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Student’ Name: _______________ Grade: 3 / ____ Subject: Science

Practice Sheet: Unit Force

Qts:1 Complete the following statements with the help of word bank.

Egypt Gravity Newton push surfaces

Force Strong Force mete Force Friction

1. The great pyramid in ________________________ has too many blocks of stone

2. Weight is a force and is measured in ___________
3. A _______________ is a push or pull.
4. Earth has a very __________________ gravitational force
5. Butterfly uses it wings to ____________ the air for flying.
6. ____________ can make things go faster or slower.
7. Different ________________ effects movement of object.
8. Brakes uses ______________ to stop a moving object.
9. _____________ makes thing to have weight.
10. We use _____________ to measure a force.
Qts: 2 Write True or False for the following statements:
1. Pushes and Pulls or earthquake are very weak. ( __________ )
2. Gravity is the force that make things to have weight. ( __________ )
3. If the mass of object is bigger, the weight will be less. ( __________ )
4. We do not use force to start or stop a moving object. ( __________ )
5. When we open the tin lid pull force is used. ( __________ )
6. Walkers have a good grip on their boots. ( __________ )
7. Good grip shoes make us slip on the road. ( __________ )
8. Gravity always pulls towards the right of the earth. ( __________ )
Qts:3 Circle the correct applied force

Qts: 4 Give one word answers to the following.

Q1. When you move something away from you, that force is called.
Q2. When you move something towards you, that force is called.
Q3. What is the unit of force?
Q4. What kinds of boots astronaut wear on moon?
Q5. Which force brake uses to stop a moving object?
Qts:5 Give answers in details.
Q1. What is Gravity?
Q2. Define Friction.

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