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bat’s supersense

dia 1: i’m doing the supersense presentation about the bat, becasue i tink they are
interesting and i i find echolocation interesting

dia 2: the bat’s supersense is echolocation. they use it to hunt in the evening. they are not
blind, they just ‘see’ with their eyes.

dia 3: the bat uses this send to hunt and see in the dark. but they also cumincate with
echolocation. when bat’s use echolocation it is really specific. they know everything they can
literally tell the size, shape, location, distance and direction of objects around.

dia 4: they are born wit hit but they aren’t really good in using it then. they are born with
echolocation but they need to learn how to fly. so they are bron wit hit but they do also
need to learning how to really use it wel. when they use echolocation the sound comes out
of their mouth or nose. the sound hits something and returns back tot he bat so they know
where and what it is.

dia 5: echolocaton can’t get destub by toher bat’s. bat’s have a flexible sonar because of
that they can’t disturb each others echolocation. but it can go wrong. just a wo=rong signal is
enough to let it go wrong.

dia 6. bats are use to it, using echolocation. but they aren’t blind so they could survive with
it, if they just grow up without echolocation. echolocation is easy fort hem to use. but if they
didn’t have it they still can hunt only not that good as if the have echolocation. but it is also
their way to comunicate so it is really 50/ 50

dia 7: the bat is nog the only animal that uses echolocation so do: dolphins, whales, oilbirds,
swiftlets, shkrew and then their is the bat, not all the bat’s use sonar at the same way. some
don’t use it at all.

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