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Criterion A

Problem Statement and Research.

Modern buildings crowd the grounds of the big cities of the world and are expected to cover more and more of the
world at a more rapid speed as expected before. These buildings most commonly use cement and steel. The
process of construction and manufacturing of cement involves emission of a large amount of greenhouse gases
such as CO2 into the atmosphere. A report from a leading group of metropolitan authorities, “C40”, says that
cement manufacturing accounts for approximately 11% of carbon emissions in the world which is expected to go
up by a significant margin over the next few decades. The figure on the left shows the global percentage of air
pollution sources. Construction counts for up to 45% of total emissions. While
this would have taken account a wide range of sources, it is still a large

Modern buildings also take up a large space of land in an area giving very little
room for movement of people. This results in very crowded streets, as evident
from big cities like New York, London, etc. today.

As an example, the picture above shows Dubai is 1991 and 2017. There has been a large scale of construction over
the past 10 – 20 years in not only the UAE, but all around the world. This ground is now covered with very basic
designed buildings and the area very crowded. The earlier landscape, while looking rather empty, had a much
larger space for movement and work and fit the surrounding landscape.

A viewpoint for regular citizens would also give us an idea of the situation. “We have large buildings everywhere
today as compared to the small houses there used to be, yet there is much less space around now”, says my
grandmother. She says that the rate at which urbanization and construction had rapidly increased over the past
few years and is completely different to the small structures earlier. From this, we need to find a solution were
buildings stand out more, are more ecofriendly, and connect more with nature.


What is a unique way of solving this problem? This answer is Biomimicry. What is Biomimicry? The past few
decades we have strayed away from nature with our designs of products, buildings, houses, etc. The first signs of
development and technology in mankind, involved the use of the gifts
provided by nature. This, although may not have been very
efficient, helped us connect more with nature and was ecofriendly. We
can use biomimicry to redesign buildings and products to not only look
closer to nature, but to also be ecofriendly so that the buildings fit
more with their surroundings.

Office buildings seem be the most distant from nature, having very
generic block designs and mostly being made from concrete or
glass. We can take office buildings in Dubai and redesign them with the help of biomimicry.
Analyzing Existing Structures

Beijing National Stadium

Cost The production of the Beijing

National stadium is said to have
cost approximately 480million
dollars to construct and 11
million dollars each year just
for its maintenance. The
project went well over its
budget of 218 million however
the profit was made with the
Olympics which took place right
after it was built
Aesthetics The structure of the building is complex and
strays from the standard building design. It is
shaped in the form of a bird’s nest. The
building was designed to be porous and it was
inspired by Chinese ceramics. It consists of
two independent structures, standing 50 feet
apart a red concrete seating bowl and the
outer steel frame around it.
Function The main purpose of the stadium was to hold big sporting events such as the Olympics. It accommodated 80,000
seats. The 2008 Olympics was held at the stadium and its opening and closing ceremonies. It also held many
other football events like the Supercoppa Italiana in 2012
Quality The building has a floor space of 254,600 m2 and can seat as many as 80,000 seats and has a volume of 3
million cubic meters internally. It is around 70 meters tall at its highest point and 42 meters at its
shortest. The stadium is mostly made from steel for the covering, amounting to about 40000 tons of it
and round 11,000 tons of concrete for the base. This style of design, would give it a life span of around
100 years.
Environmental The building obviously uses biomimicry in its design as with its look of a bird’s nest. While it is made of around
Features 11,000 tons of concrete, it is still a step in the right direction as most of it is made of steel. The building also has
some very sophisticated advanced energy and environmental conversation design features like favorable
natural ventilation, maximized use of natural lighting, rainwater harvesting and recycling, solar powered
technology, etc. Makes it connect more with nature by utilizing the natural features for the building.

The Gherkin

Cost 30 St Mary Axe cost around 138 million pounds to

construct and an additional 90 million pounds for
the land cost. The building is also going up value
every year, especially after it was sold to a Brazilian
billionaire. It is estimated to be now worth over 720
million pounds. This would make up for the big
budget it required to be built.
Aesthetics The design of the building was inspired by the lattice structure
of the Venus flower Basket Sponge. This kind of structure is
unique, and stable at the same time. The sponge’s structure is
known to provide the organism with stability and support
which directly influenced the design of the building. It has
many spiral structures from which some are open, and it is
rounded at the top which also gives it an egg like appearance.
Function The Gherkin is an office building and is the headquarters of many companies such as Swiss Re, Sky news.
Many television shows and radio shows are filmed at the building. While it is usually open to the public,
people may enter it during special occasions like the Open London House.
Quality The structure stands at a height of 590ft and office room usually go up to 550 ft. It has 24 elevator and
40 floors. The swirling striped pattern visible on the exterior has a structural point to it too, the result of
the building's energy system, which allows air to flow up through spiraling wells. The base and standing
structure were mostly made of steel. Around 10,000 tons of steel was used, which spread to about
35km. The building is also covered with 7,500 glass panels which form its spiral appearance.
Environment Apart from its design being inspired by nature, the building also has environmental features. The panels
adjust to the weather giving a more natural environment to the people inside, unlike the complete AC
filled buildings there usually is. The building also has natural ventilation. The building, literarily, adapts
itself to its surroundings just like nature and its organisms.

Aldar Headquarters

Cost The Aldar Headquarters in Abu Dhabi, UAE cost

around 1 billion dirhams which would equal to
around 270 million dollars. While it was profitable
when it was first built, in 2017 its net profit went
down by 3.8%. However, later investments
relatively improved revenue.
Aesthetics The design of the building was inspired by the clam
shell. The reason for its design, being that UAE has
a sea haring heritage and is known for its pearls
which. There are two large glass facades being
held together vertically as an open shell. Architect
referred to the image of human body in circle that
inscribed pentagram on another circle. The
bottom two points of pentagram were connected
to form a firm base for building to stand upright on
it. The round skyscraper has a curved glass skin
covering area of 4 football fields, which has
triangular designs all around it.
Function As the name implies, the building is the headquarters and office of the Al Dar company. It has 23 floors of
office space giving a large room for work. Their business is conducted there, but the main purpose of the
building was to create and wonder of architecture inspired by nature.
Quality The building spreads over an area of 123,000 sq. meters and stands at 121 meters tall. 12000 cubic meters
of Concrete was used to construct this Raft Foundation, which takes the building weight of about 59000
tons. Two separate pieces of concrete acted as backbone for the building. These concrete cores were
heavily reinforced with steel and were bound together closely. The skin of the building is made of glass
and steel was used to make the triangular designs on it. The clam design added stability to the structure
and with two lays of concrete being compressed on either side.
Environmen Apart from concrete, the building use recyclable materials like glass and steel. It also includes a district
t cooling plant as well as efficient lighting and water systems. The building will also have some
advanced energy and environmental conversation design features like favorable natural ventilation,
maximized use of natural lighting, rainwater harvesting and recycling, solar powered technology, etc.
By Hrishi Francis

Works Cited

Landberg, R. and Hogs, J., 2019. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?. [online] Available at:

Landberg, R. and Hogs, J., 2019. Bloomberg - Are you a robot?. [online] Available at:

McFadden, C. and Lang, F., 2019. 7 Solid Facts about the Beijing National Stadium. [online] Available at: <

n.d. The Gherkin. [online] Available at: <>.

WikiArquitectura. n.d. ✅ Aldar Headquarters Building - Data, Photos & Plans - WikiArquitectura. [online]
Available at:

Gadza, A., Monroe, B., Jacobs, M. and Shauche, P., 2011. Al Dar Headquarters Details.
[online] Available at:

Criterion B

Specifications of Design
Specification Justification Success Criteria
Size The building should have a The height and base are as A relatively tall building with
maximum height of 120- specified as the building a slightly narrow base to
123m, which is 405ft tall. must be tall enough but give the impression of a tree
The base is 30 – 35 m wide without being too wide but branch with a honeycomb.
and the base gets slightly having enough width so that
narrower as the height it gives the impression of
increases so that it caps at being a tree branch.
25m wide at the top. Glass
panes would be used to The plate attached
cover the areas without the surrounding the building is
honeycomb plate. designed as a honeycomb
and the specification are so
A double plate on each side to give the impression of a
will surround the building of beehive against a tree
width of 20 m ending at 15 branch.
m at the top and 100m tall
evenly spaced from the
edges of the building and 5 –
10m thick.
Materials Skeleton would be made of Wood is used in the Building should be made
wood reinforced with steel. framework as it connects from reliable, cost efficient,
The base of the building the building with nature and and strong materials that
would be made of concrete. gives it a natural element are also useful for
The honeycomb plate and it is reinforced with biomimicry.
would be made of graphite steel as steel is cheap, very
fiber. strong and supports the
wood giving it a fusion
between modern and
natural style of architecture.
Concrete is used for the
base as most buildings use
concrete and it is reliable,
and some amount is needed
to support the building but
too much will not be used as
the environment is the main
Graphite fiber gives the
building a nice aesthetic and
creates a blend with
something from nature like
honeycombs with modern
Aesthetics The building is semi- The building has this To design a building that is
cylindrical with one side somewhat irregular shape to pleasing to look at while also
being relatively flatter than give the impression of a tree using biomimicry to connect
the other. This gives it a bench. This is also to show with nature.
slightly irregular shape. The that nature is not perfect.
honeycomb plate would The plates with the
cover 75% of the flatter hexagons are made to look
sides. The hexagons on each like honey combs and takes
of the honeycomb plates will up 75% of the tree to show
be hollow to act as windows the survival aspect of nature
and balconies for the and doing what is needed to
building, with railings made survive. The hexagons being

of glass on each one. The hollow acting like windows is
honeycomb plates are to give the impression that
slightly thick to give space the people inside are bees
for a balcony and to provide and are busy at work as this
depth to the building. is an office building as bees
are workers too.
Function This building is designed as Office buildings today are in To act as an office
an office headquarters to most need of redesigning as headquarters
provide a workplace and they stray away from nature
working environment. and use a lot of concrete
which pollutes the
environment. This building is
tall enough and has plenty
of room for an office and the
honeycomb design is to give
the impression of a beehive
with many bees which are
the people working there.
Health and Safety The building will have. Compartmentation is critical To provide sufficient safety
Compartmentation, to fire containment and measures.
Exits: Fire exits are clearly successful evacuating. Fire
marked with an exit sign, alarm systems provide a
Fire Alarm Systems: Fire rapid means of notifying all
alarm systems provide a building occupants of a fire
rapid means of notifying all emergency. Fire safety is
building occupants of a fire especially important since
emergency, Fire wood is used in the
Extinguishers. Clinic and framework.
measures in case of injury
and sickness should also be

Environment The buildings design itself The use of biomimicry is To provide environmental
uses biomimicry to used to make the building features that would make
represent a beehive on a more connected to nature. the building more connect
tree. The buildings panels The current surround is filled to nature and be eco-
will be made to adjust to the by bland designs and this friendly.
weather. It will also have once will stand out. The
natural ventilation through natural ventilation and
the hexagons and hollow lighting are all things that
framework. The building will happen in nature. The use of
also have some solar panels and rainwater
advanced energy and harvesting would help
environmental conserve elements and
conversation design features produce energy which is
like favorable natural ecofriendly. The panels
ventilation, maximized use adjusting to the weather
of natural lighting, rainwater makes the building adapt to
harvesting and recycling, its surroundings just like all
solar powered technology, elements of nature.

Initial Ideas

Square design with

honeycomb features
at the top fading
towards the bottom
with rectangle
windows and wood
like base.

Cylindrical design
with electric
connectivity above.
Honeycomb design
around the cylinder
with rectangle base.

Semi – cylinder base

with honeycomb
plates around the
branch base which
act like windows.

Squarish design with

soft edges with
honeycomb plates
within the base
carving the design on
a thick tree branch.

Rectangular design with large

irregular honeycomb designs
which cover the entire building
acting like large windows.

Large office spaces with the honeycomb plate
protrusions which connect with the exterior Cross section of building from
building to act like windows. top
The basic structure has a maximum height of
120-123m, (405ft tall). The base is 30 – 35 m
wide and the base gets slightly narrower as
its height increases so that it caps at 25m
wide at the top.

Glass panes would be used to cover the areas

without the honeycomb plates.

Natural ventilation
through the building
in the hollow centre
which changes with
While the plates are made to
the surroundings.
represent a beehive, the base
structure is made to represent a
tree branch. Line designs on it are
made to enhance the effect.

Close up view of the

Skeleton frame which would be made of wood
reinforced with steel.

Wood is used in the framework as it connects

the building with nature and gives it a natural
feel. It is reinforced with steel as steel is
cheap, very strong and supports the wood
creating a fusion between modern and natural
styles of architecture.
The honeycomb plates are edged into the
base structure and act like windows. This is
to give the impression of a beehive and the
Concrete is used for the base as most buildings people inside are the workers as this is an
use concrete and it is reliable, and some office building and bees are workers too.
amount is needed to support the building but
too much will not be used as the environment It is made of Graphite fiber as it gives the building a nice aesthetic and creates
is the main concern. a blend with something from nature like honeycombs with modern material.

Two sets of honeycomb plates wrapped around
part of the inside structure that blends into whole
building. Each set of honeycomb plates has a width
of 20 m in the middle tapering to 15 m width at
the top with a height of 100m and with 5 – 10m

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Developed Ideas – Design 2

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Top view cross-section of
the building
Two to three honeycomb plates
wrapping parts of the base structure
around a part going inward to
Protrusions that represent
connect with the basic structure.
the honeycomb structure
width of maximum 20 m, and
that is edged into the base.
minimum 7m at different parts of the
Large offices spaces can be
structure, at the top and 90m tall
supported through this
evenly spaced from the edges of the
building and 5 – 10m thick.

Concrete is used for the base as

most buildings use concrete and
it is reliable, and some amount is Fan with pipes on all edges. Fan
needed to support the building circulates air from outside and
but too much will not be used as the pipes transfer it to different
the environment is the main sections of the building. This
concern. provides natural ventilation tom
the building which adapts to the
surrounding weather.

It is made of Graphite fiber as it

gives the building a nice
Skeleton frame which would be
aesthetic and creates a blend
made of wood reinforced with
with something from nature like
honeycombs with modern
material. Wood is used in the framework as it
connects the building with nature
and gives it a natural element and it
Darker outlined hexagon is reinforced with steel as steel is
windows show offices cheap, very strong and supports the
spaces of high standard. wood giving it a fusion between
The most prestigious modern and natural style of
companies have their architecture.
office here.
Line design on the base
structure to represent a
Honeycomb structure is edged tree branch as it is a
into the basic structure to turn it beehive on a tree. The base structure has a wider, semi-
into windows. Again, this is to give cylindrical design, and is a maximum height of
the impression of works working 90-95m. The base is 40 – 45 m wide and
in this building like bees in a varies slightly as this shape has a slight
beehive who are also workers. irregularity.

Glass panes would be used to cover the areas

Close – up view of honeycomb without the honeycomb plate.

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Comparison of Specifications
Specification Design 1 Design 2
Size - The building should have a maximum The height and width of base Base is slightly shorter than and
height of 120-123m, which is 405ft tall. The structure is very similar to the the base is wider. Glass panes are
base is 30 – 35 m wide and the base gets specifications. Glass panes are used used. The base does not get
slightly narrower as the height increases so for the places without the narrower with increase in height
that it caps at 25m wide at the top. Glass honeycomb plate and the building but varies in different areas.
panes would be used to cover the areas gets narrower till the top meeting the Honeycomb plate is more
without the honeycomb plate. same measurements. Honeycomb irregularly placed and does not
design is the same and no changes maintain the same width
A double plate on each side will surround the are seen throughout. However, the height
building of width of 20 m ending at 15 m at the is the same.
top and 100m tall evenly spaced from the
edges of the building and 5 – 10m thick.
Materials - Skeleton would be made of wood All specifications are the same and All specifications are the same
reinforced with steel. the same materials are used and the same materials ae used.
The base of the building would be made of
The honeycomb plate would be made of
graphite fiber.
Aesthetics - The building is semi-cylindrical The building is mostly sharply edged The buildings is more semi-
with one side being relatively flatter than the and has much more of a blockier cylindrical. The honeycomb plate
other. This gives it a slightly irregular shape. design than the specifications, is, however, not 75% of exposed
The honeycomb plate would cover 75% of the however, is somewhat cylindrical. but less. There are more defined
flatter sides. The hexagons on each of the The hexagons are more irregularly and uniform hexagons as is the
honeycomb plates will be hollow to act as shaped and not perfect and there are same as the specifications. There
windows and balconies for the building, with no railings. The honeycomb plate are railings and provide more
railings made of glass on each one. The specifications are met. depth.
honeycomb plates are slightly thick to give
space for a balcony and to provide depth to
the building.
Function - This building is designed as an office This is an office building and has large This is an office building and has
headquarters to provide a workplace and spaces much wider spaces
working environment.
Health and Safety - The building will have. All health and safety features are All specifications are met.
Compartmentation, met, however due to the building
Exits: Fire exits are clearly marked with an exit being much narrower,
sign, compartmentation may not be
Fire Alarm Systems: Fire alarm systems provide possible.
a rapid means of notifying all
building occupants of a fire emergency, Fire
Extinguishers. Clinic and measures in case of
injury and sickness should also be there.

Environment - The buildings design itself uses Biomimicry is used; however, it takes Biomimicry is used and due to
biomimicry to represent a beehive on a tree. much more effort to associate the the building being much broader,
The buildings panels will be made to adjust to building with a beehive on a tree as and less complicated design,
the weather. It will also have natural the hexagons are irregular and there makes it more identifiable as an
ventilation through the hexagons and hollow are more modern features. Building element of nature. All
framework. The building will also have some has all environmental specifications environmental features are met,
advanced energy and environmental and there is natural ventilation. but there is a fan to circulate air
conversation design features like favorable rather for natural ventilation than
natural ventilation, maximized use of natural just letting the air in.
lighting, rainwater harvesting and recycling,
solar powered technology, etc.
Client Feedback

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To understand the comprehensiveness of the designs and to determine the final choice moving forward,
client feedback is necessarily to come to a final decision. I have conducted a survey of seven people who
meet the target market of the buildings. The survey includes a scale of 1 to 5 for each design based on
their aesthetics and function as an office building, with biomimicry in mind. It also includes a choice for
the understandability of the designs to better understand how well they were explained and did the
message come across. It then includes a final poll on which design should be the final. Apart from the
survey, I have also received worded feedback from most of the clients on their opinion for each design
and the comprehensiveness of both.

In Figure 1, we see that design 2 had the majority choice for the final design by 71.4%. One of the main
reasons this seemed to be the case, is because most clients said that it had a more simplistic design, and
it was more easily understandable and was more
identifiable as a use of biomimicry. Figure 2 is the
Figure 2 - Results from survey for Understandability of Designs most important one here. 57.1% of clients found it
somewhat understandable and 28.6% found it not
easily understandable. They complained that they
did not fully understand the designs from the
annotations, especially, and that they only
understood from further explanation from me. This
is an important problem, and I must improve in
making future projects easily comprehensible by people. The table below gives more detailed feedback
on each design.

Design 1 Design 2
Some clients who chose this to be the final The clients who chose this design over design 1,
design, said that it was more identifiable as a stated that this design looked more simplistic and
building, rather than a use of biomimicry. The tall was not too overly complicated. This building was
and thin design seemed more appealing to them. more identifiable as a beehive on a tree branch
Another statement was that the honey com than the other one. Clients also like the fan
structure seemed to have more depth and looked system of natural ventilation in building. People
as if it was separate to the basic structure. A who chose the other design over this, complained
complaint for this building from the clients who that this did not look much like a building and its
chose design 2, was that it seemed more height was not complimented by its width.
complicated and features on the building were Clients liked the idea of darker outlined hexagons
hard to make out from the overwhelming to show higher positions in the office. From the
number of visual features of the building. The survey, 3/5 and 4/5 had percentages of 42.9%
environmental features were mostly well each and 14.3% gave this design a score of 5/5.
received. 14.3% gave this a score pf 2/5. 3, 4, and This design was the majority choice to be the
5/5 had a percentage of 28.6% each. final design, and hence I will be going forwards
with this.

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