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Background information

A good role model can gives us inspiration and motivation, they are also the one

who gave us many hope and guide us to the world, But a saddening fact is that not

every children got a good role model in their life, which they experience the negative

parenting at some point they suffer to depression, anxiety and sometimes they

adapt their aggression, It also affect their performance in school.

Socrates in 400 B.C. noted “Fellow citizens, why do you burn and scrape every

stone to gather wealth, and take so little care of your children to who you must one

day relinquish all?” How little has changed over the last 2400 years. Our

technology is advanced, but our emotions are as base as they were then.

As being said parents in old time are more attentive to their careers, status and

wealth than their children as if it’s just nothing for them.

The philosopher John Locke in his treatise on education, published in 1693, “Some

Thoughts Concerning Education” wrote, “I will also advise his feet to be washed

every day in cold water, and to have his shoes so thin, that they might leak and let

in water. It is recommendable for its cleanliness; but that which I aim at in it, is

health and character development; and therefore I limit it not precisely to any time

of the day.”

Well it’s not just about cleanliness but also about character building. This is a good

tactic for guaranteed growth, keeping the child constantly growing and developing.
Well it’s amazing to find out that there are parents across the world who want to be

better and improve, so that they can take care properly of their children instead of

neglecting it. So here’s a diagram showing parents that are interested in self growth

and parenting.

Across demographic segments, parents want to improve their parenting and seek

help in doing so:

• 83% of parents from all backgrounds agree that good parenting can be learned.
• 69% of parents say that if they knew more positive parenting strategies they
would use them.
• 54% of parents wish they had more information about how to be a better parent.

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