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5 Practice: Helpful Resources Practice

College and Career Preparation I and II Name: Patience


Points Possible:10

Date: 8-23-23

1. On the FastWeb website, click the "Scholarships for High School Seniors" link

found at the bottom of the page. (3 points)

Choose a scholarship and list:

Step 1 :The name of the scholarship

Women Scholarship: Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador


Step 2: The amount the scholarship awards Four awards for science,

technology, engineering, and math for women scholarships.

Step3: The scholarship application deadline Application Deadlines are December

13 every year

2. On the FastWeb website, what link do you select to find featured

scholarships? (1 point) The Scholarship Tab
3. List three pieces of information (besides your name, birthday, and address)
that you'd c. Go to the FAFSA website to find this information: Filling Out the
FAFSA® Form | Federal Student Aid. (3 points)
Your Social Security Number
Your Alien Registration Number
Your FSA ID to sign electronically

4. What are two ways to postpone repayment of a student loan? Go to the FAFSA

website to find this information: Manage Loans | Federal Student Aid

(2 points)

Choose a Repayment Plan

Understand Loan Forgiveness

5. What is the current interest rate for a direct unsubsidized loan? Go to the

FAFSA website and click "Direct Unsubsidized Loans" to find this information:

Manage Loans | Federal Student Aid. (1 point) The rate for a direct

unsubsidized loan is 7.05%.

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