Myth English 10th

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Gustavo Quiñones, Mario Anglero

September 9, 2023
Group 10-C
The curse of Mr.DeathBreath

(G)A long time ago in the village of Sassau lived a boy by the name of Alessandro
whose day was a special one. You see Alessandro turned 17 just the right age to get a job, but
Alessandro did not want this since he's always been lazy and incapable of doing anything. He
always smelled bad and almost never brushed his teeth. His father Mr. Monti hated it but
eventually got used to the smell. Alessandro has always depended on his father Mr. Monti to
bring food on the table, but Mr. Monti is getting too old to keep working so he has always
been looking forward to this day where his son will get a job and he will be able to retire
from being a simple ranch hand.(M) Mr. Monti had set up a deal with his boss to give his son
a good position in the ranch, but if Alessandro was going to finally do something in his life it
wasn’t to be just some ranch hand. Alessandro decides to go to the hunter camp. He talks
with the boss and he instantly hires him since the camp is extremely short in hunters. His boss
tells him to go into the forest and get 3 hares or 1 deer. Alessandro agrees and the boss gives
him a bow and a few arrows.

(G)Alessandro goes into the forest near the village and he sees some hare tracks. Alessandro,
still being a bit lazy, looks for a deer since it could be easier to sneak up on and kill; after a
few hours of searching for deer, he decides that hunting isn’t for him so he goes back into the
village. As he tries to get back he smells a putrid smell coming from somewhere near the
forest. He followed it to discover what the source of the smell was. Eventually he found the
source of the smell. It was a woman with a pot that had greenish purple goo with bones and
eyes floating on top of it.(M) The woman called to him telling him to get closer. Alessandro
warily walked towards her with bow in hand ready to shoot. Suddenly the man turns around
and Alessandro gets a good look at the woman. It wasn't an ordinary woman, it was The
Witch of Sassau Forest. Alessandro was very scared, he had heard a story about her and what
his witchcraft does to people especially the lazy ones.(G) Alessandro stood his ground and
decided to kill The witch because she had a huge bounty on her head and the reward could
give him enough money to never work and be lazy again. The witch knowing Alessandro’s
intentions casts a spell on Alessandro making him obtain the DeathBreath. Alessandro had
become Mr.DeathBreath. Scared, he heads back to the village and tells his father all that
happened. In the midst of that his father randomly collapses because of his breath.(M) He
checks to see what's wrong and his father doesn't wake up. Still scared he runs out of the
village screaming and crying and hides in a cave. A villager sees him and tells the people in
the village about his strange behavior. He falls asleep and goes back the next day only to see
the people of the village mad at him and he gets thrown tomatoes. They accuse him of killing
his father. He runs back to the forest and into a cave. There he cried for 2 days and 2 nights.
The death of his father made him filled with rage and depression.(G) He never gained the
motivation to better himself and very late at night he went out to the village to kill and feast
upon people who were as lazy and stinky as him, it was said he believed that if he killed
people like him they would be free from ever being cursed like him. The tale was told by
parents to their children to not be lazy and to always take time to keep a good hygiene.

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