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HACKERS IELTS LISTENING Cap nhap xu huéng ra dé IELTS mdi nhat a IELTS [a cénh cia gidp cdc ban thi sinh hign thyc hda ude mo vucn ra thé gic. Chinh vi vay, ngay tu bay gid, hay né luc luyén tap va chun bi cho bai thi quan trong nay. Vién Ngon ngii Hackers da bién soan bo séch HACKERS IELTS gém 4 cuén tuong ducng véi 4 ky nang nhéim giéi thigu t6i cae ban phugng phap luyén thi phil hop nhat dé co thé dat diém cao trong bai thi nay. Cun Hackers IELTS Listening ma ban dang cam trong tay sé giip ban: Dat diém cao théng qua viéc luyén tap nhiéu dang cau hi! Sach due thiét ké gip ngudi hoc nang cao ky nang doc hiéu qua qua trinh luyén tling dang cau héi mét cach 66 he thdng. Ngoai ra, sach con ggi ¥ cae chién luge lam bai cho tling dang cau héi. Luyén tap theo xu huéng ra dé méi nhat! Cae bai nghe trong Hackers IELTS Listening dude bién soan dya trén xu huéng ra 448 méi nhétt, cdc bai Actual Test oting duge bién soan chinh xac theo hinh thic ging hét dé thi that. Vi vay, ban 4 06 trong tay dy dU tai gu d8 c6 thé chudn bi ky lung cho phan thi cia minh Tai ligu hoc tap phong phi giup dat duge myc tiéu! gach cung cép céc tai ligu nhu: Héi-dép vé phuong phap ghi chi, khac biet gida tiéng Anh-Anh va Anh-My, tu vung theo ting chi 46 va bai tap luygn chép chinh t& rnham gidp ngudi hoc én luyén higu qua va dat duge muc tieu cua minh Hi vong rang Hackers IELTS Listening sé tré thanh cudn cam nang hiu ich giiip ban dat duge diém sé mong muén trong bai thi IELTS va la ngudi ban éng hanh dang tin c@y ctia ban trén con dudng chinh phuc ude mo. Hackers IELTS Listening cung cp cho ngudi hgc cc file nghe chat lusng va dude chia cy thé theo ting chapter. Dé 14i file, ban co thé sit dung cong cu QR code scanner trén dién thoai dé quét code dudi day >> Truy cap theo dung link hién ra. HACKES IELTS LI emule CONTENTS TOPIC LIST Ly do HACKERS IELTS Listening gitp ban dat diém cao 8 Gidi thigu ky thi IELTS 12 Gi6i thiéu IELTS Listening va cac chién luge luyén thi 16 Ké hoach hoc tap 18 Diagnostic Test 21 Chapter 01 Multiple Choice 28 Chapter 02 Note/Form Completion 44 Chapter 03 Table Completion 60 Chapter 04 Sentence/Summary/Flow-chart/Diagram Completion 72 Chapter 05 Matching 88 Chapter 06 Map/Plan/Diagram Labelling 100 Chapter 07 Short Answer 112 Actual Test 126 Phy lyc 1. Héi dap vé dap an IELTS Listening 136 2. Biém khac biét gidia tiéng Anh ~ My va Anh — Anh 138 3. Tu vung Listening theo chi dé 144 Dap an - Script + Phan tich + Giai dé == TOPIC LIST Du6i day la danh sach chi dé xuat hign trong sach. Cac bai nghe trong sach déu duoc phan loai theo tling chi dé. Céc ndi dung duce bién soan trong sach thé hién xu huéng ra dé méi nhat trong ky thi tho. Néu bam sat theo 16 trinh va céc ndi dung nay, ngudi hoc o6 thé ndm r6 nhing chi dé thudng xuyén xuat hién trong bai thi va biét duge nhiing diém yéu cn kh&c phyc cia ban than. Tu d6, ngudi hoc sé c6 chién luge hoc tap phi hgp nhu: chon ra nhGing chit dé ma ban than con yéu, giai lai dé va ghi nhé ti vung thue cht dé do. Touri Entertal t Ch 1 HP 1-4 Ch2HT 1-10 ism - ment ue ee eee Cheue ee Ch7 HP 1-3 SECTION 1 = DT 1-10 Ch2 HP 1-4 Facility Ch2HP 5-9 AT 1-10 School life Ch 3 HP 1-4 DT 11-20 Ch 1 HP 8-11 Destination Ch 6 HP 1-4 Ch 6 HP 5-7 Ch6HT 1-10 AT 11-20 oo Ch1HT 1-10 Ch2HP 10-13, infrastruc SECTION 2 Ch S HP 4-7 Ch6 HP 8-11 Event Ch4HP 1-4 Ch7 HP 4-7 Instruction Ch 1 HP 5-7 Other topics Ch 5 HP 1-3 Ch 6 HP 12-14 Anthropology Archaeology Ch7 HP 12-15 Ch7 HT 1-10 Biology Ch4HP 9-13 ChSHT 1-10 pisiness Chi HT 11-20 Ch2HP 14-18 Ch3 HP 9-13 Education ch4HP 5-8 SECTION 3 Engineering cht HP 17-20 Theatre ch? HP 8-11 Geology AT 21-30 Linguistics Ch4HP 14-17 ChSHP8-12 Psychology : DT 21-30 Ch 1 HP 12-16 Biology Ch 5 HP 13-17 AT 31-40 Business Ch4HT 1-10 : Chemistry Ch 2HT 11-20 Food - Nutriti Ch 1 HP 21-25 Ch 3HT 1-10 SECTION 4 History DT 31-40 Ch3HP 14-19 Geology : Ch 4 HP 18-21 Medical science Ch 2 HP 19-22 Psychology ' Ch 2 HP 23-28 Technology : Ch 4 HP 22-25 “DT: Diagnostic Test. HP: Hackers Practice HT: Hackers Test AT: Actual Test © LY DO HACKERS IELTS LISTENING GIUP BAN BAT DIEM CAO 01 Chinh phuc IELTS Listening bang chién lugc hoc tap noe a = [trie ust Xu hu6ng ra dé mdi nhat va TOPIC LIST Cun sach bao gém nhiing chi dé bam sat xu hu6ng ra dé méi nhat trong bai IELTS Listening. Ngoai ra, cde chi dé nay duge sp xép trong muc luc mét céch logic gip Ngudi hoc dé theo déi va cé thé Iva chon tp trung 6n luyén nhding chi dé ma ban than con yéu. Bai kiém tra ty danh gid va ké hoach hoc tap 4 tuan/6 tudn Ngudi hoc cé thé ty danh gid nang luc ban than qua bai Diagnostic Test co hinh thuc va d6 khé tuong duong vai dé thi that. Sach cing ggi y ké hoach 4 tuan/6 tudn gidp ngudi hoc c6 thé Iva chon mét ké hoach luyén thi hiéu qua va phu hop véi trinh dé eda minh. RS IELTS LISTENING 02 Luyén tap tiing budc dé nang cao trinh dé! Sach duge thiét ké giup ngudi hoc dé dang luyén tap cac dang bai theo tiing budc lam dé c6 thé nm che cde dang cau héi va cé chién luge lam bai hgp ly. Dang bai & chién thuat lam bai Gidi thigu cdc dang cau hdi va hinh thie xuét hign cia tiing dang trong bai thi that. Déi véi méi dang, sach gidi thigu chién thuat lam bai higu qua nhat va vi dy thuc té dé ngudi hoc dé 4p dung trong bai thi that. Hackers Practice & Hackers Test Bang cach ap dung kién thuic vé cac dang cau héi va chién thuat [am bai vao cac bai luyén tap 6 hinh thie gi6ng bai thi that nhung d6 dai khac nhau, ngudi hoc cé thé vila tp trung luyén tap vila nang cao kha nang thich ting véi dé thi that. _S | a 7 | a | | eee en | Actual Test Phy luc Cac bai thi dugc bién soan theo hinh thtic va dé kho cla bai thi that giip ngudi hoe ty danh gid nang Ive ban than trude khi thi va qua d6 luyén IELTS Listening hiéu qua nhat. Phan héi dap vé cdc théc mac thudng gap gitip ngudi hoc c6 thé tranh mac 16i khi tra 18i cdc cau hdi cla phdn thi Nghe. Ngoai ra, ban sé 6n luyén higu qua han véi danh sach cdc ti vung cn thiét cho mdi chi dé duge ligt ké chi tiét va hé théng. Ly do HACKERS IELTS Listening gitp ban dat diémcao fe) LY DO HACKERS IELTS LISTENING GIUP BAN DAT DIEM CAO 03 Dap an, script, phan tich va giai dé giup nang cao nang luc! ee uae une eno rg og S 1 om Amu ch me A sioungrane mane 3 vannsandnds, taowen tae ame ies roan Sach dua ra nhiing phan tich chinh xéc vé cdc dang bai va cung cp nhiing tu vung quan trong dé ngudi hoc khéng chi hidu ma cén tang cudng vén tl vung mét cach cé trong tam. Script, phan tich dap 4n va ti! vung Goi ¥ va gidi thich dap an Sach dua ra nhing giai thich chi tiét cho cdc dap an gidp ngudi doc vita higu 16 cau tr Idi, vila lam quen v6i cdc phuong phap va chién luge tra Iai. 04 Cc cuén sach con lai trong b6 HACKERS IELTS PAS AS) EN dae =e) cus) IELTS READING Cuén sach phn tich day dui ting dang cau hdi va chién luge lam bai tung Ung trong bai thi Doc. Cac bai doc luyén tap 06 d6 dai va d6 kh6 tang dan, bao quat tat c cae chit dé hay gap trong bai thi Reading cia IELTS. Néi dung bai doc duge dich ra tiéng Viet va gil thich dap an ky ludng. IELTS SPEAKING Cuén sch cp nhat 20 chii dé hay duge héi nhat trong bai thi N6i vdi dan bai chi tiét va cau tra Idi mau dé gidp ban that ty tin khi bude vao phong thi Néi. IELTS WRITING Cuén sdch phan tich day di ting dang 48 va chién luge lam bai tudng Ung trong bai thi Viét. Cac mau cu va cach ding ti “dat” duge let ké theo chi dé, Sach cdn hudng dan ban cach lap dan y va trién khai thanh bai viét day di. Lido HACKERS IELTS Listening gldp ban dat diém cao 11 O Gidi thiéu ky thi IELTS IELTS la gi? Hé théng kiém tra Anh ngi quéc té (IELTS) la bai kiém tra nang llc ngén ng@ cla nhéing ngudi muén lam vigc ho&c hoc tap bang tiéng Anh. Cac ky nang Nghe, Boe, Viét va Néi sé dién ra trong téng céng 2 gid 55 phut. Diém IELTS duge danh gia theo thang diém tU 1.0 dén 9.0. Diém t6ng la diém trung binh cla bén phan thi. Co hai loai bai thi: Academic Module (IELTS Hoe thuat) la bai thi danh cho hoc sinh chudn bi du hoc 6 cc trudng dai hoc hode cdc co sé giéo duc cao hon. General Training Module (IELTS Téng quat) danh cho ngudi mudi di cu, tim viée, hode lam viée tai cae nuée Anh, Canada, Uo, My. Trong hai loai bai IELTS nay, phan Nghe va Néi la giéng nhau nhung Doc va Viét khac nhau. Cdu tric bai thi IELTS Hoc thuat Sélugng bai Théigian Penny vacdu hei kiém tra cee | - Bai nghe bao gém c& giong Anh, Bén bai nghe 30 phut = Uc, My Téng c6ng co (Thi gian | - Thi sinh co thém 10 phut riéng dé Listening 40 cau héi tA IBA 10 dién dap &n vao phiéu tra oi (Méi bai nghe phutriéng | - Bai nghe gém cac dang cau hai 10 cau hdi) biét) tre nghiém, cu tra Idi ngdn, dién vao 6 tréng, hoan thanh biéu bang... 3bai doc ~ Bai doc dai va n6i dung vé nhiéu | chai dé khéc nhau Reading cast ie 60 phitt = Bai doc gém cae dang cau hai tréc Pr hi) nghiém, cau tr& Idi ngan, dién vao ea | ché tréng, hoan thanh biéu bang... . ss __=Khéng 66 su phan chia thar gian r6 Writing ae 60 phot rng gilla 2 cau hai “ - Diém Task 2 nhiéu hon Task 1 Thdi gian ché dgi Bao gém3 phan ~ Phéng vn trye tiép 1:1 véi giém | Phan 1:10-15 cau hoi pa | Ds Speaking | phén 2:1 cauhél TM Agpnge | rcs oa dung bai thi Néi duge Phan 3: 4-6 cauhdi ghi am lai Khoang 2 gid 55 phat ) PACS ARMING lung lien quan dén ky thilELTS oy Ky thi sé duge t6 chu tai dia diém dude chi dinh chinh thc bdi | Hi déng Anh hoac IDP. | Thi gian | Duge tién hanh Khong 48 lan mot nat nam, 2 ~ 2-4 lan mét thang Dia diém + Thisinh co thé dang ky true tdi thiéu 5 dén 7 ngay (lich dang ky c6 thé két thc sém hon dy kién) Cach dang ky Dang ky qua Internet: Héi déng Anh hoac IDP | + Bang ky tryc tiép: Tai dia diém duge chi dinh chinh thc béi HGi déng Anh hoac IDP | | L@ phi thi: ~ 5.000.000 vnd + Phi cp bang diém | - Gili mién phi 5 bang diém dén cac truéng ma thi sinh yeu cau | trong vong 4 tuan ké ti ngay thi = Néu muén gifi nhiéu hon 5 bang diém hoac sau 4 tudn ké tu | ngay thi, thi sinh phai tra Ié phi | Lé phi _Hinh thc thanh todn_ | Thé tin dung, tién mat Hily dang ky thi Ban c6 thé duge hoan lai 75% Ié phi 15 ngay truéc ngay thi | Chi CMT, CCCD va hé chiéu duge ch4p nhan trong ngay thi + Ban cé thé kiém tra diém sé tryc tuyén sau 13 ngay ké tir ngay thi | + C6 thé Iya chon nhan gidy ching nhan truc tiép ho&c gui qua dudng buu dién Diém thi va phic tra | Phiic tra: + Thi sinh nop ban géc két qua thi va don dang ky theo duéng | buu dién hoae tryc tuyén + Thi sinh c6 thé dang ky phuc tra phan thi minh muén trong 4 phan ky nang ips Thi sinh phai mang theo hé chiéu/CMT/CCCD da ding dang ky thi 46 gidm thi kiém tra trudc khi vao thi. + Tat c vat dung ca nhan déu phai giti 6 noi gid dé truéc khi vao phong thi. + Thi sinh duge chup anh va kiém tra dau van tay truéc khi vao thi. + Gida 3 phan thi Nghe, Doc, Viét khéng c6 thai gian nghi riéng. Trong trudng hgp can di ve sinh khi dang lam bai, thi sinh ra khéi phong thi phai duge sy giém sat clia giam thi. + Lich thi néi sé duge théng bao riéng téi tling thi sinh. Gioi thigu ky thi IELTS 13, O Gidi thiéu vé ky thi EL Thang diém IELTS Band Score Bai thi IELTS danh gid nang Ic Anh ngi cila thi sinh qua cée band diém. Duéi day la migu t& tung band diém Band | Muc dé thuén | éu ti score thyc Mie C6 nang Ic tiéng toan dién va thé hién duge kha nang sit dung 9 Expert user ngén ngi phi hgp, chinh xdc, thanh thao, ném bat duge moi khia canh cia ngén nga. C6 nang Ic tiéng toan dién di cén mac mét sé it Idi si dung Very good user | ng6n ngéf thiéu chinh xac va chua phu hgp. Co thé higu nham trong mét vai tinh huéng khéng quen thudc. C6 kha nang xi ly t6t cdc tranh luan phiic tap, chi tiét. Co nang luc tiéng tét dir con mét sé 181 sti dung ngén ngif thiéu | chinh xac, chua phu hop, va hiéu nhdm trong mét sé tinh huéng. | Nhin chung 6 kha nang xi ly tét ngén ngG phic tap va higu | duge cc lap luan chi tiét. 7 Good user Nhin chung c6 kha néing sti dung ngén ng higu qua du cn mét 86 Idi thiéu chinh xae, khong phil hgp, hodc higu nhém y. CO thé sit dung va hiéu cdc cu tric tuong déi phic tap, dac biét la trong nhéing tinh hudng quen thude. 6 | Competent user Co kha nang sti dung ngén ngi tuong déi va nam dugc y nghia co ban cia ngén ngii trong hau hét cdc tinh hung du cdn mac nhiéu I8i. C6 kha ning giao tiép co ban trong cc Tinh vuc quen thude. Kha nang giao tiép gi6i han trong cdc hinh huéng quen thude. 4 Limited user Thudng xuyén gap van dé trong viéc hiéu va dién dat. Khong co kha nang sii dung cac cau tric phtic tap. 5 Modest user Extremely limited Chi truyén tai va higu duge ndi dung co ban nhat trong cdc tinh . | user huéng quen thude. Thuéing xuyén gap khé khéin trong giao tiép. 2 | Intermittent user | Gap rét ahiéu khé Khan trong vigc n6i va vit tiéng Anh ‘ Non-user __KhH8Ng e6 kha ning si! dung tiéng Anh, ngoai tri’ mot vai tu vung ng ig. o | Pdmotatiompt | ry sinh khong dy thi the test Cach tinh diém thi IELTS Méi ky nang déu duge tinh diém riéng va diém téng, IELTS Overall, [a diém trung binh cong cita bén diém thanh phan. Cac co quan, t6 chtic sit dung diém IELTS dé danh gid nang luc tiéng Anh cila ting vién déu c6 nhiing yéu cau khéc nhau vé 86 diém thanh phan va diém Overall can dat. Thi sinh can dua vao nhiing quy dinh riéng nay dé lén ké hoach chuan bi that phu hgp cho ky thi. Bat diém cao trong mét phan thi thé manh co thé hé trd cho phan yéu thé hon, nhung néu sy khéc biét gia cdc diém thanh phén qua In sé anh hudng dén diém Overall. Vi vay, rt kho dé dat diém cao néu thi sinh chi tap trung vao mét ky nang nhat dinh nao d6. Duéi day 1a vi dy tinh band diém. Band diém Overall la diém trung binh céng cla bén diém thanh phan va sé dugc lam tron theo quy t&c lam tron sé thap phan. T Biém trung | Listenin | Reading | Writing | Speakin ae reel | a5 2 9 | Speaking | caabén diém| so, | | thanh phan Thi sinh A a5 | = 40 | 5.25 | 55, Thi sinh B 50 45 50 | 50 ass | (50 Thi sinh © 75 | 75 65 70 7125 =| 70 Gioi thigu ve ky thilELTS 15 O Gidi thiéu IELTS Listening va chién lugc luyén thi Bai thi IELTS Listening gém 4 Section véi 40 cau hdi, méi phn c6 10 cau. Cac bai nghe dude phat m bang giong Anh, Uc va MY. Théi gian lam bai IA 30 phut, trong dé ¢6 10 phitt danh cho viée ghi dap an vao phiéu tra Idi. u tric bai thi IELTS Listening Céu tric Gigi thigu | Néidung | $6 cau héi n a ic cesia Hi thoai gitla hai ngudi v8 céc chi 48 CTION 1 | oe thudng ngay | SECTION 2 — éc thoai vé cdc chil dé thuting ngay Méi phan mét ndi Méi phan 10 SECTION 3 Mi thoal gida 2-4 ngudi v8 mot cht dé dungknae | cau héi mang tinh chuyén mén/ hoc thuat a lo > al ; SECTION 4 4c thoai vé mét chi dé mang tinh chuyén mén/hoe thuat 10 phut ghi dap én Biém dac biét cda bai thilELTS Listening + B6i véi Section 1- 2 - 3, bai nghe cho tiing Section duge tach lam hai doan. Trude méi doan, thi sinh sé c6 théi gian dé phan tich dé bai. D6i vdi Section 4, bai nghe dude phat lién, khdng ngat quaing. Trude khi bai nghe bat dau, thi sinh sé c6 thdi gian dé phan tich dé bai. + Sau khi két thc méi phan thi, thi sinh c6 30 giay dé kiém tra lai dap an. + Sau khi két thc t&t c& cdc phn thi, thi sinh co 10 phut dé chuyén cdc dap an ti dé bai vao phiéu tra loi, CAC DANG BE IELTS Listening Dang dé | Gidi thigu dang dé Multiple Choice Lya chon dap an trong nhiéu phuong an cho trude Note/Form Completion Dién dap An vao ché tréng trong cau hay doan cho truéc Table Completion Dién dap an vao ché tréng trong bang biéu cho trude Sentence/Summary/ Chon dap an dé dién vao ché tréng trong cau/doan tom Flow-chart/Diagram Completion | tav/luu d6/so 46 cho truée Lya chon dap 4n trong danh séch sao cho phil hgp vdi Marbig cc théng tin cho trude Bién hode chon dap an dé dién vao ché tréng trong ban Map/Plan/Diagram Labelling Gg man ya/sa d6 cho trude Short Answer | ign dap n vao cde cau hai cho trude Chién lugc luyén tap IELTS Listening _ Lam quen véi phat am va ngii digu chinh xac. Dé cé thé nghe tét, ban phai nghe va lam quen vdi ngi 4m, ngi diéu da dang cla ngudi ban ng@. Bac biét, hon mét nila noi dung bai thi IELTS Listening duge néi véi giong Anh-Anh, vi vay ban cn phai lam quen vdi ngii Am va ngi digu cia giong nay. ny Tang cuding vén tif vung. Ban sé khong thé nghe duge nhiing tif vyng ma minh chua biét, vi vay hay c6 gang ghi nhé- nding tii vung xuat hién nhiéu lan trong sach. Hon nda, chi hoc thude nghia cila tis la chua di ma con phai ghi nhé cch phat ém chinh xac. 2 Luyén tap din gidi y theo nhiéu cach khac nhau Sé 6 nhigu trudng hop ban cn phai dién dat ndi dung trong dé bai theo cach khac ma khéng bi sai nghia, vi vay hay on luyén phan bai tap trong séch hang ngay. Bitng chi gidi han trong viée thay déi ti vung, ma hay this thay déi c& cu true ng phap cia cau. x Luyén tap nghe-chép chinh ta. IELTS Listening bao gém céc dang bai yéu cdu ban nghe va dién dap an dling, vi vay ban cn luyén tap nghe va chép lai cac noi dung nghe duge mot cach chinh xac. Viee nay sé gidp ban dé dang phat hién nhting phan ban than can cai thién. Gioi thigu IELTS Listening va chién lugc luyén thi 17 © Kéhoach hoc tap Dya vao két qua cila bai kiém tra ty danh gi (Diagnostic Test -tr.21), hay tham khao hai ké hoach hoc tap duéi day va xay dung cho minh ké hoach phi hgp nhéat. . "i Ké hoach MBAS 6. tam bai Diagnostic Test dung tis 27 cau tré len) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Day 1 oT Ch2HP Ti vung tr146 | Tu vung t.146 Ch4HP Tiivyng tr148. | Tu vung tr.149 ch6 HP Che HT Tw vyng tr.154 Day2 (On tap DT Ch2HT Ch4HT Ch7HP Tisvung 17.151 Day 3 Ch 1 HP Tw vung tr144 On tap Ch ae On tap tu vung On tap Ch 3-4 On tap tu vung Ch7 HP Ch7 HT On tap tu vung Day 4 Ch 1 HP Tirvung wrt4d Ch3HP Tu vung tr147 Ch5HP Tirvung tr.149 ‘On tap Ch 5-7 _ Day5 cht HT Tu vung 17.145 Ch 3 HP Ch3HT Tu vung tr.147 | ChsHP | _ chsHT Ti vung tr.150 AT Day6 Ch2HP Tu vung tr.145, Ch 4HP Tirvung 11.148 Che HP Tu vung tr.150 On tap AT * Néu mun hoe trong 8 tuan, ban co thé chia d6i noi dung hge méi ngay dé hoc trong hai ngay. Ké hoach Riri (Néu lam bai Diagnostic Test diing ti 26 cau tré xuéng) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 | * DT: Diagnostic Test 18 Day 1 DT cht HT Tur vung tr.145 | On tap Ch2 (On tap tir vyng Ch4HP Tut vung tr.148 | ChSHT Tir vung tr.150 | ch7HP Ti vung tr.151 Day2 (On tap OT On tap Ch 1 ‘On tap tir vying Ch3 HP Cha HP Tw vung tr148 On tap Ch 5 On tap tu vung On tap Ch 7 On tap tir vung HP: Hackers Practice Day3 On tap DT Ch2 HP Ch3 HP Tu vung 1.147 Ch4HT Tirvung tr.149 Che HP Ch7 HT HT: Hackers Test Day 4 Ch1HP Ch2HP Tu vung 1.145 Ch3 HT Tu vung 1.147 On tap Cha ‘On tap tir vung Ch 6 HP Tu vung 1.150 AT Day 5 cht HP Tir vung trt4g Ch2HP Tu vyng 1.146 | Ontap cha On tap tir vung Ch5 HP ‘he HT Tir vung (test On tap AT AT: Actual Test Bay 6 Ch1HP Tu vyng tr144 Ch2HT Ti vung e146 Ch4 HP hs HP Tir vung tr.149 On tap Ch 6 On tap ty Sing On tap AT HUONG DAN SU DUNG KE HOACH ON LUYEN 1. Hang ngay, hay ¢6 gang hoc hét khdi lugng kién thtic theo ké hoach. 2. Bat dau bang viéc tim hiéu ky cac chién luge lam bai, sau do ap dung vao Hackers Practice va Hackers Test dé ghi nhé lau hon. 3. Trong khi lam bai, hy coi nhu ban dang tham gia ky thi that, Sau khi lam xong, hay tham kh&o c4c ggi J, gid thich, phan tich cla sach vé cdc dap an ding, dap n sai dé tu rit kinh nghiém. 4. Hay bat dau méi chuong véi phan Hackers Practice va Hackers Test, sau d6 két thc bang viéc gidi va 6n tap Actual Test. 5. Trong trating hgp ban khéng thé hoan thanh ké hoach cia mot ngay nhu da dé ra, hay tiép tue hoc va 66 gang hoan thanh bai tap cla mét tudn truéc Khi tuan dé két thie. Kéhoachhoc tp 19 CIES ll UE HitECuY IP 0Ts Tia ee i OS DIAGNOSTIC TEST * Answer sheet co tai trang 152 DIAGNOSTIC TEST 21 22 SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 A or-1omps Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. KINGS PLACE TENNIS COURTS Example + tennis and. badminton courts Facilities + Has 1 indoor courts for tennis + Pro shop sells rackets and 2 Class Details + Complete beginner lessons are 3 a week + Beginner Class 2 is once weekly + Intermediate learners participate in a competition for 4 _ + Can play a game with the instructor to check their 5 Comprehensive Package + Includes 6 booking of courts + Member discounts at pro-shop and on lessons offered + Cost-7£ per month for first-time members Learner Package + Includes access to all tennis courts + Members can use the 8 for an additional fee + Geto : off of classes Signing up + Must 10 Daniel back to confirm the trial SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 © 0111-20.mp3 Questions 11 and 12 Choose TWO letters, A-E. 41-12 Which TWO characteristics of the dinosaur exhibits does the speaker highlight? Questions 13-16 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 13 4 15 16 A. bone displays posted drawings B C_ interactive activities D_re-creations of creatures E explanatory timelines What is special about the Under the Sea exhibit? A. It shows how dolphins swim by using models. B_ Itcontains a life-size display of a blue whale. C It compares the evolution of fish and other species. What aspect of sharks does the model display in the shark area focus on? A their nature as hunters B_ how they raise infants their cycle of life The plant life exhibits allow visitors to view displays of ‘A gardening mechanisms. B__ flora from diverse environments. C rare wildflower seeds. At the Activity zone, human development is depicted through A movie screenings. B__ three-dimensional presentations. © staged demonstrations. piaGNosTic Test 23 24 Questions 17-20 Label the plan below. Write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 17-20. stairs \ ey \ A B c D E Ae “he — foyer G F main entrance ticket counter 17 18 19 20 = Information centre Cloakroom Children’s activity area Gift shop SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 — 0121-30.mp3 Questions 21-24 What effect does art therapy have on the following age groups? Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-E, next to Questions 21-24. Effects of Art Therapy assists in motor skill development enhances recall ability enables better expression of feelings helps people recover from traumatic events moooD slows the mental effects of aging ‘Age Groups 21 Preschool children 22 Adolescents ounaisc snarsuayavy 23° Adults 24 Senior citizens piAGNosTicTest 25 26 Questions 25-30 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 25 Who will the students conduct interviews with as Part of their research? A patients of art therapists B psychology experts C website journalists 26 What is Raymond worried about? A There are not many studies that focus on multiple age ranges. B There is little material written on the selected topic. C There may be insufficient time to write about all the collected data. 27 According to the professor, the students could study preschool children and senior citizens because A there is not enough material on people of other ages. B similar therapies have been used for both groups. © there is a word limit for the project. 28 How do senior citizens tend to react when asked to express themselves through art? A They draw things that they see around them. B They are hesitant and don’t know what to draw. C They take to it very quickly. 29 Group sessions for both seniors and preschoolers resulted in A more physical activity. B less social interaction. C improved mental functions. 30 How does art therapy that includes music help patients? A Itallows them to express personal feelings. B Itallows them to relax € It provides them with a sense of unity. SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 —( 0131-40.mp3 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF RAILWAYS Railway development in Great Britain The first locomotive invented by Richard Trevithick was not a 31 .. success. Large-scale rail construction began in the UK in the 1830s due to industrialisation. Industrial areas needed 32 to port cities, which trains provided cheaply and quickly. Global expansion of railway systems Global railway construction allowed 33... trade to grow rapidly. Rapid railway development occurred in North America in the 19th century. 34 discovered in the West provided further motivation for building railroads across the continent. Historic occasions affecting railways Introduced in 1912, diesel fuel allowed locomotives to transport larger weights much faster. Extremely long journeys could now be made in a few 35. Railways were military 36 : during the two world wars and were rebuilt afterward. Reasons for growth in train transport 37 needed a more efficient way of moving their goods during periods of industrialisation. Railways also allowed some Europeans to manage their 38, Current trains and railway systems The fuels used for trains are now 39 . and better for the environment. The rapid improvement of 40... railway networks in several continents made rail highly popular. Trains may become more popular because they are fast, efficient, and affordable. ap an « Script + Phan tich + Giai thich trang 158 DIAGNosTIC TesT ‘emi 27 rf " HACKERS IELTS LISTENING | urns Multiple choice la dang bai chon dap an chinh xac trong nhiéu dap an cho sn. Day la mot trong nhing dang phé bién nhét trong bai thi IELTS Listening, xudt hién trong hau hét ac ky thi va 6 thé gap trong tat ca cac phan. Hl DANG BAI Dang bai Multiple choice yéu cau chon dap 4n chinh x4c dé hoan thanh cau hode tra Idi cau héi. Voi dang thi hai, dé bai cé thé yéu cdu chon nhigu hon mét dap An, vi vay trude khi nghe, ban cn cht y doc va kiém tra ky yéu cdu ciia dé bai. B4i Khi, dé bai c6 thé yéu cau chon dap an ding dé dién vao bang hay biéu dé. Dang chon dap an dé hoan thanh cau ‘Day la dang Iya chon mét dap an chinh xac trong cdc dap an cho truée dé hoan thanh cau. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1 Dr Peter Lyons has recently been best known for his A publications about islands. B dissertation on tropical plants. C extensive studies of rock categorisations Dang chon dap an tra Idi cau hdi Bay [a dang Iya chon dap an phil hgp véi cau héi. Trong trudng hgp c6 nhiéu dap an chinh xdc, ban c6 thé sé phai chon 2-3 dap An trong sé 5-7 dap an cho truéc. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1 Whatis included in the scuba diving trip? A equipment B training © anoffshore dive Choose TWO letters, A-E. 2-3 Which TWO topics does Michael want to include in his presentation? A. geographical features B historical context E political significance Ml CHIEN LUQC LAM BAI STEP 1 [Theigian phan tich dé] Doc ky yéu cau va tim tir/cum tir khéa cla dé bai. (1) Dang bai Multiple choice c6 thé yéu céu chon nhiéu hon mét dap an, vi vay ban cn kim tra ky 86 lugng dap an ma dé yéu cau. (2) Ban cn doe va tim ra tu/cym tu khoa ctia dé. Ngoai ra, ban cling nén doc hiéu céc dap {an truée khi nghe. Choose the correct letter, A, Bor C. ©} 14 Dr Peter Lyons has recently been best known for his ++} ‘A. publications about islands. B dissertation on tropical plants. extensive studies of rock categorisations. h }— (1) Bé bal yéu cdu Iya chon mot dap n trong A, B va C. 2) Sau khi doc dé ta théy ring tu khéa cla bal fa Br Peter Lyors Sou do tiép tue doc dé higu noi dung chinh cla tung dap én hu: én phim (publications), lun van (dissertation), nghién cu (studies) SWINGLSIT SUTAI Suava¥H —@n/0y9 aydiynAY CHAPTER! 29 STEP 2. (thei gian nghe] Lang nghe cae théng tin lién quan tdi tu/cum tir khéa. Nghe kj cdc théng tin lién quan t6i tiveum ty khéa va tim céc gol y tra loi. SUN 6 ch1_exmps M: Hello, Helen. Please have a seat. Can | help you with something? W: Yes, well, I'm working on my research paper for my ecology class. But I've run into a bit of trouble. M: | see. What seems to be the problem, exactly? W: I can't find sufficient research about my topic - island formation. M: Well, have you looked up any research from Dr Peter et — Ling nghe nhong thing Lyons? 'He's an authority on island formations and is well- pe known for his books on tropical islands too. epee Eset W: I've read his dissertation on rock categorisations, and | | Gn tropical islands too! va thought that was the field where he had the most expertise, | ‘ecentiy he's focused far M: No, that was in his early years as a researcher, recently more or; (alandie! 2 a he’s focused far more on islands. | see, I'll definitely look him up in the university library then. : Yes, he’s a great source. And he also provides references for other studies on... cchon dap an chinh xée Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1 Dr Peter Lyons has recently been best known for his A publications about islands B dissertation on tropical plants. C extensive studies of rock categorisations Xem ban dich 87.174 Gis 1. Dang bai Multiple choice cé thé yéu céu Iva chon dap dn miéu ta hanh déng tiép theo cla ngudi néi. Dang nay chi yéu xuat hién cudi cing, vi vay ban cdn chil y lang nghe phn cudi cia doan hdi thoai dé tim cdc tiv khda thé hién thi tuong lai nhu: “will” hay “be going to” va cdc trang tu chi thai gian nhu: “now”, “next”, “after”, “before” 2. V6i dang bai Multiple choice, ban cing o¢ thé phai nghe toan bé néi dung va Iya chon nhiéu hon mét dap an. Khi dé, ban cén nghe ky cac théng tin lién quan va tim ra ggi y tra Idi. Luu y rang cac théng tin nay 6 thé duge nhac téi theo cach giéng ho&e khac véi cc dap an trong dé (paraphrasing). 30 STEP 9 [thei gian nghel Lya chon dap an dung. Lya chon dap an thé hién dung n@i dung ma ban nghe dude (dap an c6 thé dude dién dat theo cach khée so véi noi dung nghe). Sau khi lya chon, ban cn kiém tra tinh chinh xac ctla dap an. __ Boan hl thoai dua ra ede gol y nhu ‘He's well-known for his books on tropical islands too’ 1 Dr Peter Lyons has recently been best known for his (Ong fy cin duge bist dén él céc cuén sach vé nhiing hon A publications about islands. sito nhiet ai) va ‘Recently, he's B dissertation on tropical plants. focused far more on islands’ (G8n ; i diy, dng y quan tam nhiéu hon fr itegorisation: C extensive studies of rock categorisations. én che hon do), Vi thye chét ‘his books on tropical islands! co ‘cung nghia véi ‘publications about islands’ (cdc Sn phém vé hang hon dio), nén A ls dap an chinh ac. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. ©, Kiém tra dap an Ap An B cé téi hai tu lién quan [a ‘dissertation’ va ‘tropical’, tuy nhién dap an nay thyc chat la vé thyc vat nhiét déi. Vi thé, B la dap an sai. Doan héi thoai tuy c6 dé cap tdi: ‘I've read his dissertation on rock categorisations ~ | thought that was the field where he had the most expertise’ (Ti da doc bai luan cila Ong Ay vé phan loai da, nén toi nghi rang dé la chuyén nganh cila éng ay), nhung cau tiép theo ‘No, that was in his early years as a researcher’ (Khong phai, dé Ia bai viét trong nhiing nam dau sy nghiép nghién ctu cla dng 4y) da phil dinh ndi dung trén. Vi thé, la dap an sai Ors rong trudng hgp phai chon nhiéu hon mét dap n, ban cn lu y mBi dp an chi duce su dung dé tra Idi cho mét cau hdi va khi dién vao phiéu tra Idi, chi t6 duy nhat mét dap an cho méi cau, Néu té nhiéu hon mét, nhiing cau dé sé bi coi la khong chinh xac. SNINGASIT SHTAI SYANDVH — @10y9 ayy CHAPTER1 31 HACKERS PRACTICE LUYEN DIEN DAT Y THEO C CH1_HP_Paraphrasing,mp3 (PARAPHRASING) Nghe va Iva chon dap an thé hién ndi dung ban nghe duge. 01 A They will stop by an attraction. B They will read a historical text. 02 A A painting will be put on display. B A space is under construction. 03 A Entries must be submitted by a certain date. B They will give you a hand on a weekday. 04 A They gather at the base of a mountain. B They go on a seasonal outing. 05 A He is unfamiliar with a university department. B He is unsure about registration fee payments. 06 A Itsplits a body of water. B Itis at the centre of a river. [em 01 A They will stop by an attraction, — 9 All of us will go and look around the very old opera venue. 02 B__Aspace is under construction. £4 The central art gallery is currently being renovated, 03 A Entries must be submitted by a certain date. — (4 The deadline for handing in the entrance form is the first Monday of next month. 04 B___ They go on a seasonal outing. — 4 Everyone from our club goes on a hike together in the mountains each autumn. 05 A He is unfamiliar with a university department. — 6 I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure what the office of the registrar is. 06 A It splits a body of water. — 4 The island breaks the bay up into two main sections. HACKERS IELTS LISTENING 07 A There are tips for proper exercise training B There are restrictions on certain foods. 08 A Itis a practice that is performed in hospitals worldwide. B tis a method that produces positive results, 09 A The device produces little trash. B_ The machine makes miniature models. 10 A Itis vital that humpbacks communicate periodically. B Itis through singing that humpbacks interact, rH iy 44. A The firms have come up with additional tactics which could increase revenues. B Anew approach to marketing will lead to widespread changes within the company. 42. A Airplane engineering was not a significant career in the 1900s. B Aircrafts were improved thanks to her work in the 1900s. Dap an 07 B__ There are restrictions on certain foods. ~ ¢% Nutritionists create menu plans with limits on daily fat and calorie levels. 08 B__ Itisamethod that produces positive results. — £4 Art therapy is proven effective among mental patients. 09 A The device produces ttle trash. — We are making a machine that generates a very ‘small amount of rubbish material 10 B__ tis through singing that humpbacks interact. ‘— © Humpback whales can communicate by singing, sometimes for periods of up to 24 hours. 11 A The firms have come up with additional tactics which could increase revenues. — (1. The companies have created a series of new business strategies which involve using innovative marketing plans to increase sales, 12 B Aircrafts were improved thanks to her work in the 1900s. — FE. Lilian Todd was an aviation pioneer who was responsible for important progress in aircraft design in the early years of the 20th century. CHAPTER1 33 34 eae Questions 1-4 cH1_HP1-4.mp3 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1 Alex is mostly interested in seeing A artgalleries, B contemporary culture. C historical sites. 2 — The ‘Top Spots’ half-day tour begins at A 7am. B 9am. © 2pm. 3 How much will Alex have to pay for his tour? A $25 B $45 c $70 4 — What will the guide for the Thursday tour be doing at Central Station? A displaying a company sign B distributing apparel to participants collecting payments from participants Questions 5-7 © CH1_HP5-7.mp3 Choose THREE letters, A-G. 5-7 Which THREE things does the speaker say travellers should make sure to do when making payments overseas? take advantage of tax refunds get the correct change pay with money rather than cards avoid counterfeit cash pay credit card fees get a good exchange rate ormoouar pay traveller taxes CHAPTER1 35 36 Questions 8-11. cHi_Hp8-11 mp3 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 10 n Devils Tower National Monument Guests can inquire about routes at the A visitor centre. B climbing office C gift shop. Devils Tower was made a national monument because of its importance to A previous explorers. B rock climbers. C native people. According to the speaker, why was the formation called Devils Tower? A Its name was misinterpreted. B Its summit is difficult to reach. C Its trails can be dangerous. Visitors are not allowed to A bring food into the park B give food to wildlife. Cleave the marked trails. Questions 12-16 (© CHI_HP12-16.mp3 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Psychology Study Abroad Programme 12-13 Which TWO aspects of the programme was Laura particularly positive about? the application process the quality of the lectures the expertise of the professors A B C the advice on her thesis D E the field trips Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 14 Laura says that the psychometrics course A involved difficult topics. B__was not too complex. C was for advanced students. 15 Why does Laura recommend the adult counselling course to John? ‘AA Itis the focus of John’s study. B tis highly praised by the school. C It involves fewer assignments. 46 How does the psychology course differ in Singapore compared to the UK? A There is less data to learn. B_ The course is less theoretical. C They have to learn statistics. SHINBISIT STAI SU3NOH —8910y9 aydiynyy Ba CHAPTER! 37, 38 Questions 17-20 Q cH1_HP17-20.mp3 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 17 Alice's biometric access system will A _use drivers’ thumbprints to open car locks. B scan the driver's eyes to unlock the car. C turn on the ignition when someone sits in the car. 18 The sponsorship from the university includes A financial support. B personal advising. C laboratory training. Choose TWO letters, A-E. 19-20 Which TWO characteristics of the proposal have specific requirements? A. length punctuation file format graphics references moog Questions 21-25 64 CHI_HP21-25.mp3 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 21 22 23 24 25 One result of high sugar consumption is that A. itcan cause diabetes B_ itcan lead to other more serious addictions. C itis a direct cause for increases in heart rates. Why is honey a good alternative to refined sugar? A. Ittastes the same in drinks. B_ Ithas fewer calories than sugar. C It is more easily processed by the body. ‘The speaker says people don't realise ‘A how much water should be consumed in a day. B how much sugar a soft drink contains. how many vitamins are in herbal tea. Products which are said to be fat-free should be avoided because A. they often contain extra sugar. B_ they do not list every ingredient. C they are made with sugar substitutes. According to the speaker, people should eat fruits and vegetables because A. they are a sugarless alternative. B_ they can satisfy the desire for sweetness. C_ they are a natural way to diet. Bap An + Script + Phan tich + Gia thich trang 174 CHAPTER! 39 158 TUES * Goi y cho méi cau héi sé duoc viét mau tim va danh s6 tuong ting voi cau hdi do. 1 2/two 2 balls 5 level 6 priority 9 10% 10. call 13, A 146 17 > 18 G 21 A 22 C 28 26 C 20 C 30 B 33. international 34 Gold 37 Manufacturers 38 colonies Questions 1-10 Gigng Anh-Anh trang 3 twice charity 7 120 machines WA 12D 15 B 16 A 19 D 20 ¢ 23D 24 B 27 B 28 B 31. financial 32 connections 35 days 36 targets 39. cleaner 40 advanced OV DT1-10.mp3 Section 1. You will hear a conversation between a customer and a receptionist from a tennis, facility about membership. M: Good afternoon, King's Place Tennis Cours. How can I help you? W: Hi. | play tennis and am interested to know ‘more about your facilities, lessons, fees, and 0 0n. M: OK, that's great. Well, we are the biggest tennis facility in the local region, and we have two badminton courts as well W: I don't play badminton, s0 I'm more interested in your tennis facilities. How many courts do you have? M: "In terms of tennis, we have 15 courts, most of them are outdoors, but we have two indoor courts 100. We also have a few machines for practising retums, and a device for measuring the speed of your serve. W: Oh, that’s good. Also, | may need some ‘equipment, Do you have a shop there? There are a few things | stil need to buy. M: We do, 2We have a pro shop where you can buy high-quality rackets and tennis balls, W: That's good, as | do need to pick up some new balls. And could you tell me about the lessons? | don't have very much experience. M: Well, if that's the case, we have a fow classes that may be appropriate. “There's one class for complete beginners which is once a week for two months... sorry, my mistake. It actually takes place twice a week, and involves working closely with our instructor. W: | wouldn't describe myself as an absolute | beginner. | Section 1. Ban sé nghe doan hdi thoai gida mot khéch hang va mét Ié tan trung tam tennis vé thi tuc dang ky hoi vien Nam: Na: Nam: Na: Nam: Na: Nam: Na: Nam: Na: A\6, trung tam tennis King’s Place xin nghe. Ti c6 thé gidp gi cho chi? Xin chao. Téi choi tennis va mudn biét them vé eo sé vat chat, cc khéa hoc, hdi phi... cla trung tm. ‘Vang. Buge a. Chting t6i la trung tam tennis lan nhét trong vung. Ngoal ra, chting t6i eGing cé hai san cdu long nua. Toi khong choi cdu ong, nén t0i chi mudn biét vé co 86 vat chat cia mén tennis théi. Trung tam c6 bao nhiéu san nhl? ‘V6i mén tennis, ching t6i c6 15 san, hau hét la san ‘ngoai tr, nhung ciing €6 hai san trong nha. Ching toi ciing c6 mat s6 may giao bong 48 hoi vien tap a bong va mat may do t6c-d6 giao bong cia hoi vien. ©. Vay thi t6t, Ngoai ra, 06 16 t6i con cn mot sé dung cu. Trung tam 06 cia hang ban dung oy khong? Toi cen mua vail mén 46, C6 a. "Ching t6i c6 mot cita hang chuyén dung nai chi cé thé mua cac loal vot va béng tennis chat Jugng cao. Tot qua, Viti cn mua thém vai qua béng méi, Béng | thai, anh c6 thé gidi thigu cho t8i vai 1ép hoc duoc khéng? Toi cing chua 66 nhiéu kinh nghiem. Vang. Vay thi trung tam c6 vai tap hoc 06 18 sé phi hop v6i chi, °Cé mot ldp danh cho ngudi hoan ton méi bait d4u, hoc mot budi mét tun trong hai thang...Xin ii, t6i nhdm. Lép hoe din ra hai budi met tuan méi ding, duéi sy huéng dn dy di cia hudn luyén vién. Thye ra tdi cing khéng han la nguéi méi hoan toan... M: Well, the next level up would be the beginner 2 class. That's abit loss intense, only once aweek, but the teachers work very closely with you. : Then ‘there is the intermediate class, which is very popular and allows you to play full games in : charity tournament at the end. Nam: Vang. Lép & trinh 46 cao hon la lép “nhap mén 2". Lép nay hoe it hon mét chat, chi mét busi mot tuan, hung cdc huén luyén vién sé huéng dn sat sao ccho chi, “Tiép theo la ldp trung cp, l6p nay rt duoc tua chudng va chi sé dugc tham gia giai déu chinh thu trong vong thi dau ti thién vao cu6i khéa hoe. W. Hmm... fm not actually sure where | would fit: Na: Um... Thye sy thi téi Khong che minh nén dng ky 6p in, to be honest. I've played in a competiive nao. Toi da tham dy mot gidi déu va thay né khong. tournament but it was just a bit of fun. qué tha vi IM: Well Syoucan meetwith ourinstructorandhe can ! Nam: Vang, °Vay chi o6 thé gap va tap thir mot budi véi play a game with you to determine your level, hudn luyén vién dé xac dinh duge trinh 4 ca minh, W: OK, will do! No: Buge day. M: Now, what kind of membership are you: Nam: Gidi chi muén dang ky h6i vien hang gi? interested in? Na: Trung tém c6 nhang hang nao vay? Toi muén choi W: What's on offer? | wantto play often, as I'm semi- thuding xuyén vi t6i sp vé huu va dang tim cach gid retired and looking for a way to keep fit. gin vée dang. M: Qur most comprehensive package may suit’ Nam: Vay thi o6 18 g6i t8ng hop clia ching t6i sé phi hop v6i yyou then, as “it includes unlimited access to all chhj nnd. “Goi nay cho phép chi st! dung khong han facilities and priority bookings for tennis courts, cché co s@ vat chat cba trung tam va duge uu tién Khi while everyone else has to join a queue. You «at san, trong khi nhiing ng\éi khéc phi ché. Ngodi ra, also get discounts on products in the pro shop chi ciing nhan dugc khuyén mai cho cdc san phdm & and on tennis lessons. ‘cla hang chuyén dung va cé céc Khéa hoe tennis nia. W: Well, that does sound good. How much does : Nu: Nghe duge dy. Gia tién la bao nhiéu vay? that package cost? Nam: 130 bang mot thang, nhung do “chi tham gia lan déu M: That would be £130 per month, but ‘since you rnén chung t6i s® khuyén mai cho chi 10 bang, tic l& are joining for the first time, we can offer you £10 con 120 bang, ngoal ra, n6u chi gid thigu cho ban be off to make it £120, and we can bring it down to tham gia thi gia s& chi cdn 100 bang £100 Ifyou have a friend join, Na: Tuyét that. Nhung t6i khong quen ai dé cing tham gia, W: Wonderful, although | don't have anyone | can rnén ti khéng chac minh di kha néing mua goi nay. think of to invite, so I'm still not sure | could afford (C6 géi nao ré han Khng? that option. What are the cheaper packages? — = am: Toi xin goi y gdi hoe vién. °Chi van c6 thé sti dung M: I would recommend the learner package. °With {at ca cac san tennis, nhung phai tra them phi dé sit this you will get access to all the tennis courts, : ‘dung cdc loai may. Chi Ging 6 thé ding phang thay but you have to pay extra to use the machines. : 6 va mua dé tap ti cla hang chuyén dung. “Duong You can use the changing rooms and the pro: nnhién chi céing s8 duge khuyén mai 10% tién hoo, tat shop, of course, and *you will also get 10% off | cA chi t6n 90 bang mot thang, the classes, all for only £90 per month, Na: Vang. T6i s6 chon géi nay. Wi OKI Well let's go for the leamer package. Nam: Tuyét voi. Khi nao chi cd thé téi dé tap thi voi hudn M: Great, and when would you like to come down luyén vién nh? for your trial with our instructor? Na: Hom nay 66 duge khong? Mk Whukd tadayrwiotke Nam: 6 tdi xem nao... Hom nay thi hun luyén vien ban M: Let me see... No, our instructor is fully booked. cA ngay. Ngay mai lic 11 gid séng 06 duge khong a? Today; How shout iomerownat 11 ani? Na: 11 gid thi khong duge r6i. TO! c6 thé dén sém nhét W: Can'tdo 11. Itwould have to be 12 at the earliest. va0 lic 12 gid. M: OK, we can fit you in then, '°so just call back to: Nam: Vang. Nhu vay cng duge. Chi co thé goi lai Khi da confirm once you know for sure. hae chan vé thoi gian. W: Ofcourse. Na: Vang M: You can ask for me, Daniel Eliot. When you come ; Nam: Khi goi chi ct tim t6i, Daniel Eliot. Con ngay mai khi tomorrow, please bring some form of ID and... 16i, chi hay mang theo gidy t8 ty than va. Tu vung in terms of vé phia, dudi dang equipment trang bi, vat dung queue hang doi appropriate phu hgp, thich hgp tournament gidi d&u, cuéc thi comprehensive téng hgp, bao ham tri I thi nghiém, thi nghiém SONINSLSI] $1731 SHSNIVH biacnostic test 159

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