Personal Project

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Personal Project – Making a conversation using Music Hrishi



Project Goal
I have never been a supporter for music.
It was always something I overlooked and
did not care for, and I never even listened
to music that oven. That was until I
started learning how to play the
saxophone recently. I suddenly started to
appreciate music more and how different
kinds of genres and instruments make
someone feel (Cheryl). Even though I
could still consider myself a beginner in
saxophone, I want to take my knowledge
to next level and learn how to compose (Rawpixelimages) music.
When thinking about what to do for this project, I wanted to have music production
and composition an important element but I thought that it might be a boring topic as
many other previous personal projects involving music have been either ‘I want to make
a song’ , or ‘I want to learn music production’. Thus, I decided to incorporate real world
aspects into this project like the global contexts Identities and Relationships(Utz), and
Personal and cultural expression(misslauraengland) as they it relates to expressing ideas
and beliefs, and creates identity and provided a new aspect to human relationships and
beliefs to make it stand out(Utz). Music is known to change our moods as it can express
emotion, but can it be used to express ideas and opinions on certain topic better than
words(Cheryl).? Can a conversation be created using music (Cheryl)?
The Product
The final product will be a piece of music, for example a duet where simple and
recognizable topics/ words are expressed (Cheryl). I would need to acquire skills in
music composition and understanding of the phycology behind why music makes us feel
certain ways and how people associate familiar things with music (Cheryl).

Success Criteria
Music composition is something that takes many years of experience and practice to
master so it would be unrealistic to expect a very high quality final product, thus it is
important to suggest a logical Success Criteria. There are several other parameters to
keep in mind such as time spent on research and creation, in contrast to the quality of
the final product. It is also needed for the project to be understood by most people and
the most important basic aspects of the project to be easily conveyed to everyone (Utz).
Products Success Criteria Details
Function – A conversation It is important for the main purpose of the project to be
and different emotions can done right and emotion can be understood from the
be easily understood from music piece (Cheryl).
the piece with little
explanation. It will be tested by showing others the piece and asking
whether they could pick up different emotions and
whether a conversation can be understood form it.
Listenability – The piece is At the end of the day music is music and it won’t make
good to listen and sounds sense if it isnt good to listen to.
like ‘Music’. This depends
on the amount of time Listening to product by myself and with feedback form
spend on learning music others is an easy way to test the listenability.
Global Context – The piece Linking this project to real world issues and creating new
has a direct relation to the ideas with the idea of conversation with music is
global contexts aimed to important (Utz).
link and the piece provides
a real world aspect Research into the effect of conversations in music in the
(misslauraengland). real word and verifying if my final product can provide
the same effect and change in the world (Utz).
Differentiation – A clear A separation from the two sides in the piece is
separation between 2 important and a clear transition between the sides with
sides in the piece to noticeable recreation of different personalities must be
represent 2 people in a identified (Cheryl).
conversation where
personalities can be Feedback from others and self-evaluation is suitable for
identified and transitions testing.
between the two sides can
easily be identified.

I planned timetable and organizing of time is important for this project as it involves
skills like music composition which takes many years of practice and mastering. I must
aim to achieve a target that is realistic in the given amount of time with the help of the
success criteria. I plan to finish the creation process by September and finish all required
reports and process journal to document my progress. Research phase of this project
must be finished by the end of July and must have gathered enough information on
music composition, the human phycology aspect, and link to the global contexts.

Utz, Christian. "1. Art Music In A Global Context". De Gruyter, 2021, -005/html.

Authority – Credible source from an academic publishing website running for over 270
years in partner with several publishers like Christian Utz.
Accuracy – Source uses real world examples and logical reasoning for facts with some
real world reasoning for global contexts of music.
Currency – Unclear exact publish date but stated that it was published some time in
Bias – The information presented is on its own without much bias as it deals with global
context of music and it references to various other sources and provides both sides to
points to prevent potential biases.
Summary – Source provides mostly unbiased information with reliable evidence with
established experience based on the publishing site.
Limer, Cheryl. "Perceiving Emotion Through Music". Digitalcommons.Brockport.Edu, 2017,

Authority – Reliable website that publishes works from journals, master’s theses and
student researches which is in relation to the College of Brockport.
Accuracy – Opinion based argumentative paper with a large amount of logical reasoning
for statements with references to various other sources to back up arguments.
Currency – Published on 12th October 2017, but the information is not subjective to date
and time and is relevant even today.
Bias – The information is opinion based and thus there is some amount of bias towards
the different emotions expressed through music, however most information is backed
through other sources and logical reasoning.
Summary –Source can be used for conceptual reasoning in research, however multiple
other sources must be used for evidence and backing up information.
Limer, Cheryl. "Perceiving Emotion Through Music". Digitalcommons.Brockport.Edu,
Utz, Christian. "1. Art Music In A Global Context". De Gruyter, 2021, -005/html.
misslauraengland, View. "The Role Of MYP Global Contexts For Relevant And
Meaningful Learning". The Heart, Head, And Hands Of Learning, -role-of-myp-global-contexts-for-
Rawpixelimages. Https://Www.Dreamstime.Com/.

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