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FM Global 9-10

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 17-19

January 2019
Supersedes July 2018
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Table of Contents
Page Page

AUSTRIA ................................................ 3 SOUTH AFRICA .................................. 28
BELGIUM ............................................... 4 ASIA 29
CROATIA................................................ 4 CHINA .................................................. 29
CZECH REPUBLIC ................................ 5 HONG KONG ....................................... 30
DENMARK ............................................. 6 INDIA.................................................... 31
FINLAND ................................................ 7 JAPAN.................................................. 32
FRANCE ................................................. 8 MALAYSIA ........................................... 33
GERMANY ............................................. 9 SOUTH KOREA ................................... 34
GREECE .............................................. 13 PHILIPPINES ....................................... 35
HUNGARY ........................................... 13 SINGAPORE ........................................ 36
REPUBLIC OF IRELAND .................... 14 TAIWAN - Republic of China ............... 37
ITALY.................................................... 15 THAILAND ........................................... 38
LUXEMBOURG .................................... 16 TURKEY* ............................................. 38
NETHERLANDS ................................... 16 AUSTRALIASIA 39
NORWAY ............................................. 17 AUSTRALIA ......................................... 39
POLAND ............................................... 18 NEW ZEALAND ................................... 45
PORTUGAL .......................................... 18 SOUTH AMERICA 46
RUSSIAN FEDERATION ..................... 19 ARGENTINA ........................................ 46
SLOVAKIA ............................................ 20 BRAZIL................................................. 47
SLOVENIA ........................................... 20 CHILE................................................... 48
SPAIN ................................................... 21 COLOMBIA .......................................... 49
SWEDEN .............................................. 22 NORTH AMERICA 50
SWITZERLAND .................................... 23 MEXICO ............................................... 50
UNITED KINGDOM .............................. 24
CARIBBEAN 27 * The Republic of Turkey is a Eurasian country that straddles both the
European and Asian Continents
PUERTO RICO .................................... 27

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Rest of World Cost Trends 17-19
Page 2 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets


The Rest of World Cost Trends are a compilation by Appraisal Services of various country cost/price indexes.

These are indexes as published by private institutions and government statistical agencies, with acknowledgment to this effect,
where appropriate.

Appraisal Services feels that these indexes serve as a reasonable guide to inflationary trends in building and equipment costs at
locations throughout the world.

These indexes are for use with local currencies. For countries where little equipment is manufactured, such as Hong Kong and
Singapore, and/or for locations with a high percentage of imported equipment, it is more accurate and preferable to consider the
trend of the country from which the machinery is purchased.

For example: German equipment should be trended only with the appropriate German Cost Trend.

Consideration should also be given for the currency exchange rates between the country of manufacture and the country where the
property is located and operating.

For example: If a Swiss company purchases German equipment in Euros and then adds it to their asset records in Euros, the use of
the appropriate German index is all that is required.

If, however that Swiss Company purchases German equipment in Euros but adds the equipment to their asset records in Swiss
Francs then a conversion from Swiss Francs to Euros must be made, as of the original date of purchase, then the appropriate
German index is applied. After trending the Euro value must then be converted back to Swiss Francs as of the current date.


Each Rest of World cost trend table contains three data columns,

1. The effective month and year, or quarter and year of the index,

2. the index number taken from public and governmental sources,

3. and a multiplier.

The multiplier is the factor that should be multiplied by the earlier building or equipment cost to adjust that cost to the most recent
date in the table.

To adjust original costs from an earlier date to a date other than the most recent date a different multiplier must be calculated. To do
so divide the index number of the later date by the index number of the earlier date. Then multiply the result by the earlier building or
equipment cost.

For Example: Estimate the cost of a Danish building in December 2007 that was built in 1999 for 1,000,000 DKr:

Original 1999 cost in DKr x (December 07 index/1999 index) = December 2007 cost in DKr.
1,000,000 DKr x 1.27 (88.7/69.8) = 1,270,000 Dkr
An increase of 27%

For any questions, comments and/or technical support please contact Appraisal Services at (401) 275-3000 ext. 2041, or an E-mail
to ‘’.

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Rest of World Cost Trends 17-19
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 3


AUSTRIA Index 46.73.16 Index 46.62.1

Sonstige Baustoffe Werkzeugmaschinen
Building Materials Machine Tools
2015 = 100 2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1998 57.5 1.90 1998 65.2 1.59
1999 58.3 1.87 1999 62.0 1.67
2000 57.7 1.89 2000 62.5 1.66
2001 58.8 1.85 2001 69.6 1.49
2002 58.9 1.85 2002 71.9 1.44
2003 61.0 1.79 2003 72.3 1.44
2004 64.4 1.69 2004 72.7 1.43
2005 67.1 1.62 2005 74.3 1.40
2006 69.2 1.58 2006 76.1 1.36
2007 72.8 1.50 2007 78.8 1.32
6/08 74.2 1.47 6/08 80.9 1.28
12/08 77.5 1.41 12/08 81.5 1.27
6/09 79.6 1.37 6/09 81.4 1.27
12/09 84.8 1.29 12/09 81.2 1.28
6/10 85.2 1.28 6/10 77.7 1.34
12/10 87.1 1.25 12/10 83.7 1.24
6/11 87.5 1.25 6/11 82.7 1.25
12/11 90.8 1.20 12/11 81.4 1.28
6/12 91.8 1.19 6/12 84.8 1.22
12/12 93.2 1.17 12/12 86.4 1.20
6/13 95.3 1.14 6/13 85.9 1.21
12/13 95.5 1.14 12/13 90.2 1.15
6/14 96.7 1.13 6/14 90.5 1.15
12/14 96.7 1.13 12/14 90.3 1.15
6/15 100.0 1.09 6/15 96.2 1.08
12/15 100.2 1.09 12/15 95.7 1.08
6/16 101.0 1.08 6/16 96.7 1.07
12/16 101.3 1.08 12/16 100.9 1.03
6/17 102.2 1.07 6/17 102.2 1.02
12/17 103.4 1.05 12/17 101.4 1.02
6/18 106.7 1.02 6/18 102.5 1.01
12/18 109.0 1.00 12/18 103.8 1.00
Source of both tables: Oesterreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt
‘‘Index Der Grosshandelspreise’’ (Wholesale Price Indices)

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BELGIUM Buildings Machinery and Equipment

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1/86 330.0 2.03 1/86 312.0 2.03
1/87 335.0 2.00 1/87 320.0 1.98
1/88 338.0 1.98 1/88 327.0 1.93
1/89 353.0 1.89 1/89 338.0 1.87
1/90 371.0 1.80 1/90 350.0 1.81
1/91 383.0 1.75 1/91 359.0 1.76
1/92 391.0 1.71 1/92 380.0 1.66
1/93 400.0 1.67 1/93 384.0 1.65
1/94 406.0 1.65 1/94 399.0 1.58
1/95 416.0 1.61 1/95 399.0 1.58
1/96 417.0 1.60 1/96 403.0 1.57
1/97 422.0 1.58 1/97 419.0 1.51
1/98 428.0 1.56 1/98 432.0 1.46
1/99 429.0 1.56 1/99 433.0 1.46
1/00 443.0 1.51 1/00 450.7 1.40
1/01 459.6 1.45 1/01 464.2 1.36
1/02 476.2 1.40 1/02 477.0 1.33
1/03 481.1 1.39 1/03 488.0 1.30
1/04 491.2 1.36 1/04 493.9 1.28
1/05 519.8 1.29 1/05 510.1 1.24
1/06 540.3 1.24 1/06 529.8 1.19
1/07 573.4 1.17 1/07 551.9 1.15
1/08 591.6 1.13 1/08 564.8 1.12
1/09 608.0 1.10 1/09 581.9 1.09
1/10 584.4 1.14 1/10 572.6 1.10
1/11 603.0 1.11 1/11 582.1 1.09
1/12 619.8 1.08 1/12 594.1 1.06
1/13 628.0 1.06 1/13 601.9 1.05
1/14 632.7 1.06 1/14 605.6 1.04
1/15 634.2 1.05 1/15 607.7 1.04
1/16 635.0 1.05 1/16 609.7 1.04
1/17 647.4 1.03 1/17 618.6 1.02
1/18 668.4 1.00 1/18 632.3 1.00
Source of both tables: Valorem Expertises
Index Data published Q1 of each calendar year

Industrial Producer Price Index

Month/Year Index Multiplier
2005 83.9 1.29
2006 86.0 1.26
2007 89.3 1.21
2008 95.9 1.13
2009 95.9 1.13
2010 100.0 1.08
2011 106.3 1.02
6/12 113.7 0.95
12/12 116.7 0.93
6/13 114.7 0.94
12/13 112.4 0.96
6/14 111.7 0.97
12/14 108.6 0.99
6/15 107.9 1.00
12/15 103.8 1.04
6/16 103.8 1.04
12/16 103.2 1.05
6/17 104.9 1.03
12/17 104.4 1.03
6/18 106.0 1.02
12/18 108.0 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 2000.
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

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CZECH Construction Work Price Index Industrial Producer Price Index

REPUBLIC 2015 = 100 2015 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

2006 90.4 1.18 2006 90.1 1.13
2007 92.7 1.15 2007 93.8 1.09
2008 96.9 1.10 2008 97.9 1.04
2009 98.0 1.09 2009 94.8 1.08
1/10 98.1 1.08 1/10 95.0 1.08
6/10 97.9 1.09 6/10 97.0 1.05
1/11 97.6 1.09 1/11 99.7 1.03
6/11 97.3 1.09 6/11 101.2 1.01
1/12 96.9 1.10 1/12 102.3 1.00
6/12 97.3 1.09 6/12 103.8 0.98
1/13 96.7 1.10 1/13 103.8 0.98
6/13 96.2 1.11 6/13 104.3 0.98
12/13 96.3 1.10 12/13 105.9 0.97
6/14 95.9 1.11 6/14 103.9 0.98
12/14 96.2 1.11 12/14 103.5 0.99
6/15 96.8 1.10 6/15 101.3 1.01
12/15 96.6 1.10 12/15 99.4 1.03
6/16 97.3 1.09 6/16 96.5 1.06
12/16 99.4 1.07 12/16 97.7 1.05
6/17 100.1 1.06 6/17 99.3 1.03
12/17 100.8 1.06 12/17 98.7 1.04
6/18 104.5 1.02 6/18 99.2 1.03
12/18 106.4 1.00 12/18 102.2 1.00
Source: Czech Statistical Office.

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DENMARK Maskiner og Vaerktoj; Varetransportmidler

Building Cost Index
Mchry. & Tools; Goods Transport Eq.
Regulating Price
(Wholesale Price Index)
2015 = 100
2010 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1996 62.2 1.68 1996 75.1 1.45
1997 64.0 1.63 1997 76.3 1.42
1998 66.7 1.57 1998 79.2 1.37
1999 69.8 1.50 1999 79.9 1.36
2000 70.9 1.47 2000 81.9 1.33
2001 73.1 1.43 2001 83.4 1.30
2002 74.0 1.41 2002 84.5 1.29
2003 75.5 1.38 2003 84.9 1.28
2004 77.8 1.34 2004 86.2 1.26
6/05 78.2 1.34 6/05 87.4 1.24
12/05 79.3 1.32 12/05 87.7 1.24
6/06 81.8 1.28 6/06 89.2 1.22
12/06 83.0 1.26 12/06 90.0 1.21
6/07 87.2 1.20 6/07 92.5 1.18
12/07 88.7 1.18 12/07 94.0 1.16
6/08 89.9 1.16 6/08 96.1 1.13
12/08 90.4 1.15 12/08 98.1 1.11
6/09 89.6 1.17 6/09 99.8 1.09
12/09 89.9 1.16 12/09 99.5 1.09
6/10 89.6 1.17 6/10 98.9 1.10
12/10 90.4 1.15 12/10 100.7 1.08
6/11 91.6 1.14 6/11 100.2 1.08
12/11 94.0 1.11 12/11 101.9 1.07
6/12 95.0 1.10 6/12 102.9 1.06
12/12 96.3 1.08 12/12 103.9 1.05
6/13 97.1 1.08 6/13 105.1 1.03
12/13 97.8 1.07 12/13 105.0 1.04
6/14 98.3 1.06 6/14 104.7 1.04
12/14 98.6 1.06 12/14 104.6 1.04
6/15 100.0 1.04 6/15 105.2 1.03
12/15 101.5 1.03 12/15 105.2 1.03
6/16 102.2 1.02 6/16 106.4 1.02
12/16 101.7 1.03 12/16 106.0 1.03
6/17 102.3 1.02 6/17 107.5 1.01
12/17 102.3 1.02 12/17 108.1 1.01
6/18 103.3 1.01 6/18 108.2 1.00
12/18 104.4 1.00 12/18 108.7 1.00
Source of both tables: ‘‘Prisstatistik’’, Statistics Denmark

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FINLAND Buildings Cost Index Producer Price Index - Manufacturing

2015 = 100 2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1995 68.1 1.52 1995 47.20 2.27
1996 67.6 1.54 1996 52.39 2.05
1997 69.2 1.50 1997 55.69 1.92
1998 71.0 1.46 1998 55.63 1.93
1999 71.8 1.45 1999 57.68 1.86
2000 73.0 1.42 2000 60.68 1.77
2001 74.4 1.39 2001 60.90 1.76
2002 75.5 1.37 2002 63.05 1.70
2003 76.6 1.36 2003 67.15 1.60
2004 78.2 1.33 2004 74.80 1.43
12/05 81.2 1.28 12/05 72.17 1.49
6/06 82.2 1.26 6/06 78.36 1.37
12/06 84.5 1.23 12/06 82.49 1.30
7/07 86.6 1.20 7/07 89.32 1.20
12/07 89.3 1.16 12/07 87.47 1.23
6/08 90.5 1.15 6/08 97.38 1.10
12/08 93.1 1.11 12/08 85.59 1.25
6/09 91.8 1.13 6/09 85.20 1.26
12/09 91.3 1.14 12/09 86.45 1.24
6/10 91.5 1.13 6/10 96.11 1.12
12/10 92.9 1.12 12/10 96.60 1.11
6/11 94.8 1.09 6/11 98.82 1.08
12/11 96.3 1.08 12/11 101.91 1.05
6/12 97.2 1.07 6/12 103.84 1.03
12/12 97.9 1.06 12/12 103.55 1.04
6/13 98.6 1.05 6/13 103.26 1.04
12/13 98.3 1.06 12/13 102.59 1.04
6/14 98.8 1.05 6/14 101.81 1.05
12/14 99.7 1.04 12/14 102.20 1.05
6/15 99.9 1.04 6/15 101.52 1.06
12/15 99.9 1.04 12/15 98.92 1.08
6/16 100.3 1.03 6/16 97.37 1.10
12/16 101.2 1.03 12/16 98.63 1.09
6/17 100.4 1.03 6/17 101.62 1.05
12/17 101.2 1.03 12/17 102.20 1.05
6/18 102.1 1.02 6/18 104.30 1.03
12/18 103.8 1.00 12/18 107.2 1.00
Source of both tables: Bulletin of Statistics, Statistics Finland

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FRANCE Buildings Cost Index Producer Price Index - Manufacturing

2010 = 100 2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1995 63.2 1.73 7/07 86.0 1.18
1996 64.3 1.70 12/07 86.7 1.17
1997 65.6 1.67 6/08 87.8 1.15
1998 65.5 1.67 12/08 90.3 1.12
1999 67.4 1.62 6/09 90.1 1.12
2000 69.7 1.57 12/09 89.7 1.13
2001 71.5 1.53 6/10 88.7 1.14
2002 74.2 1.48 12/10 88.9 1.14
2003 76.4 1.43 6/11 90.4 1.12
2004 81.1 1.35 12/11 92.4 1.10
2005 82.5 1.33 6/12 94.1 1.08
6/06 85.6 1.28 12/12 94.1 1.08
12/06 86.9 1.26 6/13 96.0 1.06
7/07 87.5 1.25 12/13 96.0 1.06
12/07 89.6 1.22 6/14 95.4 1.06
6/08 92.7 1.18 12/14 96.7 1.05
12/08 95.2 1.15 6/15 97.2 1.04
6/09 95.8 1.14 12/15 99.9 1.01
12/09 96.0 1.14 6/16 102.2 0.99
6/10 98.5 1.11 12/16 100.8 1.01
12/10 99.6 1.10 6/17 98.9 1.02
6/11 102.1 1.07 12/17 99.2 1.02
12/11 103.1 1.06 6/18 97.9 1.04
6/12 104.3 1.05 12/18 101.4 1.00
12/12 104.7 1.05
6/13 102.1 1.07
12/13 105.2 1.04
6/14 105.2 1.04
12/14 105.1 1.04
6/15 104.5 1.05
12/15 104.5 1.05
6/16 104.5 1.05
12/16 105.2 1.04
6/17 105.9 1.03
12/17 106.7 1.03
6/18 108.3 1.01
12/18 109.5 1.00
Source of both tables : Bulletin Mensuel De Statistique, Institute National De La Statistique et des Etudes

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GERMANY Index 523:

All German indices are Gewerbliche Betriebsgebaeude Metallbearbeitungsmaschinen
sourced from der Spanend und Abtragend
Industrial Buildings — All
Metalworking Machs. — Cutting
2015 = 100 (Machine Shop Index)
2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1992 68.3 1.63 1992 62.6 1.63
2/93 68.9 1.61 2/93 70.4 1.45
8/93 70.7 1.57 8/93 71.0 1.44
2/94 71.1 1.56 2/94 72.9 1.40
8/94 72.0 1.54 8/94 73.3 1.39
2/95 73.8 1.51 2/95 74.2 1.37
8/95 73.6 1.51 8/95 76.0 1.34
2/96 73.7 1.51 2/96 75.8 1.35
8/96 73.8 1.51 8/96 75.9 1.34
2/97 73.6 1.51 2/97 76.0 1.34
8/97 73.6 1.51 8/97 75.8 1.35
2/98 73.3 1.51 2/98 75.8 1.35
8/98 73.9 1.50 8/98 75.6 1.35
6/00 73.9 1.50 2/99 76.2 1.34
12/00 74.1 1.50 12/99 76.2 1.34
6/01 74.2 1.50 6/00 76.5 1.33
12/01 74.1 1.50 12/00 76.6 1.33
6/02 74.2 1.50 6/01 76.5 1.33
12/02 74.4 1.49 12/01 76.6 1.33
6/03 74.5 1.49 6/02 76.8 1.33
12/03 74.5 1.49 12/02 76.9 1.33
6/04 75.6 1.47 6/03 76.9 1.33
12/04 76.4 1.45 12/03 76.7 1.33
6/05 77.2 1.44 6/04 78.0 1.31
12/05 77.4 1.43 12/04 78.8 1.29
6/06 78.3 1.42 6/05 79.6 1.28
12/06 80.3 1.38 12/05 79.7 1.28
6/07 84.4 1.32 6/06 80.9 1.26
12/07 85.4 1.30 12/06 82.8 1.23
6/08 87.4 1.27 6/07 87.1 1.17
12/08 88.6 1.25 12/07 88.1 1.16
6/09 88.7 1.25 6/08 90.1 1.13
12/09 88.7 1.25 12/08 91.4 1.12
6/10 89.5 1.24 6/09 92.3 1.10
12/10 90.4 1.23 12/09 92.6 1.10
6/11 92.3 1.20 6/10 93.0 1.10
12/11 93.1 1.19 12/10 93.4 1.09
6/12 94.7 1.17 6/11 95.2 1.07
12/12 95.4 1.16 12/11 95.9 1.06
6/13 96.5 1.15 6/12 97.7 1.04
12/13 97.1 1.14 12/12 98.6 1.03
6/14 98.2 1.13 6/13 99.9 1.02
12/14 98.8 1.12 12/13 97.6 1.04
6/15 99.8 1.11 6/14 98.8 1.03
12/15 100.4 1.11 12/14 98.3 1.04
6/16 101.8 1.09 6/15 99.8 1.02
12/16 102.8 1.08 12/15 100.1 1.02
6/17 105.1 1.06 6/16 100.9 1.01
12/17 106.8 1.04 12/16 101.4 1.01
6/18 109.5 1.01 6/17 101.7 1.00
12/18 111.0 1.00 12/17 102.0 1.00
6/18 103.3 0.99
12/18 102.0 1.00
Source: All German indices in this publication from ‘‘Statistiches Bundesamt’’

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GERMANY Index 218:

Index 432:
(cont’d) Metallbearbeitungsmachinen, zerteilende und
Maschinen Fuer die Verarbeitung
von Gummi und Kunststoffwaren

Rubber and Plastic

Sheet Metal Machinery
Processing Machinery
2010 = 100
2015 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

1989 73.0 1.60 1991 68.5 1.49
1990 76.7 1.53 1992 71.9 1.42
1991 79.7 1.47 6/93 73.0 1.40
1992 83.7 1.40 12/93 72.6 1.41
6/93 84.9 1.38 6/94 72.7 1.40
12/93 84.5 1.39 12/94 73.0 1.40
6/94 84.6 1.38 6/95 74.4 1.37
12/94 84.9 1.38 12/95 75.0 1.36
6/95 86.6 1.35 6/96 74.8 1.37
12/95 87.3 1.34 12/96 75.6 1.35
6/96 87.1 1.35 6/97 76.1 1.34
12/96 88.0 1.33 12/97 76.4 1.34
6/97 88.6 1.32 6/98 77.2 1.32
12/97 88.9 1.32 12/98 77.5 1.32
6/98 89.8 1.30 6/99 78.1 1.31
12/98 90.2 1.30 12/99 78.4 1.30
6/99 90.9 1.29 6/00 79.2 1.29
12/99 91.3 1.28 12/00 80.1 1.27
6/00 92.2 1.27 6/01 80.3 1.27
12/00 93.3 1.26 12/01 81.1 1.26
6/01 93.4 1.25 6/02 81.9 1.25
12/01 94.4 1.24 12/02 82.4 1.24
6/02 95.3 1.23 6/03 82.8 1.23
12/02 95.9 1.22 12/03 82.6 1.24
6/03 96.4 1.21 6/04 83.6 1.22
12/03 97.0 1.21 12/04 84.3 1.21
6/04 97.3 1.20 6/05 85.3 1.20
12/04 98.1 1.19 12/05 85.7 1.19
6/05 99.3 1.18 6/06 85.8 1.19
12/05 99.7 1.17 12/06 86.9 1.18
6/06 99.8 1.17 7/07 87.3 1.17
12/06 101.1 1.16 12/07 88.9 1.15
7/07 101.6 1.15 6/08 90.5 1.13
12/07 103.4 1.13 12/08 91.5 1.12
6/08 105.3 1.11 6/09 89.6 1.14
12/08 106.5 1.10 12/09 89.2 1.15
6/09 108.5 1.08 6/10 89.7 1.14
12/09 109.2 1.07 12/10 91.6 1.11
6/10 110.0 1.06 6/11 93.5 1.09
12/10 111.0 1.05 12/11 95.3 1.07
6/11 112.8 1.04 6/12 97.1 1.05
12/11 113.5 1.03 12/12 97.5 1.05
6/12 114.2 1.03 6/13 98.0 1.04
12/12 115.5 1.01 12/13 100.0 1.02
6/13 117.1 1.00 6/14 100.4 1.02
Discont'd 9/2013 12/14 100.2 1.02
6/15 99.1 1.03
12/15 100.4 1.02
6/16 99.6 1.03
12/16 99.6 1.03
6/17 100.5 1.02
12/17 100.7 1.01
6/18 101.5 1.01
12/18 102.1 1.00

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GERMANY Index 557: Index 445:

(cont’d) Maschinen fuer die Papier
Paper Producing Machinery
Machinery for Food Products and Printing Presses
2015 = 100 2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1990 61.5 1.69 1990 75.3 1.38
1991 64.3 1.62 1991 77.6 1.34
1992 67.0 1.55 1992 80.4 1.29
6/93 70.5 1.47 6/93 82.2 1.27
12/93 71.6 1.45 12/93 82.7 1.26
6/94 71.7 1.45 6/94 83.2 1.25
12/94 71.9 1.45 12/94 83.3 1.25
6/95 72.4 1.44 6/95 84.2 1.23
12/95 73.7 1.41 12/95 84.6 1.23
6/96 74.1 1.40 6/96 84.5 1.23
12/96 74.5 1.39 12/96 84.1 1.24
6/97 75.1 1.38 6/97 84.4 1.23
12/97 75.8 1.37 12/97 84.2 1.23
6/98 76.0 1.37 6/98 84.3 1.23
12/98 76.5 1.36 12/98 83.7 1.24
6/99 76.5 1.36 6/99 83.3 1.25
12/99 76.6 1.36 12/99 84.5 1.23
6/00 76.6 1.36 6/00 85.3 1.22
12/00 76.7 1.35 12/00 86.1 1.21
6/01 77.6 1.34 6/01 86.3 1.21
12/01 77.7 1.34 12/01 86.7 1.20
6/02 78.4 1.33 6/02 86.1 1.21
12/02 78.5 1.32 12/02 86.9 1.20
6/03 80.0 1.30 6/03 87.4 1.19
12/03 80.5 1.29 12/03 86.4 1.20
6/04 81.0 1.28 6/04 86.9 1.20
12/04 81.9 1.27 12/04 87.6 1.19
6/05 82.2 1.26 6/05 89.1 1.17
12/05 82.9 1.25 12/05 88.7 1.17
6/06 83.1 1.25 6/06 90.0 1.16
12/06 83.6 1.24 12/06 90.6 1.15
7/07 83.9 1.24 7/07 91.6 1.14
12/07 85.5 1.21 12/07 92.3 1.13
6/08 86.8 1.20 6/08 93.4 1.11
12/08 88.1 1.18 12/08 94.6 1.10
6/09 88.9 1.17 6/09 95.7 1.09
12/09 90.4 1.15 12/09 95.5 1.09
6/10 90.5 1.15 6/10 95.7 1.09
12/10 91.3 1.14 12/10 96.4 1.08
6/11 91.9 1.13 6/11 97.4 1.07
12/11 93.7 1.11 12/11 98.1 1.06
6/12 94.6 1.10 6/12 98.5 1.06
12/12 96.3 1.08 12/12 98.5 1.06
6/13 97.8 1.06 6/13 99.5 1.05
12/13 97.9 1.06 12/13 99.2 1.05
6/14 99.1 1.05 6/14 100.6 1.03
12/14 99.4 1.05 12/14 101.3 1.03
6/15 99.9 1.04 6/15 101.3 1.03
12/15 100.2 1.04 12/15 101.5 1.02
6/16 100.9 1.03 6/16 102.1 1.02
12/16 101.6 1.02 12/16 101.7 1.02
6/17 102.3 1.02 6/17 101.7 1.02
12/17 102.9 1.01 12/17 102.4 1.02
6/18 103.2 1.01 6/18 103.6 1.00
12/18 103.9 1.00 12/18 104.0 1.00

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GERMANY Index 186:

(cont’d) Chemische Erzeugnisse

Chemical Industry
(Chemical Index)
2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier
1990 63.1 1.66
1991 67.3 1.56
1992 71.2 1.47
6/93 71.6 1.46
12/93 80.7 1.30
6/94 74.0 1.41
12/94 74.3 1.41
6/95 75.0 1.39
12/95 76.6 1.37
6/96 78.4 1.33
12/96 79.5 1.32
6/97 80.5 1.30
12/97 81.5 1.28
6/98 82.1 1.27
12/98 81.0 1.29
6/99 79.7 1.31
12/99 79.1 1.32
6/00 81.2 1.29
12/00 83.4 1.25
6/01 85.2 1.23
12/01 84.3 1.24
6/02 85.0 1.23
12/02 84.3 1.24
6/03 85.3 1.23
12/03 84.0 1.25
6/04 86.5 1.21
12/04 85.4 1.23
6/05 87.1 1.20
12/05 89.1 1.17
6/06 88.5 1.18
12/06 91.4 1.14
7/07 92.5 1.13
12/07 93.4 1.12
6/08 94.4 1.11
12/08 95.3 1.10
6/09 94.2 1.11
12/09 93.1 1.12
6/10 94.6 1.11
12/10 97.8 1.07
6/11 102.5 1.02
12/11 104.9 1.00
6/12 106.9 0.98
12/12 107.1 0.98
6/13 107.1 0.98
12/13 104.5 1.00
6/14 103.7 1.01
12/14 103.7 1.01
6/15 99.9 1.05
12/15 100.5 1.04
6/16 96.8 1.08
12/16 97.7 1.07
6/17 101.8 1.03
12/17 101.2 1.03
6/18 102.8 1.02
12/18 104.6 1.00

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Producer Price Index
Construction Cost Index

2010 = 100
2010 = 100

Year/Quarter Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

2002 Q3 78.8 1.18 1/03 80.2 1.37
2003 Q1 79.9 1.17 7/03 80.2 1.37
2003 Q3 80.8 1.15 1/04 81.5 1.35
2004 Q1 81.7 1.14 7/04 84.0 1.31
2004 Q3 83.4 1.12 1/05 86.9 1.26
2005 Q1 85.0 1.10 7/05 90.8 1.21
2005 Q3 86.3 1.08 1/06 94.2 1.17
2006 Q1 87.8 1.06 7/06 93.7 1.17
2006 Q3 90.1 1.04 1/07 96.5 1.14
2007 Q1 92.4 1.01 7/07 100.3 1.10
2007 Q3 94.2 0.99 1/08 108.0 1.02
2008 Q1 96.2 0.97 7/08 107.9 1.02
2008 Q3 100.5 0.93 1/09 99.6 1.10
2009 Q1 98.0 0.95 7/09 102.8 1.07
2009 Q3 98.3 0.95 1/10 104.2 1.06
2010 Q1 99.1 0.94 7/10 107.2 1.02
2010 Q3 100.2 0.93 1/11 107.4 1.02
2011 Q1 101.0 0.92 7/11 116.3 0.95
2011 Q3 101.1 0.92 1/12 120.2 0.91
2012 Q1 101.0 0.92 7/12 120.8 0.91
2012 Q3 101.0 0.92 1/13 120.7 0.91
2013 Q1 100.3 0.93 7/13 120.3 0.91
2013 Q3 99.4 0.94 1/14 118.2 0.93
2014 Q1 97.2 0.96 7/14 111.7 0.98
2014 Q3 96.3 0.97 1/15 110.0 1.00
2015 Q1 95.1 0.98 7/15 106.0 1.04
2015 Q3 94.1 0.99 1/16 100.0 1.10
2016 Q1 92.8 1.01 7/16 94.8 1.16
2016 Q3 92.6 1.01 1/17 97.0 1.13
2017 Q1 92.9 1.00 7/17 102.7 1.07
2017 Q2 92.8 1.01 1/18 102.0 1.08
2018 Q1 93.4 1.00 7/18 104.8 1.05
2018 Q3 93.3 1.00 1/19 109.9 1.00
Source: National Statistical Service of Greece
Construction Index Producer Price Index
Base = 2010 Base = 2010
Date Index Multiplier Date Index Multiplier
2007 95.5 1.17 2008 97.4 1.14
2008 97.9 1.14 2009 96.4 1.15
2009 100.0 1.11 2010 100.0 1.11
2010 100.0 1.11 6/11 101.4 1.10
Q2 2011 101.5 1.10 12/11 101.6 1.09
Q4 2011 103.2 1.08 6/12 105.1 1.06
Q2 2012 103.4 1.08 12/12 105.7 1.05
Q4 2012 104.0 1.07 6/13 107.0 1.04
Q2 2013 104.6 1.07 12/13 109.5 1.02
Q4 2013 103.0 1.08 6/14 110.2 1.01
Q2 2014 106.2 1.05 12/14 109.8 1.01
Q4 2014 107.0 1.04 6/15 106.4 1.05
Q2 2015 107.5 1.04 12/15 107.1 1.04
Q4 2015 104.9 1.06 6/16 105.7 1.05
Q2 2016 104.9 1.06 12/16 102.9 1.08
Q4 2016 105.5 1.06 7/17 105.9 1.05
Q1 2017 106.1 1.05 12/17 110.7 1.00
Q3 2017 107.8 1.03 6/18 107.2 1.04
Q1 2018 111.4 1.00 12/18 111.2 1.00
Q3 2018 111.4 1.00
Source: Hungarian Central Statistics Office

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REPUBLIC Output Price Index for

Buildings Cost Index
OF 2015 = 100
Machine Tool Industry (excl. VAT)
IRELAND 2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1994 47.4 2.23 1994 93.6 1.03
1995 48.4 2.18 1995 97.1 0.99
1996 48.9 2.16 1996 96.6 1.00
1997 51.4 2.05 1997 96.9 0.99
1998 51.9 2.03 1998 99.5 0.97
1999 55.5 1.90 1999 101.4 0.95
2000 57.5 1.84 2000 109.7 0.88
2001 64.8 1.63 2001 111.6 0.86
2002 71.7 1.47 2002 110.2 0.87
2003 71.8 1.47 2003 101.3 0.95
2004 76.9 1.37 2004 98.9 0.97
2005 79.3 1.33 2005 98.8 0.98
2006 85.6 1.23 2006 99.0 0.97
7/07 87.5 1.21 6/07 98.3 0.98
12/07 89.4 1.18 12/07 96.9 1.00
7/08 91.4 1.16 7/08 94.3 1.02
12/08 92.2 1.14 12/08 99.8 0.97
6/09 90.1 1.17 6/09 98.2 0.98
12/09 89.6 1.18 12/09 96.3 1.00
6/10 90.4 1.17 6/10 96.8 1.00
12/10 92.0 1.15 12/10 97.0 0.99
6/11 92.7 1.14 6/11 94.8 1.02
12/11 93.8 1.13 12/11 96.1 1.00
6/12 95.5 1.11 6/12 98.8 0.98
12/12 95.7 1.10 12/12 98.8 0.98
6/13 96.6 1.09 6/13 100.8 0.96
12/13 97.1 1.09 12/13 100.7 0.96
6/14 97.7 1.08 6/14 97.3 0.99
12/14 98.9 1.07 12/14 99.0 0.97
6/15 99.1 1.07 6/15 99.9 0.96
12/15 99.7 1.06 12/15 101.4 0.95
6/16 100.2 1.05 6/16 101.5 0.95
12/16 101.4 1.04 12/16 101.5 0.95
6/17 102.0 1.04 6/17 104.0 0.93
12/17 104.6 1.01 12/17 100.0 0.96
6/18 105.3 1.00 6/18 101.7 0.95
12/18 105.6 1.00 12/18 96.4 1.00

Source: Both indices from CSO, Government of Ireland

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ITALY Costo della Construz. Macchine Utensili per La Lavor. Dei Metalli
Fabbrka non resid. Utensileria e Utensili per Macchine

Non-Residential Buildings Machine Tools

2015 = 100 2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1996 64.0 1.60 1996 80.7 1.34
1997 65.4 1.57 1997 83.2 1.30
1998 67.5 1.52 1998 84.1 1.28
1999 68.1 1.50 1999 84.8 1.27
2000 71.1 1.44 2000 85.9 1.25
2001 72.2 1.42 2001 86.7 1.24
2002 74.3 1.38 2002 88.6 1.22
2003 76.4 1.34 2003 90.6 1.19
2004 80.3 1.28 2004 91.2 1.18
6/05 82.5 1.24 6/05 91.7 1.18
12/05 83.0 1.23 12/05 91.6 1.18
6/06 83.3 1.23 6/06 91.9 1.17
12/06 85.6 1.20 12/06 92.3 1.17
7/07 86.4 1.19 7/07 94.1 1.15
12/07 88.9 1.15 12/07 94.3 1.14
6/08 90.4 1.13 6/08 96.6 1.12
12/08 92.8 1.10 12/08 97.1 1.11
6/09 92.7 1.10 6/09 91.3 1.18
12/09 92.7 1.10 12/09 91.5 1.18
6/10 94.4 1.08 6/10 94.2 1.14
12/10 94.5 1.08 12/10 95.9 1.12
6/11 96.6 1.06 6/11 99.9 1.08
12/11 97.3 1.05 12/11 99.8 1.08
6/12 99.2 1.03 6/12 100.4 1.07
12/12 99.4 1.03 12/12 100.2 1.08
6/13 99.6 1.03 6/13 99.8 1.08
12/13 100.0 1.02 12/13 99.3 1.09
6/14 99.3 1.03 6/14 99.1 1.09
12/14 100.1 1.02 12/14 98.8 1.09
6/15 99.6 1.03 6/15 99.0 1.09
12/15 100.5 1.02 12/15 98.5 1.09
6/16 100.2 1.02 6/16 96.7 1.11
12/16 100.3 1.02 12/16 97.6 1.10
6/17 100.7 1.02 6/17 99.9 1.08
12/17 101.0 1.01 12/17 100.7 1.07
6/18 101.5 1.01 6/18 101.7 1.06
12/18 102.4 1.00 12/18 107.8 1.00

Source for both tables: Bollettino Mensile di Statistica, Istat

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Residential Machine Industrie Total Mche, Tool
Building Cost Index
Index of Producer Prices
2007 = 100
Building Cost Index 2007 = 100
1970 = 100 Year Index Multiplier Year Index Multiplier
Ave./Year Index Multiplier 1991 70.8 1.83 1991 69.3 1.70
1988 370.7 2.10 1992 70.1 1.85 1992 71.4 1.65
1989 391.6 1.99 1993 70.8 1.83 1993 73.4 1.61
1990 411.9 1.89 1994 73.0 1.77 1994 73.9 1.60
1991 431.8 1.80 1995 73.0 1.77 1995 74.5 1.58
1992 461.7 1.68 1996 73.0 1.77 1996 76.8 1.54
1993 468.2 1.66 1997 74.4 1.74 1997 79.9 1.48
1994 473.9 1.64 1998 73.0 1.77 1998 82.5 1.43
1995 482.6 1.61 1999 80.4 1.61 1999 83.7 1.41
1996 487.0 1.60 2000 89.9 1.44 2000 85.7 1.38
1997 494.1 1.57 2001 85.7 1.51 2001 91.1 1.30
1998 503.3 1.55 2002 86.8 1.49 2002 93.3 1.26
1999 513.8 1.51 2003 89.2 1.45 2003 95.1 1.24
2000 529.7 1.47 2004 91.2 1.42 2004 95.9 1.23
2001 552.2 1.41 6/05 94.3 1.37 6/05 97.2 1.21
2002 566.5 1.37 12/05 97.1 1.33 12/05 97.5 1.21
2003 577.9 1.35 6/06 97.3 1.33 6/06 99.2 1.19
2004 594.9 1.31 12/06 98.9 1.31 12/06 99.6 1.18
2005 613.3 1.27 6/07 101.0 1.28 6/07 100.4 1.18
2006 629.6 1.24 12/07 101.6 1.27 12/07 104.0 1.13
2007 649.2 1.20 6/08 102.6 1.26 6/08 105.1 1.12
2008 669.9 1.16 12/08 109.4 1.18 12/08 104.6 1.13
2009 688.4 1.13 6/09 109.9 1.18 6/09 105.1 1.12
2010 661.7 1.18 12/09 109.9 1.18 12/09 105.4 1.12
2011 682.7 1.14 6/10 110.6 1.17 6/10 106.2 1.11
2012 701.7 1.11 12/10 112.0 1.16 12/10 107.2 1.10
2013 711.0 1.09 6/11 112.2 1.15 6/11 108.3 1.09
2014 716.3 1.09 12/11 113.8 1.14 12/11 109.9 1.07
2015 718.0 1.08 6/12 113.8 1.14 6/12 110.8 1.06
2016 718.9 1.08 12/12 115.1 1.12 12/12 111.5 1.06
2017 732.7 1.06 6/13 116.4 1.11 6/13 111.9 1.05
2018 756.9 1.03 12/13 116.7 1.11 12/13 112.0 1.05
2019 777.9 1.00 6/14 117.5 1.10 6/14 113.0 1.04
12/14 118.2 1.09 12/14 113.8 1.04
Source: Bulletin du Statec 6/15 118.4 1.09 6/15 113.8 1.04
Annual Index starting in 2003 12/15 118.7 1.09 12/15 113.8 1.04
6/16 119.5 1.08 6/16 113.9 1.04
12/16 119.5 1.08 12/16 113.9 1.04
6/17 121.1 1.07 6/17 115.7 1.02
12/17 123.7 1.05 12/17 116.3 1.01
6/18 129.4 1.00 6/18 118.0 1.00
Source of both tables: Troostwijk Taxaties

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NORWAY Byggekostnadsindeks Boligblokk

Building Cost Index Maskiner, ikke elektriske
Machinery - Electrical
Apartment Bldg. Cost Index
- 2000 = 100
2000 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
12/94 87.2 2.17 12/94 86.7 1.92
6/95 89.6 2.11 6/95 89.1 1.87
12/95 89.8 2.11 12/95 89.3 1.86
6/96 91.0 2.08 6/96 90.5 1.84
12/96 91.4 2.07 12/96 90.9 1.83
6/97 92.7 2.04 6/97 92.1 1.81
12/97 93.2 2.03 12/97 92.6 1.80
6/98 95.5 1.98 6/98 93.9 1.77
12/98 97.0 1.95 12/98 95.4 1.75
6/99 97.9 1.93 6/99 96.2 1.73
12/99 99.8 1.89 12/99 98.1 1.70
6/00 101.2 1.87 6/00 101.8 1.64
12/00 104.4 1.81 12/00 101.4 1.64
6/01 106.6 1.77 6/01 103.2 1.61
12/01 107.7 1.76 12/01 103.1 1.61
6/02 110.0 1.72 6/02 105.2 1.58
12/02 111.6 1.69 12/02 105.1 1.58
6/03 112.1 1.69 6/03 105.5 1.58
12/03 112.8 1.68 12/03 106.2 1.57
6/04 115.3 1.64 6/04 108.4 1.54
12/04 117.6 1.61 12/04 110.0 1.51
6/05 120.0 1.58 6/05 115.1 1.45
12/05 123.1 1.54 12/05 112.5 1.48
6/06 124.4 1.52 6/06 112.7 1.48
12/06 126.6 1.49 12/06 113.8 1.46
6/07 132.2 1.43 6/07 119.1 1.40
12/07 134.6 1.40 12/07 120.7 1.38
6/08 140.5 1.35 6/08 124.3 1.34
12/08 144.8 1.31 12/08 130.8 1.27
6/09 144.1 1.31 6/09 130.3 1.28
12/09 145.4 1.30 12/09 138.1 1.21
6/10 148.4 1.27 6/10 144.6 1.15
12/10 149.5 1.26 12/10 145.7 1.14
6/11 153.9 1.23 6/11 158.5 1.05
12/11 155.2 1.22 12/11 155.7 1.07
6/12 158.3 1.19 6/12 160.5 1.04
12/12 159.9 1.18 12/12 157.4 1.06
6/13 162.7 1.16 6/13 156.7 1.06
12/13 164.0 1.15 12/13 159.4 1.04
6/14 167.5 1.13 6/14 161.0 1.03
12/14 169.1 1.12 12/14 162.1 1.03
6/15 171.4 1.10 6/15 160.6 1.04
12/15 173.0 1.09 12/15 158.1 1.05
6/16 176.3 1.07 6/16 155.8 1.07
12/16 178.1 1.06 12/16 160.2 1.04
6/17 180.3 1.05 6/17 168.6 0.99
12/17 182.5 1.04 12/17 156.5 1.06
6/18 186.6 1.01 6/18 162.9 1.02
12/18 189.1 1.00 12/18 166.5 1.00
Source of tables: Statistisk Manedshefte Central Bureau of Statistics (Wholesale Price Index)

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POLAND Maskiner, ikke elektriske

Construction Cost index Machinery — Electrical
2000 = 100
2010 = 100
Year Index Multiplier Year Index Multiplier
2005 109.8 1.17 2005 89.6 1.26
2006 113.0 1.14 2006 90.2 1.25
2007 121.8 1.06 2007 91.9 1.23
2008 127.6 1.01 2008 92.7 1.22
2009 Q1 127.2 1.01 2009 Q1 93.2 1.21
2009 Q3 128.9 1.00 2009 Q3 93.6 1.21
2010 Q1 128.8 1.00 2010 Q1 96.5 1.17
2010 Q3 128.5 1.00 2010 Q3 98.9 1.14
2011 Q1 130.4 0.99 2011 Q1 104.4 1.08
2011 Q3 129.6 0.99 2011 Q3 104.5 1.08
2012 Q1 132.1 0.98 2012 Q1 108.5 1.04
2012 Q3 130.0 0.99 2012 Q3 109.3 1.03
2013 Q1 128.4 1.00 2013 Q1 109.1 1.03
2013 Q3 129.3 1.00 2013 Q3 109.2 1.03
2014 Q1 129.7 0.99 2014 Q1 108.9 1.04
2014 Q3 126.7 1.02 2014 Q3 108.4 1.04
2015 Q1 124.4 1.04 2015 Q1 106.4 1.06
2015 Q3 124.3 1.04 2015 Q3 105.3 1.07
2016 Q1 124.1 1.04 2016 Q1 104.3 1.08
2016 Q3 124.2 1.04 2016 Q3 106.8 1.06
2017 Q1 124.5 1.04 2017 Q1 110.7 1.02
2017 Q3 124.8 1.03 2017 Q3 109.6 1.03
2018 Q1 125.5 1.03 2018 Q1 111.1 1.02
2018 Q3 128.9 1.00 2018 Q3 112.8 1.00
Source of both Tables: Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS)
Information published quarterly but is 6 months in arrears

Material/Construction Cost index Manufacturing Producer Price index

PORTUGAL 2005 = 100 2010 = 100
Year Index Multiplier Year Index Multiplier
Jun-2007 96.0 1.10 Jun-2008 114.2 1.24
Dec-2007 98.5 1.08 Dec-2008 105.9 1.34
Jun-2008 104.0 1.02 Jun-2009 106.6 1.33
Dec-2008 96.5 1.10 Dec-2009 107.0 1.32
Jun-2009 97.1 1.09 Jun-2010 110.3 1.28
Dec-2009 97.5 1.09 Dec-2010 113.1 1.25
Jun-2010 100.5 1.06 Jun-2011 119.4 1.19
Dec-2010 104.5 1.01 Dec-2011 119.6 1.18
Jun-2011 106.1 1.00 Jun-2012 124.0 1.14
Dec-2011 108.0 0.98 Dec-2012 125.0 1.13
Jun-2012 107.4 0.99 Jun-2013 124.7 1.14
Dec-2012 108.3 0.98 Dec-2013 124.8 1.14
Jun-2013 106.7 0.99 Jun-2014 124.5 1.14
Dec-2013 105.8 1.00 Dec-2014 136.4 1.04
Jun-2014 105.5 1.00 Jun-2015 135.5 1.05
Dec-2014 99.41 1.07 Dec-2015 136.1 1.04
Jun-2015 101.2 1.05 Jun-2016 135.9 1.04
Dec-2015 97.4 1.09 Dec-2016 137.6 1.03
Jun-2016 99.3 1.07 Jun-2017 138.8 1.02
Dec-2016 101.5 1.04 Dec-2017 140.0 1.01
Jun-2017 100.2 1.06 Jun-2018 140.1 1.01
Dec-2017 102.6 1.03 Dec-2018 141.7 1.00
Jun-2018 104.4 1.02
Dec-2018 106.1 1.00
Source of both Tables: Statistics Portugal

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RUSSIAN Indices of Prices & Tariffs for selected

Producer Price index by Branch of
FEDERATION Sectors of Economy Cost of
Industry Machinery and Equipment
Construction Index
2001 = 100
2001 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
2004 127.0 1.95 2004 127.0 0.84
2005 139.0 1.78 2005 134.0 0.80
2006 149.0 1.66 2006 129.0 0.83
2007 166.0 1.49 2007 140.0 0.76
2008 186.0 1.33 2008 151.0 0.71
2009 180.0 1.38 2009 103.0 1.04
2010 189.0 1.31 2010 117.0 0.91
2011 199.0 1.25 2011 130.0 0.82
2012 208.0 1.19 2012 141.0 0.76
2013 212.0 1.17 2013 136.0 0.79
2014 216.0 1.15 2014 123.0 0.87
2015 221.0 1.12 2015 108.0 0.99
2016 236.0 1.05 2016 107.0 1.00
2017 248.0 1.00 2017 110.0 0.97
2018 106.8 1.00
Source of both tables: Federal State Statistics Service, Current Statistical Survey
This is an Annual Index but will not be available until mid-year of the year following.

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SLOVAKIA Industrial Equipment

2010 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier
2008 105.8 0.96
2009 102.9 0.99
2010 100.0 1.01
2011 102.7 0.99
6/12 106.6 0.95
12/12 107.1 0.95
6/13 106.3 0.95
12/13 105.3 0.96
6/14 105.8 0.96
12/14 102.7 0.99
6/15 101.3 1.00
12/15 98.1 1.03
6/16 96.6 1.05
12/16 93.2 1.09
6/17 95.5 1.06
12/17 94.9 1.07
6/18 98.7 1.03
12/18 101.4 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 2003.
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

SLOVENIA Industrial Equipment

2010 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier
2006 88.9 1.19
2007 94.9 1.11
2008 98.6 1.07
2009 98.0 1.08
2010 100.0 1.06
2011 103.8 1.02
6/12 105.1 1.01
12/12 105.0 1.01
6/13 105.2 1.00
12/13 104.7 1.01
6/14 105.1 1.01
12/14 104.0 1.02
6/15 104.1 1.02
12/15 103.8 1.02
6/16 102.6 1.03
12/16 102.3 1.03
6/17 103.2 1.02
12/17 103.4 1.02
6/18 104.6 1.01
12/18 105.7 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 2001.
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

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SPAIN Indice de Costes de la Indice de Precios Industriales

Construccion Coste Total
Cost of Construction Index Machinery and Equipment
1989 = 100 2015 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1991 112.5 1.76 1994 60.6 1.75
1992 115.2 1.72 1995 63.0 1.69
1993 122.7 1.61 1996 64.8 1.64
1994 127.4 1.55 1997 66.0 1.61
1995 127.4 1.55 1998 67.0 1.59
1996 137.2 1.44 1999 68.1 1.56
1997 140.7 1.41 2000 72.1 1.47
1998 141.9 1.39 2001 71.9 1.48
1999 144.8 1.37 6/02 72.5 1.46
2000 148.9 1.33 12/02 73.0 1.45
2001 153.2 1.29 6/03 73.6 1.44
6/02 157.3 1.26 12/03 73.5 1.45
12/02 159.2 1.24 6/04 75.5 1.41
6/03 160.5 1.23 12/04 77.4 1.37
12/03 162.5 1.22 6/05 79.1 1.34
6/04 165.5 1.20 12/05 81.1 1.31
12/04 166.7 1.19 6/06 83.6 1.27
6/05 170.9 1.16 12/06 84.2 1.26
12/05 171.4 1.15 6/07 86.3 1.23
6/06 175.7 1.13 12/07 88.1 1.21
12/06 175.7 1.13 6/08 92.0 1.15
6/07 176.1 1.12 12/08 93.5 1.14
12/07 177.7 1.11 6/09 89.0 1.19
6/08 185.9 1.06 12/09 89.5 1.19
12/08 185.4 1.07 6/10 92.6 1.15
6/09 186.4 1.06 12/10 93.6 1.13
12/09 186.4 1.06 6/11 99.4 1.07
6/10 186.3 1.06 12/11 99.8 1.06
12/10 188.7 1.05 6/12 102.5 1.04
6/11 192.1 1.03 12/12 103.8 1.02
12/11 195.7 1.01 6/13 102.0 1.04
6/12 195.2 1.01 12/13 103.6 1.03
12/12 197.0 1.00 6/14 102.0 1.04
6/13 202.4 0.98 12/14 101.5 1.05
12/13 199.4 0.99 6/15 100.8 1.05
6/14 200.7 0.99 12/15 98.8 1.07
12/14 201.2 0.98 6/16 94.7 1.12
6/15 203.9 0.97 12/16 97.5 1.09
12/15 199.3 0.99 6/17 100.4 1.06
6/16 196.7 1.01 12/17 102.4 1.04
12/16 197.8 1.00 6/18 102.3 1.04
12/18 106.2 1.00
Source of both tables: Boletin Mensual de Estadistica, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica

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SWEDEN Figures thru 1980 = Verkstadsvaror

Yearly Averages SN1 38
Multi-Dwelling Houses Fabricated Metal Products
Building Cost Index Machinery and Equipment
1980 = 100 2005 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1990 217.8 2.41 1991 84.0 1.55
1991 221.8 2.37 1992 85.5 1.53
1992 225.2 2.33 1993 76.2 1.71
1993 230.9 2.27 1994 80.4 1.62
1994 247.2 2.12 1995 84.8 1.54
1995 258.3 2.03 1996 84.7 1.54
1996 257.1 2.04 1997 85.0 1.54
1997 265.1 1.98 1998 86.8 1.50
1998 268.5 1.96 6/99 87.2 1.50
1999 275.7 1.90 12/99 89.8 1.45
2000 288.1 1.82 6/00 89.4 1.46
2001 295.7 1.78 12/00 92.6 1.41
2002 306.8 1.71 6/01 93.0 1.40
6/03 312.3 1.68 12/01 94.7 1.38
12/03 313.3 1.68 6/02 96.7 1.35
6/04 323.8 1.62 12/02 97.3 1.34
12/04 328.1 1.60 6/03 97.3 1.34
6/05 334.6 1.57 12/03 96.9 1.35
12/05 339.5 1.55 6/04 97.1 1.34
6/06 354.0 1.48 12/04 97.1 1.34
12/06 370.9 1.42 6/05 99.3 1.31
6/07 393.2 1.34 12/05 102.7 1.27
12/07 399.1 1.32 6/06 103.8 1.26
6/08 409.3 1.28 12/06 104.5 1.25
12/08 408.9 1.28 6/07 104.3 1.25
6/09 405.8 1.29 12/07 105.1 1.24
12/09 415.5 1.26 6/08 106.1 1.23
6/10 432.4 1.21 12/08 112.5 1.16
12/10 435.6 1.21 6/09 116.9 1.12
6/11 443.1 1.18 12/09 116.0 1.13
12/11 446.6 1.18 6/10 118.0 1.11
6/12 454.9 1.15 12/10 116.8 1.12
12/12 454.1 1.16 6/11 115.3 1.13
6/13 458.8 1.14 12/11 119.7 1.09
12/13 461.7 1.14 6/12 121.8 1.07
6/14 464.0 1.13 12/12 119.3 1.09
12/14 470.2 1.12 6/13 119.4 1.09
6/15 475.5 1.10 12/13 121.2 1.08
12/15 476.3 1.10 6/14 119.8 1.09
6/16 479.8 1.09 12/14 121.5 1.07
12/16 485.8 1.08 6/15 119.6 1.09
6/17 496.9 1.06 12/15 120.1 1.09
12/17 500.7 1.05 6/16 121.1 1.08
6/18 517.0 1.02 12/16 122.1 1.07
12/18 525.0 1.00 6/17 123.1 1.06
12/17 122.7 1.06
6/18 128.2 1.02
12/18 130.5 1.00
Source of both tables: Allman Manadsstatisk (Producer Price Indices), Statistics Sweden

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SWITZERLAND Index III: Maschinen aus

Construction Costs (Zurich) Maschinenindustrie
10/88 = 100 Machinery — Machine Industry
1979 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1981 88.3 1.55 1982 110.8 1.97
1983 88.2 1.55 1983 117.0 1.86
1984 88.5 1.55 1984 122.7 1.78
1985 90.5 1.51 1985 124.9 1.74
1986 93.6 1.46 1986 127.7 1.71
1987 95.6 1.43 1987 132.8 1.64
1988 100.0 1.37 1988 135.5 1.61
1989 106.0 1.29 1989 141.4 1.54
1990 114.5 1.20 1990 144.7 1.51
1991 119.3 1.15 1991 150.9 1.44
1992 115.5 1.19 1992 159.2 1.37
1993 113.1 1.21 1993 165.3 1.32
1994 113.2 1.21 1994 169.5 1.28
1995 114.3 1.20 1995 172.5 1.26
1996 113.3 1.21 1996 174.5 1.25
1997 111.7 1.23 1997 177.2 1.23
1998 111.4 1.23 1998 179.6 1.21
1999 112.9 1.21 1999 180.8 1.20
2000 117.2 1.17 2000 182.4 1.19
2001 122.8 1.12 2001 185.1 1.18
2002 122.7 1.12 2002 185.7 1.17
2003 118.8 1.15 2003 191.2 1.14
2004 119.9 1.14 2004 193.9 1.12
2005 122.8 1.12 2005 195.2 1.12
2006 124.8 1.10 2006 196.8 1.11
2007 130.5 1.05 2007 198.6 1.10
2008 135.7 1.01 2008 200.7 1.09
2009 136.2 1.01 2009 206.0 1.06
2010 137.8 0.99 2010 209.6 1.04
2011 140.1 0.98 2011 212.3 1.03
2012 141.1 0.97 2012 212.3 1.03
2013 140.2 0.98 2013 213.5 1.02
2014 140.9 0.97 2014 214.4 1.02
2015 139.2 0.98 2015 216.2 1.01
2016 136.7 1.00 2016 217.3 1.00
2017 136.7 1.00 2017 218.4 1.00
2018 137.0 1.00 2018 217.8 1.00

Source: Statistical Office, City of Zurich Source: Helvetia Patria Insurance

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Buildings Cost Index Food Process Plant
2010 = 100 2010 = 100

Date Index Mult. Month/Year Index Mulitplier

2010 3rd qt. 452 1.34 2002 79.6 1.48
2011 1st qtr 446 1.36 2003 80.4 1.47
2011 3rd qtr. 448 1.35 2004 81.8 1.44
2012 1st qtr 446 1.36 6/05 89.3 1.32
2012 3rd qtr 443 1.36 12/05 89.2 1.32
2013 1st qtr 440 1.37 6/06 91.0 1.30
2013 3rd qtr 446 1.36 12/06 91.5 1.29
2014 1st qtr 457 1.32 7/07 94.3 1.25
2014 3rd qtr 474 1.28 12/07 94.2 1.25
2015 1sr qtr 492 1.23 6/08 97.2 1.21
2015 3rd qtr 520 1.16 12/08 98.4 1.20
2016 1st qtr (p) 537 1.13 6/09 102.1 1.16
2016 3rd qtr (p) 552 1.10 12/09 100.6 1.17
2017 1st qtr (p) 566 1.07 6/10 101.0 1.17
2017 3rd qtr (p) 579 1.04
12/10 100.8 1.17
2018 1st qtr (p) 595 1.02
6/11 99.8 1.18
2018 3rd qtr (p) 604 1.00
12/11 100.1 1.18
Source: AECOM 6/12 111.6 1.06
Latest Data > Q1 2018 from Spons 12/12 111.8 1.06
p = Provisional 6/13 113.8 1.04
12/13 113.3 1.04
6/14 114.8 1.03
12/14 112.1 1.05
6/15 111.5 1.06
12/15 109.5 1.08
6/16 108.9 1.08
12/16 108.5 1.09
6/17 114.2 1.03
12/17 115.5 1.02
6/18 116.6 1.01
12/18 118.0 1.00
Source for all United Kingdom equipment tables:
“MM22 Producer Price Indices” is the new source for UK
manufacturing indices, Office for National Statistics
p = Provisional

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Textiles Pulp, Paper & Board Paper Products, Printing & Publishing
2010 = 100 2010 = 100 2010 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
Month/Year Index Multiplier
2001 90.1 1.27 2001 93.0 1.22
2001 99.8 1.03
2002 90.0 1.27 2002 92.3 1.23
2002 97.7 1.05
2003 89.8 1.27 2003 92.2 1.23
2003 98.0 1.05
2004 89.6 1.27 2004 91.6 1.24
2004 97.5 1.05
6/05 91.7 1.24 6/05 90.3 1.25
6/05 96.7 1.06
12/05 92.1 1.24 12/05 89.4 1.27
12/05 97.2 1.06
6/06 92.6 1.23 6/06 90.9 1.25
6/06 97.8 1.05
12/06 93.2 1.22 12/06 92.2 1.23
12/06 98.3 1.05
6/07 93.7 1.22 6/07 94.1 1.20
6/07 99.1 1.04
12/07 94.0 1.21 12/07 95.4 1.19
12/07 98.8 1.04
6/08 95.0 1.20 6/08 96.9 1.17
6/08 98.3 1.05
12/08 96.9 1.18 12/08 98.2 1.15
12/08 100.2 1.03
6/09 98.3 1.16 6/09 98.1 1.15
6/09 100.5 1.02
12/09 98.4 1.16 12/09 96.7 1.17
12/09 100.9 1.02
6/10 99.7 1.14 6/10 98.6 1.15
6/10 100.3 1.02
12/10 101.1 1.13 12/10 102.7 1.10
12/10 98.8 1.04
6/11 106.6 1.07 6/11 107.5 1.05
6/11 100.2 1.03
12/11 109.6 1.04 12/11 109.1 1.04
12/11 99.7 1.03
6/12 109.0 1.05 6/12 107.5 1.05
6/12 100.0 1.03
12/12 111.6 1.02 12/12 105.6 1.07
12/12 98.7 1.04
6/13 111.1 1.03 6/13 106.4 1.06
6/13 98.7 1.04
12/13 111.7 1.02 12/13 106.6 1.06
12/13 98.7 1.04
6/14 112.7 1.01 6/14 107.6 1.05
6/14 100.0 1.03
12/14 112.7 1.01 12/14 106.4 1.06
12/14 100.0 1.03
6/15 112.1 1.02 6/15 106.5 1.06
6/15 100.3 1.02
12/15 112.0 1.02 12/15 105.9 1.07
12/15 100.3 1.02
6/16 113.3 1.01 6/16 105.5 1.07
6/16 99.4 1.03
12/16 110.5 1.03 12/16 106.6 1.06
12/16 99.4 1.03
6/17 113.0 1.01 6/17 107.5 1.05
6/17 101.7 1.01
12/17 113.4 1.01 12/17 109.3 1.04
12/17 102.9 1.00
6/18 114.5 1.00 6/18 112.1 1.01
6/18 104.3 0.99
12/18 114.0 1.00 12/18 113.2 1.00
12/18 102.8 1.00
Source for all United Kingdom equipment
“MM22 Producer Price Indices” is the new
source for UK manufacturing indices,
Office for National Statistics
p = Provisional

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Chemical Plant Rubber & Plastic Metal Goods, Machine Shop & Sheet Metal
2010 = 100 2010 = 100 2010 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
2001 74.5 1.55 2001 84.9 1.37 2001 85.6 1.38
2002 74.8 1.54 2002 85.0 1.36 2002 86.4 1.36
2003 76.3 1.51 2003 84.9 1.37 2003 86.2 1.37
2004 77.5 1.49 2004 85.4 1.36 2004 87.1 1.35
6/05 80.5 1.43 6/05 88.2 1.31 6/05 89.2 1.32
12/05 82.5 1.40 12/05 89.8 1.29 12/05 90.1 1.31
6/06 84.4 1.37 6/06 91.0 1.27 6/06 91.5 1.29
12/06 84.5 1.37 12/06 91.7 1.26 12/06 91.9 1.28
7/07 84.7 1.36 6/07 92.0 1.26 6/07 93.7 1.26
12/07 87.3 1.32 12/07 93.0 1.25 12/07 94.7 1.24
6/08 94.3 1.22 6/08 95.1 1.22 6/08 97.3 1.21
12/08 100.9 1.14 12/08 99.2 1.17 12/08 98.7 1.19
6/09 99.5 1.16 6/09 97.5 1.19 6/09 98.7 1.19
12/09 97.8 1.18 12/09 98.2 1.18 12/09 99.6 1.18
6/10 99.3 1.16 6/10 99.5 1.16 6/10 99.7 1.18
12/10 102.5 1.13 12/10 101.6 1.14 12/10 100.7 1.17
6/11 107.8 1.07 6/11 105.4 1.10 6/11 103.4 1.14
12/11 108.3 1.07 12/11 106.4 1.09 12/11 104.5 1.13
6/12 109.3 1.06 6/12 106.9 1.08 6/12 105.5 1.12
12/12 108.0 1.07 12/12 107.5 1.08 12/12 106.1 1.11
6/13 106.9 1.08 6/13 108.5 1.07 6/13 108.2 1.09
12/13 106.0 1.09 12/13 108.6 1.07 12/13 108.6 1.09
6/14 105.7 1.09 6/14 108.9 1.06 6/14 109.7 1.07
12/14 104.0 1.11 12/14 108.5 1.07 12/14 110.0 1.07
6/15 102.6 1.12 6/15 107.3 1.08 6/15 111.2 1.06
12/15 100.6 1.15 12/15 108.3 1.07 12/15 111.2 1.06
6/16 98.6 1.17 6/16 109.4 1.06 6/16 112.8 1.05
12/16 98.8 1.17 12/16 109.6 1.06 12/16 113.3 1.04
6/17 105.4 1.09 6/17 111.8 1.04 6/17 115.8 1.02
12/17 107.2 1.08 12/17 113.0 1.03 12/17 116.7 1.01
6/18 112.2 1.03 6/18 114.7 1.01 6/18 117.5 1.00
12/18 115.4 1.00 12/18 115.9 1.00 12/18 117.9 1.00
Source for all United Kingdom equipment
“MM22 Producer Price Indices” is the new
source for UK manufacturing indices,
Office for National Statistics
p = Provisional

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PUERTO RICO Building Cost Index

Date Index Mult
Apr-04 123.0 1.46
Jul-04 124.3 1.44
Oct-04 125.5 1.43
Jan-05 126.8 1.42
Apr-05 129.3 1.39
Jul-05 131.0 1.37
Oct-05 120.4 1.49
Jan-06 123.2 1.46
Apr-06 124.0 1.45
Jul-06 126.8 1.42
Oct-06 130.9 1.37
Jan-07 131.3 1.37
Apr-07 131.6 1.36
Jul-07 134.1 1.34
Oct-07 134.5 1.34
Jan-08 134.7 1.33
Apr-08 137.1 1.31
Jul-08 143.9 1.25
Oct-08 147.2 1.22
Jan-09 144.9 1.24
Apr-09 140.3 1.28
Jul-09 141.4 1.27
Oct-09 142.0 1.26
Jan-10 142.7 1.26
Apr-10 143.5 1.25
Jul-10 143.2 1.25
Oct-10 143.6 1.25
Jan-11 145.6 1.23
Apr-11 147.3 1.22
Jul-11 150.4 1.19
Oct-11 151.8 1.18
Jan-12 152.6 1.18
Apr-12 151.9 1.18
Jul-12 152.2 1.18
Oct-12 154.9 1.16
Jan-13 156.6 1.15
Apr-13 157.9 1.14
Jul-13 161.1 1.11
Oct-13 161.1 1.11
Jan-14 161.7 1.11
Apr-14 162.7 1.10
Jul-14 163.6 1.10
Oct-14 164.6 1.09
Jan-15 162.1 1.11
Apr-15 162.5 1.11
Oct-15 162.9 1.10
Jan-16 164.1 1.09
Apr-16 161.3 1.11
Jul-16 162.3 1.11
Oct-16 162.4 1.11
Jan-17 163.2 1.10
Apr-17 166.2 1.08
Oct-17 170.8 1.05
Apr-18 173.6 1.03
Oct-18 179.6 1.00
Source: RS Means Quarterly Construction Cost Indexes

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SOUTH AFRICA Building and Construction

Metal Products
Materials Price Index
2016 = 100
2016 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1994 23.3 4.86 1994 21.6 5.16
1995 25.5 4.43 1995 23.7 4.70
1996 27.9 4.06 1996 25.9 4.30
1997 29.7 3.81 1997 27.6 4.04
1998 31.2 3.63 1998 28.9 3.85
1999 33.1 3.42 1999 30.7 3.63
2000 35.6 3.18 2000 33.0 3.37
6/01 36.6 3.09 6/01 34.0 3.28
12/01 38.2 2.96 12/01 35.5 3.14
6/02 41.7 2.72 6/02 38.6 2.88
12/02 44.3 2.56 12/02 41.1 2.71
6/03 45.6 2.48 6/03 42.3 2.63
12/03 45.9 2.46 12/03 42.6 2.61
6/04 47.4 2.39 6/04 43.9 2.53
12/04 49.8 2.27 12/04 46.2 2.41
6/05 51.9 2.18 6/05 48.2 2.31
12/05 53.2 2.13 12/05 49.3 2.26
6/06 54.2 2.09 6/06 50.3 2.21
12/06 58.3 1.94 12/06 54.1 2.06
6/07 60.8 1.86 6/07 56.4 1.97
12/07 63.6 1.78 12/07 59.0 1.89
6/08 68.8 1.65 6/08 63.8 1.74
12/08 76.3 1.48 12/08 70.7 1.57
6/09 73.8 1.53 6/09 68.5 1.63
12/09 73.7 1.54 12/09 68.3 1.63
6/10 74.8 1.51 6/10 69.4 1.60
12/10 75.7 1.50 12/10 70.2 1.59
6/11 78.8 1.44 6/11 73.1 1.52
12/11 80.5 1.41 12/11 74.7 1.49
6/12 83.3 1.36 6/12 77.3 1.44
12/12 85.4 1.33 12/12 79.2 1.40
6/13 87.9 1.29 6/13 81.8 1.36
12/13 90.8 1.25 12/13 84.2 1.32
6/14 95.6 1.18 6/14 88.5 1.26
12/14 96.7 1.17 12/14 89.1 1.25
6/15 96.8 1.17 6/15 91.7 1.21
12/15 93.7 1.21 12/15 93.3 1.19
6/16 95.5 1.19 6/16 97.9 1.14
12/16 97.2 1.16 12/16 100.0 1.11
6/17 101.7 1.11 6/17 101.3 1.10
12/17 102.2 1.11 12/17 104.1 1.07
6/18 107.4 1.05 6/18 105.5 1.05
12/18 113.2 1.00 12/18 111.3 1.00
Source of both Indexes: Production Price Index, Statistics South Africa

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CHINA Building and Construction

Metal Products
Materials Price Index
2002 = 100
2002 = 100

Date Index Mult Date Index Mult

2003 105.6 1.38 2005 113.9 1.22
2004 111.4 1.31 2006 117.3 1.18
2005 113.2 1.29 2007 120.9 1.15
2006 114.7 1.27 2008 129.3 1.07
2007 120.5 1.21 2009 122.3 1.13
2008 136.1 1.07 2010 129.0 1.07
2009 131.1 1.11 2011 136.7 1.01
2010 137.5 1.06 2012 134.1 1.03
2011 150.1 0.97 2013 132.0 1.05
2012 152.5 0.96 6/14 131.9 1.05
2013 153.0 0.95 12/14 127.6 1.09
2014 145.8 1.00 6/15 125.5 1.10
12/15 120.1 1.15
6/16 122.3 1.13
12/16 126.7 1.09
6/17 130.1 1.06
12/17 132.9 1.04
6/18 135.4 1.02
12/18 138.5 1.00
Data represents both National and Regional cost indexes
Data Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Yearbook
Base = National 2002 as 100
* Latest information available
For Provincial indexes contact Appraisal Services.

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HONG KONG Producer Price Index

Most, if not all heavy equipment Durable Goods (includes foodstuffs)
is imported. The effect of 2011 = 100
inflation on equipment prices is Year/Quarter Index Multiplier
more accurately reflected by 2003 Q1 81.3 1.32
consideration of the trend of the 2003 Q3 82.1 1.31
country from which the 2004 Q1 83.6 1.29
machinery is purchased, 2004 Q3 83.7 1.29
coupled with proper 2005 Q1 84.0 1.28
consideration for the trend of 2005 Q3 84.5 1.27
currency relationships between 2006 Q1 85.8 1.26
the importing and exporting 2006 Q3 86.6 1.24
nations. 2007 Q1 87.9 1.23
2007 Q3 88.8 1.21
2008 Q1 93.0 1.16
2008 Q3 93.9 1.15
2009 Q1 91.7 1.17
2009 Q3 92.1 1.17
2010 Q1 95.4 1.13
2010 Q3 98.0 1.10
2011 Q1 103.2 1.04
2011 Q3 107.4 1.00
2012 Q1 107.0 1.01
2012 Q3 105.8 1.02
2013 Q1 107.6 1.00
2013 Q3 106.8 1.01
2014 Q1 107.1 1.01
2014 Q3 108.2 1.00
2015 Q1 106.8 1.01
2015 Q3 105.8 1.02
2016 Q1 106.8 1.01
2016 Q3 103.1 1.04
2017 Q1 104.5 1.03
2017 Q3 104.9 1.03
2018 Q1 106.5 1.01
2018 Q3 107.7 1.00
Source: Monthly Digest Statistics, Hong Kong

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INDIA Industrial Equipment

2012 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier
6/05 73.6 1.60
10/05 74.2 1.59
6/06 74.8 1.58
10/06 77.9 1.51
6/07 79.1 1.49
10/07 80.3 1.47
6/08 84.0 1.40
10/08 88.7 1.33
6/09 87.5 1.35
10/09 90.0 1.31
6/10 89.5 1.32
10/10 90.3 1.31
6/11 96.6 1.22
10/11 99.3 1.19
6/12 102.1 1.15
10/12 104.0 1.13
6/13 105.1 1.12
12/13 107.2 1.10
6/14 108.8 1.08
12/14 109.7 1.07
6/15 108.3 1.09
12/15 108.6 1.08
6/16 107.5 1.10
12/16 109.8 1.07
6/17 112.6 1.05
12/17 114.2 1.03
6/18 115.2 1.02
12/18 117.8 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 1998
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

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JAPAN Wholesale Price Index Input Wholesale Price Index

for Construction Materials for General Machinery
Avg. 2015 = 100 Avg. 2011 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1996 83.4 1.26 1996 97.3 1.06
1997 81.6 1.29 1997 99.0 1.04
1998 79.6 1.32 1998 96.9 1.06
1999 78.5 1.34 1999 95.8 1.07
2000 78.5 1.34 2000 95.2 1.08
2001 77.7 1.36 2001 92.9 1.11
2002 77.8 1.35 2002 91.8 1.12
2003 79.0 1.33 2003 91.3 1.13
2004 83.6 1.26 2004 93.6 1.10
2005 85.8 1.23 2005 95.5 1.08
2006 89.4 1.18 2006 98.8 1.04
2007 90.8 1.16 2007 100.2 1.03
6/08 97.6 1.08 6/08 102.9 1.00
12/08 96.4 1.09 12/08 102.1 1.01
6/09 91.9 1.15 6/09 98.9 1.04
12/09 90.2 1.17 12/09 98.2 1.05
6/10 92.8 1.13 6/10 98.9 1.04
12/10 91.5 1.15 12/10 99.9 1.03
6/11 94.0 1.12 6/11 100.3 1.03
12/11 93.1 1.13 12/11 99.2 1.04
6/12 92.7 1.14 6/12 97.6 1.05
12/12 92.3 1.14 12/12 97.3 1.06
6/13 96.0 1.10 6/13 98.2 1.05
12/13 99.0 1.06 12/13 99.7 1.03
6/14 99.9 1.05 6/14 100.3 1.03
12/14 100.5 1.05 12/14 101.3 1.02
6/15 100.3 1.05 6/15 100.9 1.02
12/15 99.0 1.06 12/15 98.5 1.04
6/16 97.4 1.08 6/16 96.3 1.07
12/16 98.4 1.07 12/16 97.4 1.06
6/17 100.3 1.05 6/17 99.6 1.03
12/17 102.0 1.03 12/17 101.0 1.02
6/18 104.2 1.01 6/18 102.5 1.00
12/18 105.3 1.00 12/18 102.9 1.00

Source of both indices: Price Indexes Monthly, Bank of Japan

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MALAYSIA Producer Price Index

2010 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier
Nov-2005 82.4 1.31
May-2006 88.6 1.22
Sep-2006 89.5 1.21
Nov-2006 87.0 1.24
May-2007 91.5 1.18
Nov-2007 94.9 1.14
May-2008 100.3 1.08
Nov-2008 98.1 1.10
Jan-2009 91.0 1.19
May-2009 89.5 1.21
Nov-2009 93.0 1.16
Jan-2010 94.8 1.14
Nov-2010 96.7 1.12
Jan-2011 101.4 1.07
May-2011 105.2 1.03
Nov-2011 104.9 1.03
Jan-2012 105.6 1.02
May-2012 106.1 1.02
Nov-2012 102.7 1.05
Jan-2013 102.5 1.06
May-2013 101.1 1.07
Nov-2013 108.4 1.00
Dec-2013 111.1 0.97
Jan-2014 110.8 0.98
May-2014 112.8 0.96
Dec-2014 104.5 1.04
May 2015 103.1 1.05
Dec-2015 104.7 1.03
May-2016 102.0 1.06
Sep-2016 102.0 1.06
May-2017 108.7 1.00
Oct-2017 107.5 1.01
May-2018 106.8 1.01
Oct-2018 108.2 1.00
Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia

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SOUTH KOREA Indexes of Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index Machinery &
2010 = 100 Equipment 2010 = 100

Date Index Mult. Date Index Mult.

1996 44.0 3.16 1996 78.6 1.38
1997 44.0 3.16 1997 79.6 1.37
1998 45.3 3.07 1998 86.8 1.25
1999 44.5 3.13 1999 86.2 1.26
2000 45.4 3.07 2000 86.4 1.26
2001 47.1 2.96 2001 86.3 1.26
2002 53.9 2.58 2002 85.8 1.27
2003 54.5 2.55 2003 86.0 1.26
2004 60.8 2.29 2004 89.6 1.21
2005 66.1 2.11 2005 92.0 1.18
2006 62.3 2.24 2006 91.4 1.19
2007 68.9 2.02 2007 91.3 1.19
2008 81.2 1.71 12/08 95.6 1.14
6/09 83.8 1.66 6/09 100.2 1.09
12/09 99.8 1.39 12/09 99.7 1.09
6/10 99.9 1.39 6/10 99.6 1.09
12/10 100.2 1.39 12/10 101.4 1.07
6/11 100.0 1.39 6/11 104.3 1.04
12/11 103.7 1.34 12/11 105.7 1.03
6/12 103.7 1.34 6/12 106.7 1.02
12/12 103.7 1.34 12/12 106.9 1.02
6/13 103.5 1.34 6/13 107.2 1.01
12/13 110.1 1.26 12/13 107.1 1.01
6/14 109.2 1.28 6/14 107.5 1.01
12/14 109.1 1.28 12/14 107.7 1.01
6/15 111.3 1.25 6/15 107.9 1.01
12/15 114.1 1.22 12/15 107.9 1.01
6/16 120.6 1.15 6/16 108.0 1.01
12/16 124.9 1.11 12/16 108.3 1.00
6/17 129.6 1.07 6/17 108.4 1.00
12/17 135.0 1.03 12/17 108.6 1.00
6/18 140.0 0.99 6/18 108.6 1.00
12/18 139.2 1.00 12/18 108.7 1.00
Source of both tables: ‘‘Monthly Statistical Bulletin’’, Bank of Korea

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PHILIPPINES Wholesale Price Index Wholesale Price Index

Construction Materials Manufactured Goods
2000 = 100 2000 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1993 84.2 3.06 1993 62.2 2.13
1994 86.4 2.98 1994 63.2 2.09
1995 90.4 2.85 1995 69.5 1.91
1996 92.3 2.79 1996 71.4 1.86
1997 94.4 2.73 1997 72.5 1.83
1998 96.9 2.65 1998 80.2 1.65
1999 98.9 2.60 1999 84.2 1.57
2000 100.0 2.57 2000 100.9 1.31
2001 105.8 2.43 2001 106.5 1.24
2002 106.9 2.41 2002 112.8 1.17
2003 111.7 2.30 2003 122.7 1.08
2004 130.0 1.98 2004 133.9 0.99
6/05 141.6 1.82 6/05 140.0 0.95
12/05 151.6 1.70 12/05 147.1 0.90
6/06 165.7 1.55 6/06 160.2 0.83
12/06 162.8 1.58 12/06 162.8 0.81
6/07 167.3 1.54 6/07 165.2 0.80
12/07 175.7 1.46 12/07 161.9 0.82
6/08 186.1 1.38 6/08 172.3 0.77
12/08 185.7 1.39 12/08 172.8 0.77
6/09 188.4 1.37 6/09 167.7 0.79
12/09 190.7 1.35 12/09 170.4 0.78
6/10 195.0 1.32 6/10 164.4 0.81
12/10 197.7 1.30 12/10 163.0 0.81
6/11 210.5 1.22 6/11 165.6 0.80
12/11 212.3 1.21 12/11 163.7 0.81
6/12 218.9 1.18 6/12 168.9 0.78
12/12 218.9 1.18 12/12 163.3 0.81
6/13 220.3 1.17 6/13 154.2 0.86
12/13 222.5 1.16 12/13 151.8 0.87
6/14 225.5 1.14 6/14 153.0 0.87
12/14 226.1 1.14 12/14 155.1 0.85
6/15 223.7 1.15 6/15 144.5 0.92
12/15 224.3 1.15 12/15 140.0 0.95
6/16 225.2 1.14 6/16 136.5 0.97
12/16 229.1 1.12 12/16 133.3 0.99
6/17 230.9 1.11 6/17 135.9 0.97
12/17 238.3 1.08 12/17 132.8 1.00
6/18 247.1 1.04 6/18 133.4 0.99
12/18 257.3 1.00 12/18 132.4 1.00
Source: Both indexes — National Statistics Office, Republic of the Philippines

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Relatively little heavy Building Materials Goods Manufactured Goods
equipment is manufactured. Average 2010 = 100 Average 2012 = 100
The effect of inflation on
equipment prices is most Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
accurately reflected by 1993 90.2 1.10 1994 116.3 0.83
consideration of the trend of 1994 89.8 1.10 1995 118.3 0.81
the country from which the 1995 91.4 1.08 1996 116.0 0.83
machinery is purchased, 1996 91.0 1.09 1997 111.7 0.86
1997 90.6 1.09 1998 106.6 0.90
coupled with proper
1998 86.0 1.15 1999 102.9 0.93
consideration for the trend
1999 84.8 1.17 2000 96.7 0.99
of currency relationships 2000 85.4 1.16 2001 96.5 1.00
between the importing and 2001 85.5 1.16 2002 96.4 1.00
exporting nations. 2002 85.7 1.15 2003 95.5 1.01
2003 86.6 1.14 2004 95.1 1.01
2004 90.2 1.10 2005 95.0 1.01
2005 92.4 1.07 2006 94.7 1.01
2006 101.3 0.98 2007 92.7 1.04
2007 106.9 0.93 2008 92.2 1.04
2008 119.8 0.83 2009 94.6 1.02
2009 101.1 0.98 2010 99.6 0.96
2010 100.0 0.99 2011 100.3 0.96
2011 99.6 0.99 2012 98.4 0.98
2012 99.8 0.99 6/13 103.3 0.93
2013 104.6 0.95 12/13 103.0 0.93
2014 106.8 0.93 6/14 103.69 0.93
2015 104.0 0.95 12/14 102.14 0.94
2016 98.0 1.01 6/15 95.4 1.01
2017 96.7 1.02 12/15 96.6 1.00
Q3 2017 96.6 1.02 6/16 96.3 1.00
Q1 2018 97.4 1.02 12/16 94.68 1.01
Q3 2018 98.9 1.00 6/17 96.4 1.00
12/17 96.5 1.00
6/18 96.5 1.00
12/18 96.1 1.00
Source of both tables: ‘‘Monthly Digest of Statistics’’, Singapore Department of Statistics

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Input Price of Construction General Index Wholesale Price Index Machinery & Equipment
Average 2016 = 100 Average 2016 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
China 2001 64.3 1.67 2001 91.7 1.15
2002 65.7 1.63 2002 89.1 1.18
1/03 67.0 1.60 1/03 91.1 1.16
7/03 68.5 1.56 7/03 92.1 1.14
1/04 73.2 1.46 1/04 96.6 1.09
7/04 79.0 1.36 7/04 96.6 1.09
1/05 79.1 1.35 1/05 101.8 1.04
7/05 78.1 1.37 7/05 98.4 1.07
1/06 79.6 1.35 1/06 101.8 1.04
7/06 86.6 1.24 7/06 101.8 1.04
1/07 87.9 1.22 1/07 107.6 0.98
7/07 92.8 1.15 7/07 109.9 0.96
1/08 98.7 1.08 1/08 113.9 0.93
7/08 112.1 0.96 7/08 116.7 0.90
1/09 97.1 1.10 1/09 103.1 1.02
7/09 95.5 1.12 7/09 104.1 1.01
1/10 97.1 1.10 1/10 105.7 1.00
7/10 98.7 1.09 7/10 109.2 0.96
1/11 101.1 1.06 1/11 108.9 0.97
7/11 102.4 1.05 7/11 112.4 0.94
1/12 102.8 1.04 1/12 113.0 0.93
7/12 103.4 1.04 7/12 110.3 0.96
1/13 102.9 1.04 1/13 107.2 0.98
7/13 102.2 1.05 7/13 111.2 0.95
1/14 103.7 1.03 1/14 109.5 0.96
7/14 105.4 1.02 6/14 110.5 0.95
1/15 104.0 1.03 1/15 107.6 0.98
7/15 101.5 1.05 6/15 102.2 1.03
1/16 99.4 1.08 1/16 101.2 1.04
7/16 100.0 1.07 6/16 97.9 1.08
1/17 101.7 1.05 12/16 98.5 1.07
7/17 101.6 1.05 6/17 98.1 1.07
1/18 104.4 1.03 12/17 100.7 1.05
6/18 105.3 1.02 6/18 103.0 1.02
1/19 107.1 1.00 12/18 105.4 1.00

Source of both indexes: Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Directorate General of Budget,

Accounting, and Statistics, The Republic of China

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Industrial Equipment
2005 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier
1998 80.8 1.55
1999 78.3 1.60
2000 81.6 1.54
2001 83.2 1.51
2002 84.0 1.49
2003 86.5 1.45
2004 90.5 1.38
6/05 96.2 1.30
10/05 100.3 1.25
6/06 102.0 1.23
10/06 101.1 1.24
6/07 103.6 1.21
10/07 106.9 1.17
2008 118.8 1.05
6/09 109.3 1.15
10/09 114.6 1.09
6/10 119.3 1.05
10/10 119.5 1.05
6/11 128.7 0.97
10/11 129.4 0.97
6/12 128.9 0.97
10/12 129.8 0.97
6/13 128.4 0.98
12/13 130.3 0.96
6/14 129.3 0.97
12/14 125.3 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 1998.
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

TURKEY* Industrial Equipment

2010 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier
2000 19.1 12.02
2001 31.9 7.20
2002 47.2 4.86
2003 58.4 3.93
2004 64.9 3.53
2005 73.3 3.13
2006 80.8 2.84
2007 82.9 2.77
2008 91.8 2.50
2009 92.8 2.47
2010 98.5 2.33
2011 115.9 1.98
6/12 116.3 1.97
12/12 121.0 1.89
6/13 124.0 1.85
12/13 129.5 1.77
6/14 135.4 1.69
12/14 138.8 1.65
6/15 143.8 1.59
12/15 144.2 1.59
6/16 148.8 1.54
12/16 158.5 1.45
6/17 170.9 1.34
12/17 173.6 1.32
6/18 189.8 1.21
12/18 229.3 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 1996
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

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Building Cost Index
Food and Beverages
Sept 2012 = 100
Sept 2012 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
6/00 65.5 1.69 6/00 71.9 1.56
12/00 65.5 1.69 12/00 73.0 1.54
6/01 64.8 1.70 6/01 77.3 1.45
12/01 65.6 1.68 12/01 79.4 1.42
6/02 66.9 1.65 6/02 78.7 1.43
12/02 67.9 1.63 12/02 78.7 1.43
6/03 70.8 1.56 6/03 79.2 1.42
12/03 73.3 1.51 12/03 78.4 1.43
6/04 78.3 1.41 6/04 77.4 1.45
12/04 81.8 1.35 12/04 81.3 1.38
6/05 84.7 1.30 6/05 81.0 1.39
12/05 86.1 1.28 12/05 82.4 1.36
6/06 88.6 1.25 6/06 84.6 1.33
12/06 91.2 1.21 12/06 85.9 1.31
6/07 93.8 1.18 6/07 86.5 1.30
12/07 96.4 1.15 12/07 88.6 1.27
6/08 100.4 1.10 6/08 96.1 1.17
12/08 101.3 1.09 12/08 102.9 1.09
6/09 96.9 1.14 6/09 96.7 1.16
12/09 96.1 1.15 12/09 96.7 1.16
6/10 96.7 1.14 6/10 98.9 1.14
12/10 98.8 1.12 12/10 99.1 1.13
6/11 100.2 1.10 6/11 101.6 1.11
12/11 100.3 1.10 12/11 100.8 1.12
6/12 99.9 1.11 6/12 99.6 1.13
12/12 99.9 1.11 12/12 98.7 1.14
6/13 101.0 1.09 6/13 99.7 1.13
12/13 100.3 1.10 12/13 99.4 1.13
6/14 102.2 1.08 6/14 103.6 1.08
12/14 102.2 1.08 12/14 103.8 1.08
6/15 102.8 1.07 6/15 107.3 1.05
12/15 103.6 1.07 12/15 108.6 1.03
6/16 104.6 1.06 6/16 108.1 1.04
12/16 105.1 1.05 12/16 110.0 1.02
6/17 106.5 1.04 6/17 111.0 1.01
12/17 110.5 1.00 12/17 116.6 0.96
6/18 108.2 1.02 6/18 110.4 1.02
12/18 110.4 1.00 12/18 112.4 1.00

Source: Building Economist, Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

The Australia Institute of Quantity Surveyors

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Textiles Wood Products
Sept 2012 = 100 Sept 2012 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

6/00 79.8 1.61 6/00 74.3 1.68
12/00 80.3 1.60 12/00 75.4 1.65
6/01 83.6 1.54 6/01 74.4 1.68
12/01 81.8 1.57 12/01 75.5 1.65
6/02 87.9 1.46 6/02 75.9 1.64
12/02 97.0 1.32 12/02 76.1 1.64
6/03 90.1 1.43 6/03 77.8 1.60
12/03 87.8 1.46 12/03 78.3 1.59
6/04 86.6 1.48 6/04 77.7 1.60
12/04 87.0 1.48 12/04 78.5 1.59
6/05 86.6 1.48 6/05 79.7 1.56
12/05 85.9 1.49 12/05 81.5 1.53
6/06 86.7 1.48 6/06 81.5 1.53
12/06 87.8 1.46 12/06 82.2 1.52
6/07 93.7 1.37 6/07 86.0 1.45
12/07 94.2 1.36 12/07 87.3 1.43
6/08 92.0 1.40 6/08 89.7 1.39
12/08 93.5 1.37 12/08 95.2 1.31
6/09 93.5 1.37 6/09 95.5 1.31
12/09 90.1 1.43 12/09 96.5 1.29
6/10 90.4 1.42 6/10 98.0 1.27
12/10 91.6 1.40 12/10 98.6 1.26
6/11 100.8 1.27 6/11 98.7 1.26
12/11 98.8 1.30 12/11 98.9 1.26
6/12 99.7 1.29 6/12 101.8 1.22
12/12 97.5 1.32 12/12 105.2 1.19
6/13 99.8 1.29 6/13 105.1 1.19
12/13 100.8 1.27 12/13 107.0 1.17
6/14 103.5 1.24 6/14 107.5 1.16
12/14 102.0 1.26 12/14 109.4 1.14
6/15 105.0 1.22 6/15 110.6 1.13
12/15 108.8 1.18 12/15 113.1 1.10
6/16 110.7 1.16 6/16 113.0 1.10
12/16 111.5 1.15 12/16 114.2 1.09
6/17 113.9 1.13 6/17 115.5 1.08
12/17 116.6 1.10 12/17 118.1 1.06
6/18 122.5 1.05 6/18 121.4 1.03
12/18 128.4 1.00 12/18 124.7 1.00

Source for both tables: Australian Bureau of Statistics

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Paper and Paper Products Printing
Sept 2012 = 100 Sept 2012 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

6/00 87.2 1.18 6/00 111.7 0.98
12/00 90.2 1.14 12/00 113.7 0.96
6/01 90.4 1.14 6/01 115.2 0.95
12/01 90.1 1.15 12/01 114.2 0.96
6/02 91.5 1.13 6/02 114.0 0.96
12/02 93.4 1.10 12/02 109.4 1.00
6/03 92.0 1.12 6/03 107.8 1.01
12/03 92.3 1.12 12/03 108.4 1.01
6/04 91.9 1.12 6/04 104.5 1.05
12/04 91.4 1.13 12/04 106.1 1.03
6/05 92.0 1.12 6/05 104.3 1.05
12/05 92.4 1.12 12/05 106.0 1.03
6/06 93.1 1.11 6/06 106.2 1.03
12/06 92.6 1.11 12/06 105.3 1.04
6/07 95.4 1.08 6/07 103.2 1.06
12/07 94.8 1.09 12/07 102.8 1.06
6/08 94.9 1.09 6/08 104.7 1.04
12/08 96.5 1.07 12/08 104.2 1.05
6/09 97.6 1.06 6/09 112.6 0.97
12/09 98.7 1.05 12/09 103.5 1.06
6/10 103.1 1.00 6/10 98.4 1.11
12/10 101.6 1.02 12/10 95.2 1.15
6/11 101.6 1.02 6/11 95.3 1.15
12/11 100.2 1.03 12/11 99.6 1.10
6/12 99.3 1.04 6/12 102.2 1.07
12/12 98.5 1.05 12/12 99.8 1.10
6/13 98.7 1.05 6/13 95.3 1.15
12/13 99.4 1.04 12/13 97.3 1.12
6/14 101.0 1.02 6/14 104.4 1.05
12/14 99.9 1.03 12/14 107.7 1.02
6/15 100.4 1.03 6/15 106.3 1.03
12/15 100.1 1.03 12/15 104.8 1.04
6/16 102.0 1.01 6/16 102.4 1.07
12/16 101.3 1.02 12/16 103.0 1.06
6/17 100.8 1.02 6/17 94.9 1.15
12/17 101.4 1.02 12/17 95.8 1.14
6/18 103.2 1.00 6/18 95.9 1.14
12/18 103.2 1.00 12/18 109.4 1.00

Source for both tables: Australian Bureau of Statistics

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Chemicals Rubber and Plastics
Sept 2012 = 100 Sept 2012 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

6/00 79.5 1.44 6/00 74.7 1.55
12/00 80.6 1.42 12/00 76.3 1.52
6/01 81.1 1.41 6/01 78.4 1.48
12/01 78.9 1.45 12/01 79.9 1.45
6/02 78.7 1.45 6/02 80.1 1.45
12/02 79.9 1.43 12/02 80.9 1.44
6/03 80.3 1.42 6/03 80.4 1.44
12/03 79.1 1.44 12/03 80.1 1.45
6/04 80.3 1.42 6/04 80.6 1.44
12/04 84.4 1.35 12/04 84.1 1.38
6/05 84.9 1.34 6/05 86.3 1.35
12/05 85.7 1.33 12/05 87.7 1.32
6/06 86.5 1.32 6/06 88.8 1.31
12/06 88.9 1.28 12/06 90.3 1.29
6/07 88.6 1.29 6/07 92.3 1.26
12/07 89.5 1.27 12/07 94.8 1.22
6/08 95.0 1.20 6/08 94.5 1.23
12/08 106.6 1.07 12/08 97.8 1.19
6/09 99.6 1.15 6/09 97.0 1.20
12/09 93.6 1.22 12/09 96.4 1.20
6/10 97.4 1.17 6/10 97.8 1.19
12/10 95.9 1.19 12/10 98.0 1.18
6/11 97.1 1.18 6/11 99.5 1.17
12/11 99.9 1.14 12/11 99.5 1.17
6/12 101.3 1.13 6/12 101.2 1.15
12/12 101.5 1.12 12/12 101.5 1.14
6/13 101.6 1.12 6/13 102.1 1.14
12/13 103.1 1.11 12/13 103.3 1.12
6/14 104.7 1.09 6/14 105.6 1.10
12/14 105.8 1.08 12/14 106.8 1.09
6/15 105.4 1.08 6/15 107.6 1.08
12/15 106.3 1.07 12/15 107.6 1.08
6/16 103.5 1.10 6/16 108.2 1.07
12/16 101.7 1.12 12/16 109.3 1.06
6/17 102.6 1.11 6/17 108.9 1.07
12/17 101.9 1.12 12/17 111.6 1.04
6/18 108.1 1.06 6/18 112.5 1.03
12/18 114.1 1.00 12/18 116.1 1.00

Source for both tables: Australian Bureau of Statistics

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Metal Products Electronics
Sept 2012 = 100 Sept 2012 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

6/00 70.6 1.69 6/00 163.1 0.64
12/00 74.6 1.60 12/00 165.7 0.63
6/01 74.0 1.61 6/01 171.0 0.61
12/01 68.3 1.74 12/01 177.2 0.59
6/02 67.2 1.77 6/02 170.7 0.61
12/02 67.5 1.76 12/02 166.6 0.63
6/03 64.4 1.85 6/03 162.2 0.65
12/03 64.7 1.84 12/03 162.2 0.65
6/04 74.3 1.60 6/04 154.9 0.68
12/04 80.5 1.48 12/04 145.2 0.72
6/05 86.0 1.38 6/05 145.2 0.72
12/05 89.7 1.33 12/05 131.2 0.80
6/06 113.2 1.05 6/06 132.3 0.79
12/06 121.3 0.98 12/06 121.3 0.86
6/07 125.0 0.95 6/07 118.5 0.88
12/07 108.6 1.10 12/07 113.9 0.92
6/08 115.4 1.03 6/08 113.4 0.92
12/08 118.3 1.01 12/08 125.6 0.83
6/09 93.3 1.28 6/09 116.9 0.90
12/09 93.5 1.27 12/09 109.2 0.96
6/10 102.3 1.16 6/10 102.2 1.03
12/10 104.6 1.14 12/10 101.4 1.03
6/11 107.7 1.10 6/11 98.2 1.07
12/11 99.1 1.20 12/11 102.1 1.03
6/12 96.2 1.24 6/12 97.1 1.08
12/12 90.9 1.31 12/12 97.1 1.08
6/13 94.6 1.26 6/13 97.1 1.08
12/13 94.8 1.26 12/13 97.1 1.08
6/14 96.9 1.23 6/14 97.8 1.07
12/14 98.8 1.20 12/14 96.7 1.08
6/15 101.0 1.18 6/15 103.3 1.01
12/15 98.8 1.20 12/15 106.8 0.98
6/16 93.9 1.27 6/16 107.1 0.98
12/16 98.1 1.21 12/16 105.5 0.99
6/17 103.9 1.15 6/17 104.7 1.00
12/17 104 1.14 12/17 102.9 1.02
6/18 113.7 1.05 6/18 103.1 1.02
12/18 119 1.00 12/18 104.8 1.00

Source for both tables: Australian Bureau of Statistics

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Sept 2012 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier

6/02 77.4 1.40
12/02 77.1 1.41
6/03 74.9 1.45
12/03 72.6 1.49
6/04 72.1 1.50
12/04 73.4 1.48
6/05 75.8 1.43
12/05 78.5 1.38
6/06 78.9 1.38
12/06 80.5 1.35
6/07 82.7 1.31
12/07 82.2 1.32
6/08 82.9 1.31
12/08 87.7 1.24
6/09 97.3 1.12
12/09 99.0 1.10
6/10 97.0 1.12
12/10 99.3 1.09
6/11 99.3 1.09
12/11 99.3 1.09
6/12 101.9 1.06
12/12 103.0 1.05
6/13 102.9 1.05
12/13 102.9 1.05
6/14 102.1 1.06
12/14 103.7 1.05
6/15 101.4 1.07
12/15 103.7 1.05
6/16 105.0 1.03
12/16 105.5 1.03
6/17 105.9 1.02
12/17 108.6 1.00
6/18 108.8 1.00
12/18 108.5 1.00

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

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General Price Index
Building Cost Index Machinery, Metal Product
Sept 2010 = 1000 Input Price
Sept 2010 = 1000

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

1996 584 2.00 1996 628 1.71
1997 588 1.99 1997 630 1.70
1998 589 1.98 1998 657 1.63
1999 599 1.95 1999 641 1.68
2000 666 1.75 2000 749 1.43
2001 667 1.75 2001 728 1.47
2002 676 1.73 2002 728 1.47
2003 686 1.70 2003 713 1.51
2004 728 1.60 2004 759 1.42
2005 781 1.50 2005 779 1.38
6/06 828 1.41 6/06 815 1.32
12/06 866 1.35 12/06 866 1.24
6/07 888 1.31 6/07 899 1.20
12/07 911 1.28 12/07 927 1.16
6/08 921 1.27 6/08 923 1.16
12/08 974 1.20 12/08 986 1.09
6/09 970 1.20 6/09 1017 1.06
12/09 971 1.20 12/09 980 1.10
6/10 985 1.19 6/10 995 1.08
12/10 1000 1.17 12/10 1000 1.07
6/11 1012 1.15 6/11 1012 1.06
12/11 1026 1.14 12/11 1027 1.05
6/12 1035 1.13 6/12 1025 1.05
12/12 1043 1.12 12/12 1027 1.05
6/13 1048 1.11 6/13 1028 1.04
12/13 1058 1.10 12/13 1031 1.04
6/14 1061 1.10 6/14 1103 0.97
12/14 1069 1.09 12/14 1014 1.06
6/15 1067 1.09 6/15 1027 1.05
12/15 1079 1.08 12/15 1038 1.03
6/16 1071 1.09 6/16 1035 1.04
12/16 1094 1.07 12/16 1042 1.03
6/17 1100 1.06 6/17 1042 1.03
12/17 1116 1.05 12/17 1053 1.02
6/18 1138 1.03 6/18 1058 1.02
12/18 1168 1.00 12/18 1074 1.00
Source of both indexes: Key Statistics, Statistics New Zealand

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Industrial Equipment
Sept 2010 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier

1996 25.8 8.52
1997 26.2 8.38
1998 25.9 8.48
1999 25.2 8.74
2000 24.4 9.02
2001 24.9 8.83
2002 40.7 5.41
2003 48.3 4.56
2004 52.1 4.22
2005 57.7 3.81
5/06 60.5 3.64
11/06 62.8 3.50
4/07 65.1 3.38
10/07 68.1 3.23
4/08 75.3 2.92
10/08 87.2 2.52
6/09 87.8 2.51
12/09 94.8 2.32
6/10 99.6 2.21
12/10 105.4 2.09
6/11 111.6 1.97
12/11 118.6 1.86
6/12 125.6 1.75
12/12 134.3 1.64
6/13 140.9 1.56
12/13 152.6 1.44
6/14 174.5 1.26
12/14 191.1 1.15
6/15 201.7 1.09
12/15 217.3 1.01
6/16 220.0 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 1996
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

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BRAZIL Building Cost Index (Civil Construction)

Wholesale Price Index Machinery & Equipment
in Rio de Janeiro
August 2007 = 100
August 1994 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
1997 162.271 4.56 1997 46.128 3.34
1998 166.733 4.44 1998 45.149 3.41
1999 171.100 4.32 1999 50.604 3.05
2000 190.136 3.89 2000 62.278 2.48
2001 203.321 3.64 2001 64.299 2.40
2002 217.288 3.40 2002 64.299 2.40
2003 231.167 3.20 2003 69.540 2.22
2004 279.243 2.65 2004 84.400 1.83
2005 311.733 2.37 2005 93.650 1.65
2006 341.283 2.17 2006 95.854 1.61
7/07 345.682 2.14 7/07 96.312 1.60
12/07 352.204 2.10 12/07 96.181 1.60
7/08 369.812 2.00 7/08 97.796 1.58
12/08 398.202 1.86 12/08 101.789 1.51
6/09 410.300 1.80 6/09 104.007 1.48
12/09 418.528 1.77 12/09 103.830 1.48
6/10 432.079 1.71 6/10 105.492 1.46
12/10 446.608 1.66 12/10 107.547 1.43
6/11 456.917 1.62 6/11 108.663 1.42
12/11 481.996 1.53 12/11 110.428 1.40
6/12 493.584 1.50 6/12 111.043 1.39
12/12 517.657 1.43 12/12 111.545 1.38
6/13 522.474 1.42 6/13 112.354 1.37
12/13 558.340 1.32 12/13 115.923 1.33
6/14 571.577 1.29 6/14 120.660 1.28
12/14 546.745 1.35 12/14 122.586 1.26
6/15 604.026 1.22 6/15 130.396 1.18
12/15 646.355 1.14 12/15 135.117 1.14
6/16 655.263 1.13 6/16 137.644 1.12
12/16 684.613 1.08 12/16 150.676 1.02
6/17 696.314 1.06 6/17 142.953 1.08
12/17 713.33 1.04 12/17 145.301 1.06
6/18 721.41 1.03 6/18 148.78 1.04
12/18 739.583 1.00 12/18 154.148 1.00
Source of both indexes: Conjuntura Economica, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Instituto Brasiieiro de Economia

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CHILE Industrial Equipment

2014 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier

2001 48.4 2.29
2002 50.6 2.19
2003 54.6 2.03
2004 56.0 1.98
2005 62.8 1.77
2006 62.9 1.76
2007 68.2 1.63
2008 87.2 1.27
2009 87.2 1.27
2010 92.1 1.20
2011 96.3 1.15
2012 96.7 1.15
6/13 99.6 1.11
12/13 103.6 1.07
6/14 107.7 1.03
12/14 108.9 1.02
6/15 105.4 1.05
12/15 95.4 1.16
6/16 96.8 1.15
12/16 105.2 1.05
6/17 105.2 1.05
12/17 112.9 0.98
6/18 111.3 1.00
12/18 110.9 1.00
Source: UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Producer Price Index
Data not available earlier than the year 1996
Publication of UN data varies and does not always follow a consistent schedule

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COLOMBIA Construction Cost Index

Producer Price Index
Machinery & Equipment
2006 = 100
2014 = 100
Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier
12/02 84.7 1.96 12/02 60.2 1.95
6/03 89.7 1.85 6/03 63.0 1.87
12/03 91.3 1.82 12/03 63.0 1.86
6/04 98.6 1.69 6/04 65.9 1.78
12/04 98.8 1.68 12/04 68.0 1.73
6/05 99.3 1.67 6/05 69.8 1.68
12/05 99.5 1.67 12/05 70.2 1.67
6/06 104.5 1.59 6/06 73.2 1.61
12/06 110.0 1.51 12/06 74.4 1.58
6/07 112.5 1.48 6/07 74.9 1.57
12/07 113.0 1.47 12/07 75.8 1.55
6/08 120.6 1.38 6/08 80.0 1.47
12/08 124.6 1.33 12/08 88.4 1.33
6/09 124.0 1.34 6/09 86.8 1.35
12/09 121.9 1.36 12/09 84.1 1.40
6/10 123.4 1.35 6/10 88.9 1.32
12/10 122.6 1.36 12/10 87.0 1.35
6/11 128.5 1.29 6/11 96.2 1.22
12/11 131.3 1.27 12/11 98.2 1.20
6/12 137.3 1.21 6/12 97.7 1.20
12/12 136.9 1.21 12/12 96.3 1.22
6/13 138.7 1.20 6/13 95.0 1.24
12/13 138.4 1.20 12/13 94.7 1.24
6/14 142.0 1.17 6/14 98.0 1.20
12/14 146.5 1.14 12/14 98.7 1.19
6/15 146.7 1.13 6/15 99.1 1.19
12/15 148.0 1.12 12/15 103.4 1.14
6/16 152.5 1.09 6/16 105.8 1.11
12/16 152.5 1.09 12/16 107.2 1.10
6/17 155.7 1.07 6/17 106.9 1.10
12/17 157.1 1.06 12/17 109.0 1.08
6/18 162.6 1.02 6/18 113.9 1.03
12/18 166.3 1.00 12/18 117.5 1.00
Source for both tables: DANE Informacion Estadistica

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MEXICO Building Cost Index Machinery & Equipment

2012 = 100 2012 = 100

Month/Year Index Multiplier Month/Year Index Multiplier

1995 24.1 5.75 1995 23.6 5.44
1996 30.4 4.56 1996 29.6 4.35
1997 33.9 4.08 1997 34.5 3.73
6/98 36.8 3.76 6/98 37.3 3.44
12/98 39.0 3.55 12/98 40.6 3.17
6/99 43.1 3.21 6/99 44.5 2.89
10/99 44.7 3.10 10/99 48.2 2.67
6/00 48.6 2.85 6/00 49.6 2.59
12/00 49.2 2.81 12/00 51.0 2.52
6/01 51.8 2.67 6/01 52.7 2.44
12/01 51.7 2.67 12/01 53.1 2.42
6/02 52.9 2.62 6/02 53.8 2.39
12/02 54.0 2.56 12/02 55.6 2.31
6/03 57.2 2.42 6/03 57.8 2.22
12/03 57.8 2.40 12/03 58.7 2.19
6/04 65.4 2.12 6/04 62.7 2.05
12/04 66.3 2.09 12/04 64.3 2.00
6/05 66.8 2.07 6/05 65.1 1.97
12/05 66.5 2.08 12/05 68.2 1.88
6/06 70.8 1.96 6/06 70.6 1.82
12/06 75.2 1.84 12/06 70.7 1.82
6/07 76.3 1.81 6/07 72.9 1.76
12/07 77.3 1.79 12/07 74.7 1.72
6/08 83.0 1.67 6/08 78.8 1.63
12/08 87.3 1.58 12/08 81.6 1.57
6/09 86.8 1.59 6/09 82.8 1.55
12/09 85.9 1.61 12/09 84.6 1.52
6/10 89.5 1.55 6/10 86.6 1.48
12/10 90.0 1.54 12/10 88.2 1.46
6/11 93.8 1.48 6/11 91.8 1.40
12/11 97.7 1.42 12/11 95.6 1.34
6/12 99.6 1.39 6/12 97.8 1.31
12/12 99.1 1.40 12/12 97.8 1.31
6/13 99.2 1.39 6/13 99.4 1.29
12/13 98.6 1.40 12/13 101.1 1.27
6/14 101.1 1.37 6/14 103.1 1.25
12/14 102.7 1.35 12/14 103.0 1.25
6/15 104.9 1.32 6/15 104.5 1.23
12/15 107.4 1.29 12/15 108.1 1.19
6/16 109.6 1.26 6/16 108.8 1.18
12/16 115.2 1.20 12/16 115.3 1.11
6/17 124.2 1.11 6/17 116.8 1.10
12/17 125.8 1.10 12/17 121.4 1.06
6/18 134.6 1.03 6/18 126.4 1.02
12/18 138.4 1.00 12/18 128.5 1.00
Source of both tables: ‘‘Instituto Nacional De Estadistica Y Geografia’’

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