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Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.

notebook February 24, 2022

English ­ Spring 2 Week 1

Lesson 1 ­ Setting descriptions

Lesson 2 ­ Thesaurus work

Lesson 3 ­ Review of writer's


Lesson 4 ­ Guided Reading

Lesson 5 ­ WOTW and Spellings

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Lesson 1 ­ Setting descriptions

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Can anyone remember what we are doing for our next writing?

For our next piece of writing, we are

going to be taking a trip to the planet of
our pet alien.

Your alien will be taking you in his

spaceship and you will write about the
moment the spaceship lands and the first
time you see this new planet!
Next week we will write an exciting and
descriptive narrative.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

In order to make our narrative writing as

exciting as possible, we need to use fantastic
descriptive language so that the reader can
imagine exactly what this planet is like.

Today, we are going to look at a variety of

different narratives and collect as many
descriptive words as we can.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

As we get off the spaceship and look at the

planet for the first time, what will we be

You will need two pages in your book!

(See next two slides)

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Tuesday 1st March

Vocabulary harvest


Water (e.g. streams, rivers, Ground (e.g. paths,

desert floor, snow,
lakes, waterfalls)
grass, walkway)

Plants (e.g. Trees, forrests, Sky (e.g. sun, moon,

woods, flowers)

Buildings Extras

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

duel page
Senses display

See Hear

Feel/touch Smell

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022


Here is an example setting description. First, we will read it. Next,

we will underline any examples of descriptions. Finally, we will
add these to our books.

As I got off the space ship, I looked out at a huge forest

with an abandoned house at the bottom of a dark winding
path. I could smell the earthiness of the dirt beneath my
feet and feel the cool air clawing at my face. Tall, twisted
trees surrounded the building keeping it in a cloak of
darkness, even on the brightest of days. The gnarled, long
branches looked like witches fingers ready to grab any
intruder who entered. The overgrown garden was littered
with brambles and thorn bushes. The house itself was not in
any better shape. Dark green ivy twisted up the house
covering the bricks. The windows were filthy and cracked. It
was lifeless. Silent. No one dared even go near it, so what
lay inside was a mystery.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Setting descriptions to be shared on each table. Hot/SEN

have own sheet.

In front of me was a place filled with the unending

grains of golden sand, as if the whole planet was made
out of gold itself. Shimmering blue pools of water, that
sparkled in the presence of the sunlight, were dotted
across the land. Greenery spread out all around, with
patches of different coloured flowers that grew among
bushes occasionally. In the distance, was a majestic
waterfall that looked like a sheet of blue glass. The
water thundered down into a pool like a gigantic
waterspout. However, what stood proudly in the distance
was a majestic mountain of rock. Standing high above
me, it rumbled occasionally causing the birds to stir.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

When I got off the spaceship, I found myself stood in front of a

spectacularly symmetrical alien castle, I was in awe of the
immense detail that had gone into creating this elegant,
momentous monument. The soaring, majestic towers of the
structure peered down over the ant­sized aliens below. The tiny
creatures wandered slowly along a white marble path, which ran
through the middle of gorgeous green park. This crystal white
walkway passed a beautiful pond of water filled with emerald­
green water plants. The sunlight danced on the water of the
pool distracting anyone who passed. There were tiny froglike
creatures surrounding the pool, their eyes were lit up, as bright
as a thousand stars. With each passing second, I grew weaker
as the hot, damp air infested my weary lungs. I could feel the
heat burrowing deep into my bones until they felt as hot as a
boiling kettle. Eggs could be fried on the paths leading to the
castle. I slowly walked along the hard white path towards the
pond, my feet relaxed as the sun kissed my toes. I went slowly
into the shallow, circular pond, which was in the centre of the
peaceful park, I felt the ice­cold water hitting my skin. I became
even more relaxed with the sounds of birds tweeting in a
soothing symphony. I was in heaven, until suddenly….

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

As soon as I stepped off the spaceship, I saw them ­ the 3
beautiful, big, blue moons in the sky. They floated above me like
birthday balloons. Bravely, I walked forward onto this unfamiliar
planet. I couldn't comprehend what I saw; tall, rock mountains,
purple and blue flowers clumped together on the dusty floor and
thousands of small, grey, ant­like creatures scurrying around my
feet. Reaching down, I touched the dry blue ground and grabbed a
handful of the rough dust which felt like gravel running through
my hands. It wasn't silent; I could hear myself breathing deeply
alongside rumbles of thunder in the distance. The thunder
sounded like drums beating out a song. Weirdly, I could smell the
acid smell of smoke and fireworks. The smell travelled into my
nose and the taste of burnt meat filled my mouth. Just then, ahead
of me, I saw the strangest thing yet...

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

As spaceship doors opened in front of me, I got my first

look at Bob's home planet. It was amazing! I could see a
magnificent forest of tall green trees with wonderful
brightly coloured plants and flowers set out in front of me.
The trees were like huge umbrellas protecting the floor of
the forest from any rain that might fall. In the distance, I
could see a huge waterfall which drew my attention to the
pounding roar of the water in my ears. It was pounding
down to the beat of my heart. Bravely, I stepped from my
comfortable, safe rocket onto this new unfamiliar planet. I
felt my feet sink into the lush green grass that covered the
floor. It was cold and mushy beneath my feet. Reaching
down, I touched the soft moss and dug my fingers into the
wet muddy earth. It was like shoving my hands in a bowl
of chocolate moose. I stood up and looked at the endless
sky. I could see fluffy pink clouds that looked like candy
floss floating in the sky. I took a deep breath and listened.
I could hear thousands of birds, which were everywhere,
calling out to each other. Their tweets like classical music
in my ears. There were a variety of smells surrounding me;
the sweet smell of cinnamon coming from the flowers, the
sweet perfume of the trees and the scent of freshly baked
bread in the hot air. I was starting to feel so relaxed I
could curl up and go to sleep. Just then a loud crack came
from the bushes in front of me. I couldn't believe what
appeared in front of me.,,,,

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

As the capsule's doors opened onto this new world, I felt the
immense heat hit my face. It reminded me of when I got off the
plane in Pakistani, the hot, moist air hit me like a brick wall ­
nearly knocking me over. Heroically, I walked forward onto this
strange new planet. There were so many things to look at; the
fiery sun burning in the sky, the tall red trees, the dead rotting
leaves on the floor and the red lava streams running across the
ground. I couldn't comprehend what I saw; It was all so strange.
Bending down, I picked up a bunch of leaves from the ground and
put them to my nose. The smell was dank and musty, my stomach
churned and turned over. I leaned on a tree to recover. It felt
rough and sharp under my fingers. As I looked out, I watched the
long and narrow streams of boiling, red lava twist and turn across
the land. I could hear the lava rumbling across the ground like a
steam train chugging along. After a moment, I noticed the
strangest thing yet....

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Challenge/Next step: Highlight the vocabulary/phrases that you

think would describe your planet.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Lesson 2 ­ Thesaurus work

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

We are getting ready to wrtie our narrative (setting

description). We are describing our aliens's home planet.

We have lot's of descriptive vocabulary from last lesson.

Today, we might want to up­level this vocabulary, add to it
or change it. This will make our writing even more

e.g. a big forest ­ a huge, thick, jungle of dense forest

We will look at 2 ways to support you when doing this

1. Thesaurus

2. Descriptosaurus book pages

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Sometimes you might want to find a different way of saying

A thesaurus can help you with this. Watch this video...

If you look up a word in a thesaurus it will show you a list

of synonyms. These are other words that mean the same
thing or something similar to the word you have looked for.

One of these synonyms might be a better way of saying

what you want and you could use it instead.

For example: ‘Starving’ describes how the man in the video

is feeling better than ‘hungry’.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

How to use a thesaurus:

A thesaurus is set out in alphabetical order, like a dictionary, so

you look up words in the same way.

The nice trees were green.

For example:

If you wanted to find another word for ‘nice’ in a thesaurus:

­ You start by finding the words beginning with ‘n’, then ‘n­i’,
then ‘n­i­c’ until you eventually narrow it down to ‘n­i­c­e’.

­ You'll then see lots of other words that mean the same as
'nice' that you can use in your writing.

­ Choose one, such as 'lovely' or 'pleasant'.

Top tip: When replacing a word make sure you read it aloud to
yourself and check it sounds okay.

The nice trees were green.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Can you help me replace walked in this sentence.

As I walked off the spaceship, ....

As I walked off the spaceship, ....

Top tip: Check the new word in the dictionary if you are not sure.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

We can also use pages from a descriptosaurus to help us up­level
our work.

This is an example page:

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

In your books, write the sentence/phrase and then see if you can
change the words in these sentences and/or add to it to make
them more interesting.

a huge forest ­ a vast forest full of magnificent tall trees with
huge, thick, limbs. The trees stretched out as far as the eye could

1. a big white castle

2. I was nervous and my heart was beating like a drum.

3. I walked off the spaceship and looked at an amazing, beautiful


4. The water in the stream was blue and pretty.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Now, go back to your words from last lesson (2 pages). You are
going to use a thesaurus and some pages from descriptosaurus to
help make the vocabulary descriptions more interesting.
Remember, you can use these phrases and words in your own
writing and it will make your writing more individual as well as

Set your work out in the same way you did for the first

a huge forest ­ a vast forest full of magnificent tall trees

with huge, thick, limbs. The trees stretched out as far as the
eye could see.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Challenge/Next step: When should you use a thesaurus or

desccriptosaurus? Why are they useful?

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Lesson 3 ­ Review of writer's


We are getting ready to write our narrative

(setting description). We are describing our
aliens's home planet.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Last half term, we looked at our writer's toolkit and this

week we have been looking at powerful vocabulary and
senses. Who can remember some of the features we are
looking for in your narrative next week?

Writer's toolkit Setting features

Relative clauses Powerful vocabulary
ENPs Figurative language
Semi­colons Senses
Varied sentence lengths
Previously taught

Parenthesis Different sentence starters

Commas for a list Show me don't tell me
Fronted adverbials

Now ­ Let's RECAP

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

RECAP ­ relative clauses

A relative clause is a type of subordinate clause

and can be used to give additional information
about a noun.

For example:

I arrived at a planet where the ground

was sticky and iridescent.

In this example, the relative clause is ‘where the

ground was sticky and iridescent’. It provides
more information about the planet (the noun).

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

A relative clause is always introduced by a

relative pronoun.

A pronoun replaces a noun.

whose who whom

that when
which where

The leader, who was wearing a lime­green,

shiny suit, welcomed us.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Punctuation with relative clauses


The spaceship, which hummed as it raced

through the stars, was shaped like a frisbee.

Top tip: You can also use parenthesis punctuation for relative
clauses in the middle of a sentence!


The spaceship had a high­tech, electric

engine which hummed as it raced through
the stars.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

­ each relative clause
needs a relative pronoun

­ remember your punctuation: commas or

parenthesis punctuation in the middle and no
comma at the end

­ if the relative clause is taken out it should

still make sense

­ the relative clause should add more detail

about the noun

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Recap ­ ENPs

We are going to gather ENPs (expanded noun phrases)

about our new planet whilst also using our senses.

Noun The lava Noun phrase

Expanded noun phrase

+Adjective The fiery, bubbling lava

+Prepositional The fiery, bubbling lava

phrase spitting out of the ground.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

RECAP ­ Figurative language

The moon was a lantern in the sky looking down over the
castle as the breeze whistled through the trees; their
branches reaching out with clawing fingers. Jack stood ­
frozen ­ wishing to be anywhere but here. Cautiously, he
shuffled forward as brittle twigs snapped beneath his feet. His
hands became sweaty and his heart started to beat like a
drum. Ba­dum, ba­dum, ba­dum. Above him, coal­black crows
circled and cawed like predators ready to pounce on their
prey. Then, he saw it...

Simile Other language features...

Metaphor Alliteration
Personification Show me don't tell me
Onomatopoeia Cliffhanger ending

Looking at this language who can tell me what each of the

highlighted language features are?

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

RECAP ­ semi colons

Semi­colons can be used to link together

related independent clauses. They often
replace co­ordinating conjunctions.



Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

I ordered a drink and my friend asked for

a burger.

I ordered a drink; my friend asked for a

burger. independent clauses

It was freezing so he was grateful for his coat.

It was freezing; he was grateful for his coat.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

We can also use semi­colons to introduce a list.

For example:

There were so many things to look at; the

fiery sun burning in the sky, the tall, red
trees, the dead, rotting leaves on the floor
and the red lava streams running across
the ground.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Now we have recapped, we can start to put some sentences together.

Next week, we can use these sentences in our narrative (setting

We should see these lists as a check list for us to tick off in our
writing to make sure we have included everything we have been

Today, we will use these lists to write sentences about our planet.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Activity ­ Stick in your lists and write sentences about your planet.
Tick off the things from your lists as you include them in your
sentences. See how many ticks you can get by the end of the


Amazingly, the soaring, majestic towers of the castle peered down

over the ant­sized aliens below (they all looked like my alien ­

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Friday 4th Febrary 2022

Using my writer's toolkit

1. Amazingly, the soaring, majestic towers of the castle peered

down over the ant­sized aliens below (they all looked like my
alien ­Bob).

2. As I stepped slowly off the spaceship, where I had sepnd the

last few days, I felt terrified but at the same time stragely
excited to see what Bob's planet would be like.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Hot ­ sentence starters

1. As I stepped/walked/ran off the spaceship, I felt....

2. Weirdly, I could hear...

3. I saw so many amazing things; .......

4. I reached out and touched....

5. I wanted to smell....

6. The sky was.....

7. The ground was....

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Inspiration pictures and sound


google alien
planet soundscapes

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Lesson 4 ­ Guided Reading ­

World Book Day

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Learning Objective: I can read, enjoy, understand and

discuss an increasingly wide range of Fiction, Poetry, Plays,
Non­Fiction and Reference books or Text books.

On Fire: I can read and understand an extract, find

unfamiliar nonsense words and analyse them by considering
root words, prefixes and suffixes.
Hotter: I can read and understand an extract, find
unfamiliar nonsense words and consider their meaning.
Hot: I can highlight nonsense words in an extract and
consider their meaning.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Today we are going to be looking at one of

Roald Dahl's most famous books...
Rub out sections bit by bit... what book do you think it might be?

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

The BFG!

What do we know
about the BFG?

Who are the main


What is your
favourite part of
the story?

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

We are going to be exploring the

BFG's peculiar vocabulary today...

We are going to start by reading

an excerpt from the book.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

In your pairs/groups.

Highlight all of the nonsense words that the

BFG has come up with.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022



Would you be able to find these words in
the dictionary?
Do you think you know what they mean?
Why do you think that?
Do they mean something good or something

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Organise the words that you identified

in the extract into positive and
negative words.

You will need to justify your answer!

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

How did you know which words meant

something good or bad?

Roald Dahl uses parts of words we know to

create new nonsense words that mean
something similar to the original ones.

Your next activity is to become wordsmiths.

You are going to create your own nonsense
words using dictionaries and thesauruses
to help you.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Similar to words of the week we are now going to use our new
words to create a BFG words of the week journal!

You will each get a piece of A5 paper. You will have to pick
one of your words (make sure it isn't the same as anyone
You are going to create a page for your new word. You can
draw the word in a way that represents what it means.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Example Make sure it is landscape!


Word: disgusterous
Word Class: adjective
Definition: Something that tastes
horrible and bitter.
In context: My friend made me a
cake that tasted disgusterous.

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

(if time!)

Using squared paper, make a wordsearch

of all your new BFG nonsense words for
your partner to complete!

Remember to write the words below the

wordsearch so they know what to find!

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Lesson 5 ­ WOTW and Spelling

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Week 1

Words of the week

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Week 1

Words of the week

Hazy Word class:

Synonyms Definition:
to move by twisting the body sometimes in
twist In context:
The jungle vines looked like writhing snakes.

My sentences:

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Week 1

Words of the week

Hazy Word class:

Synonyms Definition:
to shine or sparkle with reflected light.

glitter In context:
shine She look out at the glistening sea and
thought how beautiful it was.
My sentences:

Home learning ­ English ­ Spring 2 Week 1.notebook February 24, 2022

Week 1

Words of the week

Hazy Word class:

misty not clear, covered in mist

In context:
cloudy The mountains in the distance are hazy.

My sentences:


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