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NEWS: The Guardian newspaper.

I’m going to search for some interesting news and then I will explain to you with
my own words. The first one is about my favourite food in the world (chocolate),
the second one is about what I like doing the most in my free time (dancing) and
the third one is about a product that is typical in my favourite time of the year

Reasons why you should eat chocolate.

“From improving your vision to preventing memory decline, chocolate has

incredible powers. Plus, of course, it tastes amazing!”

On the one hand, chocolate helps you while you are reading and the main
reason why you should eat it is for prevent memory decline and remembered
what has happened in the previous chapter or what have you read the day
before. Secondly, dark chocolate is full of flavonals that can help you to protect
your skin against sun damage if you like reading outside in the garden or in the
beach during the summer; but apart from eating chocolate to protect the skin,
you should also put some sunscreen to prevent sunburnt. Moreover, if you like
reading at night, after a hard work day, after practising some sport or after
school and your eyes feel sleepy and tired, chocolate will improve your vision.

On the other hand, chocolate can make you smarter, thinner and healthier and
also can improve cognitive performance. In the first place, it makes you cleverer
but this isn’t a final study because some researches say that they can’t tell if
clever people like chocolate or if chocolate makes you clever. Furthermore, it
helps to weight loss and we can easily find this on people that are following a
diet; the chocolate-eaters lose weight easily that the abstainers. Additionally,
chocolate prevents heart attacks and strokes, there is a study which show that
the probabilities of suffering a heart attack or strokes are 17% lower for those
people who eat a lot of chocolate. Also, it improves fitness but this is only a
characteristic for dark chocolate because milk destroy the process.

In conclusion, you should eat chocolate because it has the best taste. It’s
chocolate, do you really need a reason for eating it?
Peter Lovatt: 'Dancing can change the way you think'

“Dancing can help with problem-solving – and researchers are looking at its
effects on people with Parkinson's disease”.

In this article Peter Lovatt tell us that they had made a study in which there were
a group of people that need to resolve some problems. Firstly, they try to
resolve the problem without dancing before and they realized that they couldn’t
resolve the problem. Some minutes later, after being dancing for a while, they
try again to resolve the problem and now they had some answers to only one
problem. Also, you have to choose an appropriate kind of music because each
type of music helps to resolve a different problem. This man did this study
mainly based on people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. They used
improvised dance with a group of those people and then finally saw an
improvement in their divergent thinking skills.

A different study show that men whose ears are the same size are better
dancers and despite that this sounds like nonsense, it’s true that physically
symmetrical men were rated better dancers by women. This success is related
to the physical balance that all of us have in our ear.

Easter eggs 2016

“Our panel of tasters rate Easter chocolate, from budget supermarket buys to
luxury brands. Which showstopper is worth splashing out on – and will kids go
for Betty’s badger, Percy Pig or Egg Head?”

There are a lot of different types of Easter eggs: the most sophisticated, the
best white, the best value and the best for kids. The price is variable depending
on the quality and the size of the product. The size is calculated in gramme and
goes from 55g to 700g and the prices goes from £1.49 to £49.95. I have to say
that this is typical in England but here in Spain we don’t have this tradition and
instead of that we have processions and other typical sweets like “torrijas”.

Macarena Mateos Rubio.

Primer curso Estudios Ingleses.

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