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Lesson 1. Accompainments


Garlic mojo sauce confit Ice cream cone


Fish steeped in white Stuffed

filled marinated

Bain marie Pancetta

Lettuce bed Avocado bed

Garlic Mojo Sauce

“Garlic Mojo” is a sauce which is made out of stiring together the garlic, oil and salt in an 8x8-inch pan (make
sure all the garlic is submerged), slide it into the oven and bake until the garlic is soft and lightly Brown.

This is the mojo chiken

These are confit mojo potatoes
This is the mojo fish


“Confit “A confit is a technique traditionally used to preserve meats by cooking them in their own fat.

The chicken is confit with red wine and some coriander

The catch of the day is confit with some vinegar

to cause to stay in a liquid, especially in order to become soft or clean, or to improve flavor:

We had pears steeped in red wine for dessert.

Stuffed of an item of food. Having the cavity filled with a savoury or sweet mixture.

Stuffed green peppers

The chicken is stuffed with some Green veggies and red bell pepper
The canelones are stuffed with grounded beef and mozarella cheese
Mild flavour adjective. You describe food as mild when it does not taste or smell strong, sharp, or bitter, espe-
cially when you like it because of this.
Submerged succulent
Allow me to tell you that you may find your food quite spicy; it has some pepper in it.

Pronunciation /AKOMPANID/

1. Accompanied by

The new york wagyu is accompanied by some mushrooms,

miso sweet potatoes and a balsamic truffle sauce
The waffles are accompanied by syrup.

2. It is served with

The cornish is served with mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus

Today’s catch is served with marinated mushrooms and parmesan cheese

3. It Comes with

The “frito di mare“ comes with squid, octupus, shirmp and lemon alioli


Accompanied by It is served with It comes with

It is made with + ingredientes

We use make with For food and drinks

The cocktail is made with sprite, some tequila and red fruits
The sauce is made with red tomatoes, garlic, some salt and jalapeño pepper.

It is prepared with + ingredients

Food Preparation means the ability to prepare a simple meal including a sandwich, cereal, or a frozen meal
The sauce is prepared with green tomatoes , garlic and salt. It’s not spicy.

It is mixed with + ingredients

The sauce is a mixture of different spicies
The salad is mixed with vinagrette and cruttons

It is marinated with + ingredients

The chicken is marinated with some wine sauce and orange juice
The steak has been previously marinated with some lemon juice, spicies


It is made with It is prepared with It is mixed with It is marinated with

Sikil pak

(Sikil p'ak) Sikil pak is a thick Yucateco dip with Mayan

origins. It is prepared with a combination of tomatoes,
onions, pumpkin seeds, coriander, orange juice, and
habanero chili pepper.

Spicy, sweet, and sour, it is typically seasoned only with

salt, then served with tortilla chips on the side.

Quelites plant

The name “Quelites” comes from the Nahuatl word

quilitl, which means “edible plant or weed”.
The quelites is a Prehispanic and eatable plant in the
mexican cousine


Purslane Amaranthus quelite Little rosemary Quelite cenizo Huauzontle quelite

Papalo quelite =
= = = = or aztec broccoli
verdolaga quintonil romeritos wild greens

Watercress alache Epazote chaya Hoja santa Chepiles o

= = epazote = chipilín
berro Sacred leaf

Lesson 2. Adjectives to describe food

240 Adjectives to Describe Food in English

 Flavored = con sabor

 Flavorful = con sabor
 Acid = acido  Fleshy = carnoso
 Acidic = acido  Fluffy = peludo
 Ample = amplio  Fragile = frágil
 Appealing = atractivo  Free = libre
 Appetizing = apetitoso  Fresh = fresco
 Aromatic = aromatico  Fried = frito
 Astringent = astringente  Frozen = congelado
 Baked = horneado  Fruity = con frutas
 Balsamic = balsamico  Furry = peludo
 Beautiful = hermoso  Caked = apastelado
 Bite-size = de una mordida  Calorie = con calorias
 Bitter= amargo  Candied =cubierto de azucar
 Bland = blando  Caramelized= caramelizado
 Blazed = brillante, flama  Caustic = cáustico
 Blended = licuado  Center cut =The loin-center cut is
 Blunt = deasafilado prepared from the Middle by the re-
 Boiled = hervido moval of the belly by a cut at a spe-
 Briny = salado cified distance from the ventral edge
 Brown = tostado of the eye muscle and parallel to the
 Burnt = quemado backbone (measured from the cra-
 Buttered = enmantequillada nial end).
 Famous = famoso  Cheesy = con queso
 Fantastic = fantastico  Chocolate = con chocolate
 Fetid = fétido  Cholesterol free = sin colesterol
 Fiery = ardiente  Chunked = troceado
 Filet = fileteado  Classic = clásico
 Fizzy = efervecente  Classy = elegante
 Flaky = escamoso  Delight = deleite
 Flat = plano  Distinctive =distintivo
 Cold = frio  Doughy = amasado
 Cool = frio  Dressed =con aderezo
 Crafted = hecho a mano  Dripping =sumergido
 Creamed = encremado  Dry = seco
 Creamy = cremoso  Dull = aburrido, fea, sencilla
 Crisp = crujiente  Edible = comestible
 Elastic = elastico
8  Ethnic= étnico
 Oily = grasosa
 Open face
 Garlic = con ajo
 Organic = organica
 Generous = generoso, que es mucho
 Overpowering = intenso
 Gingery = con gengibre
 Palatable = apetecible
 Glazed = con azúcar glass
 Penetrating = penetrador
 Golden = dorado
 Peppery = con picante
 Gorgeous = fabuloso
 Perfection = perfeccción
 Gourmet = gourmet
 Petite = pequeño
 Greasy = con grasa
 Pickled =en curtido
 Grilled = a la parrilla
 Piquant = picante
 Gritty = arenoso, granuloso
 Plain = simple
 Harsh = áspero
 Pleasant= agradable
 Heady = embriagador
 Plump = rellenita, regordeta
 Honey = amielado
 Poached = pocheado
 Hot = picante
 Popular =popular
 Icy = gélido, con hielo
 Pounded = machacado
 Infused = infundido
 Prepared = preparado
 Insipid = insipido
 Prickly = espinoso
 Intense = intenso
 Pulpy = pulposo
 Juicy = jugoso
 Pungent = picante
 Jumbo = grande
 Pureed = puré
 Kosher = kosher
 Rancid = rancio
 Large = largo
 Rank = desagradable
 Lavish = pródigo, fastuoso
 Reduced = reducido
 Lean = magra
 Refresh = refrescante
 Leathery = correoso
 Rich = fuerte
 Lite = from light , ligera
 Ripe = maduro
 Lively = vivo
 Roasted = rostizado
 Low = bajo
 Robust = robusto
 Low-fat = baja en grasa
 Rotten = podrido
 Luscious = delicioso
 Rubbery = elástico
 Marinated = marinada
 Saccharine = con sacarina
 Mashed = en puré
 Saline = salina
 Mellow = suave
 Salty = salado
 Mild = leve, ligero en sabor
 Sapid =sápido , con sabor
 Minty = amentado
 Saporous = con sabor
 Mixed = mezclado
 Satin = satinado
 Moist = humedo
 Satiny = satinado
 Mouth-watering= hacer agua la boca
 Sauteed = sauteado
 Nationally famous= famoso nacional-
mente  Savorless = sin sabor
 Natural = natural  Savory = con sabor
 Nectarous = con nectar  Scrumptious = para chuparse los
dedos, de rechupete
 Non-fat = sin grasa
 Sea salt = sal de mar
 Nutmeg = con sabor a nuez moscada 9
 Seared = cauterizada  Tangy =
 Seasoned = sasonizada  Tantalizing =
 Sharp = con filo  Tart =
 Sharp-tasting  Tasteful=
 Silky = sedoso  Tasteless =
 Simmered = a fuego lento  Tasty = sabrosa
 Sizzling = chispeante  Tender = suave
 Skillfully =  Tepid
 Small = pequeño  Terrific =
 Smelly = oloroso  Thick = gruesa
 Smoked = ahumado  Thin = delgada
 Smoky =  Toasted = tostada
 Smothered=  Topped
 Soothing  Tossed
 Soporific  Tough = dura
 Sour = ácido  Traditional = tradicional
 Special = especial  Treacly
 Spiced = picante  Treat
 Spicy = picante  Unflavored = sin sabor
 Spiral-cut  Unsavory = sin sabor
 Spongy = esponjoso  Unseasoned =
 Sprinkled = espolvoreado  Vanilla con vainilla
 Stale = echado a perder  Velvety = aterciopelado
 Steamed = al vapor  Vinegary= avinagrado
 Sticky = pegajoso  Warm = caliente
 Strong = fuerte  Waxy = acerado
 Stuffed = relleno  Weak = debil
 Succulent = suculento  Whipped = batido
 Sugar-coated= cubierto de azucar  Whole = entero
 Sugared = azucarado  Wonderful = maravilloso
 Sugar-free = sin azucar  Yucky = asqueroso
 Sugarless = sin azucar  Yummy = rico
 Sugary = endulzado  Zesty = energico
 Superb = magnifico  Zingy = alegre
 Sweet = dulce  Cured = curado
 Sweet-and-sour = agridulce  Crunchy = crujiente
 Sweetened = dulce
 Syrupy= con jarabe

Drizzle =

Refers to the process of pouring a very fine stream of liquid, such as melted butter or a
sugar glaze over food for decorative purposes and/or to add flavor.
As another example, chocolate syrup is commonly drizzled over ice cream or cake to
improve the appearance as well as to add flavor.

 Extraordinary = extraordinario
 Delectable = delicioso
 Delicious = delicioso
 Cutting = cortado
 Dazzling = deslumbrante
 Deep-fried = frito


Choose a dish from the menu and present it to the guest, use structures for accom-
painments, ingredients and adjectives.



Drizzle =Drizzle. Refers to the process of pouring a very fine stream of liquid, such as
melted butter or a sugar glaze over food for decorative purposes and/or to add flavor.
As another example, chocolate syrup is commonly drizzled over ice cream or cake to
improve the appearance as well as to add flavor.

 Extraordinary = extraordinario
 Delectable = delicioso
 Delicious = delicioso

Spicies .( SPISIS) A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring or coloring food.

Condiments. A substance such as salt, mustard, or pickle that is used to add flavour to food.

Herbs . Any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavouring, food, medicine, or perfume.

Worcestershire sauce


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