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Telegram @KnownAsMEGA

Copyright © 2021 Masculinity


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use of brief quotations in a book review,
crediting the author.

1st Edition: 2021

Twitter: @BecomeAManAgain
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Do you see what I see?

I see people stuck to their phone.

The pandemic only amplified this. During

Quarantine, The only form of communication with
the outside world was via a smartphone or laptop.

Unless you're a G like me, who went out and met

people anyway. Fuck the rules.

Anyway, the reality is the women have become

more receptive to meeting new peope online- be it
through Instagram, via Tinder/ Bumble/ Hinge,

Even if you meet her in person, it's very important

to be good at texting, otherwise the attraction
might just fizzle away.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Bottom line?

You have to be great at texting, or else you will

miss out on a lot of experiences with beautiful

Have a great personality in real life, and have an

even better text game that makes her wet, and
gets hers anticipating your next meeting.

When you apply the techniques laid out here and

the GOLD that is in the rest of the course, you will

The beauty of messaging is that you can not have

the best body, the best voice, but you can make
her imagine better and wetter things just by the
power of your game online.

Let's begin. Telegram @KnownAsMEGA

I | What is the point of texting?

To put it very simply- To set up a meeting between 2

or more people.

To elaborate-

This "meeting" can be a date at a third location, or her

coming over to your place, or you going to her place.

You also text women to BUILD UP the ANTICIPATION.

Understand that texting is like foreplay.

You show her that you're a high-value man who speaks

womanese, and you make her wet by using the power
of wordplay. ( refer "Master your Dirty Talk" ebook in
the Seduction Bible)

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
What is the point of texting? Women love it when guys have a
better control on language than they
do. ( always tease her for her short

You build rapport through text so

that she knows you're not a
kidnapper or rapist who is going to
harm her, but a real guy who has
value, and is fun and exciting.

Then you use Wordplay to show her

that you're not just a simp, but a high
value guy who she can have a great
time with, and who is going to make
her moan in pleasure in bed.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
II | Fundamentals

The first belief I want to bust is that there is no such

thing as the "perfect text", or the "perfect text game"

It's all about optimizing it. You can become near

perfect, but there will always be girls who don't like it,
simply because they're either too dumb to "get it" or
just disconnected from the trend. It's OK. Don't take it

Bad Text game contains these major issues:

- long messages,
- random texts,
- too many emojis,
- chody language,
- being submissive,
- without a clear purpose. You can remove all these
from your game, and life.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
The mindset that you should have is:

"How would * insert a high value guy you know

* text back?"

A great example, and which I use, is how

would Dan Bilzerian or Hank Moody respond
to these texts?

-To her shit tests?

-To her asking about what I'm currently


-To her objections?

Would he send long emotional paragraphs

with emojis? Would he care about being
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
You have to take time to practice this
until eventually, this will become your
default mindset.

Since you have bought the Master

Edition, you have the power to do it.

The stuff in here is so rarely talked

about in the soy world.

The only thing you require to do is


Let's start with the principles.

Remember, these are not rules, but to
be taken as guidelines.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
1 | What is your Purpose?

Don't just text for the sake of talking to her.

Oftentimes, women will make you their
"texting buddies" if you overdo it. You NEVER
want to be available for her all day. You have
your own life, and she is not even a priority.

Define the purpose of texting. In most cases, it

will be to set up a meet.

That is the primary purpose.

At the same time, you text to check if the girl is

weird, boring, or interesting. you're not going to
meet up with a girl who isn't worth your time.

But, to prevent flaking, just setting up the meet is

not enough. You have to make yourself
memorable. Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
What is your Purpose? You have to stand out in her brain.

You have to make her get excited to

meet you. The "11 texts to make her wet
in excitement" (part of Master Edition)
will tell you exactly what to say.

Sexting is not a purpose.

It is a supplement- which you do after

you've fucked.

You can sext all you want but unless

you've actually set up a date and met
her, it's just a waste of time.

because while you banter, and sext,

there's a guy who set up a date with her,
met her, and banged her.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
2 | Being Brief and direct
It's a sign of being higher value.

You hold your attention, yet still, get your

point across.

Ask yourself:

Would Hank Moody send long and personal

texts to every girl, or would he be busy
hanging out with women and just being

Get into the habit of getting the point across

with fewer words.

Repetition is key.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
3 | Detachment
Neediness is repulsive.

You've probably heard it a million times, but hopefully,

you've been applying it and staying detached.

Never put women on a pedestal.

She drops the same load every morning as a

chimpanzee does.

This does not mean you put her down.

Treat her like you would any random stranger who you
are interested in knowing if they are worth your time.

Needless to say, you are ready to walk away at any time

before, during, or after the interaction if you see that it
doesn't fit in your reality and is not in alignment with
your goals.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Some To Do's:-

- Be direct
- Be persistent, but detached.
- be bold. women forgive the bold,
NEVER the weak.

- Qualify her

Guys who become "attached" start

behaving like a simp, where they think
10 times before sending something,
and whether it is safe or not.


When you let go, your mind

paradoxically comes up with much
better responses, and your text game
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
4 | Make it easy for her
to respond
Game is Sales, and the first rule of sales is to make it
easy for the customer to respond back- to take some

Similarly, when you text her, you make it easy for her to
reply back, especially in the initial stages, where she
won't invest as much into you as she would once you've
built rapport.

She probably gets tons of messages on her Social

Media and dating apps, so you must be easy to talk to.

See man, once you meet her in person, you can show
your A-game, and then she will be hooked.

She won't be able to get enough of you, but before that,

you have to play the less-exciting game.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
For example, if she says "Hey, how are
you?" and you reply with

"I'm good",
Make it easy for her

You've made it hard for her to reply back

because you've effectively CLOSED the
to respond

conversation loop.

Instead, you can reply with- "I'm

fantastic, just came back from a run"

Now you've not only given her a chance

to build upon the fact that you like to go
out for jogs and sprints, but you've
displayed value, in the sense that you're a
physically active guy who gives a fuck
about his body and health.

Women love that.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
5 | Cut through the bullshit
The problem with many guys is that they take the
"friend" route before asking a girl out or making their
intentions known.

This is the wrong take. If you're on a dating app, this

should be especially obvious to you, because she
wants it.

Facilitate "it"- It being meeting up and potentially

having sex with you.

Be unapologetic in your intentions. This increases

your SMV (Sexual Market Value) in her eyes.

You are not afraid to go for what you want.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
6 | Emojis
Do you think Dan Bilzerian sends emojis to girls?

99% of the Emojis break the sexual tension. The

same goes for "lol". These are 2 that you should
keep to a MINIMUM. and by minimum, I mean 0 or 1
per conversation.

They are rapport seeking as well- you seem very

underconfident about what you have to say, and
you simply cannot handle the tension. "haha" is
another one that easily gives away your validation
to the woman.

Remove them from all your conversations for a

few weeks, and notice the difference. Another
benefit of this will be that your stress tolerance
will increase because you will be forced to handle
greater tension in your conversations.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
7 | Calibration Levels
You have to be bold but in a socially intelligent

You don't rush the process. You play the long


You excite her.

You push her and you pull her.

You don't push too hard or pull too hard because

you know she will sense the neediness and go

If she needy more rapport building, you take a

step back and genuinely have a conversation
where you get to know her deeply.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
The biggest sin is not being direct,
but the next biggest would be
Calibration Levels

being too crude and uncalibrated.

If she shit tests you, you don't get

nervous, but you master it, and flip
it back on her.

You show that you've been through

this a thousand times, and she
can't shake you off.

You are here for the win, and you

are ready to walk away anytime and
do it all over again with the next

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
8 | Memes & Gifs
Memes are big right now.

What you can't say to a girl even after a lot of

comfort is built, you can say via a meme,

You could send the most sexual meme and she

will still be receptive to it.

Of course, some form of rapport has to be

built, and she needs to see you as the "fun,
sexual, cocky guy."

That's obviously no problem for you because

you will take action on the gold that is in this
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Develop a collection of memes that you
can send at different times of the day.

There is literally an unlimited supply of

memes right now.
Memes & Gifs

You can follow nugget on Instagram. It

regularly posts sexual memes that you
can just forward to her in the DMs. It's
personal and easy.

However, don't become her "meme

dealer". Send one every 2 days or
something like that, and follow it up
with a conversation, because actual
texting is always more important.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
9 | Balance of effort
You ensure that you don't double text, when she
is single texting.

You ensure that your investment levels are less

than her investment levels.

Initially, you might have to invest more than her,

but once you have hooked her in, you make HER
invest in you.

Don't send long messages. Keep the length less

than hers.

Girls subconsciously pick up on all this. If you

have to convey an important point across, then
you can send a longer message, but it will be an
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
10 | Lead the interaction
You facilitate the conversation, and more
importantly, you lead it and escalate.

You keep it lighthearted and flirty, and then at

times, you take it deep and full of sexual

You take her on a rollercoaster ride of

emotions, where she cannot grasp you.

Stay away from topics like Politics and

religion- they don't end well. If she takes the
conversation that way, give her very little
attention and deviate her to your topic of

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
11 | Escalation Games
Building upon the previous point, here's a great
game that you should be playing with girls
because it breaks the ice and will help you
escalate without much effort.

play the 21 questions game (After building a good

level of rapport)-

where you ask each other general questions, and

then you escalate it slowly and steadily.

The only rule is that you cannot ask yes/no


The key for you is to have a list of questions

prepared. Remember to keep them exciting and
on the positive side, because she will relate those
feelings with you.
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Eg- 1st Question- What's your favorite place
to go when you're happy?
Escalation Games

5th Question- When was your first kiss

10th question- When did you lose your


14th Question- What is your go-to sexual


17th- What is your wildest fantasy

and so on.

She will escalate with you, and you both will

connect with each other on intimate topics
like Sex, which is essential.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Because to fuck a girl, you have to start
talking about fucking first.
Escalation Games

Always escalate the conversation to the

point that she feels very comfortable and
open to be intimate with you.

For more ideas on questions, refer to "Words

that make her wet & 69 Lines to Master your
Bedroom Sexual Talk. (Part of Seduction
Bible- Master Edition )

They will help you to come up with Questions

and develop your Sexual Frame, both of
which is very important to get the 9s & 10s

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
12 | If she does not respond-
In most cases, you will not even bother to check
because you are so busy dominating your purpose.

But in the rare cases that you do have some time on

your hands, and your text game was relatively good,
where she was reciprocating until she suddenly

Here is a good way to respond. It is a little extreme,

but if you set the correct vibe, and she genuinely
forgot to text back, you will get a reaction out of
her- a good one.

"Dear diary, cute girl vanished. Should I call 911?"

"Hey, I'd like your advice. I met this interesting girl,

but she seems to be mute"
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
If she does not respond-
"If you're this quiet during sex, i'm friend-
zoning you."

See what we did there? We called her

out, and when this pops up on her
phone, she will open it and reply,
because it's also a neg ( a kind of push)

Also, learn to innovate this line. The

exact words don't matter as long as you
end it with a negative line for her, which
shows your detachment and

Remember, you're a cool, chill guy who

is screening this girl to see if she's
worth your time.

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
13 | Detached Urgency
Remember that time when your friend asked
you to go out with him, but you said "no"
because you knew he was always available?

You are that friend, and that girl is you in this


One of the mistakes guys make is that they

show that they are always available for the girl.

She takes you for granted, and even if she is

interested in meeting you, she delays it
because she knows you will "always be there for

Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
Create urgency.

Let her know you're leaving town or

that you are going to be busy with your
business after a certain deadline, so
Detached Urgency

she has to decide. Because it's now or

never for her.

What is scarce is respected. Become


This does not mean you become

needy. You assert your deadline.

You are the prize.

If she decides, good for her. If she

doesn't- it's her loss. Your life remains
Telegram @KnownAsMEGA
The goal has always been to STOP the brainwashing of
Men worldwide into becoming simps- because that is the
REAL Pandemic.

Be sure to keep applying the techniques that you've

learned here. I recommend going over this texting
bible at least 3 times, make notes, and keep beside
you when you text women- at least initially so that you
can quickly refer and accordingly reply (or choose to
leave her on read)

This, however, does not act as a substitute for the

other gold that is in this course. Internalize the other
guides, increase your value, and your overall game will
upgrade exponentially. When you know you are truly
high value, you automatically say the right shit. Trust

Till then, Keep Winning, Brother,


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