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LESSON 1: CONCEPT OF GLOBALIZATION a long time. Basically, there is nothing new.

Wallerstein further argues that “global integration is

- Global dominance of Anglo-American ideas driven largely by economic forces.”
- Fragmented
- Uneven In connection to this, Neo Marxists and New World System
- Incomplete scholars argue that criticisms of globalization focus on
- Contradictory set of ideas quantitative analyses (mostly economic) and neglect qualitative
- Time-space compression shifts in social and political relations.
- Increase global interconnectedness
- Unimpeded flow of capital, people, and ideas The rejectionists say that it is just “power word” like
beyond borders. “nationalism” and “development” invented by the westerners.
Globalization is “the geographic dispersion of industrial and The skeptics say that it is insignificant because most trades
service activities. Research and development, sourcing of remain national in scope and the foreign policy of the states is
inputs, production and distributions, and cross-border still for national survival. The modifier, on the other hand, say
networking of companies, example- through joint ventures and that this is simply one of the many similar phases in history,
the sharing of assets.” – Organization for economic and history repeats itself.
cooperation and development.

- Is the word used to describe the growing

interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures,
and populations, brought about by cross-border trade Competing conceptions of globalization
in goods and services, technology, and flows of Globalization as an economic, political, and social process has
investment, people, and information. – Peterson three competing conceptions namely, the rejectionist, skeptic,
institute for international economics. and modifier concepts.
- Is the increased interconnectedness and Every aspect of this globalization has underlying philosophy or
interdependence of peoples and countries, is ideology that motivate or drive a society or any human
generally understood to include two inter-related organization
elements: the opening of international borders to
increasingly fast flows of goods, services, finance, 4 DIMENSIONS OF GLOBALIZATION
people and ideas; and the changes in institutions and
policies and national and international levels that The political dimension of globalization
facilitates or promote such flows. Globalization has
the potential for both positive and negative effects on Steger, in his 2017 book, defines political globalization as the
development and health. – world health organization. intensification and expansion of political interrelations around
- Can thus be defines as the intensification of the world.
worldwide social relations which link distant localities Hyper-globalizers believe that the globalization is principally
in such a way that local happenings are shaped by driven by economic and technological forces.
events occurring many miles away and vice-versa. On the other hand, globalization sceptics, totally disagree with
This is a dialectical process because such local hyper-globalizers. They believe that is political in nature. It has
happenings may move in an obverse direction from originated with neoliberal government’s political decisions to
the very destinated relations shape them. Local remove international trade restrictions on capital.
transformation is as much part of globalization as the
lateral extension of social connections across time The economic dimension of globalization
and space. – Anthony Giddens
The philosophy of consumerism encourages the acquisition of
Globalization as Globaloney goods and services in an increasing amount.
This economic dimension in globalization also involves
Some group of scholars believed that the term is ecological dimension to show the relationship of the
imprecise, and this could be divided into three camps based on environment with the unabated increasing population affecting
their arguments: rejectionists, skeptics, and modifiers. humanity socially, politically, economically, and psychologically
as well.
3 arguments to globalization

1. Rejectionists The culture/social dimension of globalization

- Are the scholars who dismiss the usefulness of the
Cultural globalization is the intensification and expansion of
term “globalization”. Craig Calhoun argues that the
cultural flows across the globe. The hyper-globalizers consider
concept is vague and it is as complex as nationalism.
the political globalization that is driven by
Susan Strange refers to the concept of globalization
economic and technologic forces see it as cultural imperialism.
as vacuous term – it refers to “anything from the
But if culture means the way of life, and the people have
internet to a hamburger”
embraced the economic technology, it cannot be called
Linda Meiss refers to it as a big idea resting slim imperialism for the very fact that they have embraced and
foundations. Given this supposed vagueness of the accepted the technology. Culture virtually covers all areas of
concept globalization, some rejections offer the following human life. Imperialism is political in nature, and it is much
solutions or remedies to understand the concept. Holton more serious because it involves the use of threat, force,
argues that we should abandon metatheory and move to deception, and intimidation. Imperialism is tyrannic in nature.
middle-range theory. Stegger also argues that we should Cultural hybridization also refers to the mingling of cultures as
combine social-scientific and interpretive approaches in a result of globalization intended to create a new and unique
understanding globalization. hybrid cultures that are not reducible to either local or global
culture. Cultural hybridization in the Philippines is one good
2. Skeptics example because this country had been colonized by Spain,
- Contrary to the rejectionist, the skeptics are the America, and Japan in different periods… and we have also
scholars who emphasize the limited nature of the traded with them.
concept of globalization. One of these scholars is The concept of individualism in the cultural dimension of
Horster Thompson, who argues that the world globalization gives emphasis to human independence,
economy is not global because it is only concentrated self-reliance, and liberty. When we talk about the cultural
in Europe, Eastern Asia, and North America. Aside dimension of globalization, it also includes the study of history
from this argument, the skeptics also note that of a particular culture or nation beyond one’s homeland. The
economic activities are still national origin and scope; study of globalization in the contemporary world is much more
hence, without a truly global economic system, there tedious because it requires looking at the very roots of what is
can be no globalization. They also argue that happening today and the major turning points in the study of
globalization, as a concept, is being used to benefit world history.
the neoliberal interest.
The economic dimension of globalization
3. Modifiers
- They argue that globalization is a historically The optimistic and pessimistic hyper-globalizers look at
imprecise concept. One example of this is Wallerstein globalization differently. Economic technology is seen as an
and Frank, proponents of the World Systems Theory, enticement
who argued that the modern capitalist economy has
been global since its inception. In connection to this, The ecological dimension of globalization
modifiers argue that globalizing tendencies have been
proceeding along the continuum of modernization for
These studies the global effects of the social, political and LESSON 3: GLOBAL ECONOMY
economic unions on environment issue. Ecological
globalization refers to worldwide environmental issues which GLOBAL ECONOMY
include population growth, access to food, global reduction in Refers to the interconnected worldwide economic
biodiversity, the gap between the rich and the poor, between activities that take place between multiple countries.
the global North and the global South, human-induced climate,
and global environmental degradation. ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION
According to Manfred Steger, Ecological Globalization refers to Is one of the three main dimensions of globalization
worldwide environmental issues which include commonly found in academic literature, with the two others
population growth, access to food, and global reduction in being political globalization and cultural globalization, as well
biodiversity, the gap between rich and poor as well as between as the general term globalization.
the global north and the global south, human induced climate It also refers to the free movement of goods, capital,
change, and global environmental degradation services, technology and information. It is the increasing
Globalization’s ecological effects, as impacted by the economic integration and interdependence of national,
economic, political, and cultural aspects are now recognized as regional, and local economies across the world through an
possibly life threatening for the earth. intensification of cross-border movement of goods, services,
Global human activities have been causing technologies and capital.
various ecological problems, including resource and food
shortages and transboundary pollution. GLOBALIZATION AFFECTS MARKETS OF 3 KINDS
The major manifestations and consequences of
environmental degradation are all global issues. All of these 1. COMMODITIES- goods and services of all varieties.
problems are global, as they are results of aggregated actions, 2. LABOR- workers who produce goods and services.
and so they entail a coordinated response. Steger (2017) 3. ASSETS AND DEBTS – securities, bank, loan and
further claims, “the deteriorating ecological health of our planet deposits, titles to land and physical capital.
will become the most pressing global problem by mid-century
UNDERLYING PHILOSOPHIES AND IDEOLOGIES IN This includes an open rule-based, predictable,
GLOBALIZATION nondiscriminatory trading and financial system as an essential
goal. The international trading system comprises many
Ideology is defined as a system of ideas and ideals, thousands of unilateral, bilateral, regional, and multilateral
especially one which forms the basis of economic or rules and agreements among more than two hundred nations.
political theory and policy. As a system of commonly shared Trade negotiations.
beliefs, ideas, norms, and values among group of people,
ideology is frequently used to legitimize some political interests IMPORTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE
or to justify prevailing power structures. Ideology links certain 1. It enables the fuller utilization of the resources.
human actions with some generalized claims. 2. The trading partners get goods cheaper than
Steger (2017) discussed three types of globalism or otherwise because every country produces those
ideologies that provide the concept of globalization with certain goods in the production of which it has to occur at
meaning and values: Market Globalism, Justice Globalism, and less comparative cost.
religious globalism
MARKET GLOBALISM -Exchange of capitals, goods and services across international
Market globalism pursues to grant globalization with neoliberal borders or territories. In most countries, it represents a
meanings and free-market norms. Market globalists promise a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP).
consumerist, neoliberal, free-market world. This ideology is Advantages of foreign trade
advocated by some powerful individuals, who claim, among Foreign trade helps each country to specialize in the
other things, that globalism spreads democracy and benefits production of those goods, which best suits its environment. It
everybody. thus leads to maximum use of its natural resources. It enables
Steger considers market globalism the dominant ideology of a country to obtain goods by importing which cannot produce
our time, and believes that it has six major ideological due to higher costs at home.
1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global FOREIGN TRADE POLICY
integration of markets. Are government actions, especially tariffs, import
2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible. quotas, and report subsidies, designed to increase net exports
3. Nobody oversees globalization. by promoting exports or restricting imports.
4. Globalization benefits everyone.
5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world. IMPORTANCE OF GLOBAL TRADE
6. Globalization requires war on terror. Countries trade with each other when, on their own,
they do not have the resources, or capacity to satisfy their own
JUSTICE GLOBALISM needs and wants. By developing and exploiting their domestic
This ideology from the political Left contests market scarce resources, countries can produce a surplus, and trade
globalism. Political Left or Left-wing politics is that which this for the resources they need.
supports social equality egalitarianism and usually in
opposition to social hierarchy. THE THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE
International trade theories are simply different
Justice globalism critique of market globalism includes the theories to explain international trade. Trade is the concept of
claim that “liberalization and global integration of free markets exchanging goods and services between two people or
lead to greater social inequalities, environmental destruction, entities. International trade is then the concept of this
the escalation of global conflicts and violence, the weakening exchange between people or entities in two different countries.
participatory form of democracy, the proliferation of self-interest
and consumerism, and the further marginalization of the BENEFITS OF TRADING INTERNATIONALLY
powerless around the world” - Variety of goods
(Steger 2017) - Outlet for surplus
- Reduction of market fluctuations
Religious globalism endeavors for a global religious community - Production efficiently
with dominance over secular structures. These globalism fight - Resource specialization
against both market globalism and justice globalism as they - Innovation
seek to champion religious beliefs and values that are said to - Investment
be severe attack by the powers of consumerism and
secularism in the globalized world. MAN-MADE TRADE BARRIERS COME IN SEVERAL
- Tariffs
- Non-tariff barriers to trade
- Import licenses
- Export licenses
- Import quotas
- Subsidies
- Voluntary export restraints
- Local content requirement
comfortable in the countries they visit, treating the actual
PURPOSE OF THE BRETTON WOODS SYSTEM residents like second-class citizens by illegally putting up
The purpose of the Bretton Woods meeting was to set businesses that are strictly Chinese-only. Under the Theory of
up a new system of rules, regulations, and procedures for the Eclecticism, there is a need for social regulation from both the
major economies of the world to ensure their economic government leaders and the citizens. Despite the hiccups in
stability. To do this, Bretton Woods established THE the global interstate system note above, there is potential to
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND(IMF) and the WORLD raise more civically and politically engaged citizens through
BANK. today’s youth, especially now that the digital landscape is the
current generation’s new hunting ground for ideas that could
BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE lead to actionable changes in the offline world.
The Bretton Woods Conference, officially known as
CONFERENCE, was a gathering of delegates from 44 nations GLOBALISM.
that mt from July 1 to 22, 1944 in Bretton Woods. New
Hampshire, to agree upon a series of new rules for the INTERNATIONALISM
post-WWII international monetary system. Is basically anchored on the opinion that nationalism
OBJECTIVE OF THE BRETTON WOODS SYSTEM should be outrun because links that bind people of different
Are to achieve exchange rate stability and promote countries are more powerful than those that disconnect them
international trade and development. (Anora, 2014).


On August 15, 1971, president RICHARD M. NIXON -stated that agreements among nation must be
announced his NEW ECONOMIC POLICY, a program “to reached. The idea of liberal internationalism which proposes
create a new prosperity without war”. Known colloquially as the that nations must give up their freedom and submit to a larger
“Nixon Shock”, the initiative marked the beginning of the end system of laws that is embodied up their freedom by common
for the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates international principles. A form of global government is needed
established at the end of World War II. The Bretton Woods to create and enforce these laws.
twins refers to the two multilateral organizations created at the
Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. They are: The World Bank Guiseppe Mazzini (1805 –1872)
and The International Monetary Fund. -nationalism and international cooperation
complemented each other. He believed that cooperation
among nation-states is essential.

LESSON 4: GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

-believes that nations were subject to the universal
THE GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM laws of God that could be discovered through reason. The
Also known as the world system, global interstate principle of self-determination, democratic government,
systems are interactions between or among countries based collective security, international law, and a league of nations in
on the policies and partnerships that their heads of state have the concept of internationalism. Socialist internationalism
agreed upon. This is not limited to economic transactions, but contradicts liberal internationalism. This form of
encompasses all interactions between and among citizens internationalism is based on the view that capitalism is a global
from different nations. system and that the working class must unite as a global class
The modern global interstate system operates politically to forward struggle against capitalism. The notion of socialist
on the premise that all states are equal – regardless if they are internationalism is link to the goal of a world revolution.
allies or rivals. Therefore, it can be described as
multicentric, the opposite of hegemonic, because it is a Globalism
system of independent states that formed relationships with -emerged as an attitude that seeks to understand all
one another, instead of a single entity united under one the interconnections of the modern world and to highlight
leader. patterns that underlie them. It pursues to describe and explain
a world that characterized by a network of connections that
The world was not always as clear with its boundaries, span multi-continental distance.
historically speaking, as it is now. In fact, it could be said that
the current global interstate system emerged because of
the centuries of trial-and-error experienced by society, which LESSON 5: CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL GOVERNANCE
includes but is not limited to wars, colonization, technological
developments, research and education. Being the relatively GLOBAL GOVERNANCE
new field of study as it is, a new discipline emerged called ● It refers to the sum of laws, norms, policies, and
international relations, which focuses on the ways that the institutions that define, constitute and mediate
countries interact and what the effects of their interactions are, trans-border relations between states, cultures,
or could possibly be. citizens, intergovernmental and nongovernmental
organization and the market.
To create a stunning presentation, it's best to simplify ● In a civilized world, international law is the bench
Culturally, the modern global interstate system is moving past mark of world affairs. International law may be defined
the outdated notion that some religions, races, social classes, as the rules and principles that nation-states consider
and/or genders are superior to others. On paper, there are binding upon themselves. International law may be
several laws in each nation and agreements among nations to defines as the rules and principles that nation-states
honor basic human right and celebrate diversity in all its forms, consider binding upon themselves. International law
yet in practice it is difficult to enforce your thoughts. pertains to property, trade, immigration, and other
Start with an outline of topics and identify highlights, which can areas that have traditionally been under the
be applied to whatever subject you plan on discussing. jurisdiction of individual nations.
● International law applies only to the extent that
Take, for instance, Islamophobia. Similar to the persecution countries are willing to assume all rights and
that the Jewish believers experienced in World War II, Muslim obligations in these areas. The roots of modern
believers experience discrimination because they are international law can be traced back to the
automatically viewed the same way as the religious extremists 17th-century Peace of Westphalia.
under Al Qaeda and other organizations categorized as ● States operate in a multicentric environment and
terrorists. This is akin to saying that Christian believers are the respect the element of political sovereignty. This is
same as the Crusaders who waged ‘holy wars’ in the medieval expressed in their voting rights in the United Nations
period. Even some of the Muslims in East Asia are being General Assembly. In the same vein, nation-states
treated unfairly; the Uighurs in China aligned themselves by establishing relationships with
are placed in ‘re-education camps’, where they are forcibly other states of similar background. The idea of
sterilized and indoctrinated with mainland Chinese culture. regionalism was given birth.
● Regionalism which is “the formal process of
Racially, the Black Lives Matter movement brought the intergovernmental collaboration between two or more
American people to the streets to protest the excessive states.
violence that Caucasian police officers tend to use on ● Regionalism is the set of conscious activities carried
African-American citizens, regardless of whether there was just out by states within a region to cooperate while
cause or not. In Asian nations such as the Philippines, Chinese regionalization is a less conscious process which is
tourists and migrants have the habit of getting a little too the outcome of these states’ policies.
● Globalization is focused on the rapid expansion and South is the lack of basic amenities. As little as 5% of
intensification of social relations across world time the population is able to access basic needs such as
and space (steger, 2013) food and shelter.
● Regionalization the latter is part of globalization. ● The Problem of Global Inequality

- Social Differentiation – a process in which people

The united nations is an intergovernmental organization aiming are set apart for differential treatment by virtue of their
to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly statuses, roles, and other social characteristics.
relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, - Social Inequality – a condition in which people have
and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. The UN unequal wealth, power, and prestige. (e.g., The
has 4 main purposes: people in the global south)
● To keep peace throughout the world - Based on GDP per capita, the nations of the world
● To develop friendly relations among nations can be divided into three major strata: the core, the
● To help nations work together to improve the lives of semi-periphery, and the periphery:
poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy,
ad to encourage respect for each other’s rights and ❖ The Core ▪ Nations that comprise the core are
freedom mostly in the global north such as, U.S., Germany,
● To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations France, Australia, U.K., France, the Scandinavia, and
to achieve these goals. others. ▪ Also, South Korea and Japan are included
even though they are in Global South because of the
❖ Semi-periphery ▪ Nations such as Saudi Arabia,
The United Nations is composed of 193 member Brazil, and Taiwan, are comparable to the middle
states with 2 countries as observers namely: Vatican and class. They are moving toward industrialization.
Palestine. The main function of the United Nations is to
preserve international peace and security. Chapter 6 of the ❖ Periphery ▪ Poor nations such as Haiti,
charter provides for the pacific settlement of disputes, through Bangladesh, Ethiopia that resemble the lower and
the intervention of the Security Council, by means such as working classes. They are poor and powerless.
negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and judicial decisions.
Definition of Terms:
1. The General Assembly ● Global North. It is mostly correlated with the Western
2. The Security Council world and the First World.
3. The Trusteeship Council ● Global South. It is an emerging term used by the
4. The Economic and Social Council World Bank to refer to low and middle-income
5. The International Court of Justice countries located in Asia, Africa, Latin America and
6. The Secretariat the Caribbean.
● Brandt Line. a way of visualizing the world that
highlights the disparities and inequalities between the
THE INTERNATIONAL ACTORS wealthy North and the poorer global South
● States
● International Organizations
● Civil Society
● Market (Global Corporations/Industries) LESSON 7: PEACE EDUCATION

The international actors have their own sphere of influence in The History of Peace Education Peace education can be
globalization. As to the degree of their influence, it varies. This defined simply as ―the process of teaching people about the
is due to various factors in the realm of global interplay. threats of violence and strategies for peace, and may take
Dominant states coming from the global north display their place inside or outside a classroom (Harris, 2008, p. 15). With
presence in the international arena through the presence of this broad definition, the history of peace education is arguably
multinational corporations and transnational corporations as old as human history, as cultures throughout the world have
operating in various places in the world. Resiliency in learned - and then taught the next generation - how to live
developing and less-developed countries is shown in various peacefully with others. Diverse religious and philosophical
strategies formulated through their state policies. traditions have been a rich and influential source of peace
learning, even though people have also promoted violence in
the names of these traditions.
Peace education in its modern form, however, has its roots in
The North-South divide is a socio-economic and political academia and the field of peace studies. Peace education
division categorization of countries which globalization in the scholar Ian Harris describes this modern peace movement as
world has two sides. beginning in nineteenth century Europe with many intellectual
● The Global North efforts to learn about violent conflict, evolving into socialist
- Generally, the Global North includes the G8 countries, political thought, and spreading to the United States and
the United States, Canada, all member states of the elsewhere before World War I. Scholars then began to study
European Union, Israel, Japan, Singapore, South war and started trying to educate the public about its dangers.
Korea, as well as Australia and New Zealand and four More and more people tried to persuade each other and their
of the five permanent members of the United Nations governments to use mediation instead of war to solve
Security Council, excluding China. international conflicts. For example, influenced by the
- The North is mostly correlated with the Western world progressive ideas of the American educational theorist John
and the First World, plus much of the Second World. Dewey, many teachers across the United States began using
- The North of the Divide comprises countries which progressive education to teach their students about our
have developed economies and account for over 90% common humanity in order to promote peaceful social progress
of all manufacturing industries in the world. Although (Harris, 2008, p. 16-17).
these countries account for only one-quarter of the
total global population, they control 80% of the total Maria Montessori is one example of an influential mid20th
income earned around the world. century theorist who found new connections between peace
● The Global South and education. She linked teaching methodology to
- The Global South is an emerging term used by the peace-building, hoping to help the next generation avoid the
World Bank to refer to low- and middle-income violence of authoritarianism. Other peace educators at that
countries located in Asia, Africa, Latin America and time, such as Herbert Read, began encouraging the use of art
the Caribbean. and students' creativity to promote peace, while others, such
- The Global South is made up of Africa, Latin America, as Paulo Freire, focused on training students for critical
and developing Asia, including the Middle East, and is analysis and reform of society.
home to the BRIC countries (excluding Russia):
Brazil, India, and China, which, along with Indonesia, International organizations, including various United Nations
are the largest Southern states. bodies, as well as many nongovernmental organizations, have
- An important characteristic of countries in the South is been growing in influence and importance since the end of
the relatively low GDP and the high population. World War I, and have contributed greatly to the movement to
Another common characteristic of the countries in the achieve global peace. Although the League of Nations failed,
the establishment of the United Nations achieved new levels of
global cooperation, norms, and ideals. The Charter of the Peace education is a unifying and comprehensive concept that
United Nations has since served as inspiration for the seeks to promote a holistic view of education. However, its
development of peace education, as educators aspired to help relevance is inextricably part of and is highly dependent on
in the global effort to save succeeding generations from the contextual specificity. UNESCO literature states that Peace
scourge of war, to reaffirm faith in the …dignity and worth of Education is more effective and meaningful when adopted
men and women, to establish conditions under which justice according to the social and cultural context and the needs of a
and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other country. It should be enriched by its cultural and spiritual values
sources of international law can be maintained, and ―to together with the universal human values. It should also be
promote social progress and better standards of life in larger globally relevant. Given such a framework, it is hard to find a
freedom (United Nations, 1945). With this mandate, the study universally accepted definition. As such, Peace Education is
and promotion of sustainable peace through education began characterized by its many definitions (p. 14).
to take on new urgency and sophistication to achieve these
universal ideals. John Dewey

Peace studies became a more serious academic subject soon One of the key thinkers of the field, John Dewey (1923),
after World War II. The threat of nuclear war throughout the defined peace education as a curriculum
Cold War encouraged many scholars to devote their studies to
creating a sustainable peace. Since the 1980s in particular, “…..which will make it more difficult for the flames of hatred
peace education scholarship has developed in many and suspicion to sweep over this country in the future, which
directions. Some have emphasized minimizing masculine indeed will make this impossible, because when children’s
aggression, domestic violence, and militarism; others have minds are in the formative period we shall have fixed in them
sought to foster empathy and care in students; and many have through the medium of the schools, feelings of respect and
argued that critical thinking and democratic pedagogy are vital. friendliness for the other nations and peoples of the world (p.
516). “
With the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), created
in 1989, peace education and human rights education took on Dewey's emphasis, developed in the midst of two World Wars,
new importance, as this type of education came to be seen as was on a sense of world patriotism and peaceful
a fundamental right that all children should have. As UNICEF internationalism that would eliminate the horrific wars of his
scholar Susan Fountain writes, ―It is significant that the time, and his definition reflects that globalist theory.
framers of the CRC viewed the promotion of understanding,
peace and tolerance through education as a fundamental right United Nations
of all children, not an optional extra-curricular activityǁ.
International organizations of all types, along with local The United Nations, even in its earliest years, voiced similar
teachers and communities, felt renewed pressure to provide support for peace education as a catalyst for international
peace education to all students as part of their core studies; respect and human rights, as described in its Universal
this provision became an explicit duty for everyone in society, Declaration of Human Rights:
and especially for those involved in formal education.
“Education shall be directed to the full development of the
Thus, peace education has evolved to emphasize local peace human personality and to the strengthening of respect for
potentials and local traditions of conflict transformation. human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote
Teachers and others have shaped their programs to address understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations,
the needs and goals of their communities. For example, some racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the
scholars have suggested ubuntu - an ethical philosophy of United Nations for the maintenance of peace (United Nations
southern Africa that roughly translates to “I am because you General Assembly, 1948, p. 6)”
are as a helpful” component of peace education in parts of
Africa. According to Abebe et. al. (2006), Peace Education is process
of developing knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and
The history of peace education, therefore, has various roots values that enable learners to:
and has developed on various paths; nonetheless, every
instance of peace education can be seen as part of a larger • Identify and understand sources of local and global issues
movement toward the creation of a more peaceful world. and acquire positive and appropriate sensitivities to these
Despite their differences in local context, peace education • Resolve conflicts and to attain justice in a non-violent way
teachers have much in common. Many peace educators seek • Live by universal standards of human rights and equity by
to promote some combination of the following ideals: human appreciating cultural diversity, respect for the earth and for
rights and the rights of the child, social justice and the each other (p. 14).
minimization of structural violence, critical analysis and
transformation of violent concepts and institutions, nonviolent Positive Peace and Negative Peace
interpersonal and inter-communal conflict resolution, universal
empathy, global familiarity, and peaceful coexistence with the Negative peace is the absence of violence. In order to create
environment. Around the world, teachers have drawn upon the negative peace, we must look for ways to reduce and eliminate
work and research of international activists, scholars, and each violence. A cease-fire would be an example of an action for
other for ideas. At the same time, these peace educators' work negative peace.
continues to inspire further work and study concerning new
possibilities for peace education. Positive peace is the presence of social justice and equality,
and the absence of structural or indirect violence. It is
Peace Education characterized by the presence of harmonious social relations
Peace education as a concept and a field is difficult to and the “integration of human society” (Galtung, 1964). In
accurately and comprehensively define. It encompasses so order to further understand positive peace, it is important to
many different sub-topics, theories, and thinkers that a unifying understand structural violence.
definition has proved elusive. Consequently, as peace
education has developed, evolving definitions have continued Structural violence, or indirect violence, is the result of social
to emerge, and even today there are many different definitions structures or institutions that prevent people from meeting their
of the concept. No one definition can be called correct, as no basic needs and accessing their basic human rights. Assefa
overarching authority of peace education exists; rather, the describes this as ―killing people without the use of the gunǁ
definition one chooses to adopt is a matter of personal (1993: 3). For example, hunger can be the result of structural
preference. However, it is important to be aware of the various violence, as economic and social systems may prevent people
definitions and their implications for classroom practice before from being able to access adequate food supplies, particularly
deciding which best fits one's own perception and practice of in societies where there are rich people with excess food
peace education. The following definitions are not a supplies, and especially when public resources are diverted to
comprehensive collection – we are all free to define peace other areas, such as military spending. Another example would
education in terms that reflect our values and contexts. This be institutionalized racism or sexism.
section attempts to present examples of the key types of
definitions in order to help teachers formulate their own Cultural violence refers to any aspect of culture which can be
informed view on peace education used to justify structural violence. Language, religion, ideology,
and science are examples of parts of a culture that may mask
Definitions of Peace Education structural violence, and even make it seem natural or right

As explained by Abebe, Gbesso, & Nyawalo (2006): Key Points: • Peace • Violence • Peace Education
Definition of Terms: Globalization is a phenomenon that describes the
● Peace. Refers to the legal relationship between an interdependence of world economies with one another.
individual and a state. Basically, it is the process of international integration arising
● Violence. It is the unlawful exercise of physical force from the interchange of world views, products and ideas. Its
or intimidation by the exhibition of such force. scope is worldwide. On the other hand, regionalization is a part
● Peace Education. It is the process of teaching of the process of globalization but it focuses on specific regions
people about the threats of violence and strategies for wherein countries function together. An example of one region
peace, and may take place inside or outside a is Southeast Asia or Asia itself. Regionalization happens
classroom because of the need of countries to secure their economy,
health or even safety through the help of their neighboring
When it comes to its nature, globalization promotes the
Asian Regionalism integration of economies around the world. However,
regionalization is dividing it by region. Moreover, globalization
The contemporary world that we have right now can be closely allows companies to trade at an international level but in
related to an association made of different teams supporting regionalization trading secures local trading first before
each other while performing specific tasks--such as producing anything else.
high quality services or goods. Globalization has always taught
us that countries work together in order to develop. Thus these An alternative way to see the relationship between
political, economic, cultural and environmental globalization and regionalization is to look at Asia Pacific and
interconnections are the biggest backbone of improvement of South Asia. The region is more of an autonomous agent
today’s developing world. serving as an engine for globalization. This view, while
acknowledging the external impacts on the region shows
● ASIA important ways in which the region is also influencing and
transforming the nature of globalization itself.
Asia refers together to the regions of East (or Northeast) Asia,
Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and South Asia. In addition Evolution of Asian Regionalism
to differences in language and culture, it includes some of the
world’s most economically developed states such as Japan, Which is more influential, the acceleration of globalization
South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, and highly impoverished defined as the worldwide integration along economic, political,
countries such as Cambodia, Laos and Nepal. It includes the social and cultural lines or the emerging influence of Asia as a
largest and most populous states on the globe including China global force?
and India and some of the world’s smallest such as the
Maldives and Bhutan. The success of Asian economies during the last decades is a
symbol of dynamism of East Asia. Almost all countries from
The area makes up nearly a third of the world’s land mass and East Asia are called the tiger economies, namely Singapore,
two-thirds of the global population. The combined economies Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan. During the postwar era,
of the region now generate the largest share of global GDP at Asia had experienced difficulties in managing their politics and
35 percent. It also accounts for just over a third of total world economy. The emergence of countries like Hong Kong, South
exports of merchandise goods up from a quarter in 2001 Korea, China and Japan signaled the advent of new economic
(Asian Development Bank, 2012: 211). Some experts argue powers. With this, Asia’s neighboring countries started to adapt
that Asia is in fact “decoupling” (or removing its connections) strategies and initiatives from them when it comes to their
from the world economy. Whatever the eventual outcome, for economy, security and politics. Before the dramatic rise, Asia
now, Asia clearly has a significant role in shaping global was a home for countries labeled as “underdeveloped”.
economic activity and especially regional activity, and this role
will increase with the region’s growth and wealth. Policy The economic development of East Asian countries like
makers need new, more sophisticated tools to monitor regional Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea had been
economic developments and set policies that will dampen perceived as the East Asian Miracle. The pattern of
economic fluctuations and exchange rate volatility. developments in East Asia was marked by different internal
and external factors which are important in the rebuilding of
Regionalism Defined Asian economies.

How do Filipinos know that Philippines is part of the Southeast For us to further understand Asian Regionalism, let us examine
Asian region? Besides from its geographic location, there are the three proposed views about the connection of Asia and
many things to be considered such as politics and economics. globalization:
They said that Asian regionalism is mainly a product of
economic interaction and not political planning. Asia’s A. externalist view – the region as an object impacted by
economies are becoming closely intertwined which is caused globalization;
by Asian economies growing large and prosperous enough to B. generative view – the region as a springboard; and
become important to each other. C. the region as an alternative to globalization.

However, regionalism is not just a political or an economic A. The Region as an Object Impacted by Globalization
phenomenon, the term actually encompasses an even wider
area. It can also be related to ethics, identities, culture, religion An externalist view refers to the colonial rule and dominance of
and ecological sustainability. It is not only affected by policy Western countries to Asian countries. In addition, the
makers or economic actors; it is also affected by social technologically and industrially more advanced Western
movements. powers found their way to the region and alternatively prodded
and muscled their way to political and economic dominance.
Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner described a region
as “a group of countries located in the same geographically Colonial Rule and Dominance
specified area” and “an amalgamation of two regions or a
combination of more than two regions” organized to regulate Colonialism in the region beginning from 1500s brought
and “oversee flows and policy choices”. They had further enormous and devastating changes. An example of this was
specified the difference between regionalism and the Portuguese invasion of Melaka in 1521 and the subsequent
regionalization. Regionalism is a political process fall of the sultanate which shifted political and economic
characterized by economic policy cooperation and coordination dynamics in Melaka and beyond. The arrival of Ferdinand
among countries. This is where countries coordinate in order to Magellan in 1521 in the Visayan region of the Philippines
form alliances with nearby countries. A great example of this is marked the beginning of extended Spanish colonial rule in
the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian those islands. The Dutch followed in the 17th century and
Nations (ASEAN). slowly strengthened their position in the Dutch East Indies. The
British also consolidated their power in South Asia, Burma and
Regionalization, on the other hand, is the regional the Malay peninsula while the French eventually took control of
concentration of economic flows between countries. Countries Indo-China in the late 19th century.
form regional organizations for many reasons such as for
military defense and for sharing of resources. Economic crisis Europeans brought new economic practices, religious beliefs,
usually binds countries together. cultural values, and political structures that changed the region
drastically. Japan and Thailand did not experience colonial
Difference of Globalization and Regionalization rule, but they had to deal with the consequences of Western
influence. Japan which had been closed off during the reign of and foreign direct investment particularly in the textile and
the Tokugawa shogunate, was forced by the ‘black ships’ of services sectors of the economy. Mabtaney (2008) said that
Commodore Matthew Perry in the late 19th century that both countries have experienced high levels of economic
brought about the Meiji Restoration. Also, Thailand underwent growth as a result and have also become much more
significant changes under the reign of King Mongkut (Rama IV) integrated into the global economy including membership in
and King Chulalongkorn (Rama V). Rama V is remembered as the World Trade Organization (WTO).
the ‘Great Modernizer’ who brought major political, social, and
economic reforms to Thailand (Stifel, 1976). Effects on Culture

In the 19th and 20th centuries, movements for nationalism and Globalization is leading to cultural homogenization and
independence also emerged in many parts of the world destruction of cultural diversity. This can be seen in the
including the Asia Pacific and South Asia. Anderson (2007) following:
highlights the global experiences of nationalist leaders such as ● Increase in number of McDonald stores in Asia from 951 in
Jose Rizal in the Philippines, who came to imagine themselves 1987 to 7,000 in 2002;
as Filipino after being influenced by life in Spain and ● Rise of domestic fast food chains in Asia like Jollibee in the
elsewhere. Philippines, California Fried Chicken (CFC) in Indonesia, MOS
Burger in Japan, Jumbo King in India, etc.; and
World War II ● Rapid expansion of supermarkets in the region.

World War II marks another way in which the region comes to There is also strong evidence to suggest that diets in Asia
be at once integrated and influenced by external forces. After have been increasingly Westernized. One study in Japan
World War II, concerns about political instability, faltering shows that younger people consume more beef and beer while
economic reform, and the fall of China all pushed the United the older people eat more rice, vegetables and fruits. Wheat
States and their occupation to stress Japan’ economic growth replaced rice as staple food in most regions. Furthermore,
and its incorporation into the world economy (Ikenberry, 2007: changing tastes in areas such as music, clothing, television
52). This meant opening up American markets to Japanese and film is also evident. In this light, McDonaldization might
goods, drawing on the Japanese market to supply equipment also be referred to as ‘MTVization’ or ‘Hollywoodization.
and goods for US armed forces and other aid programs, and
eventually incorporating Japan into the multilateral economic B. The Region as a Springboard
order including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(Ikenberry, 2007). A generative view shows how the region as an active agent
pushing the process of globalization forward. It can be seen as
Adoption of Export-oriented Growth a force for good bringing economic development, political
progress, and social and cultural diversity to the region.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Japan, Korea and Taiwan were able
to adapt economic policies in line with what they understood as Spice trade
an increasing globalized economic system and benefitted from
export-oriented growth policies. This was followed by the As Anthony Reid notes, the Europeans did not create the spice
high-flying growth of Southeast Asian ‘tigers’ including trade.Spices were already making their way to various parts of
Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam The the globe, but the Europeans were interested in cutting out the
East Asian countries and Southeast Asian countries had some middleman. Circumnavigating the globe was a means to find
similarities including relatively close ties between the state and cheaper and faster ways to bring the goods back to Europe
business elite, some degree of autonomous decision-making (Reid, 1988). In the same vein, some have argued that Asia,
structure, and the rise of manufacturing. However, Southeast not the West, was the central global force in the early modern
Asian countries were more reliant on infusions of foreign world economy because it was the site of the world’s most
capital. important trade routes, and in some places more
technologically advanced than the West in key areas such as
International Monetary Fund and World Bank (Bretton Woods science and medicine.
Part of the Bretton Woods System, IMF and World Bank were
the cornerstones of economic liberalization and globalization in Colonialism too has come under a new lens recently as
the post-war global economy. Also, they soon turned their scholars have argued that colonies in the Asia Pacific and
attention to the developing world including Southeast Asia. South Asia and elsewhere influenced the West as much as
vice versa. Stoler argues that colonies were often ‘laboratories
In Indonesia, Suharto’s policies and the economic framework of modernity’ where ‘innovations in political form, and social
under the IMF and World Bank provided crucial assistance and imaginary, and in what defined the modern itself, were not
foundation for the legitimacy of the authoritarian Suharto European exports but traveled as often the other way around’
regime. Despite providing some basis for economic coherence, (Stoler, 2006: 41).
the lenders looked away from the massive amounts of
corruption and patrimonialism that occurred in the Suharto In the Philippines, colonial policing in the American colony can
regime. be understood as a social experiment that transformed both
the Philippine polity as well as the US national security state.
In Thailand, the IFIs pushed liberalization and export-oriented Practices and technologies such as counter-insurgency,
growth which led to increasing amounts of foreign investment surveillance, and torture were developed and perfected in the
and double-digit GDP growth. While in the Philippines, the colonial Philippines before making their way back to the core
World Bank and the IMF had a cozy relationship with (McCoy and Scarano, 2009). In the fields of medicine and
Ferdinand Marcos whose tenure left with nearly US$30 billion public health, American scientists and physicians in the
in debt. Philippines brought back colonial bureaucratic practices and
identities to urban health departments in the United States in
Asian Financial Crisis the early twentieth century (Warwick Anderson, 2006). In other
words, colonialism was not simply a practice of Western
The IFIs and orthodox economists argued that the Asian domination, but also productive of what we think of as Western
Financial Crisis in 1997 occurred due to poor policies, weak and modern.
governance, corruption, poor institutions and inadequate
liberalization (Rahman, 1998). According to Bello and Rise of Japan, China, and India
Bullardand Malhotra (2000) the other problem was the
unfettered capital resulting from processes of globalization The end of World War II and the rise of the Cold War helped
over the past several decades. Both views recognized the bring Japan into the global economy. Japan as a resource poor
deep impact globalization has had on the economies in the nation-state embarked on a massive project to procure raw
region and the influence it played in the 1997 crisis. The materials such as coal and iron at unprecedented economies
financial crisis showed how deeply integrated the economy of scale allowing them to gain a competitive edge in the global
was in the global financial system. manufacturing market. This not only transformed the market for
these materials but also globalized shipping and procurement
Liberalization of Economy and Membership to World Trade patterns which influenced other sectors as well. Furthermore,
Organization as Japan’s competitive advantage became visible, other
countries modeled their practices on theirs further deepening
China began liberalizing their economy in the late 1970s with the globalized patterns of procurement and trade blazed by the
the reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping. India began to Japanese (Bunker, 2007).
liberalize their economy in 1991 and increased levels of trade
China can also be seen as pursuing a similar pattern of Southeast Asian states but also Russia, Peru, Chile, the United
development today. It is now one of the world’s largest States and Canada. As the 1990 Ministerial Declaration states,
importers of basic raw materials such as iron and has ‘it was desirable to reduce barriers to trade in goods and
surpassed Japan, the United States, and Europe in steel services among participants so long as such liberalization was
production. In terms of its low wage labor and supply chain consistent with GATT principles and was not to the detriment of
management, China has also had an enormous impact on the other parties. To be sure, APEC has faced significant
availability and consumption of goods around the globe (Nolan, challenges especially in the wake of the 1997 Asian Financial
2004). China has also now surpassed the World Bank in Crisis and the more recent global economic crisis. However, it
lending to developing countries. The China Development Bank continues to push for a vision of regional cooperation that is
and the China Export Import Bank signed loans of at least consistent with and advances globalization. A final area to
US$110 billion to other developing country governments and consider is the broad area of culture and globalization in the
companies in 2009 and 2010, surpassing the US$100.3 billion region.
from mid-2008 to mid2010 by the IFIs (Dyer et al., 2011). The
implications here are political as well as economic. Grants and Asian Products in Global Market
loans made by states can often have economic and political
strings attached as the Japanese experience has shown The region is the source of a wide variety of cultural
(Islam, 1991). phenomena that have also spread outward to the West and the
rest of the world. ‘Hello Kitty’, created in Japan by the Sanrio
India is often mentioned in the same breath as China for its Group in 1974, for example, has become a massive global
scale and impact on globalization. India too has opened up and success. It can be seen on a range of products from pencils
emphasized an export-oriented strategy. Textiles and other low and erasers to designer handbags and diamond encrusted
wage sectors have been a key part of the economy, but high watches and generates a billion dollars in revenue annually.
value exports such as software development have also been Anime (and other entertainment products from Japan) has
highly successful. It is also playing a key role in global service become a regional and global phenomenon including
provision as trends in outsourcing and offshoring increase Pokemon, Mario Brothers, Astroboy, and Power Rangers
(Dossani and Kenney, 2007). among others. Much of this has come to be understood as the
spread of a kawaii or ‘cute’ culture, or what some have called
International migrant labor ‘Pink Globalization’ (Yano, 2009: 681–8). Japan holds no
monopoly in this domain of cultural globalization. In terms of
India and China, among others in the region, have become a cinema for example, films ranging from ‘Kung-fu’ movies to
major source of international migrant labor, which is also one of Bollywood have become massively popular in the West, not to
the fundamental characteristics of the era of globalization. This mention individual filmmakers from the region with global
includes the migration of highly skilled labor into the high-tech acclaim. More recently, there has been a regional and global
industry based in Silicon Valley, which includes a rise in Korean popular culture dubbed the ‘K-Wave’ that
disproportionate number of immigrants from India and China. includes the spread of Korean dramas as well as music
But much more prominent is the flow of domestic workers to (Kpop).
other places in the region, or to the Middle East, Europe, and
the United States. Much of this migration has received Nothing demonstrates this better than the smash hit,
international attention because it is often undocumented and ‘Gangnam Style’ by Korea pop star PSY. Released in July
working conditions can be poor, even deadly. 2012, the song and music video became a viral sensation on
YouTube, topping music charts in over two dozen countries
Remittance from migrant workers including France, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Australia, Norway,
and Lebanon, and subsequently won Best Video at the MTV
Women constitute a large majority of many countries’ migrant Europe Music Awards (Gangnam Style: PSY 2012).
pool including Indonesian (79 per cent), the Philippines (71 per Globalization has not been a one-way street. While there is
cent) and Sri Lanka (66 per cent) (Kee, Yoshimatsu and Osaki, little doubt that the Asia Pacific and South Asia have very
2010: 30). Remittances from migrants have also become a much been on the receiving end of globalization, it is also true
core source of income for many of the region’s economies. that the region is generative of many aspects of the
Sometimes, these exceed the flow of official development globalization process. This can be seen both historically and
assistance (ODA) or foreign direct assistance (FDI) (Kee, more recently and across a broad variety of domains from the
Yoshimatsu and Osaki, 2010: 32). In the Philippines, economy to political structures to culture.
remittances are now equal to 11 per cent of the entire economy
(The Economist, 2010). In 2007, India, China, and the C. The Region as an Alternative to Globalization The
Philippines were three of the top four recipient states of arguments from this perspective see the region as a
migrant remittances totaling US$70 billion (the other country source of resistance to globalization or to global or
was Mexico) (Kee, Yoshimatsu and Osaki, 2010: 32). In other Western powers.
words, the region is both the source and recipient of the
influences of the massive globalization of migration. Japan’s colonization of the region in 1930s and 1940s and the
building of a supposed East Asian CoProsperity Sphere merely
Regional free trade arrangements replicated imperial relationships in East and Southeast Asia
with new masters. The ‘Sphere’ referred initially to Japan,
Another broad trend in the Asia Pacific and South Asia is the China, and Manchukuo. With the outbreak of World War II, the
rise of regional free trade arrangements. This regionalism can members of the Sphere included Japan, Manchukuo,
be interpreted either as a kind of bulwark to globalization or as Mangjiang (Outer Mongolia), the Republic of China, States of
compatible and even pushing forward the process of global Burma, Republic of the Philippines, Empire of Vietnam,
economic integration. Proponents of the latter view argue that Kingdom of Kampuchea, Kingdom of Laos, Azad Hind, and
regionalism can promote learning, assuage domestic Kingdom of Thailand (Beasley, 2000). The failure of the
audiences to the benefits of free trade, and form the Co-prosperity Sphere was a result not only of Japan’s loss in
institutional framework to scale up from regional cooperation to the World War II, but also the overt racism of Japan itself
global cooperation (Lee and Park, 2005). In other words, towards its supposed co-members. It soon became clear that
regionalism can act as a springboard for globalization. One of the Sphere was for Japanese interests only at the expense of
the distinguishing features of regional institutions in Asia the interests of the fellow members.
Pacific and South Asia has been the adoption of ‘open
regionalism’ which aims to develop and maintain cooperation The Concept of Asian Values
with outside actors. This form of regionalism was meant to
resolve the tension between the rise of regional trade According to Prime Minister Mohamed Mahathir of Malaysia,
agreements and the push for global trade as embodied by the Asia has culturally distinct characteristics that make it different
WTO (Bergsten, 1997). ‘Open’ refers to the principle of from Western liberal democracies. Mahathir noted that “the
non-discrimination, more specifically an openness in Asian way is to reach consensus on national goals with the
membership and openness in terms of economic flows (Sutton, democratic framework to take the middle path to exercise
2007). Most regional trade agreements and organizations in tolerance and sensitivity towards others. This contrasts to
other regions including North America (NAFTA) and Europe Western values where every individual can do what he likes,
(the European Union) tend to be exclusive and thereby free from any restraint by the government. Furthermore, Asians
‘closed’. respect hard work, thrift, authority and emphasize community
over the individual. Asian operates based on harmony and
Open regionalism consensus rather than majority rule.

Open regionalism is embodied by Asia Pacific Economic Regional Arrangements

Cooperation, or APEC. Formed in 1989, it includes 21 member
economies along the Pacific Rim including East Asian and
Another way the region serves as an alternative to
globalization is through the lens of regional arrangements. The
East Asia Economic Caucus (EAEC) was pushed as an
alternative to APEC, an APEC without Western states. The
proposed member-states were ASEAN, China, Korea and
Japan. A second institutional example along the same lines
was the proposed Asian Monetary Fund (AMF). The fund was
envisioned to have a capitalization of US$100 billion and
include ten members – China, Hong Kong, Japan, South
Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and
the Philippines. USA was not included from the
proposed-membership which resulted in the US to strike down
the proposal.

Emergence of Regional Terror Network

The emergence of regional terror networks such as Jemaah

Islamiyah or JI is a more subversive articulation of regionalism
as an alternative to the West. According to the International
Crisis Group (2002), JI’s main operations have been in
Indonesia with apparent links in Malaysia, Philippines, and
Thailand among others. JI is infamous for the 2002 Bali
bombings which took place in a nightclub in the resort town of
Kuta and Killed more than 200 people, mostly Australian and
other foreign nationals. The alleged goals of JI are territorial
and also regionalist, to create an Islamic state in Indonesia.
followed by a pan-Islamic caliphate incorporating Malaysia,
Singapore, Brunei, and the southern Philippines.

Local Movements Emerged

The village of Santi Suk in Thailand created their own currency

following the Asian Financial Crisis that struck the region in
Thailand. The currency is called the ‘bia’ which can be used to
purchase various commodities but cannot be used outside of
participating villages and cannot be exchanged for Thailand’s
national currency. Community currency is an example of a
larger trend in self sufficiency movements that emerged in
Thailand after the Asian Financial Crisis.

In Japan, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and the

Seikatsu Club both encourage consumers to buy ethically and
locally. Lok Samiti Group in India advocates local village level
education and development and campaigns against the
Coca-Cola bottling plant in Mehdiganj.

Definition of Terms:
● Decoupling. separate, disengage, or dissociate
(something) from something else.
● Regionalism. It refers to formal economic cooperation
and economic arrangements of a group of countries
aimed at facilitating or enhancing regional integration.
● Regionalization. The growth of societal integration
within a given region, including the undirected
processes of social and economic interaction among
the units.
● Tiger Economies. A tiger economy is a term used to
describe several booming economies in Southeast
● Patrimonialism is a form of governance in which all
power flows directly from the leader.
● Asian Financial Crisis. The Asian financial crisis was
a period of financial crisis that happened in East Asia
and Southeast Asia beginning in July 1997 and raised
fears of a worldwide economic meltdown.
● Hollywoodization. to make (someone or something,
such as an author or his or her writings) conform to
standards set up by the American motionpicture
industry does not believe that the author can be
completely Hollywoodized— A. A. VanDuym
● Open Regionalism. It involves economic integration
without discrimination against economies outside the
region. (Garnaut, 1994)
● K-wave. The Korean wave is the increase in global
popularity of South Korean culture since the 1980s.
First driven by the spread of K-dramas and Kpop
across East, Southeast and South Asia.

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