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SWOT Analysis


 Cafe Chronicles provides a cost-effective and efficient marketing platform for new and small
cafes to promote their products and services to potential customers.
 The page's engaging content and interactive features such as contests and polls create a loyal
and engaged community around the cafes featured.
 Cafe Chronicles has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy source of information on
Balanga's cafe culture, which can boost customer confidence and trust in the cafes featured on
the page.
 The page can leverage its large and active social media following to attract sponsors or partners
for promotional events or collaborations.
 Cafe Chronicles provides a unique platform for new and small cafe businesses to showcase their
products and services to a wider audience.
 The page regularly updates with engaging and high-quality content, which helps to maintain a
strong social media presence and increase engagement.
 The platform serves as a hub for customers to discover new cafes, engage with business owners,
and share their experiences with others in the community, which fosters a sense of community
and loyalty.
 The page is able to connect with a diverse audience, including both local residents and tourists,
which increases the reach of the cafes featured.
 The Café Chronicles provides an innovative and dynamic platform to showcase the diverse and
exciting cafe culture in Balanga City.
 The use of Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok enables precise targeting of potential customers,
which can improve the marketing efforts of small and new cafes.
 The project is feasible and has the potential to provide a significant return on investment in five
 The platform can increase awareness and engagement among customers, helping to create a
loyal customer base.


 Cafe Chronicles may face challenges in maintaining a consistent flow of content and keeping the
page up to date with the latest cafe openings and promotions.
 The page may be limited by its audience reach, as it primarily targets those who are already
interested in cafe culture or located in Balanga.
 Cafe Chronicles may lack the resources and expertise to create professional-quality content or
marketing campaigns, which can limit its effectiveness in promoting the cafes featured on the
 The page may struggle to maintain a balance between promoting cafes and maintaining editorial
independence and objectivity.
 The page may be vulnerable to negative reviews or comments from customers, which can
damage the reputation of both the page and the cafes featured.
 The project may face competition from other similar social media pages or platforms, making it
challenging to stand out.
 Limited resources and budget may impact the effectiveness of marketing efforts, leading to slow
 Dependence on social media platforms could be a weakness if they change their algorithms or
policies, affecting the visibility of the page.


 Cafe Chronicles can explore partnerships with local tourism boards or hospitality businesses to
expand its reach and attract a wider audience.
 The page can develop more interactive features, such as live-streamed events or interactive
polls, to increase engagement and encourage repeat visits.
 Cafe Chronicles can expand its focus to include food and beverage businesses beyond cafes,
which can attract a wider audience and increase its value proposition.
 Cafe Chronicles can explore partnerships with local influencers or bloggers who have a strong
following in the cafe culture niche, which can increase its reach and attract a wider audience.
 The page can develop a mobile app or website to expand its online presence and improve user
 Cafe Chronicles can collaborate with local schools or universities to organize events or
workshops that showcase the cafes' unique products and services, which can attract younger
audiences and generate buzz.
 As the cafe culture in Balanga City grows, the demand for a platform that showcases and
promotes new cafes may increase, providing opportunities for growth.
 Collaborating with other local businesses and community groups could expand the reach and
impact of the platform.
 Expanding the platform to include features such as online ordering or delivery options could
increase convenience and attract more customers.


 The page may face competition from other similar platforms or social media pages that focus on
promoting cafe culture in Balanga or nearby areas.
 The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions may limit the growth potential of new
and small cafes and reduce their ability to participate in promotions or events.
 Negative reviews or comments from customers can damage the reputation of the page and its
featured cafes, which may negatively impact its reach and engagement.
 The emergence of new and innovative social media platforms or marketing channels may reduce
the effectiveness of Cafe Chronicles in reaching its target audience.
 The increasing competition in the cafe industry in Balanga may lead to saturation and reduce the
viability of new and small cafes, which can limit the pool of cafes that Cafe Chronicles can feature
on the page.
 Larger and well-established chain cafes may have more resources and budgets for marketing,
making it challenging to compete.


Firstly, the project's success will directly benefit the proponents and depositors who have invested their
resources in the project. As the project is expected to generate a return on investment in five years, the
feasibility of the project will ensure that their investment is secure, and they can enjoy the benefits of
their investment.

Secondly, small and new cafes will benefit from this project as it provides them with an innovative and
dynamic platform to showcase their products and services to a wider audience. The Facebook,
Instagram, and Tiktok page will help them reach their target audience more effectively and efficiently,
thereby improving their marketing and sustainability.

Thirdly, the community will also benefit from this project as it promotes diversity and exciting cafe
culture in Balanga City. The page will provide a hub for customers to discover new cafes, engage with
business owners, and share their experiences with others in the community. It will also help to create a
sense of community and connection among cafe owners and customers.

Finally, the general public will benefit from this project as it provides them with a platform to discover
new cafes and experience the unique cafe culture in Balanga City. They will have access to a diverse
range of cafes, which they may not have been aware of previously.

As a socially responsible business, The Café Chronicles will exercise its responsibility by ensuring that the
project is sustainable and provides benefits to all stakeholders. The project will operate ethically and
transparently, ensuring that the interests of all stakeholders are considered. The project will also be
committed to environmental sustainability, by promoting environmentally friendly practices among cafe

In conclusion, the feasibility of The Café Chronicles project has significant practical implications for
various stakeholders, and the business will exercise its social responsibility by ensuring that the project is
sustainable and benefits all stakeholders.


The feasibility study is likely to be beneficial for the small and new cafe business operating in
Balanga Area. The study, conducted by an entrepreneur majoring in Marketing Management, can
provide valuable insights and knowledge to help the business succeed. Moreover, the study highlights
the importance of taking risks in entrepreneurship and emphasizes the value of utilizing social media to
promote and advertise small-scale and new businesses.

Small cafe business owners face greater challenges in marketing and sustainability than larger
and well-established chain cafes.

The study of Cafe Chronicles promoting new and small cafe businesses in Balanga has significant
benefits for entrepreneurs. It provides practical knowledge on effective marketing and advertising,
inspires innovation, and contributes to a broader understanding of the role of social media in business
and community development.


Small cafe business owners in Balanga City should take advantage of the Facebook, Instagram,
and Tiktok platform to promote their businesses.

The Cafe Chronicles project can also serve as a valuable resource for small and new cafes to
learn about marketing strategies, sustainability practices, and community outreach initiatives.
Furthermore, the project can attract more depositors to support small and new cafes and contribute to
the community's economic growth.

The community and the general public can also benefit from the Cafe Chronicles project by
exploring the diverse and exciting cafe culture in Balanga City. The project is feasible and promising and
can provide a return on investment in five years.

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