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LO3: To reflect and improve

CRITERION Formative task - Videoblog

GRADE /out of 18) 15
COMMENDATIONS Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate.-
(Copy them from Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and varied.-A variety of
the Criteria rubrics) basic and more complex grammatical structures is used
effectively.-Language is mostly accurate. Occasional errors are
minor and do not interfere with communication.-Pronunciation
and intonation are generally consistent and clear, and facilitate

The candidate’s responses are consistently relevant to the

questions and show some development.-Responses are
consistently appropriate and developed. -Responses are broad in
scope and depth, including personal interpretations and/or
attempts to engage the interlocutor.

NEXT STEPS: of language:Grammar:

(Copy from the *muchas decoraciones- mucha decoración;
teacher’s comments *porque usar- porque usan; *me hierve la sangre en-
to each criteria) con; elfestivla *llamando- llamado;Vocab tip: insectos- bichos.Wh
at we can learn from translator:* responda en los comentarios-
great closing line (invitation to comment), butuse informal
register: responde.Message: Ideas are developed and relevant.
Some more details of the trip could be developed to reach 1’5
REFLECTION: Make it longer and fix gramatical errors and provide more details
 One key about the trip
need to
 One actiony
ou will take
to improve
 One thing
you feel
very proudof

FORMATIVE TASK I will improve my speaking by talking for longer and providing more
TARGET: details, and fixing grammar mistakes to reach the higher marks.
After reflecting on
your work, think on
a target that can
help you achieve
success in your next

Vi muhcas decoraciones en la casa
Me hievre la sangre con los bichos

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