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Christopher Wenger

Student Book
Level 3

Christopher Wenger
Student Book

Christopher Wenger

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Student Book

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ISBN: 978-1-64763-102-4

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UNITED-SB3-FM-220406.indd 2 4/7/22 2:53 PM

Student Book

SCOPE & SEQUENCE.......................................................................................................................................................................... ii
USEFUL CLASSROOM LANGUAGE.......................................................................................................................................iv
UNIT 1 FREE TIME ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................................................1
UNIT 2 WHO DID IT?..............................................................................................................................................................8
UNIT 3 IN THE OLD DAYS................................................................................................................................................15
UNIT 4 EDUCATION.............................................................................................................................................................22
PROGRESS CHECK UNITS 1–4 ............................................................................................................29
UNIT 5 ON VACATION.........................................................................................................................................................31
UNIT 6 THE WORLD WE'LL LIVE IN.......................................................................................................................38
UNIT 7 A DAY OUT................................................................................................................................................................45
UNIT 8 MY PLANS MIGHT CHANGE.....................................................................................................................52
PROGRESS CHECK UNITS 5–8 ...........................................................................................................59
UNIT 9 TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................................................................................61
UNIT 10 THE BEST SIGHTS..............................................................................................................................................68
UNIT 11 HAVE YOU EVER?...............................................................................................................................................75
UNIT 12 MY RÉSUMÉ............................................................................................................................................................82
PROGRESS CHECK UNITS 9–12 .........................................................................................................89

Audio Files, Videos, and

Lexical Lists available on the Online Workbook and
United Companion site: Pronunciation Lab available on the
united-companion-sites United Platform site:

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FREE TIME ACTIVITIES Leisure activities People talking about the Simple past: Irregular verbs

fun activities they did
over the weekend

WHO DID IT? Clues Someone talking about a Simple past: Question forms

2 missing item Conjunctions: and, but, and or

IN THE OLD DAYS Activities from the past Talking about changes Habitual actions in the past

3 over time with used to

EDUCATION Fields of study Talking to a college-age Past continuous

4 Milestones child about his education Before, after, while, when


ON VACATION Months of the year One person asking Future with be going to:

5 Seasons
Vacation activities
another about
vacation plans
statements and questions

THE WORLD WE'LL Environment Discussing life in the Future with will for predictions

6 LIVE IN future

A DAY OUT Preparing for outings Talking about going to an Zero conditional with if, when,

7 amusement park unless

MY PLANS MIGHT Conditions that affect Talking about weekend First conditional with may,

8 CHANGE outcomes and choices plans might, could, will probably


TECHNOLOGY Gadgets Trying to impress Comparative adjectives with -er

9 Describing gadgets someone with a new

Comparative adjectives with

THE BEST SIGHTS Tourist attractions Giving recommendations Superlative adjectives with -est

10 to a person visiting a
different city
Superlative adjectives with the

HAVE YOU EVER? Dangerous or adventurous Discussing adventurous Present perfect with ever and

11 activities activities never

MY RÉSUMÉ Work experience Discussing a job Present perfect with for and

12 Personal qualities application and

Present perfect with already
and yet



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Timed out People talking about what they Saying what you did over the Writing about what you did on
did over the weekend weekend your last vacation

Who broke the vase? People talking about something Describing what happened Preparing a list of questions to
that is missing or that has solve a problem

Music, then and now People talking about how they Talking about what you or a Comparing your life now with
used to do things family member used to do another's in the past

Studying abroad: Is it for you? People talking about important Talking about making plans Writing about what you were
influences and decisions doing at this time last year

Sights to see People talking about what they Talking about what you are Writing about what you are
are going to do on vacation going to do on vacation going to do this weekend

The future of medicine is tiny People talking about how life Talking about what life will be Writing about how the world
will be in the future like in the future will change in 100 years

Twelve simple rules to live by Friends making plans to go Talking about making plans Writing advice and listing rules
somewhere fun

Don’t let it get you down People talking about weekend Talking about weekend plans Writing about what you will do
plans and what might change and what might change tomorrow

Technology: Good or bad? People comparing their new Talking about replacing an Writing about how your life
gadget with an older version older item with a new one changed because of technology

The most interesting places People talking about places Talking about interesting places Writing about why you would
that are interesting to them like to visit different places

Daring work People talking about Talking about things you’ve Writing about being
adventurous activities done or want to try adventurous or not

Interview don’ts People talking about Talking about why you are Writing about a dream job
qualifications during a job qualified for a position


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Asking for Help Giving Opinions
Excuse me. / Sorry. I think he’s / she’s right.
I don’t understand. I think you’re / they’re right.
Can you help me, please? This / That answer is better.
I didn’t hear you. I think we’re done.
How do you say in English?
How do you spell ? Agreeing
What does mean? Yes, exactly.
Of course.
Checking and Clarifying Me too. / Me neither.
What did you say? I think so.
Can you say that again? That’s true.
Did you say ? You’re / He’s / She’s / They’re right.
Which activity are we doing? I agree with you / him / her / them.
What are we supposed to do?
What’s the answer to number [one]? Disagreeing (Politely)
What do you think? I don’t think so.
I don’t think that’s right.
Pair and Group Work I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.
Do you have a partner? I’m not sure about that.
Would you like to work together?
I need a partner. Giving Encouragement
I don’t have a group. Good answer!
Can you check my answers? Great job!
Well done!
Taking Turns That was interesting / very good / fantastic!
Do you want to go first?
Do you want to do number [one]? Showing Appreciation
Do you want me to start? Thanks. / Thank you.
I’ll go after you. Thanks a lot. / Thank you very much.
I really appreciate it.
That was very nice of you.


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Vocabulary Listening

Leisure activities People talking about what they did over the
People talking about the fun activities they Speaking
did over the weekend Saying what you did over the weekend
Grammar Writing

GOALS Simple past: Irregular verbs

Timed out
Writing about what you did on your last

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Vocabulary | Leisure activities

A| Listen and repeat.

get together with friends go to the gym

go biking go to the park
go out to eat have coffee with friends
go shopping have fun/a good time
go to a baseball game see a movie

B | Look at the pictures. Write the correct words to complete the sentences.

eat gym movie shopping time

1 2 3 4 5

Last night we I saw a __________ They went I went to the We had a good
went out to this weekend with _____________ on __________ before ___________ at the
___________. my family. Sunday. work yesterday. lake last summer.

C | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

We got into / around / My brother and I went to a She went to the gym / movie /
together / inside with friends baseball game / track / win / baseball game / park to read.
on Friday night. sport last month.

4 5

Yesterday I had time / a movie / coffee / together with We went shopping / to a baseball game / biking /
friends after school. out to eat on our last vacation.

2 UNIT 1

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D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.

E| What did your classmates do yesterday? Say a sentence. Your classmate will
say true or false.

Brian went Chris went

ziplining. swimming.

True. False.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Luna What did you do this weekend?
Ken On Friday night, I went out to eat with my family.
Luna I went shopping with my sister. She visited us this
Ken Great! What did you do Saturday?
Luna We got together with some of her friends.
Ken I went to the gym in the morning, and I went to a baseball
game Saturday evening.
Luna We stayed home Saturday evening.
Ken Did you have fun?
Luna Actually, no, I didn’t. My aunt had dinner with us. And I had to look at all the photos from
her vacation.
Ken You’re right. Looking at other people’s photos is not fun…not at all!
Luna That’s for sure. But Sunday we went to the park and had a fun picnic. We even took lots of
great photos.
Ken That’s a great way to finish the weekend.
Luna Hey, I have the photos from our picnic on my phone. Here…take a look.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Luna’s sister lives with her.

2 ___ Luna’s aunt visited her family Saturday evening.

3 ___ Ken doesn’t like to look at other people’s photos.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


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Grammar | Simple past: Irregular verbs
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Affirmative and Negative Statements

I saw the movie at the theater. I didn’t see it at home.
He didn’t have dinner at home. We had dinner at an Italian restaurant.
She went to Thailand two weeks ago. She didn’t go to Vietnam.
I read a mystery novel. I didn’t read a science fiction novel.
They made pies for my birthday. They didn’t make cakes.
I didn’t get up early on Saturday. I got up really late.

Questions Answers
Did you eat pizza for dinner? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
What did you do last weekend? I ate delicious seafood with my family.
Where did you go on your vacation? I went to Australia.

B | Write the simple past of the verbs in parentheses.

1 2 3

A What did you do last night? A Did Emily go to college in A Where did they see the movie?
B I ______________ (have) California? B They _____________ (see) it at
dinner with my friends. B No, she didn’t. She ___________ the theater near their house.
(go) to school in New York.

4 5 6

A Did you get together with A What did Mike do yesterday? A Did you meet your friends at
your family for your birthday? B He ________________ the party?
B No, we ________________ (make) dinner for his family. B Yes, I did. I _______________
(not get) together because I (meet) my college friends.
was out of town.

C | Look at the conversation on page 3. Underline all the simple past verbs.

D| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

I saw my cousins
• Who did you see yesterday? • Where did you go last weekend? yesterday.
• What did you eat for dinner last night? • When did you get up this morning?

4 UNIT 1

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A| Read and listen.

Timed out
How many hours a week do you think people should work?
Do you believe that employers should give workers paid vacation time? How people answer
those questions often depends on where they live. Many countries require that employers
give workers paid time off.
The government of Austria makes employers give workers 35 days off a year (13 public
holidays and 22 vacation days). Austrians also work fewer hours than people in some other
countries. The average Austrian employee works 1,330 hours a year, or around 25 hours a
Other countries, however, don’t require employers to give paid time off at all. In the USA, for
example, there is no paid time off requirement. In fact, 1 in 4 Americans don’t get any paid time
off of work. Americans also work more than many other countries. Americans work an average
of 1,797 hours a year (around 34.5 hours a week).
Employees need time to relax and time with their families. This helps them perform better
at work. So if you have a choice of where to live and work, you might consider moving to a
country with a good vacation time policy and fewer working hours.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Some countries don’t give any paid time off at all. 4 ___ Employees need time for themselves.
2 ___ Austria gives employees 35 days off a year. 5 ___ Austrians typically work 35 hours a week.
3 ___ America guarantees 30 days off a year. 6 ___ Americans typically work fewer than 30
hours a week.

A| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1 a They met for breakfast / lunch yesterday. 3 a They went camping for a week / the weekend.
b The restaurant only accepted / didn’t accept b At first the weather was nice / cloudy.
credit cards. c Then it got cold / started to rain.
c She got her ID / went to the bank and came back. 4 a She did some errands / went for a walk yesterday.
2 a They saw a scary movie / children’s movie last b First she bought a newspaper / cup of coffee.
weekend. c Then she made a phone call / went to the park.
b It was about a monster in a lake / a big city.
c The actors / special effects were fantastic.

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A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.

What did you do this morning after What did you do last weekend?
you got up? Use words like first, OR Describe what happened. Use
next, and then. irregular verbs in the simple past.


On Saturday I got together

First I got out of bed. Next,
with my friends. The weather
I walked to the kitchen and
was terrible, so we went bowling.
made some coffee.
We had a lot of fun!

I took a shower and got dressed. Last Sunday I didn’t get up

Then I checked my work email early. I stayed in bed until 9:30.
and my calendar for the day. I love Sundays!

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

What did you do after What did you eat for Where did you go that
that? breakfast? afternoon?

6 UNIT 1

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A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My last vacation was over the holiday season. I drove to my cousin’s

house, and our families spent time together. I took some of the children
to see holiday decorations. Then, we went out to dinner and stayed
up late. We got up early one day to go skiing. I took a lesson from a
ski instructor. We watched a couple of movies together, too. It was a
relaxing trip.

• Where did the writer go?

• Did the writer have a good time? How do you know?
• Does this vacation sound fun to you? Why or why not?

B| Write about what you did on your last vacation. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to
help you.

I went...
hiking in the mounta
overseas for the firs
t time.
My last vacation to Miami to visit my
last summer.
two months ago.
st year.
at the end of la

It was a(n)…


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Vocabulary Listening

Clues People talking about something that is
missing or that has changed
Someone talking about a missing item Speaking
Describing what happened
Simple past: Question forms Writing

GOALS Conjunctions: and, but, and or

Who broke the vase?
Preparing a list of questions to solve a

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Vocabulary | Clues

A| Listen and repeat.

close missing
open the same color as
locked a different color
busy put it here
sick put it over there

B | Look at the pictures. Write the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 2 3

The window was open / closed / She was very late / early / busy / The door was open / missing
missing / locked and the sky was crowded yesterday afternoon but / opened / locked and I didn’t
bright. she finished everything. have the key.

4 5 6

My boss was early / sick / My brother was late and forgot I put / showed my bag here,
missing / opening, but he stayed to close / buy / open / move but it’s gone now.
at work. the door.

7 8 9 10

The chair is a different I went to the shelf and one She came home from the The cat was the same
color than / the same book is there / missing. trip and put her bag over color as / a different
color as the wall. / under there. color than the dog.


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C| Listen and practice saying
the sentences in B. Your glasses
Your hair is are a different color
D| Work with a partner. Make
the same color than mine.
sentences about things around
as mine.
you using the vocabulary in A.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.

Matt That was a great birthday party.

Briana It was lots of fun, but now I’m exhausted.
Matt Me too. I’m just going to put all the cups over there on the table, and then I’m going to bed.
Briana I love the new shoes you got me. They’re the same color as the necklace Nadia gave me.
Matt Hey, Briana, my new wallet is missing.
Briana Where did you leave it?
Matt I left it here on the table.
Briana Why did you leave it on the table?
Matt I always leave it on the table.
Briana When was the last time you saw it?
Matt Karen was next to the table, and I gave her
a piece of your birthday cake. I looked at the
clock on the table. It was 10:00 p.m.
Briana Did you see your wallet then?
Matt Yes. I saw it then.
Briana Who else did you notice near the table?
Matt A little later, Ken and Thomas put their drinks on the table.
Briana Were their drinks near your wallet?
Matt No. I saw their drinks on the table, but I didn’t see my wallet.
Briana Maybe it fell on the floor, or maybe you put it in your pocket.
Matt It’s not on the floor, and it’s not in my pocket. Did you see my wallet on the table?
Briana No. I only saw a small box of gum on the table, and that was why I put it here in the desk.
See. Here it is.
Matt That’s it! That’s my new wallet.
Briana What?
Matt I lost my old wallet yesterday and I made that box my new wallet!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ It was Matt’s birthday.
2 ____ The last time Matt saw his wallet was 10:00 pm.
3 ____ Ken and Thomas put the cake on the table.
4 ____ Briana put a box in the desk.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

10 UNIT 2

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Grammar | Simple past: Question forms
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
Who was in the room with you? My brother was (in the room with me).
What did he do after dinner? He went to bed.
When did he get home? He got home late at night.
Where did she go? She went to the grocery store.
Why was he in the house? I don’t know.
Was she here yesterday? No, she wasn’t. She was sick.
Did he see anyone in the room? Yes, he did. He saw his grandmother.

B | Complete the questions and answers. Use the words below. Some words are used more than once.

did were didn't when was where wasn't why

1 A ________________ ________________ you last night?

B I ________________ at the library.
2 A ________________ Jane go to the library with you?
B No, she ________________.
3 A ______________ ______________ you see the man with the black hat?
B I saw him early in the morning.
4 A ________________ he alone?
B No, he ________________.
5 A ________________ ________________ she come home so late?
B Because she ________________ busy at work.

Grammar | Conjunctions: and, but, and or

And is used to link two
C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation. similar ideas.
Conjunctions He went home and went to
I put my bag on the desk over there, and I went to class. But is used to link two different
He got home, and the door was open. ideas.
I called my mom, but she didn’t
She wasn’t at work yesterday, but she wasn’t sick. answer.
I heard noise in the room, but nobody was there. Or is used to link alternative
ideas (choices).
She went shopping. She had a large, blue bag, or maybe it was a small, red bag.
She’s at school or at the library.
He wasn’t home that day. He was at work, or he was at the library.

D | Complete each sentence with the correct conjunction.

1 The bus stopped, ________ a man got out.
2 I called the house, ________ nobody answered.
3 I couldn’t get inside the house. The doors were locked, ________ the windows were closed.
4 I can’t remember where I left my wallet. I think it’s in the house ________ at my office.
5 I heard an animal outside, ________ I couldn’t see anything.
6 I don’t know where my neighbors are. Maybe they moved, ________ they are on a long vacation.

E | Look at the conversation on page 10. Underline the conjunctions and, but, and or.

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A| Read and listen.

Who broke the vase?

Sandra Oh no! Someone broke my favorite vase. There’s water everywhere, and these flowers are dead.
Ryan When did it happen?
Sandra Well, the vase was fine before I went to the store an hour ago.
Katherine I was upstairs reading. But I did hear a noise downstairs. Who else was in the house?
Javier When did you go upstairs? I was outside cutting the grass, but you were in the kitchen when I
went out.
Katherine I went upstairs about half an hour ago, after I fed the cat. The vase was fine when I went upstairs.
Ryan I was at work. Sandra and I got home at the same time.
Javier So downstairs was empty for the last fifteen minutes, but someone broke the vase.
Who could have broken the vase?
Katherine Where is the cat?
Sandra She ran outside when I opened the door with the groceries. Look, there are her wet footprints.
Javier Well, we should clean up this mess before someone steps on glass, or tracks water through the house.

Who do you think broke the vase?

B | Complete the sentences. Write Sandra, Katherine, Javier, or Ryan.

1 ____________ was at the store. 4 ____________ was at work.
2 ____________ was upstairs reading. 5 ____________ fed the cat.
3 ____________ was cutting the grass. 6 ____________ let the cat outside.

A| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the picture. One picture is not used.
a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3
1 What happened at the corner of 3 Where did the man lose 5 Who paid for half of the broken
Oak Street? his money? computer?
a A car crashed into a building. a He left it in the store. a The man’s mother.
b A car crashed into another car. b He left it at the ATM. b The man’s boss.
c A car crashed into a tree. c He left it in the taxi. c The man’s friend.

2 Why did the driver walk away 4 How will they get money 6 When will he get the loan?
from the accident? now? a It will take a week to process
a He was afraid of getting a ticket. a They will use the woman’s the application.
b He was confused. money. b It will take two weeks to
c He didn’t want to talk to the b They can use his credit process the application.
reporter. card. c It will take a month to process
c They will get a loan. the application.

12 UNIT 2

UNITED-SB3-U1-2-220406.indd 12 4/7/22 2:54 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.

Talk about something you lost or Say a riddle or tell a joke using a
broke in the past. OR question and answer.


One time I lost my wallet.

I have a joke for you. What has
I left it on a park bench. I
four legs but can’t walk?
found it later, but all the
A table!
money was gone.

The other day I broke a coffee

cup. It was my boss’s favorite cup. Here’s a riddle. Why was 6
I was so nervous, but she was OK afraid of 7? Because 7 8 (ate) 9!
about it.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

Did you talk to the police Do you know any other

about it? What did you say to your jokes?


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A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My flip flops are missing. I wore them at the pool.

Where did I change into my sneakers? Which lifeguard
was on duty? What time does the pool open tomorrow?
What is the phone number of the pool office? Which
friend was with me when I changed into my sneakers?

• What did the writer lose?

• What did the writer wear after she left the pool?
• Do you think the writer will get her flip flops back?

B| Try to solve a problem by writing a list of questions that might help you find a solution or
answer. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I don’t k
now whe
report. re I put
s/ my…
y c e ll p h one / key jacket.
s phone c
sunglasse harger.
are missin ort / watch
My bag /
is missing.

when I…
Where was I
last saw it /
/ them?
last used it
last had it /

14 UNIT 2

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Vocabulary Listening

Activities from the past People talking about how they used to do
Talking about changes over time Speaking
Talking about what you or a family member

used to do
Habitual actions in the past with used to
Comparing your life now with another's in
Music, then and now
the past


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Vocabulary | Activities from the past

A| Listen and repeat.

dial a rotary phone listen to records rent videotapes

go to drive-in movies look things up in an encyclopedia use a card catalog at the library
go to a video game arcade play hide-and-seek watch cartoons
have only three TV channels play music on cassettes write letters to pen pals

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2 3 4

My mother used to ____ My parents used to ____ People used to ____ to They used to ____ after dark.
in other countries. every weekend. find information. a play music on cassettes
a play hide-and-seek a rent videotapes a play music on cassettes b go to drive-in movies
b rent videotapes b write letters to pen pals b use a card catalog at c use a card catalog at the
c write letters to pen pals c go to drive-in movies the library library
c rent videotapes

5 6 7 8

My sister and I used to My grandmother used to We used to ____ when we When he was a kid, he used
____ when we were little. ____. She made mixtapes wanted to talk to someone. to ____ every Saturday.
a play hide-and-seek with her favorite songs. a dial a rotary phone a go to a video game arcade
b rent videotapes a rent videotapes b go to a video game b have only three TV
c write letters to pen pals b play music on cassettes arcade channels
c write letters to pen pals c listen to records c watch cartoons

9 10 11 12

Back then, everyone used My brother used to ____ At school, students used In the old days, people
to ____. every morning before to ____. used to ____.
a watch cartoons breakfast. a watch cartoons a go to a video game
b go to a video game a dial a phone number b have only three TV arcade
arcade b watch cartoons channels b only have three TV
c listen to records c listen to records c look things up in an channels
encyclopedia c listen to records

16 UNIT 3

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C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Talk about the activities in A. How is life different now? Tell a partner.

Most people don’t listen to

records now. They listen
to music online or on their

A| Read and listen to the conversation.

Ana I love looking at old photos!

Hugo Look at this old TV. It’s my grandparents’.
Ana Oh, wow. They didn’t use to have hundreds of channels like today.
Hugo They used to have only three TV channels, and I used to watch cartoons on that TV.
Ana Did your grandparents use to go to the drive-in movies?
Hugo Yes. They didn’t have big theaters, and they used to look things up in an encyclopedia.
Ana There wasn’t any internet like today.
Hugo That’s for sure. Look at their phone in this photo. They used to have this big rotary phone.
Ana No cell phones. No texting.
Hugo Our grandparents really used to live a simple life.
Ana Our grandparents really used to live a boring life!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 How many TV channels did their grandparents use to have?
a 33 b3
2 Where did their grandparents use to watch movies?
a in big theaters b in drive-ins
3 Which type of phone did their grandparents use to have?
a rotary b cell

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


UNITED-SB3-U3-4-220406_v2.indd 17 4/7/22 3:06 PM

Grammar | Habitual actions in the past with used to

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Habitual actions in the past with used to

When I was a kid, I used to play hide and seek with my cousins.

We used to have only three TV channels, but nowadays we have over 500.
I didn’t use to like most vegetables, but I eat them all the time now.
Did your grandparents use to have a black-and-white TV?
What TV shows did they use to watch?

B | Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1 2 3

I use to / uses to / used to / use John didn’t uses to / use to / used Tomoko didn’t use to / used to /
play video games all the time. to / use play golf. has / was eat vegetables when
she was young.

4 5 6

Pietro didn’t use to / uses to / What did / do / are / have you Did they used to / use / used /
used to / use watch TV. use to do with your friends? use to go to drive-in movies?

C| Complete the sentences. Tell a partner. Your partner will ask follow-up questions.
1 When I was a baby, I used to
_______________________________________. When I was a
2 When my parents were children, they used to baby, I used to sleep
_______________________________________. with a teddy bear.
3 When I was twelve years old, I used to
4 One hundred years ago, people used to

18 UNIT 3

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A| Read and listen.

Music, then and now

Today, it is easy to get music. If you hear a song on the radio, you can use an app to find out the
name of the song. You used to have to buy a CD or a cassette. Now you can download songs or
listen to music on demand on several streaming services. This new way of listening to music has
changed the music business. Musicians used to make more money. People used to buy the whole
album. Musicians got part of the money. Now people listen online and artists get less money.
It used to be harder to carry music around. All of the music
was on CDs or cassettes, and you needed special players if
you wanted to bring your music with you. Now you can listen
to anything you want to on your phone or tablet, and you
don't have to carry around CDs or cassettes.
The way we access and listen to music has changed a lot, but we should try to make sure that
artists get paid if we want them to keep making music that we love.

B | Look at the items below. Choose Then or Now for the type of music technology.

1 Apps to find out the name of a song Then Now

2 Cassette tapes Then Now
3 Streaming music Then Now
4 Cassette player Then Now
5 CD player Then Now
I listen to music online
C| How do you listen to music? How did you use to listen to now. I used to listen to
music? Tell a partner. CDs.

A| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture. One picture is not used.

a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the speaker next to the sentence.

1 ___ I used to stand in a long line to check out. 4 ___ When I was at school, we didn’t have computers.
2 ___ It’s much faster and easier. 5 ___ That store is gone now.
3 ___ They were called LPs. 6 ___ Now, I download all my music onto my mobile

UNITED-SB3-U3-4-220406_v2.indd 19 4/7/22 3:06 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.
Talk about something you used to do when Talk about something a family member
you were younger that you don’t do now. OR used to do in the past that he or she
doesn’t do anymore.


I used to read every night

before going to sleep. I’m not When I was younger, I used
sure why I stopped. Now I to do martial arts. I didn’t
just get on social media and like it. I only did because my
watch videos on my phone mom made me. She finally let
before bed. I should start me stop when I turned 13.
reading again.

My mom used to bake every

My uncle used to travel a lot.
weekend. She made pies, cakes,
He went all over the world.
cookies, and other special treats.
But now he’s older. He has
But now she has to work weekends
problems with his knees and
with her new job, so she doesn’t do
can’t move around very well.
that anymore. I miss it!

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

What are some

What do you like to places he traveled Do you like to bake
read? to? too?

20 UNIT 3

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A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Life is very different now than it was when my

grandparents were my age. For one, no one had cell phones
back then. Some people didn’t even have a phone in their
house! And most houses were smaller with only one bathroom.
Now, a lot of houses have two or more bathrooms. These
days, many families have two or more cars, but back then,
most families only had one car. Times sure have changed
since my grandparents were my age!

• How does the writer say homes were different?

• How many cars does the writer say most families used to have?
• Have your parents or grandparents told you how life used to be for them?

B| How does your life now compare to your parents’ or grandparents’ lives when they were your
age? Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


People used to…

use typewriters.
There weren’t… pay only with cash.
coffee shops eve listen to the radio.
smart TVs.
credit cards.

These days, we
the internet.
cell phones.
public scooters.


UNITED-SB3-U3-4-220406_v2.indd 21 4/7/22 3:06 PM


Vocabulary Reading
Fields of study Studying abroad: Is it for you?

Milestones Listening
Conversation People talking about important influences
Talking to a college-age child about his and decisions
education Speaking

Grammar Talking about making plans
Past continuous Writing
Before, after, while, when Writing about what you were doing at this
time last year

22 UNIT 4 22

UNITED-SB3-U3-4-220406_v2.indd 22 4/7/22 3:06 PM

Vocabulary | Fields of study

A| Listen and repeat.

biology education
business administration engineering
communications English
computer science political science
economics psychology

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

After he studied ____, he got a job My mother worked as a secretary When I studied ____, we learned
at a major corporation. while studying ____. about blood cells.
a engineering a political science a education
b biology b computer science b psychology
c economics c engineering c biology
d English d business administration d political science

4 5 6

While she studied ____ she worked Before I studied ____, I didn’t We read Shakespeare’s plays while
at a television studio. understand the stock market. studying ____.
a engineering a engineering a engineering
b communications b economics b biology
c computer science c education c English
d education d environmental science d political scinece

7 8 9 10

After I studied ___, I could She met many wonderful I never thought about We learned about legal
fix my laptop. students while she was dreams before I studied ___. systems while studying ___.
a political science studying ___. a engineering a engineering
b computer science a education b political science b biology
c economics b psychology c computer science c political science
d business administration c biology d psychology d environmental science
d political science

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.


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D| Listen and repeat.

graduate from (university) return to my hometown study for my final exams

look for a job study abroad travel around (Europe)

E | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1 2 3

After I graduated from university, I I learned English when I studied _____. Before I left Europe, I traveled ___ by
returned to my ____. a around c abroad train.
a nationality c hometown b round d broad a around c outside
b final exams d education b inside d across

4 5 6

I began to ____ a job while I was still He studied for his ____ after he finished She was living in Australia when she
studying business administration. working at the restaurant. ____ from university.
a finish c look for a final exams c university a began c finished
b study d know about b education d political science b left d graduated

F| Listen and practice saying the sentences in E.

G| Which of the fields of study in A are interesting to you? Tell a partner.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Carlos While I was studying for my final exams last week, I decided to take a year off from school
and travel around Europe.
Mother Hmmm. When I was growing up, students graduated from university first.
Carlos Well, nowadays, after we graduate, we have to immediately look for a job.
Mother Why don’t you take a short trip after you graduate but before you look for a job?
Carlos Mom, my major is education. I should take a year off and travel around Europe.
Mother Why?
Carlos Think about it. After I live abroad for a year, I’m going to be a great teacher.
Mother When I was finishing university, we had programs to study abroad.
Carlos Hmm…study abroad.
Mother While I was living in Mexico, I was part of a study abroad program. You
could continue your studies while you travel around Europe.
Carlos I like that idea.
Mother That makes both of us!

24 UNIT 4

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B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.
1 Where does Carlos want to travel? a South America b Asia c Europe
2 How long does Carlos want to travel? a one month b six months c 12 months
3 What is Carlos’s major? a education b economics c engineering
4 What does Carlos’s mother suggest? a look for a job b study abroad c study economics

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Grammar | Past continuous

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Past continuous
I was watching TV last night. She was studying at lunch time.
You were talking on the phone at 10:00. We were taking the bus to Boston.
He was getting ready for work in the morning. They were looking for a job.

B | Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of the verb in the parentheses.
1 Maria ____________________________ dinner at 7:00. (eat)
2 Mark ____________________________ an exam when his phone rang. (take)
3 They ____________________________ their kids to school. (drive)
4 I ____________________________ my dog in the park. (walk)
5 We ____________________________ food at the grocery store. (buy)
6 Joanne and I ____________________________ for the final exam last night. (study)

Before, after, while, when

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Adverb clauses with before, after, while, when

Before I look for a job, I want to travel around Europe for a few months.
After I graduated from university, I returned to my hometown.
While I was studying for my final exams, I fell asleep.
He was talking on the phone when I arrived.

D | Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 ___ I was studying computer science a I’m going to celebrate.
2 ___ You should start looking for a job b you should think about what kind of job you want.
3 ___ After I get a job, c I traveled all over Europe.
4 ___ When I was a child, d before you graduate from college.
5 ___ While I was studying in France, e I wanted to be a police officer.
6 ___ Before you graduate from college, f while I was in school.

E| Take turns asking and answering the questions

with a partner. At 9:30 last night
I was watching a
• What were you doing at 9:30 last night? sad show on TV.
• What do you want to do after you finish this class ?
• What were you thinking about when you woke up today?


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A| Read and listen.

Studying abroad: Is it for you?

Many people study abroad during high school or college. There are a lot of benefits to
studying abroad. You can learn a lot about yourself, and you can learn skills that will help
you later in life.
Wanting to become fluent in a language is a great reason to study abroad. Many study
abroad programs are immersive. You’ll get more out of it and be less frustrated if you know
some of the language before you go.
Studying abroad can help you learn more about your own culture as well as learning to
recognize the differences between cultures. It exposes you to new cultures and lifestyles.
Many people who study abroad form close connections with students from their host
country. These relationships can turn into lifelong friendships.
Students who intern while studying abroad find that the internships influence future career paths. Many companies are looking for
graduates with international experience. It can really give you an edge when looking for jobs.
Studying abroad is a wonderful and fulfilling experience. If you have the opportunity, you should give it a try for a semester. Who knows,
you may fall in love with a whole new country!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Wanting to become fluent in another language is a bad reason to study abroad.
2 ___ Studying abroad teaches students nothing about other cultures.
3 ___ Students who worked at internships while studying abroad had better career prospects after graduation.
4 ___ Many people make lifelong friendships while studying abroad.
5 ___ It helps to know some of the language before you study in a foreign country.

A| Listen. Check (√) the terms you hear.

 biology  business administration  education  engineering

 English  language  political science  psychology

B| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the speaker next to each sentence.
1 ____ She made the class so interesting.
2 ____ Finally, I got tired of it.
3 ____ Now I’m a therapist with my own practice.
4 ____ I would recommend it to anybody.
5 ____ I’m taking over the business.
6 ____ Now I’m completely bilingual.
7 ____ Now I have a much better job.
8 ____ I really didn’t want to go.

26 UNIT 4

UNITED-SB3-U3-4-220406_v2.indd 26 4/7/22 3:06 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.

Talk about what you’re studying Talk about your career plans
now and why.
OR and goals.


I’m taking psychology

classes right now because I love languages, so right
I’m interested in human now, I’m studying English.

I want to be a therapist I hope to someday be

someday. I want to help an English teacher. I will
people have fulfilling and continue to study English so
productive lives. that I can become fluent.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

Are there any other

What age group do languages you want Is there any other
you want to work with? to learn? Why? career you’re thinking
Why? about? Why?


UNITED-SB3-U3-4-220406_v2.indd 27 4/7/22 3:06 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Last year, I was living in a different apartment, and I had a different

job. When I first moved here to California, I didn’t know where nice
but affordable apartments were located. I picked something from
an online source. While I was living in my first apartment, I got to
know Los Angeles. I decided I wanted to live in a less crowded
area, so I moved again. Making a second move in one year was
significant because I was nervous about the effort and expense.
But after I moved again, I had a shorter commute to work. So, I had
enough time to meet friends and find a better paying job!

• Why did the writer move again?

• Why was the writer’s second move significant?
• What were you doing a year ago?

B| Write about what you were doing this time last year. How is your life different? Use the
information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I decided…
it was time to go ba
Last year I… ck to
wasn’t going to school. I needed a change.
was dating someone to become more
was living with my

So I… sh
ig n e d u p f or this Engli
class. nd.
e u p w it h my boyfrie
got my own

28 UNIT 4

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A | Complete the sentences with words from the box. Two words are not used.
biology business cassettes channels close coffee
color dial locked missing rent shopping

1 This isn’t my jacket—it’s Susan’s. Mine is the same ________________ as hers.

2 My brother is really good at science. He’s studying ________________ at college.
3 Can you believe that some people don’t know how to ________________ a rotary phone?
4 I need some help. My car doors are ________________ and my keys are inside.
5 Sometimes we stop on our way home from class and have ________________ with some friends.
6 She got a degree in ________________ administration and then started her own company.
7 In the 1990s, we used to ________________ videotapes and watch movies at home.
8 I need to go ________________ this weekend and buy a new dress to wear to a wedding.
9 My wallet is ________________. I put it on the kitchen table, but now it’s gone.
10 When our grandparents were young, they only had three TV ________________ to watch.

B | Check your answers with a partner.

A | Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.

Jenn What is that thing?

Dale Oh, wow. That’s an old arcade game. I 1 used to play / was playing that when I was a kid.
Jenn How much 2 did / was it cost to play?
Dale At that time, I think we 3 paid / was paying 25
cents to play one game.
Jenn A quarter to play a game? That is so cheap!
Dale Yeah, well, we 4 used / used to a lot of quarters
before / when we went to the arcade. There
used to 6 be / was a big video game arcade
next to the movie theater. Sometimes my
parents 7 going / went to the theater to watch
a movie, and while they were 8 watched /
watching, we 9 played / playing video games.
Jenn That sounds like fun.
Dale It was.
Jenn I guess that was 10 before / when the internet existed.
Dale That’s right. Now you can play a lot of these old games, but you can do it on your phone!

B| Listen and check your answers. Then practice the conversation with a partner.


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Language in Use
A | Read the sentences and look at the pictures. Match each picture with two of the sentences. Write
the letters.
1 ___ The window was open while it was raining 5 ___ I used to have a camera, but I don’t need
last night. one now.
2 ___ She studied education, and now she’s a 6 ___ Did you close the car windows?
teacher. 7 ___ I use my phone to take pictures all the
3 ___ What did your sister study in college? time.
4 ___ I went out to eat with some friends. 8 ___ Where did you go last weekend?

a b

c d

B| Choose one of the photos. Write a conversation with a partner. Role-play your conversation.

Check Your Progress

A | How well do you know these things? Rate yourself. Circle one, two, or three stars.

Unit Vocabulary Grammar

1 Leisure activities Simple past: irregular verbs
Simple past: Question forms
2 Clues
Conjunctions: and, but, and or
3 Activities from the past Habitual actions in the past with used to
Fields of study Past continuous
Milestones Before, after, while, when

B | Go back to Units 1–4 and review any language that you need more help with.


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Vocabulary Reading
Months of the year Sights to see

Seasons Listening
Vacation activities People talking about what they are going
Conversation to do on vacation
One person asking another about Speaking

vacation plans Talking about what you are going to do
Grammar on vacation
Future with be going to: statements and Writing
questions Writing about what you are going to do
this weekend


UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 31 4/7/22 2:55 PM

Vocabulary | Months of the year
A| Listen and repeat.

January April July October

February May August November
March June September December

B | Look at the calendar. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 February 1st is the day after December / January / 7 Our trip is going to take almost two months. We’ll
March / April 31st. begin in August and end in July / November /
2 His birthday is in September. His wife’s birthday December / September.
is the next month, in November / October / 8 The month after May is July / June / April / March.
December / August. 9 We’re going to rent this house in July and May /
3 We’re going to spend a week in Paris. We will arrive April / September / August.
in March and leave in June / May / July / April. 10 January 1st is the day after February / November /
4 After June 30th comes August / July / May / April October / December 31st.
1st. 11 The conference will be from July / May / April /
5 We’re going to travel for two weeks, from January / August 28th to June 3rd.
February / March / May 27th until April 10th. 12 June / May / February / April is the shortest month.
6 November / January / October / September 30th
is the day before December 1st.

C| Listen and repeat.
spring summer fall winter

D | Look at the pictures. Write the correct season to complete each sentence.

1 2 3 4

I’m going to ski this Trees change colors in the We’re going to the beach Flowers begin to grow in the
________________. _______________. this ________________. ________________.

E| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and D. May is my

Summer is my
favorite month.
F| What is your favorite month? What is your favorite favorite season. I
My birthday is
season? Tell a partner. love swimming!
in May.
32 UNIT 5

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Vacation activities
G| Listen and repeat.

spend a week in _____ buy souvenirs relax by the pool

go sightseeing take a lot of pictures send postcards to my family

H | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
1 2 3

She’s going to send money / My boss is going to exercise / Remember to buy / sell / take
signs / postcards / friends to relax / travel / picnic by the pool a lot of pictures on your trip.
her family from Europe. this afternoon.

4 5 6

Are you going to buy souvenirs / We’re going running / sightseeing / My parents are going to travel / buy
pictures / postcards in Mexico? pictures tomorrow morning. / spend a week in Costa Rica.

I| Listen and practice saying the sentences in H.

I like to go I like to take a
J| What do you like to do on vacation? Tell a partner. sightseeing on lot of pictures on
vacation. vacation.
A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Wes I love summer!
Debbie Aren’t you going to go on vacation soon?
Wes Yes. I always take my vacation in the summer. I’m going to leave for
Costa Rica on July 1st.
Debbie That’s great! Is it going to be a long flight?
Wes It’s only going to take about three hours.
Debbie How long are you going to be there?
Wes I’m going to spend a week total.
Debbie It’s a beautiful country. Are you going to take lots of pictures?
Wes No! I’m going to go on vacation! I’m not going to take any pictures.
Debbie What are you going to do then?
Wes I’m going to go surfing for four days.
Debbie Are you going to visit San José?
Wes Yes. I’m going to stay in a nice hotel for three days in San José.
Debbie You’re going to have lots of time to relax by the pool.
Wes I know. When are you going to take your vacation?
Debbie I’m not going to leave until January.
Wes In January! Why are you going to take your vacation in the middle of winter?
Debbie Well, it’s going to be really difficult to go snow skiing in the middle of summer!


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B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).
1 ___ Wes likes to take his vacations in the summer.
2 ___ Wes doesn’t like to take pictures on vacation.
3 ___ Wes doesn’t want to relax by the pool.
4 ___ Debbie isn’t going to take her vacation in July.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Grammar | Future with be going to: statements and questions

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Affirmative and negative statements

I’m going to go to Bali next summer.
She isn’t going to go shopping this weekend.
You’re going to visit your grandmother in July.
They’re not going to go sightseeing. They’re going to relax on the beach.

Questions Answers
What are you going to do next summer? I’m going to spend a week in Costa Rica.
When are you going to go to Costa Rica? I’m going to go in June.
Where are you going to stay? I’m going to stay at my friend’s house.
Are you going to go sightseeing? Yes, I am.

B | Complete the sentences using be going to and the verb in parentheses.

1 I ________________________ you a postcard from Hawaii. (send)
2 A ____________ you ____________________ me a souvenir from your trip to Italy? (buy)
B Of course!
3 A Where ____________ you ____________________ in December? (go)
B I’m going to go to Australia.
4 We ________________________ on the beach all weekend. (relax)
5 They ________________________ a lot of pictures of old buildings in Europe. (take)

C | Look at the conversation on page 33. Underline all the phrases with be going to.

D| What are you going to do this weekend? Tell a partner.

I’m going to go shopping I’m going to go to an

with my sister. art museum.

34 UNIT 5

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A| Read and listen.

Sights to see
Kyoto, Japan
If you want to see something beautiful, then you should visit Kyoto the last week of March through mid-
April. That’s the cherry blossom season. There are cherry trees all over the city. Sometimes they bloom all
at the same time; sometimes they bloom at different times. Make sure you make hotel reservations early
because everything fills up well in advance.
San Francisco, California, USA
San Francisco is a beautiful place to visit at any time of year. Summer is the most crowded time to visit. In
April and October you will enjoy clearer skies and the most moderate temperatures. There are many sights
to see there. You can hike to the Golden Gate Bridge or you can just drive over it. There is also The Presidio
and Muir Woods.
Machu Picchu, Peru
The ruins of this ancient city are located in the beautiful mountains of Peru. Peru can be rainy and warm
but the temperatures are always between 50˚F and 85˚F in the mountains. The best time to go is during
the dry season between July and August, when the nights are cooler and the days are pretty dry.

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct place. Write K (Kyoto), SF (San Francisco),
or MP (Machu Picchu).
1 ___ You can see lots of cherry blossoms. 4 ___ You should visit in late March through early April.
2 ___ You should go in April or October. 5 ___ Summer is the most crowded time to visit.
3 ___ You should visit between July and August. 6 ___ It is the ruins of an ancient city.

A| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct activities.

a ___ spend a few days in the capital g ___ stay in a dorm

b ___ speak Chinese all the time h ___ study abroad
c ___ do volunteer work with friends i ___ watch a giant ball at midnight
d ___ take a train to the rain forest j ___ go to Times Square on New Yearʼs Eve
e ___ stay at small hotel k ___ clean trash and fix trails
f ___ do some sightseeing l ___ do conservation work


UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 35 4/7/22 2:55 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.
What are you going to do on your next Talk about your plans for a special event in
vacation? Talk about your plans using the OR the near future. You can say what you are
future with be going to. going to do for an important holiday, for
example, or your birthday.


Next summer I’m going to go We’re going to take my parents

to Los Angeles. I’m going to out for their 50th wedding
go to the Griffith Observatory. I anniversary. We’re going to
can’t wait! have lunch at a nice hotel.

In February my family and I are We’re going to have a

going to go to Québec City. karaoke party for my best
They have a winter carnival friend’s birthday. It’s going to
every year. It’s cold, but it’s fun! be a surprise.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

When are you going

How long are you going to go? How many people are
to be there? going to be there?

36 UNIT 5

UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 36 4/7/22 2:55 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

This weekend, I’m going to begin training for a half

marathon. I’m going to get up early on Saturday and run
along the river path. Then, I’m going to buy groceries that
will help me keep up my energy and not be hungry. In the
afternoon, I’m going to relax and maybe watch a movie. On
Sunday, I plan to do a short run just to stay ready.

• What is the writer going to do this weekend?

• Why is the writer going to do this?
• Do you like running? Why or why not?

B| Write about what you’re going to do this weekend. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF
to help you.

I’m going
meet so ..
me frie
stay ho nd
kend,… me and s.
This wee ,… sleep. get lots
s t / T h en / Next of
F ir
r d a y / S unday,… take a
On Satu g / a fternoon
/ class.
r n in
In the mo
At night,…

I’m not going
o relax.
have time t
check my em
leave my ho


UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 37 4/7/22 2:55 PM


Vocabulary Listening

Environment People talking about how life will be in
the future
Discussing life in the future Speaking
Talking about what life will be like in
the future

Future with will for predictions
Writing about how the world will change
The future of medicine is tiny
in 100 years


UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 38 4/7/22 2:55 PM

Vocabulary | Environment
A| Listen and repeat.

continue to plastic bottles

recycle take public transportation
glass bottles take classes online
metal cans electronic goods
paper products oil

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

In the future, will people ___ to read Soda won’t come in ___ any more. People will still ___ materials at home.
newspapers? a glass bottles a continue
a online b oil b take
b continue c paper products c recycle
c recycle d electronic goods d public
d electronic

4 5 6

What foods will come in ___ in one Most people will take ___ In the future, ____ goods will use
hundred years? transportation. less energy
a plastic bottles a oil a metal
b glass bottles b public b paper
c paper products c recycle c plastic
d metal cans d online d electronic

7 8 9 10

People won’t use ___ very Do you think that ___ will Many people will take Will people continue to
often. be even more expensive? classes ___. recycle ___?
a plastic bottles a electronic goods a at school a oil
b glass bottles b paper products b in space b plastic bottles
c metal cans c oil c online c paper products
d paper products d recycling d inside d metal


UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 39 4/7/22 2:55 PM

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| What do you do to help the environment now? Tell a partner.

I try to ride my bike to I always carry a reusable

work most days. I don’t water bottle and a reusable
usually drive my car. shopping bag. I never buy
plastic water bottles.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Mark Listen to this! In 40 years, students will not go to
Beth What?
Mark They will take all their classes online.
Ivanna Where are you reading that?
Mark It’s from this blog about the future. Also, there will
be very little oil. So most people will take public
transportation or ride bikes.
Ivanna It sounds like the environment will continue to be in
Beth I’m not worried. We’ll recycle metal cans, plastic bottles, and paper products.
Mark Most people will use solar power in their homes.
Beth With solar power, we’ll have a cleaner environment in 40 years.
Ivanna What does the blog say about water?
Mark There won’t be enough clean water for the world. Water will become very expensive.
Beth I’m still not worried.
Ivanna Are you serious? Without water, there will be more deserts. The temperatures will rise.
Mark Now listen to this. People won’t send text messages. They’ll use video messages.
Beth What? Now that scares me!
Ivanna I don’t understand. That sounds cool.
Beth Video messages. Think about it. I look beautiful now. But in 40 years, I’ll look old!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 What is Mark reading? a a blog b a magazine c a newspaper
2 What won’t be recycled? a metal cans b plastic bottles c electronic goods
3 What will people use instead of text messages? a video messages b emails c letters

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

40 UNIT 6

UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 40 4/7/22 2:55 PM

Grammar | Future with will for predictions

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Future with will for predictions

Most people will use solar energy in their homes.
Most people in big cities will ride a bicycle or take public transportation to work.
Students will study and take classes online instead of going to school. ’ll will
will not won't
There won’t be enough water. Water will become very expensive.
Many people won’t know how to use a pen or pencil.
People won’t send text messages. They’ll only send video messages.

B | Complete the sentences using the future with will and the verbs in parentheses.
1 Robots ________________________ (do) most of the work that people do now.
2 All students ________________________ (use) tablets in class. They ________________________
(not use) pen and paper.
3 We ________________________ (see) mostly driverless cars on the roads.
4 People ________________________ (not go) shopping in stores. They ________________________
(shop) online only.
5 Space tourism ________________________ (be) available for everyone at an affordable cost.
6 People ______________________ (not buy) televisions anymore. They _________________ (watch)
TV shows only on mobile devices.

C | Look at the conversation on page 40. Underline all examples of the future with will.

D| Read aloud the sentences in B. Take turns giving your opinion about the statements with a
partner. Use the prompts below.

I agree I don't agree

completely. at all.
I mostly I don't really
agree. agree.

I think so. I don't

think so.


UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 41 4/7/22 2:55 PM

A| Read and listen.

The future of medicine is tiny

Machines help us do many things. They can carry people long distances. They can help us make dinner or take money out of the bank. But
can they help us cure cancer? They might someday.
Scientists are using nanotechnology to help them do things that they could never do before. Nanotechnology is a field that includes
building and using structures that are measured in nanometers. A nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter, or 0.000000001 meters.
Nanobots are tiny robots that can carry medicines to individual cells in the body. This can be
very useful for people with cancer. Currently, many cancer patients receive treatments such as
radiation or chemotherapy. These treatments destroy cancer cells, but many healthy cells can
be destroyed at the same time. Nanobots help treat cancer cells without harming healthy cells.
Other uses include “smart pills”—these pills send messages to doctors to tell them when a
patient last took the pill. This can be a useful tool for patients who often forget to take important
Scientists are only starting to discover what nanotechnology can do. Hopefully these tiny
helpers will be able to deliver big results for medicine in the future.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ A nanometer is smaller than a meter.
2 ____ Nanobots are medicines for cancer patients.
3 ____ Nanobots help treat individual cancer cells.
4 ____ Smart pills tell patients when to call their doctor.
5 ____ Smart pills can help patients who forget to take their medication.

A| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the person next to the sentence.

1 ____ That’s going to have serious consequences. 5 ____ I think people are ready.
2 ____ We need to continue doing research. 6 ____ But there’s a bad side to it, too.
3 ____ But it’s hard to know exactly what will happen. 7 ____ New diseases are also on the rise.
4 ____ In one way, that’s good news. 8 ____ That’s changing, though.

42 UNIT 6

UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 42 4/7/22 2:55 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.
Talk about something that you think
What new inventions will we see in
will be a problem in the future. How
the future? OR
will we solve it?


I think all gadgets will become I think there will be even more
wireless and will operate with inventions that can help people
voice commands, like many with handicaps, like the visually
do now. impaired, get around.

I think climate change is

I think homelessness might be
going to be a big problem.
an even bigger problem in the
People need to start thinking
future. We need to help people
about using alternative forms
who can’t work have a place to
of transportation and more
live and food to eat.
renewable energy.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

What type of invention What is a good

would help a visually alternative to a car? How can we help the
impaired person? homeless?


UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 43 4/7/22 2:55 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I predict that over the next 100 years we will start to treat our planet better.
We have to. There will be fewer recyclables and more reusables, like
reusable packaging. I also think there will be more family and community
farms and gardens and less large-scale agriculture. It’s already starting to
happen. As a result, the condition of the soil will improve, and organically
grown food will be more available and cheaper. Hopefully, with better
eating habits and less pollution, people’s health will improve, and there will
be fewer diseases, and people will live longer. I feel hopeful for the future.

• What is one way the writer says people will be better to the Earth?
• How does the writer say people’s health will improve?
• What do you think will happen over the next 100 years?

B| Write about how you think the world will change in the next 100 years. Consider the topics
below. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

• environment • communicating with others

• education • diseases
• technology • space exploration
• shopping • underwater exploration We will have…
more natural disast
robots in our homes.
rockets that go furt
that… t worse.
I predict n t w il l g e
onme the way
the envir c h a n g e
y will
we live.
w il l b e m ore space
there n.
_ about th
I feel __

44 UNIT 6

UNITED-SB3-U5-6-220406.indd 44 4/7/22 2:55 PM

7 A

Vocabulary Listening
outings Friends
Conversation Speaking
park Talking
Grammar Writing



unless Writing


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 45 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Vocabulary | Preparing for outings

A| Listen and repeat.

take an umbrella decide on a meeting place bring a map

take your sunglasses take a book fill your water bottle
wear sunscreen charge your phone wear your headphones
wear comfortable shoes bring bug repellent wear your hiking boots

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3 4

Unless you like getting lost, Before you go hiking, ____. Remember to ____ Before we get together
____. a charge your phone before you go hiking. tonight, we should ____
a bring a map b decide on a meeting a bring a map where we will both go.
b bring bug repellent place b charge your phone a charge your phone
c charge your phone c fill your water bottle c decide on a meeting b decide on a meeting place
place c fill your water bottle

5 6 7 8

When you go to the When you go out for If it’s sunny outside, you If you ride the bus, ____.
woods, ____ to keep lunch today, ____. should ____. a take a book
insects away. a decide on a meeting a charge your phone b take an umbrella
a bring bug repellent place b bring bug repellent c take your sunglasses
b charge your phone b take an umbrella c take your sunglasses
c bring a map c take your sunglasses

9 10 11 12

When you walk to my When you go to the beach, Remember to ____ if you If you like listening to
house, ____. ____ so you don’t get a go for a long walk in the music, ____ when you ride
a wear comfortable shoes sunburn. mountains. the subway.
b wear your headphones a wear your headphones a wear your headphones a bring a map
c take an umbrella b wear sunscreen b take a book b decide on a meeting
c take your sunglasses c wear your hiking boots place
c wear your headphones

46 UNIT 7

UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 46 4/7/22 2:56 PM

C| Listen and practice saying the I always take an
sentences in B. umbrella when I
go out.

D| How often do you do the things

in A when you go out? Tell a partner.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Daphne What are your plans for this weekend?
Matt I’m going to the amusement park.
Daphne That sounds crazy.
Matt Why? I love going to the amusement park.
Daphne Unless you’re OK with crowded places, don’t go to the amusement park on a weekend.
Matt I’m not like you, Daphne. I like being in crowds.
Daphne And, unless you have lots of money, don’t take a taxi to the amusement park.
Matt Don’t worry. I’m taking the bus.
Daphne Well, if you take the bus, take a video game and your headphones. It’s a long and noisy ride.
Matt It’s OK. I like taking the bus.
Daphne When you’re at the amusement park, wear sunglasses and sunscreen.
Matt Daphne, if you’re free this weekend, come to the amusement park with me.
Daphne Thanks, but no thanks.

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Where is Matt going?
a to the amusement park
b to the beach
2 Who doesn’t like being in crowds?
a Matt
b Daphne
3 Is Daphne going with Matt to the amusement park?
a Yes, she is.
b No, she isn’t.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 47 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Grammar | Zero conditional with if, when, unless
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Zero conditional with if, when, unless

When I go to the beach, I take I take sunscreen when I go to
sunscreen. the beach. If and when can be used the same way.
They are interchangeable.
If you take the bus, take a book Take a book with you if you take When/If you go to the beach, take sunscreen.
with you. the bus. Unless is used instead of if / not.
Unless you’re OK with Don’t go to the amusement park I can’t drive unless I have my glasses.
crowded places, don’t go to the on a weekend unless you’re OK ( I can’t drive if I don’t have my glasses.)
amusement park on a weekend. with crowded places.

B | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 If / Unless you go to the beach, take your sunglasses with you.

2 Marco plans to play baseball if / unless it rains.

3 When / Unless the plane ride is really short, take a book or a magazine with you.

4 I usually wear comfortable shoes when / unless I go hiking.

5 If / Unless you go to an amusement park with your friends, decide on a meeting place. It will be
very crowded.

6 You should always take a map of the place you’re visiting when / unless you know the place very well.

C | Look at the conversation on page 47. Underline all the zero conditional clauses.

D| Make up sentences of your own. Tell a partner. Your partner will ask follow-up questions.

1 When _________________________________
I always ______________________________. Unless I’m tired, I never
drink coffee.
2 If ___________________________________,
I usually ______________________________.

3 Unless _______________________________,
I never _______________________________.

48 UNIT 7

UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 48 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Read and listen.

Twelve simple rules to live by

1. If you love someone, tell them. You’ll be glad you did.
2. Unless you have savings, don’t spend your paycheck before you get it.
3. When you make a mess, clean it up.
4. If there is nothing you can do to change a problem, then don’t worry about it.
5. If you are going on a long flight, take one hard book and one easy one. Start with the hard one.
6. When you have free time, exercise. Your body will thank you.
7. If you don’t want to get wet, always take an umbrella with you.
8. When you’re bored, read a book.
9. When you’re with friends in a crowded place, always decide on a meeting place.
10. When you are lonely, call a friend. They are always happy to hear
from you.
11. If you are stressed, stop and take some time for yourself.
12. If something makes you happy, do it.
We should all try to live by these rules. They help us to be happier people in our everyday lives.

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1 You shouldn’t spend your paycheck unless you have savings / another one.
2 If you are going on long flight, you should take two books / music.
3 When you have free time, you should exercise / watch TV.
4 You should always decide on a meeting place / sweater.
5 When you are lonely, you should call a friend / go out to dinner.

A| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.
a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Choose the correct information to complete the sentences.

1 William tells Stella not to have breakfast / lunch tomorrow. He might have trouble finding a meeting place /
a parking spot at the International Food Fair.
2 Gina wants Audrey to bring a jacket / hat and sunscreen on the boat. Gina is taking an umbrella / a map.
3 Sanjay is bringing his brother / camera to the ball game. He wants Tim to bring the tickets / a magazine.
4 Meredith is getting ready for a marathon / bike race. She asks Jack to bring a bottle of water / a snack.


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 49 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.

Your friend may or may not come visit

Talk about what you bring with you
on outings.
OR you today. What do you need to be
ready for?


We always bring food, of

When I go hiking, I wear
course, when we go on
comfortable shoes and carry
picnics. And unless the
a walking stick. And I bring
weather forecast says it’s
water and snacks if it’s going
going to be really hot, I bring
to be a long hike.
a sweater, just in case.

If my friend comes over today,

When my friend comes to
I need to have food ready.
visit, he usually likes to play
She’s usually hungry when
games with my friends, so
she arrives. And unless she
I need to be ready for that
wants to do something else,
unless he decides he wants
we’ll probably listen to and
to do something else.
play music.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

What does she like

Do you bring anything to eat? What else might your
else? friend want to do?

50 UNIT 7

UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 50 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

If you are going to the beach, always remember to…

take a bottle of water or two.
wear sandals that can get wet.
bring a blanket and towel.
have sunscreen with you and put it on!
wear sunglasses and a hat.
bring along snacks for when you get hungry.

• Why do you think the writer says to bring water?

• What else does the writer say you should bring?
• What other “rules” do you think there should be for going to the beach?

B| Give advice for one of the situations below. Write your “rules” for the experience. Use the
information below to help you.
• Traveling with family • Babysitting
• Hosting a party • Going on a roller coaster
• Going ice-skating • Hiking in the woods


Wear ___ clothes.

u s ic t o listen to. warm

m dressy
games to e.
n a v ig a tion devic comfortable

Put on…
a hat.
lip balm.
bug repellent.


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 51 4/7/22 2:56 PM


Vocabulary Listening

Conditions that affect outcomes and choices People talking about weekend plans and
what might change
Talking about weekend plans Speaking
Talking about weekend plans and what might
First conditional with may, might, could, will

GOALS probably
Don’t let it get you down
Writing about what you will do tomorrow

52 UNIT 2

UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 52 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Vocabulary | Conditions that affect outcomes and choices
A| Listen and repeat.

be late for work miss the train

closed for repairs miss too many classes
finish my assignment for school the internet is down
finish my chores at home the weather is awful
finish my errands the weather is nice

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

If the weather is ____, we’ll probably I may be late for work if the road is If the internet is ____, you could
go running in the park. ____. read a book.
a awful a done a down
b down b not working b done
c closed c closed for repairs c closed
d nice d open for business d repaired

4 5 6

We could see a movie tonight if I ____ If you ____, you might not graduate He will probably be in trouble if he’s
this afternoon. at the end of the year. ____ one more time.
a finish my errands a miss the train a closed for repairs
b am late to work b are late to work b late for work
c miss the train c miss too many classes c missing the train
d miss too many classes d go to school every day d finishing his work


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 53 4/7/22 2:56 PM

7 8 9 10

If I ____ early, I’ll help you We could stay inside and If you ____, another one We might go out to eat if
with yours. play a board game if the will probably come in a we ____ soon.
a close my computer weather is ____. few minutes. a finish our chores
b wake up a nice a miss the train b miss too many classes
c miss too many classes b out b are late to work c are late for work
d finish my assignment c down c finish your work d are closed for repairs
d awful d wake up late

C| Listen and say the sentences in B.

If the internet is down,
I can’t watch videos
D| W
 hat do you do if the internet is down? Tell a partner.
on my phone. I read a
book instead.
A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Alexa What are your plans for this weekend?
Carla If the weather is nice, I’ll probably go hiking at the river
tomorrow with my brother.
Alexa That sounds fun.
Carla If you’re free, you could go hiking with us.
Alexa Thanks, but I have a lot of homework and a lot of chores at
home. Oh, Carla, look. There’s Nicolas. He’s so cute.
Nicolas walks up to Alexa and Carla.
Nicolas Hey, you two! If I finish my assignment for school tonight, I’ll probably go to a movie
tomorrow. Would you like to go?
Carla Well, if I call…
Alexa …Nicolas, Carla already has plans with her brother.
Carla And, Alexa, you have homework and chores.
Alexa Don’t be silly, Carla! Nicolas, if you and I work together on your assignment tonight,
we could go to a movie tomorrow.

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Who will Carla go hiking with?
a Alexa b her brother c Nicolas
2 What will Nicolas do tonight?
a finish homework b go to a movie c clean his room
3 What will Alexa do tonight?
a help Nicolas b do chores at home c talk to Carla

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

54 UNIT 8

UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 54 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Grammar | First conditional with may, might, could, will probably
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

First conditional with may, might, could, will probably

If the weather is nice, I may go for a drive along the beach.
If she misses too many classes, she might not graduate at the may, might, could = possibility
end of the semester. will probably = strong possibility
If I finish my errands, I could go to the movies with my friends.
If the internet is down at the coffee shop, I’ll probably go to
the library.

B | Match the two halves of the sentences.

1 ___ If it rains, a we’ll probably stay home and watch movies.

2 ___ You might not pass the test b it might be difficult to find parking.
3 ___ If we take the car, c if they go to the party.
4 ___ They could meet interesting people d I may go to the park with my dog.
5 ___ If the weather is nice this weekend, e if you don’t study.
6 ___ If she takes the job, f she might have to move to Hong Kong.

C | Look at the conversation on page 54. Underline all the examples of the first conditional.

D| Make up sentences of your own using the first conditional. Tell a partner.

1 If it rains tomorrow,
If it rains tomorrow, I
________________________________________. might wear my new
2 If I don’t study for my English test, raincoat.
3 If I finish all my chores at home,
4 If I’m late for class/work,
5 If I’m free this weekend,


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 55 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Read and listen.

Don’t let it get you down

Most people have experienced feeling bad on a cold, rainy day. The weather probably can’t completely
change your mood. If you are feeling happy and upbeat, then a rainy, windy day won’t get you down, but if
you are already feeling bad, then rain, cold, and wind will likely make you feel worse.
One study showed that most people are not affected by the weather. However, many people are affected by
sunlight. The study found that people who see less sunlight often feel more tired. So, in the winter months
when you feel more tired, it is probably because the days are shorter and you aren’t seeing enough sun. One
way that people try to feel less tired in the winter is by using a sunlight lamp. This fake sunlight tricks the
brain into thinking it is getting the real thing.
Another study showed that cold weather or extreme weather like hurricanes or tornadoes can make people
kinder. In bad weather, people can feel closer to each other and want to help each other more. So, the next
time the winter weather is getting you down, try a sunlight lamp, or try volunteering to help people out. Both
things might make you feel better.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Studies show that most people aren’t affected by weather that much.
2 ____ The weather can completely change your mood.
3 ____ People are affected by sunlight.
4 ____ In the winter, you are more tired because it is cold.
5 ____ Extreme weather can make people kinder.

A| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Match the condition with the outcome.

Condition Outcome
1 ____ if it’s windy on the weekend a study on Saturday
2 ____ if the weather is calm b go hiking
3 ____ if I don’t finish assignment on Friday c go shopping
4 ____ if the coffee shop is closed d go to library
5 ____ if it snows e catch a flight
6 ____ if it doesn’t snow f go snowboarding
7 ____ if I don’t have to work g paint the bedroom
8 ____ if I have to work h go windsurfing

56 UNIT 8

UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 56 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.
Talk about a friend or family member’s plans
Talk about your plans for the weekend. What
for the weekend. What condition or situation
condition or situation might change your OR might change their plans? What could they
plans? What could you do instead?
do instead?


If it’s hot on the weekend, I If my friend is free on Saturday,

might go to the beach. If it isn’t we might go ice-skating. If he
hot, I’ll probably stay home and isn’t free, I might ask another
do some chores. friend to go with me.

If my friend Jon’s boss calls,

If it rains on the weekend, my
he might have to work on the
sister is not going on the hiking
weekend. If she doesn’t call, he’s
trip. Instead, she’ll visit our
going to go out with members
of his soccer team.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

Will you go too if

Who will you ask if he doesn’t have to Where do your
your friend’s not free? work? grandparents live?


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 57 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

If there’s a bad storm tomorrow morning, I will probably

leave my house later than usual to avoid the traffic.
If my friend has an extra ticket to a show, I might
leave work early to go. If I have a surprise visitor, I
could suggest we go to a restaurant because my
kitchen is a mess.

• What are the conditions that might change the writer’s plans?
• How might her plans change tomorrow?
• What is something in your near future that you’ve been thinking about doing?

B| Write about what you will do tomorrow. Choose three prompts below and write about how they
may change your plans. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.
• there is a bad storm when you go to work • the bus is late
• you don’t feel well • you forget your lunch at home
• your friend has an extra ticket to a show • your dinner plans are canceled
• you have a surprise visitor • the internet is down at home


I could…
ht… show him/her aroun
I may/mig early. d town.
rk order a pizza.
leave wo late.
get to wo . go to my neighbor’s
read a b use his/hers.

I will probably…
bring an umbrella
stay in bed.
make dinner.

58 UNIT 8

UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 58 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A | Match two groups of letters to make the correct words. Then complete the sentences.

cha comfo ding enirs ing la lic ma mis pic

pub rch rge rtable sed souv spen spr te tures

Hi Sandy,
Hello from Kyoto! We’re 1______________ a week here during our
______________ break from school. We flew to Tokyo first and took a
train to Kyoto. Actually, we 3______________ the first train because we got
to the station a few minutes 4______________. Luckily, 5______________
transportation is very good here, and there are several trains going to Kyoto
every day.
______________ is definitely the best month to come here. You can see
cherry blossoms all over the city. I’m taking a lot of 7______________, so I
have to remember to 8______________ my phone every night. I’m glad we
brought 9______________ shoes because we’re walking a lot every day. We
bought some really great 10______________ today. I can’t wait to show you!
See you soon!

B | Check your answers with a partner.

A | Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.

Mark Hey, Louise. Do you want to go see that new movie The Lost Island next week?
Louise I’d really love to, Mark, but I 1 not going / won’t be here. 2 I’ll / I’m going be on vacation in Florida.
Mark Oh, really? That sounds like fun. What are you 3 go / going to do there?
Louise I don’t know. I 4 might / probably stay in my hotel every day.
Mark What? Why?
Louise I just looked at the weather forecast. It’s 5 going to / may be cold and rainy there next week.
Mark Well, that’s a week in the future. The weather forecast 6 could / will be change between now and then.
Louise That’s true. It 7 going to / might be even worse!
Mark Can you change your dates?
Louise No. 8 If / Unless I cancel my hotel, they 9 couldn’t / won’t give me
my money back. No refunds.
Mark Well, if it’s cold in Florida next week, you 10 could / going to go see
The Lost Island while you’re there!
Louise Gee, thanks.

B| Listen and check your answers. Then practice the conversation with a partner.


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 59 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Language in Use
A | Read the sentences and look at the pictures. Match each picture with two of the sentences. Write
the letters.
1 ___ Will students continue to go to school in the 5 ___ I’m going to spend a week in Paris.
future? 6 ___ I think most students will stay home and take
2 ___ If you want, you could take the train. It’s online classes.
faster. 7 ___ If the weather is nice, we might go hiking this
3 ___ If I take the bus, I’ll probably be late for work. weekend.
4 ___ When I go hiking, I always bring bug 8 ___ What are you going to do on vacation?
repellent with me.

a b

c d

B| Choose one of the photos. Write a conversation with a partner. Role-play your conversation.

Check Your Progress

A | How well do you know these things? Rate yourself. Circle one, two, or three stars.

Unit Vocabulary Grammar

Months of the year | Seasons
5 Future with be going to: statements and questions
Vacation activities
6 Environment Future with will for predictions
7 Preparing for outings Zero conditional with if, when, unless
Conditions that affect outcomes
8 First conditional with may, might, could, will probably
and choices

B | Go back to Units 5–8 and review any language that you need more help with.


UNITED-SB3-U7-8-220406.indd 60 4/7/22 2:56 PM


Vocabulary Listening

Gadgets People comparing their new gadget with an
Describing gadgets older version
Conversation Speaking
Trying to impress someone with a new gadget Talking about replacing an older item with a
new one

Comparative adjectives with -er Writing
Comparative adjectives with more Writing about how your life changed because
of technology
Technology: Good or bad?


UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 61 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Vocabulary | Gadgets
A| Listen and repeat.
fitness tracker smartphone
smart speaker smartwatch
laptop tablet
camera video game system
portable speakers wireless earbuds

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3 4

My ____ is lighter than my Her ____ is newer than That ____ sounds better Her ____ are lighter than
laptop. mine. than my TV. headphones.
a laptop a smartwatch a video game system a speakers
b smartwatch b portable speaker b portable speaker b video game systems
c tablet c smartphone c fitness tracker c cameras
d video game system d laptop d wireless earbuds d wireless earbuds

5 6 7

His ____ is smaller than a smartphone. My ___ was less expensive than a His ____ is much heavier than mine.
a fitness tracker computer. a camera
b laptop a tablet b portable speaker
c camera b camera c smartphone
d smart speaker c portable speaker d tablet
d smartwatch

81 9 10

Their ____ is older than ours. I listen to the news on my __ every day. His ____ was cheaper than mine.
a video game system a laptop a fitness tracker
b portable speaker b smart speaker b smartphone
c smart speaker c wireless earbuds c laptop
d smartphone d video game system d smart speaker

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

62 UNIT 9

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 62 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Describing gadgets
D| Listen and repeat.
cheap expensive heavy light powerful

E | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5

Her tablet is very light / My cell phone is light His new camera These portable speakers That old computer is
powerful / cheap. The / powerful / heavy. is cheap / light / were heavy / powerful so expensive / heavy
apps work a lot faster I can hold it up easily expensive. This one / cheap. I only spent / powerful. I like my
than on my tablet. for a long time. cost over $1,000! $20 on them. laptop. It’s so light!

F| Listen and practice saying the sentences in E.

My phone
G| What gadgets do you have? Take turns describing them with
is heavy.
a partner.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Todd I love these new laptops.
Jen They’re powerful. But my laptop is more powerful.
Todd Jen, don’t be silly. Your laptop isn’t more powerful than this new one.
Jen Whatever.
Todd Look at my smartphone, Jen. It’s newer than yours.
Jen So what?
Todd It’s more powerful than yours… just like the new laptops here are more powerful than yours, too.
Jen Ha! Your phone is heavier than mine.
Todd No, it isn’t. It’s lighter and faster than yours.
Jen Mine has a great camera, Todd.
Todd Mine does, too. And my camera takes better pictures than yours.
Jen You’re crazy.
Todd And your phone was more expensive than mine.
Jen Wait. Is that really your new smartphone?
Todd Yes, it is.
Jen Todd… yours isn’t lighter or faster or cheaper than mine.
Todd Sure it is. What do you mean?
Jen Look! We have the same phone!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Todd and Jen are looking at laptops in the store.
2 ___ Jen’s smartphone doesn’t have a good camera.
3 ___ Jen’s smartphone is faster than Todd’s.
4 ___ Todd and Jen don’t have different smartphones.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 63 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Grammar | Comparative adjectives with -er

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation. Spelling changes when adding -er
Base Comparative
Comparative adjectives with -er
-e nice nicer
His smartphone is lighter than mine. It’s smaller, too. Short vowel +
big bigger
My tablet is bigger than his. It’s heavier, too. one consonant
The new laptop is cheaper at the other store. -y heavy heavier
I think the design of the new camera is better than the older model. good better
bad worse
The quality of my new phone’s functions is worse than my old phone.

B | Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1 My new fitness tracker is __________________ (small) and __________________ (light) than my old one.
2 The voice on Karen’s smart speaker is __________________ (friendly) than the one on my smart speaker.
3 You should buy these headphones. They’re __________________ (cheap) than wireless earbuds.
4 Connor’s new camera takes __________________ (good) pictures than my
5 The screen of my new TV is much __________________ (wide) than my
old TV screen.
6 The quality of the picture on this tablet is __________________ (bad) than
that one.

Comparative adjectives with more

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Comparative adjectives with more Comparative adjectives

with more
These speakers are more powerful than the speakers in the other store, For most adjectives with two or
but they’re more expensive, too. more syllables (except where
The video games these days are more interesting than the ones in the past. the second syllable is -y), use
more + adjective.
Technology makes our lives more convenient.

D | Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1 I think computer games are ____________________________ (exciting) than video games.
2 Smart TVs are ____________________________ (expensive) than regular TVs.
3 These speakers are ____________________________ (powerful) than the ones I bought a few years ago.
4 Computers these days are _________________________ (advanced) than the ones I used when I was a kid.
5 A smartwatch is ____________________________ (convenient) than a phone because you just wear it
everywhere you go.

E | Look at the conversation on page 63. Underline all the comparative adjectives.

F| Compare different items you see in your class. Use the These books
comparative forms of the adjectives below. are heavier than
heavy small light cheap that tablet.
interesting big useful expensive

64 UNIT 9

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 64 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Read and listen.

Technology: Good or bad?

Technology is everywhere. It makes our lives easier in many ways. Smartphones let us stay in touch
with online friends as easily as with local friends. However, technology can also be a problem. Some
people are concerned that technology can make it harder to connect.
We made some changes to the technology rules in our home recently. When everyone comes home,
they have to leave their phones by the front door. The kids aren’t allowed to use them until after
homework and dinner. My husband and I try to stick to that too. We have a sit-down dinner every
night with no television. We talk about our day. This has helped our family feel more connected.
I had a problem with the internet. I spent more time online chatting with people, looking at websites,
and reading stories than I did with my family and friends. I couldn’t stay off of social networking sites
at work. I finally went to see a doctor about it. Now, I limit my internet use to an hour a day. I get out of
the house more often, and I don’t go online at work for personal things. It’s working really well for me. I
barely miss the internet.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (True) or F (False).

1 ___ Technology is everywhere. When we have meetings
2 ___ Smartphones keep us from staying in touch with people. at work, we all put our
smartphones in a basket.
3 ___ April’s family can’t use their phones until after dinner.
4 ___ April’s family eats dinner in front of the television.
5 ___ Kai had a problem with the internet.
6 ___ Now Kai only uses the internet at work.

C| What do you do when you want to take a break from

technology? Tell a partner.

A| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.
a __ b __ c __ d __

B| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the person next to the sentence.
1 ____ I think he likes it a little too much. 5 ____ It’s easier to use.
2 ____ I have mixed opinions. 6 ____ Newer isn’t always better.
3 ____ But it’s worth the money. 7 ____ I’m going to have a talk with him about it.
4 ____ I don’t think it’s very user-friendly. 8 ____ Of course, it isn’t cheap.


UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 65 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.
Think about a new device you Talk about a new device you want.
recently bought. Compare it to Explain why you want it. Talk about
the one you had before.
OR its pros and cons.


I just bought a new cell phone. Recently, I bought a new gaming

It was more expensive than my system. The graphics are way
last phone, but it takes clearer better than my old system, and it
pictures, and it’s faster. has more game options.

The GPS I have now doesn’t I want a smart TV so I can enjoy

update regularly. There are newer music and movie apps on it. The
ones that update every day. only problem is that I will have to
However, I read that the battery pay for wifi in my home for those
on the newer ones dies quickly. features to work.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

Why do you need a

How much does/did GPS device? You don’t have wifi
it cost? now?

66 UNIT 9

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 66 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I am so thrilled with our new smart TV. One cool thing is

we can save films from movie apps to watch later. That
way, when we have time to sit down and watch a movie,
we can go directly to either of our list of films that
we already decided we want to watch. And when we
want to go back to a TV series we're in the middle of
watching, it always knows where we are, so we can just
pick right back up where we left off. I love our new TV!

• • What is one feature of the smart TV the writer likes?

• • Why does the writer like that feature?
• • What is one feature of a device you have that you really like? Why?

B| Write about a new device. How have its features made using it easier? Use the information in


I can…
I love my new… navigate it easily.
laptop. get free customer
tablet. take it with me whe
wireless speaker. I go.

thing is…
One cool
e b a t t e ry stays
th .
h a r g e d for longer
it’s user-f xpensive.
t v e r y e
it’s no


UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 67 4/7/22 2:56 PM


Vocabulary Listening
Tourist attractions People talking about places that are

interesting to them
Giving recommendations to a person visiting Speaking
a different city Talking about interesting places
Grammar Writing

Superlative adjectives with -est Writing about why you would like to visit
Superlative adjectives with the most different places
The most interesting places

68 UNIT 15 68

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 68 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Vocabulary | Tourist attractions

A| Listen and repeat.

bridge national park
gardens plaza
historic district shopping center
market sports arena
monument statue

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

My sister says the prettiest ____ This is the most expensive ____ The oldest ____ we visited in Canada
are in Italy. in town. was in Quebec.
a historic districts a historic district a historic district
b plazas b shopping center b monument
c gardens c monument c statue
d shopping centers d statue d bridge

4 5 6

The most famous ____ we saw on our No, I said Madrid has the flattest ____ This ____ is the tallest building in
trip was The Thinker by Rodin. I know, not the fattest! Washington, D.C.
a historic district a plaza a plaza
b bridge b statue b monument
c statue c monument c bridge
d national park d national park d historic district

7 8 9 10

I think Bryce Canyon is the We visited the world’s largest That’s the longest ____ in Have you seen the biggest
most beautiful ____. outdoor ___ in Kashgar, China. the United States. ____ in Mexico?
a sports arena a statue a statue a sports arena
b garden b monument b monument b historic district
c shopping center c market c bridge c shopping center
d national park d bridge d sports arena d garden


UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 69 4/7/22 2:56 PM

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B. The Golden Gate Bridge
is a famous bridge in San
D| Talk about famous attractions you know
Francisco, California.
somewhere in the world. Take turns telling a partner.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Lucy Toshi, do you like my new sunglasses?
Toshi They look expensive.
Lucy Well, they aren’t. In fact, they’re the cheapest I found.
Toshi You certainly love to shop. Hey, didn’t you go to the U.S. last year?
Lucy Yes, I went to Savannah, Georgia. I had the best time there.
Toshi Savannah?
Lucy Yes, it’s on the coast near Florida. And it has the sunniest beaches and the most beautiful
historic district.
Toshi Sunny beaches are always good.
Lucy It has the prettiest squares downtown. They’re like little plazas. And the oldest houses are on
these squares.
Toshi That sounds nice, but it’s probably the most boring thing to do on a vacation! What about
Lucy Well, the busiest street in town is along the river.
Toshi Is that the most exciting place in Savannah?
Lucy Of course! The most interesting shopping area in
town is on River Street.
Toshi Hmmm. It sounds popular with the tourists.
Lucy It’s probably the most popular place with the tourists
in Savannah. The biggest and most expensive hotels
are there along the river, too.
Toshi Lucy, why do you always like the most crowded
places in a town?
Lucy First look at these earrings. I bought them on River
Street in Savannah. They’re the cutest you’ve ever
seen, aren’t they?
Toshi Of course…the cutest.
Lucy Second, it’s not about the crowds or the tourists, Toshi.
It’s about…
Toshi Wait. I know…it’s about the shopping!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Lucy went to the U.S. on vacation.
2 ___ Toshi likes to go to the beach.
3 ___ Toshi likes to visit a city’s historic district.
4 ___ Lucy likes to shop on vacation.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

70 UNIT 10

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 70 4/7/22 2:56 PM

Grammar | Superlative adjectives with -est
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.
Spelling changes when adding -est
Superlative adjectives with -est
Base Superlative
The historic district is the oldest part of the city. It’s the busiest, too.
-e nice nicest
The Empire State Building is one of the tallest buildings in New
York City. Short vowel +
big biggest
one consonant
Lake Superior is the largest lake in the United States.
-y heavy heaviest
I think New York City has the best pizza.
good best
San Francisco is the foggiest city in the United States. Irregular
bad worst
In my opinion, Los Angeles has the worst traffic.

B | Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1 Seattle is _____________________ (cloudy) city in the United States.
2 I love going to the Philippines. They have ____________________ (good) beaches.
3 What is _____________________ (big) shopping mall in Hawaii?
4 There’s so much pollution here! I think it has _____________________ (bad) air quality
in the country.
5 The Brooklyn Bridge in New York City is one of _____________________ (old)
suspension bridges in the United States.
6 I know a website where we can find ___________________ (cheap) hotels and flights.

Superlative adjectives with the most

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.
Superlative adjectives with the most
Superlative adjectives
The Getty Museum has the most beautiful gardens in the world. with the most
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most popular tourist attractions in New York City. For most adjectives
with two or more
Ginza in Tokyo is one of the most famous shopping areas in Japan. syllables (except where
Singapore is the the most expensive city to live in. the second syllable is
-y), use the most.
I think San Francisco has the most delicious seafood in the United States.

D | Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1 I think Hong Kong is __________________________ (exciting) city in Asia.
2 Hawaii has some of _________________________ (beautiful) beaches in the world.
3 Times Square in New York City is one of _______________________ (famous) tourist
areas in the United States.
4 I think Miami Beach’s historic district has _________________________ (interesting)
architecture in Florida.
5 I think I live in __________________________ (peaceful) neighborhood in my city.

E | Look at the conversation on page 70. Underline all the superlative adjectives.
F| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.
• What is the best restaurant in your city? The best restaurant in my
• What is the most exciting place to visit in your country? city is La Tavola. They make
• Where is the tallest building in your city? the best pasta!

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 71 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Read and listen.

The most interesting places

The Danakil Desert in Eritrea is one of the most volatile places on the
planet. This desert is one of the hottest places on Earth. In addition, the
place is also full of volcanoes, which can cause the ground to shake all
the time.
There is a room in Minnesota in the United States that is so quiet that
no one can stay in it for more than 45 minutes. It is the quietest place
in the world. There is no external sound, so everything you hear comes
from your own body. Companies test products in there, and NASA uses
it to help astronauts get used to the silence of space.
The Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta in the United
States is the busiest airport in the world. More than 107 million
passengers went through it in 2018. That is one busy airport!
Barrow, Alaska is one of the coldest places on Earth. The temperature
is only above freezing for a few months a year. It is also one of the
darkest places on Earth. The sun sets at the end of November and
doesn’t come back until the end of January.

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct location.

1 The Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta is one of the coldest places on Earth.
2 There is a room in the Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta that is the quietest
place on Earth.
3 The airport in the Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta is the busiest in the world.
4 The Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta is hot and full of volcanoes.

A| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 Tsukiji Fish Market is ___ seafood market in Japan. a the oldest b the biggest
2 The market opens ___. a before the sun rises b after sunset
3 The Petronas Towers are ___ buildings in Kuala Lumpur. a the tallest b the most beautiful
4 The bridge between the towers is ___ bridge in the world. a the most expensive b the highest

72 UNIT 10

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 72 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.
Think about the most popular tourist In your opinion, what is the best city
attraction in your city or town. in the world? (It might be a place you
Explain why it’s so popular. OR have visited, but it doesn’t have to be.)
Why do you think it’s the best?


The most popular tourist

I think Playa Zicatela is probably
attraction where I live in
the most popular tourist
Maine is Acadia National
attraction in Puerto Escondido.
Park. I think it’s so popular
It’s a stretch of beach where all
because there’s so much to
the surfers go, and there are lots
do both in and around the
of restaurants and shops there.
park. And it’s very beautiful.

In my opinion, New York City

I think Melbourne might be
is the best city in the world. It
the best city in the world.
has the best of everything —
There’s so much to see and
restaurants, theater, fashion.
do just by walking along the
And I just love walking around
pedestrian “laneways.”
Central Park!

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

What all can you do

What else is popular there? So, there are no cars
there? in the laneways?


UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 73 4/7/22 2:56 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I think going to Hawaii would be the best trip because it is the

biggest island in the chain, and it has the best hiking. Hiking
to a volcano would be the most exciting part of the trip. And I
heard that the most delicious food is served at a traditional
luau. I would like to visit Honolulu, too. I read that you can do
a lot of interesting sightseeing there, like visiting a palace and
going to the aquarium.

• What does the writer think would be the best part of the trip?
• What else does the writer want to do in Hawaii?
• What is a place you would like to visit? Why?

B| Choose one or two places and write an email to a friend or family member about why you
would like to go there. Choose one of these locations, or one of your own:
• Taj Mahal • Paris, France • Egyptian Pyramids
• Mount Everest • Statue of Liberty • Antarctica
• Stonehenge • Hawaiian volcanoes • Great Barrier Reef
Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I want to go…
/ most scuba diving.
It has the best to the top and look
interesting… out.
on a safari.

You can…
go on a guided to
taste the local
e there.
see all the wildlif

74 UNIT 10

UNITED-SB3-U9-10-220406.indd 74 4/7/22 2:56 PM


Vocabulary Listening
Dangerous or adventurous activities People talking about adventurous activities
Conversation Speaking
Discussing adventurous activities Talking about things you’ve done or want
to try

GOALS Present perfect with ever and never

Daring work
Writing about being adventurous or not


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 75 4/7/22 2:57 PM

Vocabulary | Dangerous or adventurous activities

A| Listen and repeat.

drive a race car go on a blind date

dye your hair blue go skydiving
feed a crocodile go stormchasing
eat an insect ride a roller coaster
give a speech sing a solo in front of people

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3 4

Have you ever ____? He’s ____ to surprise Has he ____ in another She’s ____ with an
a sung a solo in front of people. country? instructor.
people a gone skydiving a gone skydiving a driven a race car
b eaten an insect b dyed his hair blue b given a speech b gone skydiving
c given a speech c eaten an insect c eaten an insect c given a speech

5 6 7

She has ____ at work many times. Have you ever ____? My brother has ____ many times.
a gone stormchasing a ridden a roller coaster a fed a crocodile
b given a speech b driven a race car b driven a race car
c eaten an insect c gone stormchasing c given a speech

8 9 10

She has ____ in many countries. He’s never ____ before. If you have never ____, this one might
a ridden a roller coaster a gone on a blind date scare you!
b eaten an insect b ridden a roller coaster a given a speech
c driven a race car c gone stormchasing b ridden a roller coaster
c gone skydiving

76 UNIT 11

UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 76 4/7/22 2:57 PM

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Say a sentence about one of the activities in A. Your partner will say True or False.

I eat insects all

the time. They’re I used to drive a
delicious! race car.

True. False.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.

William This is a very unique restaurant. It offers chocolate-covered ants.

Emma I’ve never eaten ants or any other insects.
William I have. I won a plate of chocolate-covered ants last week. They were good.
Emma Wow! You’re adventurous! William, have you heard about George?
William George? He's certainly not adventurous.
Emma Why? Hasn’t he ever eaten insects?
William No, he hasn’t.
Emma But he’s been skydiving, right? He won that ticket to go skydiving.
William I’ve been skydiving. George gave his ticket to me.
Emma Well, he’s driven a race car! He won the big writing contest, and it was the grand prize.
William No, he hasn’t driven a race car. I have. He’s afraid of race cars, and he gave me his prize.
Emma Well, you haven’t heard the latest news about George.
William What haven’t I heard?
Emma He went on a blind date last Saturday night.
William Really? Wow… I just changed my mind! George is adventurous. I am afraid of blind dates.

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 William / George has eaten insects.
2 William / George has been skydiving.
3 William / George is afraid of race cars.
4 William / George is afraid of blind dates.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 77 4/7/22 2:57 PM

Grammar | Present perfect with ever and never

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Present perfect statements The present perfect is used when

I have eaten an insect. I haven’t eaten an insect. the time is not specific.
I have given a speech before. (We
You have given a speech. You have never given a speech.
don’t know when.)
He has sung a solo in front of He hasn’t sung a solo in front of The simple past is used when the
people. people. time is clear.
We have dyed our hair blue. We haven’t dyed our hair blue. I gave a speech last night. (We know
exactly when.)
They have gone sky diving. They have never gone sky diving.
Ever is used to ask questions about
She has ridden a roller coaster. She hasn’t ridden a roller coaster. experiences in someone’s life.
I’ve been on a blind date. I’ve never been on a blind date. Have you ever given a speech?
You’ve driven a race car. You haven’t driven a race car. Never is used to talk about things you
have not done at any time in your life.
He has fed a crocodile. He has never fed a crocodile.
I’ve never given a speech.
We’ve gone stormchasing. We haven’t gone stormchasing.

Present perfect yes/no questions and answers

Have you ever eaten an insect?
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Yes, I’ve eaten an insect. No, I’ve never eaten an insect.

B | Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 Kim _____________________________ a roller coaster. (ride)
2 Have you ever _____________________________ any strange food before? (eat)
3 Susan has never _____________________________ a speech in front of so many people. (give)
4 ______________ Mark ever ___________________ at a concert? (sing)
5 We _____________ never _____________________ across the United States. (drive)

C | Look at the conversation on page 77. Underline all the examples of the present perfect.

D| Complete the sentences with information about you. Tell a partner. Your partner will ask
questions to get more information.
1 I’ve eaten ______________________________________ I’ve eaten black ice
______________________________________________ . cream. It’s great.
2 I’ve never been to ________________________________
______________________________________________ .
Really? What
3 I’ve ridden in a(n) ________________________________ flavor was it?
______________________________________________ .

4 I’ve never gone __________________________________

______________________________________________ .

78 UNIT 11

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A| Read and listen.

Daring work
Most people think of jobs as things that you have to do. You spend all day in an office working. Jobs are boring, not
daring and interesting. Right? Here are some jobs that are interesting, daring, and pay the bills.

Skydiving instructor
Have you ever wanted to go skydiving? If you do go, the skydiving instructor is the person who will jump with you the
first time. They have to do a lot of training before they can teach skydiving. They do a lot to make sure that people are
safe when they skydive.

Alaskan fisher
Have you ever wanted to spend your time out on the sea? Alaskan fishing is a dangerous job. You can make a lot of
money, but you are away from home a lot. There are even television shows and movies about this daring profession.
You need to be prepared to do hard work.

Many stormchasers are scientists. They look for big storms like hurricanes and tornadoes. They get very close to
dangerous storms. It is very dangerous to be a stormchaser. Storms can do anything. Some stormchasers use lots of
special equipment. Stormchasers use the equipment to get and share information that helps people survive bad storms.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Most people think that jobs are interesting.
2 ___ Skydiving instructors don’t need a lot of training.
3 ___ Being an Alaskan fisherman is dangerous.
4 ___ Stormchasers chase after dangerous storms.

A| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___

B| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the speaker next to the sentence.

1 ____ I’ve enjoyed the challenge. 5 ____ I’ve met some great people, too.
2 ____ It was my birthday last week. 6 ____ I like extreme sports.
3 ____ It was a fantastic experience. 7 ____ I’ve never been so nervous.
4 ____ The job pays well. 8 ____ It was so much fun.


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 79 4/7/22 2:57 PM

A| Choose one of the topics. Use the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United
companion site to help you prepare your answers.

Talk about an adventurous thing Talk about an adventurous thing you’ve

you’ve done in your life. OR always wanted to do.


I've hiked to the bottom of the Two years ago my friend took
Grand Canyon in Arizona. We me ziplining. I’m afraid of
hiked all day to the bottom. We heights, but I didn’t want to tell
had to cross a rope bridge. The him. At first I was afraid, but the
next day we had to hike all the guides were so encouraging,
way back up! That’s the hardest and towards the end, I actually
thing I’ve ever done! had fun!

Ever since I saw a documentary I’ve always wanted to walk

about coral reefs, I’ve wanted to the Appalachian Trail. I think it
go snorkeling. It looks like such would bring me closer to nature.
a great way to get under water And I’m sure the challenge and
and see what’s there without experience would help me get to
going too deep. know myself better.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more information.

Where did you go

Were you scared on ziplining? What do you hope to
the rope bridge? see?

80 UNIT 11

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A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I have always been a little shy. I want to meet

people, but it’s hard for me. My sister is different.
She’s very outgoing, always talking to complete
strangers wherever she goes. And she is always
up for a new adventure. For example, even though
she never thought about going skiing, when her
school organized a ski trip, she was one of the first
to sign up. I’m not spontaneous like that.

• What is one way the writer says he and his sister are different?
• Why was the writer’s sister one of the first to sign up for the ski trip?
• How are you different from a friend or family member?

B| Are you adventurous? Compare yourself with a friend or family member who is a different kind
of person. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


My (brother) is diffe
I have alw e alone. likes to go to karaok
enjoyed t gs.
g new thin d is into collecting thin
e x p lo r in gs.
loved d to be aro
un always wants to be
e n e e on his
felt th phone.
other peo

I’m not… person.

a relaxed .
that way
into politic


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 81 4/7/22 2:57 PM


Vocabulary Reading

Work experience Interview don’ts
Personal qualities Listening
Conversation People talking about qualifications during a
Discussing a job application and job interview
qualifications Speaking

GOALS Grammar
Present perfect with for and since
Present perfect with already and yet
Talking about why you are qualified for a
Writing about a dream job

82 UNIT 5 82

UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 82 4/7/22 2:57 PM

Vocabulary | Work experience
A| Listen and repeat.
be a member of a robotics club tutor elementary school kids
organize events volunteer with a community group
raise money for charity groups work part-time
study English write articles for a blog

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3 4

Frank has worked part- They’ve been a member He’s organized / tutored They’ve been members
time / tutored English / of a robotics club / / volunteered elementary of a charity group /
studied in the library for working part-time / school kids after school. robotics club / blog since
two years. studying English since last semester.
the beginning of the year.

5 6 7 8

We’ve studied / Mona has studied / We’ve organized / raised My class has volunteered
volunteered / tutored volunteered / written / volunteered events with / raised / organized
with a community group to articles for a blog since last music from Mexico. money for charity groups by
build houses. winter. walking.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

Personal qualities

D| Listen and repeat.

creative flexible good with people hardworking organized

E | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3 4 5

My brother’s not Ida’s organized / If you’re good with Someone good Lana’s a very creative
very creative / flexible / creative, people / not creative with people / not / hardworking /
good with people / so she designs / not flexible, you’d organized / flexible flexible student. She
organized. His desk beautiful clothing. probably make a good can make changes at studies at least an
is a big mess! team leader. the last minute. hour every day.


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 83 4/7/22 2:57 PM

F| Listen and practice saying the sentences in E. I’ve tutored elementary
school kids, but I’ve never
written articles for a blog.
G| How many of the activities in A have/haven’t
you done? Tell a partner.

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Kimi Have you finished writing your résumé, David?
David No, I haven't finished it yet.
Kimi Let me help you.
David Thanks. I'm applying for a part-time writer
position at the city newspaper.
Kimi David, you haven't included any writing
experience in your résumé.
David Well, I haven't had a job as a writer yet.
Kimi What do you mean? You've already written
more than 50 articles for a blog.
David Yes, I have, but it’s your blog.
Kimi And you’ve been a member of the college
writing club for two years.
David Kimi, you and I are the only members of the
writing club.
Kimi True. But how many essays have you written
since your freshman year?
David A lot. OK, I guess I do have writing experience.
Kimi Yes, you do. And you’re hardworking and organized.
David You’re good at writing résumés, Kimi. You’re really creative.
Kimi Oh, no! I’m late for my new job.
David What new job?
Kimi I’m working part-time as a résumé writer at the career center!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 What has David done for the last two hours?
a applied for a job b written a résumé c studied for a test
2 Whose blog has David written for since 2010?
a Kimi's b the school's c the writing club's
3 How long has David worked at the school newspaper?
a for one year b for two years c for three years
4 Where is Kimi going?
a home b to the newspaper’s office c to the career center

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

84 UNIT 12

UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 84 4/7/22 2:57 PM

Grammar | Present perfect with for and since
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.
Present perfect with for and since
I’ve studied English for ten years.
Use for with the present perfect
You have volunteered with a community group since 2010. to indicate a duration of time.
He has tutored elementary school kids for a month now. Use since with the present
perfect to indicate a past time
We’ve worked part-time at the library since high school.
when something started.
They have raised money for charity groups for five years.

B | Write the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses. Then write for or since.
1 John __________________ (be) a member of the environmental club ___________ more than three years.
2 Molly __________________ (assist) elderly people _____________ she entered high school.
3 I __________________ (teach) English _____________ four years now.
4 Jee Wha _______________ (raise) money for the children’s hospital _____________ the beginning of the month.
5 Michael and Harvey ____________________ (write) articles for a blog ____________ two years now.
6 Sam and I ____________________ (sing) in the local chorus _____________ we were kids.

Present perfect with already and yet

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.
Present perfect with for and since Use already with affirmative
I’ve already finished my big project for my science class. statements to say that you've
completed something.
I haven’t started my new job yet. Use yet with negative
He's already organized a lot of small events, but he hasn’t planned an statements to say that you
event for 200 people yet. haven’t completed something,
but you plan to.
We’ve already seen the manager, but we haven’t met her yet.

D | Write the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses. Some answers require the negative form.
1 John __________ already ___________ (have) three job interviews.
2 We _____________________ (take) our final English exam yet.
3 Ken ____________________ (be) to Japan already, but he ____________________ (be) to Korea yet.
4 They love to go mountain climbing, but they _____________________ (climb) Mt. Kilimanjaro yet.
5 Marie ___________________ (travel) to Mexico many times, but she ___________________ (live) there yet.
6 I __________ already ___________ (attend) two club meetings, and I _______________ (decide) to join..

E | Look at the conversation on page 84. Underline all the examples of the present perfect with for,
since, already, and yet.
F| Complete the sentences with information about you. Tell a partner. Your partner will ask
questions to get more information.
1 I’ve ____________________ since__________________. I’ve studied coding for
2 I’ve ____________________ for ____________________. ten years.
3 I’ve already _____________________________________,
but I haven't _________________________________ yet.


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A| Read and listen.

Interview don’ts
You’ve sent in your résumé. Now it’s time for the interview. What 4. Not dressing for the job you want
can you do to make sure you get the job? Here is a list of the top You don’t have to wear a suit to every interview, but you should
five mistakes people make during interviews and how to avoid dress professionally. It is never OK to wear jeans and sneakers to
them. an interview.
1. Not making eye contact 5. Saying bad things
When people are nervous, they don’t make eye contact. If you about your former
don’t, it makes you seem like you don’t have much self-confidence.
Sit up and look your interviewer in the eye.
Even if your former
2. Not preparing for the interview boss was really mean,
You should be able to talk about anything on your résumé. You you shouldn’t say bad
should also do some research about the company. things about him or her.
Employers will worry that
3. Not asking questions you might say the same
When you don’t ask questions, interviewers think that you aren’t about them. It just makes
interested in the job. you look unprofessional.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ You shouldn't make eye contact.
2 ___ You should prepare for the interview.
3 ___ You should ask questions.
4 ___ You should always wear a suit.
5 ___ You shouldn't say bad things about your former boss.

A| Listen. What positions are they interviewing for? Match.
a Software Developer b Marketing Associate c Youth Program Coordinator d Financial Analyst

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___

B| Listen again. Match the sentence parts.

1 ____ Dylan has... a worked as an intern since June.

2 ____ Mei has... b worked in hotel management since she graduated last year.

3 ____ Yusuf has... c volunteered at a local Youth Center for five years.

4 ____ Rishika has... d worked part-time at an export company since she finished high school.

86 UNIT 12

UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 86 4/7/22 2:57 PM

A| Imagine you are interviewing for one of the positions below. Talk about your experience. Use
the information below and in the Speaking Video on the United companion site to help you prepare
your answers.

• Manager at a fashion store • Video game developer

• Account manager at an advertising company OR • Chef at a restaurant
• Coordinator for a youth group • Financial analyst at a bank


I think I’m the ideal candidate for

Well, I’ve been interested in
your position as coordinator for
fashion for many years. And I
a youth group. I’m the oldest of
have a lot of experience. I’ve
six kids. And my parents have
worked in office management for
always involved me in planning
three years now.
family outings.

I am applying for the chef

I am interested in your position
position because I want to take
as video game developer
my career to the next level. I’ve
because I’ve been playing video
been working in kitchens for
games since I was a kid. And
eight years now. My most recent
I’ve taken several classes about
position was sous-chef at a
developing video games.
French restaurant.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Your partner will play the role of interviewer and ask
questions to get more information.

What differences do you Do you have any other Is there a particular kind
think there are between experience working with of video game you like
working in an office and a children? more than others?


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 87 4/7/22 2:57 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I would love to be a clothing buyer for a fashion

department. I have worked in large department
stores and small boutiques. And I am great at
researching the best prices. I am also hardworking
and learn quickly. My ideas are creative and
practical, and I can make good decisions. Finally, I
have often trained less experienced colleagues.

• What is one qualification the writer has for being a clothing buyer for a fashion department?
• Which of the writer’s qualifications do you think is the most important? Why?
• What job would you like to have? Why? Are you qualified for the job? How?

B| Write about a job you would love to have. Explain why you have the right skills and qualities for
the job. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I have…
already taken class
e a… es.
I would love to b experience as a volu
politician. done a lot of readin
music teacher. about it.
park ranger.

I am…
a good communi
looking for a cha
a quick learner.

88 UNIT 12

UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 88 4/7/22 2:57 PM

A | Unscramble the words and match them with the correct definitions.
1 netmonum _____________________ a ___ an area in a city with many old buildings
2 etulvoner _____________________ b ___ going out with someone you’ve never met
3 dibln adte _____________________ c ___ do something helpful without getting paid
4 tensic _____________________ d ___ a device that measures how much you exercise
5 rosspt earan _____________________ e ___ a building or statue that celebrates a person or event
6 digkynvis _____________________ f ___ a gadget that tells you the news and plays music
7 sintfes kerract _____________________ g ___ teach children after school to give them extra help
8 ramst kapesre _____________________ h ___ jumping out of a plane with a parachute on your back
9 tocsihir tricdits _____________________ i ___ a small animal with six legs and usually wings
10 rutto _____________________ j ___ a large place where you can watch a soccer game

B | Check your answers with a partner.

A | Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.

Cindy Who’s the person in this photo?

Felix Oh, that’s my college friend Emma. She’s
most / the most adventurous person I know.
Cindy I guess she likes mountain climbing….
Felix Yes, she’s 2 loved / loving mountain climbing
for / since she was a teenager. Her goal is to
climb the 4 higher / highest mountain on each
of the seven continents.
Cindy Wow. How many has she 5 already / since
Felix She’s 6 climb / climbed three of them—Denali
in Alaska, Aconcagua in Argentina, and
Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. That’s a picture of her on Kilimanjaro.
Cindy Wow. I’ve 7 yet / never thought about snow in Africa.
Felix Yeah, Emma said it was cold there. At the top, it was almost 40 degrees 8 colder / coldest than the
bottom of the mountain.
Cindy Have you 9 ever / yet thought about going mountain climbing with her?
Felix Me? No way. My goals are 10 smaller / the smallest than Emma’s. I’m lucky if I get to the gym more
than once a week.

B| Listen and check your answers. Then practice the conversation with a partner.


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 89 4/7/22 2:57 PM

Language in Use
A | Read the sentences and look at the pictures. Match each picture with two of the sentences. Write
the letters.
1 ___ Singing in front of people is the scariest thing 5 ___ The sound is better than my old speaker, too.
I can imagine. 6 ___ The flower market one of the most popular sites.
2 ___ I’ve worked with this charity group for three 7 ___ Which is easier for you: giving a speech, or
years. singing a solo?
3 ___ This new portable speaker is lighter than my 8 ___ Every year we do a five-kilometer run to raise
old one. money.
4 ___ What are the best places to see in the city?

a b

c d

B| Choose one of the photos. Write a conversation with a partner. Role-play your conversation.

Check Your Progress

A | How well do you know these things? Rate yourself. Circle one, two, or three stars.

Unit Vocabulary Grammar

Gadgets Comparative adjectives with -er
Describing gadgets Comparative adjectives with more
Superlative adjectives with -est
10 Tourist attractions
Superlative adjectives with the most
11 Dangerous or adventurous activities Present perfect with ever and never
Work experience Present perfect with for and since
Personal qualities Present perfect with already and yet

B | Go back to Units 9–12 and review any language that you need more help with.


UNITED-SB3-U11-12-220406.indd 90 4/7/22 2:57 PM

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