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So u l s '
in g s $
2 00
D oo r P m H
P t cts 10
e ible b i nd
. oe s . a n dso me fl x

g os a e
The P ath o f De o ti o n ( Fi fth E diti o n ) C l o th
. .

P o sta g e 1 0 cts
. .

V o ie De $ De o t i o n F rench translati o n o f Th

$ a a v e
h o f De o t io n C lo th P o sta g e 1 0 cts

The $ y o f P eace and l d ( S ec o nd
. .

a es se n es s.
E d i t io n ) C lo th P o sta g e 1 0 cts
V edanta P ractice ( S ec o nd E d i ti o n ) C lo th
. .

I n
P o sta g e 1 0 cts
. .

R eincarnati o n and I mm o rt ali ty ( N w ) C l o th e

P o sta g e 1 0 cents
. .

t t

65 c s e a c h Post a g e 4 c s
S e l f Mastery
. . .

C oncentrati o n and Meditati o n

S piritual H ealin g
C reati e P ow er o f S i le nce
F aith as a C o nstructi e F o rce v

t t

65 c s ea c h Po s t a g e 4 c s .

P l at o and V dic I dealism

. .

E mers o n and V edanta
C hrist and O ienta l I dea l s r
The Great $ o rld Teachers
The P ro blem o f $ i fe and Death P aper 3 5 cts
Po sta g e 3 cts
. .

S ecret o f R i g ht A cti ity P ap r 3 5 cts P o sta ge 3 cts


v e
P o w er o f Th o u g ht P aper 2 5 cts P o sta ge 2 cts
. . .

U ni ersal I dea l o f R e l i gi o n P aper 2 5 cts P o sta g

. . .

v e
2 cts
. .

P rincip l es and P urp o se o f V edanta P aper 2 5 cts


P o sta g e 2 cts
. .

S i '
and P ractice o f Y og a P aper 2 0 cts P o sta g e
g cts
c e ce . .

and C hristian My sti cs P aper 2 0 cts P o sta g e


Y go
; cts
. .


B ha g av a d Gi a ( S co e nd E d t n
i io ) F x i
t o le ble cl th
P o sta g e 1 0 cts
. .

The U panishads $ i th C o mmentar y


blue i l k cl o th Gi l t t o p P o st
. .

e l g cts
F l ib ex e S .

P em ble faw n sil k cl o th $ itho ut go ld

P o sta g e 1 0 cts

The M ssa g e o f the E ast I ssu d m o nthl y E dited

e e
b y S wami P aramananda A nnual subscr i pt io n
. .

S in gle c o p i es 2 5 cts

1 $ ueensberr y S treet B o st o n Mass U S A , ,
, . . .
C oncen ra ion anb
$ u a ion

C B$ ,

C R T O ET C .

R V $ RG



T m: or

C o pyri g ht 19 12, 19 16, 1 9 1 7 an d 1 921 by Swami Pa

T IN U. S A .



a. Fixity of Purp ose

b . a t
Pr c ice of C o n c en tr atio n

c . Metho ds of Medit ati o n


E all pos ses s the faculty o f conce m

tt ra io n but with the maj ority it is

instinctive and automatic not cons cious

, .

E ven among the animal s we s ee how a

lion o r tiger will gather his strength by a
moment of absolute stillnes s before he
springs upon his prey ; that automatic in

s in c iv e power of concentration is em

bedded in every living creature B ut u n


til we can gain cons cious command over

o u r mental and Spiritual forces we can

never hav e compl ete concentration When .

the s cattered mind is gathered together it

is like a bright s earchlight and by it man

is abl e to investigate the l atent p owers

which he pos s es ses but o f which he i s n o t
now wholly aware A s he grows more

conscious o f thes e hidden forces and

l earns o u s e them he becomes more and

more proficient .
8 C o n cen tt
ra on and Medi tt
ai on

We never wish to be defeated and yet

h ow often o u r strength o f mind o r our
physical cap acities prove inadequate I t .

is becaus e we have not the ful l and con

s c ious poss es sion o f our whol e being .

Man cannot achieve mu c h unles s he ha s

free u se of his hands and feet free use o f

his eyes and ears free u se of his mus c l es


and ab ove all free u se o f his mind and in

t ellig en c e B ut how many o f u s have the

free u se o f all thes e $ When we woul d

make u se o f them we find them hopeles sly
scattered and rebellious to o u r will The

caus e of t his does n o lie in any inherent

l a c k of power but in o ur inability to c o

o rdinate and in our l ack o f definite o n e


pointed pu rpos e We miss the mark be


c aus e we do not set our aim properl y .

O nce in ancient I ndi a there wa s a

tournament hel d to test marksmanship in
archery A wooden fish was se up on a
. t
high pol e and the eye o f the fis h was the
target O ne by o n e many v aliant princes
C o n cen tt
ra on 9

came and tried their s kill but in v ain .

B efore each one shot his arrow the teacher

asked him what he s aw and invariably all
replied that they s aw a fi sh o n a pol e at a
great height with head eyes etc
, , ,
; but
A rj una as he took his aim s aid : I see the

eye of the fish ,
and he was the only one

who succeeded in hitting the mark .

A simil ar incident is given by the

C hines e s age C huang Tzu : The man

who forged swords for the Minister o f War

was eighty years o f age Yet he never .

made the slightest slip in his work The .

Mi nister of War s ai d to him : $

Is it y o ur
sir, o r
s kill , have you any method $ $
It is
$ $
concentration replied the man When

twenty years old I took o forging sw o rds , .

I cared for nothing el s e . If a thing was

not a sword I did not notice it I avail ed
, .

mys elf o f whatever energy I did no u se in

other directions in order t o se c ure greate r $

effi ciency in the direction re quired .

10 C o n cen tt
ra o n an d Meditt
i a on

C oncentrationmeans wholenes s unity , ,

equilibrium The hands feet mind all

, , ,

o u r memb ers and faculties must be u n i

fied They mu st all work in harmony in


tranquillity and bal ance B al ance is

needed everywhere in life A man may be .

over active o r he may be idl e ; both indi


cate abs ence o f s elf adj ustment S ri


Krishna decl ares in the Gita : O A rj una $


the practice o f Yoga is not for him who

eats too much or who d o e s not eat at all ,

nor fo r him who sl eep s too much or who

keeps awake in e x ces s He who is mod .

c rate in eating and recreation m o derate ,

in his efforts in work moderate in sl eep


and wakefulnes s his practice o f Yoga


destroys all mis ery What does this

signify $ That he who g o es to e x tremes

is a sl ave of impul se he is not the master
, .

He l acks bal ance and l ack o f bal ance

means l ack of strength and $ ithout
strength no great work can b e a ecom
p lished . If on the contra ry we pra cti se
C o n c en tt
ra on 11

moderation o r equilibrium even in our

most ordina ry daily tas ks we shall see ,

ho w steady will b e o ur gain in concentra


The practice of moderation neces sitates

a ce rtain amount o f s elf discipline The-

Hindus call this Ta p as which literally ,

” ” $
means fire o r heat and they believe ,

that unles s this fire o f s elf discipline is -

lighted in order to burn to ashes all the

impurities and limitations of o u r system ,

spiritual illumination will be impos sibl e


B ut here o o extremes must b e avoided .

O ften peopl e through misunderstanding

o r over enthusiasm
to rture and strain
thems elves in the hop e o f advancing more
rapidly bu they defeat their o wn end

E xcess ive penance o r mo r ific a io n is a s

harmful as s elf indulgence The pu rpos e

of all discipline is to make o u r constitution

more enduring more adaptabl e and more

responsive B ody and mind must be


made wholly obedient to the will and in

dependent o f external cir c umstances .
12 C o n c en tt
ra on and tt
Medi a
i on

The person who is a sl ave to phys ical

c omforts shoul d gradually eliminate all
that is superfluous and train himself to be
content with the b are neces sities An y .

o n e who finds it di fficult to overcome

physical lethargy and ris e early in the
morning shoul d drag himself o u o f bed t
by sheer force of will O ne who is in .

c lin ed to over eating s houl d by degrees


reduce the quantity of his food A person .

who has the habit of talking unneces s arily

shoul d practis e stillnes s by persistent con
trol of all us el es s motions Such practices

not only increas e o ur power of c o ncentra

tion and meditation but do much o im
prove our bodily health and make us
happier in every way .

The mind fall s naturally into three

general states —the dull state ; the over
active o r scattered state ; and the calm ,

centred state Thes e correspond to the


three Gun a s ~
or qualities of matter c all ed

in S ans krit Ta ma s R afa: and S a

, w a .
C o n c en tt
ra on 13

They are innate in every living being and

manifest in the human mind as the sub
conscious the conscious and the super

conscious The fi rst quality is that of


darknes s inertia heavines s the brute

, , ,

state When the m ind is overcome by


this quality it l acks in power to diff eren


ia e between right and wrong and is ea s

ily carried away by lower animal p as sions .

The s econd quality i s that o f exces sive

ambition egotism arrogance and dis con
, ,

tent When this quality is in ascendan cy


a man i s consumed by feveris h unrest and

an irresistible desire to multiply pos ses
sions and to entangl e himself m o re and
more in e x ternal undertakings His .

energies are s cattered and often wasted .

No matter how much he achieves he is ,

never s atisfied ; for the flame o f his desire

mounts with each new gratification as a
fire fed by fresh fuel With the quality o f

S a wa the mind grows coll ected serene ,

and illumined This is the fitting state

14 C o n cen tt
ra on an d tt
Medi a
i on

for spiritual attainment In order to

reach it the condition o f dullnes s or in
er ia must be con q uered by stimulating

all the physical and mental activities .

Then thes e activities must be re g ul ated

and directed until they are focus ed The .

s ub conscious must be brought into c o m


p le e subj ection to the c o nscious and the
conscious must be expanded into the
sup er c onscious This is the natural

proces s in acquiring the power of c o n c en

ra io n and m editation .

Meditation is ins eparabl e from c o n c en

ra When the mind has gained i s
on . t
full strength through singl enes s it natur ,

ally becomes meditative O ften the mind .

is compared to a l ake If the surface is


absolutely smooth— not a rippl e—then we

can s ee clearly what lies beneath S imi .

l a rly when this mind becomes calm when


the wind of uncontroll ed desire does n o

constantly create rippl es over the surface
of it then the image o f our true nature is
C o n c en tt
ra on 15

not broken and we obtain a perfect refl ec

tion o f what we are in reality and what o u r
rel ation is with the Supreme I ntelligence .

A s long as the mind i s agitated s o long ,

our V ision can never be unerring We are .

constantly hoping that s ome o n e el s e may

give u s kn owl edge and happines s but that ,

is not pos sibl e Thes e can only come


from $ ithin .

What we need is to be active spiritu ally .

A s we go on living o ur outer life we must ,

devote som e time each day to ma king o u r

mind introsp ective that we may develop

o u r subtl er powers o f p erception I n al l .

investigations certain instruments are

neces sary as we s ee s cientists inventing

finer and finer instruments for their re

s earches A lso for spiritual obs ervation

we need a form of mind which can discern

the subtl er things imperceptibl e o o ur t
ordinary sens e faculties The conce m
ttd mind is such an instrument and the

ra e

o nly one fitted fo r higher res earch . I t is

16 C on c en tt
io ra n and t
Medi a t
io n

like a f o c us ed light . W e kn ow that when

l ight i s dis sipat ed we c ann o t s ee w ell but ,

when the s c atter ed rays are br ou ght to

gether by the help of a sha de o r refl ector

then every hing gr ows distin ct So wi ll .

the hi dden powers o f the univers e be re

veal ed t o u s when thr o ugh dete rmin e d an d
steadfast pra c tic e w e gather up the pres
ent f o r ces of our min d whi ch is n ow w e ak

only be c aus e it is di s o rgani z e d an d

divid e d

we mu s not re m ain c o ntent how ev er

, ,

wi h the l ow e r f o r m s of co ncentr ation .

Th e s e may b rin g us physi c al heal th pros


p eri y or su cc es s b ec aus e concentr ation


always gives p o wer ; but even th o ugh w e

acquir e mor e weal th greater honor or in

c reas e d b o dil y strength we shal l fin d that


one pa rt of our b e ing sti ll remains u n sa

is fied in spite of a ll our worl dly ao qms i a

tions Never w ill it be conten t until w e


awak en an d begin to work fo r o ur hi gher

dev el opm e nt Nor s houl d such w o rk b e
C o n c en tt
ra on 17

re g arded as s elfish becaus e all human


beings are bound together and as we unfol d

o u r own spiritual nature we cannot fail to

benefit others The s ame life runs through


and through everywhere ; and only he

who can s eize hol d o f that subtl e spiritu al
being hidden in every heart will know ho w

to solve the riddl e o f thi s human exi stence

for himself and be able to render l asting
help to his fel low men That one alone

l ives happily and fearl es sly Now we are.

fearful becaus e so many thi ngs are hi dden

from u s : we fear th e future becaus e we
do n o know what the future may b ring ;
we fear death because we are not sure what
may come after For this reason we must

learn to focus the mind and turn it withi n ,

then by its brilliant light we shall under

stand all things and attain the vision o f
Truth .

The purpo se of meditation is to gain

that vi sion Nor must we stop until we

have s een by direct perception our true

II .

H E N the mind is poised and well
concentrated the Supreme S elf o f

man becomes visibl e A other times we .

do not s ee the real man and the apparent

man thinks himself all in al l The S eer .

or higher S elf is there but we are not con ,

s ciou s of it When however the mind

, ,

becomes pois ed the S elf appears in its true


state and we do not have to make any

effort to perceive it I n the Mu n da k a .

Up anishad thes e two s elves o f man are

compared to two birds o n a tree O ne sits

al oft calm s erene immers ed in l s own

, , ,

gl ory ; the other j umps from limb to limb ,

eating the sweet and bitter fruits o f the

tree . E ach time it tastes a bitter fruit it ,

looks towards the other bird and behol ding

it calm contented, ,
shining ,
its grief
pas ses away .
20 C o n cen tt
ra on a n d Medit
io n

Solong a s there is any disturb ance in

o u r mind we cannot g et the vi sion of o u r

true S elf A ll thes e waves —in the form


of s elfishness ambition desires —must , ,

subsi de The mind mu st be made one


p ointed When a man attains this he


s ees the S elf A other times he identifies


himself with s ome p as sing adj unct of

m i nd like anger or j ealousy or fear I f .

we analyze we shall s ee that when any one


sp eaks harshly to u s the word i s first o u ,

side u s then it enters into us and we grow


angry A first an g er and we are s ep


arate ; then we b ecome o n e we identify ,

ours elves with it and we su ff er The wis e .

man however does not identify hims elf

, ,

with these states or modifications o f mind

and body He does everything like other

peopl e eats sl eeps works — but his

, , ,

actions diff er from others becaus e he

knows the distinction between the true
S elf and the eg o He realizes that all .

these outer things only exist becau se the

Medi a t
io n t 21

S elf i s behind them and he is only con

scious o f That so he goes through the

various experiences of life without being

a ffected by them .

A s long as we identify o urs elves with

conditions we suffer ; but when we ceas e

to identify ours elves with thes e pas sing

conditions we never reall y suff er A
. t
pres ent o u r mind is going in many dir c e
tions We must turn it and direct it to

wards a fixed goal We must train it to


diff erentiate its elf from its modifications .

Now if something agreeabl e happens we

, ,

feel pl easure ; if something dis agreeabl e

comes we feel pain B ut this pleasure

and pain are only momentary ; and when

in both we can keep o u r mind steady we ,

gain l asting concentration .

The mind manifests in variou s states


The first is the s cattered state ( Vi/es hip a )

I n this state the thou g ht moves hither and
thither without any s ens e of responsibility .

We may be sitting here but our mind may

22 C o n c en tt
ra on and Medi tt
ai on

be travelling hundreds o f mil es away So .

long a s it is thus wandering and scattered ,

the Yogis say we can never accomplish


anything ; nor can we hope to find p eace


Yet it is only a state The mind is n o .

that it merely l acks the power to s ep arate


its elf from the conditions which have

covered it I n opposition to this is the

state of dullnes s o r slothfulnes s in whic h ,

the mind does not wis h to exert itself in

any direction Not that there is n o de

sire It is full o f desires but it is over


powered by a heavines s which keep s it

from making the neces sa ry effort o t
s atisfy them .

Then there is the concentrated state

( E ka g ra ) which is the final aim o f Yoga
, .

This is the state of union for the power ,

of concentration l eads to union or com

munion with God I t makes u s one with.

the obj ect of wors hip The first practice


in acquiring this concentrated state is o

hol d the mind o one point the obj ect of ,
Medi tt
ai on 23

o ur s earch No modification must b e


allowed in it When we have a ecom

p lis hed this if we can then hol d o u r

thought ab solutely steady fo r twelve s ec

o n ds ,
this will constitute a D hya n a o r
meditation and twelve o f thes e will give

S a ma d/t i
. Fhat is twelve such medita

tions will b ring superconscious vision S o .

l ong as there is a s ens e o f division in the

mind and we are stru g gling to c o n c en
trate there cannot b e meditation ; for

meditation means a state o f coll ectivenes s

o r unity of thought . t
A pres ent o u r mind
is in constant struggl e It will not obey ;

but we must make it obey We have in .

dulg ed it al l o u r life from o ur chil dhood ;

n o w when we try to make it obey it rebel s .

Therefore o u r practice must b e carried o n

with firmnes s and p ers everance When

the mind finds that we wil l n o obey it ,

then it will obey u s The s ame is true o f


the body for that which makes both body


and mind act is Spirit .

24 C o n c en tt
ra on and tt
Medi a
i on

Yoga means uniting ours elves with the

obj ect o f o u r search It al so means dis

uniting the mind from disturbing in fl u

e mees Like a driver wh o restrains his

horses and makes them go as he will s since ,

otherwise they will run away with him so ,

we must control o u r senses ; fo r the s enses

are like horses the mind is like the reins
, ,

and only by hol ding firmly to it can w e

keep control over thes e hors es of our
s ens es . I f we do n o they will drag u st

away We must begin by fixing our mind


o n o ur I deal A first we may have to


practis e fixing it on s ome picture or outer

obj ect B ut this external concentration is

a very lo w form It is better to have some


inner I deal If we can hol d the thought


o f purity or of some pure being in o u r

mind whil e that is there there will b e no

, ,

room for impurity ; and if we continue

this practice littl e by littl e the mind will

become pure By thus hol ding the thought


o n purity if o nly fo r three o r four minutes

, ,
Medi tt
ai on 25

we shall be like different bein g s ; we shall

be s o fill ed with peace power and light ,

I n order to do this however we must , ,

bring o u r mind into perfect harmony with

o ur I deal I f we begin to think o f purity

and then unkind thoughts against some

o n e ris e we cannot hol d the thought o f

purity We may have the most beautiful


flowers we may have incens e we may

, ,

have holy pictures ; but until our mind is

pure that is until it is o n e pointed and
, ,

fixed o n the I deal we s hal l never know


holiness When o u r mind rests firmly in


l ove holines s and purity nothing can

, ,

overwhelm u s A n y outside condition


can b e overcome through the power o f

concentration becaus e the mind when
, ,

focus ed b ecomes strong and is abl e to shut


ou whatever disturb s it The scattered .

mind is like a singl e thread it can be ,

broken easily ; but the c oncentrated

mind is like many pieces o f thread twisted
together and difficult t o break . Therefor e
Medi tt
ai on 27

the obj ect then he may attain meditation


A first we may have to picture some o b

j ec in o u r mind but if we go on to the

reality behind it o ur mind becomes o n e


pointed and we perceive the Truth .

O rdinarily we can only s ee a person who

is near ; we cannot see o n e who is far .

Meditation is the power whi c h enables us

to s ee and draw near to a p erson thou
s ands o f mil es away S ometimes this .

meditation comes in sl eep A gain we .

may have a pure vision and by meditating

o n that we may acquire wis dom Wis .

dom means steadines s bal ance When ,


the mind is b alanced then we have cl ear


V ision . So we must make o u r minds

steady When a man gains a steady

m ind he can penetrate any veil external

, ,

o r internal as light penetrates darknes s

, .

L ack o f concentration creates a veil and

o u r vision is clouded
; but the moment we
concentrate o u r mind we pierce through

the veil and at once see cl early Through .

28 C o n c en tt
ra on a nd Medi tt
ai on

concentration we develop e xtraordinary

s ens e p erceptions We s ens e things which

other people cannot I f some o n e hol ds


unkind thoughts we per c eive it ; and if


any o n e holds a loving thought we feel ,

that at once al s o B ut this d o es not


mean that we suffer more We dwell .

cl os er to God and can feel more keenly

what others feel ; al so we c an sympathize
better O nly that o n e really suffers who

lives in ignorance and s elfishnes s .

A nother way of reaching the S U p erc o n

scious state is by meditating on the heart
of one who is holy and pure— a n eff ulgent

being This may b e inside or outside

. .

We s ee this in the case of S Fran ci s of .

A s sisi who as the result o f his constant


meditation on C hrist is s aid o have re

c eiv ed the marks of the stigmata I n .

I ndia there are hundreds of such ex ampl es

where the discipl e by meditating o n the

Master who has become one with G od ,

al so becomes one with God From thi s .

Medi tt
ai on 29

has come the idea o f being freed from all

sins and s orrows by hol ding the thought
on a S aviour o r a holy character ; becaus e

P a an j ali s ays in his Yoga teaching what ,

ever o u r mind dwells upon we become ,

j oined to that O ur thought forms a


point o f connection between us and the o b

j ec thought o f Hence as our mind

dwell s o n holy things we become holy

, .

So strong is this power of thought to


change the character that S ri Krishna de

cl ares in the Bhag av a d Gita : E ven if

the most wicked worshippeth M e with n u

divided devotion he shoul d be regarded

as good for he is rightly resolved V ery

, .

soon doth he become a righteous soul and

tt a in e h to eternal p eace .

A s with good so with evil I f evil


enters o ur mind it is because we have a


tracted it by o ur thought Whenever we .

think of evil we unite ours elves with it

, .

S o we must be careful what we fix o u r

thought up on The mind is always
30 C o n c en tt
i ra on an d Medi tt
i a on

concentrated o n s omething I t i s co n

s a n ly active a n d so is the body If .


therefore we wis h to take care for our


welfare we must observe o n what o u r


mind dwell s The s aint is always watch


ful He does n o l et his mind run away

. .

He never l ets go of it or all ows it to be dis

t u rbed by any c o ndition o f life A s a lov .

ing wife keep s her thought fi x ed o n her

abs ent husband and thus unites hers elf
with him ; so if we keep our thought fi x ed
o n the Lord we shall b ecome united with

Him .

We must however have sincerity of

, ,

purpos e We must n o merely s eek a


comfortabl e road to Truth We must .

strive to cultivate staunchnes s o f feelin g

and an ardent devoted spirit D evotion .

gives u s steadfastnes s in resolution If .

we are interested in o n e thin g to day -


another to morrow we s hall never attain


concentration We s hall only fritter away


o u r energies First we must take an

Medi tt
ai on 31

I deal Then we must think o f it become

. ,

absorbed in it l os e ours elves in it There


must b e nothing in our mind except o u r

I deal When we have pure devotion for

the o n e I deal that is concentration

, .

When the mind through such devotion is

properly coll ected its power becomes tre

men do u s and it carries us quickly to the

realization o f Truth .

R eal faith and devotion to o u r I deal will

come when we have attained a certain
amount o f p erception T o gain it we.

must first p ay attention to external o bser

vances and practices ; next we must make
the mind introspective ; then concentra
tion and meditation will follow I n .

S a ma dhi the state of perfect peace and


bliss the body is controlled by the mind


and the mind is c o ntrolled by the S elf .

Thi s consciou snes s o f ours is only a refle x

o f he univers al cons c i ousnes s and as we

l earn more and more to make ours elves

open to its light we gain greater and
32 C o n cen tt
ra on a nd Medi tt
i a on

greater illumination This is a privilege


which belongs to all B ut we can hasten


it by responding to the call of the S pirit

and obtain it ve ry much sooner This in .

herent light of the Spirit may at times seem

dim and indistinct S ometimes our mind

with i s cloud o f worry and anxieties may

hide its brightnes s but in spite of all a d

vers e vicis situdes this divine unfailing ,

sp ark in u s ever comes to our rescue for it

i s self ex istent and s elf effulgent The
- -

S oul is omnipotent It may remain under


a cloud for a time but in the en d it is


bound to reach the highest state o f spir

i u a l effulgence .

E FO R E we can take up any spiritu al
practice the mind must become well
established in the fundamental ethical
principl es s uch as non inj uring n o n

stealing truthfulness continence exter

, , ,

nal and internal purity contentment , ,

control o f the s enses study of the S crip


tures and self surrender

This means .

that we must not give way to j ealousy ,

anger hatred o r unkindnes s by thought

, ,

word o r action ; we must not covet o r

envy ; we must sp eak the truth fearl es sly ;
we must obs erve chastity inner and outer,

cleanlines s and s elf restraint ; and we


must be faithful in o u r higher study and

in devotion to o ur I deal U ntil thes e

are firmly fi x ed in the heart no amount ,

o f outer practice can help u s ; for the

foundation must be right before we can
A ids tM ditt
o i e a on 35

wish but that is not true U nless the


mind is bal anced we cannot si still even


for a few s econds ; al so if o u r body is n o

in a good c ondition the mind cannot help

thinking o f it and it is diffi cult for it o

gain abs olute tranquillity The idea o f

posture therefore is o acquire firmnes s

, ,

o f both mind and body We l earn to si


in a manner in which we are a s littl e c o n

scious a s pos sibl e o f o u r physical e x ist
ence ; thus o u r mind is not dragged down
by the weight of the b o dy and it more eas
ily grows calm O ne who has n o proper
. t
control over his body cannot make proper
u s e o f his mind he can never concentrate

—much les s can he meditate A man


who l acks mastery over the physical o r

g a n is m cannot possibly gain spiritual
conscious nes s ; hence the need to practis e
posture .

I n the beginning we may have to force

the body to be still We do this by mak

ing up o ur mind that fo r a stated time w e

36 C o n cen tt
ra on an d Medi tt
ai on

shall hol d o ur body in a certain pos ition

with bal ance and stability By doing this .

from day to day we overcome physical

restl essnes s as well as physical l ethargy .

How often we feel overpowered by o u r

bodily conditions the body does not want

to do a thing and at once we yiel d P er .

hap s it does not feel well and so we s acri

fic e our spiritual study This means that

the body is proving i s supremacy over the

mind which shoul d never be The p rac

tice of posture will help u s to gain control

o f the body so that it will not interfere

with our mind and we can become l es s con

s cious o f o u r physical and more consciou s
o f o u r spiritual nature The chief sug g es

tion with regard to posture is to hol d the

Spinal column in an easy erect position , ,

for we find that most o f the conditions o f

ill health aris e from disorders in the spinal

column The position o f the spine ha s


much to do with the breath and with the

flow o f life force U nles s it is properly
A ids tM ditt
o i e a on 37

hel d neither the breathing n o r the cir en


l ation o f the nerve currents can be normal .

There are peopl e who are not used to

sitting straight and at first it will be very
difli cul fo r them ; but after a littl e eff o rt
it will become easy and natural and then
the mind will have greater freedom o t
think When we have learned to hol d

ours elves in an erect easy natural way

, , ,

the mind will be abl e to g o upward A s .

l ong as the body keep s moving we cannot

focus and elevate our thou g ht We know .

that a telescope needs to be steady before

we c an focu s the l ens and ob serve the
stars o r planets ; simil arly thes e in s ru t
ments of body and mind must be steady
before we can have clear inner vision .

A s a n a o r posture means a steadfast feel

ing We feel no wavering anywhere o u r

body is well established o ur mind is well


established neither disturbs o u r bal ance


and thus we acquire a state of perfect

equilibrium .
38 C o n c en tt
ra on a n d Medi a tt
i on

B reath is the next thing to be c o n sid

ered . What can breath have to do with

o u r spiritual development $ y o u may as k
again B reath is life I t is the medium

through which the life cur rent flows into

us permeating o u r whol e being and su s

taining u s We know that a person has


ceas ed o live that the life current is no


longer working in him when he has lost

the power to breathe and we s ay that he

has breathed his l ast Now we breathe .

automatically involuntarily unconscious

, ,

ly ; we must l earn to breathe consciou sly ,

properly and rhythmically Through


breath alone we can create such a rhy hm

within the body that it will restore health .

P ra n ay a ma means controlling the life

force by controlling the breath When .

we understand how to do this we can fill ,

ourselves with P ra n a o r life force and -

eliminate all impurities .

We all breathe but we do not derive the


proper benefit from o u r breathing This .

A ids tM ditt
o e i a on 39

is becaus e we do not cons c iously regul ate

o ur breath B reath is controlled by

thought If we obs erve we shall s ee that


whenever o u r mind is very restl es s o u r ,

breathing becomes irregul ar A l so when .

the body is ill the breath becomes dis


ordered I is becaus e we have lost the


rhythm everything is thrown o u o f bal


ance and the result is a disturbance in both

o u r physical and mental health To avoid .

this the Yogis tell us to cultivate the


habit o f rhythmi c breathing and this will

enable u s to store Up the vital energy we
have within u s When o u r inhaling and

exhaling become even it affects u s j ust


l ike a musical rhythm creating harmony


throughout o ur system .

A fter thes e preparatory step s the next ,

is to make the mind introspective I t is


al l very well to have some one tell u s o

look within that only there shall we

realize the Truth ; bu how to go within $

We cannot do it suddenly becaus e of the ,
40 C o n c en tt
ra on a n d Meditt
i a on

hol d the body has over u s O ur mind also


is divi ded and cl aimed by many things .

To detach ourselves from o u r bodily con

di io n s and make o u r mind one pointed -

requires steady effort Sometim e s we.

grow discouraged and want to give up ;

but those are the moments when we must
hol d firmly and not l et our spirit be de
press e d o r allow ourselves to fall b ack .

A rj una s ays to S ri Krishn a in the

Bha g av a d Gita : D o not b e depressed ;

even this mind which s eems so unyi el ding

and difficult to sub due will become your

obedient s ervant through constant p ra c

ti c e of dispas sion and discrimination .

I ntensity o f purpos e is what brin g s c o n

centration When we really feel devoted

to an I deal then nothi ng can hol d u s


back ; we shall surmount eve ry difficulty


A first we may have to make a great

effort but if we really yearn for spiritual

things o u r mind wi ll naturally become


singl e S ingl enes s is what we want The

. .
A ids tM ditt
o i e a on 41

ideal o f Yoga and o f al l philosophy and

religion is to make the mind single the ,

hea rt singl e the purpos e singl e ; for all


s ages and s eers recognize that in this

singlenes s lies the whol e s ecret of realiza
tion C hrist s ays that the eye and heart

must b e singl e before we can s ee God or

Truth .

Hol ding the mind to o n e point means

controlling all the waves or modifications
which ris e o n its surface Y o u know that

in order to put a thread through the eye

o f a needl e y o u have to twist the thread

to a point ; if y o u do not it is a difficult


tas k to put it through S imil arly the mind


which has become divided through i s

varied interests must be made singl e be

fore it can penetrate into the depths of o u r

being This does not neces s arily mean

that we cannot take interest in o ther

things that we must give u p eve rything ;

singl eness means that we are abl e to p u

o u r whol e force into whatever we under
A ids tM ditt
o i e a on 43

l ack o f power no l ack of anything B e

, .

fore we can realize this and rel eas e the

soul from bondage we must go through

certain practices in order to form fi x ed

Spiritual habits and entirely wip e o u p ast t
impres sions We have to choos e the

I deal upon which to concentrate accord

ing o our o wn individual need o r inclina
tion O ne cannot go contrary to on e s

natural spiritual instinct Whether we


recognize it o r n o we have within o u r


s elves a Spiritual instinct j ust as we have

a physical i nst i nct and this Spiritual in

s in c must b e our guide in choosing o ur

I deal Having chos en we must follow

this I deal in spite o f failures in spite of


obstructi o ns in the way ; day by day we

must hol d it before us ; and if we forget it ,

we must bring o u r mind back to it I n .

this way the mind grows unwavering and

o n e pointed we can easily follow a thought

without interruption and meditation be

comes pos sibl e .
44 C on c en tt
ra o n and Medit
a io n t
No oneels e can give us an adequate
idea o f what meditation is of the value o r,

the ecstasy o f it ; we can never know until

we o urs elves taste it Then only does the

soul become wakeful become its elf enter, ,

into its o wn el ement Why is it we suf .

fer $ B ecaus e we come in contact with so

many things that are not in harmony with
o u r real nature Meditation eliminates

all such foreign el ements from o ur

thoughts But this practice o f e x clusion

i s not to make u s more narrow and bound ,

it is to help u s coll ect o u r forces Where .

ever we have an unu sual task we always

try to store up o u r energies and have a re
s erve to cal l upon S o before we under

take the practice o f meditation we must ,

have so coll ected and stored our forces

that we s hall not be wanting in strength ,

either physically o r mentally .

O ften p eopl e fail to realize a desired end

be c aus e o f the l ack o f coll ectednes s in
body and mind So P a a n j a li the great
. t ,
A ids tM dit
o t
i e a on 45

tea c her of Yoga tells us that we must pro


te et ours elves from the very outset I f .

we negl ect to make the foundatio n strong ,

the superstructure cannot be s atisfactory


Many p e 0 p 1e do n o gain spiritu al vision

becaus e they have not paid proper atten
tion to the prelimina ry stages When we .

are well established in o u r first practices ,

then the other things will come naturally .

The h igher study not only deal s with the

spiritual nature it also deal s with o ur

human nature We must discipline and


gain mastery over the whol e o f o ur being


B u we must do everything gradually .

This is o n e of the great things we must

bear in mind We must not be impatient

and overdo What we need in all pra e


tice is moderation ; then we s hal l go

steadily forward doing each day a littl e

m o re according o o u r cap acity We .

must not put too much pres sure either o n

our body or o ur mind ; but if we are p a
tient and pers evering soon we Shal l find
46 C o n c en tt
i ra on and tt
Medi a
i on

that things whi c h s eemed impos sibl e t o

conquer have been c o nquered .

This life is not a matter o f a few s ec

o u ds It did not spring from j ust this

littl e beginning ; it has had a p ast and it

will have a future s o there is no need for

undue hurry If we have imperfections


we c an overcome them ; and whatever

virtues we p o ss es s we did something to

earn them and we can earn more U nder .

standing this we Shoul d strive to take up


thes e practices and carry them on with

perseverance and an undepress ed heart ;
then we shall gradually overcome all
obstacl es .

O ne littl e glimps e o f higher things one ,

littl e pr o of will strengthen our faith o n our

j ourney First we hear about a thi ng ;

then we reflect ; and after thinking and

reasoning a fla sh o f light comes and

proves to u s that what we heard is true .

$ ust one littl e fl ash is enough to give u s

confidence to g o o n ; then comes anothe r
A ids tM ditt
o i e a on 47

and then another until at l ast the whol e


Truth shines A first it comes only once


in a whil e O ne day p erhaps we feel great

s erenity a great s ens e of illumination
, ,

then it dis app ears A gain we p ers evere


and again it comes and remains a little

l onger S o we go on until some day it

comes and stays with u s But this is only


pos sibl e through constant meditation .

To mak e it a permanent fact o r in our life

we must practise steadily .

We cannot gain any vital end without

supreme effort This supreme effort we

must make within ourselves and we ,

must persevere until the meditative life

has become perfectly natural to u s This .

means creating a new habit We have


formed c ertain physical habits an d it is n o

difficult fo r u s to follow these ; but we
have not formed a habit o f meditation ;
therefore it seems unnatural and difficult
and we often grow discouraged Let us .

form the habit of faithful practice In .

48 C o n c en tt
ra on an d tt
Medi a
i on

stead of dwelling on petty things and de

voting o u r energ y to smal l pers onal aims ,

we must hol d our mind on l arger ends .

A s we rel ease it from the bonda g e o f s elfi sh

concerns an d fix it on nobl e worshipful
thoughts we Shall find that it will be c ome

more and more independent and free A .

first it may not feel at home in the spiritual

realm ; bu ve ry s o on it will begin to feel
at home there ; then no matter how it
may be engaged always like th e nee dl e of

a comp as s it will keep its elf pointed

towards the I deal .

O nly in the I nfinite the U nchanging

, ,

do we find a fi rm basis for o u r m edita

tion B ut to enter into relationship with

That we must consecrate ours elves We .

must have firmnes s of determination .

We must s eek and pray and yearn for it


We must not s 0 p until o u r mind gains

direct contact with the all effulgent Spirit

I t is in this Spiritual union that the soul

attains i s highest illumination .
IV .


E B I NG sup ernaturally is one o f the

great dreams of all mystics devotees

and s eekers What does it mean to see


supernaturally $ D oes o u r normal vision

become abnormal $ S ome peopl e imagine
that this is the cas e The idea of medi

a io n and o f superconscious vision to an

average person s eems very indefinite ab ,

stract and wholly alien to practical every

day life But there can be nothing o f

greater practical value to a man than this

deeper Sight What is the basis o f life $

C an o n e succeed by clinging to the point

of view o f mere physical existence $ Thos e
who are absorbed in the material believe
that the habit o f meditation decreases am
bitio u and energy I t is one of the accu

sa io n s made against those who take up

the contempl ative life that they l ack

ambition .
S up erc o n s c io us Vis ian 51

human heart and the answers to them

come only from within through medi
a on .

Meditation is
not a visionary ab stra e
tion It does not mean that we si in a
. t
corner and become s elfish o r morbi d and
indifferent to everything el s e in life O n .

the contrary all o u r symp athies are


quickened our p erceptions grow keener

, ,

our feelings deepen and we perform our

duties with greater efli c ien cy We do n o
. t
l os e our present consciousnes s but it be ,

comes enlarged We do not l ose any


feeling of symp athy o r love we have a


more abundant supply It is n o death to


the mortal side o f man when he attains a

higher state of consciousnes s It does n o
. t
mean the extinction o f his pres ent s elf but ,

the quickening of a l arger S elf The .

l esser light is swallowed up in a bigger

light The l es ser light still exists but it

is merged in the greater glo ry o f the

l arger light .
52 C o n c en tt
ra o n and Medi tt
ai on

Asl ong a s we are guided by s elf wil l -

and swept by the ordinary impul ses o f life ,

we never find happines s o r rest It is the .

contempl ative man who is ful l o f j oy and

peace He is n o carried away by his
. t
l ower impul ses He exercises perfect c o n

trol over all his faculties and powers and ,

he gains this control through meditation .

Meditation means the unbroken flow of

the thought towards some obj ect There .

are p eopl e who meditate o n materi al

things and there are others who j ust a s
naturally hol d their mind fixed o n the
spiritual A ccording to where we pl ace

o ur thought do we gain the result What .

ever a man thinks that he becomes This


i s the l aw What a man s mind dwell s

upon according to that his life and char


acter are moul ded al so his destiny,


We have free will to direct our mind

either in o n e way or another C onstantly .

we are moul ding o ur life by the thou g hts

we are thinking We can avoid all evil
S up erc o n s c io us Vis io n 53

and uncl ean detrimental thoughts if we


wish ; but more often we do not wis h n o r

do we e x ert ours elves S ome one pro .

vokes o r inj ures u s and that person will

ris e in o u r mind more often than the o n e
who has given us spiritual inspiration .

The mind can become in this way v ery

treacherous Yet it is not the fault o f the
mind I t is the fault o f the training we

give to it The mind has the power o f re


tention ; and when we train it to retain

only that which is helpful to u s and o dis t
card that which is harmful we advance ,

quickly If we begin to hol d certain


thoughts we s ee the e ffect immediately ;


also whatever we allow o u r mind to as so

ciate with we absorb the quality o f that

I f we come in contact with a p erson who

is dull heavy ignorant l ethargic very
, , , ,

soon we al so b egin to feel heavy and dull .

I n the s ame way when we come in contact

with o n e who is inspiring radiant and ,

spiritual those s ame qualities ris e U p in


US .
54 C o n c en tt
ra on an d Meditt
i a on

E itherconsciously or unconsciousl y
we have formed o u r present habits of mind ,

and to buil d a new set of habits means tre

mendo n s zeal and steadfast effort By .

intelligent reasoning a nd discrimination

every one can know the right p ath to fo l
low There is a right instinct in u s al l

which tell s U S what o do and what to

avoid ; but very few o f u s have the
strength stability and determination to
, ,

keep that right p ath constantly before the

mind and follow it Why i s this $ B e

caus e we have so many wrong impres sions

in the mind We have to create a n ew se
. t
o f impressions and there is nothing which

can help u s do this so quickly as the p rac

tice o f concentration and meditation I n .

the V edanta teaching there is no need

whatsoever fo r any o n e o be despondent ,

believing that it is too l ate for him to be

gin o r that he is u n fi ed for spiritual
striving I t matters n o how u n fi ed we
. t t
may app ear to be we c an always over
S up erc o n s c io us Vis io n 55

come The key is in o u r o wn hand We

. .

do not need a different kind of mind o

fol low the path of meditation and attain
higher cons ciousnes s I t is the s ame

mind which creates bondage f o r U S and

which liberates u s It is the s ame mind

which makes us happy o r mis erabl e The .

difl eren c e lies wholly in the training it has

received .

We all have moments o f exaltation and

inspiration The question is how to fol

lo w them U p .No surer means can be

found than the practice o f meditation

There are n o s e rul es for meditation a s


there are no se rul es for spiritual evo lu

tion in any form V arious suggestions

are offered U S by the great philosophies

and religions o f the worl d and we must
abs orb them according to o u r capacity .

From beginning to end the path o f medi

a io n teaches U S that it is not the l etter

which s aves us ; it is from the Spirit with

in that we r e ceive the revel ation and it
56 C o n c en tt
ra o n an d M edi tt
i a on

comes to u s when we reach the s up erc o n

scious state A S we practis e meditation

gradually o u r consciousnes s extends I n .

stead o f centering it in our littl e being and

rel ating ours elves through it to one little
environment or group we begin t o feel the

pul s e of the univers e The heart of the


univers e takes pos s es sion of our heart

and the great cosmic life begins to surge
through o u r life .

I n I ndia they say that there are three

different states of consci o usnes s waking -

dreaming and sound sl eep I n the first .


although a man may appear to be awake

and may s eem to know and feel and do ,

y et he is not free from error I n the .

dream state between Sl eep and wakin g he

is still n o free from error I n sound .

sl eep his active consciousness is dormant .

B ut there is a fourth state where a man,

does not make any mistakes where he ,

feel s and knows unerringly because he ha s


come so clos e to the hea rt of the Infinite

S up erc o n s c io us Vis ion 57

that he has no s elf will left to hinder him


When o u r individual consciousnes s thus

becomes merged in the univers al con
s c io u sn ess we do not l os e our identity

B uddha did n o l ose anything when he

attained Nirvana He dropped the lim.

iting finite self and he became the


A wakened O ne This awakin g o f the


higher consciousnes s comes to u s when

we drop the bondage o f our lower nature ;
but we have to strive fo r it and we can ,

accomplish it only through persistent

effort .

M editation means forming the habit of

unbroken thought Whatever we think
with singlenes s of heart becomes medita
tion The power to meditate is a wonder

ful g ift but it cannot come suddenly I f

, .

we have not formed the habit of e x clu din g

al l n o n es sential thoughts and distractions

from o u r mind it will not come to u s ; it


cannot Therefore we must b egin to
train the mind This p ath is not for the
S up erc o n s c io us Vis io n 59

cannot b e any cl oser bond than that

which exists between God and ours elves .

Why then shoul d there b e any relu ctance

o r any hesitancy o n our pa rt to go direct

ly o Him and a sk Him ho w we shall
meditate in what way we s hal l call Upon

Him $ The great S aviours and s aints tell

U S that we must be born again a s littl e

chi ldren if we woul d enter the kingdom


o f God . A s the littl e chil d goes to its

mother in the s ame way we must be will

ing to go to the great D ivine Mother as

littl e chil dren and l ay all o ur troubl es at
. t
Her feet I is th e s elf conscious p erson

who ha s endl es s troubl es and distractions

and mis eries The selfl es s pers on has

always a s ens e o f serenity He can .


We may n o have the s ame power in the

beginning but we all pos sess it in rin si t

cally There is not one who is n o


equipped with all the finest pos sibilities ;

but no o n e el s e can bring them o u for U S t .
60 C o n c en tt
ra o n an d Medi tt
i a on

No o n e can drink for u s and quench our

thirst ; no one can eat for us and nourish
o u r body t
We have o do it for ours elves

and meditation will help The contem

t t

p a iv e life does n o mean that we g o
apa rt and l os e all p ractical u sefulness o r ,

that we cease to contribute our S hare to

wards the good o f humanity O n the .

contrary we pray and meditate in orde r

that we may have greater power greater ,

ability greater clearnes s o f vision Then


whatever we contribute will be the g ift of

God That is what he z sup erc o n sc io u s

man does He does nothin g with self


conscious feeling . He does not even

write a sentence thinking that he is doin g

it We s ay Thy will be done but when

it comes to actual practice we u se o u r own,

will There is no contradi ction in the life


o f the superconscious man .

We make the best us e o f o u r human life

by putting the D ivine into it The hu .

man life by itself can easily become b arren

S up erc o n s c io us Vis io n 61

and burdensome I f we feel that o u r life


is full o f darknes s and desponden cy it is


becaus e we have not given acces s o the

D ivine. We have not brought in the
divine light and this is the reason why it
remains in darkness Why not bring in

that light $ Why n o op en that gate o f

o u r heart $ Why clos e it to that o n e
thing which can revive U S $ God has not
created man with two hearts He has n o . t
given him a divided mind It is we who .

divide ours elves through o u r complex de

sires and ambitions and our s elf will S o -

long as we are weak o u r understanding


will b e clouded and incorrect ; but when

al l o u r forces are gathered Up in a o n e
pointed aspiring contempl ative life we
, , ,

Shall begin to s ee cl early Through the .

practice o f meditation we cannot in an y

way los e o ur efficiency P eopl e who have

developed the power o f meditation are a l

ways the most efficient Whatever they .

do is invariably well done .

62 C o n cen tt
ra on and Medi a tt
i on

We must not imagine that our spiritual

life and our life in the worl d cannot blend
in harmony I f they do not there is

something wrong in U S It means that .

our inner and o ur outer life are not coin

ciding that we are hypocrites
, . We think
one thing and do another . When the
inner and the outer blend ,
when our
thoughts and o ur acts are the rep ro du c

tion of one and the s ame ideal then we ,

may know that we are living in accord

with the Highest . And meditation is the
chief means in accomplishing this . It
helps u s to direct o u r action B efore we .

do anythi ng if we fo rtify ours elves by the

li g ht of meditation we are not apt to make

mistakes and we do no have to waste an y

time undoing what we have done . When

we are inspired and fortified by conta ct
with the inner S ource o f strength and wis
dom we cannot go very far wrong When

we have ma de God the foundation o f o ur

S up erc o n s cio us Vis id n 63

life then whatever we construct on that


foundation will be enduring and will bring

l asting happines s .

S uperconsciousnes s is cl arified vis ion


A ll that we s ee in hat state i s free from

error A l s o it i s inclusive O ur sight
. .

grows more c omprehensive That is why .

thos e who have this wider vision b ecome

more tol erant more loving and more en
, ,

during A p erson with small vision s ees


only from o n e angl e and easily grows

irritable and angry ; but when the heart
has become a part o f the univers al heart ,

it i s never imp atient o r unloving P eace

and happines s come through understand
ing and understanding comes through the
light of meditation .
V .


( a)

whos e j oy is within whose rel a x a ,

tion is within and whos e light is ,

within that Yogi being well establis hed

, ,

in B rahman ( the Supreme ) attains to


ab solute freedom B ha g a o a d—
— . Gi a .

As the champion warrior relies fo r vic

tory Upon his armor s strength so right ,

thought is like a stron g cuira ss abl e to

withstand the six s ense robbers -

I f a man s faith is unsteady if he does ,

not know the true l aw if his peace of mind ,

is troubl ed his knowl edge will never be


p erfect I f a man s thoughts are not dis



s ip a ed if his mind is not p erplexed if he

, ,

has cea sed to think o f good o r evil then ,

there is no fear for him whil e he is watch

ful Knowing that this body is fragil e
Fixi y tf P
o urp o s e 65

like a j ar and making his thought firm


like a fortres s o n e shoul d attack M ara

, ,

the tempter with the weapon of knowl


edge o n e shoul d watch him when con


quered and shoul d never rest


Whatever a hater may do to a hater or


an enemy o an enemy a wrongly directed


mind will do him greater mischief Not .

a mother not a father will do so much

, , ,

nor any other rel atives ; a well directed -

mind will do us greater s ervic e B u ddha .

I n stu dying the wis dom o f the s ages it

is imperative to have one definite aim
that o f becoming a true man The .

A ncients said that he who coul d will coul d ,

always accomplish and that determina


tion wa s half the battl e O nce we have a

definite aim we become as bowmen with

arrows trained on the target o r as trav ,

ell ers already moving towards their

destination I n formul ating our aims

l et u s be courageous rather than timid ,

and s eek the truth even as the hungry man

Pra c ice o f C o n c en tt
i ra on 67

wis e man guard hi s thoughts for they are


difli c ul t o perceive ,
very artful and they ,

ru s h wherever they list : thoughts wel l

guarded bring happiness Those who .

bridl e their mind which travel s far moves ,

about alone is without a body and hides

, ,

in the chamber Of the heart will be free ,

from the bonds Of Mara the tempter , .

—B uddl ia .

This is the rule fo r ac hieving c o n c en

ra on : restraint Of the breath restraint ,

Of the s ens es meditation fi x ed attention

, , ,

investigation absorption thes e are call ed

, ,

the sixfol d Yoga . When beh o lding by

this Yoga he behol ds the gol d coloured

maker the lord the p ers on B rahman the

, , , ,

cause then the s age l eaving be hind good

, ,

and evil makes everything ( breath organs

, ,

O f s ens e body & c ) to be o n e in the High

, ,

est I ndestructibl e .

Ma i
ra a n a -B ra h ma n a Up a n is ha d
68 C o n c en tt
ra on an d Medit
a io n t
Asa l amp pl aced in a windles s spot does
no tflicker the s ame simil e is us ed to de

fine a Yogi Of subdued mind practising ,

union with the S elf I n that state when


the mind is compl etely subdued by the

practice o f Yoga and has attained s erenity ,

in that state s eeing S elf by the self he is

, ,

s atisfied in the S elf alone I n that state .


trans cending the s ens es he ( the Yo g i ) ,

feel s that infinite blis s which is perceived

by the purified understanding ; knowing
that and bein g established therein he ,

never fall s b ack from his real state ( o f

S elf knowl edge )
- after having attained
which no other gain s eems greater ; being

established wherein he is not overwhel med


even by great sorrow Know that ( state )


o f s eparation from the contact with p ain

as Yoga This Yoga shoul d be practised


with perseverance and undepres sed heart .

A bandonin g without reserve all the de

sires born Of mental fancies and restrain ,

ing compl etely by the mind the entire

P ra c ice o f C o n c en tt
i ra on 69

group Of the s enses from all directions ,

with understanding hel d by firmnes s and ,

mind established in the S elf let him ( thus )


by degrees attain tranquillity ; l et him not

think of anything el s e Wheresoever the

restles s and unsteady mind may wander

away l et him withdraw it from there and

bring it under the control Of the S elf

alone .

A Yogi shoul d constantly practis e

concentration Of the heart remainin g in ,

s eclusion alone sub duing his body and


mind and bein g free from longing and pos

s es sion ( s ens e o f owners hip ) I n a cl ean.

ly spot having established his s eat firmly


neither o o high nor too l ow with a cloth , ,

s kin and Kusha gras s pl aced o n e o n the


other ; being s eated there making the


mind one pointed and subduin g the a c iv


ities of mind and s enses l et him practis e


Yoga for s elf p u rific a io n Let him hol d


his body head and neck erect and


motionles s fi x ing the gaze o n the tip Of his

70 C o n c en tt
ra on an d Medit
a ion t
nos e not l ooking ar o und
. B eing s erene
hearted and fearles s ever steadfast in the ,

vow of B ra hma cha rya ( continen c e ) and

controlling the mind l et him si stea dfast , t
ly absorbed in thoughts O f Me regarding ,

Me a s his supreme goal . Thus ev er keep

ing hims elf steadfast the Yogi o f subdued ,

mind attains eternal p eace and fre e dom ,

which abide in Me .

B ut O A rj una ( the pra ctice O f) Yoga

, ,

is not for him who eats oo much o r who

does not eat at all nor for him who sleeps

too mu c h keep s awake ( in ex c es s )

or He .

who is moderate in eatin g and recreation ,

moderate in his eff orts in work moderate ,

in sl eep and wakefulnes s ( his practi c e of ) ,

Yoga becomes the destroyer o f all mise ry .

Whe n the mind ,

completely subdued ,

rests in Self alone free from longing for


all Obj e c ts Of desire then he is s aid to be


a Yuk a ( steadfast in S elf knowl edge ) -


—Bha g a o a d -
Gi a .
P ra c ice of C o n cen tt
i ra on 71

A t
that time ( the time concentrati o n )

the s eer ( the P urusha ) rests in his o wn

( unm o dified ) state

A other times ( other than that O f c on

centration ) the seer is identified with the
modifications ( O f hi s mind ) .

The concentration call ed ri g ht knowl

edge is that which is followed by reas o n
ing discrimination blis s un qualifi ed eg o
, , , .

There is another concentration which

is attained by the constant practice O f
ces s ation O f all mental activity in which ,

the mind retains only the unmanifested

impres sions .

Fo r the extremely energetic c o nc e ntra ,

tion is near .

D is eas e mental l azines s doubt ces s a

tion fals e p er c eption non—
, , ,

attaining c o n

centration and falling away from the


state when Obtained are the ob stru c ting


distractions .

Grief mental distres s tremor Of the

, ,

body irregul ar breathing accompany

, ,

non retention Of concentration

72 C o n c en tt
ra on an d Medi a tt
i on

TO remedy this the practice Of o n e sub

j ect shoul d be made

Pa t

— a n j a li Yo g a A p ho ris ms .


Meditation is directed tthe

o hi g hest
B eing ( B rahman ) within .

As a fire with o ut fuel dies down on the

hea rth thus do the thoughts when al l
, ,

activity ceas es ,
become quiet in their
pl ace .

For thoughts alone cause the round O f

births ; l et a man strive to purify his
thoughts . What a man thinks that he is ,

this is the Ol d s ecret .

B y the s erenity Of his thoughts a man

blots ou t
all actions ,
whether good or bad .

D welling within his S elf with s eren e

thoughts he Obtains imperishabl e happi

nes s .
ho ds o f Medit
Me t a io n t 73

If the thoughts O f a man were s o fixed

o n B rahman as they are o n the things Of

this worl d who woul d n o then be freed

, t
from bondage $
The mind it is s aid is O f two kinds
, , ,

pure o r impure ; impure from the contact

with lust pure when free from lust

When a man havin g freed his mind


from sloth ,
distraction ,
and vacillation ,

becomes as it were delivered from his

mind that is the highest point

The mind must b e restrained in the

heart till it comes to an end — that is
knowl edge that is liberty ; all the rest are

extensions Of the ties ( which bind us to

this life )

That happines s which belongs to a

mind which by deep meditation has been
washed clean from al l impurity and has
entered within the S elf cannot be de ,

scribed here by words ; it can be felt

by the inward power onl y .
Me t
h d o s o f Medi tt
i a on 75

remain immovable but o u r perturbations ,

come only from the opinion which is

within Ma rc us A urelius
. .

Friendship mercy gl adnes s in differ

, , ,

ence being thought O f in regard to sub


j ec s happy unhappy good and evil re

, , ,

sp ec iv ely p acify the mind


By throwing out and restraining the

breath .

Thos e forms Of concentration that

bring extraordinary s ens e perceptions
c ause p erseverance Of the mind .

O r ( by the meditation on ) the Efful

gent O ne which is beyond all sorrow .

O r ( by meditation o n ) the heart that

has given Up all attac hment to s ens e
Obj ects .

O r by meditating on the knowledge that

comes in sl eep .

O r by the meditation o n anything that

appeal s to one as g o od .

The Yogi s mind thus meditating be ,

comes unob structed from the atomic to

the I nfinite .
76 C o n c en tt
i ra on an d Medi tt
ai on

The Yogi whos e Vri is ( modifications )
have thus become powerles s ( controll ed )
obtains in the receiver receiving and re

c eived ( the s elf the mind and e x ternal O b


j ects ) c o n c en ra edn ess and s amenes s

, ,

like the crystal ( before different coloured

Obj ects ) .

( concentration ) is hol ding

D ha ra n a
the mind o n to some p a rticul ar Obj ect .

A n unbroken flow Of knowl edg e in that

Obj ect is D hya n d ( meditation ) .

When that giving Up all forms reflects

, ,

only the meaning it is S a ma dhi

, .

By the suppres sion O f the disturbed

modifications O f the mind and by the rise ,

Of modifications o f control the mind is ,

s aid to attain the controlling mo dific a

tions following the controlling powers o f
the mind

I s flow becomes steady by habit .

Taking in all sorts O f Obj ects and c o n


c en ra in g Upon one Obj ect these two ,

powers being destroyed and manifested

Me t
h d
o s o f Medi tt
ai on 77

respectively the mind gets the mo dific a


tion call ed S a ma dhi ( illumination )

—P a t

a n j a li Yo g a A p ho ris ms .

Now what most contributes to the

grow h Of thes e wings ( o f the soul ) is
meditation by which we learn littl e by

littl e to wean o u r affections from earthl y

things and to get a habit Of c o n emp la
, t t
ing the things that are immaterial and in
tellig ible and to Shake O f
f the pollutions
it has contracted by its union with the ter
res ria l and mortal body A n d indeed .
, ,

by thes e a dvantages it revives in some

manner it rouses up its elf it is filled with
, ,

divine vigor and reunites its elf to the

I ntelligent P erfection within Hiero cles . .

And there is fu rther the most D ivine

, ,

Knowl edge Of A lmighty God which is ,

known through not kn owing ( agnosia )


during the union above mind ; when the

mind having stood ap a rt from all exist

ing things then having dismis sed al so i

78 C o n cen tt
ra dn an d tt
Medi a
i on

s elf has been made one with the su p er


luminous rays thenc e and there being


illuminated by the unsearchabl e depth o f

— t
wis dom D ion ys ius he A reo p a g i e
. t .

The spirit whi c h i s truly s anctified

attains to so lofty a degree that all which
it s ees is real al l which it desires is

granted and in all which it commands it

, ,

is obeye d — A vicen n a .

DO not you p erceive that when y o u have

l et your mind loos e it is n o l onger in you r

power to cal l it back either to propriety


o r modesty or moderati on $ Fo r this

reason phil osophers a dvis e us not to be

contented with mere l earning ; but to add
meditation likewis e and then practice

B e desirous to convers e in purity with

your o wn pure mind and with God
—E pi t

c e us .

Fixing the mind o n the low s of the

heart or o n the centre O f the head is what
, ,
Me t
h d o s o f Medi tt
ai on 79

is call ed D ha ra n a ( c o ncentration ) When .

remaining in o n e pl ace making o n e pl ace


as the bas e when the waves Of the mind


ris e up without being tou c hed by other


waves — when all other waves have

stopped and o n e wave only ris es in the
mind that is cal led D hya n a ( meditation )

When no basis is neces s ary when the ,

whol e Of the mind has become o n e wave ,

one fo rmedn es s it is called S a ma dhi


supercons ciousnes s )
I magine a lotus upon the o p Of the t
head s everal inches U p and virtue as its
, ,

centre the stal k as knowl ed g e The


eight petal s Of the lotus are the eight

powers O f the Yogi Inside the stamens .

and pistil s are renunciation I f the Yogi .

refus es the external powers he will come

to s alvation S O the eight petal s O f the

lotus are the eight powers but the internal ,

stamens a n d pistils are the extreme re

n u n c ia t
the renunciation Of all thes e
on, .

I nside O f that lotus think Of the Gol den

80 C o n c en tt
ra on an d Medi tt
ai on

O ne the A lmighty the I ntangibl e He

, , ,

whos e name is O m the I nexpressibl e , ,

surrounded with effulgent light M edi .

tate o n that .

Think Of a sp ace in your heart and in ,

the midst of that sp ace think that a flame

is burning Think Of that flame as your

o wn soul and inside that fl ame is another


space effulgent and that is the Soul of

, ,

your soul Go d M editate Upon that in


the heart .

C hastity non inj uring pardoning -

, ,

every one are all diff erent Vri is ( quali


ties Of mind ) B e not afraid if you are


no perfect in all o f thes e ; work and the ,

others will come He who ha s given u p .

all attachment all fear and all anger he

, ,

whos e whol e soul has gone unto the Lord ,

he who has taken refuge in the Lord ,

whos e heart has become purified with ,

whatsoever desire he comes to the Lord

He will grant that to hi m .

S wa mi Vio e ha n a n da .

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