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.A c •ai~ ~ 'll uoney becomes douhle of itsel·f in 6

~o · I. ~ time it will be IO times of itselff
...... -~ Ji "fA' If Jildl t I ~ flltQ it 1ffl
~· unq•n?
52 yrs. b~ 53 yrs..
S4 yrs.. d) 55 yrs..
A cmain ,n m ba:oma llsil 1350 Ill ~% p.a. and :Rs.
250 at 1% p.a. Find the sum and tim.e?
• liR 5 Afillld 'iff 1\ vti1 350 it Wal 11if 3
uftltfft ~ ~ 1} - 250 ffl°i.itldl t I EA er tll-f 4
1Wa ~
a) Rs~ 100~40 yrs. rb) Rs. I SO. 50 yrs.
c) Rsii 1251lO ~ Rs. l00~SD a
__ ~ Ef"if cfl- ~ 11 2100 tfeu 5 <fl!f ~ 2250 lilO "iFJ
Gtldli I EFr "if ~ ~Id "ifi"W?
Any sum becomes 2100 in two years and Rs 2250
in 5 years. Find the Money and Rate?
~ A certain s11m al a cmain. rale o.f SJ. amounlS t.o Rs~
! 125 in 4 ,.mrs ud RsEi 1200 in 7 yEars . .Pind sun1
and rate al intermt?
~ fPf 4 iflf 11 ~ 112e; cf , "1 ,, - ,200 m
ihtH f E1iifi I « !Tffl' ff?
a) 10501 2 l/2% ,Jlf l 025, I 00/41 %
c) I 000"1 4% d) gsloi 3 %
f.l "1 t1ft1 & cJrf 1' , uftl:11d q 1liftfi ~ 1lil 1'f 01 ◄Gr
111,a .ft
I~ ~ 'fi ~.496 in u11i,: 1ft?
How much amount wiH be 01b tained at the rate of 4% per annum as
Rs 496 in 6 years,?

(a)~. 456 (b) v;_ soo ('c) ·-.,.. 400 Id) 1ii. 460
Find the simpl~ interest en , 4500 from January DS, 2CUJ5 t o Ma1y 31, 2005 at 12% per
4500'5 q'{ ;iiil;;tfl 05# 2005 ~ "JI$ 31, 200S i;Ri' .T 121'b ' f f ' ~ sill«

illR 2'itl
(a) Rs.108 (bJ1Rs.54
le) Rs.Rt (d) Rs.. 216
A. ccrWD 111111 at CCJ:bd n nlc r,a amt p.a~ simple
iaterwd 'becmnei Rs. 2100 in 2 years and R& 2250 in
5 :,ears~ f"md principle mul rate percent?
cmi ~ 2 1,f if ~ 2100 t1111 5, qi{ 1f 2250 ~
VUtU t I Qi( Q -« lffa ~
a) 110014% · h) 1900, 3 1128,i

..,,f 2000. 2 1'2% d) 2000, 3%

G ltes h tiook some loan al lhe rate of sim pie
interest of srra for 6 iea rs~ 11·the tota I interest
paid was Rs. 615, find the principal.
•ft ft~· if 6 -.i if; ffrq fflll l(Oj :ao:at 5% ~ ~ 1R
1fl'1FI ft.i,n I 1:11/t ~ fiGitl e,q1i ¥'9 «tldf 615
~ ""ir~:lffllfft'Mwt~
(A) 2000 ~qi [BJ 2050 ~
C ~100 ffl D~ ~150 ~
Sim pie interest on any amount In 30 y:rs is
obtained al lihe 111f[e of 4% ann uai rate Is Rs.
120 more Ina n the princi pat VVhal is lihal
f.Eiti:41 llfin·iwn '.:lt~H.iiiJ ae1J1 4 % e11ffi¥t.-t i.r 30 ."f'it
ifaA lfm tJ 120 ~ atftlffi '.AM lffitn 11 1Q" 1Jm
(A) 600 ~ tBJ 500
(C:) 700 ~ ~D) 480 (&1'4
. A mun wu put at sim~ple. interest al, a l
certain rate for 2 ye ES~ Hadl it rbe en pu.t
at 3% higher rate, i·t would have fetched
, . 72 DJorel~ T.h e sum is __ 1!!

~"ff ifil fl~llUf iitllil''.ifilr Miff" ~lR 2 ql{iti

m-q r. .a,1fdfiz11c11q1 1-llfi; a:u.r r..ctv 3% iiR~tl
~ ,q"t fqiq ~ mHI I ital ffl 72 '° di f¼q, fqe,d I 1lfin
(A) .1 200 (BJ,1100
(CJ ll400 [D) 1300

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