situation

wasn’t relaxed.
And alone, it would take at least 10 years to raise Ann and Lennon to
a usable level.

Maybe it might take more time than that.

Which meant he had to work hard on them.

And they would toll till they die trying to work.

“I learned a very good thing from Hamilton.”

Jamie waved and red hair and black glasses popped out.

And he stood in front of the full length mirror as he tried them on.

“Very nice. I look forward to tomorrow.”

Ann woke up early in the morning and looked at the clock.

Tick-tock-tick the second hand rotated.

The hour hand pointed to 7, and the minute hand was to the third
point between 50

to 55.

The academy starts at 8:30.

And they usually live in dorms so it wasn’t a huge deal even if they
woke up at 8.

The problem was that it wasn’t a dorm. Ann remembered last night.
After the 24

hour test, Mr. Jamie told them to sleep in his home.

So she went to an empty room and washed her face. And surely, the
alarm clock was set.

Ann saw the alarm clock rolling on the floor.

Blurred memories came to her.

A loud alarm sound. She hit it with her hand and stopped it and slept

And so-

“I-I am late!”

She overslept.

Ann got up and went to the washroom.

In the living room, neatly dressed, Lennon mumbled with bread in his

“Eh-slept long? You were even snoring.”

“S-snore? I snored?”

“Really an amazing sound. How many times did I wake up thanks to


Lennon shook his head in disbelief and Ann’s face flushed red.

Ann ran to the washroom.

Lennon giggled as he looked at her.

It was an obvious lie. Lennon’s room and Ann’s room were quite far
apart, so there was no way snoring could be heard.

Such a naï ve one.

He thought of making it more fun next time…



Lennon’s eyes nearly popped out at the sudden impact on his head.

He glanced back and looked at Jamie who was sneering down.

“You child. Move quickly.”

“…it is said that hitting the brain destroys brain cells, and results in
poor memory.”



Jamie was about to hit again but Lennon ducked and ran out of the

“I-I’ll come back safe!”

Ann couldn’t get her head right because of all that happened, so she
said that to Jamie.

Was she going to live here?

Ann opened the door as Jamie wrinkled his eyes and thought.

“Ann. Come here.”


Jamie, who called her, motioned her to come closer.

And he put two necklaces in her hand.

“Give one to Lennon.”

“What is this?”

“Proof of becoming a disciple. Just think of it as a gift.”

A gift was a gift. What was think of it as a gift?

Yet, despite that, Ann had a smile on her lips.

A silver necklace with a small purple cube.

It was flashy, just cute. No, more than that, she liked the ‘proof of
being disciple’.

Ann immediately hung around her and asked looking at Jamie.

“How is it?”

“Looks good.”

Ann laughed like a child. Well, she was a child. But until now, Ann
didn’t have the chance to be like a child.

There will be a lot of work ahead and she will not be able to smile
like today.

So Ann’s smile was precious.

“You will be late. Leave.”

“I’ll come back safe!”

Ann’s steps were lighter this time.

Jamie looked until she left.

“I should also get going now.”

The beginning of a very leisurely morning of a teacher.

“Wow! Barely made it…”

Ann managed to get to class ten minutes before the bell rang.

Since morning she used Haste to come here, and she was
exhausted as she ran.

Gasp- she kept taking huge breaths and was about to sit, but looked
at Lennon who was behind her seat with a smirk on his face.

She heard from Jamie that the thing about her snoring and Lennon
being unable to sleep was an outright lie.

‘Son of a gun!’
Guess who wasn’t acting like a 9 year old.

…even as she thought about it, she remembered that her teacher,
Jamie, who she was going to consider as her master, was just 8
years old.

And she was 10 years old.

Ann sat down, feeling the concept of age turning weird.

‘I don’t want to give him the necklace.’

On the way out. Jamie gave her two of them saying it was a gift to
the disciples.

And told her to give one to Lennon, but seeing him smile she didn’t
want to give him.

‘Still, I am the older one here, so I need to be patient.’

It was right to show an adult-like appearance to someone younger.

Ann approached Lennon with a sullen face.

“Why? Don’t worry. The thing about snori…”

“B-be quiet! And…”

Ann’s eyes widened as she looked at her friends warning Lennon to

not speak.

“If you say that nonsense again, you will die. I heard everything from
the teacher okay? Don’t act mean to this sister.”
“Sister, my ass.”

“Uh. I won’t give this to you if you don’t be polite to me.”

Ann showed the necklace to Lennon with a smile.

Lennon didn’t know what it was.

“What is that? Even if you give me that, I have no intention of acting


“What is this bastard spouting? Teacher gave this to me as proof of

becoming his disciple.”


Lennon’s eyes lit up.

One way or another he was still a 9 year old. It was the age at which
his mind would want it.

“Anyway, if you go around talking nonsense, you will die. I will hand
this back.”

“What rudeness is that? Look at you.”

“I am sure the teacher will come after you if you don’t get this or act

Lennon frowned.

It wasn’t known if what she was saying was true, but he knew that
Jamie would definitely come after him.

He did hit his head right this morning.

“Anyway, treat me with respect.”

“Shut up.”

Lennon stuck his tongue out and Ann put the necklace down.

Lennon, who snatched it away, began to look at it with shining eyes.

Ann watched that and went back to her seat.

And as she sat down, Finn spoke.

“What? When did you become friends with him?”

“Nothing. But how is your body?”

Yesterday he looked bad and today he seemed better.

“The drug worked well.”


“Yes. Apophis EX is a small version of the new…”

Finn recounted the trip to Trinity and the maker of Apophis X and
even about Ivan in detail.

“The manager seemed gentle and Ivan was a VIP and I got the EX
as a special gift and because this is a safer variety of the new EX
which is under development. But still, this works a lot better than X
and now I am more refreshed than ever and my head is so clear.”

Finn spoke excitedly but Ann’s expression darkened as she said,

“Finn. I think you should stop having it.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“No matter how I look at it, yesterday was weird, your condition
wasn’t normal body aches. And isn’t Apophis X meant to be a
nutritional supplement?”


“What nutritional supplement in the world can cure body aches?

Nutrients are just plain nutrients. It is something which makes you
feel a little fine, and a bit refreshed, that is all.”

But look at the state of Finn.

This wasn’t some nutritional supplement. It was looking like the

effect of steroids which were forcibly raising the body level.

In particular, amplifying one's mana. The drugs with such an effect in

the world cannot be simple nutrients.

And what Finn looked like yesterday was clear side effects. And now
she was convinced.

“Stop having that. I don’t know why such a thing is even popular, but
it will harm your body…”

“Stop, Ann.”

Finn cut her off.

And said,
“I know that you are jealous and feeling inferior.”


“It is you, not me who needs to wake up. Even though you can't
applaud your friend for not doing well, you shouldn’t try to demean
them by saying such things.”

“No, I-”

“You really suck.”

Finn got up and left the class.

Ann just looked at the door dumbfounded.

“What is with him?”

Lennon approached her and pointed to Finn who left, but Ann didn’t

Something was horribly wrong.

Finn was walking down the hallway with his hand in the pocket. He
wasn’t going anywhere. There were only a few minutes left for the
first class to start, but he got frustrated and left his seat.

He never thought Ann would say such a thing.

They always supported and encouraged each other, but for her to be
blinded by jealousy…!
‘She doesn’t seem to support me.’

If she was so envious, she should just drink Apophis X!

She doesn’t drink because she doesn’t want to lower her self-
esteem, but keeps checks on other people?

Finn felt his emotions intensify.

He couldn’t understand why she said such things.

Ann’s intelligence was genius level. Once she saw something, she
would never forget it and could solve any problem.

However, she wasn’t born with magic, so it was difficult for her to
move to the next level.

Despite not wanting to believe it, that was the reality.

And if she could put her pride down and drink Apophis X, all her
problems would be solved.

“It’s class time soon, so where are you going?”

Just then, a woman’s voice called Finn from behind.

When he turned around, Miss Sophia was smiling while rubbing her
blue hair.

“It is time for Alpha’s first class, right?”

“Ah… I just wanted some fresh air.”

“Why is air sudd…”

Sophia walked over to Finn, and said,

“You look bad. Did you have a fight with your friend?”

“It wasn't a fight.”

“Eh~I know the truth. Talk to me.”

Finn glanced at her, sighed briefly and recounted all that happened
with Ann.

After hearing that, Sophia patted him on the back.

“You must be very disappointed.”

“I just didn’t think that she would say that.”

“Still, you should get along with your friends.”

“I understand that. I would be envious if Ann’s performance suddenly

elevated. But even so… I wouldn’t speak out like that.”

“Right. Right. Calm down.”

When she took Finn to the window, it seemed like he calmed down a

“People are born that way. As there is a saying that it hurts when
someone close buys a land first. No matter how close you are, if one
suddenly gets better, it won’t be easy to understand and admit it.
Ann wouldn’t be able to either.”

“Of course. Everyone knows that Ann is a good child, right? This has
to be a slight mistake. So forgive your friend by being a generous

“Forgi… ve?”

“Yes. Since Finn is kind. But if you want to… how about this?”


“Bring Ann with you today.”

She didn’t say where, but Finn understood right away and asked.


“Yes. Why? Don’t want to have more of your friends there?”

“N-Not that. I get it. I will bring Ann.”

“Huhuhu. Good thought.”

“Ann will understand me if she experiences it.”

“Right. I knew it, Finn is kind, right?”

As Miss Sophia gently stroked Finn’s hair, Finn blushed.

Sophia smiled and grabbed Finn’s wrist and pulled him.

“Now. Let’s go. The first class starts soon. The teacher will come by
so go there.”


Finn greeted her goodbye and returned to his class.

Sophia who giggled looking at the cute side of Finn turned around.
Keniac was there.

“Seems like someone is doing as they please.”

“Haha. It is good. Let’s meet later~”

Sophia patted Keniac on the shoulder and passed. If the other

teachers had seen them, they would have been shocked to see them
talk like this.

Keniac, who is a lonely persona and doesn’t like to mingle, and

Sophia a socialite, seemed close.

Not exactly friendly.


Keniac watched Sophia walk away.

Around work time.

Jamie, who finished all his classes, quickly left work and headed

It would be absurd to call him the best, but Jamie was no ordinary

He came here because of the elders of the Magic world and

regardless of his age, he is a 6th class magician.

Who could be mean to him?

Apart from Siegfried, there was no magician better than Jamie.

And now. Jamie left his bag in place and went to the only magician
better than him.

“Is the principal here?”

“Come in.”

When the permission came, Jamie opened the door and entered the

The office was more cluttered than before.

Siegfried didn’t even look at the guest who arrived and kept looking
at the old books.


When Jamie called Siegfried, he looked up.

“Young lord? Someone called me principal so I didn't think it would

be you.”

Normally, one would know who it was by listening to the voice.

But Jamie didn’t bother raising it, he said as he sat down.

“You still haven’t found a way?”

“If it could be made in one day. I wouldn’t be interested in it in the

first place.”

It was called a challenge because it was difficult.

While Jamie thought that this was a perverted preference, he also
thought that it was extremely amazing.

Siegfried stopped reading and rubbed his eyes with thumbs.

“I feel like my eyes will spill out.”

“How many did you read?”

“I think I looked through most of them for two days without a break.”

Then why weren’t his eyes spilling out?

“Phew. But what happened? No classes?”

Siegfried rose from his seat and stretched up, the sound of joints
cracking could be heard.

It seemed like he hadn’t moved for two days.

He couldn’t help but wonder if he went to the bathroom, but he didn’t

need to know that information.

Jamie opened his mouth as he watched Siegfried approaching.

“I have a question about Ann.”

“Ann? Ah you have been here for the sake of Ann before. So have
you decided to make her your disciple?”


“Right? You won’t… eek?!”

Siegfried, who was joking about it, soon became shocked.

He didn’t seem to expect that Jamie would really take a disciple.

“With your character, a disciple…?”

“My character?”

“Awkward, grumpy, cocky.”

“Cute. Good and smart.”

“Ignorant. Arrogant and cheap.”

“Handsome. Magician genius. Swordsman genius.”

“I am a genius too.”

“I am more of a genius.”

The two looked at each other, frowned and snorted.

“Well, it is surprising.”

“I also took in Lennon Simon as my disciple.”

“…this is really surprising?”

Siegfried knew about Lennon, but never met him.

Not only was that child cheeky, but he was known to be the
possessor of a twisted

mind and was great with manipulating others.

Last year, after being harassed by Jamie for a mistake, he heard that
the naughty personality got a little better after Count Simon taught

“I like the synergy of the two.”

“The synergy you are speaking of is in a good way, right?”

“If the results are good, then it’s a good synergy.”

“…note that they are still kids. Whether it is envy, jealousy of

inferiority. It is a dangerous feeling in the hearts of 10 year olds.”

“I am 8.”


Having said that, it was Siegfried who had nothing to say.

He coughed and continued.

“Anyway. Don’t you know how much the emotions of children affect
their growth?

You are a child too.”

“Are you walking back on your words?”

“Just be careful. It is good to work, but if it turns hard, kids grow up

too fast or regress too.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Jamie thought this through.

Disciples of 9 and 10.

He had no intention of making them Great Magicians by erasing their

It will take longer. But the two of them were talented ones, and they
will grow in their own time when the right conditions were met.

‘I will take care of them until they reach 4th class.’

Magicians turn independent from 4th class.

From then on, the only thing they could rely on would be the advice
of their teacher.

“Are you going to report that?”

“Something like that.”

“Something? Nothing more to say?”

“I heard this from Mr. Keniac not long ago.”

“What was it?”

“He was saying that taking Ann as a disciple isn’t good and to be

Siegfried frowned at it.

And he responded as he ran his hand through his blonde hair which
hadn’t been combed for days.

“Careful? Careful about what?”

“He wouldn’t tell me even when I asked. So I thought elder would
know something.”

“Well. It’s rare for me to say this, but I have very little real power

“Is that something to say so proudly?”

Siegfried coughed at it.

“I can’t help it. In the first place, I was forced to assume the position
under the pressure of the other elders… and I spent less than a
tenth of a year here.”

“Which is why Mr. Javelin is the acting principal.”

“Actually, I only recently found out about that.”

“You are really incompetent.”

“I am a capable Great Magician so it’s fine.”

Jamie wanted to hit Siegfried on his head, but he didn’t.

It’s impossible to do anything now, but one day when he gets

stronger he would.

“Anyway. He keeps saying that. I came here to just see if Elder knew
anything about it.”

“You can at least say that you are here to see me with a bright face,
it hurts that you are here for work.”
“I was heartbroken when I came to know that elder was

“My, my.”

Jamie had nothing more to say and stood up.

“I’ll stop. I will go to Mr. Keniac and ask him again.”


As Jamie was about to leave, Siegfried said.

“Does the young lord know what is trending in the Magic world these


“They say that a nutritional supplement called Apophis X is quite


“Ah. I know that. I saw some students drinking it. It seems like some
teachers also drink…”

“Mr. Silver was one of them.”


Why mention Silver so suddenly?

“I am not interested, but now I’m deducing that the disappearance

might have something to do with it.”
“Why are you saying that to me? You can go and find the truth
behind it.”

“Well. Maybe I was aiming for something like this.”

Jamie noticed Siegfried talking in a roundabout manner and said.

“You want me to find out?”

“I really don’t know why Mr. Keniac said that, but if he says she could
be dangerous then, usually…”

It was then.

Beep! Beep! Beep!


Siegfried frowned at the noise.

Jamie pulled out a cubic studded necklace from the pocket. It was
the same as what he gave Ann and Lennon, and the alarm would
happen if something went wrong.

And now it was Ann’s necklace.

“We can never see the truth of the world. I gave it today and it rings
right away.”

“What is that?”

“An SOS,”

With that, Jamie teleported away from the office leaving Siegfried
alone. Siegfried rubbed his scruffy beard with his palm.

“I need a shave.”
Before Jamie and Siegfried talked.

Ann was going to the dorm with Finn, with a bright face.

At first, she was worried that she hurt Finn a lot, but when she
apologized and he accepted it, she felt nice.

Instead, there was a condition that she had to tag along with him
somewhere after class.

There was nothing wrong with going with her friend, so she said

“But where are we going?”

“It's a good place for you too.”

“Good place for me too?”


Finn smiled and spoke to Ann.

“I am being tutored by Miss Sophia.”


“And, you will receive it today. Hehe.”

As if embarrassed, Finn smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

Ann felt shocked.

Suddenly, they were going for a class?

That is where they were going now?

But she was already Jamie's disciple.

However, she didn’t inform Finn. Talking about it now, it felt like she
was betraying him by not saying it.

Ann stood still with a bewildered expression and Finn,

misunderstanding, smiled and said,

“Miss Sophia said you can come. You don’t have to pay anything, so
don’t worry.”


“It’s fine, really. Miss Sophia is young, but she’s a talented magician,
right? You know very well that she is excellent at teaching.”

“True, but…”

Indeed, among the teachers in the academy, Miss Sophia’s teaching

level was exceptionally high.

She was 4th class, but she was a promising magician who would
soon move to 5th class.

If she hadn’t met Jamie, Ann would have taken up this offer.


She felt sorry for deceiving Finn, but going to this wouldn’t just be
disrespectful to Finn, but also to Jamie and Sophia.
So she couldn’t agree.




Ann told Finn about Jamie.

Finn had a pretty shocked face too and stayed silent. And said,

“It is fine. Even I didn’t want to talk about this.”


“So, this is no different from hitting each other.”

Finn said with a smile, and Ann was able to sigh. She wondered if he
would get angry at her for betraying him like in the morning.

However, the current Finn was the one she knew.

He understood the situation and even said that he made the same
mistake making Ann know that it wasn’t her fault alone.

“Thanks, Finn.”

“Thanks? And today, you are coming for a change. Miss Sophia will


“Yes. It will be like going on a field trip.”


She might be a little late to Jamie’s class, but if she explained it right
she believed that he would understand.

Then she asked something she was curious about.

“But who did you get in contact with, Miss Sophia? And how did she
decide to teach you magic?”


Finn almost didn’t know what to say.

It was only yesterday afternoon that he met Miss Sophia.

It was when Ivan and his party left Trinity, she was waiting outside
the lab for them, and after a short conversation she suggested that
only Finn could learn from her.

It felt weird at first but she said.

-You are one of the magicians sponsered by this place, and as a

condition I give a private tutoring for VIPs.

-I am not a VIP? Just for today, I followed Ivan to take a look.

-Ivan said that only VIPs subjects were gathered and brought. Didn’t
know that?

-I never heard of it. And to become a VIP…

-So? Don't want to?

There were a lot of unsettling things, but for Finn, he liked this offer.

A chance to become Miss Sophia’s disciple.

Besides, Finn was in a bad shape so he couldn’t think straight.

-I’ll do it!

-Then let’s meet tomorrow.

Sophia said, smiling brightly.

Finn felt his fingers tremble. This was something he couldn't miss.

He glanced at Ann. Sadly, she was under Jamie but if she spoke to
Miss Sophia, she might change her mind.

Right. People need to experience things to change.


“Ah nothing. We met just by chance. I met Miss Sophia by chance.”

“I see.”

“M-More than that.”

Finn quickly switched topics and chatted.

Sophia was cleaning her desk.

It wasn’t the desk in the academy office, it was her own office desk
which she would use from today.

Call it a dual job?

After cleaning it, Sophia took a few books she needed. It was time
for the kids to arrive so she might have to go greet them.

As she opened the door to leave the office, she saw a man standing

It was Keniac.

“You surprised me. If you come, at least inform me about it.”

“I just arrived.”

“Really? What? I need to go pick up the kids.”

“Are you really going to teach Ann?”


Sophia took a step closer to Keniac and poked him in the chest with
her index finger.

“Ann should have been yours. Because I was your mission.”


“But you didn’t do anything. On such a topic, I finally have a chance,

don’t think anything more. If the doctor knows what happened, we
will be harmed.”

“It is over if the Apophis project leaks out. Do you know that there
are adverse side effects of it?”

“Hehe~ Don’t you think we came too far to worry about that? As long
as the results are good nothing else matters. You know that right, Mr.
Keniac? This is how the Magic world works.”

It wasn’t just the Magic world.

Quite a few magicians were conducting all kinds of terrible

experiments with the mindset that if the results were good nothing
else matters.

Among them the Apophis project, which forcibly awakens the mana
core, was a large-scale experiment.

At the moment, it was moving smoothly towards good results. While

ignoring the process in between.

“So, don’t go around feeling guilty about this. Since when did you
have a moral bone in you?”


“And, if Ann drinks Apophis to prove it sooner than later, we can

realize our ideals, right? You should know well since you don’t have
talent either.”

“Ann became Jamie’s disciple.”

Sophia’s eyes widened.

She didn’t think Jamie would suddenly be mentioned like that.

And how did Ann even become his disciple?

Her mind hurt.

“Since when?”

The timing was horrible.

If Ann was tied to Jamie, this couldn’t be good.

Jamie’s influence was one thing, but the people he was associated
with were only the powerful ones.

And even in the Magic world, it wasn’t just one or two elders who
favoured him.

“Give up on Ann.”

Keniac didn’t want Ann to participate in this Apophis project. It was

because he had seen her close up all this time.

He didn’t want to ruin her effort by using such drugs.

Especially her brain, from the moments she enters, that beautiful
brain would be messed up because of the side effects.

It wasn’t just Ann.

Keniac was jealous and inferior to the students who were more
talented than him, but on the other hand, he was a teacher who
wanted the children to grow up well.

“Get your hands off the academy from now. I will meet the doctor
and talk.”

“What is with you? Do you think that doctor will listen to you and
simply give up?”

“I will do something and make sure the idea is abandoned.”

“I don’t know. For now, it will go as planned. After all, the effect of
Apophis wouldn’t appear suddenly, we have to wait for at least a
week to find out the result.”

“Are you even thinking straight?”

“That applies to you too. It wasn’t a day or two that we were on the
same boat. Don’t act nice, because it makes me want to puke.”

Keniac couldn’t say anything.

He couldn’t stop her as she walked away.

“Why did you fight with him?”

Sophia glanced at Ashtar, who was approaching her. She didn’t

know why he, who should be in Trinity, was here, but she didn’t ask.

“You don’t need to know.”

“I am also in the same boat as you, why not let me know?”

“You came here for money. I don’t talk about ideology to people who
are there for money.”

“That makes sense.”

“More than that, go back. The students are coming.”

“The kid who is old?”

“No, Finn is actually older than the kid. And it isn’t just Finn.”

“You are an uninteresting woman. I am going somewhere, let me

know if you have problem~”
Ashtar disappeared after saying that.

Sophia thought of him as a vulgar man. From the stinky mouth to

everything he did was disgusting.

If it wasn’t for the doctor’s orders, she wouldn’t even deal with him.

‘But he has real strength.’

One has to be strong to clean up the dirt after treatment.

Ashtar was Trinity’s scavenger. A janitor like man hired for a high

Thanks to that, nothing was leaking to the world. If it leaked, then

Ashtar would have been dead.

Like Mr. Silver.

The addict of Apophis X who longed for it, but later threatened again
as his addiction to it got worse.

-One, give me one… if you don’t, everything will be revealed.

It wasn’t even a nice threat.

So stupid that he couldn’t even think of a nice situation to threaten.

At least that meant that the EX was a nice drug. Although the side
effects were severe.

‘Still, I didn’t think it would be a mess in just three days.’

Anyway, Silver was killed by Ashtar and it was said that there was no

‘The side effects need to be reduced.’

They weren’t far now.

Already the clinical trial results were being reported on hourly basis.

And now.

Sophia returned to her usual form and smiled brightly, waving at Ann
and Finn who were coming.

“Over here~”

New clinical trial subjects were coming.

Perhaps, this time she would see the end of Apophis' project.

“Huhu, Welcome.”

Sophia stroked Ann’s hair.

Ann felt the touch and smiled. She did think a lot about it, but Sophia
had a warm heart and a pretty face too.

If one becomes a disciple of such a person, one would be happy.

But, Ann already had her teacher.


“First of all, I am Mr. Jamie’s disciple.”


“Sorry. I followed Finn without knowing what this place was.”

Sophia pretended to not know.

“I see. It is fine. It would be great if I had a smart child like Ann as my

disciple, but I didn’t call you today for that reason alone.”


Finn responded to Sophia’s words.

Ann sighed in relief. Possibly not, but she was worried what would
happen if Sophia got angry.

Ann didn’t do anything wrong since she was called without asking
her view.

“Let’s have fun. I prepared this and that.’


“Yes. Yes. Now that this happened, let’s play games outside class.”

At that, Ann and Finn looked at each other and smiled.

“Like it!”

“I like it!”

And as they answered, Sophia nodded with satisfaction.

“Then follow me.”

As soon as she turned, her expression turned cold.

Make Ann drink Apophis.

Finn said Ann didn’t like the drink. Right. Until yesterday, Finn was in
a poor condition due to the side effects.

He looked fine now, but the state of Finn was on the verge of failure.

If this was the case, there wasn’t much time left before they had to
dispose of him.

‘Finn had too much.’

At first, it used to be one or two bottles a day, but recently she heard
that he drinks six to seven a day.

Given that he drank two to three bottles on average, Finn drank too
many too quickly.

Thanks to that, the side effects came in quickly.

‘If it wasn't for the EX he would have gone crazy already. The
symptoms of Apophis’s addiction were beyond what a child could

Although EXS was introduced as a mass produced EX version, it

was a drug which temporarily prevented the side effects of Apophis

The reason why Ivan and his party were called to Trinity yesterday in
the first place was because the side effects of X were occurring.

And if the side effects happened openly, bad news will spread. Then
Ashtar would
have to go ahead and clean it, but if a student dies, the incident can
no longer be hidden well.

So, in the name of VIP, they made them visit Trinity with Silver.

‘There is a limit though.’

It was a time when Finn and the others who drank Apophis X were
all having their bodies reach the limit.

She felt sorry for the children, but someone had to be sacrificed for
the world to be a better place.

It may be painful now, but later it will be considered as a noble


Sophia smiled faintly.

A glow on her face.

“But where are we going?”

Ann asked Sophia as she was walking without telling them anything.

However, Sophia just laughed and didn’t give a clear answer.

“Almost there.”
With that said, she turned to the left corner and a large silver door

In the centre of the door was a large round handle which seemed
like a knob. Sophia grabbed the handle and placed her thumb next
to it, which read her fingerprint.

Then a beeping sound came from it.

As she turned the knob clockwise, the door opened with the sound of
the lock being released.

And as she struggled to pull the door which was too large for her
size, cold air and white mist escaped.

At the sudden cold, Ann and Finn flinched.

“Wow- that is heavy.”

Sophia gasped as if she had done some exercise and looked back at
the children.

“Follow me.”

Finn and Ann looked at each other, something felt strange.

At first, she was the teacher, who greeted them kindly. But at some
point, she stopped talking to them and only showed them her back,
and despite that, the children felt something had changed.

“What are you doing? Come in.”

As the two hesitated, Sophia beckoned them to come in and the two
glancing at each other, approached.
They could feel it was wrong.

It wasn’t like they had met Sophia for two days or so, so they knew
that she was a good and intelligent adult.

So the two went in carefully.

A room with blue lights, and the lights brought in an eerie feeling
onto the children.

Sophia was already deep inside the room.

“Come, let’s go.”


Gulping, they continued to follow Sophia. A large door appeared

again and Sophia opened this in the same way, revealing a large
circular space.

Cold storages were lined up along the wall and various medicines
seemed to be stored in. Ann looked around as she asked Sophia.

“W-what are we doing here?”

“This is a good place.”

Ann wasn’t naï ve enough to say ‘Ah, I see’, for that response.

“I am scared here. Teacher, are you really going to teach here?”

“P-Potion classes, right?”

Finn too seemed afraid as he tried to ask.

But the tension in his voice was clear and so was the frightened look.

Sophia didn’t answer.

She looked at the space and went through the medicines in it.

“It must be around 3 years or so. Since we started with the

development of these drugs.”


“What is it, Teacher?”

The two children called out to her in a trembling voice but Sophia just
continued to talk.

“At first, the reason for it was simple. We just hoped that the talented
wouldn’t be pushing others down. Why were some people doing well
and the others are caught in a cage unable to get past their level?
Right, there is no equality in the world, so it can be considered as the
providence of nature. But why do the good guys have to trample on
the bad?”

Sophia’s face was no longer what they knew. Her eyes, which had
been smiling up till now, were cold. And her lips which were cheerful
were now shut tight.

The atmosphere they felt wasn’t an illusion anymore.

The woman in front of them was not the kind Sophia they knew.

“Because it is fun to bully someone worse than you.”

Sophia stopped and continued to talk looking at the drugs.

“Isn’t it funny? What do you say? It’s embarrassing. It is said that

those who don’t have talent are ignored, despised and even messed
with. And revenge cannot be taken since we are weak and the heart
is filled with anger. The weak did nothing wrong and continue to
suffer for it. I hated that.”

She turned and looked at the two children.

“So I thought I wanted to give the chance to the less talented ones.
Right. It is about giving the less talented ones a push. To keep the
talented ones from snapping. That was why this research started. A
lot of people are now participating in this. At first, there were difficult
times since we didn’t have any results, but not anymore. Now we

have huge investments coming in along with good results. Not

perfect, but it will soon be perfected.”

She raised her hand and pointed at the two.

“So I need your help. You are more suited to the situation I was
talking about more than anyone.”

As she said, Ann and Finn weren’t treated right from the moment
they came to the Magic world.

Well, Ann was fine because of her brain, but not Finn.



Sophia called, but Finn had bowed his head, unable to answer.

8 years old. Six years ago. He first entered the Phoenix Academy.
Everything seemed fine in the beginning. It wasn’t a weird that an 8
year old was a little slow and everyone got along well
However, as years passed, Finn’s condition changed…

He was hitting 13.

-That stubborn jerk.

-Why don’t you drop out?

-Don’t even try you little brat. He has to be a fool.

-Tch tch, among the classmates, he is the only one who couldn’t
move up.

-To be precise, those who couldn’t have dropped out, but he still
stays here.



Ordinary students attend elementary school for about three years

before being promoted.

The student who took more time than that was judged to be
insufficient and asked by their homeroom teacher to drop out.

It was because they considered going to a regular academy would

do more good instead of wasting their precious time here.

Because this was an academy of magicians.

Most of Finn’s classmates were in middle school and a few more

talented were in high school.
As the children who cursed him said, dropping out seemed like the
right choice.

‘But… but I don’t want to give up.’

14 this year.

Too old to be in elementary.

Finn’s fist trembled.

Sophia, who looked at it, smiled.

“Finn. I believed that you would understand this better than anyone


“And Apophis would be a great help to make your dreams come



When Apophis was mentioned Ann was startled.

“The research you were talking about… did you mean the Apophis?”

“What else did you think?”


“Right. It is Apophis. Which I have been working on for 3 years.

Everything from the early one to the latest model out. Have you ever
taken it Ann?”
“…you must know that Apophis is a dangerous drug.”

Ann looked at Sophia and began to back away slowly.

Sophia smiled and shook her head.

“It isn’t a dangerous one.”

“Liar. Looking at Finn, I expected it to some extent.”

Finn bowed his head and didn’t respond.

“Apophis X isn’t some nutritional supplement but also improves the



“The human mana core which is a certain fixed mass is asked to

forcibly handle more mana because of this drug.”

“By amplifying the mana core, it absorbs a large amount of mana…

Why is it so terrible?”

“Magic is known to have an equivalent exchange.”

At the word equivalent exchange, Sophia smiled.

“I knew it. Ann, so smart. Right. Yes. Not just magic. But for anything
except for God, everything in the world has equivalent exchange.
Like you said, Apophis puts a pretty dangerous load on the body,
with the condition of boosting the mana core.”

“And, and such things… you made the students drink!”

“What if that risk could be ruled out?”

Ann was speechless.

What if the risk was ruled out?

Then, Apophis X could be a very good potion which boosts mana

without side effects.

But it was impossible. Maybe if it was God there is a chance, but

such things can’t happen in this world…


Ann looked at Sophia with eyes which didn’t believe what she said.

“Our smart Ann realized.”

“…what church?”

“You don’t need to know that. I just need to break down the absurd

“What does that mean?”

“The only thing you lack is talent in magic. With Apophis X, I can
help you. You may not feel it since you are young, but with your
state, you will go through the phases which Finn went through.”

Finn shuddered at it.

Sophia walked to him and hugged him.

“Our pitiful Finn. It is fine. Your teacher will take care of you in the

Finn’s face couldn’t be seen, but his shoulders were shaking as if he

was crying.
Ann still didn’t accept this situation.

No need to talk. She had to leave this place.

‘But… how?’

The door was shut tight.

Sophia too had to work hard to open it.

And what could a 10 year old girl do?

As Ann couldn’t hide her shocked face, Sophia calmed Finn and
walked towards her.

“It is fine Ann. You might not like it now, but once you taste it, you will
see a whole new world.”

“D-Don’t come! Don’t come!”

“You don’t need to be afraid.”

Sophia tried to grab Ann’s lean wrist.

It was then.



Keniac suddenly appeared and grabbed Sophia’s wrist. Then her

face contorted like a demon’s.

Ann was stunned by Keniac’s sudden appearance.

“M-Mr. Keniac?”

“It is fine.”

Keniac smiled awkwardly. He must have tried to smile to reassure

her, but since he wasn’t used to it, the smile felt weird.

He looked at Sophia again.

“Let us not do this anymore.”

“Don’t say us!”

Ice crystals formed on Sophia’s hand.

And they slowly grew huge like thorns of ice and wrapped around
her entire arm.

The thorns moved at a speed to split open Keniac’s head.

“You can’t do a thing without me.”

A magic circle was created in the air, and Sophia’s ice thorns

“W-what are you doing?!’

“I already understand the structure of your magic. So destroying it is


“Kuk… do you think this will work?”

“Escaping from here is all I need to do.”

“If you can, try it.”

A cold sensation ran up Keniac’s neck.

He opened his eyes and teleported.


He was unable to properly land because he moved in a hurry. He

rubbed his neck with his hand and felt a cold liquid on his palm and
as he checked it, it was his blood.

“You respond quickly.”

Ashtar laughed.

Finn shuddered at the commotion and raised his head to meet

Ashtar’s eyes.

“Oh- old kid!”

“W-why are you here…?”

Ashtar talked to him as Trinity’s manager yesterday. So why was he

holding a sword with blood on it?

When Finn looked at Ashtar with fearful eyes, he smirked.

“Don’t be scared kid~ you are on our side. Am I wrong?”

Ashtar’s eyes curved like a crescent moon as he smiled. A weird

sense of intimidation could be seen in the red eyes.

Finn couldn’t even respond to it and fell back.

Sophia glanced at Finn and said.

“You are here on time.”

“It is my job, right?”


Ashtar licked the blood on the sword with his snake-like tongue.
Sophia only frowned and turned her head away.

“Don’t kill him, just capture. I’ll take him to the doctor. It isn’t too late
to punish him for betraying us.”

“Such a difficult mission.”

Sophia, who heard Ashtar’s words, approached Ann with a smiling


“Shall we talk to each other?”

Ann stared at Sophia’s hand.

She couldn’t even imagine what terrible things would happen if she
held that hand.

But if she didn’t, she would be killed here.

The brown skinned man was approaching Mr. Keniac and Mr. Keniac
was trying to get his staff to face that man.

Can everyone survive here?

She didn’t know what would happen, but Ann was determined.

“I don’t like that.”


“Because I am Mr. Jamie’s disciple. Therefore…”

“Therefore what…”

Sophia asked in a cold voice.

The creepy voice made Ann speechless, but not giving into the
intimidation, she said.

“I will not succumb to a villain like you.”

“I am getting more excited now.”

Sophia raised her hand to caress Ann’s cheek.

Ann closed her eyes shut.

“You don’t need to close your eyes.”

A familiar voice was heard.


Then came the scream from Sophia.

Ann slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing she saw was Sophia’s face as she fell down holding
onto her stomach and the next thing.


A robe fluttered.
And as the person landed on the floor, the emerald hair shook.

A sword in the right hand, and an amazing looking staff in the left.

Jamie turned to Ann and said.

“Watch very carefully. What an amazing person your teacher is.”

Ann was suddenly able to smile in that situation.


With Ann’s strong answer.

“Now is the time to get punished.”

The space around shook.

“How dare you…”

First time he got lucky.

Jamie took a step closer to Sophia, who didn’t understand what was

Mana fluctuated as he walked close and the torrent flowed out in all
directions with pounding sounds.
Without calming that robe which was fluttering, he raised his sword
and aimed it at his enemy.

“Touch my disciple?”

Mana wrapped around the sword. At the end of it, sparks flew
because of the friction with mana.

He didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t have to ask anything.

Ann was in danger, and it was Sophia who created this situation.
And hearing about this later was better.


Sophia couldn’t hide her trembling voice.

It was such a frustrating situation. Keniac knew that Jamie had

become Ann’s teacher.

And that forcefully injecting Apophis X into Ann would create trouble
for her.

But, that was in the future and not now.

Since it was a problem for the future, she thought she could manage

“…how did you get here?”

“You don’t need to know that.”

Jamie stabbed his sword.


Without hesitation, he pushed the sword through her shoulder.

A tearing scream echoed around.

Jamie had no intention of killing her right away. He had to hear what
was happening here. There was a man confronting Keniac and he
seemed like a swordsman.

A magician went well with this lab, and Sophia was someone good
enough to be here.

“It is quite surprising. The one who approached me as a fan at first

turned out to be fake. And the reputation isn’t bad, but I don’t know
how you managed to live hiding this true face of yours in the
academy. From what I saw earlier, you had one bloody expression
on, right?”


As Jamie turned his sword slightly, blood gushed out and Sophia’s
face contorted in pain.

It was a terrible pain.

Jamie just looked at her with an expressionless face and looked to

the other side.

‘Was it Finn?’

The boy, Finn, was looking at him with a scared face.

Looking back, Ann too had a similar expression.

‘I hurt her without thinking.’

This wasn’t something kids should see.

“Y-You take a break.”


Jamie shook his Beyond Avalon and both the children disappeared.

They were moved into Gremia.


Sophia grabbed Scud which had pierced her with trembling eyes.

She tried to push the blade out of her shoulder, but her strength
wasn’t enough.

“Who is that little boy?!”

At that moment, the brown skinned man fighting Keniac ran towards

Keniac manipulated the ground to erect a stone pillar to stop him, but
a diagonal slash was done and the pillar split in half.

‘He seems pretty good.’

Jamie pointed the staff at the man who approached at great speed.

A beam of blue light was shot out.

Ashtar’s eyes frowned at the beam.

Meanwhile, five flame spheres fell on him.

“You aren’t a normal kid?”


With the explosion, flames erupted.

Jamie put his hand on Sophia’s head.

She too tried to resist it, by raising her mana, but.

“Can you stop me with that much?”

Jamie’s eyes turned purple. Black mana seemed into Sophia’s mind.


Her eyes turned black for a moment and then went back to normal
as she fainted.

Jamie pulled the sword out of Sophia’s shoulder and groaned as he

cleaned the blood off it with magic. He watched where the
explosions happened.

“Mr. Jamie…!”

Keniac’s voice was heard from behind the explosion, but he didn’t

“Phew- this is getting funny.”

Ashtar smiled, revealing his teeth and his eyes shining red.

“I guess you are from the Kala tribe.”

“Huhu. You know our tribe?”

“A minority of [Arisha]? The bloodthirsty, cursed war like people.”

The Western continent, [Arisha] has been a land where frequent

wars happened since ancient times, so they were quite well known

Among them, the Kala was a small tribe of ferocious people.

In particular, their strength was enough for them to be hired as

mercenaries in several nations, and looking at the man in front of
him, Jamie knew he was strong.

‘Not Master level, but cannot be ignored.’

At least, he was a man whom Keniac couldn't handle.

Ashtar smiled and said,

“I see. You are the famous Jamie Welton?”

“I must be so famous that you couldn’t even recognize me a moment


“Hahaha! You are far more blatant than I heard!”

“I never heard such things, now will you introduce yourself?”

As Jamie asked, Ashtar’s smile grew wide and sinister.

“You seem to have a talent for words.”

“I have a lot more talents too.”

“See. Let me see if you can do that even if I tear off that snout.”
“Sure let’s…”

“Let’s see if you'll have that sneer once I tear off that mouth!”

“Mr. Jamie!”

As Ashtar charged, Keniac hurriedly called for him.

Jamie smiled and rushed towards Ashtar.

And Ashtar’s eyes widened.

It seemed like he didn’t expect the child to rush in.

“I heard rumors of you using a sword, but…”

Ashtar quickly captured the form with his red shining eyes.

“Right, I need to show you too.”


[Welton Form 2]

[Push Slash]

“Most mouths don’t match the skills.”

The single edged sword and scud collided.

A strong wind blew around them and the blades sparked. Keniac,
who was preparing magic, couldn’t hide his shock as he saw Jamie
fighting on equal footing instead of being pushed.
Ashtar was a monster who had been on the battlefield since he was
child, and developed skills which others couldn’t tackle. He knew that
because he had seen Ashtar fight several times.

However, he only heard that Jamie was learning a sword, but never
saw it in person.

‘He isn’t just born with magic?’

It was surprising that at the age of 8, he learned not just magic but
also swordsmanship.

And more intense than Ashtar too.

‘Shocking. How can he handle a sword like this?’

Ashtar’s common sense didn’t understand Jamie’s ability.

He couldn’t help it.

The existence of Jamie had reached a realm which the human mind
couldn’t comprehend.

The magic inherited from Diablo Volfir, as well as the talent he

inherited from Welton, instantly shone.

‘Even so.’

Ashtar smiled.

“It isn't enough.”

Aura caught onto his sword.

He acknowledged the ability for the child not being pushed.
However, the child wasn’t someone who knew the aura sword.

Unless he had an aura sword, the child cannot defeat him.

“I will cut you off!”


Jamie’s eyes turned purple.

“I told you that you lived on your mouth, just shut up and fight.”

Darkness wrapped around scud.

The power of gluttony began to eat the aura.

Ashtar’s eyes widened at it.

“W-what is this?!”

“I didn’t expect much from you.”

Ashtar tried to remove the sword, but Leviathan had caught it and
was now sucking away the aura.

‘The feeling of that time… ’

When he battled with Marquis Linmel, he put his magic into the
sword. He struggled for several days, but he couldn’t find the

Jamie tried to absorb the aura of Ashtar’s single edged sword with
his Scud.

However, Leviathan didn’t intend to reflect it back, it only replaced

the aura with black mana.
“Tch. Does this mean I can’t test it with his power?”

“W-what nonsense is this kid saying?!”

“You don’t have to know.”

Jamie pointed to Beyond Avalon.

“Because you seem pretty talented.”


[Reverse Heaven]


Behind him, the Reverse Heaven Gate was summoned.

The chains, bigger than before, rattled and loosened as the gate
opened with a gloomy darkness.


Ashtar looked at the gate in disbelief.

“Go and get some knowledge.”

And he was thrown into the gate.

Ashtar resisted, but the darkness which came out from the gate
seized his limbs and pulled him inside.

“Accck! Stop! Stop! Stop…!”

When he was completely sucked in, the gate closed and
disappeared under the spell.

“This shouldn’t be a huge problem.”

If Jamie was a 5th class, Ashtar wouldn’t have been an opponent he

could handle, but Jamie was 6th and learned Welton’s sword too.

He didn’t even have to do his best.

By now, the undead must have been training him right. In a week or
so, he would have turned into an excellent undead swordsman.

“That one… Just now…?”

Jamie saw Keniac approach from the side.

Keniac was trying to understand what happened, looking at the place

where the gate was summoned.

It wasn’t just the gate. The black thing which absorbed the aura. It
wasn't an unpleasant black of black magic, but was an ominous one.

Not knowing that it was the primordial black mana, Keniac’s mind
was confused.

“What was that, Mr. Jamie?”

He looked at Jamie with anxious eyes, as if asking for confirmation.

Jamie sighed.

He didn’t plan to use the black magic in front of others, but he had to
use it.
“I am sorry, Mr. Keniac.”


“Get some sleep.”

When he hit the ground with Beyond Avalon, the other world
unfolded and Keniac staggered.

Jamie placed his hand on his head and uttered something.


He raised his hand to his head and something slipped out of Jamie’s

It was Keniac’s memory which happened during the battle with

Ashtar. In the past, this would be difficult, but now he was in 6th
class in dark magic, and it became easy

to erase other people’s memories.

If there are several it would have been annoying, but since it was just
one, there was no need to hide his powers.

And when fighting a pesky opponent, Jamie couldn’t keep dragging

the fight so he used dark magic.


Jamie moved the unconscious Keniac to Gremia and walked

towards Sophia.

To find out what happened and what she did to Ann and Finn.
“Awaken your eyes, my faithful servant.”

At the same time as Jamie’s orders.

“You have called for me.”

Sophia, who had fainted, raised her upper body. And her eyes were
as purple as Jamie's.

A lab full of blue lights.

The rattling of flasks resounded there. Among them was a man in

white robe putting things in flasks and checking their reactions.

He could clearly see the black bubbles rising from the flash.

Chik! Chik!

A mouse struggled as it was unable to move.

The entire body seemed paralyzed.

The man gently sucked the drug from the flask with a dropper and
then carefully administered the drug into the mouse.

It was fine at first, but then the mouse began to convulse with loud

However, as it couldn’t move anywhere, the muscles of the mouse

shrank and it died immediately.
“Hmm. Even then, there seems to be side effects.”

Invention of the century wasn’t easy.

On the floor next to the man were dozens of dead mice carcasses.

“It is difficult to experiment on a mouse alone. Because they are

fragile beings, they cannot withstand the vitality of this drug.”

The man mumbled with a tone of regret.

If it had been administered to humans, better results could be found,

but it was a pity

that the one died.

He was also greedy and easy to control. Since it was an early EX

drug, the side effects were 10 times stronger than now.

He was relieved to some extent by mixing the EXS, but the man
didn’t last a week.

It was unavoidable.

Still, thanks to the data obtained by it, future research was possible.

His sacrifice will surely be considered huge in the future, so he

hoped the dead man wasn’t mourning in the afterlife.

“Should I rest?”

The man seemed a bit tired.

He had been researching this without a break for the past few days,
so this would turn out good.


Then, something rang in the man’s pocket.

A communicator. When he took it out, he saw who was calling him,

upon answering it a familiar voice came.


“What is this?”

-Ashtar is dead.


At the sudden news, his face went stiff.

“I need a more accurate explanation.”

-I don’t know what the situation was… it looks like someone has hit
our backs.

“That was expected from the beginning.”

It was quiet for now, but if the side effects of Apophis begin to
appear, eventually people will rebel.

Of course, those who see the research as a forest would applaud,

but the humans will only look at the tree called Apophis in the forest.

And here in the world can there be success without suffering?

Clearly, if they succeed in developing a new drug, all the disparities
and inequalities in the world will disappear.

A world where there were no victims or those who were weak.

Equality and happiness.

If that can be achieved, all the current sacrifices will turn to dust.
When the time comes, he was sure that everyone who worked in the
development of the drug would be applauded.

But Ashtar’s death was unexpected.

He was a person of the Kala tribe, which was known to be strong.

“Know what happened?”


The voice cut off. And the face of the doctor contorted.

How dare someone do this?

Interfering with his business?

Horrible mana rose from the doctor. And the mana had a turbid

Jamie looked at Sophia.

Her brain was filled with black mana. She was a doll who responded
to Jamie’s words.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Mary. Mary Valentine.”

“Then Sophia is a pseudonym?”


Those who taught children were hiding their true selves and
pretending to be bright till now.

Doesn’t that mean that the way she treated the students and taught
them or talked with the teachers was all fake?

Even on the first day, when she came to Jamie asking for a sign.

All of it was a lie.

He couldn’t be more disappointed in a person.

He didn’t feel that because she lied about being his fan.

“Why did you infiltrate the academy?”

“It's because I think children are most likely to express their emotions
in the purest way.”

“Purest way?”


“Why did you have to do that?”

“To embrace the children with a pure sense of jealousy and

Jamie frowned.

Even after hearing Mary’s answer, he couldn’t understand.

So, was it because of children who were pure with their emotions of
jealousy and inferiority that they infiltrated the academy?

He knew what it meant, but he couldn’t figure out why it was needed.


“We tried to fill the gaps with the talented by helping those who
lacked it.”

“Speak clearly.”

“This is done to overcome the unreasonable situation in which the

talented persecute, harass and ignore the less talented.”

“In what way?”

“Through a drug called Apophis.”

Jamie frowned at the word ‘Apophis’.

It was a name he knew even if he didn’t want to. Wasn’t it a

nutritional supplement?

A drug that increases the concentration and facilitates the mana


He had seen the commercials on the airships a few times.

What is a drug which closes the gap with talented ones?

When he thought of it, he remembered what Ann said.

‘She told me that her friend’s mana had increased dramatically.’

A friend who had been in elementary till the age of 14.

It was Finn. And Finn and Ann were here.

“Tell me who drank this in the academy.”

Mary mentioned all those who drank, including Finn.

Sighing, Jamie asked.

“The side effects?”

“Heart and gynecomastia rupture due to the rapid core amplification.

Muscle contraction, decreased blood vol…”

There were a lot more side effects.

In a way, it meant that those who were addicted to it, would be


And they have such a thing for students.

Silver’s face flashed in Jamie’s mind. He stopped attending one day,

and then no teacher spoke of him again.

“Was Mr. Silver with you on this?”

“We asked him to bring the students in exchange for the drug.”

“And did he have drug symptoms?”

“Kipora is included.”
Kipora is a kind of steroid and if a magician ate it, the core would be

Instead, they suffered from poison-like symptoms and if one didn't

take it, they suffered from hallucinations.

“Speak of everyone involved.”


“Say it.”


At the command, Mary grabbed her neck as if she was in anguish.

It looked like she couldn’t.

This was expected. There was no way those who are committing
such crimes wouldn’t have put a Ban spell on their mouths.

But that wouldn’t bother Jamie.

“What do those bastards think of me?”

Jamie removed the ‘Perfect Cell’ and hung it on Mary’s arm.

Then he placed his hand on her head and continued to erode the
brain with black mana as he triggered Perfect Cell.

“Erase the Ban.”

The Perfect Cell is an item which has the ability to neutralize all
kinds of abnormalities, including curses.
As the vast amount of mana was sucked out, the Perfect Cell began
to remove all the Bans from Mary’s body.

Jamie tried to brainwash so while maintaining the black mana, he

released the Perfect Cell at the same time.


Even though it was for a brief moment, sweat poured out.

Thanks to that, Mary’s skin seemed cracked like the moisture was
sucked out of it.

Jamie asked while placing the Perfect Cell onto his wrist.

“Tell me all that you know.”






But Mary said nothing.

She just tilted her head. No matter how strong the Ban was, Perfect
Cell was the best out there and created by Diablo Volfir which
neutralizes the curses.

And Mary’s Ban was hand-made.

However, now nothing of that sort could be felt.

Still, she didn’t speak…

“It wasn’t that you aren’t willing to speak, but it is that you can’t
speak as you don’t know?”


“…how did you communicate?”

“With this.”

Mary pulled out a communicator from her subspace.

Jamie took that and looked at its structure.

All kinds of anti tracking and non-recording were on it.

He tried to cancel all of it, but the crystal ball seemed like it could be
broken if he tried to force it more.

“Who did you contact with this?”




“You don't know the identity of this teacher?”

“I haven’t seen him even once.”

“…do you know the head of this place?”


Doctor and Teacher, what was this?

Jamie held back from swearing.

“And you?”

“An executive.”

“If you are an executive, then why don’t you know anything?”

“Trinity is made up of several teams. I am the team leader in charge

of the Magic world.”

“You mean, there are more people like you out there?”

Jamie sighed when Mary answered yes.

Such a stuck up organization with a point system.

They were out and away so one organization didn’t know of the

Normally, if one steps from the bottom, they would have risen up, but
this point system didn’t work like that.

However, loopholes existed in the point organization as if to share a

lot of information to the others. However getting close to the
loopholes will be difficult, but thankfully, Jamie caught Mary.

‘Try out a little more and I’ll be able to figure out something,’
It wasn’t clear what kind of organization it was, but if they were doing
something like this in here, then they must have a solid foundation.

It was certain that at least one high ranking person of Magic World
was included in this. And it cannot be overlooked as some could be

And that made things complicated.

‘Siegfried… ’

He knew that Silver was having Apophis.

But he didn’t seem like the one to be involved in this. And the reason
was simple.

Siegfried wasn’t the kind to care for others.

The reason for him not having disciples was the same.

‘Above all, he probably gave me a hint to investigate this.’

The same goes to Linmel.

The reason he didn’t want Ann was because she lacked talent in

There was no way he would be interested in the drug which helps

narrow the gap of talented ones. Especially if it was a drug.

‘He has no reason to do this.’

Since he is one of the greatest magicians in humans, why would he

take such a risk?

‘I need to talk to Siegfried.’

Before that, he had to ask Mary one more thing.

It was the thing he was most curious about since he heard of

“How do you plan to reduce the risk of Apophis? Ultimately, that had
to be your goal.”

In magic, equivalent exchange was basic.

If you absorb a large amount of mana through core amplification, an

equal price has to be paid.

And that is why Silver died.

“No matter how much I think, it is impossible to reduce the risk of

Apophis with the current knowledge in humans. Right. Unless
miracles can happen…”

Jamie’s eyes shone purple.

Mary’s expression was the same, but her body trembled.

The anger of her Master was being transmitted through black mana.

And Mary answered in a trembling tone.

“Demons. With Demons.”

He never expected demons to be mentioned.

Jamie felt like he had been hit on the head with a hammer.

‘Not just a God.’

He thought that one of the 12 Gods was doing this.

The Utopia which Mary’s organization desired was something which

could be achieved with the help of God.

But that was it. There was a race that could alleviate the side effects
of Apophis, even if it wasn’t the Gods.

That was Demons.

A race from the Devildom which was symmetrical to the Celestial

realm where the 12 Gods reside.

Among them, the Demon King, rules the Devildom.

‘If it wasn’t the 12 Gods but then… ’

It was a mistake to think that Mary's organization was only made of

humans, and think a church was behind it.

If thought back, then didn’t Zenith Church also release a Demon into
Apton last year?

Jamie’s eyes turned cold.

Demons and Gods are all detestable. Because they were all
monsters who only followed their own logic of power and were driven
by evil.
Parasites which feed on fear and pain.

“What Demon are you related to>”

“The Demon King of Lust.”

“Demon King of Lust?”


Jamie never heard of this name.

He thought it was some known Demon King.

Tens of thousands of years had passed since he was Diablo, so

many things might have changed and maybe Jamie was a rookie in
this new world.

60,000 years was a huge time when even the Devildom could shake.

‘But, those fighting crazy bastards couldn’t have kept peace this

In the days of Diablo Volfir, the 5th Demon King was known to
surpass the 12 Gods with his power and ruled the Devildom.

And Diablo had worked hand in hand with the ‘Relentless Demon
King’ of theirs but after directly feeling the nastiness of the demons,
he considered them worse than worms.

But they are still here.

“Bastards. You have no one to join hands with so you go to the

demons? Are you crazy?”


Brainwashed Mary just repeated that.

Jamie clicked his tongue, if demons were involved things could get

“You act as usual and if you get a call from above contact me. You
know how to,


“I know.”

While injecting black mana into the brain, he put in a lot of other
methods where she could do her duty as his slave.

“Go back. And take care of what happened here.”


Mary got up and went out.

Jamie took a deep breath and thought of Keniac and the kids who
were in Gremia.

“Even in the magic world, accidents seem to happen.”

The demon invasion was just half a year ago.

But, coming to the magic world, he was sure the demons were
striking fast.

‘Maybe this time Zenith is involved.’

Jamie had no doubts.

As an executive, Mary knew what kind of Demon King it was, but
didn’t know a lot more.

The possibility of one of 12 Gods being here along with the demons
cannot be ruled out. If it was Zenith, then he would have dug in.

“I need to talk to someone.”

Children aside, why was he in here?

It seemed like the time was coming.


Keniac was awake.

He lost consciousness in the process of having his memories

erased, but seeing he was already awake, it meant that he had great
mental power.

Ann and Finn were sitting in front of him. and as soon as Ann
spotted Jamie, she ran to him.


Her eyes were red as if she had been crying.

Seemed like she was worried about Jamie.


“…because I was worried.”

Jamie just patted her head and looked at Finn.

And when their eyes met, Finn trembled like a criminal. When he
checked the mana, there were a lot of impurities. No, his entire body
was rotting inside, this was the side effect Mary talked about.

“Did you bring Ann here?”

It wasn’t difficult to understand what happened after looking at Finn,

there was no need to even listen to the explanation.

“Well! I was wrong! I didn’t know this was such a place… I really
didn’t. I mean it!”

Maybe he was scared, Finn started to make excuses.

“At first, I was curious. But because it worked… suddenly Ivan came
and introduced me to a nice place, and Miss Sophia…”

“Must have sounded nice.”

Finn couldn’t say more.

It was a brief moment, but the child had to endure a lot more than he
could. The person he trusted tried to kill the friend he brought along,
so it was natural for him to act like this.

There was nothing to ask Finn. What was urgent was the condition
of his body.

Jamie walked over and stretched out his left hand.

“You’ll be fine after some sleep.”

Holy power flowed out and the Pyro’s symbol shone on his palm.
The light holy power gently enveloped Finn and put the boy to sleep.

It wasn’t the holy power of a Saint, but still, the toxins inside the body
could be expelled.

After getting enough rest, he would feel a lot better than now.

‘Recovering might be a bit difficult though.’

Apophis contained a lot of narcotic items.

And he drank a lot in a short time, so he can’t return to how he was


It would be impossible to live as a magician any longer since the

mana core had suffered the most damage.

It wasn’t known how Finn would react after waking up, but the
situation was unfortunate.

He raised the finger and lifted Finn into the air.

“Ann. Lay Finn down in an empty room and you too rest longer.”


Ann, quickly caught what Jamie wanted and moved to leave as she
pushed Finn into an empty room.

When it was just the two of them, Jamie sat across Keniac.

And Keniac said,

“You have something great.”

He glanced at the interior of Gremia and said.

“I would like to show off as much as I can, but I don’t have time.”

“Ask away.”

“Why is Mr. Keniac here?”

“Because I work.”

With that, a number of sharp ice spears surrounded Mr. Keniac.

It was to cover all spots and stab him to death at once.

“From now on, if you give any answer that is contrary to what I am
asking, I will kill you. The reason I act gentle with you is because I
saw you trying to save my disciple.”

Erasing memories was so annoying.

This was why he didn’t want to use dark magic, but without that too
Jamie could kill Keniac easily.

But above all else, he did try to save Ann for some reason.

And was why Jamie was being considerate.

If Keniac ignores that and tries to play something, Jamie wouldn’t


And crossing the line is quite easy for Jamie.

“What are you?”

“Like I said, I belong there.”

Although he was surrounded, Keniac’s expression remained the

He knew him very well, but considering he saw as a regular basis,

this was his normal way.

And Jamie asked again.

“I am not asking that. What position? Are you above Mary?”

“You found out Sophia’s real name.”


“There is no hierarchy between me and her. But to be honest, my

side is closer to being superior.”

Keniac said with his finger raised up.

Mary said that she was an executive but she didn’t know about the
Doctor or the Teacher’s true identity.

“Then you must know the identity of the Doctor and Teacher.”

“I don’t know Teacher. But… I know the Doctor.”

Jamie’s eyes widened.

Without having to use the brainwashing he used on Mary, he was

able to get information.

He didn’t ask more. It was faster to look into the mind. So he

grabbed Keniac’s head.

It was a small hand so he couldn’t cover it all, but that was enough.
Keniac said,

“It will be impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible for me.”

“It is not like the Ban.”

“Shut up.”

He didn’t intend to use dark magic again, but now that the situation
was like this, wouldn’t it be a waste to not use it?

Jamie’s eyes turned purple.

The moment Keniac opened his mouth to say something, he tried to

look and Jamie realized why it was impossible.

“This brat…”

Jamie lifted the hand from Keniac’s head.

“You were a homunculus?”

It was a day where he felt like the world had too many twists and

Keniac came to his senses and looked around.

“How long was it?”

“10 minutes.”

After answering, Jamie crushed a chip in his hand.

Keniac instinctively knew what it was,


“The device which forces you to act.”


“You don’t have to live like a dog anymore…”

“How can I express my gratitude…”


“…rather, did you see through the memory?”

Jamie didn’t answer it.

He simply rubbed the chip in his hand.

Keniac, who thought he failed, sighed.

“The chip is destroyed, but reading the memory failed. I guess it was

“Don’t judge by yourself that it is impossible.”

“…what do you mean?”

Jamie snorted at it.

Keniac didn’t know that he had lost his memories in the previous

Impossible to read memories?

It was easy, and the memory had flowed into Jamie’s head.

Memories related to dark magic were erased. He read the memory

yet there wasn’t anything Jamie needed.

‘There was no need to read after knowing he was homunculus.’

If it was a homunculus, there would be a maker and Keniac had a


An elder of the Magic world.

“3rd elder. That bastard is your head.”

“…you really did it.”

“I did, but I can infer thought without even reading it. This is absurd.
No, isn’t this expected?”

3rd elder, Serpent Garol.

He remembered the first time he met him.

The inferiority which was clearly evident, hatred, anger and jealousy
towards the talented.

The human who made this organization had to be one who felt

“I heard that you look like your master.”

“Because part of his personality is in me.”

That was the envy and jealousy.

Jamie felt shocked.

How could that 3rd elder even create such a high level homunculus?

He thought that he was the least skilled of the elders, but it seems
like there was a reason he was an elder.

But that is over now.

Keniac asked Jamie who got up.

“Where are you going?”

“To kill the 3rd elder.”

“It is dangerous to be alone. The opponent is an elder in the Magic

world. Above all, there are quite a lot of people on his side whom I
don’t know. If they join…”

“Go alone?”

Honestly, if Jamie could head in alone, his growth would be


But he didn’t intend to do that.

‘There is no guarantee that the 3rd elder is the last one.’

It is never known how a small fire of doubt could spread around.

Fortunately, Jamie had one man on his side whom he could trust
“I will wait. Your treatment will be done once I deal with the situation.
Explain to the kids too.”

“Mr. Jamie…!”

Jamie’s face disappeared.

Keniac sighed as he pulled back his outstretched hand in the air.

“This is it.”

Born as a homunculus, he led an unwanted life till now.

“It’s hard to feel emotions as fake.”

He wanted to be comfortable when everything was settled.

“Someone has taken over Keniac’s mind. They even smashed the

3rd Elder mumbled with a troubled expression.

Ashtar was hit, Mary was out of touch. And Keniac was caught.

He didn’t think that Keniac could confess. It was for a simple reason.
Because he was a homunculus, a higher artificial being created by

He was fundamentally different from the Bans which apply to the

mouth. From the very beginning, it was set that he would not speak

The same was true even if they controlled his heart.

It wasn’t known who was trying to ruin his plans, but it will take a lot
of hard work for them.
But Serpent didn’t know.

The fact that his identity was revealed.

“You bastard.”


Serpent grinded his teeth.

He didn’t know what was going on, but if Ashtar was killed and the
executives here were taken over, then it was obviously a strong one.

In other words, he was a talented person.

And he hated talented people. They always lead to inequality.

The world cannot be equal, but the inequality created by talent

cannot be narrowed despite lifelong efforts.

Now he knew that some trash intervened.

Those who claimed to be talented had to be thrown into hell. And

that will happen this time.

Serpent got up and walked to the back lab.

There were five tubes arranged.

All dazzling silver light and the doctor who saw it smiled.

“Don’t make me regret it.”

This could kill anyone.

Even those 8th class monsters.

“I will become the King of the Magic world.”

A distorted smile was drawn on Serpent’s face.

“Young lord?”

Siegfried frowned at the sudden appearance of Jamie.

“I see you are here after a fight.”

Siegfried stood up at the traces of intense mana on Jamie’s body.

“What is going on?”

“Things got a little bigger.”

Jamie sat down on the sofa, looking a little weary and Siegfried sat
across from him.


“Related to demons.”

Seigfried looked up with a face which said; Why is this kid suddenly
saying something strange?

“Was this a joke that the 8 year old kid wanted to say?”

“I am not kidding.”

“You suddenly said demons, so it does sound like a joke, right?”

Jamie let out a sigh at it.

Right. This was the kind of person Siegfried is.

It was something he didn’t like, but this man was someone he could

“Listen well.”

Jamie recounted the details of what happened.

Siegfried’s expression changed every moment.

At first, his face didn’t believe it, but as the story went on, his
complexion grew darker.

It was such a serious matter, and if it was handled wrongly, a great

deal of damage could come to the kingdom beyond the Magic world.

Siegfried who had put his thoughts together stayed silent and let out
a sigh.

“…is everything real?”


He sighed again, and glanced at Jamie’s face.

He was looking at how serious his expression was, and it was


Scratching his head, he said,

“First of all, it is a good thing you came to me first.”

“I almost regretted it.”

“I almost didn’t hear it, but if I did, I would have regretted it too.”

“Well, I came here because elder is the most reliable person I know.”

“Such an honor.”

Siegfried was the current head of the academy in the Magic world, a
talented one and the man who can do a lot and warp as well.

In particular, because of the time which passed with things

happening, it was difficult to get in contact with those who spread

For the last two months, he was the only one with Jamie, so Jamie
could trust him more than anyone else.

And Siegfried said,

“3rd elder… I thought he was a dismal human, but I didn’t think he

was crazy enough to cross the line.”
Siegfried seemed disappointed.

Although his relationship with the 3rd elder wasn’t good, they still
respected each other as magicians.

It was because he knew how difficult it was to rise to the position of

an elder here.

But, what skilled person borrowed the power of demons?

That is terrible.

There was no such thing as a sense of belonging to the Magic world,

but just one of the places he used.

And to pollute such a place felt like an insult to Siegfried.

Jamie felt the mana of Siegfried move erratically. And Siegfried said,

“Actually, it must be dealt with quickly.”

“So, then, is there anyone we can turn to for help?”

He found out that the 3rd elder was behind this, but Jamie didn’t
think that it was that simple.

Even after taking the 3rd elder down, the demons were probably

The Demon King of Lust.

It wasn’t known what position he was in the Devildom but it was

enough to help the Apophis, then he had to be a noble there.
‘It will be good if he is lesser than the previous one.’

The Baron demon from Devildom which devastated the Mirinae


The power he possessed was the lowest among the demon nobles.

Even so, he held the powers of a Master class and if a higher demon
than him came, it would be a huge trouble.

“It isn’t like we have no one.”

“Who are they?”

“The magicians of equality.”

Equality, one of the three major groups in the Magic world composed
of commoners.

The 3rd elder was a royalist and a noble with influence. Although he
didn’t have a separate position, his position as elder would give him
enough support.

So, the magicians of equality who reject the nobles and royalists will

Jamie remembered 5th Elder Luke, whom he met at the elders meet.
Although he had a twisted personality, his skills were real.

“But I don’t want them involved.”

“I understand.”

Siegfried and Equality didn’t get along.

The reason was simple.

Siegfried didn’t like the idea of equality, and the Equality faction
didn’t like Siegfried, who didn’t come into their faction.

“Huhu. Come to think of it, equality might be holding hands with the
3rd elder.”

Equality is after all, the one who went after the concept of equality.

The idea of equality meant no discrimination.

If it was similar to the purpose of the 3rd elder, then they might be
thinking the same.

“I agree.”

Siegfried nodded at Jamie’s words.

The two of them thought, if there was anyone who could be touched.

“Then 2nd elder?”

Marquis Linmel.

He was currently the strongest in Seldam and is a person of great

influence in Magic World compared to the first elder.

With his help, this could be closed very easily.

“Young lord, Young lord must have felt it too, but the more we talk…
the more…”

“You think we should do it alone?”

“Yes. The 2nd elder is someone who can be trusted, but as long as
demons are involved, I cannot trust anyone. That is my conclusion.”

“So do I.”

In the process of choosing a person to seek help, the two had

reached their final conclusion.

In the situation where he didn’t know who the human was who made
contact with the demon, they couldn’t trust anyone no matter how
trustworthy they were.

Demons are things which pretend to be humans too.

Pretend and be trusted, and pretend to be on the same side.


Siegfried said,

“That Teacher. Didn’t even Mr. Keniac say he didn’t know the


“Then, the Teacher can be on the same level as the 3rd elder.”

“Same idea here. And Mary confessed that their organization is

global, but I don’t think that’s true.”

“Yes. Perhaps they lied to increase their loyalty here.”

If the members of the organization didn’t like each other, or problems

arose, the organization could be shaky, which was why such a lie
could be needed.

So if they introduce themselves as a huge one, the servants inside

would be more faithful to the place.

In particular, people like Mary who are easy to control and have the
same idea as the organization.

‘Even if the purpose of the organization is equality of talent.’

Jamie thought it wasn’t true.

Even if that was their intention at first, there was a high chance that
those in the higher position are already rotten inside.

“Just us two.”

“I get it.”

“For now, we can get something if we catch the 3rd elder, so it won’t
be difficult after that.”

It was true that he was capable enough to be called the 3rd elder,
but he was in 6th class.

There was no way he could overpower Siegfried.

“If that doesn't work, we can use this.”

Jamie held out his left hand.

The symbol of Pyro shone.

Although it was just a symbol of her, the holy power wasn’t strong
and it had one function.

‘I was reluctant to use it, so I didn’t.’

But it was better to use it than to make the situation worse.

“First, let’s start by figuring out how to control the 3rd elder. Young
lord must be tired, so you need to rest,”

Siegfried is an elder, so he would be able to find the location of the

3rd elder more easily than Jamie.

So Jamie nodded without a word.

Entering the staff room, the teachers greeted Jamie.

And Jamie said he had to pack for the moment and headed to his
seat and sat down as he sighed.

‘I came here with an easy mind, but I got involved in something


It was so ridiculous that he wanted to laugh.

Suddenly a demon came in.

And the nutritional supplement turned out to be something from the

demon. Which was another thing he found hard to believe.

But it had to be true, since he heard it from Mary whose brain he

took over.

“I need some air.”

He didn’t feel nice sitting. Jamie quietly left the office and decided to
take a break.

The academy, where everyone was left, was quiet.

The dimly lit rooms filled with the reddish sunlight.

It was the time when he was walking with such thoughts.

“Ah! Mr. Jamie!”

At that moment, he heard Javelin’s voice.

When he turned, he found him smiling.

“Are you still working?”

“I came back because I had to do something.”

“Ahh. I see. Did that work out fine?”

“Yes. Well. But do you have something to say?”

“Nothing much, but have you seen Miss Sophia?”

When Sophia was mentioned, Jamie almost gave himself away, but
then calmly replied.

“I didn’t see her… did something happen?”

“Haha. I have something to talk to her. Then, please have a nice


Javelin waved his hand and turned.

Jamie looked at that and began to walk again.

And suddenly had a thought.

Javelin was a flawless teacher. He was always smiling and it was
hard to know what

he was thinking about, and he never heard of the man do anything

wrong till now.

He didn’t talk much, but whenever ever he did they would only praise

This was because they regarded him as the leader and someone
they relied on a lot.

It was the same with the students. The students respected him and
liked him for his friendly personality and his way of embracing them

In addition, he managed the academy in the absence of Siegfried,

and could communicate with the 3rd elder too.

‘Won the respect of teachers and students, the real power in the
Academy is his, the right to go to 3rd elder and talk. And finally.’

When Silver went missing, many teachers were worried and Javelin

He said he would contact Silver directly and if not, go and see him

But no one heard anything after that.


Jamie called him.

Javelin stopped and looked back.

“What is it?”

“How has Mr. Silver been? I don’t think I heard any news since then.”

“Ahh. He was feeling a little unwell. I was worried. Someone who

was healthy suddenly collapsed. Jamie is still young, so you should
take care of your health to grow up well~”

And Jamie asked Javelin who was ready to leave.

“Why did you do it?”

Javelin, who stopped again, asked with a smile.


“Why did you do it?”

“What does that mean…”

“Teacher. Why?”

With a puzzled face he looked at Jamie who kept repeating the same
question, Javelin raised his finger and pointed to his face.

“Did I make some mistake?”

It was a weird thing.

Jamie smiled and nodded.

“You did. A mistake.”


“It was a mistake to be this perfect.”

He liked people too much.

And was talented.

Always killing emotions and trying to smile.

Jamie generally never trusted those who hide their emotions.

Because that meant they had another plan running in their minds.

Like now.

“You were this close. T.E.A.C.H.E.R.”

Javelin just bowed his head without answering and fixed the glasses.
The sunset reflected on it.

He still looked at Jamie with a friendly smile.

“That is…”

Javelin said.

“Where did I get caught?”

His eyes dyed in black.

“I was constantly wary to not look down on you because you were a
kid… but to become like this. Living is so difficult.”

Javelin shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn’t easy.

“It’s scary to even say ‘maybe’. Maybe because of that child, maybe
our plan, maybe we won’t achieve it. The person who first used the
phrase ‘Maybe’ seems to have a great insight.”

Javelin kept mumbling something and pulled something out of his

pocket and looked at Jamie.

“Isn’t that right, Mr. Jamie?”

The moment Javelin was about to press what he pulled out, a thorn
rose from the shadow and pierced his hand.

No, tried to pierce but failed. His skin was barely scratched. But the
purpose was achieved.

What he pulled out was a button and it wasn’t pushed.

“I don’t know what you are trying to do, but I can’t let you.”

As Jamie reached out, telekinesis magic was activated. But instead

of being flustered, Javelin smiled.

“It’s an artifact so I don’t need to press it.”


And the button was pressed.

He didn’t know what would happen, so he spread layers of shields.
But nothing happened.

Javelin said,

“Haha. This is that.”

Javelin, who held the button, spoke while showing it to Jamie.



“Yes, Pager.”

At that moment, huge mana appeared from behind.

It was teleportation.

Jamie clenched his fist looking at the location where the teleportation
would happen.

[Soaring Thorns.]

The ground rose in the shape of a cone and smashed.

Jamie looked at the shards of stone flying around. And standing

above it perfectly was a man wearing a grey shield.

The 3rd Elder, Serpent Gerol.

“I came to see what happened… Javelin, I need an explanation.”

“He found out.”

Along with the scream, Serpent aimed at Jamie, with the staff in his

He could feel the Mana wriggling behind.

It looked like he was trying to intercept from the front and back. But
Jamie had no intention of getting hurt.

[Sea of Hundred.]

As he slammed his foot down to the ground, the mana which was
floating around went to Jamie.

And he took out both Scud and Beyond Avalon.

The opponents were 6th class and 5th class magicians.

This was a high chance that Javelin was hiding his best skills yet.

But he decided to consider them as someone above him.

“I am sorry.”

“I have no intention of fighting with you.

It was the moment Jamie took his stance.

The mana of Javelin and Serpent began to resonate.

A grey marble appeared in the centre, where Jamie was standing.

A grey marble with ominous energy.

‘This is bad!’
As soon as he saw it, he felt it.

Jamie went straight for Beyond Avalon, to change the reality, trying
to hide the appearance.


“I always assumed this situation.”

Serpent spoke in a sarcastic voice.

Excited, he continued.

“Geniuses like you are always careless! That is why this is


The grey marble seemed to have the power to interfere with Beyond

The grey marble scattered the mana, making the surrounding mana
unusable. For a magician, such a place was the enemy. And for
some reason, this no-mana scenario didn’t seem to affect them.

It was a troubling situation, but for Jamie, magic wasn’t his only

He tightened his grip on Scud.


He wasn’t sure what this grey marble was, but now wasn’t the time
to try and analyze it, so he raised Scud and infused mana into it.
It was less, but this was the best move he could come up with in this

Jamie’s eyes turned purple.

[Futility Divide]

The Welton family’s swordsmanship struck the grey marble.

And the marble got cut in half.



Javelin was speechless and Serpent screamed. They acted weird for
one marble being slashed.

Welton's swordsmanship can cut through anything. Even if it was a

grey marble or space.

‘Still, if I was a bit weak, this would have failed.’

The important thing was that he managed to succeed.

The power to hinder Beyond Avalon was ended.

Jamie chose to trap the grey marble, rather than him trying to act
secretly from behind.

A power he didn’t face before, so he couldn’t know when it would

start to work again.
And if it was left as it is, it would only hinder his magic in the
important moments.

Beyond Avalon warped the space around the grey marble.

Without this marble, maybe 1vs 2 would be fine.

“As expected, a genius is truly amazing.”

But these people were alert.

“But there is another thing.”

Another grey marble was created right next to where the first one

He tried to cut it straight away without thinking about it.


But he couldn’t.

A force swept over his body. And not just that, but a few streaks of
grey something came out and tried to bind him.

Jamie clenched his teeth.

These men, they were prepared thinking of the worst moment.

Perhaps, they had all the situations planned in their mind to make
sure their purpose was achieved.

Then they must have other things prepared to counter.

And he came to know one thing.

It was then,


Part of the hallway was torn out.

Javelin and Serpent didn’t panic and just spread back.

In the middle of what used to be a hallway, was Siegfried.

In anger, with his long blonde hair flying up.

“You bastards!”

His mana was running wild.

He had his arms stretched out to kill Javelin and Serpent.

The space was heavily being controlled and as he was just about to
shoot, Jamie yelled.


“Too late.”

Siegfried looked at Javelin.

Javelin moved back and had the middle and index fingers of both
hands attached.

Serpent too did the same thing. And they both chanted something
looking at Siegfried.


An unsettling force that began from the hands of Javelin and Serpent
began to bind Siegfried.


Ann noticed that Finn was looking a little better now.

Keniac was still seated.

Seeing Ann, he smiled a little and motioned her to come closer.

She seemed to hesitate at first, but he was still a teacher who tried to
save her. She thought it would be rude to act as such in front of him.

“I’m sorry for putting you in such a situation.”

Ann shook her head.

“No. Teacher tried to save me.”

“I realized it too late. I shouldn’t have even tried to do that in the


No. He didn’t do it.

Everyone started this development with one hope, and it was a good

Equality of talent.

How many people had struggled to achieve it? However, at some

point, the original intention changed and started to flow in a weird
The first time a drug like Apophis was touched, it became irreversible
and there were demons waiting.

‘Maybe it was the scheme of the demons from the beginning.’

“It is a great sin for me to touch my students.”

“Right. It is Teacher’s fault. But, Teacher rejected those situations

because of his conscience. But you should get punished. Wouldn’t it
be nice to live while making atonement for everyone?”

Ann spoke in a stern voice unlike her age.

Hearing that, Keniac smiled.

Her words were right. He had to atone for it. but he didn’t know how
long he would have to atone for his sins to be cleared. He took part
in the most dreadful experiment, but he was ready, he was ready to
do anything to clear off the sins which were suffocating his heart.

But Keniac knew.

Breaking out of the sins isn’t an easy task like Ann speaks.

No matter how hard he tries to deny it, it doesn’t change the fact that
he hurts people.

Keniac stroked Ann’s hair.

And Ann just let him.

“He will wake up soon.”

“Where are you going?”

“I should do what I can.”

He wanted to be a good teacher.

It was difficult for him to be a good teacher because he had the heart
of the one who created him. Still, he did his best to teach his

He had a lot of regrets.

Be closer to them, softer and kinder to the kids.

Why couldn’t he do that?

Was it because he was Serpent’s homunculus?

That was just an excuse. If he tried, maybe he could have changed.

Because now he understands what a heart means.



“You are a very smart child. You are someone who can be called a
one-of-a-kind genius.”


“You lack magic. That is a pity, but there aren’t many people in the
world who can match your mind.”

“I was always worried. What if that child gets magic in her hand? I
wanted to reach out to you first, but I wasn’t the kind of person who
could or was in a position to do so. It was a disturbing situation but
then Mr. Jamie appeared.”

A boy who reached unbelievable heights at just 8 years.

No, a boy was a disrespectful term to Jamie Welton.

He was already a full-fledged magician and a teacher, and not

lacking at all.

When he first saw him, the emotions of Serpent inside him trembled.
It was difficult to bear a boy who was just 8 and had greater magic
than him.

So there were times when he didn’t like it.

But he was fascinated by what was shown in the first class.

“Mr. Jamie, you know, is an amazing magician. Not just that, he will
rule the Magic world in the future and it is clear that he will be
standing in the center of it.”

Ann just listened quietly.

Keniac smiled,

“You are the disciple of such a person. If you learn from him, your
shortcomings will be filled. So, even if it’s hard, keep learning. There
might be situations that are difficult to bear since you are still young,
in that case, remember your dreams and never give up.”

“I really want to see you grow up to be a wonderful magician.”

“I will show you. I will not give up and become a great magician.”

“Yes. I wish I could see that.”

Ann felt an unknown feeling rise at those words.

Keniac smiled brightly.

It had been two years since she entered here. And she continued to
attend his magic circle classes, but Keniac was someone who only
held terrifying faces in his classes.

Could he smile like this?

He got up and said to Ann.

“May there be glory always in your path ahead.”


With that, Keniac disappeared.

Ann jumped up with a puzzled expression, but Keniac was nowhere

to be seen.

“These bastards and their tricks!”

Siegfried raised his mana to the peak in order to release the

shackles which were holding him.
The space fluctuated responding to him, but the shackles didn’t

It wasn’t magic suppressing the mana. If that was the case, the
space shaking wouldn’t have even occurred.

Still, he couldn’t break them.

‘What is this?’

Even if he was a Great Magician, he was still young.

There was a lot of magic he hadn’t witnessed so he didn’t know of

the sealing type.

Even so, he was a Great Magician and his opponents were 5th and
6th class magicians. Maybe give them credit and consider it as two
6th class magicians.

There was a wall between the 6th class and 7th class which wasn’t
narrow. Even if the two used their best, they couldn’t take on a 7th

“Must be flustered, Principal.”

Siegfried looked at Javelin.

He could see the evil intention from the smiling face and this only
made him more annoyed.

Serpent mocked Siegfried.

“The only thing you can do is look at us like that? Hahaha! If you are
a genius you should use your brain!”
“Damned old man…”

“Uh-huh. You will never understand it. Right. If it was just me and
him, we wouldn’t have been able to create such a situation. But…”

Serpent grinned.

“In this world, if you look for a way to neutralize one Great Magician,
there are plenty of ways! And it is your fault for rushing in without any
tricks! Puahaha!”

Javelin and Serpent really did assume the worst situation and dealt
with it.

Even in the situation where the elders of the Magic world could be

A powerful sealing magic which immobilizes Great Magician


Perhaps, maybe against the 1st and 2nd elder too.

They must have thought of ample plans to deal with them all.

With a smile, Javelin said,

“Huhu. Even the most famous Siegfried wouldn’t have expected


“This is the problem with geniuses. You always believe that anything
is possible with your own abilities. Funny people! Look at you now!

Serpent's eyes gleamed in madness.

Siegfried struggled to escape from it, but the more he did, the
stronger it became.

“It is a sealing art which is hard to find in that mysterious nation

beyond the East.

Solving it will be difficult.”

“Damned bastards.”

“Your mouth is still alive, 7th elder.”

“3rd elder… Do you think everything will work out?”

“Looks pretty fine to me.”

Serpent smiled, revealing his yellow teeth.

Siegfried asked Jamie.

“Young lord, what about you? I don’t think you are sealed.”

“They are messing with the mana.”

Siegfried frowned so Jamie showed the grey marble.

“They prepared a lot.”

“How long will it take to solve that?”


Siegfried couldn’t answer.

It was impossible for him to determine the structure of the sealing

It wasn’t that he couldn’t do it.

He just didn’t know what this mysterious nation this was from, but the
ones who used it were magicians below 6th class.

If he had time, he could try and get out.

“Can you hold one?”

Jamie stared at Siegfried and then lowered his head slightly and

A blind spot where the lips couldn’t be seen from their position.

It was a spot where Siegfried alone could understand it.

“…will you be alright?”

“I think so.”

“Now, now. enough chatting. The Principal…”

Javelin snapped his fingers.

Darkness began to emerge from the air and began to wrap around

“I hope you get some rest.”

Siegfried yelled through his clenched teeth, not liking the situation.
“Bastard. Once I am out, I will definitely kill you! I swear on my soul!”

And with that, Siegfried disappeared.

Javelin smiled at it.

“When the most dangerous one disappears, I feel more at ease.”

Jamie who listened spoke to Javelin.

“You must know that it is impossible to keep elder Siegfried tied with
such a sealing art.”

“We can buy time. And in that time… our plans will be finished.”

“Fufu. It isn’t like we care for kids, Welton’s child.”

“You dirty old man. Apophis was found because you couldn’t break
through the 7th class wall, right?”

Serpent smiled but it was terrifying, as if Jamie hit the right spot.

“Do you want to have your chances of growing up cut off because of
that mouth of yours?”

Normally, Jamie would have said something back, but now he

decided to stay still.

This man was a crazy one.

“But, what do we do now?”

Javelin adjusted his glasses and walked around Jamie.

“The remaining seals are to be used on the elders who might
intervene, and they are simple seals which can be used on you, but I
am afraid of the repercussions of killing him.”

If Jamie is killed, the Welton family known for the best

swordsmanship and the Bell family, one of the most powerful in the
Seldam kingdom would become enemies to the 3rd elder.

And there will be more enemies in the future, but these two families
were too huge.

And there was a high chance that they would halt their future plans.
But to release Jamie was like asking for the same result.

“Can’t we just erase his memory?”

“We are saving you because of your background. Lucky little boy.”

Jamie sighed watching the two of them act all high and mighty in
front of him.

“Why are you sighing?”

“Are you the one who made a contract with the demon?”

“Even in this situation you are digging for information?”

“A foolish old man blinded by greed made a contract with the demon,
then the demon would have taken his heart. And the eyes turned
black a little earlier, they were yours.”

“This child… let’s hear it.”

As Serpent approached Jamie ready to hit him, Javelin stopped him.

“…you want to put up with his insults?”

“It will be a real headache if you harm him.”

“Erase his memory. Then you can manipulate the memory as if he

was injured.”

“Not possible. Don’t look down on him, Great Magician.”

As Javelin said that, Serpent frowned.

To him, who hadn’t yet mastered his magical realization, the word
Great Magician was a repulsion.

He glared at Javelin and clicked his tongue as he turned around.

Just looking at the child was hurting his pride.

‘This bastard really.’

He was sure.

Javelin was the one who made a contract with demons.

Seeing Serpent walk back, Javelin smiled at Jamie.

“Right. I am the contractor.”

“You are truly mad.”

“Think of it that way.”

“What are you up to? Judging from how meticulous it is, it seems
that equality of talent isn’t your goal.”

“Haha. That is something to coax the world.”

Javelin smiled and looked at Jamie.

“Seems like you locked the space. Seeing that no one came despite
the commotion.”

“Right. So, wouldn’t that help in Jamie’s questions being answered?”

The space they were in was isolated from the outside world.

If not for it, the teachers at Phoenix academy are of high quality and
it seems like this was done to deceive the eyes of others.

There was little chance of being helped from outside.

“Well. Mr. Jamie. You might be a genius, but as long as this grey
marble exists, neither magic nor sword can be used.”

“We had to be prepared, so we have carefully prepared ourselves to

deal with any situation.”

Jamie closed his eyes at Serpent’s whisper.

“Let me ask you one last thing.”

“Do you think I will answer?”

“Clear up my doubts.”

“Ugh. Maybe I should listen to the question first?”

“Are you planning to make even the Demon King descend?”

He asked.
If Apophis wasn’t made for equality, then what was it made for?

First, Serpent would be hoping to expand his control.

And Serpent doesn’t care about people. He was nothing but a selfish
human trash.

Being such a simple minded person, it was clear that he joined

hands with a demon.

Then… What about the Demon contractor?

Was Apophis a medicine for the demons too?


There is only one thing they want.

‘Character’ unity.

Apophis is a drug which affects the mana core. And the effect will
spread to the entire body, it would be more accurate to say that they
would wish for all humans to take this, and rule over Apophis.

And if all humans begin to consume it, the human core will be
amplified and that would make excellent sacrifices for the demons.

“Is it not?”

Javelin didn’t answer.

He just smiled.
“Well, I don’t think it will happen so soon. But I am looking forward to

And the Magic world is the start.

And then they would leave this. And they’ll go to a new place and
conduct this all over again.

To not be caught by anyone.

Even if they found out, they had to leave the Magic World first. So
they prepare for the dangerous situations from scratch.

“Wicked bastard.”

“The current situation is quite nice for us.”

Because the world is concentrating on Zenith.

Even if their identity is discovered, there will be fewer pursuers than

they expect.

For Javelin, the present world is the best to achieve his purpose.

“Quite interesting. Hold on longer.”

Javelin reached out to Jamie’s head.

He could feel the sleep magic entering his mind.


At the moment that darkness was spreading.

“Isolation, are you sure?”

Jamie’s eyes turned purple.

“You… what is this power?!”

“Javelin get away!”

“Too late.”

They tried to block all the interference they could and prepared for all
types of scenarios.

The problem was that Jamie had reincarnated.

A reincarnation of a dark magician who was as strong as the 12


“You were too close to me.”

The grey marble controlled the mana, but it couldn’t control the black
mana which he created in the Shadow World.

<Eat it!>

A huge, sharp snout protruded from the darkness and bit the upper
body of Javelin.

Being close, he reacted quickly, but Leviathan’s power far exceeded

his expectations.

Javelin mumbled with a distorted face.

Blood and flesh splattered in all directions.

Javelin was hit by a single blow and the most terrifying one.

Serpent couldn’t control his expressions at the vicious sight.

With a shocked face he mumbled.

“Y-You… are a dark magician?!”

“You never thought of this possibility, right?”

The purple eyes which flickered in darkness.

“I will make you cough everything out and then kill you.”

Terrifying fear began to encroach the entire space they isolated.

Serpent couldn’t understand this current situation.

The black energy from Jamie Welton changed like a wolf’s teeth, and
gulped Javelin in one bite.

It was a terrible sight.

Javelin with just his lower body had collapsed. It wasn’t known if the
word collapsed was even right, but the rough teeth marks on his
waist made it feel like collapse was a good word.

And he looked at Jamie Welton who had a dark aura flowing out.
Eyes purple and ominous enough to make people shudder.
What about this black energy?

‘Dark magician… right?’

Prior to ascending to elder, Serpent had participated in several dark

magicians killing troops.

So he had dealt with and seen the black mana. It was an ugly,
disgusting and filthy energy.

However, Jamie felt different.

Ominous was right, but there was no ugliness coming from it.

‘But the form is definitely dark magic!’

There were forms according to the nature of magic.

Fire was wild, wind was regular, water was calm and the earth was
the same.

Then dark magic?

‘It has to be a very ominous magic!’

Serpent was silent.

An ominous black wolf mouth just ate Javelin’s upper body.

It was unknown whether the energy flowing was black mana, but the
magic used was definitely black magic.

“I see… I see! You aren’t a genius, you sold your soul to the devil
and bought your talent!”
Serpent burst into madness as if he realized something.

He scoffed at Jamie and shouted.

“Kid! You succumbed to evil to learn magic! That is how it was?

Hahaha! You were no genius!”

Serpent screamed.

Jamie couldn’t help but smile seeing that.

It was really nice to see him work hard to bring down a child since he
didn’t want to admit they had talent.

Human inferiority often turns into a driving force for their growth, but
there are times when it turns ugly.

Humans had primal emotions.

And Jamie didn’t like it.

“It was that! Hehehe! You can’t be better than me! Right, I mean, you
are just a kid, Siegfried! Right that bastard slave has to be a dark
magician too! He too must have sold his soul to the devil!”

Serpent constantly tried to highlight himself.

With an enemy right in front of him.

This was why Jamie liked the primal instincts, because humans who
are immersed in them are easy to take down.

And from time immemorial, beating was the right medicine, and
Jamie was quite fond of it.
“Shut up your mouth.”

As Jamie reached out, black mana flew like a whip.

Serpent, who was laughing like hell, was startled and spread out a


As the black mana struck the centre of the shield, cracks began to

It was shocking, the fact that the attack nearly broke the shield
brought Serpent to reality.

“Dark magician bastard…!”

He was quite angry so he removed the shield and took off the staff.

“I didn’t know you were hiding such a power, but hahaha! Good job! I
only killed three dark magicians till now, I’ll make a seat for you too!”

“Sorry. I kill people like you to the point where it’s hard for them to
even be born again, so I don’t think I’ll be able to fill the seat.”

“You! You bastard!”

When Serpent hit the staff on the floor, a magic circle unfolded.

It wasn’t known what kind of magic it was, but as long as Jamie had
black magic, it would work out.

Black mana wrapped around Scud.

He lightly tapped the blade with Beyond Avalon.

Clench! Black sparks roared from it.

[Death Soul.]

It was the first time he used this kind of magic with a sword, but
Jamie remembered the battle with Marquis Linmel.

The clues he got at that time still lingered in his mind, but he couldn’t
grasp the feeling.

It didn’t matter.

He found a new way to use it.

“I’ll show you the Demon Sword.”


Jamie’s form soared.

The Sea of Hundred was spreading on his toes. Serpent felt the
mana flow towards Jamie.

“Something like this!”

A gust of wind blew as he threw the staff. It was no ordinary storm.

An invisible force could be felt through the gusts of wind.

Beyond Avalon was raised high. Black mana resonated.

[The black side!]

A gust of wind struck Jamie.

There was an invisible force in it, but it didn’t even brush past
Jamie’s collar.

Any attack felt meaningless as if it wasn’t strong enough to touch


After confirming that his attack failed, Serpent stepped back and
fired small magic bursts.

“Die! Die!”


Even if it was magic that a 6th class magician performed, it still

seemed better. Jamie smiled, feeling the heat explode.

Beyond Avalon hit the ground.

The distance between Jamie and Serpent narrowed in an instant.

“The soul destroys the soul.”

And the sword moved diagonally from the lower right.

[Welton form 7.]


Serpent barely raised his chin up to avoid it.

But Jamie laughed.

He didn’t even know why he was laughing, but it didn’t take long to
find out.
The wind blew in from behind.

It was sharp, terribly sharp and went for the name.

“You don’t know what Aftermath is, right?”


The Welton Form 7 is a two stroke attack.

It was a method of guiding the mana which was condensed at the

starting point of the attack to the trajectory of the sword to deliver
subsequent blows with the wrong


Blood gushed from Serpent’s chest.

Jamie wasn’t the type to wait for him to recover,


The power of predation that devoured Javelin, and Leviathan

seemed to have finished digesting it, and came back.


Serpent felt the darkness in front of him as he watched it. In a

situation, where a black wolf which swallowed one was coming for
him again.

When that terrible thing was about to happen, Serpent couldn’t think

An attack from behind was pulled back and Leviathan devoured him.

Darkness spread around, and the strong scent of blood mixed in the



Black mana that made up Leviathan began to split into small grains.
The black grains further split and turned into invisible pieces.

And the flow of mana was distorted.

Clearly, the entire space began to collapse particle-by-particle,

despite the Sea of Hundred being open.

It was then.


Jamie felt a huge amount of mana through Leviathan that split into
mist like particles.

It wasn’t pure mana which the ordinary magicians used. Not as much
as black mana, but this mana was violent and wild, ignoring the flow
around him.

In the middle was Serpent.

He, who shouldn’t be able to control the soul being pulled out, was
standing still and straight.
‘Body… is grown.’

Serpent wasn’t some dwarf but now he seemed about half a span

And he took a deep breath.

“Ahmm… haaa.”

And exhaled, covered his face and began to laugh.


He smiled and laughed as he covered his face.

Skin which wasn’t red, but still in that shade.

Any white mark on the skin was now red and the blood vessels

And as if something like a lump was over his left chest.

The source of the sinister mana around Serpent was there.

“I feel. I feel very good.”

Saliva dropped his chin.

Jamie said, looking at him.

“Reversal of the five senses.

“Damned curse!”

Serpent hit his chest.

The black mana which was around him disappeared without a trace.

‘His level has risen.’

Jamie narrowed his eyes.

If he was the Serpent until recently, he would have been under the
curse. However, Serpent quickly noticed curse from black mana
going around and destroyed it.

It wasn’t known how he did it, but Serpent crossed the wall of 6th

‘It isn’t that he broke the wall.’

It is impossible to break the wall to 7th class unless one realizes a

magical realization.

The present Serpent was between 6th and 7thclass.

The problem was that his power went up a bit.

Something like an evolution. Or something which triggered when he

tried to escape.

Serpent now managed to escape.

And his stronger body was proof of it.

“Your tricks don’t work on me.”

Serpent let out a gasp.

The weather wasn’t cold, but white smoke came from his mouth.

It wasn’t breathing.
What was happening within his body was unknown, but the sure
thing was, his bioenergy is being burned to create enormous and
sinister mana.

Over time, his body would destroy.

Jamie smiled.

“Why did you turn into that?”

There was no reason to waste time.

“Come out.”

Jamie’s eyes turned purple.

“My soldiers.”


With the sound of chains, the door of the Undead opened.

“Kill the man and bring his soul to me.”

Hundreds of Undead soldiers came out.

Azad at the forefront ordered.



All kinds of Undead rushed towards Serpent.

Serpent flinched at the appearance of the Undead and burst into

“Kuahahaha! You filthy beings! I will kill you all!”

Two ominous forces collided.

The lower body of the Javelin was far.

It was lying down, apparently dead since the upper body didn’t exist.

Jamie and Serpent already moved away from that topic.

Well, its presence meant nothing now. So it was no longer


And made the decision,


The lower body moved.

The right leg moved out, and the knee bent.

In that state, he brought out the right foot, and tried to balance,
leaving the left in a fixed position.

However, because there were no arms, the body kept falling down.

And he couldn't help but wiggle his legs and move towards a wall,
but Siegfried had blown up most of the path there so he had to move
a lot.

Thanks to that, now he felt like a worm.

When the lower body finally touched a wall, he pushed against it.
And once he felt comfortable, he tried to stand up.

And as he got up, his legs shuddered, so he stayed still.


A roar from a distant place.

Jamie and Serpent seemed to be having a strong fight.

And the lower body moved again. This was an isolated space. So no
one else could come here.

But now he had to meet someone.

The lower body worked hard and ran to where the isolation started
and tried to look around. It wasn’t difficult since he was the one who
made this.

The lower body moved here and there. And then heard footsteps.

“Phew-I need to leave work soon.”

It was Hivan, the homeroom teacher for Beta class in middle level.
There was a test so he had to go prepare the questions.

To let go of the fatigue he was thinking of having beer. With light

steps he headed to the office to get his bag. And titled his head at
the sound of footsteps.

“Who can be here at this time… kuak!”

When he saw just the lower body, he screamed like he would pass
out. But the screams didn’t last long.

Black tentacles protruded from the cut waist and pierced the body of

He couldn’t even scream. Not even understand what happened.

A familiar voice could then be heard.

“I am sorry, Mr. Hivan.”

It was definitely the voice…

“Phew- I almost died.”

Javelin, who stole the body of Hivan, swept his short grayish black
hair and smiled.

“So dark magician…”

His fingers turned to knives.

“Good news.”

Both eyes turned black.

Javelin moved back to the fighting spot.

What kind of expression would Jamie have when he realized he had

been careless?

It was the moment he was walking back.


Javein stopped and turned back.

It was a very welcoming face to him.

“Ah! Mr. Keniac! Where are you…”

“Shut up and die.”

A spear of mana shot from Keniac’s hand into Javelin’s heart.

At that, Javelin shouted.

“I am going to kill all of you!!”

“You will die.

“Is that so, Teacher?!”

“Shut up and follow me.”

Keniac approached Javelin and grabbed him by the neck and


“W-who was that just now?”

“It seemed like Mr. Javelin’s voice?”

“Ehh, no way.”

“What was it?”

Shortly after a few teachers appeared and spoke something and

disappeared again.

A gentle wind blew.

For a long time, the Undead soldiers were nourished by the black
mana of Jamie within the Gates of Reverse Heaven.

That alone became a blessing and driving force for the growth of the

But the Undead soldiers…

In particular, Azad and Raiza didn’t stand still. Undead soldiers were
trained under them and they even established a command system
under them.

As a result, the army was able to match and move in harmony.

Like right now.

“Squad one intercepts the enemy from the front and the 2nd one to
the left and right to assist squad one and the 3rd squad will fire at

At Azad’s command, the undead moved quickly.

Their movements were identical.

The melee infantry clasped their bone swords and charged at


Behind them, the 2nd squad was chasing with space spread ahead
to the left and right.

The 3rd squad had bows made of bone and black mana arrows on
Even though there was just one enemy, they moved as if there was
an army waiting for them.

‘They can’t even be compared to the past?’

The last time he called them was in Apton.

They fought when Jamie was dealing with the Seven Knights, who
were guarding the egg and the demon.

Even then, they moved fairly well, but now it seemed like they
progressed twice from then.

Jamie looked at Azad. There was confidence on his face.

‘I didn’t pay much attention to them, but they are doing well.’

Black magic, especially the necromancy type, was so conspicuous

that he couldn’t keep using it.

So he felt bad for Azad and Raiza. It was because of the Undead he
had, only these two had a sense of reasoning.

And there was nothing to do inside the gate, how bored could they
have gotten?

Come to think of it, Raiza was nowhere to be seen. And the Lich too.


“You called, master?”

Azad knelt down and turned to Jamie.

“…what are you doing?”

“We too are in the army so shouldn’t we follow the basic etiquette?”

Looking back, even the way Azad spoke changed.

No, it was strange rather than change.

Like wrong clothes on him? It was awkward.

Azad was a ruffian. He was an executive of a criminal organization.

How could he speak like a normal citizen now?

It was natural that he felt awkward.

“Don’t fool around and act yourself.”


And when Jamie didn’t accept it, Azad just got up.

“Where the hell did you learn such shit?”

“…Nebro told us.”

“Lich? He couldn’t have a plausible mind.”

“I don’t think so.”


What new information was this?

When making him a Lich, the first thing Jamie did was take off his
reasoning so he would only think the bare minimum.

“He has been talking to us since day one and even sometimes talks
about random things. Quite a funny one.”

Jamie couldn’t understand from which side he could be funny.

“I need to meet him later.”

He wanted to summon Nebro right away, but this was a difficult

situation with a battle happening. Serpent was already turning crazy
and literally annihilating his Undead.

The Undead were trying to attack.

‘I don’t know what, but if Nebro resists it would be two enemies here.
And I can’t handle that kind of trouble now.’

The chance of him fighting back was low, but just in case.

Of course, even if he rebelled, Jamie was confident about being able

to subdue him.

Unlike the past, his present self surpassed Nebro's human level.

Even then, it felt weird.


A reasoning in mind which suddenly appeared. And then, a thought

popped into Jamie's mind.

“Maybe he attained realization?”



Jamie shook his head at Azad’s question.

If he thought that way…

Jamie smiled.

Azad, who was watching, that said,

“Your smile is really unpleasant.”

“Do you have a death wish?”

“My master’s smile is so precious.”

Such a bastard, Azad.

An unusual guy who didn’t lose his personality after being turned.
There was another one like him, but Jamie couldn’t see him.

“Why didn’t Raiza come?”

“Master gave us a strange one, so he is educating him.”

“Ahh. Ashtar?”

“Why did you put a living one inside? Do you know how upset we

“Who do you think you are questioning?”

“No, what I meant was, hahaha!”

When Jamie asked, Azad laughed.

Quite shameless.

Jamie decided not to start his teaching right now.

“Ashtar, that bastard, is quite talented. Is Raiza fine alone?”

“Are you looking down on Raiza?”

At that, Jamie scratched his forehead.

“I am saying he is strong.”

“While our master treated us like abandoned kids, everyone inside

made progress.”

“W-when did I abandon you guys?”

“It is true that you abandoned us. Do you know how boring it is
there? Look at them.

Those bastards who could do nothing at first, we were so bored that

we ended up training them all day and now they fight like that.”

The Undead were definitely fighting well against a 6th class


Even though the skill difference was huge, seeing that they didn’t die
yet, it meant that they were all trained well.

But it wasn’t like the Undead were winning.

‘Particle magic. It seems to work well against a lot of people.’

Whenever they touched Serpent’s magic, they would scatter like

Annihilation magic was powerful but Serpent’s Particle magic was so

destructive that it didn’t allow regeneration.

In such a state, no matter how well they moved, the Undead couldn't
defeat Serpent.

“Azad. You should go.”


Azad drew his sword from his waist and jumped to where Serpent
was. It looked like his body seemed light.

Azad lept there in an instant.

“You fucking corpse bastards.”

Serpent burst into anger and blocked Azad’s sword with his staff. He
reached out to use his magic on Azad.


However, the magic passed through the air and ceiling above turned
to dust. This was because Azad turned his sword to the left and
diverted the attack.

Azad, who landed on the shoulders of the Undead, used them as

stepping stones and aimed for Serpent’s neck.

It was a very fast move. It seemed like he trained well.


Serpent decided to move back and distanced himself.

However, Azad was accustomed to stepping onto the Undead so it
wasn’t difficult for him to follow.

He then ordered them to reduce the movement of the man as much

as possible.

“Don’t… make me mad!”

Maybe it was difficult to bear, Serpent yelled.

His power of Annihilation began to spread around like a circle from

where he was standing.

Azad stopped there, and stumbled back.

“This bastard! I will kill all the slaves!”

“Aren't you paying too much attention to them?”

Then came the voice of Jamie from behind.

He was surely behind the undead before…

Puzzled, Serpent looked back.

“What face is that? Did you see a ghost? Ah, there are quite a lot of
ghosts in here.”

Jamie made a silly joke and dug into Serpent’s arm.


It felt like every common sense was destroyed.

A child wielding an army of undead.

He faced Necromancers. They thought of Undead as bugs to use.

Fighting with them would be more effective, so why?

The reason was simple. It was because they use all their mana to
keep the Undead.

And without the Undead they were like normal humans.

To be honest, he was shocked that Jamie could even control the

Undead, but he knew that it would cost a lot of mana.

Because of that, if he wiped out the Undead, Jamie would be out of

mana to call them and be nothing different from a trash.

“Why are you here?”

“Because I am a genius.”

Jamie replied with a smirk.



With the cry from Serpent, Jamie’s sword pierced his heart.

Darkness flowed through the sword.

In black magic, darkness was destruction. Can the annihilation

through the Particle magic of Serpent surpass the darkness?

Serpent coughed blood.

He could hear the footsteps of Undead from behind.

If their weapons hit his back, he would surely die.

But Serpent had no intention of dying, how did all this happen?

“You will…”

Serpent's eyes were dyed red.

“Be the one to die!!”

At the same time, he let go of the staff and gripped onto the dark
blade of Scud.

The blade cut his hand and blood trickled down.

Jamie frowned at that.

“Huh. Try stopping me.”

“Are you killing yourself?”

“I will kill you and I will be the one surviving even if it means to hand
over my soul to the Demon King.”

Jamie smiled at those words.

“Try if you can.”

The light of extinction exploded.

Lennon sat in Jamie’s residence.

He was told to come right after class, but no one greeted him till now.

The day was normal.

Did something happen?

Even so, shouldn’t Ann come?

“That one, wasn’t she coming?”

Ann had gone somewhere with Finn.

He didn’t know where. And he wasn’t interested in it either, but he

thought she’d come.

Lennon sat there with a puzzled expression on his face.

There was the sound of him knocking the things in the quiet house.

“Eh! What happened?”

Tired of waiting, Lennon kicked the chair.

He was hungry and tired of waiting now.

Lennon went out to the balcony. His body shivered in the cold spring

He looked down. The street below, where people coming and going
could be seen.

He checked if Jamie or Ann were there, but neither were there.

He took deep breaths and clenched his hand.


The necklace trembled.

Magic has an equivalent exchange.

When Jamie casted a spell, he hung danger alarms on all three of

the necklaces.

When Ann and Lennon were in danger, Jamie would know and when
Jamie was in danger, Ann and Lennon would know.

In other words, when Lennon’s necklace rang, it meant Jamie was in


The problem was that Lennon didn’t know why it was ringing.
Because Jamie said nothing.

So Lennon grabbed onto the necklace and flew out.

And his instincts said,

‘Teacher is in danger!’

The one which made the most sense to him, and for helping him.

Lennon went straight to his father, Count Simon, the Crimson


Light of Extinction of Serpent.

The power to eradicate all existence itself and not leave a trace.

It was the last magic spell he had.

Jamie used the darkness to resist Serpent’s final attempt. And his
body was pushed back.

All the Undead soldiers were recalled. Otherwise, they too would
have been turned into dust.

Precious power. This time, he witnessed their remarkable growth.

With Azad and Raiza they could become much stronger than now.

In order for that to happen, their master needs to become strong.

‘Take down Serpent first.’

The purple glow in Jamie’s eyes intensified.

Scud and Beyond Avalon, the two weapons turned one.

They didn’t actually become one. It just meant that the divided power
was now concentrated into one.

Darkness began to gnaw away.

Serpent still wanted to kill Jamie.

Jamie, who saw that, thought that this was the last attempt of his
before he went down.

‘He is still holding on.’

The first time he used black magic here, he declared that he would
make Serpent cough everything out.

The core of his whole body trembled.

Black mana exploded out and expanded the darkness. Jamie

planned the Welton’s form there.

Leviathan was being used.

Predation was ready.

To eat away the annihilation Serpent could use.

-This moment.


The dazzling Light of Extinction was no longer visible.

A giant taller than a mountain approaching under the blue sky.

With each step the white giant with a faceless egg-like head took,
the terrain changed.

Jamie’s eyes fluttered.

It must have been the first time he was seeing it, but it seemed like
he knew the giant.

‘Is this an illusion?’

Did Serpent have illusion spells?

Or was there someone else helping him?

Whatever it was, it wasn’t a good thing.

It was then Jamie decided to look. A man with a black robe over his
eyes was approaching the giant.

A very familiar staff was in the man’s hand.

The staff was like that of a robe, black but with a purple gem on it.

‘God Killer?!’

A weapon with the strongest attack of the three items of Diablo Volfir!

Why was it in an unknown human’s hand?

When Jamie was flustered and tried to approach the man.

[The creature of the 12 Gods. The product is dirty and disgusting.]

The man’s voice echoed.

A strong wind blew and the hood was removed. What appeared with
black hair was anger…

‘And me… ’

All the forgotten memories rushed through his head.

Giant. The incarnation was created by the 12 Gods to kill him and a
demon created to destroy those who do not follow them.

Anger raged.

How can gods persecute humans so much?!!

[I can never forgive you!]

Darkness fell like the lightning over God Killer.

The blue sky was blackened in an instant.

The ultimate darkness created to devour the traces of God.

[Second Liberation: Darkness.]

“I remember my strength.”


And lighted out the darkness.

Serpent held onto his chest.

No more moves. If he kept doing this, he wouldn’t even live long

enough to hand his soul to the Demon King.

The goal was an attack close to self-destruction. He will turn into a

villain, but if Javelin is fine, he will be able to obtain a stronger body
through the help of the Demon King.

‘Javelin isn’t dead.’

Serpent didn’t know what would happen, but he expected Javelin to

have some hidden card.

And he knew that Javelin had regeneration power.

Although it might be affected because of Jamie’s black magic, he

must still be regenerating somewhere.

So they would win. No matter what, winning was fine.

‘Little bit more. Just a little bit more.’

It felt like his body was being clenched, but he held on till the mana
core stopped.

If he survives until he becomes incapable of using magic, he could

try his final attack on Jamie.

It was then.


Things didn’t always go as planned though.

The attack power of the Particle magic he used till now was

Since he was putting his life on the line, such an outcome was
possible, and that was the only way to stop the black magic.


“W-why is darkness here?!!”

The darkness kept coming in, encroaching on the Light of Extinction.

The world that used to be filled with light was now turning dark.

Serpent couldn’t even believe it.

Jamie Welton’s skills were on par with his own. Even using black
magic, he seemed above Serpent.
It was impossible to push the magic which was being used as his
last force.

‘Is he also like me?!’

It would be impossible if Jamie was fighting with his life on the line.
But would such an act be possible for an 8 year old?

Even if it was possible to use that rumored holy power, it was

impossible to use it with so many attacks happening.

Serpent’s teeth broke, that was how much force he was using.

Pushed and kept getting pushed.


“I want to say thank you.”

Jamie’s voice broke through the darkness.

Serpent’s eyes widened.

The Light of Extinction he used was engulfed in darkness.

And there appeared Jamie with a calm face.

But something felt off.

The sword in Jamie’s right hand had a strange light.

Serpent knew better than anyone what that light was, so he couldn’t
keep a calm face.
Anger shrouded his face which looked like a demon’s.

“Y-You… that sword…!”

Serpent shouted with a bitter expression as his eyes and nose

began to bleed.

“Why is my magic in your sword!?”

The light flowing through the sword of Jamie’s was the essence of
Serpent’s Particle magic.

Jamie smiled, lifting up Scud.

“I broke down the wall thanks to you.”

[Sword of Convergence. Convergence.]

A clue which came with the battle with Marquis Linmel.

Was now completed in Jamie’s hand.


“Let’s end it now.”

7th class, power of the Great Magician poured out.

“I don’t like this!!”


Serpent who endured all this to the end, was engulfed in magic and
disappeared without a trace.
Jamie let out a rough breath.


After looking at the spot where there wasn’t even ashes of Serpent
left, he turned to Scud.

‘My new realization.’

At the moment of awakening his Second Liberation: Darkness,

Jamie remembered the past.

The power of darkness is a power composed of darkness among the

various properties of black magic. Darkness has the property of
annihilating everything it touches, but it has one more besides it.

No one knew of it.


The second nature of darkness.

Darkness absorbed everything. Even if it is light.

Diablo Volfir created the darkness with the nature of gravity to

oppose the holy power of the 12 Gods.

That became the basis of the second liberation.

And based on the power of darkness, he strengthened Leviathan,

and succeeded in understanding the clue perfectly and embodying it.

Like this.

The Light of Extinction rose from Scud.

It was definitely a power which could have disappeared after Serpent

was killed.

However, Leviathan which ate it remembered it, and as long as it

remembered, it could use it again.

Right now it only remembered one, but if he faced more enemies,

Leviathan could remember countless.

A true Magic Sword.

It felt like he finally entered the path of a magic swordsman.

“I like it a lot.”

Jamie smiled.

He chose a different path from his previous life. It wasn’t known if the
new realization was better than the past, but Jamie believed in

And will continue to polish this.

Even in order to transcend beyond his past life and bring down the
12 Gods.

“Before that, let’s end this problem.”

As he moved up, Jamie's senses expanded beyond comparison.

A faint magic could be captured.

“Javelin, he isn’t dead.”

Thanks to the contract with demons.

Even so, considering that the upper body was done, he must have
had tremendous regenerative power.

Jamie bent his knees. There was no time for delay; he had to smash
the head and put an end to this.

“Gasp… gasp…”

Keniac felt his vision darken.

His left arm was slashed down. There was hole in his right thigh. And
a fatal injury to the abdomen, so he couldn’t breathe properly. Yet, he
didn’t fall.

He was gasping yet not dead, blood was dripping from his mouth.

“You are boring.”

Javelin looked bored as he saw Keniac.

A homunculus who reached 5th class.

His ability to handle magic circles was good, but that is all.

Javelin was a human who made a contract with the Demon King,
and was a demon who had the position of a knight in the Devildom.

On his left side of his forehead was a goat’s horn, and his eyes were
like that of a sheep.

“A 5th class magician isn’t strong enough to deal with me.”

“You, You… will be killed.”

“Which is what I am saying.”

Javelin pointed to Keniac.



Magi turned to a light beam and pierced Keniac’s right shoulder.

The gap in their skills was huge. There was a gap which couldn’t be
narrowed no matter how much he tried.

Keniac knew that. He knew that he couldn’t even scratch Javelin.

But he couldn’t give up. No matter how determined he was to end his
life, he wasn’t going to die in vain.

‘I can feel the power of the seal.’

He didn’t know of Javelin, but the space they were now in was
specifically designed by Keniac.

Here, Keniac could feel the essence of everything twice better.

Behind Javelin was an invisible black sphere.

He didn’t know what was inside, but the reason it was sealed was
because it was difficult to handle.

In other words, there was something inside the sphere which Javelin
couldn’t control.

‘It’s a gamble.’
Get what is inside out.

Keniac, who was determined to do it, held the staff in both hands
and began to create a three dimensional magic circle.

“N-No way!”

Javelin narrowed the distance between him and Keniac at once.

Magi wriggled on his fingers. Before he was a demon, he was a

promising magician.

His eyes turned black and from his left arm a dark tree trunk fell at
great speed and hit Keniac on the head.


The floor was crushed.


Dozens of sharp thorns grew and pierced into the ground.


“Hahaha! Nowhere to run, right?”

The thorns stretched out, going after Keniac.

‘The magic circle isn’t completed yet.’

The magic circle which he learned from Jamie, it was a skill which
contained several spells at once.
And it would eat a huge amount of mental power, so it wasn’t easy to
concentrate considering the current situation.

‘But I am a homunculus, not a human.’

There was no better time than now to be a homunculus.

Being captivated by his master’s feelings he felt painful emotions. He

never wanted to do what his master told him.

At first, he didn’t even want to learn magic. But orders were absolute
so he had to learn it.

Since he was a doll made for magic, learning it wasn’t so difficult.

Afterwards, it was fun.

But each time his master touched his emotions he would replace the
joy and put inferiority and jealousy.

Did his master want to create his own subtype?

Gradually, his personality darkened. To be honest, it wasn’t a good

feeling to have his emotions changed.

But his master did it, so he accepted it.

Even if his master did the wrong thing, as a doll he had to follow.

He hated it, but he was a doll, his feelings didn’t matter. And
according to the orders, he got the job in Phoenix academy.

He discovered a new world.

The children followed his words. He taught them and saw them grow.
Some kids thanked him, some couldn’t do it because of their timid
personality, but even they were lovely and sweet.

But his master took advantage of those children. And began to steal
their bright futures.

He had no choice but to see it as he was his master’s doll.

But now it was different.

“I am here on my own will.”

He disobeyed his master.

Frankly, if it wasn’t for Jamie Welton, his master would have killed

He felt thankful to him.

So this one life, for the sake of others' future.

“I can’t hand over the path of the future to someone like you!”

“What nonsense, you scum!”

Javelin raised his other hand too and condensed magi on it.

If he hit anything, the space would be blown away.

It wouldn’t be a bad situation.

This space was a product of ugliness. It was something which had to

disappear with Keniac.
“Let’s go together.”


Javelin threw the condensed magi down.

The thorns gathered around the mass of magic and moved.

Because there was a risk that Keniac would intercept it with magic,
But Javelin didn’t know.

“I have no intention of avoiding it.”

Actions of those who were ready to die.

[Cubic Explosion: Cube Breaker.]

A three dimensional magic circle exuding powerful mana.

Flames expanded in the cubes.

Fire broke out between the line which connected them. Fragments of
the shattered cube were divided into thousands or tens of thousands
of pieces in all directions.

A huge explosion to overturn the space and swallow it.

Javelin hurriedly called out shields.

“W-what are you doing?!”

At Javelin’s shocked voice, Keniac smiled.

At the same time, a mass of magi and fire were sprinting at a fierce
speed to consume him.

‘Hope my sacrifice turns into a stepping stone towards a bright



Magi and flame entangled the place.

At the same time.

“You did well. Mr. Keniac.”


The black sphere began to split.

A blue light flashed from within.

“Have a good rest.”

The space shattered and,

Siegfried was back.

Lennon hurriedly entered Count Simon’s lab.

At Lennon's sudden appearance, the researching magicians all

looked at him
“Lennon? Did something happen?”

“F-father, where is he?”

“Count? Well, I don’t know. Mr. Mion should know about it, head up.”

Mion was the young magician that his father trusted. Lennon went
straight up and Mion was just coming out of his room.

“M-mr Mion!”


He titled his head as he looked at Lennon approaching him.

“Why are you in such a hurry? Is something the matter?”

“F-father is here?”

“The Count must be on the 5th floor. But why are you in such a

“I think something just happened. There is no one I could think of but

my father.”

What could be a huge deal for this 9 year old kid?

But since the child seemed in a hurry, he didn’t ask any questions.

“Come on.”

“Thank you.”

Lennon rushed up to the 5th floor.

Mion decided to ask Count Simon later and went back to the lab.

“Look at me. I was supposed to head to the 1st floor.”

And he went down the stairs again.

Lennon opened the door to the Count’s personal lab without even

Count Simon was studying reagents with several flasks ahead, and
frowned at the sudden appearance of Lennon.

“What is the meaning of this?”

He was a bit angry at his son who came in without permission. On

one hand, he was skeptical of whom his son was so afraid of for him
to come here.

And Lennon opened his mouth.

“Father. Teacher… I think Jamie must be in danger.’


“This, this is suddenly shining. It was given to me by my teacher and

it suddenly began to shine.”

Lennon took it out and showed it to the Count.

But it was difficult for him to understand his son who wasn’t giving
the full details.

Taking the necklace he asked,

“So… this necklace was given to you by Jamie?”

“Yes. He gave this to me as we are his disciples now.”

“But then it suddenly began to shine.”


“You came to me because you saw the necklace shining and thought
Jamie was in danger?”


“Why did you think that? It doesn’t have to be related to danger,



Lennon stopped speaking.

It was because Count just said that it couldn’t be danger. Before that,
the very idea of him being in danger was a feeling.

Why did he run so hard to his father’s lab?

To be honest, Jamie being in danger made no sense. But then, what

of the unknown anxiety? How could he explain it without a reason?

“I don’t know. It might not be that, but somehow, somehow I think he

is in danger.

Help him, dad!”

Count Simon’s eyes trembled at the word ‘Dad.’.

He didn’t think that the son he was treating so sternly would ever call
him Dad.
However, Count Simon had a reputation for being cold-hearted and
he was slightly flustered, but soon regained his calm expression.

“You are now doing something a magician shouldn’t be doing.”


“A magician must be calm headed, and must judge and analyze the
situation with reason. How can you even try to understand the
situation with just these emotions.”


Lennon’s expression contorted.

Now wasn’t the time to listen to a lecture. It was the time to find
Jamie and make sure he was out of danger.

But Count Simon shook his head.

“Think rationally. Do not get caught up in the emotions and think

straight. It means think with a clear mind of what the situation is.”


“Think if he is really in danger, if so, why he is in danger and what

the situation could be and how to respond. That should be the
mindset of a magician standing on the front line.”

Lennon understood.

His father wasn’t denying him. He was teaching him to think and
observe rationally and deal with it.
It was a harsh method for a 9 year old boy, but Lennon wasn’t an
ordinary kid.

He was a magician and son of Count Simon.

“This necklace was given to me by Teacher Jamie and a classmate

called Ann Myers.

At first I thought it was just a gift for becoming his disciple, but then
this thing began to shine. At that time, I thought the teacher actually
gave this shiny thing as a souvenir.”

“And so, you thought he must be in danger?”

“You don’t know teacher Jamie very well, but from what I have
experienced he is a meticulous person. No matter what he does, he
isn’t the kind to hand things down without a meaning behind them.
This necklace couldn’t be some meaningless gift to us.”

“Any possibility of it reacting to you?”

“Not a chance. Cause I was doing nothing.”

Count Simon took a careful look at the necklace.

It wasn’t a special item.

And it was hard to believe Lennon’s words, but he also evaluated the
character of Jamie just like his son.

He wasn’t the kind to make a necklace shine even as a joke.

“Where do you think he could be?”

“…must be in the academy.”


“Because it isn’t past work hours.”

“You stay here.”

“I want to come…!”

Lennon stretched out his hand towards his dad, but the Count had
already vanished in flames.

“…please, dad!”

Javelin looked at Siegfried walking out of the black sphere.

Fragments of the sphere stuck to his hair and his robe was falling
down. A tremendous pressure swept over his body.

It felt as if the entire space here was only for Siegfried.

‘Siegfried of space. Powerful battle magician.’

As Siegfried was his direct superior in the academy, he knew about


Nowadays he does nothing special, but he was an accomplished

magician who did great things whenever he went out.

Especially on the battlefield he was known to be ‘Slayer’.

To some extent, the fact that Siegfried appeared was enough to

make the opposing nation retreat.
In addition, there were rumors that he was the only one capable of
confronting a Sword Master, so there was no doubt about his power.


Siegfried let out a small sigh and looked at Keniac who had fallen.

The explosion released black smoke. His skin was burned black and
Siegfried didn’t feel any life in him. All the mana which existed in the
core was scattered in the air.

He was dead.

“To save me…”

It was a miserable feeling.

The fact that he was able to stand like this at the expense of others
weighed on his shoulders. He didn’t talk to Keniac more than a
couple of times, so he didn’t know what kind of man he was.

However, in that sealed state, he was able to check the situation


What the man was thinking and what he was planning to do was
confirmed with his eyes.

Although not human, Keniac seems more of a human than anyone


“And because of you…”

The space shuddered and Siegfried’s long hair and robe fluttered.

“There is so much trouble.”


Javelin couldn’t say anything.

He was choking at the feeling. He signed a contract with the Demon

King and took the title of Knight. Even if he wasn’t a noble, the power
of a Demon Knight was below a Master class.

To be honest, he had the confidence to face a 7th class Great


‘…it was a mistake.’

He should have prepared a sealing technique that couldn’t be


The space around Siegfried shuddered violently.

“Didn’t I say? If I come out, I will kill you.”


Fighting was impossible.

First, he had to run.

Javelin who decided so. Flew back.

“Where are you going?”

At that moment, Siegfried was right next to him.

Javelin was shocked.

“How? I can’t leave.”

Space exploded.

He groaned and blood flowed from his mouth. It felt like his intestines
were being torn to pieces.

“Should I send you?”

Javelin had the feeling that the space was getting longer.

‘Not a feeling.’

Siegfried was right in front of him. The distance extended with space

Javelin waited for his organs to heal and flew back.

He didn’t know how wide the space was, but this was a chance. Just
open the door connected to the demon realm.




Suddenly, Siegfried appeared and slapped the compressed space

onto him.

Javelin couldn’t calm himself down at the hit. His field of vision was
divided into several layers.

“You shouldn’t die in comfort.”

A hoarse voice warned him.

“Writhing in pain, very, very, excruciatingly slowly…”


Limbs spread. Bones and muscles and nerves were all being pulled

The pain was terrible.

“I will kill you.”

Javelin saw.

The eerie eyes of the blonde man looking down. And his lips curled.


Siegfried was the Devil.

Jamie was moving quickly towards where Javelin was.

The subspace they isolated seemed to vanish. No one will know

what happened there.

‘I need to find him before he does anything.’

He could feel the magic but it was so faint that he couldn’t grasp the

Come to think of it, he was a pretty annoying one. The first

impression he gave was friendly. He had a smile and one couldn’t
understand what he was thinking, but he knew how troublesome it
was to step ahead, yet he would still take work.
Just seeing that he was working hard, Jamie couldn’t deny that he
was kind.

And he was fine. He could have passed the tasks others gave, but
didn’t. Just because there was a job, doesn’t mean it had to be done

But Javelin did his best.

And he was good with children. Students trusted him and he

reciprocated the trust.

‘All of that… is false.’

All smoke.

How annoying could that be?

If he had created some easy-going personality Jamie wouldn’t have

felt hurt. But he made people around him like him.

Most of all, it causes inconvenience to those around him. An

annoying person who

caused trouble for children, teachers and everyone.

He couldn’t forgive him anymore.

‘Because he is a demon… he can live despite his head being taken


First he would remove the limbs and then pull out the lower body.
And then would aim for the organs, pulling each one out. The cost of
ruining someone else’s life isn't small.

Jamie too knew about it better than anyone because he experienced

things in his previous life.

‘Not far.’

Perhaps it was the right direction, he felt like he was getting closer.

Jamie got down and looked again. It was to pinpoint where he was.

It was then.

A huge presence was approaching with great speed.

Turning around, he saw a familiar man come down from the roof.


“I had a hard time finding you.”

It was Count Simon.

How did he manage to come here?

This was quite far from his lab, and the presence was kept to a
minimum in order for Javelin to not detect him.

“That face is asking how I got here.”

“Yes. How did you find me? And I'm also wondering why you came
“It was thanks to this that I was able to find you.”

He showed the necklace Lennon gave.

Jamie didn’t know why this was in Count’s hand, but the Count
decided to explain it.

“Lennon came to me with this. The necklace was shining, but it isn't


“Yes. Seeing that Lennon thought that you were in danger.”

‘I think the signal went when I was fighting Serpent.’

Since magic is an equivalent exchange, it warned his disciples too.

Even so, it shouldn’t have given any signal to them, but since the
Serpent's attack was quite dangerous, it must have rung.

“But, Jamie Welton… did you break through the wall?”

“I guess so.”

“Hu. Haha.”

Count Simon let out an unbelievable laugh.

At the age of 8, being a Great magician was unheard of. But this was
reality, however, this wasn’t an issue.

“Now isn’t the time. A demon has intervened.”


“We can talk about the details later, let’s move. I don’t know what he
is doing.”
The Count was flustered by the sudden mention of demons, but he
knew that Jamie wasn’t the kind to joke about it.

“Take the lead.”

It was when the two nodded and flew towards Javelin.


A huge shock was felt, and an ominous black pillar of light rose to
the sky.

The two of them teleported to where the pillar of light rose without
another thought.

And they saw it there.


It was a giant with a vicious appearance with four arms and could
easily jump over 10 meters.

“Young lord and 8th elder.”

Siegfried was holding the space and trying to restrain the movement.

And said,

“…seems to be a noble of the Devildom.”


The ferocious magi began to run wild.

“A noble of Devildom?”

Count Simon asked.

He asked, looking at the four armed giant screaming at Seigfried.

It was definitely a ferocious magi which was running around the

giant. Siegfried was blocking its movement with all his might.

“Let’s hear what exactly happened, after all of this is done.”

“Elder! We will move like this!”

“As far as possible!”

Siegfried clenched his teeth and crushed the giant who was
supposed to be a noble with all his might.

In his mind, he wanted to make it flat like a cloth, but it was

impossible because the power of the giant exceeded his.

Jamie looked at Count Simon and then extended his arms ahead.

Fortunately, the Magic world was in a remote area surrounded by a

huge forest. This meant that as long as they got this being out of this
academy, they could fight in peace.


The entire space where they stood was covered with mana.
Warp was a space-based magic, which was like teleportation. It was
magic that a 7th class couldn’t even do and even a Great Magician
would call for an enormous amount

of mana.

However, a person who just stepped into the 7th class cannot do a

“…what is this?”

“Young lord?!”

Simon, who was beside him as well as Siegfried, looked back at

Jamie in shock.

The mana covering the space moved up. At the same time the entire
surroundings they stood in had changed.

All of them were moved elsewhere.

“Everyone seems surprised, but we don’t have the time now.”

Jamie moved first.

He didn’t know why there was a vicious four armed demon giant in
the place where Javelin had to be, but this was fine.

Jamie inhaled and raised his hands up with his palms facing down.

And then dropped the hand as he memorized.

[Ifrit Hand]
The highest level magic that could be created with fire was the fiery
hand of Ifrit, the Spirit King who controls fire!

A huge burning palm fell on the giant’s head.


A hand of fire swept through the forest and a tremendous pressure


When Simon saw that, he felt shocked.

“Spirit magic!”

Befitting the name ‘Crimson’, Simon was well aware of fire magic,
and of course he was aware of the Ifrit Hand that Jamie used.

A spirit magic spell which was known to be the best.

Among them, Ifrit Hand was a high level magic which could only be
done in 7th class.

“You keep surprising me.”

It wasn’t enough that he was a Great Magician at 8, but he was able

to understand spirit magic and use it.

Simon bit his tongue and spread his arms wide.

Even if the child was a Great Magician, he wasn’t going to lose to a


Spells began to be chanted from his mouth at a tremendous speed.

His eyes dyed yellow.
[Fire Emperor.]

In the aftermath of Ifrit Hand, the flames which had spread

throughout the forest were concentrated in one place and moved
according to his will.

This time Jamie was shocked.

‘He made the fire I created as his own.’

‘Fire Emperor’ is a type of magic which takes control of the fire. The
magical realization which Simon obtained and the source which
made him be called Crimson.

“Burn to death.”

He stretched out his hand.

[Sun Flower.]

The fire split into numerous lines and got entangled.

The seeds of the fire scattered around and colored the world red,
and finally the

petals were in full bloom, creating huge fire flowers.

Everything inside radiated and oxidized the surroundings.


Jamie couldn’t properly look at the huge flowers in the fire. It was
because of the heat which seemed to melt the entire body if they
weren’t far away.
A white light as bright as the sun was shining from the stamens.

All of them have violent power proportional to their beauty.

[Red Lotus]


When Simon called back his hands, the petals of crimson flame
extinguished to a faint one.

The land where the flowers fell was charred, and the huge hole in
the middle was the result of it.

Siegfried stopped suppressing the space and bit his tongue at the

“What destructive power. It is like that of a monster.”

“I don’t want to hear you say that. But…”

“Yes. By the way.”

The two Great Magicians looked at Jamie.

“Did you hit 7th class?”

Siegfried continued to rub his eyes with his hands, as if it was

unbelievable to him.

Simon said to Siegfried,

“You should know by now.”

“But it is so hard to believe!”

“…That is true.”

Simon, too, had to skip the conversation because of the situation,

but he didn’t expect a 7th class magician at age 8.

In fact, almost all the acts of Jamie were amazing, but turning into a
Great Magician was a different story.

“It just happened.”

Jamie was too lazy to explain it, so he wanted to skip it.

However, the two Great magicians weren’t the kind to let this incident

“Since I am your temporary guardian, I will send a letter to the


“I too will have to send a letter to the Royal palace as a

representative. As an Eastern noble.”

“It will be a mess.”


“If the other elders see, they will scream that this is a lie. The thought
of seeing their faces brings laughter to me. Puahaha!”

“Don’t laugh. Be aware of your position.”

“Why would you say that to a former slave?”

“Hmm. I guess so.”

Even if Seigfried was like this, was Count Simon like this?
Jamie smiled as he shook his head.

To him, 7th class was just a process but to others it was an

incredible achievement. It will be a huge issue.

‘It’s not bad to rise high.’

It would be convenient to live in high ranks.

Contrary to the words, the higher the rank the better the treatment.

“Come on, we need to head back.”

“Aren’t we going to check the body?”

“Huh. Are you doubting my skills?”

“It isn’t that.”

Simon’s flame magic was so destructive that even Siegfried didn’t

doubt it.

Actually, the huge black pit in the centre was proof of it. It wasn't
known if the demon was a noble or a strong man, but the moment it
was hit by Simon’s attack, it was done.

“Unless it's Count level it cannot stand it.”

Demon nobles are similar to human nobles, they are ranked by


Therefore, it can be said that all nobles have the power of master
class, but the difference in ability differentiates them. Baron and
Viscount weren’t too strong.
But Counts are different.

Their power is similar to that of a dragon, the strongest race on


However, it was impossible for a Count class demon to appear here.

If a being with such power descends here, the 12 Gods will appear
to intercept it.


Normally it should be like that.


A huge presence.

Jamie, Simon and Siegfried all looked back, not wanting to be


Dark red magic jumped out.

Dark clouds gradually covered the sky and the concentration of magi

The enormous pressure pressing down on them, making it difficult to


And the three immediately realized.


Simon shouted at Jamie and Siegfried as he summoned his staff.

Flames engulfed him. To spread the Red Lotus once again and
Siegfried manipulated the space.

The presence which was revealed was isolated into a cube. If it kept
releasing more pressure then it would hurt itself.

Then Jamie?


Unlike the two, Jamie didn’t prepare anything. There was no need to.

Cause it was already too late.

“Nothing comes easy.”

And breathed mana into Beyond Avalon.

The space turned, pushing the three people away.

Simon and Siegfried looked at Jamie with confusion, but they soon
understood his reason for it.


An unbelievable violent force swept through the place.

Javelin thought.

‘Ah. Am I to die like this?’

His body was torn into pieces. His entire body was so damaged that
it wasn’t easy to regenerate.
There was a saying that the best defense is offence. If he can't stop
it, go into the battle with determination to defeat.

However, Siegfried was one of the best battle magicians, and his
vicious strength made a knight of Devildom to give up.

‘Just a little more power, if the Demon King could give me… ’

If he could rise to a Baron level and live in the Devildom.

Javelin’s dream wasn’t too huge.

Get out of here and live like a king by acquiring a small piece of land
in the Devildom.

To that end, he practiced many things and followed the orders of the
Demon King.

‘But… why is the Demon King so obsessed with this place?’

The Apophis was the only way to summon the ‘Demon King of
Greed’ to this earth.

They had to do various things to make it easier and it worked.

It was fun. Most didn’t know they were helping in the plan to summon
the Demon King, everyone begged for that drug like slaves.

Some even crossed the path of life. They might hate them a lot, but
their malice would help the Demon King grow stronger.

‘I cannot do that anymore.’

Siegfried approached him, whose body was torn.

A compressed space. If he overdid it, his body would be like minced

‘A pity that it ends here.’

However, since he was a demon, he followed the rank of power.

Siegfried was strong and he was weak.

‘Would I have won if I ascended to Baron?’

He was skeptical at first, Siegfried’s strength wasn’t restricted to 7th


His ability to deal and handle the space and the sense of battle was
over his, maybe the fight would be interesting.

But Javelin wouldn’t win.

And that was sad.

‘If only I participated in the grand event five years earlier… ’

What good would regret do?

Everything is done.

And he tried to give up.

-If you are going to die, hand over your body and die.

His heart raced.

He could hear the heart beating, which should have been in pieces.

Javelin’s eyes shone.

‘Ahh! It isn’t done yet!’

Dark space.

Someone was standing there and javelin reached for him.

The one standing was smiling broadly, revealing the sharp fangs.

-Well done, chess piece.

Darkness swallowed him and Javelin cheered in the fading


Despite ending up like this, everything wasn’t done yet.

He mumbled, reaching towards the black hole.

“Long Live His Majesty, the Demon King.”

A great commotion broke out in the magic world.

The source of it was to the southwest in the outskirts.

There, the news that a giant magic was spreading was relayed
inside. Naturally, the elders too learned about it.

The first to move was Marquis Linmel. He jumped over the space
and moved to where the magi was coming from.
Next was 4th elder Raymon, who appeared along with the 5th and
6th elder and the 1st elder too.

And then the high ranking magicians appeared one after another.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know.”

When Linmel asked, 1st elder shook his head looking at the

“Surely… the magi was strong.”

He mumbled with a displeased face.

What did it mean when magi broke out in the peaceful magic world?

5th elder Luke jumped in. 6th elder followed and the rest watched.

Luke looked at the charred ground and found a lump of coal like a
corpse. When he got a closer look at it, he confirmed it.

“We have a body.”

At the word ‘body’ everyone began to talk.

“It is difficult to know since it is charred from the outside.”

Adelhart asked the magician.

“Is that the mana which came from the battle?”

“Yes. And the mana was most recently used. Mana used to control
the entire space too.”

“Entire space… then Siegfried?”

Come to think of it, Siegfried wasn’t here.

And it wasn’t just that.

Like Siegfried, Simon was nowhere to be seen.

So was the 3rd elder, Serpent.

“…mana in space, burnt corpse. Did two elders fight here?”

“That seems too simple, Adel.”

“Right, we won’t know until we get a closer look.”

“It won’t be that. If it was the battle of the two Great Magicians, then
this entire place would have been destroyed. And the Magi is

Raymon landed next to them and stared at the corpse. And walked
out with a hand near his face.

And green light slowly flowed from the hand and to the charred shin,
it was like an eggshell burnt.

Carefully brushing the shell off, he saw the face.

“He is… Keniac Azir. A lecturer at Phoenix Academy. A 5th class

magician majored in magic circles.”
“Why is a Phoenix Academy instructor here…”

“Has the damned old man, Serpent, made a contract with demons?”

“Adel, don’t jump to…”

It was the moment when Luke tried to stop her.


A great amount of magi was felt far from the magic world. And the
elders all looked at where they felt it.

Linmel and Offen moved there without another thought and the other
elders followed. Raymon ordered the magicians before leaving.

“Don’t follow us and make the defense of the magic world the

And with that his body disappeared. The rest of them just looked at
each other with tense faces before moving to fulfil their role.

Jamie, Simon and Siegfried gulped at the same time. Even though
they were hidden in here, the terror made them horrified.

The rock on which they stood disappeared. A gust of wind, which

made small and large rocks fly into the air.

The only traces left was of the giant tiger which was wielding its front
paws. No one could speak.

It was a shock.

“How did you respond so quickly?”

A voice which had to be that of the demon. And the playful voice
seemed to belong to a young man.
“Why aren’t you answering?”

Siegfried and Simon were speechless.

They were overwhelmed by the ferociousness that this demon gave

out. Neither Siegfried who was a talented genius, nor Simon who
reached 8th class could fathom the enemy’s level.

A feeling of despair as if facing a dragon in front of them.

The demon with its eyes smiling spoke.

“But, do you think I can’t attack just because you are hiding there?”

The demon looked down on them and raised magi to attack again. At
that moment, only Jamie reacted to it.

‘All Might.’

Leaving behind the immobilized Great Magicians, Jamie used his


At the same time, the other side of Beyond Avalon was removed.
And he found a demon with bright redskin and grey hair as sharp as
thorns, and similar to a human body.

“Coming out suddenly?”

When Jamie suddenly appeared, the demon mumbled shocked.

“Are you better than those two?”

The demon looked straight at Siegfried and Simon and asked. Still,
the two were unable to move because of the demon.
So how could Jamie move?

The difference was, experience.

Having stood in front of enemies greater than the demons, Jamie

didn’t think much of it.

Which was why Jamie was able to ignore the pressure and move.

“Right! Do anything! Hahaha!”

The demon burst into laughter as if he found it fun.

Looking back, the Baron demon they met too had a similar
expression in Apton.

That is what demons are. They judge anything weaker than them as
a joke.

In the eyes of the demon, the three Great Magicians were just toys.
And he had the power to play with them.

The demon shouted.

“You first!”

“Young lord!”

Siegfried tried to reach for Jamie’s robe, but his hand didn’t reach as
Jamie moved ahead.

“You seem brave?”

The demon laughed and moved ahead too. It let out an eerie laugh
as it swung the thick claws of the right hand.

That was it.

The attack which turned the huge mountain into dust in one blow.

“Can you stop this?”

Humans don’t act seriously with ants. Even if they see ants trying to
fight, they will laugh.

And the demon was doing the same. The only thing better was that
humans kill ants with their feet, while here it is using the hands.

It was a bit unfortunate. If he had treated Jamie as an ant, he would

have tried to kill him by tramping him with his feet.

‘It would have been better if he was more careless.’

But it was greed.

What Jamie wanted from the demon was carelessness. To be given

a chance to act out against a strong opponent.

Don’t bother thinking about the Count level demon which appeared,
but do what you need at all costs.

Right, in order to survive, choose any means and methods.

“From now on, please keep everything you see a secret.”

Jamie spoke to the two men.

He opened up his new magical realization with clenched hands.

[Sword of Fusion: Convergence.]

He could feel the power of magi in his fingers. And Jamie used the
Futility Divide.

And crash.

A great force came. It looked like the sword would break too.

Jamie expanded the output of All Might to maximum all the physical
shock on his body disappeared.

And at the same time.


Magi began to flow through Scud’s blade.

The demon seemed shocked.

The moment his sword and the nails of the demon collided, there
was no doubt that the sword had to break. But this was strange.

‘Is he sucking in my power?’

Magi was being sucked in as if he was being one with humans and
the sword.

There were many in the Devildom who made others’ powers their
own. It was annoying, but thanks to them he learnt a lot.

His eyes smiled and so did his lips.

“Take more!”

All he had to do was give out more than they could absorb.

And they would die.

The human child will die more easily. In the first place, such a small
body cannot handle his enormous magi.

But the human child laughed.

“I was waiting for that.”

He wondered if the demon was smart.

Even the strong aren’t careless. And normally things pass down from
one demon to another. However, this demon constantly looked down
on Jamie from the start. That meant there was a time when he was
looked down on.

So, in this situation he tried to use force. And put ‘what if’ into his

‘And he took the bait.’

Strong against the weak, stronger against the strong.

A sword which contains magi.

The enhanced Leviathan captured the demon’s magi.

The power was so great that it put weight on his shoulders, it was a
huge shock even though All Might was being used.
This demon was stronger than the baron demon he met in Apton.

The shock he was receiving would be several times in real situations

and Jamie’s eyes shone a bright purple.

[Darkness Return!]

Pull everything.

And accept it.


For the first time, instead of a smile another expression appeared on

the demon’s face. It was a shock.

The dark sword began to push the claws, the hands and arm.

Using his own magi on him!

‘It wasn’t just absorption?’

The demon, Berias frowned watching himself being pushed.

He thought the child was an ant, but he was a superior beast.

As a young child, he thought he would be nothing and then felt the

power of a Baron or Viscount from him.

‘This is fun?’

The experience of getting this from the weak wasn’t bad.

But more than that, it felt absurd.

“This is all you can do.”

He didn’t have just one hand.

“I will kill you at once for the price of peeling the ‘shell’.”

The left arm went up. Twice, no three times the magi from the right

“Die in peace.”

He smiled and lowered his left arm.

“Talk later, there are important things now.”

At that moment, Berias’ arm was blocked by an invisible wall. Seeing

that he wasn’t moving, it was like he was trapped in space.

This seemed like some joke. It was like a sand castle which could be
crushed down with the smallest force.

That was what the demon thought until golden flames flowed into it.

“You better give a nice explanation. Jamie Welton.”

Count Simon too unfolded the magic spell.

“7th elder. Hold him tight.”

“Feel free to do it quickly.”

[Golden Flare]

A golden flame which far exceeded the temperature of the sun

exploded in the isolated space which surrounded the left arm of
Although the space holding the arm was shaking, Siegfried
concentrated so much that his eyes were turning red.

Berias’s eyes widened at the sensation of the left arm.

Jamie didn’t miss the chance.

[Futility Divide Version: All Might.]

[Breath of the Demon Dragon with Berias]

A long sword was drawn on the chest of the half demon and half
dragon, Berias.

A slash made by the demon’s own energy.

Berias fell back. Before that, he touched the thick cut on his chest.
Wet blood ran down his hands.

The place where his left arm should be was empty.

The rats here were aiming for the gap which was created by his

‘How many times has it been in such a short period?’

Hundreds of years ago, there was a time when there was a battle
between the nobles under the control of the Demon King of Lust.

At that time, Viscount Beria defeated the strong and ascended to the
Count position.

However, he couldn't go beyond the rank of Marquis Ignis. Hundreds

of years later, his body still remembered that defeat.

How are the wounds now compared to back then?

‘It is insignificant.’

Right, if he put his mind to it, he could win again. However, the fact
that he was able to be wounded like this was a shock.

No matter how careless he was, was it possible to get this hit?

‘Isn’t it more strange to be alert around bugs?’

Even poisonous bugs are bugs.

It was normal to not be able to inflict wounds on Berias who had

dragon blood.


The flying body fell to the floor.

There was no shock. If he was someone who was shocked at the

wound, he wouldn’t have been able to become a Count.

He stood up. Blood which was flowing stopped. The wound will heal
sooner or later.
The tickling in his left arm meant that his arms would regenerate in
10 minutes.

“Your pride seems hurt.”

And shame too.

He was disappointed by the fact that the beings which were bugs
were able to hit him. He pulled out a long nail from his right hand and
stabbed his left shoulder.

“This is a punishment for me.”


The shoulder was ripped off. Since the nails had magi on them, even
their own body will not be able to regenerate smoothly.

At least until this fight was done, he would be one armed.

This wasn’t a handicap for the enemy. He did that as a punishment

for his carelessness.

This was because at least with the loss of an arm, he would fight

“Woah. When I return, I will be slapped by the Demon King. I will

have to listen to the insult of that bastard, Ignis.”

Getting a chance to come over to earth is a difficult situation.

In fact, it should have been Viscount DeMold who had to be here.

However, after coming here, if he returned like this, the Demon King
of Lust would be very angry.
Marquis Ignis would be giggling right next to him and smiling.

“Well this is karma.”

A human child looking down on him.

The sword which absorbs the magi and releases it back. Exceeding
the expectations, he gave out a strong slash too.

If it was a normal human child, they wouldn't have been able to inflict
such a wound.

‘The thing I should be most weary of is the human kid.’

The others were just simple factors.

Berias widened his feet and bent his knees.

He lowered his upper body and put his right hand to the ground and
raised his head up. At the same time, his pupils changed, something
like wings wriggled behind him.


A pair of black film-like wings spread out along the body.

In the Devildom, Berias’ nickname was ‘Demon Dragon’.

The only dragon in Devildom. As he flapped the wings, the forest

began to move.

And Berias began to exert his power.

While Berias was checking his condition. Jamie and the others were
keeping an eye on what was happening.

“He cannot have died with that one attack.”

“Has to be a Count. The left was removed but will grow back

“He won’t be careless any longer. We must hold on until the other
elders come. And

even if it means to abandon the magic world, people need to be


The enemy’s power was a high one, Count.

He wasn’t a Duke of the Devildom. If it was a Duke then he wouldn’t

be much different from the Demon King.

Since it was such a strong existence, the attack they did wouldn’t
even work on them.

If a Duke level demon appeared, the Seldam Kingdom would have

ended right away.

“7th elder. Can we contain this space?”

“Young lord. Are you sane right now? The three of us cannot defeat

“It will be fine.”

“Jamie Welton. Is it because of the black mana?”

At Simon’s words, Siegfried too looked at him.

This wasn’t the situation to ask about it, but Jamie’s request couldn’t
be understood.
“I don’t know if the mana you use is the same as the ones warlocks
use, but it will be troublesome if others notice it. But look at the
situation. It is impossible for us to defeat him alone.”

Although Simon is an 8th class great magician, unless the opponent

was higher than him, he was a monster.

It was impossible for him to comply with the request to contain them
in a space in a situation where the other elders might come and
question their reason for it.

“The elders must have departed by now. Young lord, I don’t know
what happened, but trust me this time.”

“You two are mistaken.”

Jamie shook his head at those words.

The presence below is getting stronger and stronger.

He was greatly offended with their attack and was coming to kill
them all. In that case, it didn’t matter if the elders would come or not.

‘Unless a group of Sword Masters came… ’

Or all the elders reach 8th class.

But that cannot happen now. So he had to be adventurous. An

adventure to intercept the strong at the road of death and life.

And Jamie was the most suitable ‘dark magician’ for that attack.

“Give me strength. If not, the aftermath may hurt elsewhere.”

“…young lord?”

“Are you serious?”


The dark magician, who was the strongest, obtained just a fraction of

What it meant was simple.

‘Now, there is a small possibility.’

The gap between 6th and 7th class was huge.

Now that Jamie broke that wall, Jamie had no intention of losing to a
Count level demon. There was a long way to go, but today he took a
huge step ahead. And it was clearly a step different from what others

“Don’t let the shock reach out.”

What did he prepare to say such a thing?

Instead of answering, Siegfried put his hands together and began to

memorize the spell. The space they were in with the demon was
being blocked.

Simon checked the magi from below and stood close to Jamie.

“Thank you, both.”

They didn’t have much time.

The magi was expanding rapidly right below them, and almost ready
to attack.

Jamie retracted the sword and held just his staff. His eyes were dyed
in purple and black mana began to rise around his body.

[A bird which cries in solitude. I am a stranger who doesn’t allow

light. Standing alone in the dark world, nightmare erasing

A veil of darkness unfolded around him.

[There is an enemy trying to destroy the world. Over there, an enemy

trying to swallow the darkness is watching. There is someone who
claims to be the master who will destroy this world]

Black wings spread from below. Towards where they stood, magi

[Don’t cry. The place where you stay will not disappear just because
you lose everything.]

It was a dragon.

A long, black, thorny snout spread out.

The breath of magi flew into it.

[Darkness in the world cannot be taken away.]

Siegfried tried to push Berias away.

It was his magical realization ‘manipulation of space-time

coordinates’. However, a Count of Devildom transcends space.

As the large body that was being pushed spread out the wings, the
distance narrowed in an instant.
[Go your way. Spread out your will.]

Simon’s body was dyed in red and the red lotus was in full bloom.

Flames over the stems which locked in the air, wanting to melt that
Demon Dragon.

However, the dragon just swung the wings and put it out.

Siegfried and Simon turned desperate and looked at Jamie.

He couldn’t hear their voices, but he knew what their faces were

[The enemy is right in front of you.]

Berias opened his mouth.

Black magi formed in the throat and spurted out.

(Dragon Breath)

A unique power which just the dragon race had. A ray of destruction.

It stretched out and attacked Jamie. But Jamie didn’t look away.

He finished the spell and looked at the world which was changing


Darkness enveloped the darkness. Berias felt his Breath being


It was the breath with his full power, yet he couldn’t feel it.
He looked at the darkness which covered the world with trembling


The darkness felt familiar.

He didn’t know why this young child was dealing with darkness, but
this felt unique like the Demon King of Lust, whom he worshipped.

It was then.


Consciousness was shaken.

A mighty force coming through the space for him.

Berias couldn’t get his mind around what was happening.

“D-Demon King?”

The Demon King of Lust forcibly crossed the dimension, even

though it was just the image of a soul, it felt like he could be crushed
by it.

“Kuak… Demon King! It isn’t possible! Even if the 12 gods are in

fights among themselves, they wouldn’t miss it if he descended!”

But his master was the reckless kind.

Berias tried to endure for the sake of his master, but it was
impossible for a Count to deny entrance to a Demon King.

Berias lost consciousness and there stood a full plate knight with
black smoke around.

The knight drew the sword, raised it and said,

[End it.]

The world began to vanish.

“It has to be here, but I don’t feel anything.”

“Maybe the space was isolated.”

Linmel and Offen arrived where the battle between Jamie and Beria
was happening.

And the forest looked peaceful.

The birds were chirping, the grasshoppers too.

However, the two Great Magicians who reached 8th class noticed
that this wasn’t it.

“7th elder?”

Linmel answered Luke’s question.

“Has to be. it seems like he isolated the space in fear of damage.”

“Can he subdue a demon with his power alone?”

“I don’t know.”
Offen shook his head.

“Perhaps the entire magic world is in trouble with this enemy, so he

must have isolated the place.”

“…did Siegfried always have such heroic thoughts?”

As Adelhart said, Linmel glared at her.

“Do not underestimate the 7th elder. Whatever it was, it is clear that
there is a fight here.”

“Was the 8th elder in with him?”

“I don’t know. Luke. Lead the magicians and evacuate everyone from
the magic world.”

“4th elder! That…!”

Luke tried to deny the request but elder Raymon and Offen stopped
him from speaking.

“4th elder is right. Please ask the 5th elder. 6th elder help the 5th

Luke and Adelhart looked at each other and others with discomfort.

Regardless of how they were with each other, they were the
strongest magicians of the Seldam Kingdom.

If the space in which Siegfried was broken, what would happen

would be their responsibility.
Luke too wanted to help them, but he was obligated to protect the
citizens of the magic world.

He didn’t like that it had to be him who had to do the last, but the top
three elders were stronger than him.

“I understand.”


When Luke accepted it, Adelhart grabbed his arm, but he just looked
at her and nodded.

Raymon smiled at them.

“Thank you.”

“Let’s go.”

“…old men. Please survive.”

The three didn’t answer.

As Luke and Adelhart disappeared, Offen spoke.

“This seriously, is a difficult situation.”

“You should leave too. You are His Majesty’s teacher.”

“Huhu. Which is why I need to stand ahead. To set an example,


“I didn’t think you would say that.”

“Enough, stop talking.”

Raymon stopped the conversation and took out the staff.

“Anytime soon.”

“Seems like it.”

“Terrifying magi.”

It was a peaceful forest, but there weren't any beginners who

couldn’t feel it. In particular the little magi coming out of the cracks in
the space was sending chills down their spine.

“Let’s set an example for the children.”

“Sounds good.”

“To see you two holding hands in the battlefield… the sun will rise in
the west tomorrow.”

“I wish I could see the sun tomorrow.”

They moved while spreading small jokes.

The isolated space began to break away.

The moment they broke it.

“…what is this!”

“The sky!”

It ended.

Purple darkness, the night had come.


“What the hell is happening?”

Luke was unable to answer Adel’s call and looked at the purple sky.
That ominous huge presence.

It was as if he witnessed this with his eyes just before the world was
ending. He watched the situation below.

“R-Run away!”

“We need to get out of here.”

“Keep order! Order!”

“You will be hurt! Everyone slow down!”

It was abyssal.

People who had evacuated the Magic world in an orderly manner at

first were now frightened looking at the purple sky and began to run.

The magicians were dealing with it, but it was impossible to handle
so many people.

“5-5th elder. The citizens are in a state of confusion. They are out of

“We have wounded on street 3!”

“The Atrain fell causing deaths of many!”

“Some magicians are fleeing with the citizens!”

The city was collapsing fast. Although there was no damage yet, the
people were the ones causing the secondary damage.

Luke nodded.

The moment he saw that purple sky, he too desperately wanted to

leave the place.

The reason he couldn’t do it was because of the responsibility and

superior disciple he had.

If he was lacking either of it, he wouldn’t be much different from

others. The purple sky was truly the madness of the Devildom.

“The defense?”

“All the magic towers are on standby, waiting.”

All in preparation for an unexpected invasion from outside, they had

powerful magic weapons built.

“Can the central towers, ‘Dimension Breaker’ be activated?”

“We have 5 A grade mana stones.”


Magic weapon, Dimension Breaker.

The strongest weapon created by the high ranking magicians.

Five A grade mana stones were used, and they could be used only
once, so it wasn’t easy to decide.

The power wasn’t even seen by Luke till now. It wasn’t just Luke.
Even their king or other elders too didn’t see.

Dimension Breaker is only triggered when the Seldam Kingdom is in

great crisis.

And Luke thought it was today.

‘I wish I didn’t have to use it at all… ’

But it was just a wish.

Luke said, looking at Adelhart.

“Adel. You lead the refugees safely.”

“Luke! Are you really going through?”

“In this situation, someone has to remain here. And you are weaker
than me.”

“What cowardly words are that!”


At Luke’s words which lost their playfulness, Adelhart clenched her

hand with tears in her eyes.

Clenching her hand, she looked at him and warned.

“If you die, I will kill you.”

“…I will try.”

Adelhart and her men headed towards the people.

Since Adelhart specialized in psychics, she could handle them safely

by suppressing their fear.

All that was left was for Luke to give out the command to the battle

“Everyone, hold tight.”

Despite them all being far apart, they were telepathically connected,
so everyone heard him.

“And… let us all survive.”

The magicians all looked at the purple sky. In a form ready to

engage in battle at any


Jamie slowly opened his eyes.

Someone broke into the dark space he spread out. And it didn’t stop
there, but robbed a part of darkness and made it his realm.

A strong presence.

Earlier, the demon dragon now seemed like a child in front of this
‘What happened?’

He couldn’t understand it.

The dark space Jamie unfolded was his own realm, ‘Chaotic Ocean’.

It was a deadly terraforming magic created to deal with enemies

stronger than himself.

Even though he was still in an incomplete state because of the

child’s body, he could defeat the Demon Dragon.

Had it not been for this unexpected situation.

‘It can happen if a stronger demon descended, but… how did it

usurp my Chaotic Ocean?’

Chaotic magic is a black magic which assimilates his black mana

with space. In other words, it is impossible to rob unless they have
the same black mana.

It wouldn’t work even for the 12 Gods.

This shouldn’t have happened at all,



The darkness was telling him.

Jamie got up. Purple eyes shining more intensely and the black
mana began to be amplified under the influence of Chaotic Ocean.

An arm came out through darkness. It was an arm with a black

armor. The darkness was grabbed with the hand.

Chaotic Ocean shook. The color of the darkness didn’t change, but
Jamie could feel it.

‘It is encroached again.’

Starting with the captured part, Chaotic Ocean’s initiative was easy
for the opponent.

Jamie’s eyes shone.

Could it be that someone took his black mana?

In the present world, the traces of Diablo Volfir are scattered


A hand grabbed the darkness and pulled on it. Another arm

appeared from the space, grabbed the darkness on the other side,
spreading it wide.

The right foot came out of the hole, and the head and torso then
came the left leg.

A being armed with full armor, giving out a black smoke stood in front
of Jamie.

And Jamie knew it right away.

‘Demon King.’

It had to be that.

He didn’t know why the Demon King didn’t show hostility, but thanks
to that he was able to breathe.
Why did the Demon King appear here?

The Demon King’s enemy is the 12 Gods.

And there was no way that the 12 Gods were unaware of his
appearance, and the descent of a Demon King cannot be missed,
and that would allow the 12 Gods to come here as well.

But the 12 Gods didn’t appear.

And Jamie’s left hand didn’t shake or tingle, so he cannot talk to

Pyro now.

Jamie looked at the Demon King with a nervous face. He couldn’t

speak and a moment of silence passed as he decided to talk.

“Are you the Demon King?”

No answer.

Jamie frowned and tried to ask again,

“I asked if you are the Demon…”

-What are you?

The soul seemed to vibrate.

Just a couple words, yet it felt like Jamie’s soul shuddered.

Jamie could barely breathe.

Anger and pity at the same time. In the past, he would have stood
with his shoulders wide looking down on the opponent.
Whether it was a Demon King or a God!

‘Right. I am Diablo Volfir.’

No matter how weak he was, the essence within him didn't change.

Jamie raised his chin and looked at the opponent and crossed his

He is not going to be pressured by the Demon King.

That was what he was aiming for.

The Demon King’s eyes shone at that sight.

-I cannot know.

He bowed head and then asked.

-How can you handle this power and be able to look at me like that?

Unlike the first, he spoke for a long time.

Jamie, who had endured it, took a deep breath and answered.

“I don’t know the meaning behind the question. This is my strength

and power, I am not a fool who bows before the strong.”

-It is impossible. Your level cannot handle my presence. Here, too, I

am being careful.

So it is right for you to bow your head.

The being slightly raised the right hand and lowered the index finger.
Jamie’s stiff neck was being pushed down, but he endured clenching
his teeth.

Because of that, the black mana around was seething.

The being lowered the finger harder.

Blood began to drip from every hole in Jamie’s face, yet Jamie didn’t
bow and looked straight at the enemy.

It hurts to die, but it was better to die than surrender to the enemy.

That was what Jamie and Diablo Volfir believed. No one can trample
on that.

Stubborn. It might be arrogance for others.


The force was growing stronger.

The bones at the cervical vertebrae were broken. The joints in the
body seemed smashed.

Jamie let terrible neuralgia, but he forced the black mana to flow
through the body and hold his position.

-Impossible. It is impossible for more human beings like him to exist.

It wasn’t known what he was talking about, but Jamie was wide

Blue lines spread over his skin, blood vessels were ruptured.
-You are like him!

At that, the being stretched the arm and Jamie was pulled in. He
couldn’t stop.


Jamie was grabbed by the neck and coughed blood as he opened

eyes with difficulty.

He looked at the helmet.

The face couldn’t be seen. It was because everything inside it

seemed dark. Except for one thing.

‘…purple eyes?’

Jamie’s eyes trembled.

It wasn’t surprising when the Chaotic Ocean was encroached. If they

had the black mana he had, it was possible.

But having purple eyes wasn’t a possibility.

It was the only identity that Jamie and Diablo Volfir had. It was the
light which could be called his source.

Those who were endowed with that color were among the creatures
of Diablo.

Could it be someone of his powers which spread to the world and

they inherited the purple color?

“Y-ou, how do you have that pur…”

His voice cracked.

He was grabbed by the throat, and it seemed like his vocal cords
were broken.

-That is my question! Why are you eyes like that! Why are your eyes
purple like his?!

“That… is my question.”

Jamie tried to get the fingers around his throat away with his hands.

But it didn’t change,

No matter how much he tried, the hand catching him didn’t even

He gave up and asked.

“You, why do you have my powers?”

-… your powers?

“Yes. My black mana… why does an ugly demon like you have it?!”

Jamie released black mana. The presence of the armor unknowingly

let go of his throat and with a look of bewilderment took a few steps

-No way… his- his legacy must have been cut!

“Cough! Cough!”

Jamie grabbed the neck and coughed over and over again.

His lungs seemed to be wounded.

No, forget that, his entire body seemed like a mess.

With a painful expression, Jamie let Pyro’s holy power flow through

He wasn’t sure why Pyro didn’t come, but he was lucky to use her
holy power.

The messed up body returned to its original state slowly.

Jamie lifted his head and looked at him. It was shocking how this
being was covering the face with both hands and moving a step
ahead and back.

-What happened? All of his things were erased… didn’t the 12 Gods
completely erase the traces?

And he looked at Jamie.

-Explain your existence.


-If you don’t explain.


The space shook violently.

The entire world might collapse.

The force roared.

Jamie thought that this felt familiar. But he couldn’t remember it.

It was then.
-If I don’t understand how you got Mr. Volfir’s power, I, the Demon
King of Lust, will drop you to hell.

And the Demon King took off his helmet and shouted.

A familiar face.

Dark black hair, long and purple eyes, a large scar in place of a nose
and closed lips.

Jamie slowly called out the name.



The first undead created by Diablo Volfir, and the dark Knight who
always stood at the forefront of the battles.

“You are Traika?”

At that question, the space which was shaking stopped.

Traika, the Demon King of Lust.

Looked at Jamie in disbelief.

“Master. The time has come.”

The spire of Skaman Castle at sunset.

The knight wearing a black armor spoke to his master who was
looking at the sunset. The master rose from his seat, rubbing his
hands as if savouring the touch of the robe.

Roughly grown black hair, swayed to the nape of his neck.

“I see.”

“All that is left is me. I will look after you until the very end.”

The knight, giving out black smoke through the seams of his armor,
knelt on one knee and lowered his head.

The master didn’t answer.

The sky, which had been turning red turned purple in an instant and
then darkened.

Time was running out.


The master called out the knight’s name.

“Please say.”

“Your final task is this…”

The master’s eyes turned purple as he said with a smile,


Nothing more.

However, the black mana which started from his arm swallowed
Traika in an instant.


He cried out desperately, but the darkness drowned his

consciousness till the bottom of the abyss.

When he woke up, Traika was standing alone under a bright red sky,
with a different sunset.

Traika woke up from his thoughts.

Those were his last memories of him.

From that time, when he served his master with his life and till now,
his mind lingered on that memory.

Diablo Volfir.

A mighty dark magician that the gods couldn’t have taken down
unless they united.

Traika was the first Undead to be made in his hands. So who was
this slender human in his hands now?

He couldn’t know.

From the moment he fell into the Devildom at the hands of his
master, Diablo Volfir, his true name was never said.

Therefore, no one should know the name of Traika, except for the
Gods, even those Gods had now forgotten of his existence.
However, a human, that too a small one, knew his name.

Traika let go of the hand around the human.

“Cough! Cough!”

Jamied rubbed his neck as he coughed.

He was held so tight that it felt like his oxygen supply was stopped.

He looked at Traika with red eyes.

“…are you Traika?”

“How do you know my name?”

Traika tried to remain calm. He wanted to split the human’s head

open and read his thoughts, but this person handled the black mana
of his master.

It wasn’t known how he came to know of it, but he must be well

versed in protecting himself.

It would be a different case in the Devildom, but here on earth, the

12 Gods would intervene if he did something like that.

And then the entire thing would be a mess.

‘No, it is already a mess.’

From the moment the human kid with emerald hair mentioned his
name, no, from the moment he was able to deal with his master’s
black mana, everything was twisted.
“Answer me. How do you know my name?”

Jamie looked into Traika’s eyes. They looked the same as before.

It was expected.

The Undead do not age no matter how long time passes, so they
wouldn’t change, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t corrode.

More than 60,000 years have passed, the black mana he gave was
cut off.

With the black mana within, he must have survived for a long time,
but living this long seemed impossible.


“Don’t call me like that! Who are you?!’

Traika couldn’t hold his emotions.

He couldn’t allow a strange voice to call the name he had forgotten

for so long. The only one who could call him that was his Master who
created him.

He just couldn’t tolerate this human calling him that. Unable to

control himself, he grabbed Jamie by the neck again.


“Tell me. Why are you controlling that power? Where did you hear
my true name?! If you don’t speak I will rip out your brain and make
you confess!”


“It is me. Traika. Diablo Volfir, your master. That is me.”

Traika was speechless for a moment.

What was this child saying?

His master had died. He challenged the 12 Gods alone in the past,
and in the end he failed to overcome them and died.

How much did he hate himself for not being there? Everyday was

It was after a really long time that he heard that his master died.

“…the legacy of my master? Are you now pretending to be him?”

“Traika. I am Diablo.”

“Impossible! Don’t try to deceive me! Master, my Master, in the

hands of the 12


“I got hit. I challenged them all by myself leaving you all behind and I
ended up being trapped for aeons. And for some reason I
reincarnated in this body.”

“Anyone would…”

“Lanfert Hill, do you remember it?”

Traika’s eyes shook.

With a puzzled look, he took a few steps back.

It was confusing.

How did this person know of Lanfert Hill?

‘Even if he has the legacy of my Master, it is not possible to know


It wasn’t an important place to be remembered forever. A place

Diablo Volfir briefly passed, but to Traika it was his most precious

-Me… make me an Undead.

-If that happens, won't you be forced to be loyal to me?

-Huhu. That sounds nice… come on, Master. Make me your faithful

-So annoying, seriously.

-Why? Do you want me to take a knight’s oath on this Lanfert Hill?

-Sounds good, that miserable life. And at the end of my life, I might
put it to good use too.

-Kuahah. Thank… thank you, Master.

Lanfert Hill.
The place where Diablo Volfir, who received his request, turned him
into an Undead.

There was only one person in the world who could remember it, and
he was the other one.

“H-How do you know that?”


“Master and I were there alone! And in the world where Master is
dead, I am the only one to remember it!”

“Accept it, Traika. I am Diablo Volfir.”

At that, Traika fell to his knees. He lost strength.

The Demon King’s legs which occupied the Devildom were out of
strength. It was a funny joke.

However, the dire situation was no joke.

“You know that the more you deny, the more it doesn’t make sense.”

“…because it is impossible. But as you said, the more I deny…”

Everything was proving that this little human who could die with a
touch was his Master.

How could he accept it?

Suddenly, for a long time, he remembered the days of wandering

around the Devildom.

The first hundred years were anguish. Why did his Master send him

Was it to help? Was it useful? Then, why didn’t he recover?

The next thousand years he lost reasoning.

Like a monster. He slaughtered all the demons he saw and coveted

power. He couldn’t remember much of that either.

When he woke up, Traika was a Count. Normally, the black mana
should have been gone, but for some reason the magi seemed to go
well with it.

So he absorbed the magi and turned it into black mana.

After that, for 10000 years he began to develop his strength in


He didn’t know why, but it seemed like it had to be done.

He waged war with the nobles of the Devildom and absorbed their

After 10,000 years had passed, he heard news from the

subordinates of his Master who were down on earth.

It wasn’t news of his Master.

It was news that the 12 Gods were erasing any record and traces of
him on earth. At that time, Traika knew what to do.

‘I need to avenge my Master.’

He swore on behalf of his Master who was persecuted by those 12


Since then, he had referred to himself as the Demon King of Lust.

All the demons there except for the subordinates laughed at him.
especially the 5th Demon King, who divided the Devildom into five
parts, looked down on him.

But when tens of thousands of years passed, the situation changed.

The 5th Demon King was good, but not the Demon lords under him.
Traika killed them all. And eventually he acquired the power of the
5th Demon King who was difficult to touch.

And the 5th Demon King too respected him from then on. However,
he didn’t develop

the strength to gain recognition.

‘12 Gods! I need to insult those beings!’

The name LUST was first coined because of the identity of Traika
and the essence of his power.

But the 12 Gods didn’t give a gap. They looked at each of his
movements for thousands of years. So he constantly sent spies to
earth to see what was happening.

A new civilization was starting.

Erasing all the history, a new castle was built in the empty world.

There, the traces of his Master, and his companions were erased.
Only the 12 Gods became strong and reigned on earth perfectly.

He was desperate.

And he liked being a bad person.

A few months ago, a chance arose. A dispute between the 12 Gods.

He couldn’t miss it. He searched for ways to descend to earth and

touched the greed of humans.

‘A disgusting human being who betrayed its master, clings to the 12

Gods and lives with crimes!’

The human race he respected died 60,000 years ago. Today’s

humans were simply dolls made by the Gods!

And they were as hateful as the Gods.

So he made human slaves through drugs. The slaves worked

faithfully to become rich.

With a little bit more, he could avoid the eyes of the 12 Gods,
descend and destroy the homes of humans.

And things went smoothly.

A faithful servant, Berias, a Count of the Devildom, descended.

The process wasn’t satisfactory, but if the results were good, it didn’t
matter. It was when the revenge he was lusting for came into sight.

Master, the power of his which should have been forgotten


And now, a human was claiming to be Diablo Volfir.

‘A human who claims to be Master… is this human really Master?’

He denied, denied, but the more he did, he was proved wrong.

“I am sorry, Traika.”

“…are you really Master?”

“Sorry. I came back so late.”

After a long time.

Two people who were once connected in Master-Slave relationship

met again.

And without another word, they looked at each other for a long time.

Traika bowed his head.

There was no exchange of words between them.

And Jamie silently waited for him. Moments later, Traika raised his
head and asked Jamie,

“What happened? Why-why did you have to send me to the


“…I didn’t know it was the Devildom.”

Jamie recalled that time.

“Then… my only thought was to keep all my children, including you,

away from me.

Defeat was certain.”

He couldn’t kill Zenith in the last fight.

And that was his last chance.

If Zenith had been killed, there would have been 11 Gods, and those
bastards would have had a hard time standing up to Diablo.

However, he failed and the 12 Gods united.

He had sensed defeat.

If he tried to fight with all his strength, he would have endured for a
little longer.

However, that wouldn’t change the result, and it was clear that all his
children would die bitterly.

“I didn’t want that.”

Diablo didn’t think of them as tools. They had fought together for far
too long for him to think of them like that.

They were his family, his friends.

Even though he died, they had to survive. So he ordered all his

familiars and Undead to leave. Since the order was absolute, they
couldn’t disobey it.

But Traika was an exception.

-I will perish by the side of Master. Even if you order me to leave, I

will disobey.

Because that is the privilege my Master bestowed upon me.

The dark knight whom he trusted the most.

The undead knight who always took the lead in battles, was the only
one not bound by orders.

It was set that way to win the wars. Because he knew that the Gods
could be defeated.

But when things got worse, there was no way to let him stay. So the
decision was to move him to another dimension.

He wanted Traika to live until the black mana died.

“But I didn’t think the place I moved you to was the Devildom. I am

“It is fine. Because of that I was able to meet Master again.”

As said, if he wasn’t sent to that place, the black mana would have
been exhausted.

As a result, Devildom was the right choice. It was the most annoying
place though.

“But that body…”

Traika scanned Jamie’s body.

Compared to his previous life, he looked insignificant. Although he

was strong for a human, there were plenty of people stronger than
him now.

“What will you do? With such a body, there is no chance of insulting
those 12 Gods…”
“Traika. This body just began.”

“What does it mean?”

“It has been 8 years since I was born. It’s only been less than a year
since I developed my strength.”

At that, Traika’s eyes widened.

If the strength was achieved in less than a year, the story was

‘With just the memories of the past, he faced Berias with just less
than one year of growth!’

Berias the Count Demon Dragon under him had great potential.

It was because he had the blood of dragons within him.

If he was trained for another 100 years, he would reach Marquis


But Jamie faced him with less than a year of training.

‘If we fought properly, we wouldn’t have trouble with our current

strength either!’

Traika looked at the two humans outside the Chaotic Ocean.

Even with their help, Berias would be a tough one to defeat.

“As expected of my Master.”

“Don’t do that, even if that was the case, it is true that my strength
isn’t what it was.”

“If you were able to be this strong in a year, won’t you recover by 10


Despite being away for so long, he still treated Jamie as his Master.

And Jamie was grateful for it. It was because it wouldn’t be strange
for him to be killed in the weakened state he was in.

“What about you? I know you went there, but how did you get that

Traika was the Demon King.

The highest Undead, Dark Knight, was strong, but it couldn’t be

compared to the 12

Gods or Demon King.

What happened there?

‘In my current state, I can’t even measure Traika's power.’

One thing was certain, it was a presence now who couldn’t be

pushed even with Diablo’s power.

“I can’t sum it in a nutshell. It has been so long.”

Unlike the Behemoth who had been sleeping for thousands of years,
Traika endured it.

Had he not been an Undead, his mind would have collapsed.

“I understand.”
“I will pass on the memories.”

Traika touched his temple with his index finger.

As soon as he removed his index finger, a purple thread flowed out.

“It is so vast that I couldn’t capture all of it.”

“Even if I had been in my previous form, I wouldn’t have been able to

endure 60,000


“Must be true.”

Traika smiled and ran the purple thread through Jamie’s head.

Jamie's eyes flashed as the memories began to flow one after

another. Jamie who scanned it couldn’t say much.

‘…must have been miserable.’

Even if they weren’t the full ones, everything he saw showed


Fight, kill, eat.

To survive, to be strong.

Humiliation and held back anger.

A time of hardship.

All for the sake of his Master.

Jamie looked at Traika.

Looking at the eyes of the Dark Knight, they weren’t much different
from the past.

‘Though he went through such a difficult time, he didn’t change.’

He couldn’t say anything.

And he felt guilty at the thought of being irresponsible.

He felt sorry for Behemoth, Jormungand who was somewhere, and

the others too who might be alive.

“Thank you.”

He didn’t want to make excuses.

He simply bowed his head towards Traika.


Jamie suddenly bowed his head and Traika walked to him in


“Don’t do that.”

“No. You suffered so much because of me.”

“…that must be expected when one says they will be loyal.”


Jamie felt his heart ache.

He didn’t question why it arched.

He got rid of emotions, but now he knew.

‘It was just nothing more than a suggestion.’

He just believed that he removed his emotions.

So he chose to deny everything. But over the past year, he had been
through a lot and slowly came to know.

‘Emotions are alive.’

Even at this moment, wasn’t he feeling guilt and gratitude for his

The emotions he first saw when he met Rebecca, when Ricky threw
himself to save him and when he let Venna go.

The past and present life were different.

The way he moved and how he acted were all different.

So he decided.


“Yes, Master,”

“I will kill the 12 Gods.”

“Wise words.”

“But it is impossible now.”

He was lacking in everything.

He just broke through the 7th class, but at least he was now at the
starting point.

His power in his previous life surpassed 9th class.

At that level, it could be said to be equivalent to the 12 Gods.

However, even that failed to achieve the goal in the past.

“If you have any orders for me, feel free to ask.”

“I have no orders now.”


Jamie raised the black mana. Traika looked at him.

The sharp eyes turned around and black hair turned to a soft

Needless to say, his height was smaller and his voice was like a

Even so, his Master’s past form overlapped with this small body.

“When the day comes, I will call you…”

And Jamie continued.

“And let’s fight together.”

He wasn’t going to fight alone.

That would be disrespectful to his subordinates.

And he realized it too late.

Traika nodded.

“It is something I have been wanting to hear for tens of thousands of


“Thank you again, for waiting.”

“I will be with you until the very end, Master.”

The relationship which was tightly linked.

Siegfried saw the sphere large enough to occupy them.

He could feel the torrent of power which he was feeling for the first
time and an ominous feeling too.

It felt like a little more and he could be sucked.

“Jamie made this…”

Being shocked, Simon went closer to the sphere.

“It is dangerous.”

“Staying here is dangerous. Getting close cannot be any more


Even Seigfried, who tried to stop him, thought he was right.

He looked at the sky, from a certain moment the sky was dyed
purple and this was a different feeling.

As Simon said, nothing can be more dangerous than staying here.

He was also curious about this sphere. And it got better as they
knew there was no going back.

So he followed Simon and approached the sphere.

“Such huge mana. No, is this black mana?”

“I don’t know. What is certain is that it feels different from a dark

magician's own.”

“I would like to do a few experiments.”

Simon was a ferocious experimentalist.

He was the type of person who liked to experiment and satiate


On the other hand, Seigfried was a pragmatist, he had no desire to

know of this black mana.

Yet, he still wanted to try touching it.

“7th elder. Even if you are greedy, you shouldn’t do that, you could

Siegfried unconsciously placed his fingers close to the sphere.

A little more and his hand would have reached it but it was clear
something happened.


“Enough of that. Rather, I don’t know what is going on inside.”

“Inside the sphere is a completely different space, I cannot use my

“You can’t see through the space, 7th elder? Jamie, what is he up

What secret did he have?

The two of them frowned.

“Rather, he must be safe, right?”

“If he died, this would have been lifted.”

The black sphere was fine. This meant the caster was alive.

Magi was a sensitive thing, so even the slightest influence on the

caster’s mind would upset it.

There were no exceptions. Conversely, taking control of the

opponent’s magic was also a hard thing.

The Demon Dragon was strong, but not strong enough to steal from

So, it was possible both were alive in there.

‘It is a situation of losing one's mind and running wild knowing we

cannot intervene.’

But what if Jamie was hurt?

Siegfried clenched his fist and blood gushed out.

Anger surged over him at the thought of it. It was the same with

The two looked at the black sphere without another word.

It was then.

“It is breaking!”

At Simon’s scream, a crack began to open.


Cracking like an egg, a purple light leaked out of it.

Simon and Siegfried spread back preparing to attack if the demon

was coming.

Then, as the sphere shattered a purple energy swept through it.

“7th elder!”


Siegfried immediately formed a seal and began to isolate this space

to make sure the purple energy couldn’t flow out.

Simon brought out fire to contain it.

If the enemy survived, he wanted to charr it.

The two looked at the centre of the sphere.

A sigh.

And Siegfried’s eyes widened.

“I think I will live.”

Jamie who said that started to fall down with a tired smile.

“Young lord!”

Siegfried approached Jamie with a bright smile.

Before Jamie came out.

The two were able to only greet and speak of the past.

“It’s nice to see you again like this.”

“I, too, am thrilled to know that my Master is alive.”

“You’ll be able to meet the other guys soon.”

“…other guys?”

Jamie walked around with his hands behind his back. The interior of
Chaos Ocean was completely dark, but to them darkness was the
same as the light of the day.

“Behemoth is alive. And Jormungand is also possibly alive.”

“…those guys!”

As Jamie spread out his right hand, black mana bubbles spread and
a bat with big eyes popped out!

Traika who saw it was wide eyed.



Tears welled up in Black’s eyes as it looked at Traika and flapped its

wings like it was calling for him. Black clung to Traika’s face and

“Hahaha! Oh my! To meet like this once again!”

Kik… kik.

“I still can’t understand a thing that you are saying! Hahaha!”

The only ones who could communicate with Black were Behemoth
and Jormungand.

To Traika, Black was a cute pet bat.

Look. Even now, instead of being treated like the 3rd generation
summons, they were hugging each other.

“You are still plump, Black!”

In the past this behaviour of Traika’s called for a battle, but now
Black was so happy that it just accepted it.

Jamie looked at them and suddenly thought.

‘If I had just shown him Black right from the start… I wouldn’t have
had to get beaten up by Traika.’

He was so embarrassed that he didn’t think of calling out Black.

If he had shown Black, Traika would have believed that he was

Diablo Volfir right away.

Thinking that, all the bones in his body throbbed.

‘It isn’t easy to heal either.’

Traika, that bastard.

He was so messed up that he crushed his body.

Normally he could use the holy power and black mana, but it
seemed like he would still have to rest to be fully healed.

“Rather, Traika.”

“Please, ask.”

Traika responded while still holding onto Black.

“What happened to magi?”

“That… I am not sure either.”

“Not sure?”


He let Black fly into the sky and continued.

“After a thousand years of losing reason and fighting like a monster, I

have very few memories of that time, but it seems that something
has changed in my body.”

“The magi and black mana fused?”

“Rather than fusion… it is a form of black mana absorbing the magi.”

Black mana was the power of the shadow world. In other words, it
was a power created using the dimension ruled by the Dark Spirit

On the other hand, magi was a power which existed within the

There was nothing but darkness in it which then could be fused.

However, it was a power that was born in a completely different

dimension in a different way and existed with Traika.

‘This… maybe I should research?’

Even Jamie, the creator of Black mana, didn’t expect this to happen.

Or maybe Traika is the special one.

‘But I am the one who made Traika.’

There may have been some changes in Traika’s body while he
stayed in Devildom, but after studying them all, conclusions can be

“Take this.”

At that moment, Traika took something out of the subspace and

handed it to Jamie. It looked like a normal black stone, but strangely
there was a letter embedded inside.

“This is?”

“A dimension stone from Devildom.”

Jamie’s eyes widened at that word.

“The dimension stone that I know?”


“It is precious…”

“When you become a Demon King you can get as much as you

“Huh. Look at you.”

Jamie looked at the dimension stone.

The Dimension Stone is a fragment of the Dimensional Core, in

other words, it is the core of the dimension and its energy is
compressed in a stone.

On earth, it is a stone like the magic stone. Right, magic stones

available in the markets were mere fragments and the core, the
foundation of this place, is known to be guarded by the dragon race.
‘Simply put, it means the core of earth is in the hands of the 12

Dragon is one of the 12 Gods, the Dragon God Brahman.

As long as he exists, the core of the earth cannot be touched, and it

is impossible to oppose them.

Which was why Jamie created Black mana.

“The stone contains magi which has been condensed for 100 years.
It should be enough for research.”

Although they had been separated for 60,000 years, Traika, who
came from the undead, remembered his Master’s personality.

Even if he hadn’t given the stone, Jamie would have found another
way to research it.

Jamie smiled and nodded.

“Thank you. Thanks to this the research can proceed quickly.”

“And it also includes the ability to communicate with me.”


“But… it is filled with magi, so if you go near those who worship the
Gods, they will notice.”

“Huhu, don’t worry about it.”

Jamie smiled and showed his left hand. And the symbol of Pyro
flowed out and it began to cover the Dimension Stone.

And the magi which was radiating out disappeared like an illusion,
sealed with holy power.

Traika, who saw it, panicked.

“Holy power… why…?”

“I ended up making a deal with Pyro. A good one to use.”

“An alliance with a God?”

“You should know too, the 12 Gods are currently fighting and Pyro is
at the centre of

it. so a useful stone to use.”

“Hm, it could be.”

“Any means and methods are alright. Even if it means to sleep with
the enemy.”

“You are right.”

At that moment, Chaos Ocean began to shake.

“Time is up.”

“Are the Gods intervening?”

“They might not have sensed my presence yet. However, it would be

better to get out before they do.”
Even if Traika was a Demon King, it was impossible for him to
survive on the earth where the influence of the 12 Gods was huge.

He looked at Jamie sadly. The Master now was still weak compared
to the past, but he knew…

This Master would soon restore his power.

No, he will reach a state beyond his heyday and condemn those

‘I don’t know how many years it will take, but it’s a fleeting moment in
front of the years I have been waiting for.’

It didn’t matter if it was 1 year or 10 years. Traika could happily wait.

“Master. I look forward to the day we meet again.”

“When the time comes…”

Jamie finished the speech looking at the darkness crack open.

“We will enjoy our freedom.”

“I look forward to it.”

Traika disappeared into the darkness and Jamie looked into it.

Light began to flow into the cracks. Fatigue was rushing into a
completely shattered Chaos Ocean.

Looking at the dazzling light with the eyes which loved darkness, he
“I think I will live.”

And his consciousness faded.

It had been three days or so when Jamie woke up.

He looked around with one eye open.


Whether it was a private room, there were no other beds around him.
There was a small desk next to it and a vase on it with two yellow

Jamie touched his stiff waist and forced himself up.


His whole body screamed in pain. His bones hurt and it felt like his
muscles were torn. His organs felt like a mess and an unusual pain


As he lay down, the pain barely subsided, and he wondered what

was going on.

His head hurt beyond normal.

‘Traika you brat… ’

All because of him.

His body was crumbled like a piece of paper because Traika couldn’t
recognize his master and tried to crush him.

At that time he had no idea how painful it was because he endured it

with black mana, holy power and adrenaline too.

‘P-people… ’

It was an impossible situation where he couldn’t even lift a finger, let

alone call someone.

Jamie put mana on his index finger.

And the mana flowed out.


There was no way that the body which had been broken could do
any task. He managed to cast magic on the finger.

[Jamie Welton, up!]

It was to amplify it and the effect was certain.

It was noisy outside.

“Young lord!”

The first person to come was Siegfried. It wasn’t known if he stayed

in the hospital all this time or if he had just arrived, but he was right
in front of bed and grabbed the bed’s handle.

“Are you alright, young lord?”


The bed shook and Jamie lost consciousness again.

After a while, Jamie regained consciousness again and heard
unfamiliar and familiar voices.

“7th elder. No matter how excited you were, you shouldn’t shake the
bed with a critically hurt patient!”

“S-sorry. I didn’t shake it that bad…”

“Then the patient just decided to faint?!”

“I apologize.”

When he opened his eyes, he looked at a middle-aged man who

seemed like a doctor scolding Siegfried.

An elder in the magic world being talked to so harshly, which meant

this doctor was pretty good.

“Well, it looks like he can talk with magic, so don’t touch him and
have a short conversation. Right now, Mr. Jamie is in a state where
he needs rest.”

“Yes. Thank you, sir.”


A doctor who could maintain such dignity in front of the elders, was
such a cool person.

Jamie watched the doctor go out.

“Phew, such a scary person he is.”

Siegfried shook his head and looked at Jamie.

And their eyes met.

The two looked at each other without a word and Siegfried smiled as
he said,

“I’m glad you are awake.”

Siegfried pulled out a chair and sat next to the bed.

“Is speaking hard?”

As Jamie winked to affirm, Siegfried sighed and applied healing

magic to his stomach.


It shocked his body, opened his mind and touched his head.

It was a natural phenomenon to release the tense body in an instant.

Jamie took a deep breath for a moment.

“It’s temporary recovery magic.”

“Like a priest’s recovery magic.”

“Looking at you talking nonsense, you seem to have gained your


“I don’t think I will die.”

“Don’t die. Anyway, the body is so bad that it might take three
months to fully recover.”
“…three months?”

“I don’t know what you did inside, but when you came out, young
lord you were on the verge of death. It is a miracle that you woke up
in just three days.”

The black sphere was the Chaos Ocean.

“The aftercare?”

“Is there anything to worry about when we fought in the forest? Ah,
one side of the academy was a mess.”

Where he fought with Javelin and Serpent.

Since a full scale battle took place in the subspace, there was no
major damage, but the problem was that Siegfried entered the battle
by blowing up the hallway.

“At the end of the day, it seems like the elder had to clean up the shit
he did.”

“Calling it shit is too much. I was looking for you.”

“And got sealed right away.”

“Hm. I didn't think they would prepare so meticulously.”


They were all planning in case they would meet with the elders. The
problem was that Jamie Welton was a variable.
Had Jamie’s involvement been known, their plan would have
changed and worked.

“The flower was left behind by a disciple of the young lord.”

“Ann must have come.”

“Why can't it be Lennon?”

“Because he isn’t the kind to bring flowers.”

“Right. Well, he came with his father.”

“By the way, are you and Count Simon alright?”

“We are fine. Someone ended up playing as the dealer and tanker at
the same time.”


Siegfried looked at Jamie asking why, but Jamie just coughed in


“Elders too came and visited. A lot of them came in the three days.”

“But how do you know about it?”

“That… I heard from the nurse.”

Actually, Siegfried stayed in the hospital until Jamie woke up,

claiming to be his guardian.

He didn’t want to say that but it was impossible to fool Jamie.

Jamie smiled,

“Thank you.”

“I was resting at home, you know? A very~ refreshing rest.”

“Yes yes. That is how it should be.”

“What do you even know?! Didn’t you learn that if you make fun of
an adult you need to be spanked?”

“Didn’t you learn to not hit a patient?”

“I don’t know because I was a slave.”

Jamie had nothing to say and admitted defeat.

“Slave is a foul word.”

“It is like an invincible word!”

And the two smiled again.

But soon, Siegfried who smiled, used the proofing magic to prevent
the sound inside from going out.

He felt the air inside heat up. Siegfried spoke in a serious voice like
never before.

“Young lord.”


“What… was that?”

Siegfried remembered Jamie's black mana.

It was different from a dark magician’s own, but it was black magic. It
was an ominous force which couldn’t be called as black magic.

“Do the other elders know?”

“Only I and elder Simon know.”

It seems like the two decided to stay silent and keep it secret.

But as a magician, holding their curiosity must have been tough.

When he fainted, they could try and see through his memories, but
the two of them seemed to have respected him and didn’t.

“First, thank you for keeping the secret.”

“Because we aren’t stupid enough to speak without knowing the


“Where do I begin… ’

In the situation where he had to use black magic. If he hadn’t used it

against the Demon Dragon, all three would have died on the spot.

Better to be caught than to die. And fortunately, Siegfried and Simon

were trustworthy.

‘I don’t know how they will act once they find out the truth… ’

No regrets.

Thinking, Jamie looked at Siegfried with a serious face and said,

“I’m the first…”


“Reincarnation of the first dark magician, Diablo Volfir.”

Silence passed between the two.

Siegfried rested his elbows on his crossed legs and clenched his
chin, contemplating for a moment.

Even though he revealed himself, there was no response so Jamie

felt flustered.

It was a face which was thinking about how to respond to this child.

And the silence wasn’t too long or short.

Jamie listened to the ticking second hand of the clock and looked at
the hospital ceiling.

It was impossible to move, so he kept looking at it. Then Seigfried


“Young lord, I have been thinking about it.”

What was he thinking?

Would he say, ‘working with dark magicians isn’t really my thing’?

Jamie thought that would be it.

It would be impossible to escape with a wounded body, and perhaps

even if he tried to escape, he would be executed by the numerous
magicians in the magic world.

In that tense moment, Jamie gulped when Siegfried said,

“…who is Diablo Volfir?”

Siegfried asked with a frown.


Jamie had forgotten.

There is no one in this world who knows about Diablo Volfir. Even if
anyone knew, the 12 Gods would kill them.

Recently, he met a few people who knew him so Jamie thought

Siegfried would also know.

“Dark magicians. Yes, I understand that you are a Dark magician

since I saw it. But…

Diablo Volfir’s reincarnation? Who is Diablo Volfir, putting that aside,

young lord is a reincarnation?”

For Siegfried Diablo Volfir didn’t matter.


The thing only seen in books. There were people who claimed to
have reincarnated, but none of those claims were proved right.

Jamie Welton said he was a reincarnation.


There are many things in the world which are hard to believe, but
reincarnation is a joke, not a belief.

‘But seeing young lord Jamie… ’

Jamie Welton, the greatest talent.

With that said, Jamie is a Great Magician at just 8. And not just his

His sword skills were strong and it was difficult to dismiss the adult-
like attitude of the child.

But somehow, it might be possible.

The most shocking thing Siegfried saw was when Jamie casually
killed someone.

Even if the man had it coming, an 8 year old killing was… if he

showed an innocent face afterwards, Siegfried would have thought
of Jamie as a psychopath.

‘Young lord Jamie didn’t seem bothered with killing people.’

Siegfried travelled with many battle mages and his first killing was
still vivid to him.

After killing for the first time he felt guilt, and excitement, and the
blood began to vividly move in his body and his limbs trembled.

He couldn’t calm down. There were usually two people who can be
calm after murder.

One, a psychopath or if one had murdered a lot.

And for Siegfried, Jamie was the latter. So it was difficult to

understand Jamie’s character.

‘Reincarnation fits well.’

The talent, the black magic, the killing.

Siegfried felt uncomfortable looking at Jamie, but he didn’t show it.

If Jamie was a reincarnation, all this perfectly made sense. But he

couldn’t admit to it.

Reincarnation, wasn’t it absurd?

Jamie spoke to Siegfried.

“I understand. Suddenly speaking of such a thing… I wouldn't even

believe it.”


“But what I am talking about now, reincarnation is an unrealistic


“The past life?”

“Yes. What kind of person Diablo Volfir was and how he lived and
how he got to where he is.”

Jamie looked at Siegfried.

“It is difficult to speak, so read my memories.”

“Young lord.”

“Elder should know. The only answer to that question is to directly

look into my memory.”

Once black magic was discovered, reincarnation was no longer a

thing which had to be hidden.

And since this happened, it would be better to be honest with each


‘Siegfried is a talent not to be missed.’

He thought for a long time.

Siegfried’s potential was at a level that can only be counted on his

hand, even in his past life.

And making such an ally will be of great help against the 12 Gods.

‘The problem is I don't know how Siegfried would react after seeing
my memories… ’

It was left to fate.

Fortunately, Siegfried didn’t follow a God. That said, it didn’t mean he

would be with someone who wields black magic, but Siegfried
wouldn’t betray him, that was something Jamie was confident about.

‘Maybe that is what I want to believe.’

Jamie closed his eyes and he rolled the dice. The move was up to

“I won’t back down.”

Siegfried said so and put his hand on Jamie's forehead.

“I am ready.”


Siegfried nodded his head and breathed in mana.

In his head, a world very old, before the sinking of numerous

civilizations unfolded.

“Is he up?”


“I hope he wakes up soon.”




Ann and Lennon were on their way to visit Jamie.

They didn’t intend to go together, but they ran into each other. If
there was no ‘Jamie’

their relationship would have been awkward, after exchanging the

words, silence fell.

Lennon looked at the other side awkwardly. Even though it

happened three days back, the people on the streets were all

‘Even though the Demon appeared, there was no major damage to

the city.’

The battle with the demon happened in the forest, and there weren’t
many who were seriously ill apart from the ones who drank Apophis
so they were being treated quickly.

However, due to the damage on the Academy, Phoenix Academy

was temporarily closed.

This allowed Ann and Lennon to casually dress and come.

“The sun’s hot.”

“It's April.”

Winter was gone and spring was in full swing. It was cold at night,
but warm during the day.

It was cold in the night, but that was fine.

“Teacher’s tasks were done yesterday.”

“Do you have to care? He accepted us as official disciples.”


Still, it was a bit disappointing that they couldn’t see the academy.
But first, their Teacher had to regain consciousness.

“That said, you asked the 8th elder to help?”

“…how do you know?”

“I just came to know.”

Ann spoke as she smiled, Lennon turned his head away.

‘Actually, that is what the 8th elder told me.’

The day before yesterday, the 8th elder, Count Simon went to visit

She was inside Gremia, so she had no idea what was happening.

Through the 8th elder, she learned what had happened and what
happened to Jamie.

She also found out that Lennon was the one who asked him to help.

“I-I was trying to go, but if something happened to the Teacher while
I went I wouldn’t have been able to handle the repercussions, so I
asked father for help.”

“Hmm~ right.”

“What is with the hum?! That is the truth!”

“Sure. Sure. Whatever.”


Ann didn’t listen and moved while Lennon broke out in cold sweat.
The two, who were walking, arrived in front of the hospital.

“We've arrived.”

“For real? Are you a selfish person who only cares for your…”

“Okay, okay. That only makes you a fool for others.”


Lennon’s shoulder dropped and Ann tapped him and took the lead.

“I won't tell Teacher, so trust me.”

“Trust whom?”

“Yah. Think of what kind of reaction the Teacher would have? As

expected, Lennon my disciple, you are the only one!”

Lennon’s face turned red at Ann who imitated Jamie. For some
reason, despite having a woman’s voice it seemed plausible.

In a low voice he mumbled.

“Noisy… take the lead.’

“You are cute!”

“Just take the bloody lead!”

“Who is screaming in the hospital?”

As he shouted, behind him came the familiar voice of a man.

Lennon looked back in cold sweat and looked at his familiar yet
terrifying father.

Ann, who looked back, greeted him first.

“Good morning, 8th elder.”

“Nice to meet you too. But, my son must be unhappy to see his
father here.”

“Greetings, father.”

“Huh. Don’t use words which don’t suit you.”


When Simon appeared, Lennon suddenly turned silent. Ann looked

at him and covered her smiling lips.

Lennon, despite seeing it, couldn't say a thing because of his father.

Simon just smiled looking at his son and walked ahead.

“Did you come to visit Jamie?”



“Lennon, your voice doesn’t have much strength.”


Lennon glared at Ann who laughed. But he just stared at her and
didn't say anything.

Count Simon knew what was happening behind him, but pretended
not to know.

“Shall we go together? I don’t know if Jamie is awake yet.”

“I want him to wake up.”

“Me too…”


“Isn’t my son curious about his teacher’s well-being?”

“Ah, no. Of course, I also want Teacher to wake up. I just started as
his disciple…

there are so many things I want to learn.”

Lennon sincerely thought so. At first, Jamie was someone he feared

but after joining the academy, Jamie was an object of envy for him.
And he didn’t tell anyone, but after hearing the heroic things he did,
he even liked Jamie.

Not just Lennon.

Ann cried as she heard what Jamie did this time. Tears of sorrow
that her Teacher was injured and respect that he defeated the
demons wonderfully.

‘Our Teacher.’
‘Is the coolest guy out there!’

Ann and Lennon had different personalities but when it came to

Jamie they thought the same.

Looking at that, Simon said,


Jamie’s room was on the third floor. And the three were walking up
when the doctor approached them.

“8th elder.”

“Ah, sir. I am here to visit Jamie.”

“Good timing. Just now Mr. Jamie regained consciousness.”


“Is that true?!”

The two kids seemed more excited than Simon.

“Did Teacher wake up?”

“His condition? Is he in good spirits?”

The doctor looked at the children who were approaching him and
stepped back.

“O-One after another.”

“Are there any complications?”

“It might be difficult to use magic…”

“Both of you stop.”

When they were pushing the doctor against the wall, Simon, who
couldn’t watch it any longer, lifted them both up by grabbing their

The children who were hanging in the air, looked at each other and
then apologized to the doctor.


“We were so excited that we crossed a line.”

Confirming that their words were genuine, Simon put them down and
the doctor thanked him.

“I lived thanks to you.”

“Well. Can we go up?”

“Elder Siegfried is there. I think those two are having an important


Simon had a rough idea about what it was.

It has to be about the black magic they saw the other day.

Putting his hands on the children’s heads he said,

“You should wait a while and then come.”

“Is it something we shouldn’t hear?”

“Not yet, at least.”

At those words, Ann nodded her head, not yet, meaning they could
be told later. And that was enough reason to wait.

It was a pity that Lennon couldn’t enter, but he had no choice but to
stay after listening to his father’s serious voice.

“I will wait here.”

“Good. It won’t take long.”

If Siegfried was here, it meant that some of the matter was already
covered. A brief summary would be sufficient.

It wasn’t too late to listen and then decide. Before heading up he told
the doctor,

“Don’t contact the other elders yet.”


It wasn’t known why but the doctor who didn’t know of the magicians

Then, looking at the children he asked,

“Would you like some candy?”

Green grape candy tasted the best.

Siegfried stood in the wilderness.

The winter wind blew on the dry lands. He just stood there for a
moment and felt his lips swell and skin crack.

Did such a rough land exist?

There was no rain from that dark sky, but the occasional thunder
hinted at something ominous.

‘This is the memory of young lord Jamie.’

A black army rushed into the winter wilderness where there was
nothing. From a distance, it was impossible to know their size.

But the closer they got, the bigger the earth shook.

It wasn’t as big as one huge one in the army, but of large and small
things flocking.

Some looked like beasts and some were skeletons, some were
rotten corpses and the others were knights whose armor released

Siegfried opened his mouth suddenly,

‘What are they…!’

The closer they got the more he felt. It was impossible to measure
the strength of the huge army by its level.

Even the Demon Dragon he saw three days back felt ordinary here.

Each being here was strong.

A force that would have unified the entire continent which existed in
the world.

Numerous undead and beasts with transcendent powers.

And Seigfried knew the energy he felt from them.

‘The black mana of young lord Jamie is evident.’

These gigantic troops belong to Jamie.

But Jamie was nowhere to be seen.

‘No, since he said reincarnation, the figure before the reincarnation

must be… ’

Siegfried raised his eyes and tried to find the real Diablo Volfir.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

After all, finding one man in such a crowded place is no different

from finding a needle in the desert.

And then the sky flashed at once! Thousands of lightning struck the


Siegfried flinched and looked up. The black sky cleared up in an


From there, a heavenly army with pure white wings came down.

Dazzling halo around which hurt his eyes. Despite knowing this
wasn’t the real situation, Siegfried wasn’t sure how to handle this.

‘God’s army.’
A large golden carriage descending caught his eye. A carriage pulled
by four Pegasus ran in the sky and someone stepped out of the
carriage mid-air. A man with long indigo hair hanging down and
wearing a navy blue toga.

It was a memory yet Siegfried was unable to be calm.

“Diablo Volfir!”

The man shouted.

A power in his voice, and it felt like his soul was draining by listening
to it.

The man continued to speak.

“You bastard. You lost once. If you managed to survive you should
have buried yourself somewhere deep and stayed there until you
died. How dare you appear before me!”

The black army stopped at the man’s words.

And the heaven’s army gleamed. And a man appeared above the
head of a huge beast. As soon as he saw him, he knew it was Diablo

It was hard to see from afar, but there was a purple robe and black
hair and he held a staff with strong energy in it.

Diablo Volfir, a man who was normal, answered the man.


A purple black mana gushed from Diablo.

“I have returned to restore human dignity from you.”

At that, Zenith laughed.

“Nonsense. Only when you die will the fate of the men be decided.”

“Human fate isn’t trivial for you to decide.”

“Hahaha! How pitiful you are, Diablo Volfir. A man who once claimed
to be the head of humankind has been abandoned by his own
people, yet you still struggle for their future! They are garbage! Bugs
who don’t know grace! Pests who need to be cleaned up! And yet,
you are here for them!”

“I understand their position.”

Diablo Volfir floated up.

The morale of his dark army rises enough to threaten the heaven’s

Zenith was also a bit confused as if he didn’t expect it. Siegfried

gulped and watched them.

“So I…”

Diablo Volfir lifted the staff up.

“I’m fighting with you people for humanity’s future. So die, Zenith.”

Darkness exploded.

“Cut off his limbs and bring him before me!”

Zenith gave orders and his army rushed ahead.

Diablo Volfir didn’t command his army.

He moved towards the enemy’s army alone with a purple glare.

The dark army followed their master silently. Not recorded in history.

The prelude to the great war which took place in the distant past
unfolded for Siegfried.

Great light and darkness intertwined with chaos.

It was hard to look at. Siegfried reached them. He wanted a closer

look. He wanted to check the outcome. However, as if not allowed,
his body was moved elsewhere.


The world was on fire.

Twelve lights were floating in the sky and Diablo was stained with
blood, lying on the burning ground. The twelve lights besieged him.

-It is over Diablo Volfir.

A neutral voice, unable to know if it was a man or a woman.

Diablo, who had fallen on the floor, raised his head with difficulty.
Half his face was covered in blood, yet he smiled.

“Kukuk. Right. In the end it ended up like this.”

-Don’t even think about messing around! Didn’t I tell you? You will
eventually lose.

Zenith mocked Diablo.

Diablo laughed.

“How many times have you been hiding behind the other gods and
talking about killing me? Quite ugly, Zenith, ugly.”

-You bastard!


As Zenith was about to go, the first spoken voice interrupted.

-… tch.

Perhaps because of the voice being higher than him, Zenith clicked
his tongue.

Diablo didn't let go.

“You are Ra’s hound. No, hound is a bit much. Maybe a very small

-Shut up!

-Diablo, don’t taunt him. Nothing changes as long as you are evil.

Stopping Zenith again, the voice warned Diablo.

The other gods just watched it. Diablo, with both hands on the
ground, struggled to get up. However, as if he had exhausted all his
strength, he couldn’t stand and fell down.
-You fought well. Now fall into deep sleep.

The voice said.

Diablo didn’t like it. To get sympathy from his enemy, from the foe he
hated so much.

And the voice said,

-We will seal you.

At that Diablo smiled.

“You couldn’t do anything alone, yet, despite all you coming here,
you couldn’t kill me,”

With dark purple eyes, he stared at the 12 Gods.

“Come on. Seal me. But when I wake up again!”

The dark magicians smiled more sullenly and warned.

“Your dazzling light will be dyed black, and you will not die in despair
but beg for death!”

And the voice said,

-… look forward to it.

And the seal of light which started from the gods struck him.


Siegfried reached out to block the light. However, it was impossible

for him, who was just watching to intervene. Light covered the entire
place and Siegfried covered his eyes with his hands.



Siegfried was back.

He paused for a moment and stared into space. After seeing such a
shocking sight, he couldn’t come to his senses.

Did it happen? What he had just seen?

He saw Jamie.

Frail little child who couldn’t lift a finger and Diablo Volfir’s face
overlapped with him, the dark hair and purple eyes.

“Did you see?”

“…that was young lord?”

There was no manipulation of memories. Jamie’s memory was what

it was, buried deep inside his mind.

It was impossible for even a master manipulator to interfere with


‘No. Diablo Volfir, it is possible with his ability.’

Although he only saw a part of it, the power he saw was a shock to
In particular, it was hard to believe that it was the same magician
with overwhelming power who wasn't pushed by 12 Gods.

How did such a powerful person exist in the world?

It was a shock just to face the 12 Gods, but the Gods' presence was
buried in front of Diablo.

But now Jamie isn’t Diablo Volfir. Compared to him, he was

embarrassingly weak.

It wasn’t right to think of the Great Magician who reached 7th class
as weak, but

Siegfried was disappointed with the current power of Jamie.

‘I don’t know when, but there were a lot of strong ones.’

Aside from Heaven's army, the dark army was led by Diablo. Each of
them was a monster equal or greater than Siegfried. He still
wondered if he was dreaming.

“It isn’t a dream.”

Jamie read Siegfried’s expression.

“It actually happened on this earth, 66666 years before I was born in
this form.”

“66666 years?”

“Past which cannot be grasped. The mythical era known in the world
today was treated as a myth.”
Jamie forced himself to get up.

“Young lord!”

“I-it’s fine.”

While Siegfried was seeing his memories, he used his holy power to
heal his body.

He could now sit with a pillow against the wall.


Jamie sat down and took a deep breath.

“It is a memory of a time when the mankind fell into slavery to the 12

“Humans were slaves?”

“Not the past tense. Humans are still slaves to the 12 Gods. A
human being who has been built up and destroyed by the 12 gods
many times and improved according to their own taste.”

“What is… there are people like me who do not follow God.”

“But know that Gods exist. That alone is nourishment for them.
Humans today are created that way.”

This was a shocking statement.

Siegfried couldn’t believe it, but the boy in front of him was the only
human who faced the 12 Gods.
“They exist to seek eternity in this world. Humans are the slaves who
achieve their goals. No, just cattle.”

“Then… don’t the 12 Gods do much for the humans who follow

“Humans feed the livestock too.”

It felt like being hit on the head with a hammer.

When Siegfried was speechless, Jamie continued.

“Above all, humans were under surveillance.”

“…by the church?”

“Not wrong. Humans do not believe in humans and accuse each

other of their sins to their Gods can also be called as monitoring. But
what I am talking about is the power of monitoring.”

“Power of monitoring?”

“Dragon. Priests of the Dragon God Brahman. Their existence is a

race created for the purpose of monitoring humans.

Jamie said, looking at Siegfried with purple eyes.

“They are holding on to the human leash. The problem is that I don't
know at all about the period of vacancy which unfolded after I got
sealed until I entered this time.”

“Are you referring to the world from 10,000 years back?”

“Yes. It was said that there was a Ban. The moment I tried to figure it
out, I discovered the keywords set by the 12 Gods and the dragon

“Is that true?”

At that moment, Count Simon appeared through the proofing magic.

He looked at Jamie with trembling eyes and asked.

“I asked if that was true.”

It was something Simon had to know.

Jamie nodded.

“Humans are surrounded by the concept of a fence called a

continent and live under the supervision of dragons. Humans are
weak, so they simply do not notice the dragons monitoring them.”

Some nations were secretly interacting with dragons. Words were

being exchanged, and a one-way transaction in some.

However, since it is an undisclosed fact, he didn’t mention it.

Jamie looked at Simon. With his head bowed and fists clenched, he


This wasn’t his usual self.

He smiled grotesquely over and over and looked at Jamie with wide

“As expected. Our thoughts weren’t wrong.”

“…our thoughts?”
Siegfried looked at Simon with a frown, and Simon looked at him in

“Elder Siegfried. I apologize for not approaching you, judging that it’s
still hard to

believe for you. But, it’s a lot better now.”

He looked at Jamie.

“Jamie Welton.”


“There are people I need for you to meet.”


“Yes. These are the people who want to make the humans masters
of this absurd world. And that includes me.”

Did humans have access to the truth of the world?

“And… we have been watching you for a long time.”


Pointing at Jamie, he said confidently,

“A being who appeared to save mankind. That is you, Jamie

Saviour of humankind.

Simon had waited for the being for so long.

The horrific human conditions.

Ordinary people weren’t aware of this fact. There was no reason to

know, or way to know.

Because this continent was a wide world to them and they

‘misunderstood’ that they enjoyed this space.

Most of the things weren’t even known.

Even Simon himself didn’t know much, but humans have land, life
and freedom!

But such things couldn’t be enjoyed. Part of the continent is under

the Bans, and part of life is lived in faith, part of freedom sacrificed
because they are weak.

All of this made a mighty race look like a beast in a cage.

Now taken for granted and unnoticed. Only Simon and a few other
humans noticed it.

Even then, he couldn’t do anything but watch it.

“This damned world! Why humans? Why humans! Do we have to

live with oppression? The weak and strong, the law of nature.
However, mankind wasn’t culled because of the weak! Humanity is
strong. One by one, the facts are coming into light! Then why are
humans so weak?”
Simon screamed with bloodshot eyes.

“Because they fear humans. Human potential! Because they are

scared of human limitations!”

Humans are weak.

Then, why are they weak?

Was it because of their short lived life?


It is because powerful races have stolen the powers from humans. It

wasn’t known how it was stolen, but humans achieved so much in
their short life.

Dragons were said to live ten thousand years, and the high elves
half of that.

However, the speed at which the humans learned magic was faster
than the speed of the other two races.

Both races were powerful because they lived long. If humans can
live that much, they would be the strongest race.

And 10 years ago, the evidence appeared in secret.

“Huge… right, it was a huge coincidence.”

Ten years back, the ‘Day Break’ project was implemented.

For the purpose of complete exploration of Capri Cave, one of the

Six Bans, it was secretly conducted in the Koche Kingdom.
An expedition team of one Sword Master, one Great Magician and
twenty rangers went in. They made thorough preparations to begin

In conclusion, like any other expedition, it ended in disaster. The

Great Magicians and the 12 rangers were killed and only the Sword
Master and one ranger could be saved.

Nevertheless, the ranger died and the Sword Master was so hurt that
he could no longer hold the sword.

But it wasn’t without results.

“On that day, Sword Master Sir Heryl returned with an object and we
called it this.”

Simon spoke,

“Ark Factory. It is the storage of the Ark, a mighty battleship of

mankind presumed to have existed a time before the present
civilization existed.”

Jamie’s eyes shone.


To hear this name here.

‘Was that left?’

It was unbelievable.

Because Ark was an aerial battleship which Diablo Volfir used

against the 12 Gods before he became a dark magician.
And the Ark was destroyed during the fourth war which made Diablo
set his path into darkness.

Simon continued.

“Unfortunately, the Ark Factory didn’t have power in it. However,

many records were found. There was an overwhelming difference
between the human technology of the past and that of the present,
the abilities which humans couldn’t possess unless they were strong!
That was proof that humans were stronger than dragons, high elves
and the Ran. And… Jamie Welton.”

Simon looked straight at Jamie and said.

“You are the second coming for mankind. Despite your talent, your
unfamiliar black mana… it is completely different from what these
modern dark magicians use.”


“It must be the power of that time. I don’t know why you have such
power, but…”

“Count Simon.”

Jamie interrupted Simon and Simon looked at him.

Jamie spoke.

“First, your guess is somewhat right.”

Jamie’s voice had changed.

When talking with Siegfried he had a childish tone, but now his tone
was slightly arrogant.

“Mankind. Yes. They once ruled the continent.”

“As expected!!”

“But they weren't the Masters of the world.”

“I expected it. There must have been a great war! The Ark must have
been the battleship used.”

“Yes. It was a weapon of destruction of Gods, to intercept the Gods,

it was created by me and my companions.”

“Weapon of destruction?”

“I don’t know which point you heard our conversation from, so I will
start with the introduction again.”

Jamie straightened his posture with a troubled look.

“I am Diablo Volfir. The former head of the Humanity Liberation

Army, and in the end, the man who invented the black magic to kill
the 12 Gods and was left alone.”

“…left alone? No wait, Human Liberation Army… what were you

trying to free

yourself from?”

Simon doubted his ears.

Weapon of destruction.
Destroy the Gods. In other words, the Ark was meant to kill the

He knew that the 12 Gods were involved in the current situation, but
there was a force which tried to directly kill the 12 Gods?

No, more shocking than that.

“Jamie, you said you were the head of the Humanity Liberation
Army? Then who is this Diablo Volfir?”

“I don’t want to repeat the story.”

Saying so, Jamie pulled out a memory thread and shoved it into
Simon’s head. Simon trembled as if he had lost strength in his legs
and sat down.

He looked at Jamie, wiping his dripping saliva.

A being with dark hair and purple eyes looking down at him.


Simon coughed. He frowned at the pain in his throat.

Was what he just saw, true?

That formidable sight and despairing world… did it all happen in the

Then the boy on the bed right now…


Simon stood up clenching his hands. His vision widened, and the
vision of Diablo Volfir’s face overlapping with Jamie Welton’s

This is reality.

Humans were the slaves of the 12 Gods, their livestock.

And that fact was confirmed 66673 years ago.

A great dark magician had once arrived in a world where there was
no answer.

Simon couldn’t say anything.

He stared at Jamie and then acted weird.


Siegfried jumped up.

Simon looked at Jamie and got down on one knee.

Jamie looked at Simon.

“What are you doing?”

Simon looked into his eyes and said,

“I see the King of Mankind.”


“You are the savior of mankind. Taking the lead when no one did,
even at the moment when you were alone, you fought for humans.
You, who fought fiercely and died horribly, thought of humans until
the end. So you are the King of Mankind. This Richter Simon swears
allegiance to you from now on. I will follow you along this thorny
path. For humans.”

Jamie let out a low sigh.

He knew how Simon would react to the truth, but didn’t expect it to
be like this. If Jamie, who knew it was going to be like this was still
shocked, then imagine Siegfried who couldn’t digest this well.


“Call me comfortably by my name.”

“I cannot do that.”


“I am no king.”

Jamie got out of the bed and walked towards Simon.

He felt like his body could collapse but he didn’t show it. Instead, he
bowed his head to Simon.

“Lend me your strength.”


“Count. I have been through a lot of such kinds of relations and it

never ends well.

This time I am trying a different way. So feel free to call me by my


“That is enough. The same goes for Elder Siegfried. Lend me your


Siegfried sighed.

To be honest, he didn’t understand half of the conversation. And

despite being a great magician, he was an outsider.

It would be a lie if he said he didn’t feel it.

He travelled the world and saw many things. But the world which
Jamie showed and his identity was a shock to him.

Siegfried looked up at the ceiling.

“By the way, the seat of the 3rd elder is vacant.”


“As soon as you recover well, the young lord will rise to the rank of
elder. Wow, it seems like there’s too much firsts for the young lord.”

Siegfried smiled and looked at Jamie.

“I wish you all the best in the future, companion.”

Jamie smiled and nodded.

“Look after me.”

“Elder Simon too, let’s get along well. Like it or not, it will be like that,

“Huhu. I didn’t know I’d be in a boat with you, you were always step

“I wanted to live the rest of my life like that.”

The two elders smiled and Jamie looked at them.


“Tch. You overdid it.”

Siegfried grabbed Jamie and laid him on the bed.

Jamie looked at Simon and said,

“By the way, didn’t you say earlier that there are people you want me
to meet?”

“Yes. They are with me.”

“I am asking just to be sure, are they Frontier?”

The first organization which came to Jamie’s mind was this name.

They knew a bit about Diablo and made a deal with Behemoth.

They must know a lot. An organization which had access to secrets.


But Simon’s answer was unexpected.

“We are different from Frontier. They are multi ethnic. They are
people who obscure even what their goals are at times.”

Come to think of it, Siegfried said something. about the Frontier

assisting the Harmonia Liberation Army. In other words, it was a
force helping to overthrow nations.

Simon continued.

“Unlike Frontier, we act with a focus on the future of mankind and the
secrets of the world and it is difficult to say, we can just call it a
secret society.”

“The members…”

“You will know when you meet them in person.”

Simon smiled.

Jamie too nodded with a smile.

‘There is a lot of time.’

Whatever comes, he needs to recover first.

“The kids are waiting downstairs.”


“Your disciples.”

Ann and Lennon.

Come to think of it, he couldn’t even do a first class for them.

“Call them here.”

He didn’t want to see his disciples like this, but it wasn’t good to send
them away after they had come all this way.

Ann and Lennon smashed through the door.


They came at him with weeping faces. Simon and Siegfried decided
to leave the three of them alone.

Jamie greeted the two and raised his hands to stroke their heads.

“I am fine.”

“You are really fine, right?”

“I thought you’d… die… ugh…”

Ann cared for him but Lennon was crying and there was snot and
that was unexpected for Jamie.

“Puahaha… Ack!”

It was difficult to move, so just laughing hurt his body.

Thanks to this, the two kids kept checking on him. Fortunately, Jamie
calmed down.

“I almost died from laughing.”

“…why would you laugh when someone is crying?”

“Thank you for coming, both of you.”

“As your disciples, we had to come.”

“It was nothing. Sniff.”

Lennon rubbed his nose to stop the crying.

Jamie grinned.

Although he didn’t know them very well, the relationship between the
two of them seemed to a little better right now.

“Let’s do well in the future.”

“Thank you.”

“…take good care of me.”

And three months passed.

A lot had happened in three months.

First was the funeral for Keniac.

Normally, he was also guilty of taking part in the demonic plans, so

his post processing had to be completed as a criminal.

However, at Jamie and Ann’s aggressive request, he wasn’t tagged

as a criminal. Even so, the seriousness of the crimes committed so
far were so great that he didn’t receive a funeral by the Magic World.
Siegfried was furious at this and with his authority as the principal,
he held a funeral in the Phoenix Academy.

Although not many attended it, all the students who were blessed by
him attended it and filled the place.

The remnants of the demons were wiped out. The request was put
for the paladins of the 12 Gods staying in Seldman.

Those related to the demons were captured one after another. Since
they were all away, they didn’t know of Traika.

And as if Traika did something, the magi was pulled out of the

Traika, who hates humans, did that for his master.

Thanks to that, even the humans in critical conditions were alive. But
it was impossible to save them all. A few lives were lost.

3rd elder Serpent Greol was the main culprit of this case and was
branded as the enemy of mankind and soon his family disintegrated.

Since he had no close family, nothing much happened.

Several depressing events overlapped one after another in the

Magic World.

Fortunately, the melancholy which spread didn’t last long. It was

because of the newspapers in the Magic World about a fortnight
after the incident.

[The greatest talent of all time, Jamie Welton! Ascended to the

position of Great Magician at the age of just 8!]
Like a pearl in mud, this news brought hope to people.

This article spread across the continent in an instant and then to the
world. In the capital, Jamie Welton was recognized as a Great
Magician and was appointed as a temporary elder of the Magic

A formal appointment was to be planned after he healed. Three

months passed.

“How is he?”

Ann was looking somewhere with her hands clasped hands


Lennon was with her.

Lennon crossed his arms and looked away, pretending not to care,
but his eyes were on the same thing as Ann.


There was Jamie standing up and looking at them.

He tried to stretch out his hand as hard as he could and stretched his

He would rush short distances with all his might.

The form of holding the sword and wielding it, gently using the Sea
of Hundred.

Finally, it stimulated the mana core that spread evenly through the

Mana flowed through his body and Jamie closed his eyes while
moving the mana.

It worked smoothly with no blockage.

He nodded and smiled.



Ann jumped and ran next to him.

Lennon was happy, but he calmly approached Jamie.

After crying once three months ago, he developed a habit of hiding

his emotions as much as possible.

Jamie found it funny, but he thought it was a child’s prerogative to

look like that.

“Does Lennon have nothing to say?”


“Is that how you congratulate someone?”


Lennon closed his eyes and screamed.

Jamie smiled and said to Ann.

“I feel like I will lose my ears, right Ann?”

“I know, this little guy is, well, since I am older I will teach him well.”
“Who is older?!”

“Ann is like an elder, so isn’t she like a sister to you?”


Since Jamie was an old minded person he valued hierarchical

relations. Even though they were students who came in on the same
day, Ann and Lennon weren’t of the same rank.

It was done.

Lennon, who had nothing to say, bit his lip.

Ann looked at Lennon and smiled.

‘Ann too has a playful side.’

He thought she was too grown up that time, but she had a playful

Jamie stroked the heads of the two.

“Be nice. Siblings are to be one till death.”

In his previous life he never said such things to the children. He

remained with great regret now.

This time he wouldn’t let his disciples get hurt.

Fortunately, Ann could take care of Lennon and Lennon, despite

pretending to be strong, wasn’t a bad kid.

‘There were bad times.’

And since Lennon was a child, his behaviour could be corrected.

And if it wasn’t corrected naturally, Jamie could use force.

“Right. Teacher, Principle Siegfried came and left earlier. He asked to

tell you to come see him once you were done.”


“He said at the central tower.”

“Okay. Have you finished the task?”



When the task was mentioned Ann and Lennon went silent.

Jaie frowned.

“You people still didn’t do it?”

“…it is hard.”

“It isn’t going as I thought.”

Jamie couldn’t teach them properly because he was focused on

recovering for three months. Instead he gave them tasks, so they
could practice on their own.

The task given was activation of multiple attributes.

It wasn’t difficult. But they needed to bring out two or more attributes
at the same time.

“That is basic. If you can’t learn this on your own, you can’t do any.”

The five attributes flowed from the five fingers of Jamie.

“It isn't enough to just want to rise to the top. It is important to know
how many different types of magic and attributes you can handle
when you reach a higher level.”

“But just focusing on one is daunting.”

“Multiple attributes is difficult even for strong magicians, and kids like

“Lennon. Since when did you treat yourself as a kid? Compared to

the elementary ones, you considered yourself higher.”

“I-I never compared myself to kids!”

“Fool. Even now, you aren’t saying you are a kid.”

“Right. Lennon makes fun of me every day for being dumb. He

knows how to do it, but I don’t.’

“Yah! How can I counter it if you put it like that?!”

When Ann spoke of what Lennon would say, Lennon tried to shut her

“Yah, I am your sister!”

“Yes. Sister.”

Lennon looked at her and Ann smiled. Jamie just chuckled as he

saw them.

“Anyway, you can do it. I am not giving you something impossible to

do. Right?”



“Answer me.”


Jamie forced an answer out of them and smiled.

“No hints. Multi attributes are something you need to realize by

yourself. I believe you can do it.”


“I will do it…”

“Then finish it by the time I come back.”


“That isn’t fair!!”

The disciples were shocked and Jamie felt the place.

As soon as he left, he teleported. And Lennon with Ann stared at the
empty place.

Siegfried wasn’t in the academy principal's office, but in his own

office in the central tower.

He didn’t like it too much.

The hotbed for politics. However, after going through a series of

incidents, he spent most of his time here. It wasn’t because he
changed his mind.

“My life which was free…”

Jamie Welton.

Because of that child.

No, a child is misleading.

In that tiny body, there was a being who was at the peak of magic.

If he had known that, he wouldn’t have walked this far, but he


To help in the future.

So he ended up living in the central tower, which wasn’t normally

entered unless there was a meeting.

“This is why people need to be careful of what they say.”

Siegfried shook his head.

The plan to sit in a high position and live like a king has vanished.
Well, he enjoyed it while it lasted.
Didn’t he continue to travel the world by extorting a lot of things in
the name of being a Great Magician?

There were still many places he hadn’t been, but he didn't have any
regrets because he was bored from wandering around.

And then came the knock.



His secretary, Sally.

The silver haired beauty, with her hair neatly tied, came to his office.

“What is it?”

“Mr. Jamie has arrived.”

“Ask him to come in.”


“Bring some tea for us, please.”


As Sally left, Siegfried sighed. Having a secretary was


He didn’t use it in the principal's office. At that time, Siegfried was the
most powerful person, but not here.
-Wouldn’t it be weird if someone named the elder of the Magic World
did his own work? That too in the central tower, which was the
symbol of the Magic World.

-Right. And the secretary isn't just for you. When you start working,
you are going to come into contact with high ranking officials, and if
you hand out your own tea, they will ignore you!

-That is what it is like to set foot in here. If you don’t like it, give up
the honor of enjoying the title of Great Magician. That title on your
head alone will give you research funds and a residence to live. If
you don’t want to give up the title, don’t

complain and work hard!

Siegfried recalled the nagging from 2nd elder Linmel and 4th elder,

They nagged for so long that it felt like his ears were playing it again
and again.

Kkondae like old men.

Thinking, he clicked his tongue.

“Why are you sighing so much?”

“You came?”

“You called.”

Jamie sat naturally across from him. Soon after, Sally came in and
set the tea for the two.
“Have a pleasant conversation.”

Sally bowed and left the room.

Siegfried, who looked at her, sighed.

“Are you still uncomfortable with a secretary?”

“Would you like the feeling of being watched by someone?”

“Elder is seriously such a unique person.”

Jamie took a sip of his tea with a disbelieving expression and then
brought up the topic.

“Why did you call for me?”

“I guess you haven’t heard the news yet.”


Siegfried tapped the teacup with his index finger and smiled. An
eerie smile which made Jamie frown.

“You received a call from the royal palace.”

“…royal palace?”

Siegfried cleared his throat and got up and spoke in a heavy tone.

“Jamie Welton receives the King’s orders!”

When Jamie was wide eyed, Siegfried suddenly shouted.

“Kneel down!”
It was difficult to understand the situation, but the King’s Order
couldn’t be talked about like this.

Jamie got up and knelt down. And Siegfried began to recite the
King’s order.

“Tell Jamie Welton, the date and time is 12 o’clock the day after
tomorrow. Jamie Welton’s Great Magician appointment ceremony
will be held in the Royal Palace of the capital of Seldam, Fibre, make
sure to come.”

And he spoke normally.

“That is it.”

An unexpected move. And Jamie already looked exhausted.

“…was there any such thing for the appointment in the first place?”

As Great Magician is a Master class, something extraordinary would

be done.

However, since he was a reincarnated one, such highly done

ceremonies weren’t seen.

“Isn’t this normal? A Master class is the best power of the nation.
Such an existence has been born, of course an event on national
level will be held.”

“True, but…”
“It is annoying. And it bothered me a lot too.”

Siegfied sighed, recalling the past.

Just thinking about it, his own appointment was tiring. The
preparation process, as a slave it didn’t feel nice to receive
congratulations from the nobles at royal castles.

He was used to living like this now, and most of the nobles were
nothing to him, but there was a time when he hated them all.

But that was annoying. He was also mentally tired.

‘Well, the young lord’s situation might be different, but… ’

It will still be tiresome.

After the appointment all kinds of nobles will approach him.

Considering how many nobles tried to appeal to Siegfried a slave,
would they stay silent if a Master class child rose from the Welton
family? That day alone, everyone would pounce on him.

“Ah, right. I got a letter from the Count.”

“From father?”


Jamie’s eyes widened at the letter from Count Welton.

3 months back.

When the Weltons heard what happened, they tried to run down to
the Magic World right away. But Jamie asked them not to come
thinking of how sad their faces would be if they saw him hurt.

His mother was adamant, but Count Welton, who understood his
son’s feelings, stopped her.

He knew that they would still do something.

Their son was injured. How could they not be worried?

But Jamie only wanted them to see his healthy side. And he wrote
letters, twice a month at most.

The last letter was a month back, so it’s been a month since he last
sent one to his family.

“Read it.”

Siegfried handed him the letter, Jamie opened it with a heavy heart.

[To my dear son Jamie,

Has your health recovered?

Your mother still wets the blankets with her tears when she thinks of
you, even Sarah cried thinking of her brother.

This father of yours is also heartbroken.

Because of the fact that I cannot see my beloved son. However, I

couldn’t ignore the feelings of my son who didn’t want his parents to
worry despite the fight with a

Demon, so we refrained ourselves for three months as much as

And it's been three months.

Is your body better?

As there is a saying that no good news is good news, I try to wait

patiently but you see it isn’t easy.

But I am happy.

The opportunity rose for the son I am proud of to rise to such a high
honor and the chance of meeting him soon was also due to it.

Then, my dear son, let’s meet on that day.]


His body had been in perfect condition for a while.

He was planning to head to Haiss and meet his parents, but it

seemed like his family was coming for this Great Magician

‘Isn’t it natural?’

The Welton family was one of the great families of Seldam and since
they had a son who was a Great Magician, it made no sense for
them to not attend.

Jamie had been a noble for 8 years now but he never enjoyed a
noble’s life, so he was ignorant of things.

When he thought of meeting his family after a long time, he smiled.

It’s been a while since he knew them, so he wasn’t sure how to
describe their relationship. But he knew he had to apologize.

With that in mind, he was closing the letter when he saw something.
[P.S. Remember the sisters of the Balle family? They said they would
come too.


Hahaha, what?

Jamie frowned.

How could he not remember them?

One was Jane’s reincarnation and the other a tomboy. And most of
all, they had a crush on him.

Jamie scratched his chin.

It's been over half a year since he last saw them, so their feelings for
him couldn’t still be there and they were kids. There was no way their
feelings stayed the same.

‘It would be nice to see them after a long time.’

Jamie who acknowledged his change of emotions was able to see

things in a new perspective.

“Young Lord. How long will you close your eyes?”

“…why are you closing your eyes?”

Siegfried’s eyes widened at those words. And he said,

“I know, right?”

The two looked at each other and started to laugh.

As soon as Jamie was done, he left the office and headed to his


But someone called him from behind. But at the cheeky call she
decided to walk without looking back.


Maybe they thought Jamie was ignoring them so the person came
and blocked his path. Jamie looked at the woman who blocked his
path with an annoyed expression.

A beautiful woman with a fine face and pale skin.

6th elder, Adelhart.

“You again?”

“Again? Again?”

“You came to the hospital every day and acted annoyed. What is it

“Brat! If anyone hears, they will really think I came everyday!”

“Six times a week is everyday.”


Adelhart flinched not knowing how to respond.

“Still a bad boy.”

“I don’t want to hear that from you. What is it today? Don’t tell me
you want to play mana tug of war again?”

Since the day that Jamie’s condition improved a month back,

Adelhart would visit him everyday and ask for mana tug of war.

In simple terms, it was a match where the mana of each person

would be connected like a string and be pulled.

Jamie had no intention of playing it. but he didn’t understand how to

deal with her if he ignored her.

And as he continued to refuse she would keep coming and going

from the room until she finally made an offer.

-If I lose one round, I’ll do what you ask! So accept it.

He couldn’t understand why this woman with high self-esteem would

even ask this, but maybe he thought the offer was made because of
that self-esteem.

And there was no loss for Jamie so he accepted it and won without

-Damn it! As if it wasn’t enough to be overtaken by an 8 year old! I

even lost in a mana tug of war… I lost!

When she first lost, she was out of her mind and Jamie thought he
wouldn’t have to see her because he shattered her pride. But she
kept coming to him and asking for the same thing.

And Jamie accepted it each time, but never lost to her.

Sometimes he did want to lose and give her a win, but Jamie wasn’t
the kind to underperform in anything, and losing intentionally would
hurt Adelhart’s pride.

‘She’s going to lose anyway.’

“You will lose! Today is different… no, I am not here for that!”

“I might go deaf because of you.”

Jamie covered his ears to avoid the loud shouts of Adelhart.

Adelhart cleared her throat with a puzzled look as if aware that she
was screaming too much.

“Hm. It was isn’t something different.”

“What is it?”

“Come with me for a moment.”

Adelhart said,

No matter how beautiful and strong her sense of decadence was,

she looked scary up close. Fortunately, Jamie was a necromancer
so such faces didn’t scare him.


“Our base.”


He managed to understand what this base was.

“Are you talking about the Equality lab?”


Pushing back a few strands of black hair, Adelhart smiled.


The 3rd largest faction in the Magic World was made up of

magicians from commoners. A place which had nothing to do with
Jamie, who came from a noble family.

But he expected this to happen.

Jamie made it to the 7th class and was being appointed as a Great
Magician and will be at the 3rd elder rank.

He had no intention of entering any factions, but since he was from

nobility, he expected people to think that he would be of the Nobles

But it was clear that people would try to take him into their faction.


He saw Adelhart and the unnatural smile on her face.

She was trying to smile, putting up a nice face, acting all nice but she
was a pessimistic person.

“What? Did you come to me everyday to get me into Equality?”

“W-what was that?”

“I must be right. Ha, I almost forgot about it. I thought you were
coming because
your self-esteem was hurt, but you were acting all along.”

“It isn’t because…”


It was then, he heard a middle-aged man’s voice from behind. He

turned to Elder Luke.

He scratched the back of his head with a flustered expression.

“Don’t get it wrong. Adel didn’t feel inferior and came to see you.”

“Luke! D-don’t call me inferior to anyone!”

“I just asked her since the relationship between the two of you wasn’t
bad. Just making sure to know how to approach you since I was
feeling a bit awkward about it.”

“I-I don’t feel inferior! It means nothing to me that a little boy is

reaching 7th class…”

Adelhart’s lips trembled.

Jamie barely held back his laughter looking at her and then told

“I knew it. I knew she didn’t have that kind of personality.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, the 5th elder wanted to meet me?”

“Well, yes.”

At Jamie’s straight question, Luke answered.

“Before you climb to the heights we can no longer reach… I wanted
to make some connection between us.”

Luke was quite a blatant bastard.

“Why are you both ignoring everything I say?!”

And Adelhart wouldn’t stop screaming.

“Did you have tea in the 7th elders office?”


“Then, would you like to try a drink which is popular among the
commoners these days?”

Luke showed a glimmering black liquid inside a bottle.

Brown bubbles were rising over the black liquid and there was vapor
around like it was cold.

“Coke is a drink, it has a tangy taste and is a bit carbonated too, it is

refreshing and sweet. They say that children can’t stop drinking it.’

“So delicious, kyak!”

Adelhart was already drinking and burping.

“…Adel, what are you doing?”

“You’re acting as if you don’t do this.”

“Don’t talk. Would you like to drink?”

“One glass please.”

He was curious because it was a strange drink.

As Luke poured it into the glass, bubbles began to come up.

While travelling with Siegfried, he had a lot of different things, but

this was a first so he carefully put it close to his mouth, and his eyes


“Nice, right?”

Adelhart smiled as she asked, and Jamie wiped his lips looking at

“What is the name?’

“Coke. The most popular drink.”

“…cool, right?”

As soon as he took a sip it felt like current passed through his

tongue, and when it went through his throat his body shuddered.

It was so fresh and weird at the same time that his brain was
pounding. And there was a strong urge to have it again.

“There is no drug in this right?”

“Puahaha! What is this child saying?”

“Huh. Delicious foods boast an addiction which is hard to compare
with drugs.”

With that, Jamie drank the coke again.


Thanks to that, his throat was soaking in it.

“It is impossible to drink at once unless the person is skilled. It will be

impossible for a kid like you.”

Adelhart waved her finger at Jamie. She was trying to fill the pride he
crushed with something like this and Luke who noticed it just shook
his head while looking at her.

Jamie didn’t say a word and just looked at her.

“Y-You two! What is with that look?”

“Well, I called you because I wanted to tell you about us before we

departed for the royal castle. Hopefully we didn’t waste any time.”

“Yah, you are ignoring me again!”

“You gave me a delicious drink so I can surely spare some time.”

More than anything, Jamie wanted to bring them to his side. Talking
to another important side was done recently.

‘Like them, even I am after the same thing.’

Jamie smiled to himself thinking of the other elders.

“Are you ignoring me?! Stop ignoring me right now!”

The two talked ignoring Adelhart’s screams.

Luke finally opened his mouth.

“Jamie, I wanted to meet you because I wanted to talk about power.”

“Power… are you talking about the three factions of the Magic


“You want me to join Equality?”

At Jamie’s direct question, Luke’s eyes widened as he didn’t expect

this question.

Adelhart too clicked her tongue at this.

“Isn’t this a little too much for a little boy?”


“Um. He isn’t wrong either.”

Luke brushed his bread and shook his head with a smile.

“I don’t think you will stick with us.”

“Why would you think that?”

“First would be the most important reason, your background. It is
hard to imagine the eldest child of the Welton family, one of the two
pillars of the Eastern nobles joining us.”

“Because Equality is made up of commoners?”

“True. One way or another, in the end, what we want is to take down
the class differences.”

Luke didn’t use the word equality. In a society based on titles with
authority, there was nothing more ridiculous than using the word

However, the power of those who wished for equality to some extent
was equal to the other factions.

It was no exaggeration to say that the present world was one ruled
by nobles and royalty. Actually, although most of the people in the
world were commoners, they were still in a position of being
exploited by the higher class.

Equality tried to break through that even a little, and it rose till this

And in reality, the greatest force in the Magic World of the three
factions was none other than Equality.

“But, isn’t the 5th elder from nobility?”

Luke replied with a smile.

“To be precise, fallen nobility that collapsed when I was six, so

calling me a noble is ridiculous.”
Luke spent most of his life with commoners. It was a bit funny to say
that he spent time with them, when Luke was no different from
commoners and he actually thought himself to be one of them.

“I was a commoner.”

Adelhart shrugged and added.

At the age of ten, she was lucky to be caught by a magician and was
taught magic. She was talented and somehow managed to get to
this position but the process wasn’t smooth.

It wasn’t known if she was at Siegfried’s level of talent, but she was a
commoner who did her best to rise but her position as a commoner
was always a problem.

Because of that she sympathized with Luke’s ideas and they were
partners in leading Equality.

“So, I have no intention of asking you to come to Equality.”

He didn’t add anything more, but Jamie understood it.

And he asked,

“Then what do you want from me?”

“Well, it isn’t difficult.”

Luke licked his lips as if he was thinking, and said,

“If you don’t want to hold hands with us, don’t stick with the other
“…don’t join with the royalists and nobles?”

“Yes. Do you know the current state of the Magic World?”

“I cannot say I don’t know.”

It was currently divided into 3 groups or factions but three months

ago it came a messy situation.

It was because Serpent Gerol, the former 3rd elder who was in
charge of one of the royal factions, had been corrupted by a demon,
dealt with them in the Magic World and died in the hands of Jamie.

If it was just a simple death, there was no way the power of the
royalists in the Magic World would tilt.

Despite being the smallest of the three factions, it wielded the largest
power. The problem was that Serpent was related to demons.

And it spread suspicion amongst the entire royalists. As it was a

force of the royal family, the other factions couldn’t oppress them.

Even so, it was safe to say that the moment the suspicion began, the
royal faction had lost influence in the Magic World.

After some time, it might regain its name and fame, but right now it
was struggling.

1st elder Offen, the head of the royal faction didn’t even speak
during the elders’

meeting, perhaps acknowledging what happened.

“If Jamie joins the nobles under such circumstances, the balance
between us and the nobles which is currently stable will tilt

“I don’t know if Siegfried would stand up for us…”

Adehart said,

It was because she couldn’t understand him.

“Anyway, that is the reason. It is an ugly adult situation, but I hope

you can understand.”

Jamie smiled.

“First, you don’t have to say it's an adult situation. I am no longer a



“And well, it sure is funny,”

“What do you mean?”

Luke and Adelhart’s expressions darkened at those words.

On the other hand, Jamie smiled.

“Right. You have no idea where the world right now is headed, but
you are trying to fight like a star.”

“It isn’t…”

“Yeah, Jamie Welton. I know your name is valuable, but choose your
words after much thought.”

“I am doing this after careful thought.”

When Adelhart was about to get angry, Luke raised his hand.

“Can you tell me what you mean?”

“What your thoughts are, I have no idea of them. And those little
things are my concern.”

“To treat class issues as trivial. Did you know that this actually
spawned a lot of rebels around the world?”

“So? Will you start a rebellion?”

“This one is serious!”

“Miss Adelhart. I am not very patient, so act in moderation.”

Jamie smiled and looked at her, anger raged in her body making
mana fluctuate.

The mana which started with her small body had now brought her to
the position of an elder.


Luke hit the table with his hand and the mana around Adelhart


Adelhart sighed and sat down while Jamie admired Luke for a

‘He is good.’
He suppressed Adelhart with condensed mana, but Luke relieved all
the mana around without difficulty.

It meant that Luke’s skills were on the same level as Jamie. He

heard that this man had been in 7th class for some time now. Even
though he isn’t on the verge of 8th class, he was still one amazing
7th class magician.

“Excuse Adel.”

He did say it, but Luke’s expression looked a little angry. If Jamie had
extended the argument, she would have attacked him and Luke
wasn’t a man who liked causeless


“It wasn’t rude. And I think I need to tell you the difference.”

Having said that, he looked at Adel who was there with an angry
face but Jamie just shrugged his shoulders.

“Let's just continue what we were talking about. Sooner or later, the
continent will be in great storms, so what would this class even mean
in such a situation?”

“Because humans will continue to live even after the war is done.”

“It is a matter of surviving.”

“…Zenith is alone in this. And the Olivia Kingdom is already forming

a union. The Zenith Church has locked its doors, unable to withstand
the pressure from the entirety of Olivia and it is clear that it could curl
its tails first. Even if the war breaks out, it will be subdued sooner or
“You are misunderstanding. Or should I say, you think too easily?”


Jamie was fed up with the idealists' words.

Apart from the equality concept, he sees the human world as he

wants to see it and he wants to create a world for all?

It was an overkill to be honest.

“What is a magician? Without even understanding the circumstances

before and after. How can you just spit out easy seeming words?”


“You really don’t think Zenith is alone, do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Find it out yourself. Curiosity is an important thing for magicians,


Luke’s eyes trembled at those words.

“I will just say one thing.”

Jamie got up and spoke to Luke as if warning him.

“If we all don’t unite, we are done.”

It wasn’t known how this idealist would respond, but if he wants to

walk down in his own path, he has to withdraw from the idea of the
people being on the same level.
Jamie opened the door and was about to leave, but then he turned
back and said,

“The coke was nice. It was the good thing that came out of my
coming here.”

And closed the door.

“Such a boring person.”

As the head of Equality high expectations were put on Jamie, but it

was disappointing.

Three months ago, they were all impressed when they heard that
one of the elders was bringing this kid into the magic world.

The problem was that in a situation other than a crisis, the brains of
people didn’t work. Anyone can be a leader in peaceful times, but
now was a time when war could break out.

‘War may not happen too.’

Jamie was just predicting the possibility of a war.

Zenith, if he was still proud like the past, he would give back what he

“If they understand what I said, they’ll come to me again.”

Jamie decided not to think of it.

“First, I need to depart to the capital.”

His appointment ceremony, the new position. Jamie wanted fame.

Not to enjoy wealth and glory but to make allies for the war. To be
the winner.

Jamie’s form scattered with mana disappearing and from above,

Luke and Adelhart were watching Jamie disappear.


“Good kid. No, I shouldn’t treat him like one.”

“What do we do? What that guy said, I don’t think he is wrong.

Maybe we are taking things too easily.”

“Can a person leading a faction be swayed by such words?”

Luke’s words made sense, so Adelhart shook her head, but she

She had been beside Luke for more than 10 years. The lips were
faintly moving, but it was a smile.

‘Did you like Jamie Welton?’

With the other elders, he always kept words to a minimum.

But Jamie was different. Jamie was saying everything he wanted to

say and nothing was a childish remark.

Rather, as an adult he harshly criticized the current state of the

Magic World. By now it was clear that Jamie’s words were running
inside Luke’s mind. But it wasn’t known how those words could
change him.

Adelhart decided to watch this quietly.

‘Rather, just don’t give up next time.’

She wasn’t the type of person to live in suffering. It didn’t seem like
they would win the match, but she knew that a challenge was the
right way to make the one mature.

It was time to go to the capital.

Jamie was looking into the mirror with obvious discomfort. He wore a
robe with blue silk and a white cloth over the cuffs, adorned with a
gold thread. It was undeniably a luxurious robe, but it wasn’t Jamie’s

The problem was that this was a robe Sears had sent from Haiss for

‘If I don’t wear it, my mother will be sad.’

By now the Weltons would have moved to the capital, Fibre. It was
clear that Sears was waiting for him there.

However, he couldn’t imagine what would happen if he didn’t wear

the robe she prepared for him. The size was perfect, completely for

“Wow! Teacher! So pretty!”

Ann, a disciple of his who came to see him, clapped. Looking back,
this robe did look girly. He wasn’t sure if he should be grateful for the
fact that Sears, who was in her 30s still had a girly side, or should he
be sad that she was rubbing it on him.

‘It’s pretty… Not cool though.’

With a brief sigh, Jamie put on the robe and prepared to move and
when he went to the living room, Siegfried and Linmel were having

…But why was Linmel here?


Jamie didn’t know that Linmel was coming. Even Siegfried who was
sipping tea had a sullen expression. Linmel put down the cup in his
hands and said,

“The robe suits you.”

“Thank you… but what did you come here for?”

“I just wanted to be with you. Have I come to a place I am not invited


“Not that.”

All the high ranking people would have to be there in the capital for
celebration of the birth of a new Great Magician.

Not just the magicians. The talented people who were all in Master
Class would come there.

In other words, all the best powers of the Seldam Kingdom will

Linmel was one of them, so going there together was normal.

But he thought that they would be moving separately…

“There is no need to take the attendants since it's quite troublesome.
Isn’t that why you are going with the 7th elder?”


Siegfried answered with a frown.

“And Count Simon?”

“He probably has a lot of people to meet, so he would move


“Lennon said he would be there. He won't be coming here.”

Jamie chuckled at Ann’s words. Looking back at Lennon these days,

Ann was right.

He was expressing himself a lot more.

And it was nice to see a good change in him.

“Done preparing?”

He nodded at Siegfried’s question.

“Well, my family must have prepared everything. I just need to go.”

“Nobles must be happy having their subordinates do everything for


“I need to remind you that I am a noble too.”

“Ah! So-sorry!”
Siegfried, who forgot that Linmel was there, apologized.

Looking back, Siegfried didn’t ever speak back to Linmel, it wasn’t

known what happened but it was amazing to see Seigfried acting all

“Let’s go, 7th elder.”

“Yes. Yes. As you wish.”

Siegfried looked at the gathered crowd. A magic circle was drawn on

the floor and they disappeared.

D-3 till the appointment.

Even if Siegfried was great, it was impossible to go to the capital at

once. They arrived in front of a warp plane used for long-distance

Jamie saw the giant ring shaped machine.

It looked like it was 20 meters high and he could feel the huge mana
inside the device as well.

“This is a great product of magic engineering. Isn’t this awesome?”

Linmel stood next to him as he approached.

Jamie nodded.

“I can feel the mana stones inside this thing.”

“They say that the mana stones used to warp are around 100 B
grade ones.”

“This has also greatly reduced the fuel economy. When it first
developed it needed 100 A grade stones. Do you know the value of
the A grade ones?”


To activate a Dimension Breaker, the strongest magic weapon in the

Magic World, it takes 5 A grade mana stones. However, the fact that
it took 100 of them to operate a warp meant that the cost
effectiveness itself was ridiculous.

“It’s normally like that. At first, it consumed a ridiculous amount of

energy, but as time went on, the shortcomings were compensated
for and changes were brought in.

According to the person who developed it, after 5 years, the amount
of mana stones will come down by half.”

“More and more efficient.”

“Right, the goal is to install warp planes throughout the kingdom.”

“All preparations done!”

As the two of them were talking about it, a voice came saying the
warp machine was ready. Linmel turned his head and said,

“Do you know why I suddenly talked about the warp?”

Jamie looked at Siegfried at the question.

“The machines are evolving. And whoever develops the machine

makes more progress.”

“I hope you do too. I can’t help but think that it’s funny that I am
worried about you even though you are the most hardworking one, it
seems like I am putting too much

pressure on you, who is still young.”

Looking at the sky, Linmel said,

“As you go through life, there are bound to be people who will bear
the burden of fate on them, but there will also be a lot of people who
fall down, unable to handle the burden.”


“I… I don’t want you to end up like that. When tired, speak up, when
you have a problem, get counseling and when tired, get rest too. I
hope you don’t live under the pressure of responsibility.”

It felt like he was here to say this to him.

Jamie smiled.

He could empathize with him because he knew about it.

To Linmel, Jamie was like a grandson and he would have been

worried about such a grandson who was ready to enter a battle.

Above all, the conversation of ‘that day’ must have been like a thorn
in the throat.

-Jamie… are you really the reincarnation of that being?

He couldn't forget Linmel’s trembling voice.

He passed on the memories of his life to Count Simon and he heard
that there were people on the side of Count Simon. At first, he
thought he couldn’t trust them, but when he heard of their identities,
he thought meeting them would be fine.

And when he recovered he met them. Linmel and 4th elder Rayman.

And they talked about that day.

But what really stood out in his memory was Linmel’s reaction when
he heard of his identity the first time.

Since then, there has been no change, only talks about the future.
However, it seemed like Linmel was concerned about him.

Even if he was a reincarnation, to him Jamie Welton was a


“Thank you for your concern.”

At Jamie’s thanks, Linmel smiled.

“Let’s go now.”


Siegfried and Ann moved faster too.

The hostess of a terrace cafe approached an old customer and


“Does it suit your taste?”

“It tastes fine.”

“That’s great. Then have a good time.”

The owner sighed and walked away. There was cold sweat on her

The old man only savoured the tea. It wasn't empty words, the tea
did taste good.

Even the dessert cake, too, was the right amount of sweetness and
pleasing to his palate.

As expected of the famous cafe in the capital, Fibre. It was always

crowded but strangely it felt empty today.

And the old man enjoyed it.

“It's nice to have a nice capital.”

The old man reclined, enjoying the warm sunlight on him. Spring, the
smell of flowers in the wind made him feel refreshed.

The old man stirred the tea with a spoon and then grabbed the
sword next to him. It was a weapon not suitable for the cafe but for
some reason it didn’t feel strange.


How long was it?

Even at this age this old man was busy and this little time was
precious to him.

It was then…
Someone came to him.

“Sir. What are you doing here?”

A man with a languid face and indigo blue hair that looked like a
lion's mane approached him with a long spear.

The spear had a blade which was as large as a great sword. The old
man responded to him.

“As you can see, I'm enjoying my precious holiday.”

“Yah. Sir, this is why people don’t approach you.”

“I can't help it.”

“Why would people come if you keep giving out so much energy?”

The old man looked around at those words.


Only then did he realize.

“I forgot it.”

The old man looked at the empty street. He was puzzled that the
corded street wasn’t crowded but empty.

Was it because of him?

The old man laughed.

As soon as he controlled the energy being released from his body,
the hostess at the counter collapsed, it felt like she had felt
pressured for a long time and then relief took over.

The man shook his head and sat down.

“But, did you hear the news about the little boy?”

“Jamie Welton?”


“Well. I don’t know anything other than him being a Great Magician
at the age of 8.”

“Sir, you have little interest in such things.”


The old man closed his eyes and enjoyed the holiday.

In the meantime, as the energy from him disappeared, people began

to peep out of places. At that sight, the man clicked his tongue.

How ignorant could an old man be to empty the streets of a city? He

was familiar with the strength the old man had, but this was a new

“Did you hear from His Majesty?”

“Slowly, we can move slowly.”

“If we go slowly, His Majesty might die from waiting.”

It wasn’t something normal people could say, but these two were
exceptional ones.

The old man grinned and stood up.

Talking only hurts the mouth.

“Don’t come if you are only there to watch. Because I want to see
your skills, it's been a while.”

It wasn’t that he wanted to see the skills of the old man. But because
he knew this man was strong, insanely strong.

And the man wanted to check it out.

To which the old man answered with narrowed eyes.

“I hope it doesn’t end the same way as before, Albert.”

Albert, who was called the King's Spear, raised his eyebrow.

“Don’t worry, unlike back then, I have grown a lot during these past

“I expect much from you, Spear Master.”

Among the Five Sword Masters of Seldam, Albert was a famous

Spear Master who gave him a thumbs up and vanished.

The old man too seemed to be tired so he got up and stretched.

“Master, leave the bill to the Pan family.”

There was no reply from the unconscious owner.

The old man, Tarix Pan, took his sword and walked out.

He was the Sword Lord.


The warp machine released a large amount of mana in the form of


At the same time, a group of people were summoned before a warp


It was Jamie’s party.

“Less shaking than before.”

“Right. When we used it last year, I got motion sickness.”

After using the warp plane, Linmel gave a brief description of how
riding the warp plane was. Jamie also admired the smooth

There was a warp machine in his previous life too.

To be precise, it wasn’t a mechanical device such as a warp

machine, but a method of stacking scrolls. The effect was good but
the warp passage was unstable and the user would have to stabilize
the path from within.

That alone was tiring, but the shaking was severe enough for many
people to become sick regardless of how tiring it was.

‘Certainly, magic is better than it was back then.’

It’s something he had felt for a long time but going through some
things, he could feel the difference.
Well, in his previous life, magic wasn’t so mainstream.


Jamie looked at Ann who was beside him, bowing her head.

“Are you alright?”

“…I feel nauseous.”

The problem is that it was a smooth movement that was limited only
to Great Magicians. The rest of them complained in a similar way to

It seemed like it had to be developed further.

Jamie used his holy powers to restore Ann and the others' motion
sickness. There was nothing the holy power couldn’t heal.

“Phew… I think I will live.”

Ann rubbed her stomach and then looked at the view of Fibre.

“Wow. The capital is so wonderful.”

“First time here?”

“Yes. How about you, teacher?”

“It is my first time here as well.”

Jamie turned to see the city. The warp machine was installed in a
terminal built on a stone mountain next to Fibre.
As soon as they got out, they could see the city.

When Jamie was a child, his father showed him a picture of Fibre. At
that time he didn’t think much of the Fibre.

But now it was different.



Ann nodded her head as if she could agree with her eyes.

“The castle is especially pretty.”

“That place… Royal Skadium.”

A symbol of Seldam Kingdom, built at the northern end of Fibre. A

huge blue place and six obelisks around.

A symmetrical annex building, a garden embodying perfect nature

and a pure white fortress wall which spreads out as if encompassing

As soon as Jamie saw Skadium, he recognized it.

‘The huge magic circle.’

The obelisks around the magic circle were symmetrical.

“Isn’t that cool?”

Linmel approached and asked Jamie and Ann to which Ann nodded.
“It is so beautiful. The place where His Majesty lives.”

“It is difficult to dismiss the Skadium as just a castle. It is a building

symbolizing Seldam.”

“And it is a great central place.”

“As expected of Jamie. You see that at a glance? But I guess we

need to talk about that later.”

Seeing the two of them looking at Linmel with a questioning look, he

smiled and pointed somewhere.

Jamie’s eyes widened as he saw it.


Someone called out to him with a sad voice. A woman running while
holding her pale

yellow skirt with both hands.

A face he hadn't seen in a long time but had never forgotten.

Jamie felt his own legs move and he cried out.


“My baby!”

Sears didn’t care if her dress got dirty as she knelt down to hug
Jamie tightly.

Jamie too willingly fell into her arms.

“My baby… Is your body alright? It isn't hurting right? Are your
wounds alright?”

“It is okay. There's no pain, mother. Everything is fine.”

“My baby… do you know how worried your mother was?”

Sears' tears were falling on Jamie’s shoulders.

Jamie only felt the warmth from his mother’s hug. It had been half a
year since they met.

He felt bad for her. Even though her heart was hurting to be away
from her son, she listened to her son’s wishes and stayed back.
Sears wept so hard that she couldn't speak.

As Jamie had begun to accept his emotions, he felt similar emotions

of sadness and joy rise inside him.


“I am sorry. I am sorry for being such a stubborn son.”

“No. It is fine. It is all good because I got to see my son.”

The two stayed there hugging.

“This is nice. But I feel strangely alienated?”

At that moment came the voice of Count Welton from behind, then
Jamie came to his senses.

“No. Stay in my hands a little longer.”

Sears wouldn’t let Jamie go. So he had no choice but to stay like an
infant in her arms.

It was a bit embarrassing but he didn’t hate it like he did in the past.

Quite a strange thing.

He decided to accept the emotions, but how can a person’s heart be

so different?

Jamie smiled awkwardly in her arms before seeing another girl run
towards Count Welton’s arms.



Sarah wept and buried her face in the Count’s arms. The sight
shocked Jamie.

“Her brother vanished and didn’t show up for a while, so Sarah is


Looking back at her daughter, Sears said.

“Because the brother was acting stubborn, his little sister was upset.”

“Mother, you said it was fine…”

“Yes, mother is fine, but your sister doesn’t seem to like that.”

Sears replied sternly. When Jamie looked at Count Welton

wondering what to do, he only laughed.

“Sarah… come to brother.”

Jamie cautiously called out to Sarah. But Sarah continued to hide in

the Count’s arms and just watched.

“Sarah seems to hate me.”

“You are a bad brother.”

Sears said with a serious expression.

They had finished evacuating in front of the terminal and had

returned to the Welton mansion in the capital.

Jamie glanced at Sears.

Even before, she had a cold attitude which made him wonder if his
sister was the same one who cried for him.

‘She deserves to be mad.’

Sarah’s form was really cute because he knew Sarah wasn’t truly
hurt. Jamie grinned, and Sears pulled on his cheek.

“Are you smiling?”

“I am sorry!”

“Promise that you’ll come to see your mom frequently.”

“I promise.”

“And, don’t tell your mother not to visit you in the Magic World.
Promise that too.”
“…that is a bit…”

“Do it!”


Jamie’s cheeks which were pinched wobbled.

However, he couldn’t allow it, so he kept saying the same thing.

Sears, knowing he wouldn’t back down, decided to drop the topic.

“Who does my son take after to be so stubborn?”

“Your son.”

“He’s your son too!”

“True. Hahaha!”

Count Welton laughed happily. And gently stroked Sarah’s hair.

“Sarah. The brother you love so much is here. Go and give him a
hug, if not your brother will be sad…



When Jamie called her confusedly, Sarah hid her head behind the
Count’s shoulder.

Seeing the situation, Jamie went silent.

He didn’t think she was wrong.

“Mom understands Sarah’s feelings.”

Sears only backed up Sarah and Sarah looked at Jamie.

Then the Count said.

“Making your sister feel better seems quite difficult.”

“And as a bonus, you will have to work twice as hard to make your
mother feel better too. Like a hundred kisses every day. Right,


Sarah nodded and Jamie just scratched his head.

“Haha… I’ll have to work hard.”

One hundred kisses.

It wasn't quite heavy labor so Jamie laughed.

The Count looked at his son with a happy face and looked around at
the family which was back together.

After Jamie left Haiss, the family became quite lonely. It was a huge
thing when one of the family members left. The days which seemed
like hell.

Now that they were together, although he knew that he would be

separated from his son in a few days, the fact that he was with him
right now made him feel fappy.

‘And… he grew up a lot, my son.’

Jamie had become noticeably stronger since he left the home, and
the Count was really shocked. Although he didn’t show it in front of
his wife, he felt the mana inside Jamie’s body.

‘Becoming a Great Magician… ’

Master Class. A boy who was now 8 years old.

His son.

The feeling was new. He didn’t have this kind of feeling before. To
say that the feeling was new was because Jamie had extraordinary

The world will one day revolve around Jamie. He had heard such
things since Jamie was young.

But he never thought it would be this close. It is still not enough to be

the centre of the world, but at the rate of growth, it wasn’t far away.

‘My son is still young.’

Flustered by Sears’ words, Jamie tried to appease Sarah.

Why was it that his son, who seemed close enough for him to catch
him, seemed to be moving away?

‘This feeling… no.’

Jamie was growing up fast.

He’ll be nine soon and might change and be as tall as him too. It’s a
pity that he wouldn’t be able to watch Jamie’s growth from the
sidelines and his heart ached.
‘It isn’t a good thing to have talented children.’

He thought many times of wanting Jamie to be a noble child. But

now he admits it.

The heartbreak of a parent, but the Count had been preparing for his
son’s departure from Haiss.

“Sarah~ look at me once.”


“Huhuhu, son, if you kiss mom’s cheek, I will make Sarah show her


The Count looked at the peaceful family and tried to capture it with
his heart. He might not be able to see this later, so he should capture
as many as he could in his mind.

Today was a happy day.

“Jamie, Dad too wants a kiss after a long time.”

“Ah, father, why are you doing this too!”

“Dad also wants to be kissed by his son, you won’t? Fine! If you
don’t want to be

touched by Dad’s beard then you do it nicely!”

“Look at him! Huhuhu!”


“Sarah! Sarah is crying!”

May the family remain as noisy as ever. Count Welton prayed to an

unbelieving God with small hope.

When things calmed down, Count Welton asked Jamie something he

was curious about.

“Who is the child who came with you?”

“I know right? Mom is also curious. That girl looks cute, did you meet
her there?”

Sears held Sarah in her arms and shook her finger. Both were
talking about Ann.

They seemed to misunderstand because he hadn’t talked about Ann

and Lennon.


“Really? Our Jamie, has a girlfriend?”

“Young love, what is this?”

“Kids progress so fast these days! The son of Viscount Alter is 11

years old and already…”
“No. No. No. No it isn’t like that, don’t make things up.”

As Sears tried to say something, Jamie urgently stopped her. They

both looked at him with wide eyes and Jamie told them the truth.

“That… is my disciple.”

“Aha. Kids these days seem to play teacher games a lot. I used to do
that too when I was younger.”

“I know. I used to do that too when I was younger.”

This time, the couple dismissed it as a game. With that being said,
Jamie sighed as

they misunderstood it.

“Not a game but a disciple. They learn magic from me.”



The Count and Sears stared at their son, then at each other, and
suddenly laughed.

“Haha, such realistic games.”

“Haha. Right. It has to be real to feel good too.”


Meanwhile, Sarah, who didn’t understand it, just looked at her

mother while Jamie just sighed. After this, it was obvious that they
would treat anything as a game.

He thought it would be quicker to show it.



Jamie teleported out of the room and the couple were puzzled as
they watched Jamie appear with Ann.


It was dinner time so Ann had changed into a dress and waited.

Although she was a noble she was nervous because it was the first
time she was in such a dress. Then Jamie appeared and brought her

It was in the large room of the Welton family.

Arriving at this place made Ann feel like she had been paralyzed.

“Ann. Tell them about our relationship.”

He asked her to say something.

“Eh… Eh? Uh?”

“What are you doing? Tell them about the relationship between us.”

“Oh my. I never knew Jamie was so proactive.”

“…haha. He takes after us.”

Count Welton and Sears were a bit shocked about this. Jamie felt
like the misunderstanding escalated and told Ann.

“Are you not going to tell them that you are my disciple?”

“Ehh. Ehhhhh!”

Ann was losing it.

Jamie grabbed her by the shoulder and shook it and the couple was
shocked again.

Sarah chuckled wondering if the sight was funny. To put it simply, it

took quite a while for the misunderstanding to be resolved.

“…she really is a disciple.”

“2 years older than Jamie?”

“He also took in the second son of the Simon family.”

The Welton’s eventually accepted the reality of things and were

looking at Ann in disbelief.

There is no way that a teacher is older than the disciple and there is
no way a disciple is older than the teacher.

But Jamie was 8 years old and it made no sense for a teacher to be
8 years old.

Jamie isn’t a normal child so he didn’t think teaching would be

difficult. Even in terms of magic, Jamie was superior to others.
The problem was that Jamie and Ann’s relationship wasn’t just a
student-teacher relationship. Ann was Jamie’s direct disciple. It
meant that this disciple was someone who would inherit Jamie’s
vision of magic and spread it to future generations.

This couldn’t be dismissed as some child’s play.

But this too was only possible for Jamie.

Their son was none other than the youngest Great Magician.

‘It is difficult to put into words.’

Although Sears didn’t know things well, Count Welton knew better
than anyone how the student-disciple relationship was.

He too was under his father and learned a lot. And a teacher-disciple
relationship was rather severe.

And such a relationship is difficult on both sides. It was because the

teacher would have to take care of the disciple’s life and the disciple
learns about the life of the teacher.

Can these two young people get through such a relationship?

Worry rose, but the Count could say nothing.

He did believe in his son, but not this disciple under him but it felt
wrong on his part to intervene.

“Jamie, teach well and Ann will try well.”

That was what he could say. Sears too seemed to be troubled but
she couldn’t say anything since her husband decided not to.

“Both of you, do well.”

So she did support them and Jamie answered.



Ann followed just because her teacher did. The Count smiled as he
got up from his seat.

“Then it’s getting late.”

“Ann should head back and rest. Jamie, drop her and come.”

“Yes. Come.”

Jamie took Ann’s hand and teleported and Sears who saw them
disappear said,

“…I can never get used to Jamie disappearing.”

“Isn’t that magic?”

Sears nodded in reply.

It had been a busy meal for a long time. It wasn’t a smooth time.

It was because the Weltons didn’t like Linmel and Siegfried.

That said, didn’t they take his son into the Magic World and put him
in face of danger? And the two Great Magicians said nothing.

Fortunately, there was no commotion during the dinner, but Count

Welton asked to talk to them separately, and they went to talk in the
room. Ann was sleeping in her room and Sears put Sarah to sleep.
Left alone, Jamie snuck out to explore the capital.

“Definitely huge.”

Fibre, a capital city, was large when viewed from a distance, but
when viewed up close, it looked different. Although he was born in
one of the great estates, Haiss felt

like a town compared to this.

This place was similar to the Magic world.

Although the advanced culture of the Magic World was more

developed, it was because it was the centre of magicians.

Fibre had quite a few things similar to the ones over there. It also
had a train moving in the sky and a large screen of magic vision on
tall buildings.

“It wasn’t for nothing that magicians wanted to come to the capital.”

After graduating from the academy and obtaining formal licenses,

magicians either go to labs or jobs related to magic. Naturally,
companies in the Magic World recruited most of them and then came

“The road is wide and isn’t dark, even at night.”

The long street lights along the road were shining so even carriages
could pass.

Looking at this, it felt like modern life was nice.

It felt like two different paths were merged into one.

Trains above and carriage on the earth. He wondered if the carriage
would change soon.

“Nice fountain.”

Even at night, Jamie stood in front of the fountain and leaned back
watching the full moon rising.

It was very nice to see the water from the fountain come up like jets
and shine in the moonlight.

It was around the time Jamie had sat down.

“Pretty right?”


Jamie was shocked. Looking to the side, a smiling silver haired girl in
the moonlight could be seen. Just seeing the girl with a yellow
headband on her head, he tried to calm his startled mind.

‘Who is this?’

Jamie walked around observing the girl. He could notice her energy.
It wasn’t like she was some great human.

‘…her vitality seems so weak that it could die out at any moment.’

Weak enough that it would crumble with one clench. So he couldn’t

sense her. The girl looked at the full moon and said,

“I like to come outside and look at the night sky.”

At her words, Jamie wasn’t sure how to react. Not caring, the girl

“But I don’t get to see it often. The moon and stars are always there,
but we can only see them for a short time when they appear like this
once in a while.”

“Why? You can always come out and see.”

“Well, it might be easy but it’s not easy for me. I have been sick since
I was little. I am still young though.”

The girl stuck out her tongue and smiled. It's hard to treat someone
her age like a kid, but she was a good kid.

“How did you get out today?”

“Well? Secretly?”


“Haha. Secret.”

At first glance, she looked sickly yet she was running around to see
the night sky.

Jamie smiled looking at this tomboyish girl.

‘Does the secret have any meaning?’

They had only known each other for less than 5 minutes. Jamie
decided not to complicate things. Having lived through 8 difficult
years of childhood, he grasped children’s habits.
“Yes. Secret.”

“We are just meeting for the first time, how can you be open with


He thought maybe this was a habit.

“I'm just playing around.”

The girl smiled. Jamie shook his head and looked back at the
fountain. The girl giggled and looked at it too.

Despite meeting for the first time there was no awkwardness

between them and about 10 minutes later, the girl got up.

“It's time for me to head back.”

“I see.”

“Aren't you going to say bye to me?”

“Hm, well.”

Jamie gently waved his hand and the girl pouted at it.

“Let’s meet next time. Treating me so coldly!”

The girl who said it ran away and Jamie just watched her.

“So slow.”

“Because I don’t run a lot!”

Maybe it was because of her pride, she turned back and answered
to which Jamie smiled. The sound of her running gradually faded

“Huh. Huh.”

The girl was so exhausted that she panted with her hand on a tree.

It had been a while since she ran like this and her hair stuck to her

Someone approached her.

“Was there a reason to run?”

A polite old man's voice sounded. The girl took a rough breath and
looked at the old man. She smiled as she looked up at him.

“It’s just that, after talking to him, I wanted to run for some reason.”

“I don’t feel like the conversation called for it.”

“You overheard us again.”

As the girl pouted cutely, the old man laughed as he looked at his

“That is this grandfather’s job, understand me princess.”

The girl called princess was Isabel P Friedmoor.

A member of the royal family of the Seldam Kingdom and the eldest
daughter of the current king. The old man called the grandfather
couldn’t back down.

“I hate you.”

“If the princess hates me, grandfather is sad.”


Isabel stuck her tongue out and ran again. But she quickly held her
heart and the old

man ran over to hold her before she fell.

The old man touched her chest and induced mana into her. Mana
soon went around her entire body in an instant and her beating heart
became normal.

“Huh, huh, huh.”

Isabel began to choke on her breath.

“Do not run from now on.”


As Isabel answered gloomily, the old man picked her up and sighed.
Isabel wrapped her arms around him.

“Jamie Welton.”

“How was meeting him in person?”

She remembered the emerald haired body who sat next to her. The
greatest genius of all time who rose to the status of Great Magician
at the age of 8.

Isabel knew she was going to meet him there tonight and she got a
glimpse of him.

Jamie Welton’s gloomy future which was lying ahead.

“He will be on a long journey.”


“Whether there will be light at the end or a pit of abyss, no one

knows. I can't see it until we get there.”

Isabel held her breath and continued.

“Poor kid.”


“Because I know it better than anyone.”

Isabel had sad eyes.

Jamie Welton’s future which she saw was horrendous and Jamie
Welton himself could even imagine it.

How would it feel to know that there were dreadful things ahead?

Even Isabel, who was in a hopeless situation, couldn't understand

Jamie’s feelings.

“I want to go back and rest.”


Swordsman Tarix Pan, feeling sorry for the princess who always
empathized with the others, walked quickly.
A large dome shaped building shining brightly in the blue sky, had
carriages entering it.

In the endless processions of carriages, the soldiers rushed to

control the traffic. In recent years had there been a situation where
all the nobles had to be gathered?

There were quite a few nobles called by the King’s orders, but they
never saw such a crowd.

As if all the nobles had gathered.

“So many carriages!”

Ash Balle looked at the lined up carriages with twinkling eyes.

Viscount Balle stroked his daughter’s hair.

“Right. It is said to be the birth of a new Master class but it is my first

time seeing such a gathering too.”

“Jamie is amazing!”

Ash waved her hand with an excited face. Maybe his daughter
looked cute, the Viscount smiled and looked at the eldest daughter
sitting across from him.

Rebecca was looking out the window with a nervous expression.

“Rebecca. What is it?”

“Uh? Ah, nothing.”

“You seem nervous to meet Jamie.”

“I-I am not nervous.”

Her trembling voice was a clear answer but seeing her pretend not to
be, the Viscount laughed. However Ash tilted her head.

“Sister, why are you nervous?”

“I am not nervous.”

“Your face is still…”

“I didn’t sleep well last night.”

Rebecca answered in a low voice avoiding Ash’s gaze.

‘This is it. It wasn’t a one time thing.’

Apparently, his eldest daughter was obsessed with Jamie Welton.

It was said that young kids change frequently on whom they like but
seeing his daughter like just one guy the father’s heart ached.

‘She used to tell me that she would marry me… ’

Was she already that grown up?

Viscount seemed depressed at the thought and wondered if this was

the sorrow of a father who was losing his daughter. Whether or not
she knew her father’s heart, she kept looking out of the window.

‘Young lord. Are you alright?’

So many people came to see Jamie Welton. If she would be made to

stand in the position of Jamie, she would die from nervousness.
Rebecca let out a low sigh.


‘…he is so cool, right?’

At the desire to see Jamie who had changed, her heart trembled.

Was this love?

Skadium was bustling with many nobles. Huge numbers and soldiers
were trying to make them all stay disciplined.

Outside the current royal castle, the nobles who were permitted to
enter swarmed around.

No matter how many people gathered to celebrate it, it was too much
so royal knights were dispatched.

And the commotion was suppressed at once.

It was natural.

This was the royal castle, the residence of their kind.

A place where the knights would protect the king and any weird
action would be dealt accordingly.

Even if this was happening due to the king’s consideration it would

be impossible for such a large number of people to enter the capital.

“Such a huge crowd.”

Count Welton and Viscount Balle, who hadn’t met in a long time, had
settled on the second floor. A place reserved for the spectators of the
ceremony. Count Welton was the father of the protagonist so he was
given the best seat.

Since Viscount Balle was his brother in law, he was able to sit close.

“But, the children have grown so much more than before. Rebecca
now looks more like a lady.”

“Thank you.”

Rebecca’s cheeks blushed at the praise from the Count.

“But where is sister in law?”

“Sarah seemed a bit frustrated so she took her out.

“You could make a nanny do it…”

“For the children, she always wants to do it.”

Even though she came from a great noble family, Sears was a
woman for her family.

That was why Count Welton loved her.

“I don’t see the Marquis.”

“Marquis Bell?”

“He must be here. Perhaps with his majesty.”

The Count’s father in law and Jamie’s grandfather, Marquis Bell, was
one of King Friedmoor's advisors.

So there was a high chance he was talking to the king. At that time
someone approached them and Count Welton was the first to notice

A Master who was able to feel this from another man of his level.


“Wow- Count Welton.”

He was the Spear Master Albert, the King’s Spear.

As soon as Viscount Balle looked, he covered his daughters behind



“What is it?”

The two girls looked at their father in surprise. But the Viscount didn’t
answer. It was

because he was nervous.

Albert, who led his gaze towards their direction, smiled and waved
his hand.

“What? You were here too?”

A faint gleam appeared in the Viscount’s eyes at those words.

This man could fool the entire place, but the Viscount’s life was
based on instinct.

Count Welton grabbed the Viscount’s shoulder.

“Calm down. Jerk isn’t the kind to act crazy in here.”

“Jerk? That is too much…”

Albert walked closer to them with a playful expression and then

looked at the two children behind him which made the Viscount hide
them behind him.

“Dad? What is it?!”


Rebecca and Ash were pushed harder.

“Your daughters are hurting, Viscount. Do not worry. You are now out
of my league so I will not treat you like back then. Still, if you want
something we can handle it later. Ah, though I might not…”

“Albert, shut your mouth.”

Count Welton interrupted Albert’s words.

“We are in front of the kids. If you continue to tease with that mouth
be prepared to lose it. He is my brother-in-law.”

“Oh, the Count wants to deal with me? Come to think of it, we
haven't sparred yet.”

“Kid. Haven’t the wounds from Gastol healed yet?”

At Count Welton’s words, the smile on Albert’s face disappeared.

“Looks like you hit your head on something. You who couldn’t handle
the spar with Gastol yet you want to spar with me? Hahaha!”

The Count laughed out loud making everyone look at him. However,
even in that situation where everyone looked at him, the Count
warned Albert.

“Come when you increase your skills. Otherwise, you might not be
able to even lift that spear of yours. And will lose sight of his

“…you talk pretty daringly, Count? Are you better than me?”

“Gastol couldn’t get past 10 hits from me. What about you?”

At that, those behind Albert and the Viscount were shocked.

Who is Gastol?

Not now, but he was a member of the Five Sword Masters of


And taking down such a man in 10 strikes meant that Count Welton
is the best.

“You're bluffing. Rumors that you are on the same level as the
Swordsman of Windfury is…”

“I don’t know when such rumors started.”

The Count raised his energy and approached Albert. And whispered
in the ear.

“Run back to your mother and drink milk. Kid.”

Pressure weighed down on Albert. And Albert looked at Count

Count Welton patted Albert on the shoulder.

“Now go. It is my son’s initiation here so the King’s Spear should be

next to his Majesty.”

“…I was going.”

“If you aren’t afraid, you can come back.”

Albert gritted his teeth and disappeared.

And the Count sighed.

“I don’t know why His Majesty would have that crazy bastard next to


“Viscount I know how you are feeling but look around. Your
daughters are watching you.”


At the Count’s words the Viscount looked at his daughters.

Rebecca and Ash asked him.

“Dad… are you alright?”

“Are you sick?”

The Viscount let out a small sigh and with a slight smile gently
stroked his daughters.

“Dad is fine. Don’t worry.”

He was worried for them. And he remembered Albert’s grinning face.

Five years back when he came to the capital on the orders of the
King. He was appointed as a commander to a special mission
battalion and was busy preparing for things.

And Albert appeared.

At a time when hadn’t yet been given the title the King’s Spear.

He appeared out of the blue and began to provoke Viscount Balle.

-It is said that you are the head of the Balle family, an elementalist?
A high ranking one?

-Who are you?

-No need to know. Let’s have a spar. Ah, are you scared? This boy
seems scared. You seem to be married, aren’t your kids
embarrassed of you? Those pitiful, unfortunate kids.

Endless provocation and constantly bringing up his kids so the

Viscount couldn’t hold back. He was upset about it.

And lost the match.

-You are nothing. Disappointed.

A human who provokes other people.

Albert was such a man. The problem was Albert had power which
made his actions right.

And that seemed unfair. Still, time was short and he ended up
meeting him here again.

“If it wasn’t for my brother, I would have lost it.”

Had he lost his temper he would have seen the same result.

Count Welton nodded.

“You held up well.”

The most twisted person of the five Masters.


It wasn’t known why he was the King’s Spear, but if he appears in

front of Count Welton again,

“Your Majesty!”

At that moment, a loud voice echoed from below.

All the nobles who were there stood up at once. Moments later,
came the sound of trumpets throughout the palace and someone
began to climb the five steps to the throne.

A young king with his hair gently swaying like the moonlight shining
in broad daylight could be seen. He had white skin and golden eyes.

Fontina K Friedmoor.
Followed by a boy in his mid teens who looked exactly like the king
and then a sickly looking girl. And the servants followed them with
swordsmen and ahead of the swordsmen was Marquis Belle.

King Friedmoor, who had gone to the throne, sat down cautiously
and the boy and girl sat down on either side of him.

Prince Kane P Friedmoor and Princess Isabel P Friedmoor.

Shortly after, the royal knights appeared and lined the red carpet at
the throne.

And the king greeted everyone.

“Everyone you have been through a lot to come here.”

Those in the crowd all bowed their heads in unison to respect their

And he continued.

“Today is a happy day. Another new Great Magician has been born
in the world we live in. Today we bless him, so I hope that those
gathered here will bless the new Great Magician and the future of
the kingdom.”

Here comes the wise words from Your Majesty!

King Friedmoor glanced at the speaker at the bottom of the stairs.

And the man bowed and shouted.

“The appointment ceremony begins!”

The musicians beat the drums.

“The native of the Haiss Estate, a member of the Welton family, a

hero who saved Apton, a hero who received the power of Goddess
Pyro, and a hero who rose to the heights of a Great Magician at the
age of 8 and saved the Magic World!”

The drums got faster. Tension lingered around and everyone turned
to the door which hadn’t opened yet.

The host opened his eyes and shouted until his throat exploded.

“Jamie Welton, come in through the door right now!”

A large door opened and light poured in. There was only one person
standing there in the darkness, with the light shining behind him.

And he stepped in.

A boy in a blue robe, a sword around his waist, with a staff taller than
him in his left hand.

Jamie Welton walked in confidently.

The royal knights crossed their swords in the air as he passed them.
Without making any breathing sounds, everyone looked at the boy
walking on the red carpet.

Jamie stood before the king.

He knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to the King.

“Jamie Welton, greets Your Majesty.”

King Friedmoor had an intuition at sight.

A true hero was born.

“Raise your head.”

At the King’s command, Jamie raised his head.

He could see King Friedmoor’s face up close.

When he first walked in he could barely see his face, but seeing him
now, he looked a lot younger.

He was probably in his mid 30s.

He heard that he was a lot older, and knew that the lineage of
Freidmoor aged slowly.

Jamie shifted his eyes to the girl and boy sitting next to him.

Among them, Jamie was a bit wide eyed when he saw the girl.

‘The kid from yesterday… ’

The sickly looking girl near the fountain. Unlike then, now she was
fully dressed which made it difficult for him to recognize her.

Was she the princess?

Then, how was a princess able to move alone late at night?

Isabel’s eyes met with a confused Jamie’s. And she smiled brightly.

It looked as if she was making fun of him, but Jamie looked back at
the King who spoke.
“Haha. Such a young boy.”

It seemed like the King was in disbelief.

Until the moment the door was opened and he walked in, he didn’t
think Jamie would be this young.

Rather, he felt like a triumphant general was back from the war.

Was it possible to get such a feeling from an 8 year old boy?

The King saw a variety of humans in his life but Jamie Welton stood
out the most.

‘A child with such a presence.’

The King looked like he was going to laugh, but decided not to to
keep his dignity.

“I heard about your work. You stopped the attack of Zenith and
demons in Apton, and this time you saved the Magic World, didn’t

“It had to be done.”

“And despite just being 8 years old you reached 7th class. I have
seen so many Masters in my life but this is the first time I have seen
someone like you.”

“It is an honor.”

Jamie bowed his head in gratitude and the King nodded his head.

“As expected of Count Welton’s child.”

Seeing that the King looked at Count Welton who was in the front
row of the second floor, the Count too bowed as soon as he saw the

“The future of Seldam is so bright. Come here,”

“Yes, Your Majesty,’

The King called for a servant who brought the scroll which was
wrapped with a luxurious cloth.

The King who took it slowly rose from his seat and went down to
where Jamie was.

“Listen, Jamie Welton.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The scroll was opened and the king read what was written on it.

“A child is born from a great family, although born with outstanding

qualities he still worked hard to hone the status he had. As a result,
Apton and the Magic World were saved by you and you achieved the
feat of ascending to the status of Great Magician at such a young
age. Also, you are chosen by the Goddess Pyro as her saint, it is to
strengthen the bond between the nation and the Pyro Church.”

“I, the king, will recognize your achievement and further enhance the
honor you have, and I will appoint you as the 11th Master of


It was a title, like the King mentioned.

‘Extraterritorial jurisdiction’ created with King’s approval.

It wasn’t some specific position with a title, but an existence which

stands higher than any noble man.

“Jamie Welton!”

“Jamie Welton is right here.”

“Dedicate yourself to the kingdom!”

“I will obey that!”

Shouts and cheers resounded at that. Jamie felt his skin tingle as he
looked at the King.

The King spoke in a voice no one could hear.

“Take good care of the land, Sir Welton.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The two looked at each other and smiled faintly.

The hot sun was shining brightly in the blue sky.

An eagle soars through the cloudless sky with its large wings spread

Below it stood a square building over a vast golden desert. A black

wire with current flowing through it was wrapped around like it was
some prison.
Although it had no color, it looked invisible to the naked eye, but the
current passing through the wire was blocking the entire building.

It could be said that it was done by a skilled person.

And a man was going to such a place.

He was a man with neatly shaved hair and dark skin, who had a
huge sword on his back.

It was Blazer, the Sword of Sun God, Ra.

“Open it.”

When he stopped in front of the high voltage place and spoke, what
was ahead of him wobbled and the wind blew as it split both sides.

Blazer went straight into the building. The inside was empty. There
were two small beds and a place for people to rest.

One wondered why such a place would be needed, the ground floor
was created formally.

The real thing was ‘underground’.

“What is he doing?”

“He still isn’t saying a thing.”

“A stubborn one.”

Blazer shook his head remembering the man he had locked in the
depths of the basement.
“I will go there.”

“Let me guide you.”

A guard took the lead. They walked behind an empty pillar on the
right and raised one hand and pushed it.

It had a popping sound like something was clicked.


And the floor shook with the place being split to the right and left,
shining under the magic circle.

“Let’s go.”

The guard was in the lead and Blazer followed.

Save me-

I am sorry…

I want to die, I want to die, I want to die.

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello.

Do you have any coins?

29154th… 29156th…

The road leading to the basement was dark and the cold air around
made it clear that the place was surrounded in huge darkness. And
the voices coming from all directions had desperation in it.

“This place always looks terrible.”

“This is why we don’t open the door to catacombs.”


A word meaning ‘grave’.

This wasn’t a real grave, but it must be different from it either. A

place where those who committed wrong deeds are captured and
imprisoned under the realm of Ra.

Those imprisoned will never see the sun again. They only see the
sun after death.

Outside… Outside…!

Light! Light!


I want water…

“Shut up!”

Blazer exclaimed with mana and the criminals in the catacombs all
went silent at once. All of the ones inside the catacombs were crazy.

So damaged that they cannot be called humans again. However, the

criminals who didn’t budge despite the shouts and punishments of
the guards went silent at Blazer’s cry.

‘As expected from the Sword of Sun… ’

The guard gulped at it.

Fear rose even though the scream wasn’t directed to him. If he was
like this, then what were the sinners' feelings? Their souls must have
cracked under it.
In fact, he could hear the sound of bodies falling down.

“You have to remove the bodies.”

Blazer spoke, realizing a few sinners were falling dead.

“…We have come.”

At the bottom of the catacomb.

They arrived at a place called the abyss.

“I will open it. One moment…”

“It is fine.”

Well, the one who was imprisoned inside couldn’t do anything to


Now that the man inside had become weak, even if he was released,
he would still be unable to do anything.

And the guard opened the cell nervously.

Swish- came the cold air from inside.

And a weird unknown killing intent swept through.


The guard who was hit with it, fell down.

“So weak.”
Blazer looked down at the guard with a pitiful look on the face and
went inside by walking over him.

The abyss where nothing could be seen, it wasn’t like that for Blazer.

Once inside he called,



Kreon the sword of Zenith, the best power of Zenith church is dying
in the abyss of the catacombs currently managed by the Ra Church.

“You look skinny.”


A weak voice, but Blazer knew that this was an act.

“Don’t act in front of me.”

“Kuku. You fucking monster.”

Kreon immediately changed his voice and smiled at Blazer.

The act of a man who was dying had vanished, but to be able to
change himself so much was a task which deserved credibility.

“It has been over half a year since you got imprisoned here.”

“Right. I think it would be better if you let me go.”

“I cannot do that. What if some day you decide to put a sword to our

“…it is all just a matter of time, Blazer. Eventually I will get out of this

“If Zenith moves for you then it can happen. But it doesn’t seem like
he wants to do that yet.”

“If you aren’t here to let me go, why did you come? Did you come to
make fun of me?”

“I didn’t exactly come here to make fun of you. But it is partly true
that I am here to make fun of you.”

“What kind of bullshit is that?”

Blazer raised his index finger.

As a little sun rose from there, the darkness was lifted.

“Kuak! Why is there light all of a sudden?!”

For over half a year, he had been in darkness here so even the
smallest light was fatal for Kreon.

He was almost blind. If it wasn’t for him having good aura control as
a Sword Master, he would have gone fully blind. But Blazer didn’t
seem to care and spoke.

“I want to show you this.”

He held up a rolled paper and threw it on the ground. Despite it

being far, it wasn’t like the content couldn’t be read.
And narrowing his eyes Kreon read it.

“The Seldam Kingdom produces the youngest Great Magician.

Jamie Welton, heir to the Welton family, renowned for his

Jamie Welton.

Seeing that name, Kreon’s eyes widened and glowed.

“Jamie!! Jamie Welton!!”

The handcuffs wrapped around the hands shook like they would
break, and the thick chains on the body were moving.

If the high priests of Ra hadn’t strengthened the restraints, they

would have been crushed right away.

“Kuaaaak! Jamie Welton! That brat! I am going to kill him right now!”

Kreon’s face turned red. It looked like his blood vessels would burst.

His fury and anger ready to kill everyone in the catacombs rose.

He could hear the criminals falling down in other parts.

‘It is my first time seeing this man be this enraged.’

He understood it.

Because it was none other than Jamie Welton who ruined the plan of
the Zenith Church.
If it weren’t for him, Kreon wouldn’t be imprisoned here and the
Zenith Church would be waging war on the northern continent.

‘Aside from that, being a Great Magician at 8 is amazing… ’

Seldam’s Welton, Blazer heard it.

The family is famous for their swordsmanship with a long history on

their side. In such a family came a magician and not a sword master.

‘Maybe it wasn’t a coincidence that Kreon suffered?’

At the age of 8, he couldn’t even imagine how much of a potential a

Great Magician had.

A talented person who can reach the 9th class, which could be seen
as the supreme state by humans.

No, there was a strong chance that he would reach the 9th class and
become the king of magicians.

“Huaaaah! I will kill him! I will kill that little bastard!!”

Blazer thought.

‘Seems like the game involving the continent will be interesting.’

He left Kreon behind and climbed up.

“Your grandson is amazing.”

“It is a strange thing.”

The swordsmen of the King were speaking to Marquis Bell who was
behind the throne watching Jamie.

“Neither of the families have a knack for magic. Even if the Bells do
learn magic they don’t have the talent to outshine others.”

“Welton has been a family which is known for their swordsmanship


“Right. So how can one not be surprised? When I first heard the
rumors of my grandson, I myself couldn’t believe it. I thought maybe I
misunderstood his swordsmanship talent.”


“But it is real. Jamie is a genius who is gifted in magic. If Jamie’s hair

wasn’t emerald, it might have been big news.”

The male side of the Welton family inherited the emerald hair. If the
color had been different, he would have thought that Sears had an
affair with another magician.

The swordsman laughed a little and understood that.


“But I am worried.”

“What worries you? Marquis’s grandson is appointed as a Master. It

is ridiculous to worry about a Master. So put your worries away
“Huhu. If the swordsman at the top says that, I think my worries
would ease a little.”



The swordsman looked at Jamie rising.

A balanced body for an 8 year old. The night before, he watched the
two from afar when he was escorting Princess Isabel.

He watched Jamie closely because he thought the princess might be

armed. As a result he ended up observing too much.

‘Reasonable skill.’

He heard rumors that he mastered the swordsmanship of the Welton

family. Like a man at the top of the Seldam Kingdom when it came to
sword, he knew of the Weton’s swordsmanship.

And it wasn’t just once or twice that he sparred with the former head
of Welton.

The sword which was passed down to the direct descendants, a skill
for a genius which couldn’t be learned without talent.

And Jamie Welton learned it.

In half a year.

He didn’t wonder about it. He wasn't the kind to be interested in

others, so he thought it just happened.

But not now.

“He is also a swordsman of considerable skill.”


Marquis Bell frowned.

He had a lot of work to do, so he didn’t pay a lot of attention to

Jamie. And both Count Welton and Sears knew that he was busy so
they didn’t bother writing him letters.

“What do you mean?”

“You just have not heard it. It is said that Jamie Welton has learned
the vision of Welton’s swordsmanship. In fact, I am amazed at what I
am seeing.”

Still lacking, but considering that it hasn’t been even a full year since
he started, his growth rate was terrifying.

“So, the Marquis can fully put aside the worries about your


Marquis Bell looked at his grandson, unable to believe.

The ceremony was almost over and he looked up to the second


Count Welton and Sears were looking at their son.

“I am just trying to make life more enjoyable in the later years.”


The two old people smiled, watching the future of the kingdom.
A new master was born in Seldam.

The protagonist Jamie Welton, who was praised as the greatest

talent in the world, had made an uproar in the world since last year.

The news spread quickly.

Whether he wanted it or not, Jamie was tired.

“Sir Welton! Handshake!”

“Sir Welton! My daughter is quite good! How is it?”

“No! Our daughter!”

“Our daughter is a virgin! Our daughter…!”

“What do you mean when saying that?!”

“Did I say something wrong?”

After the ceremony was the banquet. All the nobles flocked to Jamie
during that time and he was out of breath.

He wanted to wipe them all out with magic, but this was the Royal
palace, the heart of the Seldam Kingdom.

Even if he was given authority, he would be punished if he did

something wrong.


It would be great if Sears was there around this time, but she was
nowhere to be seen.
-Jamie. Today’s party’s highlight is you. So just for today you won’t
have a mother helping you.

-So will your father. I cannot treat my son like a young child anymore,
you should handle things right?

They acted as if he would die if he went out, and now suddenly they
wanted to treat him like an adult?

Well it did sound good at first.

Because his parents finally accepted him.

‘But I didn’t think this would happen!’

“Sir Welton!”


“Look at this side please!”

“I respect you!!”

“Make my son your disciple!!”

Jamie felt like a bird trapped in a cage at this. Lennon, who watched
all this, drank his orange juice.

“Being a celebrity is tough.”


“Who is jealous?”
Next to him, Ann was biting down on a sandwich.

Lennon, who glanced at her, coughed.

Ann, who always insisted on wearing a school uniform, was now in a

bright yellow dress, he couldn’t get used to it.

Her hair looked so natural with it too.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“W-when did I?”

“You just glanced at me.”

“I looked, just looked.”


Ann shrugged her shoulders, ignoring Lennon and went back to her

Lennon sighed in relief.

These days, it was clear that he was looking at her more. And there
was a strange

annoying feeling ticking in his heart.

‘What is this?’

Having never liked anyone, Lennon didn’t know what he was feeling
when he saw Ann.
He just frowned at it.

“But it is really fun, right?”

“…what is so fun about this party?”

“It is a party hosted by the king. When will we ever have a chance to
come to such a thing again?”

For Ann, a country noble, this was a fantasy world. It was an honor
to even set foot in the capital and thanks to her teacher, she was
able to attend this party.

“If it wasn’t for Teacher I wouldn’t have been able to wear such pretty
clothes, and may still be in my uniform,.”

Although she lived for more than 10 years, the last few months felt
like a dream. To the extent where she wanted to pinch her cheeks
and check it again.

When Lennon heard that he snorted.

“This is just the start. The moment you held Teacher's hand, your life


“And you met me too.”

Lennon mumbled.



When Ann asked him, Lennon shook his head as if it was nothing
and moved to
another place.

“Where are you going?”

“I am a bit tired.”

Ann looked at Lennon who was moving away and then froze. Then
she laughed.

“Must have felt embarrassed.”

Taking another bite, she mumbled.

“Right. I met you too. Look after me in the future.”

He had both a shy and rough personality, but she had been watching
him for months and knew he was warmer than anyone else.

As a competitor and friend, they will compliment each other and

grow through their weaknesses. And their Teacher will lead them.

Ann saw her Teacher being surrounded by nobles. A genius boy who
was appointed as a Master despite being two years younger than

“Lennon. I envy you.”

Ann always teased him but it was true that she envied Jamie more
than anyone.

She just didn’t say it and she will feel it in the future too, that much
she knew for certain.

And so she will learn magic a lot faster.

Using this as driving force, she planned to absorb everything Jamie
taught them.

And someday she wished to stand there. Ann finished eating the
sandwich and left the party. This wasn’t a place for her.


Jamie lay down in the secluded forest in a quiet place. The party was

He expected the crowd to be there, but it was surprising to see so


It was less than an hour but it felt like his soul was leaving.

He wasn’t this exhausted even when fighting for his life.

“Phew- a party for my sake, but I cannot even enjoy it.”

Jamie wasn’t a party lover, but he began to hate it from today. Jamie
looked up at the blue sky while resting his head on his arms like a

Since it was still spring, the scent the flowers gave out was good.

‘1 year… ’

It has been around one year since he began to learn magic after
coming to this world and with his new family.

Just a year, but a lot of things happened.

It made him wonder if so many things could happen within a year.

It wasn’t known when his turning point would be, but he got what he


To walk free, a free pass which allowed him to walk and act how he
needed within the Seldam Kingdom.

Quite a reward.

But the rewards weren’t finished yet.

‘I need to ask for the Omniscient Library.’

That was the biggest reason he left his home.

It was to enter that place.

‘I cannot even imagine how much information it can have… ’

If there was a small clue he could have, that would be enough.

While Jamie was thinking about it, he felt someone’s presence.

Jamie slowly opened his closed eyes and stood up.

The sound was getting closer.


The palace was right next to him. If he moved with hostility there was
no way the other masters inside didn’t notice.

Then if they still didn’t notice, it meant that Jamie could respond too.
When Jamie met his father, after the ceremony, he heard a brief

-Watch out for the King's Spear. He won't do anything on such a day,
but being aware isn’t bad.

The Sword Master of the Kingdom who protects the King.

Jamie saw a man approaching from the bushes.

Indigo hair like a lion’s mane, and a spear on his shoulder.

He didn’t even ask who it was.

“Why is the King’s Spear here?”

“To look at you.”

Albert’s eyes drew arcs.

He found it interesting that Jamie wasn’t surprised by his presence,

he looked up and down at Jamie.

“Still lacking a lot.”

Saying that, he pointed the spear at Jamie’s neck.

Jamie looked at it and asked.

“What are you doing?”

“What will happen if I stab you here? Will your father come to kill
“I heard you were crazy,…”

He didn’t understand why someone would openly threaten him.

Jamie laughed and answered.

“Before that, I would kill you.”

Albert’s eyes widened at it.

“You will kill me?”

As an 8th class magician, it was impossible to go against a Sword

Master. However, this genius who was still in 7th class, who had just
entered the class, was saying such things.

“Did you learn to bluff from your father?”

“My father doesn’t bluff. There is no need for that.”

Albert felt his face heat up.

The place he stood was turning red.


Seeing that, Albert laughed like a madman.

His killing intent turned darker.

And the energy of the two began to intertwine.

A situation where no one moved first.

Jamie and Albert turned at the voice.


“If you want to continue…”

Someone came from behind her.

A man with unbelievable force.

“Don’t wear your emotions on your sleeve, kids.”

The swordsman drew his sword halfway.

A terrifying force spread.

What was surprising was that the momentum he was giving out was
only for two people.

Jamie thought inside.

‘…I did hear rumors about his swordsmanship, but is he this strong?’

The amount of momentum which was being released was tingling

the skin on the back of his neck. It felt very similar to what he felt in
the face of Berios the Count Demon.

‘No, he is higher than that brat.’

Kreon, who deceived Marquis Bell by using the name Sable, the one
known as Zenith’s first sword.
He was someone who was the strongest among the masters, but the
sword of this man seemed to be superior just by looking at it.

The swordsman looked at them and walked ahead.

The space around them was shaking. To put it bluntly, even in his
past life such a talented person was rare.

‘Grand… maybe not?’

If he hadn't reached the level of Great Magician, he wouldn’t have

been able to estimate this man.

Jamie looked at Albert.

The slightly frowning face was like seeing a child who ended up
realizing his parent found out his wrong deeds.

It was no illusion.

“Albert. What are you doing?”


“I keep telling you that a spar is done with a formal request. If this is
what you are doing, then should I assume that I am speaking to an
animal and not a human?”

“Why are you so sure that I am the first to start this?”

“I might break your jaw right now so speak after thinking straight.”

The swordsman used the aura around his fist to show he was
serious. Albert also grunted with his tongue,
“You are someone who is interested in no one.”

“I am not interested in others, but my princess is.”

“…you saw this, princess.”

Isabel responded with a bright smile to Albert’s words.

“Yes, Sir Albert. Please be careful if possible. And remember that

this is the Royal Skadium. You know what that means right?”

“Yes~I will listen to the words of the princess~”

“Don’t be sarcastic, Albert, that is if you don’t want to die.”


Albert snorted and looked at Jamie.

Jamie smiled as he looked at him.

“Please go now, Sir Albert. Thank you for showing me interesting


“See you later Sir Welton Jr. I look forward to seeing you again.”

The two looked at each with smiles only on their lips and Albert was
the first to leave. When he had walked away completely, Isabel went
close to Jamie.

“Are you alright?”

“…I am fine, princess.”

He met her yesterday but didn’t know her identity, but now that he
knew he couldn't speak recklessly.

Isabel was surprised when he responded to her formally and


“I am sorry. I wasn’t making excuses or trying to test you.”

“Thank you for being honest, princess.”

Whether or not she meant for it, Isabel had a sad expression on her
face, and opened her lips while glancing at Jamie.

“Huh… now that you have been appointed as Master, can we speak

Isabel looked at the swordsman and the man shrugged. The master
in a position of looking after the princess didn’t seem to mind it.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Jamie replied indifferently.

In fact, he didn’t really care how the princess treated him.

‘If I was in her place I don’t know how I would respond.’

If he was the princess of Seldom, it wouldn’t be weird to say he

would be looking down on others.

Others wouldn’t mean bad and if they did he would notice first. And
there was no

guarantee that he would be like her.

But he was an 8 year old Great Magician, a Master of Seldam. It
would be weird if the world wasn’t curious.

“But what gave you the confidence to fight Albert?”

The swordsman asked a question in the awkward atmosphere.

“You are difficult to compare to Albert with your current skills. It would
be hard to deal with him with simple guts. Albert is crazy.”

“Right. He didn’t look sane.”

“He would have really fought. Age doesn’t matter. He is someone

who goes after skilled people and you are a Master now, Albert
wouldn’t even care about the extent of injuries the opponent has.”

“And there is a chance I would have been badly hit.”

“You seem to know well.”

As the swordsman said, defeating Albert is tough with Jamie’s

current skills. Of course, if he used the black magic then it would be
a different story, the swordsman in front would have his neck cut off

Jamie answered honestly.

“I knew you were coming.”

“You knew?”

“There was a clash of energy, and someone must have been

coming. And it turned out that you were the one.”

At those words, the swordsman’s eyes widened.

“Are you saying you went up against Albert assuming that I was
“Not necessarily you, but my father may have come and many other
masters too. The

important thing was, someone would have surely come.”


At that moment, Isabel who was listening quietly began to laugh.

“Ah. I didn’t mean to laugh, you should have sounded confident.”

“There is no confidence in it.”

“Right. But when I look at Master, I need to say you are confident.
Masters are usually so strong that they seldom turn to anyone for

As Isabel said, the talented people who reached Master class were
often intoxicated with their own power.

From Isabel’s point of view, who knows a few things, Jamie who was
waiting for someone to come help him was shocked.

And she knew that this wasn’t a thought he had since he was young.
Isabel was also well aware that age didn’t matter for the Great

“Confidence and pride don’t feed one, and…”


As the swordsman tilted his head and asked, Jamie spoke with a
“Dealing with Sir Albert. It won’t take much time to get to that level.”


An arrogant remark which made the swordsman’s eyes rise.

He knew that Jamie was born with overwhelming talent, but didn’t
know he would be saying such things.

This was plain cheeky.

He wasn’t someone interested in others, but seeing him, his

expectations for Jamie


“I don’t see that.”

It was literal.

Human-like growth couldn’t be seen in Jamie.

Others could feel the full water in the bottle, till the rim, but Jamie’s
bottle was dark and black.

It couldn’t be checked. That was what made the swordsman


“His grandson.”

Jamie frowned at the sudden words from the man, but he didn’t

“We need to head back.”

“Ah, yes.”

He reached out to Isabel and left.

Jamie, who was left alone, watched them with a puzzled expression.


Jamie scratched the back of his head and then lay back down. He
was going to stay here until the party was over.

“The evils of the King’s Spear are increasing with each day. It feels
like he needs to be handled tightly, Majesty father.”

“I see. I even made a leash on him in the name of King’s Spear, but
it doesn’t seem like it works.”

King Friedmoor and his son Kane the Crown Prince were watching
the situation from the top of the palace.

“But, how does that look?”

“I heard he is six years younger than me.”


Kane looked at Jamie who was lying down in the garden and said,
“He is a talent I need to have by my side. No, once he is appointed
as Master, I cannot call him a simple talent.”


“My right arm. I want to do anything to make him my right arm.”

Today, from the moment Jamie Welton entered the Skadium for the
ceremony to the time he finished talking with the swordsman,
everything about him seemed impressive.

He looked like a full on adult and not an 8 year old and he didn’t
shrink in front of strong people. And lastly was the 9th class he might

“But controlling him will be difficult.”

“I understand.”

Seeing how Jamie acted, compared to others, he had a ferocious


It meant that even if a royal family member went, he wouldn’t back

down easily.

In addition, if he is a Master class, it is a position that the royal family

cannot treat lightly. It was the King and royal family who ruled the
country, but it was difficult to rule without masters.

Because they are the ones who hold the power.

It isn’t that they aren’t loyal to the king, but the king cannot force
them to be his loyal

It was because this was a relationship of equivalent exchange.

The King gives freedom to masters and masters give strength to the

“Then what do you do??”

Kane couldn’t immediately answer Friedmoor’s question.

All the current Masters support the King.

In other words, they follow the current king. There was no guarantee
that they would be loyal if a new king came.

If possible, they will show respect to Kane, the new king, but earning
their trust is a whole different thing.

On the other hand, Jamie is a just appointed Master.

For Kane, Jamie was the only Master he could have on his side from
the start.

“I need to be sincere.”

“Right. In the end, the only thing which brings a Master to our side is
sincerity. Just like the ancestors did. If our predecessor hadn’t
treated the swordsmen with sincerity our family wouldn’t have been
in this position right now.”

That meant that the kings of the past weren’t as strong as now, they
had to work extra hard to have people on their side.

“So, be sincere. After all, that child and you will be walking in the
same era. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the Seldam
kingdom belongs to you two.”
“I will keep that in mind, Majesty father.”

“I am tired. You should head in and organize your thoughts.”


Kane greeted the King and went out. The King, who was left alone,
looked at Jamie who was sleeping.

Although far away, the Friedmoor royal family was gifted with unique
eyes. At this distance too, he could clearly see what was right in front
of him.

“It has been a while since I used the Omniscient Library.”

500 years back when the land was established, a crown which was
said to have been worn by the first king of Seldam.

And the Omniscient Library is said to have all the information that
wasn't used by King Friedmoor.

On the condition that he was a magician above the 7th class despite
him being the king.

If everyone would enter the place then an overwhelming amount of

information could be checked and altered and misinterpreted.

But it wasn’t like the King didn’t know of it.

There was a lot of information in that place.

“What will he be looking through in the library?”

The King mumbled as he moved away.

“I wonder if you are the person we have been waiting for.”

The banquet lasted for three days before it came to an end.

Jamie collapsed due to exhaustion and Sarah grinned as she pulled

on her brother’s cheek.

The Weltons looked at their son with half happy and half sad faces.
He met so many people in 3 days.

There were few great people, but there were very few who were

Why he didn’t remember it much was because he didn’t really need


“Jamie. Your grandfather is coming soon.”

As Jamie laid down, Sears flicked her son’s head lightly and spoke in
a soft tone.

“Come to think of it. I hardly saw my grandfather after coming here.”

“My Jamie is so popular.”

“…this is a specification for moving ahead.”


Seeing how cute her son was, Sears kissed him on the forehead and
stood up.
And moments later came his maternal grandfather, Marquis Bell. He,
too, seemed to be very busy over the past three days, so his skin
looked duller than usual.


“Come here, my child. You seem so tired.”

Marquis Bell spoke to his grandson.

Sitting next to Jamie, he spoke.

“Is this the first time you had that many people talking to you?”

“Yes. I am really tired.”

“Huhu. You must be. Dealing with people is different from the
tiredness we get from working. It is because we use our mental
stamina here.”

This was right.

Even a Sword Master who is known to be at the peak of strength

gets tired when dealing with people. And Marquis Bell knew this
better than anyone because he had been living like this for decades.

“Is grandfather alright?”

“Your grandfather has been trained for this. In the end, once we
master it again and again, we can get used to it.”

Even though there were dark shadows below his eyes, he didn’t
seem to be bothered.
“So how was it?”

Jamie titled his head at the question.

“How was what?”

“Being appointed as Master. I want to hear your thoughts.”


As Jamie scratched his chin and thought, Marquis Bell grinned.

“I see, you don’t seem to have much thoughts.”

“Yes. I think it is rather normal.”


Marquis laughed at it. He expected it, but hearing it gave a different

feeling. As expected, his grandson was different.

“I came to hear that. Actually it sounds so much like my grandson.”

“I am glad you got the answer you wanted. I was worried about
disappointing you.”

“Haha, this brat!”

The Marquis messed up Jamie’s hair, who threw jokes. And spoke in
a serious tone.

“Jamie. In the future, many people will pay attention to you. And the
attention will be a lot more than before, but in the future, there will be
a lot of incomparable gazes.”
“I know.”

“Not just that, but you will be on the list of major people in nations,
and if you go out, everyone will monitor each move of yours.
Everything you do will spread around the world and the resulting
stress is worse than you think,”

The Marquis knew that his grandson wasn’t young, that he was
unusual for an 8 year old.

Jamie might not be optimistic like others about his future, but it was
something someone had to tell him.

“Being a Master in Seldam means to make countless enemies. So

don’t be careless.

You have entered a new world where a child, an old man, and a
pregnant woman cannot strike back.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“Do not underestimate the evil in humans.”

Jamie could empathize with the words of the Marquis more than
anyone else.

In his previous life, and this one too he saw so many things which
weren’t human like.

He was going to see much more in the future, it was weird to think
the blood on his hands would ever dry.

Perhaps the world will not change much even after he achieves his
-They are trash! Bugs who don’t know grace! They are pests who
need to be cleaned up! Yet you stand for them!

Suddenly he remembered something Zenith said.

The reason why the 12 Gods saw humans as bugs. It was

something which seemed common in the words of the Marquis.

However, this was why humans needed to be freed.

‘At least, human sins need to be ruled by humans and be punished

by humans.’

Not to be enforced by non-humans.

So fight.

To suppress man’s evil and to set justice upon them. Jamie was
back on this earth for that.

“If it is Jamie, you should be able to understand what grandfather is


“Yes, grandfather. I will be wary.”

“Huhu. Grandfather should stop this. I want to see my grandson

often, but I cannot. I need to stay here and do a lot more work.”

“Take it easy and look after your health.”

“Sure. Don’t worry.”

“Grandfather. One moment…”

Jamie grabbed Marquis Bell’s hand.

Holy power flowed out from him and swept through the Marquis'
The tired complexion of the Marquis relaxed little by little and he
seemed fine.

“Oh? The Goddess’s power?”

The Bell family’s Goddess was Pryo.

Therefore, he was someone who could accept the holy power of the
goddess better than others.

“It will be fine for a while, but the fatigue isn’t good, so you need to

“Thank you. Next time I come to meet you, I will bring a nice

“I will wait for you.”

The Marquis smiled kindly and left the room. He was probably busy
with the Zenith case. That had to be why he was staying here.

Jamie walked to the window.

“Now it is the time to go back.”

The sad time where he would have to part with his family, but there
was a lot to do.

Jamie got dressed and went outside.

“Take care of your health, and definitely write a letter to your mother
at least once a week, okay?”

“Alright, my child. Let me hug you once.”

Saying that, Sears hugged Jamie. And Jamie patted her on the back.
Fortunately she wasn’t crying this time, she was holding back her

It was because she knew that her son would have a hard time if she
did that. Jamie rested his head on her shoulder feeling the warmth.

“I will be safe.”


Sears' voice trembled. Behind her, Sarah was crying, hugging her

Thanks to Jamie looking after Sarah for the past three days, their
relationship was back to normal but it made him feel bad to break
away from her so quickly.

“Sarah, come here."


Sarah stuttered closer. Jamie let Sears go and hugged Sarah.

“Brother will contact you often.”

“Can you not go…?”

“Sorry, Sarah.”

Sarah cried a lot due to being separated from her brother, and all
Jamie could do was hug her. Count Welton looked at his children
and wrapped his hands around the shoulder of his wife.

“Don’t be sad. This isn’t forever.”

“Are you sad?”

“How can I not be sad? But…”

Looking at his son, who was no longer a child, he said,

“Isn’t it the job of the parents to send their son away with a smile? So
smile, my wife.”

“You are right.”

The couple looked at the kids and smiled. Because they knew that
their son's steps

would be lighter this time (he would come back again).

“I will leave.”

Jamie bowed his head looking at his family.

“Yes. The others are waiting.”

The other magicians were already ready near the warp machine.
Jamie was the only one left.

“Be careful. Don’t forget to contact us. And come home once in a
“Yes, mom.”

“…bye, brother.”

“Sarah, stop crying. If you keep crying, brother will feel sad.”


Sarah nodded and Jamie smiled looking at his father.

The Count looked at his son. The two just looked at each other and
then smiled brightly.

“Take this.”

The Count handed him an old paper envelope.

Jamie who took it looked at his father with a puzzled expression.

“It was left behind by your grandfather.”


“Extreme Movement, you wanted to see that right?”

Jamie’s eyes widened.

He wasn’t told of this yet, the Extreme Movement: Breakthrough,

which the former Count had made in the late years of his life.


“Your father is walking a different path than grandfather. So I didn’t

learn it. I thought I wouldn’t ever have to open it. You said you were
going to walk down the path of magicians, so I tried to put it away.”

“Is this…”

“Yes. Your grandfather left it to your father right before his death. He
wrote all of it down in his last days. I don’t know how much it would
help you, but if possible I would like you to continue your
grandfather’s progress.”

Inside this envelope was everything about the Extreme Movement.

And it was still alive and ready to be learnt.

Darius couldn’t help Jamie because he wasn’t familiar with the

family’s technique, but it was still shocking enough for Jamie.

“The fact your father didn’t keep up with grandfather’s technique is

heart breaking.

Of course, I don't want to push you to learn it. you haven’t yet
decided what to do, so read it and decide whether to continue it or
not. If you think it won’t work then feel free to burn it on the spot.”

“…burn it?”

“If no one is going to make progress with it, that is a better solution.
And the Weltons are the only ones who will have to learn it.”

“I know.”

Jamie nodded with a determined expression on his face, and Count

Welton smiled, patting his son.

“Enough. Next time we see each other, I expect you to grow up a lot
more than now.”
“Yes. Be healthy, father.”

Jamie said his goodbyes and ran towards the warp machine.

The rest of the family watched it until he left.

Bubbles boiled.

Someone crouched in a space full of blue water.

He had blue skin, a strange tattoo ran from his face to chest and on
his head was a fancy crown and the being had bubbles coming out
of the corners of his mouth.

After being there for a long time, he raised his head.

Golden eyes.

-The person with the best synchronization approaches.

And his lips twisted.

-Will he be able to uncover the ‘secret’?


All that was left was the crown on his head which fell to the ground.

‘Come here.’

An unfamiliar voice.
Jamie was in water and strangely he could breathe just fine.

The depth of the water seemed endless. But it wasn’t dark either.

It can be called the deep sea where there was no light, but there was
enough light to know he was flowing somewhere.

It wasn’t known where this place was.

‘Come here.’

The voice was heard again.

Jamie swam slowly.

Slowly, he surrendered himself to the sensation of moving ahead.

Turns out, there were no fishes too. No common weeds could be
seen either.


Jamie knew a place similar to this.

It was dark here with no light, no water, and nothing to see. A place
like hell where hands, eyes or feet didn’t move.

And over there, Diablo spent a lot of time in solitude.

Compared to that, this was a happy place. At least there was light
here and his limbs were moving.

‘I want to see you.’

The voice was getting closer.

Jamie stopped swimming.

‘Why stop?’

And looked up.

There was nothing to see, but it wasn’t the darkness which restricted

He slowly raised his hand.

‘Come here.’

The voice said.

Jamie spread out his palms and was sad.

“I don’t see you. How annoying.”

He clenched his fist.

A light burst out from within and engulfed the water filled space.

Jamie moved his eyes and looked at the dark ceiling.

“A dream?”

It felt too vivid for that. So he got up and sat on the bed.

When he made a light in the dark room, he frowned at the sight.

Because the floor was wet with water.

“…it wasn’t a dream?”

To be precise, someone intervened in his dream.

“Who the hell is doing this?”

Someone who broke into his dreams and turned reality into a mess.

Usually, the race that invaded dreams were dreamers who were from
the Devildom.

Dreamers were people who walked into other people's dreams and
sucked away their souls.

Jamie too had experienced it. At that time, Dreamers were tackled if
they did something like this.

However, the one who entered his dream wasn’t a Dreamer. This
wasn’t a Dreamer’s method, there was no discomfort.

Then, he found something lying in the corner.


The crown faded and disappeared into the water.

“Omniscient Library?”

Jamie frowned.

It had been a week since he returned from the capital. Jamie was
appointed a Master and moved into the vacant 3rd elder’s position.

It was natural, there was no one more fitting for it. Rather, the title of
the youngest was given again.

1st Elder Offen, went into seclusion. He took responsibility for the
sins of the Elder Serpent who was from his faction. It wasn’t known
when he would return, so his duties were divided to the rest of the
Because Offen was like the head of the Magic World, so his
workload is enormous.

Right now, he was also the head of the central tower, so the elders
were in a slightly disturbed state.

“He is a man with monstrous powers in one way or another.”

5th elder Luke clicked his tongue looking at the work of Offen.

“Contrary to his unpleasant personality, he had a greater sense of

responsibility than others.”

4th elder Raymon had known Offen for a long time, so he knew what
kind of person he was. They were of different factions because they
didn’t agree with the thoughts, but they knew about the good things
of the others.

And Linmel was the same.

“We will be very busy. Especially elders who usually played around
should take this as a chance to learn something.”

Linmel looked at Siegfried and Simon.

Siegfried was a wanderer who liked spending his time going around
rather than staying in here. So he didn’t know what he even did here.
But recently he joined the central magic tower and began to work,
but he looked inexperienced even now.

And Simon had no interest in anything other than his own growth.
However, now that the 1st elder was vacant for a while, he too would
have to share some extent of work.
“Jam… no, I should call you 3rd elder now?”

Linmel smiled and looked at Jamie who was next to him.

The room of elders felt rather unique, this was because the office
never had such a young person.

Siegfried was in his mid 20s and he was the youngest to receive it,
but Jamie was still 8 years old. It wasn’t unique, but weird.

In fact, elders unfamiliar with Jamie found it awkward.

“Call me comfortably.”

“Still, we are in an equal position, it would be right to stay formal. The

3rd elder too should know how the duties are carried out.”

“I understand.”

“The Magic World is no ordinary city. As the 3rd elder knows it I won't
speak too much. Please feel responsible and act well.”

Linmel said while looking at Siegfried and Simon. Simon kept his
indifferent face while Siegfried turned his head away with a cough.

“Well one topic is settled.”

Luke got up with a smile.

“Do you have anything to say?”

When Adelhart looked at Luke, he nodded and said,

“When will the 3rd elder use the Omniscient Library?”

At that question everyone looked at Jamie.

It has been a week since he had returned to here but Jamie hadn’t
once requested for it.

Even on the first day, the elders thought he would come running in
for that, but he didn’t. Despite everyone’s gazes, Jamie responded
with a calm expression on his face.

“I was going to ask for it now.”

“Is there a reason for not asking it before?”

“Yes, well.”

Jamie recalled the dream from a week back. The guy who showed
up in dreams telling him to come and saying things which didn’t
make sense.

And each time Jamie woke up, something felt wrong.

Aside from the fact that the room got wet each day.

Who was the one calling to him?

Jamie was the person who wanted to wear the crown of the library
more than anyone. But the reason he was holding back was simple.

‘That ignorant bastard. Look at this.’

For some reason, the one in the dreams too wanted this to happen.
And since he looked desperate, Jamie decided to delay it and enjoy
the time.
And since yesterday, the dream changed.

-Please… please.

The one calling out began to plead. Jamie almost burst into laughter
in front of the elders, but tried to hold back.

“If you want to, you can use it right now.”

One of the elders said, looking at Jamie. He heard that each elder
who used it had a different reaction.

Because everyone wanted different things.

Conversely, it was an opportunity to share new knowledge among

the magicians who used it.

In addition, the birth of a Great Magician was rare, so the use of the
Omniscient Library was also rare.

It was natural for the elders to anticipate what Jamie would see.

“Please prepare.”

The voice which was waiting. Actually, he wasn’t sure if the voice
belonged to the Omniscient Library.

On the first night, when he looked at the crown in the corner he

made a rough guess.

Because there was no way a crown could be alive.

However, this was the Magic World and the Omniscient Library was
a treasure of the Seldam Kingdom.
It was given the name Omniscient because it possessed all

It wasn’t known if it really was that, but seeing the reaction of the
Great Magicians, it had to be something.

There was a chance of it being magic which created an artificial self

and acted.

‘I need to see it for myself.’

Jamie was guided by the elder to the place where it was.

The place where the Omniscient Library was stored was the lowest
floor of the central magic tower.

To get there, there was one elevator dedicated to only the Great
Magicians and the elevator moved quickly.

It had to be fast because it was going from the highest to the lowest
floor at once.


Jamie shook his head at Linmel’s question.

“Nothing much.”

“Young lord… the 3rd elder, please expect something. If you are a
child maybe act like one. Right?”

“Yes, the only one who wants to see me like that is the 7th elder.”

“Obviously I need to. Everyone in the world will treat you like an
“Hahaha. You two on good terms?”

Luke, who was listening to their conversation, burst into a smile and
the elevator reached the lowest floor.

There red light above the door which split open on both sides with a
chill rushing into it.

Linmel took the lead and Jamie followed while looking around.

In fact, there was nothing around. It was because the hallway was
narrow and was blue till the end.

Then a door appeared.

Linmel put his hand on the door and mana rushed out and seeped
into the door.

A green line was drawn in the centre and spread throughout.


With a sound of wind blowing, a gloomy chill struck them again.

Seeing the space inside, Jamie was a little wide eyed.

A huge space could be seen. There were all kinds of artefacts inside
as if it held the essence of magic. A huge, transparent cylindrical
glass tube was in the centre.

The tube filled with blue liquid which held a crown within it.

The crown.

“From here, only you can enter.”

“Be careful, young lord.”

“No need to be afraid… no, you aren’t even the typical one to be
scared. Sigh!”

Jamie entered the room while the others cheered for him and the
door closed as he was alone in the large space.

He could feel the chill still running down his back.

He walked to the glass tube. As he got closer, he could feel the

concentration of mana increase through his skin.

Standing in front of the tube, Jamie placed his hand on the glass
tube which was faintly frosted.

-You are finally here.

He heard a voice.

The voice he heard in the dreams.

-Come in.

The part he touched opened like a circle but the water didn’t pour

Jamie thought he’d have to use magic but thankfully he didn’t.

As he entered, he could feel the touch of water. Just like in his

dreams, he could breathe as well.

Looking up, the crown was descending onto where he was.

-I was anxiously waiting.

What was the reason it had to wait?

-Put me on.

Instead of being put on the head, Jamie held the crown which came

Then he put it on his head and everything around him began to


The structure of the space disappeared like an illusion, and a vast

plain appeared.

Someone was standing there.

It was a blue skinned man with a strange tattoo from his face to
chest. With a crown

on his head, he smiled at Jamie.

“Nice to meet you. I am the Omniscient Library.”

At that moment, an unfamiliar memory began to enter Jamie’s head.

It was very different from the things the previous great Magicians
have said to have felt. This was something that only Jamie was
allowed to have.

As the new things settled in his mind, Jamie knew who the man in
front of him was.

“The first king, Gav Illidan1.”

A new civilization which took place 10,000 years ago. The one who
was the lord and king of the place.

The one who made the foundation of the present age.

And the master of the Omniscient Library.

“I was waiting for you with the best tune.”

Gav Illidan reached out to Jamie.

1. Twin Glaives?!↩

“Best tune?”

Jamie asked Gav, not knowing what he meant.

“Why is it the best tune?”

“That, I too don’t know.”

Gav answered with a weirdly confident expression.

“The important thing is that our level of tune, and synchronization is

incomparably high compared to the others who have me.”

“So, how did you come to know that?”

Jamie asked, looking at the first king with a puzzled expression.

First of all, the memories that have settled in his head were definitely
of this man. It wasn’t known why the memories were in him, but it
was probably because he wore the crown on his head.

‘It wasn’t an archival artifact… ’

He knew right away that this was an artifact with an ego, but he
never imagined that it would work to create such a situation.

And the identity of the man here continued to annoy him.

The creeping memories speak of this man as the ‘first king’.

In other words, there is a chance that he could know of the history of

10,000 years ago, when all the records were expunged.

“As I said, I don’t know. I just felt your existence! You didn’t?”

“Not at all.”

“Huh?! How?”

“Even if you ask me, there is no answer I can give.”

It was the same now.

Gav seemed to keep feeling something but Jamie didn’t feel a little

It was daunting just to organize the memories of the guy who rushed

“That is bad. But it's good because it doesn’t change the high sync
rate of ours!”
“That is only good for you. So, what is the benefit of this high sync
rate and having the same tune? Does it increase the knowledge you
share with me?”

“It isn’t such a trivial thing.”

“What nonsense! Why am I here then?”

He came here, all this way to know at least something worthy.

“And what of you? I am sure that you are the first king, Gav Illidan,
but why are you in this place?”

“They are such complicated things~”

“Why did you come here? A being who lived ten thousand years

“Look here~ I am a great man who has laid the foundations of the
world which is existing now, can’t you speak nicely? Do you think
you are my descendant to speak like that?”

“Don’t keep changing the topic, and just answer my question. Do the
magicians who have used you till now, know of your identity?”

Gav grinned at it.

“No way.”

“Then you only told me?”

“Because you are special.”

Gav said with a smile as he went around Jamie.

“You are special. I don’t know why your tuning is great with mine, but
does that matter? I can tell you a lot of things.”

“So. Why? Why believe in me at all?”

“You~ don’t joke~”

Jamie looked at Gav with a displeased look.

Gav seemed to have a rather brazen personality and kept smiling


“Rather, aren’t you curious? How was this world in the beginning?”

“Suddenly you bring this up?”

“Aren’t you curious? Most of the magicians who came to me kept

asking me the same question.”

“And you can answer that?”

“Of course. I am omniscient.”

At the word omniscient, Jamie smiled and said,

“Then show me the beginning of the world.”

“I knew you would be interested in it.”

As Gav snapped his fingers, the vast land shook, turning into a
barren wasteland.

An empty land. Animals, trees, grass.

There was nothing that could be called life there. Except for one

“That person…”

A man with worn out clothes was walking on this dead land where
even a small puddle of water cannot be found. He continued to
wander aimlessly on the dry and cracked land with feet covered in

However, the man’s skin was a little strange. It was covered in dust
so it wasn’t clear, but the man didn’t seem ordinary. He had blue

Jamie turned around and Gav smiled.


“Why are you wandering alone?”

“Did you lose your way?”


“Questions for a later time. Keep looking.”

Gav snapped his fingers and the background changed again.

This time, the number of people increased a little, and the

constructions made of hardened sand were there.

Gav was the ruler of it.

Considering the ignorant times in which they were discriminated

against for the slightest difference, this was surprising.

The reason was simple.

“Only I could use magic.”

Magic made the early stages of civilization skip several stages.

There were many other tribes beside this place, but it was
incomparable to Gav’s.

As time went on, the image began to change quickly.

Gav’s tribe quickly absorbed the surrounding tribes. Many people

gathered under him and the birth of small cities was instantaneous.

Gav didn’t age.

As with that blue skin, he was different. So he was special, and

people started to worship him as God.

Jamie narrowed his eyes, but he continued to watch. The city turned
into states and grew bigger and bigger.

It absorbed the nearby cities. The birth of civilizations and the birth of
a great empire with a thousand year history spanned the continent.

“Changing my appearance, I continued to reign as king and rule the


Gav was a being who was freed from the bondage of lifespan in the
first place.

No one noticed that.

At first, Gav was the most outstanding magician, and the magicians
at the time didn’t have the ability to discern it.

However, even a thousand year old empire didn’t last forever.

Unlike the previous emperors, where most of them were treated as
saints, the emperors who decorated the last 100 years were
considered incompetent.

Gradually, the influence of nobles grew and problems arose.

Numerous people were born and people suffered terribly because of

it. Revolutions happened everywhere but the emperor was reduced
to a puppet and could do nothing.

Since the nobles could move their troops at will, the weak
revolutionary army was simply defeated.

And then came the Churches of the 12 Gods.

And they appeared suddenly.

The followers of the 12 Gods spread to different regions, caring for

suffering and preaching their faith. It was around this time that the
empire which was corrupt but maintained power began to crumble.

“Just 100 years. It took me a while to find out that the great empire I
had worked so hard to build turned out to be a sand castle.”

The empire which ruled the entire continent was divided into dozens.

From then on, the continent was divided into five.

Central continent – Haron, Earthen Continent – Kariren, Western

Continent - Arisha, northern continent – Olvia, Southern continent –

The 12 churches divided the five continents evenly and became a

hegemony of the continent.
And time stopped.

Jamie had a lot to think about.

‘Should I believe this right away?’

To be honest, this wasn’t what he was expecting.

Since it was the beginning of the world, he wanted to be shown the

time when Diablo lived.

In fact, even then, it couldn’t be called the beginning of the world.

Because there was more history than that.

But what Gav showed was when he first began to live here. It
seemed normal.

He was the Omniscient Library of this time, so he had to be the

person who had information of this age. There was only the
expectation that he would be able to know about the people in the


‘The 12 Gods weren’t active from the start?’

He knew things because he had read history books.

However, very few records of that time had survived. It was


Ten thousand years is a long time. It wasn’t a very long time for
Jamie, who lived in the previous time, but that was something only
Jamie knew.
Ten thousand years was a time that would not be strange even if the
records were all destroyed.

So, Jamie thought that the Gods existed from the start of this world

“Aren't you curious? Of course, you must have believed that the 12
Gods existed since the beginning.”

Jamie looked at Gav and continued with a bitter face.

“And I was just a puppet. All my life.”

“I would like to hear the whole story.”

“It’s simple. God’s messengers came to kill me and I barely survived.

But I thought that I would be constantly chased and I thought that
there would be no end to this.”

“So you hid yourself in a crown, right?”

“Because it is dark under the lamp.”

Empires collapsed and dozens of countries were created and many

disappeared constantly.

“I changed into various shapes and finally took the shape of that
Crown. I lost consciousness and surrendered myself to time.”

“And it fell into the hands of the first king of Seldam?”

“Well, yes. The first king was a strong magician. He found out that I
was unusual.

That being said, my sync rate with him was so low that we ended up
just finding a
few things in the world. Anyway, that alone was a shock to him and
from then on I was called the Omniscient Library.”

Gav seemed lost in thought for a moment and then shrugged,

“Since then, good magicians have appeared in the Seldam Kingdom.

More recently, Siegfried. That guy is pretty cool. I have never seen a
magician like that before. Until I saw you. But my sync rate with him
is quite low.”

‘It seems that the sync rate isn’t proportional to the magic state.’

Jamie had no idea how things even worked out like this.

“Anyway, I hid inside that day and lived till now. The 12 Gods no
longer wanted to find out about me, or maybe they just lost interest
in me.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

It is very interesting to learn a secret which is difficult to understand.

However, he didn’t understand why such a dangerous secret was

being told to him.

and Jamie was feeling a little weird.

‘This brat… there is something he is hiding.’

It looks like he showed him everything about himself, but there were
a lot of sparsely missing things from the past.

Since it was a quick glance for nearly a thousand years, it was

natural that there were parts missing, all the core parts were lacking.

For example,
“But, how did the 12 Gods approach you?”


“Why go after you? Is there any reason to take you, who was doing
well? Rather, colluding with you would have made it easier for the 12
Gods to establish their position.”


“It is strange. They suddenly approached you and told you to get off
the throne.

Should we ask them?”

Saying that, Jamie raised his left hand and Gav recognized Pyro’s
pattern on his palm.

“You, why is that!?”

Pyro with Jamie.

He didn’t like it much, but it was possible to check the fact with her.
Of course, it was impossible to have the power of a true saint
because it was still in borrowed form, but it wouldn’t be difficult to

“I’ve been deducing things by myself by listening to everything you

said. Here.”

“…what things?”

“First. You know of the previous world, the one ten thousand years
back. Second. You are not human like the ones now. It isn’t just your
color that is different, it is because you were parasitizing others and
making a living. So, you managed to last ten thousand years.
Perhaps a race that existed in an earlier era.”


“Finally, why could you be the first king?”

Jamie’s eyes narrowed.

“From the beginning, you were the puppet of the 12 Gods.”

Gav closed his eyes and Jamie continued.

“You have been given the mission. To pioneer a new civilization. You
must have been entrusted with many things. Things like
qualifications to become the ruler of the new world. Then, you did
something offending the 12 Gods. After that, they lost trust in you,
and everything you had was taken away. This is my reasoning, is
there anything wrong?”

“How did you come to such an inference? You…”

“But I still don’t know. Why is our sync rate so high? Perhaps…”

Jamie asked him with purple eyes.

“You recognize this color?”

Gav didn’t answer it.

Instead of answering.

“Give me your body.”

Gav’s entire skin was dyed purple now.

The man had seen the end of the world.

The sight of everything turning into nothingness presented horror

which was never experienced before.

Every cell in the body trembled in fear and in the end, the man fled to
the furthest place like an animal sensing danger.

But the disappearance of the world meant that there was nowhere to

And the man belonged to a race known as ‘Evolve’.

Evolve was a race that existed before the current civilization and
existed in a world where history wasn’t recorded. Being similar to
humans, yet different at the same time, Evolve, who conquered the
continent based on power, went extinct leaving only a man.

The 12 Gods.

And they appeared. They had never appeared over the 10,000 year
course of life but one day decided to descend and destroy all people.

They only had one purpose.

World Reset.

A task to annihilate all without leaving a speck of life. In other words,

change the world from scratch.
The man kept running. There was nothing more meaningless than
running in the world with no people, but he longed to live.

He found a cave.

The cave was kept in a nice condition, untouched.

And there he found some stones.

Purple gems.

They looked a little dirty with moss over them, and the gems seemed
untouched. He grabbed them. And then the gems began to enter the
body of the man.

Bewildered by it, yet he felt the power surging through him at the
same time. And the power of darkness seemed like Jamie's.

The man constantly trained in the cave. Evolve was a race which
evolved according to the environment and it wasn’t difficult to solve
the problems of food, shelter and clothing.

The cave seemed hidden from the Gods. And he thought of living
there forever, but there was a limit.

-Rat. Have you been hiding in here?

The God who introduced himself as the God of Violence, was about
to kill the last man. But the power of darkness opposed the power of
Gods, and the God felt shocked.

-How did you get that power?!

The man didn’t understand why the God was reacting like this. The
important thing was that the God who killed all living things couldn’t
step close to him.

And it gave the man confidence, but it soon turned into meaningless

-I don’t know how you got that power, but I’ll give you praise for
succeeding to control it.

In front of the 12 Gods, the man was nothing but a bug. Even the
power of darkness he trained didn’t work on them.

The only thing left to do was die.

And at the time, one of the 12 Gods who seemed like the leader

-Would you like to lead the new world?

The reason wasn’t told.

It was an order.

The man had a stronger yearning for life so he couldn’t reject that

-Good. Try painting on a blank paper with your own colors for once.

-From now on, your name will be.


And so came the man called Gav Illidan.

** *

“But I was abandoned!”

He didn’t understand why.

He completed his empire and enjoyed 9000 years of time. The

sudden appearance of the apostle of God was something he didn’t

“And he was trying to hurt me.”

God’s Apostle meant God’s strongest messenger.

Gav had no choice but to run again. Not only because of the power
of darkness, but due to honing the features of the Evolve race, he
was able to go unnoticed.

He thought of it during his hiding years.

Why was he suddenly abandoned? Why?

The thoughts of Gods cannot be understood by humans, so no

matter what he thought he couldn’t find an answer.

“Then I met him.”

Gav’s eyes turned dull purple.

Jamie asked, dodging the attack from Gav.

“The first king of this nation.”

The arms split and turned into tentacles that rained down on Jamie.
Jamie laid out two dark spheres composed with darkness on either

And the tentacles which couldn’t withstand the attraction emitted by

the sphere were pulled away by Jamie's magic.


Gav let go of the tentacles without another thought. He got down on

the floor as his hands that were cut off started regenerating.

[Abyss Erosion]

The ground turned black and began to sink like sand. Jamie jumped
up as he drew his sword.

[Activate Scud]

He added acceleration magic which made his body lighter.

“Welton type 10.”

His form shook. Gav missed Jamie for a moment and then saw the
silver blade that was cutting right in front of his face.

[Form 7 Aftermath]

Gav bent his head back and barely avoided it. One aftermath and
two more attacks at the same time.

His face split in a straight line. Fortunately, his body was half liquid
so he didn’t die.

“This is just the beginning.”

The voice came from behind which made Gav immediately stretch
out his hands.

His arm was cut down by four swords and three swords pierced his
chest and back at the same time.

Five more in the neck and head. Gav’s eyes trembled There were 12
Jamies in front of him.

[Chain Magic: Infinite Slashes]

A magic that links teleport and sword at the same time.

The previous day, he was able to handle four, but now that he was in
7th class he increased it to 12.

“I will cut you without leaving a trace except for your mouth.”

“Don’t… make me laugh!”

[Power of Darkness: Mist Explosion]

Gav’s body turned into mist.

Jamie immediately took a defensive stance with his sword in front of


“Your body is mine!”

The mist exploded. The shock wave spread over a wide area. Jamie
exhaled watching the rushing explosion.
And slowly thrust the sword in the direction of explosion.

[Sword of Fusion]

The moment the flames of explosion reached the sword.


His realization unfolded.

The blade of Scud began to absorb the Mist Explosion. The sword
was dyed in black.

Jamie clenched it with both his hands and drew a wide arc raising
the sword high.

“Mist Explosion!”

And when he lowered the sword straight down, “Mist Explosion”

fused with the sword was fired in the form of a slash.


Gav slammed his fist on the ground, his fist crushed and a huge
barrier came up in front of him and the slash didn’t break through the

Gav smiled faintly at it as he prepared for the next attack.

That was the mistake.

“You have a body which is hard to kill.”

The barrier was obscuring Gav’s vision, and he lost sight of Jamie.

“Last time I saw a strange Demon Lord follower I had an idea.”

Jamie stood on the wall while raising three fingers.

“What re…!”

[Sealing Magic.]

Gav completely liquified his body to escape.

If he could seep into the floor, he could escape.

“Not possible.”

Jamie's purple eyes flashed.

[World of Loss]

Black chains began to come out from the darkness and bind Gav
who was struggling to get out. The more he struggled, the tighter the
chains became.


“The first king and a magician so I thought you would be amazing.

But… you are nothing.”

“You brat! Release me!”

“Why should I listen to the one who tried to steal my body?”

Gav was fully bound in black chains, and growled at Jamie.

“You. You will regret it.”

“Are you insane? You are the one regretting more by being unable to
take my body.”

“Kuaaak! Release this!”

“Shut up.”

Jamie had an annoyed expression and kicked Gav in the face. And
when his face became half crushed, he was quieter.

Jamie created a chair and sat on it, putting his sword aside as he

“So. What did you do when you first met the first king?”


“If you won’t speak on your own, I can make you.”

It wasn’t difficult to control the mind of a neutralized opponent.

Gav laughed.


“You seem lively.”

“You don’t know.”

“What now?”

“The horror of when the world goes back to the start…”

Gav’s eyes were gleaming with madness. And he said,

“The sight of everything disappearing before my eyes and the feeling
of loneliness that I was the only one around! You know nothing!”


“So I waited. Waited for a long time. An opportunity that will come.”

Jamie frowned. He continued to stare at Gav.

“And around 500 years back I met the first king of the nation.
Interestingly, he knew something that I didn’t know and I could
understand. This world is repeating over and over again! And there
are those who, like me, have taken their first steps into this new

“What did the first king say?”

“A long time ago, there must have been powerful magicians. It

wasn’t about the time I lived in. A world that existed way before the
world that existed tens of thousands of years ago. Right. The world
in which the power I got belonged to.”

“The first king knew about it?”

“He didn’t know much about it. He only knew that a world and a
strong existence were present. He didn’t know anything for sure. But
after meeting me, we were both able to reach a deeper truth.
However, there were limitations. So I signed a contract.”

“A contract to help the kingdom until you found a magician you could
take control of?”

“…smart kid. If I can get a whole body, I can help more effectively.
Even if he died, he thought that truths in the Seldam kingdom could
be uncovered. The first king said that people would become a little
freer if that happened.”

Gav who looked lost, now began to laugh.

“Kukukukukuku! Such a stupid one! What a foolish one! I mean it!”

“What do you mean?”

“I am obsessed with living. Secret? Human freedom? Shut up! Why

did I sign a contract with him and be in this cramped place for 500
years? It's simple!”

The space around them began to shake.

Cracks appeared on the chains binding him and they began to break
with a squeaking sound.

“To be recognized again. To be recognized by them and become the

master of the new world!”

Gav’s body began to grow.

In the first place, this was the space he created, all he suffered was
acting. Jamie's attacks were futile right from the start.

“You are my best food. If I can make the body that you have as mine
and completely own it, I will be able to survive the upcoming ‘World

“…upcoming world reset?”

“Kukuku. Foolish human. The cycle of reset is 10,000 years. And

soon the years will be done. A few more decades left. And the
species will all die.”
Darkness which filled the floor began to engulf Jamie.

“You are lucky, because you are going to be a part of me. You will be
able to enjoy the new world.”

“Is that the end?”


“Is that the end of what you are going to say?”

“What are you saying?”

“Then good.”

Jamie got up.

The darkness around his body didn’t halter his movement. Gav
mumbled and asked,

“H-How can you move?”


Jamie's eyes turned purple. The darkness flinched as it tried to

approach him.

“W-why is my power moving away?”

Gav was flustered by the power he was losing control of, and Jamie

“Because it isn’t yours.”


“That power…”
Jamie lifted his head and looked at Gav. Gav looked at Jamie whose
form was changing.

A man with black hair.

And purple eyes brighter than any.

“You, who are you?”


Jamie reached out in front of him. All the darkness came to his
fingers, and he raised his eyebrows.

“The strongest dark magician in history.”


Darkness soon swallowed Gav.

‘What happened?’

Gav couldn’t understand the situation. The darkness he had been

controlling was out of control and devoured its master.

How could it happen?

It was dark all around. It felt natural. The darkness he called was
deeper and darker than night.

A complete abyss with no light.

It was also his responsibility to trap the enemy here. However, he

was trapped in it now.

‘Not possible.’

Gav tried to remove the darkness.

He didn’t use mana. The purple darkness was the basis of his magic.
However, since he couldn’t control it now, he couldn’t even use the
mana he neglected.

“What have you done to me?!”

Gav shouted.

He had lived for ten thousand years, and it had been a long time
since he faced such a situation.

Once when the 12 Gods decided to erase the world, an apostle of

theirs came to hunt him down and then he helplessly controlled the
darkness. Nearly 900 years had passed since then and a second
crisis came.

‘That kid…!’

To be honest, he was amazed with Jamie’s skills.

When he felt that he had a degree of link with him, he knew that the
kid too had a certain power of darkness within.
But the skills of a child were better than his.

But he was still a 7th class magician.

But was far superior when dealing with black magic, and according
to experience he felt like just a kid!

At first he pretended to be hurt and decided to snatch the body away.

The problem was that he didn’t know the kid was better at controlling

“Damn it!”

Gav tried to control the darkness but he could feel nothing from it.

It was then.

[You look frustrated.]

A huge eye appeared in the darkness. The bright purple was bright
enough to give goosebumps.

[Well. You thought you were deceiving but got deceived in the end.]

“…what is your identity? How can you create such darkness? I lived
for ten thousand years and never met someone like you!”

[You only lived for ten thousand years.]

The eyes showed endless darkness. And the multitude of eyes

looked at Gav.

[You don’t know the answer and you don’t even recognize the
master of the power you use.]

[So dumb. It's funny how fake you are.]

“I am not a fake!”

Gav screamed.

“I did my best to survive! The ultimate goal of any species is to

survive at any cost! So I used whatever was available! After all,
when the World Reset starts all the beings will die. All to survive and
spread out more information to the new world! And you call me a

[It was all luck. You were lucky enough to get my powers and be
recognized by the 12 Gods.]

“You keep saying weird things. This darkness is yours? A human

who lived only 8

years is talking…”

[Do I even have to prove it? You, a fake… have lost control of the
darkness to me. Now there will be no more leeway, I can crush you
right now and let you experience the death you hate.]


Not sure if he wanted to die, Gav decided to hold back his words.
There was nowhere to escape from here.

And Jamie felt disgusted by it.

[Disgusting Gav. No, the name Gav too was given to you by the 12
Gods. A remnant of the past that doesn’t have a real name. That is
who you are.]
“N-no! I am not fake! I don’t know who you are, but I am not any less!
Because of me, the present human race was able to live till now! No
one can deny the work I did here!”

[Keep thinking that way. To the 12 Gods you were their servant, no a
bug to use.

Anything you say is with the intention that they help you. And…]

“What are you saying…”

[The reason why you were chosen by the 12 Gods…]

The thousand eyes around him narrowed.

[Is because you obtained my power.]


[Simply put, they were going to try and get the power of a man who
didn’t yield to them through you.]


[They had no other reason to not kill you.]

“What are you? Just what?!!! Answer me!”

[I told you. The master of darkness.]

With darkness seeping in, Gav staggered and fell down.

It was so ridiculous that he wanted to laugh. The fact that he couldn’t

withstand the shaking darkness and this realistic feeling was all

The voice continued.


Darkness wrapped around Gav’s head.

Gav was bewildered by the pressure the darkness had on his head,
he tried to remove it.

He struggled to live even in that situation. Darkness penetrated his

skin and brain.

Jamie, who had appeared in the darkness with his body, looked
down at Gav with cold eyes.

“To make you realize how meaningless your life is.”

Gav’s body, which moved violently, dropped down like a doll.

“It is taking quite some time.”


The three magicians were all looking at the door which hadn’t
opened in a while. The moment the crown was put on, the
information would come right away.

Among them, there will be some information which is liked and some
which isn’t needed, but it shouldn’t take this long.

Coming out right away wouldn’t be strange.

“Did something go wrong?”

“Can something go wrong?”

“I don’t know.”

They all nodded at Luke’s words. And decided to wait longer. But as
time passed, Jamie wasn’t coming and Siegfried approached the
entrance with impatience.

“You do know that the crown will only work on one person.”

“I am his guardian. And there is a reason why I came here with him
and I promised Count Welton to look after him.”

When he went to pick Jamie up, Siegfried talked with Count Welton

‘Although my son is being called a Great Magician, he is still a child.

I know that he isn’t like regular kids, but I cannot help but worry for
him. So I will ask you for a favor. Please take good care of my son
like you've done in the past few months.’

And Siegfried readily said he would.

“I need to check it out.”

“2nd elder, what do you think?”

“Certainly he hasn’t come out… It feels strange.”

As Linmel said that, Siegfried began to lose it, Luke scratched his

“This is really…”

Luke said not being able to hold back.

“I will do something.”

“Thank you.”

“5th elder thank you.”

The two put their hands on the door and Mana flowed in with a green
line flowing through.

The door opened and water burst out.

“What is this!”

“Stop the water!

“Damn it!”

The three great magicians joined forces to push the water away
without moving inside. And together, they pushed the water away.

The three who looked like drowning mice, looked at each other with
serious faces.

“…has it ever been like this?”

“First time.”
“This is unexpected.”

“Rather, Jamie… What happened to the 3rd elder?”

Luke was the first to get up, dry his wet robes and walk around.

The two other men followed him.

“First, let’s handle the water.”


Siegfried used space magic. As he cast the spell with his staff, a
round hole sucked in the water.

“Where will it go?”

“Lake Kepi.”

Lake Kepi is a large lake not far from the Magic World, which could
hold water. The water soon vanished and the elders were able to

Siegfried was about to leave the two of them and head straight to the
broken glass.


But access was impossible.

It was invisible and something was blocking them.


“Some force is blocking it.”

“Who can…”
The three of them were outside guarding to make sure no one
intervened. To get inside, the hall was the only way.

However, it was impossible to deceive the great magicians and

enter. In other words,

this was an enclosed space.

“As long as a dragon doesn’t come…”

It would be different if the master of this magic was a dragon, but

would a dragon come into a kingdom?

It was then.


The space twisted around the broken glass and a strange light
began to come out.

Three of them prepared for any shocks, and tried to understand the
owner of the mana.

But it was impossible to understand.

“Space is shaking!”

Siegfried, the first to notice, didn't like this and warned the two. The
light kept growing bigger and bigger to fill the entire space.


“It's coming!”
The moment they felt a huge presence and were ready for battle!


A familiar sight came from the light. The shadow of a small body.

The three of them looked blankly at it and Seigfried called out.

“…young lord?”


Jamie looked at Siegfriend and the other two who had puzzled

“Why are you here? And…”

He glanced around at the mess they made.

“Why did you mess up this place?”

The three of them were the culprits who turned the place upside
down for the sake of Jamie, they looked at each other and sighed.

“…I am glad you are safe. Let’s head down and talk.”


“Such a pain. Haha.”

It was something that had to be resolved right away, but since the
one they wanted to protect was safe, they felt mentally exhausted.

They left Jamie behind and moved, Jamie scratched his head.
“What is with them?”

And looked at his hands.

The purple darkness Gav engulfed was the black mana of Diablo.

“What? They didn’t notice this?”

Jamie smiled as he recalled the situation ten minutes before.

Gav had a seizure.

Jamie kept watching it to see the mess Gav’s head was going to be.

Because Diablo Volfir’s memory was being put into his head, he
must have been experiencing pain and suffering through it.

“At least 10,000 years.”

A long time. Even if several civilizations appear and disappear,

10,000 years was a long time.

But Diablo Volfir endured 66,666 years. Even in the terrible abyss.

He was called Omniscient Library so he thought everything would be

there, but Gav was a frog in a well.

“To waste my time like this…”

To cover other people's bodies by bringing them in here. When
compared to Canon…

With the same powers, Canon too was struggling to uncover the
secrets of the world.

Although he failed in the end, Jamie didn’t think it was in vain. What
he left behind was completely handed to Jamie.

Gav too had a similar end.

In the time of living for 10,000 years all his life felt vain. And that
wasn’t enough so he surrendered to the 12 Gods and tried to live in
the next world too.

“How dare you use my power.”

Gav’s seizures stopped.

Diablo Volfir’s vast memories were coming to an end.

Jamie waited for the seizure to end. After a moment, when the body
stopped shaking, Gav slowly lifted his head and looked at Jamie.

Eyes in despair.

“You seem stronger than I thought. You have been alive for ten
thousand years?”

To be honest he thought Gav would lose his mind after this. But it
looked like having a long life helped him.

Even so, he was so weak that he could crumble.

“…is this possible?”

Gav asked in a voice which said he couldn’t believe it.

“How, how did you manage to survive in that terrible place?”

It didn’t matter that Diablo Volfir had a fierce battle with the 12 Gods.

No, it was important but Gav didn’t care about it.

There was only one thing Gav cared about.

“How? In that terrible, nothingness, darkness without light… is it

possible to be imprisoned in that place for a ridiculous amount of
time and be okay?!”

It made no sense.

It was only a fraction of the time he saw, but still it felt too much. And
the acceleration of time cannot be felt as the space of nothingness
had nothing in it.

The time spent watching it felt infinite.

A different space from here. Although the specific time wasn’t

known, Gav knew that it was hundreds of thousands of years.

The time in the abyss, where nothing existed was flowing several
times more than here.

His mind collapsed and he gave in to the 12 Gods for life.

However this human in front of him, a reincarnation with the

memories of the past didn’t.
“Say, Diablo…”


As his true name was being said, Jamie covered Gav’s mouth.

Jamie clasped the face tightly with his hand and smiled.

“It is quite funny.”


“The fact that you are the one who understands me the best in this

The one he met for the first time today.

Neither human nor anything.

But is able to empathize with him. Jamie found it funny.

“But you are wrong.”

The fingers pierced through the skin of Gav.

Jamie lifted him up without difficulty.

The darkness flowed.


Jamie tilted his head to the side and said,

“I kept going crazy.”


Gav’s face was smashed and it shattered, the meat fell to the floor.

The body which had lost its head fell to the ground.

Jamie lowered his hand and looked at the corpse of Gav. The end of
a man who longed for life.

To such a corpse, Jamie spoke.

“I was always full of madness. I was just not showing it. It is because
I immediately knew how to not be driven mad.”

Purple eyes in darkness. He squattered and placed his hand on the


“I will take mine back.”

After losing its master, the darkness and black mana inside Gav’s
body began to flow out and into Jamie’s hand.

In the past, before Gav was given his name, he luckily obtained this

Jamie didn’t absorb the mana.


When Jamie said it, the black mana floating in the air was getting
tangled as it turned into a refined gem.

The same shape Gav got it in.

And now again.

“I don’t need black mana anymore.”

Power is a law which isn’t damaged forever even if a part of it falls.
And while this amount of black mana was useful for Gav, it was
nothing for Jamie.

If so, how should it be done?



Black came from Jamie’s shoulder. And Jamie looked a bit shocked
when Black popped out on its own accord.

Before he could say anything, Black opened its mouth and

swallowed the gem.

“This brat!”

Jamie was quite flustered by the sudden action. Either way, Black
ignored its master and flew into the sky.


It started to emit black light. Jamie’s eyes widened at the unusual


Trying to do something.

But he had no idea what it was.

‘Black didn’t have this kind of ability… ’

Black, one of Jamie's three familiars, a creature solely made to aid in

Come to think of it, it was the same with Azad and the other one.

At that time, they failed to become perfect Undead due to Jamie’s

lack of ability.

There was a case where Black gulped the weird energy which came
from the black mana.

‘I was surprised that time too… ’

He thought that released energy was taken and that was the end of
the story, but no.

In a way, the amount of black mana in the released energy was

different. And no matter how much Black worked, it couldn't handle

The black light was getting stronger. In an instant, the entire space
was covered.

Jamie noticed a white glow in the centre of the black light.

“…what is happening?”

Was it said that the opposite poles go hand in hand? The darkness
soon turned to light. Jamie couldn’t help but stay wide mouthed.

The wings of Black were covered with pure white features and on its
smooth round body.

A holy light rose above it.

Jamie ran for it.

This was an unexpected situation, but Jamie wasn’t going to miss
this chance.

“This power…”

Once again, his right arm was dyed in darkness and he grabbed that


Light and darkness began to intertwine.

Jamie looked at the world being erased into black and white and
accepted it into his body.

The mana core in the body fluctuated. The heart rate began to rise.


The vessels in the body began to pop. The massive amount of blood
flowing quickly in the body increased.

But he didn’t let this light glow.

The gigantic wings of Black embraced Jamie. The softness from the
feathers felt cosy.

With a more relaxed face, Jamie grabbed that holy light with his

“I’ll take another leap.”

The light born from the two poles.

“Be a source of new strength.”

Darkness engulfed him again.


“I do get the hang of it, but it is serious.”

“It is obvious that there was a problem with the Omniscient


“Let’s talk with the young lord after he comes.”

The three great magicians were confused. No one had any idea as
to what happened and what to be told to others.

And this news had to be passed to the royal family too.

It was unclear how King Friedmoor would react, and it was

impossible for Jamie to avoid any punishment.

“it will be better to understand the situation before and after.”

“7th elder is right. Let’s go up and call an emergency meeting.”

Without waiting, they quietly moved to the top floor.

It was then.


The tower began to shake violently.

“W-what is this?”
“This is unusual for an earthquake!”

“Damn it. It isn’t just the whole tower. But the Magic World itself
seems to be shaking!”

Siegfried quickly identified the waves and informed others.

“Damn it, what more has to happen?!”

Luke grinded his teeth.

He couldn’t understand why such situations kept happening. And he

thought handling things was difficult.

Linmel opened his mouth and said calmly,

“First, it is important to understand the source of the earthquake. So

that the 7th elder will look at the situation, the 5th elder will safely
evacuate and first, we need to see and stop the earthquake.”

It was virtually impossible to stop an earthquake, which was a

natural disaster, and Linmel was an 8th class magician.

It was impossible to stop them but if Siegfried found the source then
maybe they had a chance.

“And I would like you to call the 1st elder.”

1st elder, Offen Ginger who was now in seclusion. No matter how
much Linmel who was in 8th class tried, he alone couldn’t stop it.
However, with the help of Offen who had reached the same level, it
would be easier.

“Alright. Calling the 1st elder…”

When Luke was moving, ready to call.

“There is no need for that.”

The shaking disappeared like an illusion and the three of them

turned their head at the voice.

Jamie was standing there.

But, something looked strange.

Siegfried was the first to notice. He didn’t even think of calling Jamie
as elder and,

“Young lord… What happened? Looks like you have grown a little.”

Jamie did seem bigger. And it was no illusion.

“Somehow I ended up growing a little taller.”


It was Luke.

He asked, looking at Jamie with puzzled eyes.

“Isn't that a bit too much?”

Jamie was bigger than kids his age due to the orb of life in him, but
now he was bigger than anyone his age.

He looked like an adult. Jamie looked about 13 to 14 years old.

Looking closely, he looked more than 10cm taller.

“What happened down there?”

Linmel looked up and down at Jamie and then broke into cold sweat
at the energy from him.

“There was energy.”

Energy which no one could have known.

What was important was the fact that black mana was now
something new.

“You don’t have to worry. The earthquake is temporary and won’t

happen again.


Jamie scratched his cheek and said,

“The library is gone. What do we do now…?”

The three great magicians were dumbfounded.

“The library is gone…”

King Friedmoor smiled faintly at the information the servant hastily

brought him.

“So the secret has been found.”

He went to the place, which was reserved only for the king.

When the king arrived there, he walked into the deepest part of the

There was a small safe locked in front of him with magical devices in
there. When the king brought his index finger there, the magic
engraved on the safe began to identify the king’s fingerprints.


Soon, the sound of a lock being released from inside was heard.
When he lifted the finger, the door opened on its own and a well kept
book was seen.

The book looked quite old despite being kept safe. King Friedmoor
carefully took out the book.

On the first page was written.

[A demon who cannot hide his greed had come to me.]

The book is a record of a man who existed 500 years back. He was
the founding king of the nation and an amazing magician.


The author of the book was King Friedmoor.

And this book was the ‘Record with the Devil.’

A secret document handed down only to the king.

[At that time, I was wandering the world. Because I wondered what
the world was, in the process I learned several secrets. A secret that
can shake the whole world that cannot be told to anyone.]

[But the more secrets I learned, the more unbearable the rage that
grew was. On one hand, I couldn’t sleep because of the great fear in
me and around the same time I began to gather forces.]

[Luckily, a rather large force was created. There were too many
colleagues for me.

And in that, the Devil existed.]

[The Devil came to me after hearing the guise that I had the greatest
influence in the place. Not knowing the true nature at the time, I
joined hands with the Devil.]

[The Devil had special powers. The power was terrifying and it
began to expand at a tremendous rate.]

[A nation called Sodom. It was a small nation, but the evil of the king
and nobles went beyond limit. The devil offered me a chance to
conquer it. because it was a good thing, I gathered the nearby forces
and attacked the nation.]

[Sodom was a weak nation, so it wasn’t difficult to conquer it. I built

the present Seldam on that site of Sodom]

[I became the king of the nation, but I wasn’t very happy. It was like
knowing the secrets of the world. It was thought that a nation alone
couldn’t stand up to the great power that would come one day.]

[It was then the Devil whispered. Somehow, the Devil knew that I
knew a few secrets of this world.]

[He suggested. This isn’t enough. The darkness of the world is

darker than I knew, so to make a deal.]
[And the devil said to me.]

‘There is no answer anyway. Then let’s hope for the future. You have
a short life, but I can live for a very long time. I will enter your crown.
There, I will pass on the information I know to humans selected by
you and your descendants. However, the real purpose of this work
isn’t to give them my knowledge. I am waiting for a human with a
high level of sync with me to appear. If the human does appear to
me, then he has to be a gifted and talented magician to remove the
darkness of this world. How about it? Will you accept it, King

[It felt like a sensible suggestion. I didn't know about the lifespan of
the Devil, but I knew that it would help save the ordinary human.]

[I could understand. That nothing the devil offers me would be good.

Unless infinite altruism exists, being confined to a crown and
enduring decades it would be hell.]

[And the devil I know wasn’t the kind one. It was then that I found
that the Devil was indeed a ‘Devil’.]

[But I couldn’t resist the suggestion. Because I knew that he held

power. And this is why I came up with the book.]

[I declare that this book is open only to the heirs of the throne. The
kings who will read this book must swear by the decree. Never take
out the contents of the book to others. If you break the oath, you will
die on the spot.]

[And kindly, if a person with a link with the devil does appear, be sure
to trust him.]
[The devil does not know of this fact. The power that man possesses
is that of a fragment of someone who existed a long time ago. And a
being, with a high degree of link will be someone that the Devil
himself cannot touch.]

[Kings must do their best to protect him until he grows up. That will
be the key to protecting Seldam and the world.]

There was more content after it, but it wasn’t needed to be looked at.

King put the records back in the vault and sealed it.

“In the end, your will has come to pass.”

Omniscient Library.

The crown of the first king containing the devil disappeared. And
Jamie Welton appeared with new powers.

“But you are also wrong.”

King Friedmoor recalled the first king’s words.

“He isn't someone to be protected.”

The Jamie Welton he saw was perfectly grown. And he will become
more perfect in the future.

And he too was curious.

How far will the child grow?

How will he grow?

The important thing is that he will have a profound influence on
national issues in future.

“I look forward to the future.”

The king smiled and stood up as he stepped outside.

“I didn’t think the Majesty would let it pass.”

Linmel sighed in relief.

No matter how Jamie was appointed as Master, the library was the
most valuable treasure of Seldam.

It was because a good thing for the nation had disappeared, yet the
King didn’t mind.

“After all, the King is really different.”

Linmel, sipped the tea.

Siegfried, who was standing next to him, nodded and saw the child
at the other side, Jamie, was too big to be called a child.

“I didn’t think that the true identity of the crown was Gav, the first

“It is shocking that such a person was hiding and deceiving the entire
Kingdom, but on the other hand, it is our mistake that we didn’t know
about this.”

Following Siegfried’s words, Simon spoke with a bit of an

embarrassed expression.
Linmel nodded to it.

“I am glad that it is over now. Jamie has a great name because of it.”

“Great names are too much.”

Jamie said looking at the people, Linmel, Siegfried, Simon and


The elders who had the same purpose were gathered here. And they
knew the secrets of Jamie.

“But, it is turning to a point of being too burdensome.”

Raymon looked at Jamie with a curious look.

“I am not used to it either.”

Jamie said, looking at his body. It was awkward to move with huge
body parts now, but he was getting better.

And he was constantly admiring his own body.

The holy light which came from black mana. After fully absorbing it,
Jamie met physical evolution.

All the impurities accumulated in the body were drained out, the
muscles and skeleton were rebuilt and the mana core felt more
strengthened to contain more mana.

The circulation of mana was smoother than expected and it wasn’t

too far behind his heyday.
Considering the potential growth, if he grew more than now, then he
would surpass the time when he was in his prime.

In fact, the biggest reason for this was the evolution which came
from the holy light being absorbed and it synergized the effect of Life

Besides, he was entering his growth time and in future he would

grow a lot more

‘The foundation is prepared perfectly.’

The body before evolution was good, but the body now seemed like
it would exceed the limits of previous life.

His sword skills too will increase.

Everything was moving for the best.

“What do you plan to do now?”

At Linmel’s question, Jamie put his hands on the desk and


“I plan to focus on training for the next few years.”

“Closed training?”

“Not a closed training, but I need to focus on it.”

What was the most pressing thing right now?

Sword is important but he had to focus on magic.

“5 years. I will be in 8th class in five years.”

At the absurd declaration the 5 magicians were in shock but no one

ridiculed it.
Because of the past life.

“5 years…”

“In 5 years huh, must be restless.”

“Right. Catching up will not be easy for us.”

“Huhuhu, this old man gave up catching up and is going to have fun
watching it.”

At the words of the magicians, Jamie smiled.

5 years from now.

‘That way, I can stand on the true starting line.’

Zenith will begin to move.

According to the recent news, the Eastern part of the continent,

where Zenith has its main church, began to protect its lower

At the same time, they were spreading false news that the work in
Apton was nothing but lies of the Seldam Kingdom

Due to such, small conflict battles were taking place in the border
places of the northern continent.

A full fledged war didn’t start yet, but Jamie thought it was just a
matter of time.

No matter what anyone said, the first God to kill had to be Zenith.

Jamie clenched his fist.

The time to take revenge was approaching. Starting with Zenith, one
after another.

‘For sure in this life. I will make sure to finish all your fakes.’

Jamie’s eyes turned purple.

The boy raised his head and got up from the seat.

And someone knocked on the door.

“Apostle. This is Lars.”

“Come in.”

The door opened with Lars, a familiar face walking in. The boy,
Ricky, looked at him and smiled.

“What is it, brother Lars?”

“We are in front of the goddess.”

“So what? Goddess will understand. Right? Goddess?”

“If you are fine.”

Ricky looked at the symbol of Pyro on his hand and waved and Lars
shook his head.
If anyone had done it, they would be considered blasphemy, but
Ricky, the apostle of Pyro did it.

Because he was closer to God than anyone else.

“Are you praying today?”

“Yes. What is it brother? Is there any interesting news?”


Ricky’s eyes widened at it.

Well, the news that Lars would have come personally to deliver
would have to be of his close friend.

“News of Jamie!”

Lars smiled and nodded.

“What? What did he do this time?”

Last news Ricky heard from Jamie was that he defeated a Count
demon in Magic World.

When he heard that, a shiver ran through his body.

Lars looked at Ricky and said.

“Ricky. We need to level up.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, Jamie you see… has been appointed as a Master of Seldam


Ricky didn’t know what it meant to be a Master, so Lars explained.

Ricky’s eyes widened at that, and his face bright with a smile.

“That Jamie! I thought he would be behind me, but he is ahead of me


He thought Jamie would be behind him because of his recent hard

work, but his friend widened the gap again.

But Ricky wasn’t disappointed.

On the contrary, enthusiasm rose.

“Like brother said, I need to work hard.”

“Yes. If it is you, you can be a good match with Jamie.”

“I cannot be protected by Jamie like I used to. I don’t know when

we’ll see each other, but I need to stand by his side this time.”

Ricky said and raised his right hand. The holy power of Pyro erupted

Seeing that, Lars' eyes trembled.

‘Already at this level… ’

It was less than a year since Ricky came to the main church, and he
was already at a Bishop level.
He also received regular training in swordsmanship from a Holy
Executioner, and he wasn’t too far to qualify as an official paladin.

Ricky was struggling to be on the same level as his friend.

“This isn’t the time to be like this. I need to go and train.”

“It is time for the training.”

“Right. I feel great too. That Jamie. The next time, he will be so
surprised that he will fall in love with me.”

Ricky made up his mind and left the room.

Lars looked at the goddess and scratched his head, then he put his
hands together and prayed to the goddess.

“Make sure that both the children stay safe.”

And five years passed.


Behemoth asked, sitting on Venna’s head.

Like the question, Venna had a stiff expression probably because of

being nervous.
“Yes. I'm a little excited.”

About a month had passed since they left Saint-Dermain.

Han, Azad and Alex said they needed to go to Frontier so they broke
up. Braha was the one guiding them through the Ariazad Forest of
Valkyries and Behemoth, on Jamie's request, agreed to stay with
Venna until she was settled in.

And Braha said,

“It is going to be the first time in 10 years that you are seeing your
cousins, so it is weird if you aren’t nervous.”

“Do you want apples?”

“Hehe thank you.”

Behemoth offered an apple he was eating, saying the best way to

relax was to eat apples. Venna took it.

Braha burst into laughter looking at the simple minded people.

Venna took a bite and asked,

“How much longer?”

“An hour.”

“But, I heard that Ariazad Forest is a dangerous place… can we walk

like this with no plan?”

When Venna asked, a bit worried, Braha smiled.

“You really know nothing?”


“Well. You were raised by humans for 10 years and have very few
memories of your childhood. This is to be expected.”

“What do you mean?”

“As you said, the Ariazad Great Forest is a dangerous place, but not
for us.”

The forest they were walking into was one of the Six Banned places.

A place one cannot go into without permission.

There were many monsters that were powerful and deadly to

humans. A place so dangerous that even the expedition with a
Sword Master was taken down, leaving just the Sword Master alive.

But it was only for humans.

“For forest races like you and me, this is like home.”


“Have you ever been to a forest?”

“Uh… once.”

“How was it?”

“My body felt refreshed. Like in a good condition.”

“This is the most basic one. Elves and Valkyries aren’t called Forest
Fairies for nothing. Because we are the strongest when we are in
nature, the kind which nature


“Yes. You have spent more time growing up in human arms than in
the forest, so you will need to get used to it, but it is fine for me.
Humans are afraid of great forests, but we don’t need to fear.”

“She is right. Venna. Don’t be afraid. I am here!”

Behemoth jumped down on Venna’s knees and snorted.


Venna answered.

After an hour passed, a large forest began to appear. The trees were
so densely stacked that the beginning of the forest looked bad.

Venna gulped seeing that sight, it looked like ghosts could pop out.

Aside from that, she could feel her condition recover.

“Over there?”

“Yes. That is the start of the forest.”

“Uh. Looks quite dense.”

Behemoth looked at the great forest. The energy felt from the forest
was amazing, he thought he could understand why humans were
afraid of this.

The place where dangerous creatures were nestled.

“Let’s go.”
Unlike Venna, who was nervous, Braha had a relaxed face. Venna
nodded and took Braha's hand.

A wind spirit appeared and wrapped around them.

As soon as their bodies floated in the air, the surrounding

background began to pass at tremendous speed.


“Woooh! This speed!”

“Aren't you supposed to get used to this? From now, we will move

They broke in through the entrance of the forest in an instant and

rushed to the centre.

Venna was starting to get dizzy.

The wind spirit was carrying her directly, so it was different from her


“Hahaha! Faster! Faster!”

“So cool!”

A screaming Venna, a cheering Behemoth and Braha who was a

speed freak.

They crossed the vast place and reached the centre.


“A-Are you alright?”

“I am fine… puke!”

Braha patted the back of Venna with a sorry expression. Venna

waved her hand to say she was fine, but her stomach was failing her
as she ran to puke.

“I thought it would be fine to increase the speed since you knew how
to fly…”

You were having too much fun.

They flew at the speed which Braha normally enjoyed, but Venna
couldn’t handle it.

“Tch. What are we to do if that is tough for you?”

Behemoth flew around Venna and clicked his tongue.

Venna was squatting and looked at the ground. As time passed her
stomach felt alright.

“Drink some water.”

Braha summoned a water spirit and slowly poured it over her lips.


Venna let out a deep breath as if she would live for now.

Braha apologized again.

“Sorry… I wouldn’t have done it if I knew.”

“It is fine. We arrived quickly.”

Venna smiled and looked around. Unlike the entrance, which was full
of trees, the centre wasn’t full of trees.

However, there were a lot of rare trees which couldn’t be seen on the
outside. Among them was a flower with a faint white glow, which
Venna wanted to pick.


Braha grabbed her wrist.

“It’s poisonous. No matter how close to forest we are, the skin melts
the moment it touches it.”


“Yes. There are many plants here that attract their prey with their
beautiful appearance and scent. The deeper we go, the more careful
we need to be.”

“…but why is he fine?”


Venna pointed to the one behind them.

When she looked there, Behemoth was chewing on something. The

poisonous plant that Braha warned them of.

“Behemoth is fine?”


A small beast which chews on poisonous plants which melts the


Braha rubbed her forehead and said,

“That one is an exception so ignore that.”


“Still, it is absurd. He can eat that one too?”

Braha mumbled and took the lead.

After walking for a while, an open field appeared.

Basically, it was an heterogeneous space in the forest, which was


Braha said.

“Only you can enter from here.”



“Can't I go too?”

“You will have to wait with me here. From now, it is the realm of
The empty fields were a place of Valkyrie.

Venna heard that the Valkyrie lived in a place called “Fountain

through which time flows”.

But there was no fountain here.

“You will find out everything once you go. Everyone is waiting for

Braha was listening to something with her eyes closed.


“…I am going.”

With a tensed face Venna stepped ahead and Behemoth cheered for

“Don’t worry! I am here so don’t be afraid and run ahead!”


Hearing the cheers gave her little strength. Venna took a deep
breath and moved ahead.

At that moment, she wondered if the space was moving and the
pastel colors, like those from a book, began to flow over.

White trees grew in a dreamy background, and the grass on the floor
was swaying softly as if welcoming her.

A small fountain in the distance could be seen.

There were little birds of various colors sitting and singing on a
slender branch in the centre.


Venna walked towards the fountain like a bewitched person.

Her pink hair turned red, and fairy wings slowly spread out from her

[It's been a really long time since I was here.]

Philion, who was silent, spoke as if he was up from a long sleep.

A loud laugh too.

Venna closed her eyes and listened to the voice.

-You are back.

-The princess is back.

-Let the queen know.

-Let’s hurry and tell the queen!

When she opened her eyes, beautiful women like elves were flying
around with flapping wings.

It was her first time meeting them, but someone there seemed gave
her a sense of familiarity.

-Follow me princess.

One of them held out their hand.

Venna held the hand without hesitation.

-The queen is waiting.

The place where she was led and followed to was a place where
there was a huge

tree which soared to the sky. There was a hole at the bottom of the
tree with flowers decorating it.

The moment she saw it, Venna felt tears run down her cheeks.

The forgotten memories began to come back.

-Venna. My cute daughter.

-Your mother made a wreath for you.

-My daughter. Come into your mother’s arms.

-Even if you one day succeed your mother and become a queen,
you will always be my daughter.

-My dear daughter, sleep well.

The face was blurry so she couldn’t remember it that well, but she
remembered sleeping in someone’s hands.

At that time, the warm hand made her feel comfortable.

The one who loved her more than anyone.

All of a sudden, tears were running down her cheeks.

Venna covered her mouth and her shoulders shook.


“My daughter.”

The moment she heard the voice, the blurry face became clear.

Venna called out to the beautiful Valkyrie with red hair who was
descending from the sky.


“Venna. My lovely daughter!”

Venna ran for her.

How could she forget such precious memories?

Unable to hold back the tears, she embraced the queen, Hippen.

Hippen gently stroked her daughter’s hair.

“To meet… like this again…”

She shed a single tear as she hugged her daughter.

The mother and daughter who were forcibly separated for 10 years
hugged each other for a while, as if they would never separate

“My daughter has grown a lot?”

Hippen said, wiping Venna’s puffy eyes.

Venna exhaled and said,

“Yes… I grew a lot.”

“Right. 10 years. It's been 10 years.”

Once the memory came back, she thought the flying ones around
her were familiar ones too.

“Are you hurt anywhere? Sick? Totally fine, right?”

Although Valkyrie were famous for being warlike, they were a race
warmer than anyone to their own blood.

Venna had a terrible past, but she didn’t want to talk about it.

“Not hurt. Everything was fine.”

“I am glad. I really am. To find you…”

Hippen clenched her teeth as she recalls the past.

Not wanting to show it to her daughter, she bowed her head and
Venna wrapped her arms around her mother.

“Everything is fine. I am back.”

“Yes… let’s not separate again.”

“There are more people I should introduce to you.”

“You mean the children out there?”

The report must have been given.

An elf and a bull-like beast who came with Venna. She didn’t pretend
to not see the people who guided her precious daughter all the way

“Bring them.”

-Yes, my queen.

One Valkyrie went to pick up Braha and Behemoth at her orders.

After a while, the two who were guided saw Hippen and bowed their

“I greet the queen of Valkyrie.”

“Elf of which forest?”

“I am Braha of Sepid Forest.”

“Sepid… then Mulan’s child.”


Mulan was the high elf from Sepid Forest.

“Thanks to you I got to see my daughter again.”

“It had to be done. It is the providence of nature that forest fairies

stay in the forest.”

“Right. But that one?”

Unlike Braha, who was polite, Behemoth introduced himself

As he spoke like that, the other Valkyries glared at him but Hippen
raised her hand and stopped them.

“My daughter’s benefactor.”


The ones around took a step back at that.

The queen had absolute power, and the other Valkyries were her

“You are a strange being.”

“You look exactly like Netis.”

All the Valkyries including Hippen looked surprised at the word Netis.

Hippen asked.

“…how do you know Miss Netis?”

“Who is Miss Netis?”

At Venna's question, the Valkyries were a bit surprised and Hippen

frowned as she replied.

“…the first queen. Our ancestor.”

Braha was surprised at this.

The history of Valkyrie is as long as elves, and if the first queen, then
it had to be the forgotten history of Valkyrie.
She knew Behemoth was an old beast but not old enough to know
the first queen.

Hippen looked at Behemoth with watchful eyes and asked.

“What are you??”

“I have no intention of telling you that. However, I will only say the
thing that my Master has asked me to relay.”

Behemoth spoke in an unusually serious voice.

“Queen. The time will come when we will fight again. Then will you
be brave like Netis or hide behind the trees like cowards? The choice
is yours.”

Hippen couldn’t say anything in reply.

Behemoth shrugged and said to Venna,

“And Venna.”

“Yes, Behemoth.”

“Stay healthy. And don’t neglect your training. You are born with a
mission to protect his back someday.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Then I need to go.”

Behemoth blinked and began to leave without looking back.

Venna called for Behemoth who was leaving.

“A-Are you just going to go? Behemoth! Behemoth!”

But Behemoth left.

Braha too bowed and spoke to Venna.

“Venna. Be happy.”

“Miss Braha!”

“If we meet each other again, let’s get to know each other.”

And Braha disappeared.

Venna ran as hard as she could but she couldn’t catch up to them.

She cried and mumbled.

“What is this lackluster parting…”

Hippen came over and rubbed her back.

“You will meet them again, do not feel disheartened.”


Behemoth and Braha had plans. But they could have stayed a little

Holding back the tears, she shouted.

“Next time, next time we meet, I will be stronger than now! I


“Is it alright if we just leave?”

“Is there anything to think of? Where there is a meeting there is also
a parting waiting. And it isn’t like we will never meet again.”

Braha saw the bull walking in front of her, swaying its ass.

Even if he did say that, the walking form seemed sad, but he didn’t
seem to be regretting it.

She felt sorry to break away from Venna whom she had been close
with for a month… It was unfortunate.

“Come on. To the Frontier or whatever.”

“Yes. Let’s go quickly.”

Braha smiled and summoned the wind spirit.

The two disappeared with the wind.

Document Outline
Chapter 150 Clues (1)
Chapter 151 Clues (2)
Chapter 152 Clues (3)
Chapter 153 Rich (1)
Chapter 154 Rich (2)
Chapter 155 Test (1)
Chapter 156 Test (2)
Chapter 157 Test (3)
Chapter 158 Test (4)
Chapter 159 How dare you (1)
Chapter 160 How dare you (2)
Chapter 161 How dare you (3)
Chapter 162 How dare you (4)
Chapter 163 How dare you (5)
Chapter 164 Why did you do it? (1)
Chapter 165 Why did you do it? (2)
Chapter 166 Why did you do it? (3)
Chapter 167 New Realization (1)
Chapter 168 New Realization (2)
Chapter 169 New Realization (3)
Chapter 170 New Realization (4)
Chapter 171 New Realization (5)
Chapter 172 Destroy (1)
Chapter 173 Destroy (2)
Chapter 174 Destroy (3)
Chapter 175 Destroy (4)
Chapter 176 After a Long Time (1)
Chapter 177 After a Long Time (2)
Chapter 178 The First (1)
Chapter 179 The First (2)
Chapter 180 Lord of Loneliness (1)
Chapter 181 Lord of Loneliness (2)
Chapter 182 Lord of Loneliness (3)
Chapter 183 Family (1)
Chapter 184 Family (2)
Chapter 185 Family (3)
Chapter 186 Family (4)
Chapter 187 Family (5)
Chapter 188 Initiation (1)
Chapter 189 Initiation (2)
Chapter 190 Initiation (3)
Chapter 191 Omniscient (1)
Chapter 192 Omniscient (2)
Chapter 193 Omniscient (3)
Chapter 194 Omniscient (4)
Chapter 195 Fake (1)
Chapter 196 Fake (2)
Chapter 197 Fake (3)
Chapter 198 The End (1)
Chapter 199 The End (2)
Chapter 200 Epilogue: Meeting and Farewell

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