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The Moorish American Scholar ©



A Proposal To: All Asiatic’s of North America, Moors & Moorish Americans

By Brother C. Jones Bey Member of the MSTofA aka OmniMelanic Bey

In the Year of Our Holy Prophet Noble Dew Ali: January Twenty Third, One hundred and Twenty-Six AB

(Profane year 2013)

In Association with NAVIGATOORS©

The Royal Canaanite Publishing Circle©; Los Angeles Calif. USA
New Era of Time: 126 AB

All Praises are due to Allah, “there is but one Allah, the author, the creator, the governor of the world, almighty, eternal and
incomprehensible.” (MHK xxxv: 1)


HERE IS WHY. Primarily doing YOUR own thing is
not what Allah’s Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali
HIGEST HONORS TO HIS PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI, established. When he came back he knew you had [and
HONORS TO OUR FIRST SGS E. MEALY EL TO OUR CURRENT now have] mental slavery, and a European Psychology,
that stagnated your progress, no knowledge of self, and
Allah’s Holy Prophet told E. Mealy El our first Supreme therefore will remain a slave to everybody else. Noble
Grand Sheik appointed by the Prophet himself. ‘The Drew Ali was not even doing his thing; being Allah’s
Prophet told me dear Moslems.’ “I have put my law in holy prophet he was sent to bring us the everlasting
your hand and my word in your mouth, and you are to gospel of Allah, (KQMA #40) and save us from the
tell them what to do, and they are to obey. Tell them my wrath of Allah, that awful day which is sure to come.
law hold up me before them. If you will hold me up Moreover, he did just that, and left his foot prints clearly
before them, I will draw all men unto me.” [RE: E. Mealy cut for those of us to see which way he went. He kept the
El’s state documents (see Moorish American Scholar Hist. fact on E. political complex answer to our collective problem
Mealy El 1929-1934)]
wrapped up in the term ‘Nationality’ and secured it under
The facts are: ‘There is only One Prophet and One
Religion (check mate!!) for our in-depth research and
Temple’; then why do we have all these sets and splinter
made it the order of the day to show it’s priority for us to
groups calling themselves Moorish Science Temple of
America etc.? It is obvious through observation and
application that theses splinter groups do not know where
the authority lies. We conclude that this is due to the lack
of scientific study on the subject matter of Nationality, Why is Nationality the order of the day? Has anyone ever
which our Prophet Noble Drew Ali said ‘is the order of answered or asked that question to their Sheik or better
the day’. There are too many belief systems with no yet yourself? Good.
facts to determine a right understanding, thus bringing The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali and his divine
about a misunderstanding of what the Holy Prophet Ministers of his cabinet gave out calling cards to the
established, and an idea that the Prophet did not fully Asiatics of North America, which told us to… “Come all
establish all it takes to save us here in North America. ye Asiastics and learn the Truth about your Nationality
And this brings about a falsehood,(because of his and Birthrights, because you are not colored, etc. And
demonstration from 1913-1929) and the mere ideas of you must claim a free national name to be an American
man become paramount, in looking for redemption out of citizen…” Did you get your divine calling? This was the
the state of being a 2nd class citizen, a corporation, first document that one got from the Prophet or Sheik. If
statutory citizen, and debtor, person, Black, Colored one would have read their calling, card and define the
Person, a Negro or African American. subject matter ‘nationality’ a lot of one’s own doubts
In addition, the lower self perpetuates this would stop.
illusionary state of thinking. ‘I can do my own thing, or
thinking you can take a little of this Moorish Science
(using the name Bey or El or the old Temple names
established by the Prophet) and go out and do you with it.
Start up little sects, clubs, 501(c) 3 corporations’ and call
it Moorish Science this or that, so you can be the Man,
get recognized, or play the hero. You cannot do your own
New Era of Time 126 AB


The Original Divine Calling Cards 1916-1929


[BLK’sLaw6th] Nationality: “that quality or character which arise from the fact of a person’s belonging to a nation or state.
Nationality determines the political status especially with reference to allegiance; while domicile determines his civil status. Nationality arises
ether by birth or naturalization.” Nationality affords the state jurisdiction over the person and affords the person the protection of the state.
The two most important parts of this particular definition to understand from a scientific eye is domicile and thee most important from these
two are political status.
Some facts about Nationality: 1.1 is a political status, 1.2 is defined by the Constitution, which is a political document. 1.3 Is synonymous with
being a ‘national’ within statutory law. 1.4. Gives one the right to political association. 1.5 Gives one constitutional citizenship. 1.6 Is
associated with a specific country. 1.7 Is called a ‘political citizen’ or a citizen of the United States in a political sense, by the courts to
distinguish it from a STATUTORY citizen. See Powel v United States, 109 F.2d 147 (1940), Nationality therefore is the principle relationship
that connects an individual to a state. Let us Look a Political Status and begin to connect the dots. [BLK 6th p.1158] Political: pertaining or
relating to the policy or the administration of government, state or national. Pertaining to or incidental to, the exercise of the functions vested
in those charged with the conduct of government; of or pertaining to exercise of rights and privileges or the influence by which individuals of
a state seek to determine or control its public policy; having to do with organization or action of individual parties. Political status gives one
Political Rights. Political Rights are those, which may be exercised in the formation or administration of the government. Rights of a citizen
established or recognized by constitution (Act 6.) which gives them the power to participate directly or indirectly in the establishment or
administration of government. The holy Prophet was reported as saying, “I’m going to leave the European here just long enough to teach
you how to run a government.” In addition, it all starts with understanding nationality. Nationality gives one Political Right’s within those
political rights is the right of association to associate with your political community; the right to freedom of association and freedom from
compelled association, (first Amendment to the Constitution). Association is the freedom to choose; choose a domicile,(“…let the bonds of
affection, therefore unite thee with thy brothers, that peace and happiness may dwell in thy father’s house and when ye separate in the
world, remember the relation that bindeth you to love and unity; and prefer not a stranger before thy own blood.” HKofMSTofA XXV: 2-
3) it is voluntarily entered into. Please at this stage pay very close attention….When you choose your associations (political community)
which is determined by your ‘Domicile’ you have chosen your Civil Status or Legal status. At this stage if one has proclaimed his nationality
with the lawful government aka The Moorish Science Temple of America; Home Office of Noble Drew Ali, Chicago, Il USA and its lawful
branch temples (Act 1. Additional Laws) you are a ‘National’… (We the People) well that is yet to be determined. Let us define a few more
terms before we move on. Domicile: a person’s legal home. That place where a man has his true fixed, and permanent home and principal
establishment, and to which whenever he is absent has the intention of returning. Smith v. Smith 206 Pa.Super.310, 213 A.2d 94. Generally.
Physical presence within a state and the intention to make it ones home are the request of establishing a ‘domicile’ therein. A person may
have more than one residence but only one domicile.


New Era of Time 126 AB
A third prophecy is attributed to Muhammad himself, and may have formed the basis for other prophecies’. It is related that Muhammad was asked about the
end of the world and what would happen thereafter to his community. Muhammad replied, “that the world will come to an end when the most perverse and
worst people appear at a time when a part of his community will still be in an island situated in the extreme west…The conflict between Islam and
Christianity will end with a return to the law of the Moors. There will be much cloud in that year, scarcity of water, trees bearing extra fruits, and other
signs.” [emphasis added]

The legal domicile of a person is important since it rather than the actual
resident often controls the jurisdiction of the taxing authorities and
determines where a person may exercise the privileges/rights of voting
and other legal rights and immunities. (Speaking on taxes for all you
who are reluctant about taxes ...Being domicile and not nationality is
what imputes a status under the tax code and a liability for tax. Tax
liability is civil liability that attaches to civil statutory law, which
attaches to a ‘person’ through their choice of domicile. {Your Per-
Capita Tax Card is very important. To be able to prove you pay taxes to
your lawful Civil government were your domiciled at,} (Those with
eyes to see and ears to hear should be tuning in about their tax
situation...Ask you are self-can they tax a Religious Body Politic. What
about an agent [missionary] from that Body politic? [See 1099 form;
‘Our Authority’]) No one can force you to acquire or retain a domicile
anywhere, including within the federal zone or to accept the civil status
that attaches to it of statutory citizen (14th Amendment citizen) or
resident. It is voluntary. Domicile determines your Civil and Legal and
Statutory status. It does not determine your Political status or Let us go a little further. Nationality gives you your
Nationality. Civil Status or Legal status: (Civil: originally pertaining to citizenship as a national, a constitutional citizen.
or appropriate to a member of a civitas or free political community; Citizens are members of a political community who in
natural or proper to a citizen {National}. Also, relating to the their associated capacity, have established or submitted
community, or to the policy and government of the citizen and subject themselves to the dominion of a government. {The
of a state.) Civil Status: gives you 1. The ability to contract with other Religious Body Politic aka Moorish Science Temple of
parties including the government. 2. Politically and legally associate America.} By giving up some of their natural rights for
with groups you choose to associate with. *3. Choose or nominate the the promotion of their general wellfare and the protection
civil government that you want to protect your rights to life liberty and of their individual as well as collective rights. Herriot v
property...this is where your jury of peers is established, etc.3.1 City of Seattle 81 Wash. 2d 48 500 P 2nd 101, 109.
choosing a domicile is an act of political association that has legal Citizen one who under the Constitution and laws of the
consequences in which you nominate a specific municipal government United States of America or of a particular state, is a
to protect your rights and property.[In others word the local member of the political community owing allegiance
governmental laws that will govern you] This is why the Declaration (allegiance is associated with Nationality allegiance is
of Independence says that all just powers of government are derived what makes one a citizen/subject of a country.) And
from the consent of the people. Those who do not concede to a civil being entitled to the enjoyments of full Civil Rights.
municipality have no civil protection or real Civil Rights you would be Ones full Civil Rights are enforced through municipal
automatically presumed to have a statutory citizenship status[14th civil law, which in turn can only attach to ones choice of
Amendment citizen see Civiliter Mortuus or Civil Death]. Domicile is legal domicile.
how you exercise rights 2 and 3. You can choose where your domicile Now for those who believe that being a Private
is and you can change it at any time. Individual or alien national is going to protect you
When you choose a domicile, you elect or nominate a because you got this status by way of paper work/ucc
protector, which in turn gives rise to an obligation to pay for the civil etc... You are the executor of such n such estate you have
protection demanded. The method of providing that protection is the copied right to your name, you are power of attorney
civil laws of the municipal (as in county [Branch Temple]) jurisdiction etc., etc., etc.. (You may be getting small reprievable
that you chose a domicile within; ( Divine Constitution and By-Laws, remedies for now but). When private individuals of one
Additional Laws, the Koran, General Laws, Supreme Laws, Rules, and nation (states of the union) spread themselves through
Regulations, of the Prophet are the civil laws of the Religious another as business or caprice may direct, mingling
government (MSTof A))…Now what does it all mean? Well when one indiscriminately with the inhabitants of that other or
proclaims a Nationality their Political Status {political rights} is when merchant vessels enter for the purpose of trade it
established (‘National’ of the United States of America, Moorish would be inconvenient and dangerous to society, and
American) giving you the choice to associate with a political would subject the law to continuous infractions… if such
community(Grand Temple, Grand Major Temples, Branch Temples) to Individual or merchant did not owe temporary and local
establish your Civil Status/Legal Status your laws that will govern you. allegiance and were not amenable to the jurisdiction of
by your choice of Domicile;(Home Office of Noble Drew Ali Chicago, the country… the implied license, therefore under which
Il) thus creating the political or constitutional and civil status of a
human being. A National a true American citizen of the United States
of America the Republic. A Moorish American! We The People,
They enter can never be construed to grant such exemption 7 Cranch 144. “…the implied license under
which private individuals of another nation enter the territory and mingle indiscriminately with its
inhabitants for purpose of business or pleasure can never be construed to grant to them an exemption from
the jurisdiction of the country in which they are found. See also Carlisle v U.S. (1872)16 Wall. 147, 155
Radich v Hutchins (1877) 95 U.S. 210.
So even if you have done all that paper work and think yourself untouchable…WAM-BAM ‘applied
license’ all because you failed to see that The Moorish Science Temple of America (the correct one…there
is but One) is the only soul foundation where the Asiatic of North America will find his/her salvation
under! ..Now just because you failed to see does not mean defeat. You must be domiciled in your Political
Community; a branch temple of the MSTof A (Act 1 Additional Laws) which is attached to The One
Temple your domicile.
All the fancy names, The Great Amexem such and such these great so called Orders of this and that all
theses sects and clubs, and 501(c) 3’s with Moorish this and that as your name. Your heart may be right
looking for the salvation established by the Prophet Noble Drew Ali but your association is wrong. The
facts are if you are not domiciled in your own municipality as a constitutional citizen; then no matter what
you do. And this could be hard for some to swallow…You are subject to the civil laws that you were born
(formed) in; and the only civil laws attached to a Negro is statutory civil laws of a 14th Amendment citizen.
Most Moors today have a birth certificate with the misnomer Negro as the nationality. Your birth
certificates acts as your place of resident (being over 18 legal age to consent you freely made a choice to
stay as a resident on record and registered , by way of your birth certificate in a federal zone) that
determines your civil laws that will govern you.
All must see were the authority lies, and that’s with the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali sent from Allah
to saves us from the wrath of Allah, period! The Prophets One Temple; known as the Moorish Science
Temple of America. That is why he put his face on the documents. He is the seal, on the charter; he is the
Moorish Science Temple of America and you cannot separate the two. Plus he had to put his face on the
documents so we would know the real one, he is a prophet he saw all this coming… and even after he put
his seal on all official records Laws, Regulations, Rules Organic Law, Koran (ecclesiastical and Secular
laws) etc. still some choose to follow the so-called reincarnated so-called Prophet. The C. Kirckman Bey,
Lomax Bey, the Dingel El’s, W.Frad Muhammad, German Bey, C. M. Bey etc. etc. etc. And these are the
facts. So you have today brothers and sisters thinking they can do, they own thing without the Prophet and
his lawful succession. It’s not enough to just put his name in your documents, on web sites, have a bey or el
attached to your acquired last name without properly; being part and parcel via-your Per Capita Tax Card,
Dues card, Nationality and Identification Card for the Moorish Science Temple of America etc.. (And
Birthrights for the Moorish Americans.) in the correct Temple. Your Dues Card establishes your years in
the Temple in your local municipal government by way of No. of Temple on the card and Domicile at
Home office. Per Capita Tax Card show you are paying tax to you jurisdiction and numerates you as parcel
and establish jurisdiction to your Body Politic. Study your Nationality and Identification Card it is all there
RE: The Prophet‘s Warning To The Nations Friday, March 1, 1928; “Money (Notes) does not make
the man; it is free national standards (association) and power (establish your own municipal
government; connect ‘Home Rule Charter’, the prophet left no stone unturned) that make a man and
nation. The wealth of all National Governments, gold, silver (what creditor deal in), commerce,
(Uniform Commercial Code) belongs to the citizen alone; and without your national citizenship by
name and principle, (the holy and divine laws) you have no true wealth…” (Emphasis added).
Question; when has a Negro ever been a citizen of the USA; I will tell you NEVER! (See Dread Scott
case 1864) So what gives him/her the right to act as a citizen (1st class) in commerce? Doing business as a
National (one who holds the credit of the nation)? Also clamming to be sovereign you went from a Negro
to sovereign- oooBoy how you do that? By way of commerce? Ucc? Were you had to be a true citizen to
fully use that body of law… sounds fishy. Remember money does not make a man, money an interments
used in commerce; its free national standards that make a man. A ‘Man’ you were 3/5 a man; free national
standards are (Nationality and Divine Creed the two parts that were missing from your status to make you a
Man/Human.) Let us move on and conclude this academic.

National Citizenship and/or National of the USA (see bottom of N&ID Card) Defined under federal law
pursuant to 8U.S.C Sec. 1101(a)(12), under laws of Nation, under state Laws and under USA Constitution.
I. Is equivalent to the term “state citizen”
II. In general, born in any one of the several states of the union but not in a federal territory,
possession or the Districts of Columbia, and not domiciled in the federal zone.
III. Owes allegiance to ‘We the People’, collective, and individually within the body politic of the
constitutional state residing in. (Moorish Science Temple of America)
IV. May serve as a state jurist or grand jurist involving only parties with his/her same citizenship
and domicile status. ( Jury of your peers)
V. May vote in state elections (electors)
VI. Is a man or woman whose unalienable natural rights are recognized, secured and protected by
his state (Body Politic)
National citizenship is a Constitutional citizen: Constitutional Citizen is a Political status tied to:
I. Nationality
II. The U.S. Constitution
III. Political jurisdiction and a specific political status
IV. A “Nation” under the laws of Nations.
See National or state national or national of the United State of America or United States under 8 U.S.C.
Sec. 1101 (a) (21)
National can also be described as a “citizen” when he/she is domiciled within the territorial and legislative
jurisdiction of the Political Body to which one claims allegiance, being a ‘National” is therefore an attribute
and a prerequisite of being a citizen and the term can be used to describe ‘citizen.”

“Any group of people who fail to answer up to the Constitutional Standards of Law by name and
principle, (Charter) because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national name
and descent.”

“I the prophet was prepared by the Great God Allah to warn my people to repent from their
sinful ways, and go back to the state of mind of their forefathers’ divine and National Principles-that
they will be law abiders and receive their divine rights as citizens according to the free national
Constitution that was prepared for all free national beings, they are to claim their own free national
name and religion. There is but one issue for the to be recognized by this Government (USA) and of
the earth and that comes ONLY THROUGH the connection (in association with) of the Moorish
Divine National Movement, which is incorporated in this government and recognized by all other
Nations (States of the union also) of the world. And through it, they and their children can receive
their divine rights (Political Rights, Real Civil Rights within Religious Body Politic etc) unmolested
by other citizens”. RE: The Prophet Warning To The Nation Friday November 30, 1928 (Emphasis
One also becomes a constitutional citizen or citizen in a common law or Constitutional sense by being
born (implies nationality)or naturalized in a country and exercising their first Amendment rights of political
association by voluntarily choosing a national (Proclaiming your nationality) and a municipal domicile in
that country.
Let us tie in the checkmate move the holy Prophet put up. Religion for all those bandwagon haters of
religion all-of –a suadeen…
“While we the Moorish Americans, are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers
for our earthly and divine salvation.” RE: HKofMSTofA The End Of Time and The Fulfilling Of The
Prophesies p.67-68 verse 8
(Our Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America are Ecclesiastical & Secular Laws for
Moorish Americans) see BlaK. Laws 6th: Koran: The Mohammedain book of faith, it contains both
ecclesiastical and secular laws.
See RE: Our Authority 2nd ¶ “The Moorish Science Temple of America deriving its power and
authority for the Grate Koran of Mohammed to propagate the faith and extend the learning and the truth of
the Great Prophet of Ali in America.”

“In these modern days, there came a forerunner who was divinely prepared by the great God-Allah, and
his name is Marcus Garvey, who did teach and warn the nations of the earth to prepared to meet the coming
prophet who was to bring the true and divine Creed of Islam; and his name is Noble Drew Ali who was
prepared and sent to this earth by Allah to teach the old time religion and the everlasting gospel to the sons
of men, that every nation shall and must worship under their own vine and fig tree and return to their own
and be one with their Farther God-Allah.” (emphasis added) RE: HKofMSTofA The End Of Time And
The Fulfilling of The Prophases p.67v3

The entire structure of the Moorish Science Temple of America is Religious its citizens, its laws,
customs, duties, Rules, Regulations, Why the Bey and El you hold is religious. Because all is under a
Religious Body Politic a Nation. See RE: the law holds up our Authority “Corporation-Religious Affidavit
of Organization”. Religious Corporation Act Ch. 32 par.164 Sec.35 “Any church, congregation or society
formed for the purpose of religious worship may become incorporated in the following… and may adopt a
corporate, by name… it shall and remain a body politic and corporate, by the name so adopted.
What do other laws say about Religion?
RFRA (Religious freedom and restoration Act) The supreme Court had found “exercise” to be burdened
when laws interfere with a particular religious practice or ceremony (Gonzales v O Centro espirita
Beneficento Uniao do Vegetal, 564. U.S. 418 (2000)

“Courts may not decide matters of church doctrine or governance.”(Cf. Kedroff v St. Nicholas Cathedral,
344 U.S. 94,116 (1952))

U.S. v Ballard (1944) The Courts found that neither neither the courts nor the government have the right to
evaluate the religious beliefs of a citizen or group.

*Waston v Jones, 80 U.S. (13 Wall) Courts may not interfere in matters of church doctrine, discipline or

[T]he First Amendment rest upon the premise that both religion and government can best work to achieve
their lofty aims if each is left free from the other within it-respected sphere. (Jurisdiction) Justice Hugo
Black (Mc Collum v Board of Education, 333 U.S. 203, 212 (1984))

According to the United States Supreme Acts of State to wit: “Every sovereign state (people) is bound to
respect the independence of every other sovereign State (people) and the courts of another country will
NOT SIT in Judgment on the acts of the government of another, done within its own territory.”

Also where rights are secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule-making or
legislation which would abrogate them Miranda v Arizona 384 US 436,125: (10)

The claim and exercise of constitutional rights cannot be converted into a crime. Miller v Kansas 230 F 2nd
486 489:(11)

Missionaries Man or Woman piece it together can you not see your earthly and divine salvation the Holy
Prophet Noble Drew Ali establish for us. Keep the Prophet out in front, because his was tried and true. It
stands as a fact today!! And all this above come by way of your nationality, better yet you truly
understanding Your Nationality.
In conclusion
I hope this academic brings moor light to the importance of ‘KEEPING THE PROPHET OUT IN
FRONT’ the jurisprudence thereof. My intention was not to offend any organization or group. We need not
chase after the gods of Europe and mere ideas of man to save ourselves. Allah’s holy Prophet got us!
And that’s a fact! Some might need to as I did; to smash the ego, and humble themselves and

“Say not unto thyself, “Behold, truth breedeth hatred, and I will avoid it; dissimulation (to disguise
ones intentions under a feigned appearance) raisheth friends, and I will follow it.” Are not the enemies,
made by truth better than friends obtained by flattery?” HKofMSTofA XLIII : 18

To be continued…
Peace and Love Your Brother C. Jones Bey
Member of the Moorish Science Temple of America
© The Royal Canaanite Publishing Circle in conjunction with CaHIRAM©
All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research,
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Editorial by CaHIRAM©, Page layout, Cover designed by Royal Genealogy Library staff of
Printed & Made in Amexem; distributed by Navigatoors Trade and Transportation Circle
01.07.3 The Moorish American Scholar; New Era of Ali 126 AB- July 30, 2012
Moorish American Historical Institution & Royal Archive of California This booklet has been
approved by Historian
To those who do not know where the authority lies. & my enlightener J. Johnson Bey and the
Members of MSTofA
Readers my care to note that the original copies of photos and documents are from the Royal
Archives of CaHIRAM.
Editors note
We would like to extend our appreciation to you the academic for your support in our efforts to
uplift fallen humanity through scientific research of the Truth and Divine Truth and the
propagation thereof. L.T.P.F.J.
CaHIRAM© departmental of Naviatoors of the Dawn aka NAVIGATOORS©



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