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United International University

A Project Report on
Corporate Social Responsibility

Course: Business Communication

Course Code: BUS 501
Section: A

Submitted to:
Tamanna Maqsood
Lecturer, United International University

Submitted by:
Sabiqun Nahar Joi
ID: 112 213 020

Submission Date: 04. 02. 20


I would like to thank Almighty Allah for giving me the patience and the ability to work hard with
tremendous devotion.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have stood by my side, encouraged me
help me throughout my study.
I owe a lot to everyone who co-operated in making my report on Corporate Social Responsibility
of Bashundhara Group.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my Faculty Tamanna Maqsood, for giving me an
opportunity prepare a project on Corporate Social Responsibility.
I take immense pleasure in thinking my report guide Tamanna Maqsood.
Last but not the least I would like to thank my family and friends for their continuous support and


I, Sabiqun Nahar Joi the student of MBA program (1st Trimester) hereby declare that I have
completed the project on Corporate Social Responsibility.

Name of the Student: Sabiqun Nahar Joi

ID: 112 213 020

INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................................................................ 5
What is CSR? ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Benefits of CSR: ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Corporate Social Responsibility held by Bashundhara: ................................................................................ 7
CSR Project Proposal: .................................................................................................................................... 7
Vision, Mission & Objective .......................................................................................................................... 8
Vision:........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Mission: ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Objective: .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Goal: .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Problem Statement: ...................................................................................................................................... 9
The project “Ononno Bidyapith”: ............................................................................................................... 10
Potential key Benefits: ................................................................................................................................ 10
The time line and requirements of ononno bidyapith: .............................................................................. 11
Budget: .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Requirements needed: ........................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................................. 12

The Bashundhara Group has started operation as a real estate venture known as "Bashundhara"
under the aegis of the group's first concern - the East-West Property Development (Pvt) Ltd in
1987. This project turned out to be a very successful one and had helped faster the growth of
trust and confidence of the urban people in "Bashundhara". Dhaka's burgeoning population,
coupled with a conspicuously slow growth of housing led to the landmark success of
Bashundhara. Driven by the ramifications of this success, Bashundhara geared up to invest in
new fields, including manufacturing and trading. More enterprises were established in the early
1990s, covering diverse activities involving the production of cement, paper and pulp, tissue
paper, LPG bottling and distribution, and a trading company, among others. The group
experienced this tremendous growth in a span of less than 10 years. During this period,
additional schemes on land development and real estate were launched and those projects
focused more sharply on increasing responsiveness to client needs. The Group's first publicly-
traded company, the Meghna Cement Mills Limited, is currently listed on the two Stock
Exchanges of Bangladesh. The Group now has over 20 major concerns located in different areas
of the country. The multi-faceted shopping mall-cum-recreation center called the Bashundhara
City (BCDL) has added glamour to the growth of the group. The BCDL is one step ahead in the
longstanding effort to strengthen links with the general people through the unique offering of
commercial operations and recreation facilities under single roof. Latest addition to the group is
its media house titled “East West Media Group Ltd” which was established in 2009. It now owns
Bangla daily – “Kaler Kantho”, “Bangladesh Pratidin”, English daily “Daily Sun” and online
portal “”. The media house is also planning to launch a FM radio and a
television channel as well. The Group has come a long way in reaching its goals by listening to
client needs, learning real-time lessons from past projects, innovating and partnering its project
implementation process. Through major investment undertakings in all key sectors, Bashundhara
has meaningfully contributed to the country’s economic stability in financial and capital markets.
Underlying all of the Group's activities are the common threads of change, flexibility, and
fostering closer ties with the Government, the City Corporation and Bashundhara clients.

What is CSR?
The voluntary compliance of social and ecological responsibility of companies is called
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Corporate Social Responsibility is basically a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to

contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. Corporate Social Responsibility is
represented by the contributions undertaken by companies to society through its business
activities and its social investment. This is also to connect the concept of sustainable
development to the company’s level.

Importance of CSR:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a major role in developing the economy of a
country. It can be defined as the way in which a company manages various business entities to
produce an impact on the society. Companies with high CSR standards are able to demonstrate
their responsibilities to the stock holders, employees, customers and the general public.

Benefits of CSR:
• CSR increases employee engagement.

• CSR improves bottom-line financials.

• CSR supports local and global communities.

• Contributes to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

• Increases investment opportunities.

• Presents press opportunities.

• Increases customer retention and loyalty

Corporate Social Responsibility held by Bashundhara:
Consecutive success of different concerns of Bashundhara Group, they feel that something is left
to do for the nation and for our society. Bashundhara Group sets a rare example of corporate
social responsibility. The Group will go down in the history for its timely role in tackling the
country’s critical juncture.

The contribution of Bashundhara Group by constructing the largest corona treatment hospital,
providing armed forces, law enforcers and coast guards with personal protective equipment and
distributing food items among insolvent people have earned a good name at home and abroad.

Bashundhara Foundation is a ‘not-for-profit’ and social development platform of the business

group. It was formed in 2005. The foundation runs on the generous contribution of the business
group. Ultimate welfare of the humanity is the core objective of the entity.

The Foundation also runs Afroza Begum Hospital, Ata Miah Free Friday Clinic at Manikganj
and Bancharampur, occasional health and sight-saving camps at places, provides financial
support to different educational, religious and social organizations like madrasa, mosque and

CSR Project Proposal:

The project Ononno Bidyapith is a CSR project initiated by Bashundhara Group. Ononno means
different and Bidyapith means school. This different school moto is to provide online learning
facilities toward poor and unemployed who does not get the opportunities, women who want to
develop career in technical and skill field and school/college dropout student will get training
course with this online learning plat form.

Vision, Mission & Objective

Our vision is to create value and impact in society by way of improving quality of life and
ensuring well-being of people through online education.

Our mission is to achieve higher efficiency to develop and deliver affordable educational
instruments and teaching methods to society for good civilization.

The objective of this project is to provide a platform where unprivileged students and women
will get opportunities to learn and build a earning path. The program will provide primary
education to age level. Women career development opportunities will be provided so that they
can earn their livelihood. And school/ college dropout students can earn different certification
courses that will increase their learning and skills in technical fields.

Our goal is to reduce the unemployment rate of Bangladesh. Helping people to develop
marketable skills and become productive members of their own. Ensuring primary education
level to every people and women career development on rural sites.

Problem Statement:
Covid-19 is having a negative impact on young people’s mental health. We are concern that,
with most young people not currently attending school and many young people not having access
to resources and materials with which to learn, there will be a subsequent detrimental effect on
both academic attainment and wellbeing.

According to Unicef, the closure of educational institutions because of the coronavirus pandemic
has affected over 1.57 billion students in 190 countries. The educational setup has moved online
overnight. Online classes in order to reduce physical and mental pressure on students without
compromising learning outcomes. But the online education is suitable for only those students
whose has access to smartphone or laptop and internet connection.

The student of rural area still has no access to a smartphone, let alone an active internet

The project “Ononno Bidyapith”:
The project Ononno Bidyapith is a project initiated by Bashundhara Group. Ononno means
different and Bidyapith means school. This different school moto is to provide online learning
facilities toward poor and unemployed who does not get the opportunities, women who want to
develop career in technical and skill field and school/college dropout student will get training
course with this online learning plat form.

The aim of this project is to provide online education for rural development through giving
online device, setup internet connection and trained up how to join and learn through online

Potential key Benefits:

The possibilities of online education system with online tools are massive. It can bring many
benefits for both teachers and learners to aid in teaching and learning.

The rural children can be educated through online education, the women of rural area can learn
tailoring and cooking through online learning platform and the student of school & college
dropper can learn technical work and they will be benefitted from this online platform.

The corporate benefits are falling good impact on their corporate world and also benefitted of
their employee and clients for their great work.

The time line and requirements of ononno bidyapith:
Project establishment will take 3 months, initial targeted areas after establishment will be
Narayanganj, Manikganj, Faridpur, Madaripur areas. These are the operational areas.

If success indicator is high then we will establish the project every district of Bangladesh.

Gross investment proposed 1 crore.

Initial investment 30 lakh for 3 months establishment period.

Rest of the amount will be used for the operational activities till one year and so on.

Requirements needed:
We are offering for this project some materials. Those are given below:

Devices: Laptop, Smartphone, Internet connection

Instructor: Teacher

Teaching zone: Website of onnono bidypith

The project of Ononno Bidyapith offers various option for rural child, women and
unemployment for their development of this pandemic situation. The student can get benefitted
from this online based project and able to learn various things about virtual world. The rural
women can learn how to run online business and the dropout student can learn about technical
work and they would be employment.

Bashundhara group has already open their online educational platform named “Bina Tarer

So, this project of online education for rural development will be helpful to spread knowledge.



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