Verbal Reasoning Test

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Lưu ý: Đáp án và lời giải chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
[1+2] Hatha yoga is one of the most common styles of yoga practiced in Western
countries. It involves physical postures and breathing exercises combined with
meditation. A recent study found that practicing just 25 minutes of Hatha yoga per
day can boost the brain's executive functions, cognitive abilities linked to goal-
directed behavior, and the ability to control emotional responses, habitual thinking
patterns, and actions. According to the research, Hatha yoga focuses the brain's
conscious processing power on a limited number of targets, like breathing and
posing, and reduces processing of nonessential information. These two functions
might have a positive carryover effect in the near-term following the session, so
people can focus more easily on what they attend to in everyday life. The study
participants completed 25 minutes of Hatha yoga and 25 minutes of quiet reading (a
control task). After both activities, the participants were tested in several subjects to
measure their brain function. Following the yoga session, participants performed
better on executive function exams compared to the reading task.

1. Participants performed better on executive function exams than on reading tasks

A. True
B. False
C. Cannot Say
To answer this question correctly, a full understanding of the passage is needed. The
passage states: 'The study participants completed 25 minutes of Hatha yoga and 25
minutes of quiet reading (a control task). After both activities, the participants were
tested in several subjects to measure their brain function'. It can be concluded that
the comparison is between the yoga activity and the reading activity, as the exams,
including the executive function exams, came after both. The mention of the quiet
reading being 'a control task' proves the point, as a control task, much like a control
group, is used to measure by comparison how the other task, in this case the yoga
task, influences the study participants. The participants performed better on
executive function exams after yoga, compared to how they performed on executive
function exams after the reading task. The comparison is not between the executive
function exams and the reading tasks, and the argument is a misinterpretation of the
Therefore, it is False.

2. Practicing Hatha yoga involves brain activities that last even after you finish
practicing the session.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot Say
The passage states Hatha yoga 'focuses the brain's conscious processing power on a
limited number of targets, like breathing and posing, and reduces processing of
nonessential information'. The next sentence refers to these brain activities: 'These
two functions might have some positive carryover effect in the near-term following
the session'. From the word 'might', it can be deducted that this sentence is an
assumption, not a fact.

Therefore, the answer is Cannot Say

[3+4] Directive 77/486 obliges the member states to provide mother tongue teaching
for minority students in grade schools - with the provision that ”minority languages”
as a term refers to the national languages of EU citizens, but with the controversial,
not binding, addition that this right could be extended to other minorities.
It seems that a Swedish initiative taken while Sweden was the chair of the EU
intended to automatically extend the directive. However, perhaps as a consequence
of a change in Sweden’s government, it may have become an effort to abrogate the
extending of the directive.

3. What is a possible consequence of the new directive in EU member states?

A. There will be an influx of ethnic minorities into the member states.
B. Sweden will lose influence in the EU parliament.
C. There will be more business conducted across member states.
D. Schools in EU member states will have longer hours than their counterparts

Explanation: Option C is the correct answer because if more people are speaking
and can conduct business in different languages; this will lead to an increase in
business. A isn’t correct as the directive only necessitates EU languages and that
doesn’t include ethnic minorities. B is also the wrong answer as this has nothing to
do with the new directive and who says it will happen? D is incorrect as we don’t
know what they do there.

4. Which one of the following provides the best summary of the common ground
between both quotes?
A. The directive received ambivalent responses among member states.
B. Member states prefer not to extend the directive to include other minorities.
C. The two paragraphs have no common ground.
D. Extending the directive to other minorities is debatable.
Explanation: When looking for common ground, sometimes it is easier to use the
distractors as an anchor and work through the elimination of options. Distracter A
sounds accurate yet is tricky: although we can assert that the second passage is in
agreement with this claim since it describes Sweden's response as ambivalent
(changing its decision regarding the extension of the directive), we have no objective
information in the first passage regarding the responses of other member states. All
we know is that the author offers an opinion that the extension of the directive is
”controversial,” but this is insufficient information to deduce the stands of other
state members. Therefore distracter A does not offer a summary of common ground
between the two passages. Distracter B deals with the preference of state members
not to extend the directive. Although the second passage does mention that Sweden
decided not to extend the directive in the end, the first passage offers no information
in regard to this subject. Distracter C is best dealt with last (after viewing all other
distracters) and so we are left with distracter D. Distracter D claims that extending
the directive is a debatable matter. Note that as opposed to distracter A, this time the
distracter does not elaborate on the identity of the holder of this debatable stand.
The first passage relates to this claim by stating that the extension is "controversial.”
The second passage also relates to this matter by describing the hesitations that the
Swedish government was having regarding extension of the directive. Consequently,
D is the correct answer.

[5+6+7] Videoconferencing
Videoconferencing is an efficient tool that has the potential to facilitate and speed up
cross-border proceedings and to reduce the costs involved. In the context of European
e-Justice, videoconferencing may be a new concept but it already exists, it is free of
technical obstacles, it has been widely used at the national level between authorities
in the same country or other countries, and it can be developed further.
Currently the use of cross-border videoconferencing in criminal or civil and
commercial proceedings involves conducting witness, expert or victim hearings. The
taking of evidence is the most important use of videoconferencing in cross-border
proceedings and has proven especially practical in cases involving the hearing of
vulnerable or intimidated witnesses. Furthermore, expert hearings (e.g. of forensic,
interpretation and medical experts) conducted via videoconferencing have ensured a
more effective use of resources.
At EU level, there are several initiatives covering the use of videoconferencing in
legal procedures. An effort is made to make proceedings as accessible as possible by
using online forms that enable courts to fill, print and save the request, to translate it
into the language of the requested court, and by collecting and disperse information
on available national facilities. In the UK, for example, Virtual Court, a video link
between a court and a police station, has made it possible to deal with first hearings
within 2-3 hours of charge in simple cases and has the potential to hear a significant
number of first hearings on the same day. Consequently, many victims and witnesses
can expect to receive quicker compensation, better translation and overall a more
responsive service.

5. Which two of the following consequences does the passage link to video
A. An upsurge in cross-border proceedings
B. Speedier taking of evidence
C. More pleasant justice service
D. Reduction in the number of proceedings
E. Reduced costs
F. More initiatives in the judicial system
Explanation: Answers are B and E
The question asks us to identify the consequences of incorporating videoconferencing
in the justice system (this is the subject of the passage). Let us go over the distracters
and find the related sections of the passage that correspond to them:
A. Although the passage states that: ’videoconferencing is an efficient tool that has
the potential to facilitate and speed up cross-border proceedings', it does not go on
to claim that there has been an upsurge in cross-border proceedings.
B. This is a consequence of the use of videoconferencing: ’Videoconferencing is an
efficient tool that has the potential to facilitate and speed up cross-border
proceedings,’ and:’…Virtual Court… has made it possible to deal with first hearings
within 2-3 hours of charge in simple cases…'
C. Although the passage states that ‘many victims and witnesses can expect to receive
a more responsive service,’ this is not to say that the justice service is more pleasant.
D. Videoconferencing ‘has made it possible to deal with first hearings within 2-3
hours of charge in simple cases’, yet proceeding times might take longer.
E. This is a consequence of the use of videoconferencing: ’Videoconferencing is an
efficient tool that has the potential to…reduce the costs involved,’ and:
’Furthermore, expert hearings…have ensured a more effective use of resources.'
F.‘At EU level there are several initiatives covering the use of videoconferencing in
legal procedures.’ This is not a consequence of the use of videoconferencing.

6. Which two of the following are NOT given in the context of implementation of
videoconferencing in the judicial system?
A. Conducting expert hearings
B. Taking evidence from witnesses
C. Connecting between the police and the court system
D. Conducting cross-border trials
E. Conducting first hearings
F. Filming of the crime scene
Explanation: The question asks us to identify 4 implementations of
videoconferencing in the judicial system and 2 that are not. Since the
implementations are scattered throughout the passage, let us scan it and find the
corresponding sections:
(1) ‘The taking of evidence is the most important use of videoconferencing in cross-
border proceedings and has proven especially practical in cases involving the hearing
of vulnerable or intimidated witnesses. Furthermore, expert hearings (e.g. of forensic
and medical experts) conducted via videoconferencing have ensured a more effective
use of resources.’-this eliminates distracters A and B.
(2) ‘In the UK, for example, Virtual Court, as a video link between a court and a
police station, has made it possible to deal with first hearings within 2-3 hours of
charge in simple cases and has the potential to hear a significant number of first
hearings on the same day.’- this eliminates distracters C and E.
Therefore the two statements not given as implications of videoconferencing in the
justice system are: D and F. The passage mentions several cross-border proceedings
specifically, but trials is not one of them. Filming of the crime scene is not mentioned
at all. The answers are D and F.

7. Videoconferencing commonly targets which one of the following groups?

A. Overseas judges
B. Defense attorneys
C. Police secretaries
D. Policemen
E. Witnesses
F. Prosecutors
Explanation: This question is based on a key sentence in the passage: ’The taking of
evidence is the most important use of videoconferencing in cross-border proceedings
and has proven especially practical in cases involving the hearing of vulnerable or
intimidated witnesses'. In other words, the target group is witnesses
(and victims; however this is not given as an answer option), and the correct answer
is E.

[8+9] The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created under the 1944 Bretton
Woods agreement, a plan to promote open markets through exchange rates tied to the
U.S. dollar. If a country couldn't cover its trade deficits, the IMF was to step in and lend
it the needed dollars—on certain conditions. When the fixed-rate regime of Bretton
Woods ended in 1971, economists imagined that a new era of freely floating exchange
rates would keep imports and exports roughly in balance, thus eliminating large trade
deficits and the need to borrow abroad to cover them. But many governments were loath
to let exchange rates float freely. To hold down prices for imported food and energy,
they kept their currencies at overvalued levels. They borrowed abroad for other reasons
too: to grandiose public-works projects; to keep state-owned industries afloat; and
because it suited sticky-fingered ruling families.

8. Keeping a currency at an overvalued level could act to keep imported goods at low prices.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot Say
Explanation: First, locate the relevant sentence and then, consider what the sentence states
and what the sentence does not state: "But many governments were loath to let exchange rates
float freely. To hold down prices for imported food and energy, they kept their currencies at
overvalued levels." This means that imported goods could be kept at low prices by the act of
holding one's currency at overvalued levels. Therefore, the answer is True.
9. The policies of some countries did not hold true to the original goal of Bretton Woods.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot Say
Explanation: The text mentions that the Bretton Woods agreement was “a plan to promote
open markets” and that after 1971, governments manipulated their currencies and were not
willing to let their exchange rates float freely. In addition, the text notes that governments
borrowed for reasons beyond those specified in the original agreement.
This means that some countries have indeed digressed from the stated purpose of the Bretton
Woods agreement and the statement is TRUE.

[10+11+12] Prudential Regulation Authority

The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) is the regulatory body for financial services in the
United Kingdom. Its responsibilities include regulation and supervision of approximately 1,700
banks, building societies, credit unions, insurers and major investment firms. The authority is
owned by the Bank of England, making it not a governmental body but a quasi-governmental
The PRA was created as part of the 2012 Financial Services Act. This Act sought to reform
financial regulations that failed to protect the UK’s economy during the financial crisis of 2008.
Hector Sants, the chief executive of the Financial Services Authority, says: "The PRA's purpose
is fundamentally different from that of previous regulatory regimes. Its most important objective
is to promote the financial stability of the UK financial system.”
There are three statutory objectives to the PRA. These are: to promote the safety and soundness
of the firms it regulates; to contribute to the protection for insurance policyholders or future
policyholders; and to facilitate effective competition.
The PRA advances its objectives using two key tools – regulation and supervision. It sets
regulatory standards or policies that it expects firms to meet, and it assesses the risks that firms
pose to its objectives. Where necessary, action is taken to reduce the risks. Supervision is done
at each individual firm separately.
Significant supervisory decisions are taken by the Board. This Board consists of the Governor
of the Bank of England, the Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, the Chief Executive
Officer of the PRA, and other independent non-executive members. The PRA seeks to ensure
that a financial firm which fails will not cause significant disruption to the supply of critical
financial services and will not need taxpayer help.

10. According to the passage, what type of body is the PRA?

A. A governmental body
B. A branch of the bank of England
C. A quasi-governmental regulator
D. A supervising body
E. A non-executive body
F. Body that generates reforms in financial markets
This question deals with a relatively small detail in the text – what kind of supervisory body the
Prudential Regulation Authority is. We can find this detail by looking for the name Prudential
Regulation Authority or the initials PRA. The answer is in the very first paragraph of the text,
as part of a general description of the PRA: “The authority is owned by the Bank of England,
making it not a governmental body but a quasi-governmental regulator.”
A. It is specifically mentioned that the PRA is not a governmental body.
B. The PRA is indeed owned by the Bank of England, but that is not the type of regulatory
body it is.
C. That is correct, as stated above.
D. That is part of the PRA’s authority, but it is not the type of body they are.
E. Not mentioned in the text.
F. That is also part of the PRA’s authority, but it is not the type of body they are.

The answer is C

11. What is the main objective of the PRA, as mentioned by Hector Sants?
A. To ensure that insurance firms' clients are protected.
B. To change the regulation affecting the UK financial firms
C. To avoid a situation where a financial firm which fails requires taxpayer’s assistance.
D. To improve the competition between financial firms

E. To encourage financial markets in the UK to be steadier

F. To supervise 1,700 financial bodies

Explanation: This is a quote question, dealing with something Hector Sants says in the text.
Looking where Sants is mentioned, we find his quote in the second paragraph: “The PRA's …
most important objective is to promote the financial stability of the UK financial system."
A. This is mentioned in the text, but not in the quote.
B. Not mentioned in the quote.
C. This is mentioned in the text, but not in the quote.
D. This is mentioned in the text, but not in the quote.
E. This is the correct answer, as stated in the quote above.
F. This is mentioned in the text, but not in the quote.
12. Which two are NOT mentioned in the passage as the PRA's roles and capabilities?

A. Setting standards for financial firms’ activity

B. Assessing the market risks that can jeopardise advancing the PRA’s goals.
C. Making sure there are no failures in any financial firm in the UK market.
D. Supervision of key post-trade financial market infrastructures
E. Assisting in creating better competition in the financial markets
F. Take action in order to regulate a firm’s activities so the risk it poses to the PRA’s roles
will lessen.
Explanation: This is a question about the PRA’s roles. These roles are discussed in detail in
the fourth paragraph, where we find both the PRA’s objectives and the methods it uses to
advance them. Note that this is a negative phrase question – we need to find, out of the six
answers, TWO that are NOT the PRA’s roles. To find this list, we can scan for the word
“objectives”, or check where the roles are discussed in detail.
A. This is indeed one of the PRA’s objectives.
B. This is one of the methods the PRA uses to advance its goals.
C. One of the correct answers. It is stated in the last paragraph of the text that “The PRA
seeks to ensure that a financial firm which fails will not cause significant disruption to the
supply of critical financial services and will not be needing taxpayer help.” It follows that the
goal is not zero failures.
D. This is the second correct answer, as it is not mentioned in the text.
E. That is one of the PRAs goals.
F. That is also one of the methods that PRA uses to advance its objectives.

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