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3 Journal: Relating to the Clusters Journal

College and Career Preparation I and II Name: Patience


Points Possible:10

Date: 8/28/23

1. Which two career clusters interest you the most? Name them and briefly explain why

they're of interest to you. (2 points)

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications because I like design different

things in my own way.

Skill-Based because is an approach in which skills are acquired through

practice and application

2. Within each of these two career clusters, which professions are you the most drawn to?

Briefly explain why. (2 points) Skills-Based because I would want to practice

before I do a test or something.

3. What skills do you possess that would make you a successful candidate for these

careers? List at least two specific skills for each of the two clusters. (4 points)

Skill-Based : refers to the practice of employers setting specific skill or

competency requirements or targets

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications: careers encompass designing,

producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content

4. List two things you could do now to further explore the career clusters you are interested

in. (2 points)Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications and Skills- Based

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