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a TUE PATENT NA DD DENNIS OLIVER 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, UNDER THE GUN 3 WESTWALL GERMAN ARMOUR IN THE WEST, 1945 sneer, her would eto hank the staf ofthe Navona hives and Record Adminstration (NARA, Cllege Prk, Maryland, he National Lary of Aura, Consert forte kina shane a ae, he Nation’ Archives of Canada an the town coune ot lomo France We would let thankalthoe wha conibuteto the ls story Forum portal thelateRen tages hone tesearehas proved wwakableance again Tigersin Focus website Felgrau Forum, Paner Arad, De Deutsche Wehrmacht webnte ns hating Lyn ation to the webstes mentanes te {olowingpined wort werzalsconsuted Die Truppenkennzeicen der Verbinde und Enheten der deutschen Wehrmacht und Watfen-S Und ire Einsitee im Zeiten Wethrieg 19391985, Schnite end hes! Panaerureck& Archean Auarbaeh, W Pansrwrecs,A2cNe Lana Auerbach, W. Paeredks 6 hher Land Auerbach ‘Wi Panaerwrecks 10. cess Averbuch, W. Deutsche Fabrsugrrtten 201445. Hp, M- Pather ands arom Spllburgey, Pap. V ‘Panter Vl oj, WP V Panter Vo. role Pakptw Panther ol ocn Pk V Panther Vela rj Pap. V Panther Vol SrTrojea iW PxptnV Panther Vl Te, W Pep V Panther Volo}. Panther Vornts in Claro} We Panther ust A awh W- Pept V Panther Wiens and Wrobel A Panzer rack o 1-1.Panserbeabachtungragen Jens, (and Doves. .Kampfpanter Stvsbert Hy Panver1V and Is Variants Spsierge, W. Pexpw.1V Aus! G/M. Vel 2 Tea, W. Panerkamptwogen IN. sehen. H Der Pancerkampovagent¥Flecher W Pe Kp IV Aus! 6, Hand). ete, TondDoye H Panaeiger una Sturmgeschute, seheber Achtung Panzer No. 5 :Sturmgeschs il sug V8 6 33:20, M (ear) German sturmartiene ke War veld besitof Vstomartiere spilberger Wand eto. ‘Sturmgeschit I ap 184-45 Doyle, Wand Jen, | Starmgeschds 40, Schieber". Germany's Tiger Tanke. ets TL and Doyle, Tigers th {Combat scnnlder W Tigersin Combat Scns W. Tiger Kane end kunn, Sakis 251 ethwoen) Panthar Anderton, anger Were, ‘Sad 251 Kime. c Sturmer Cuve, 8 Bate On Two Fronts 1844-85 Col, War On TwoFroms, ichulecR DuelinThe Ms Dye, Hanser I‘Macbougall Rane ser. Panteruatfe 1845, tolomy ee Mand MosezencPangertruppen Jen [Ean Deweche Kampanoer Infarbe 1939-45, sneer Puma ind angeesehwere PenserepsunagenSchesoet Rute anaboRsvoie-Kanonenungen,rsten Othe ast ‘uloe Germany's Waron3 Fronts Parea Tne East Olver Endkamp Fit The stieOF The BugeZaogn SUS Tank bates in Francs 2 ‘he tnland f48 Fr Tomine 9 pn, 5 eloexnd ornare, Bates bind Nod, Ny 307 amie ging hora Publisher note ‘Theilusratsn this book werel created sing contemporary photoeraphssareference and wehave attempted to createasfathlareproductionas possible cudingtneshepe and posison of any camouflage pattem markings endthestieafeterng used move few cases where we hevebeen forced {erapeculte we havo tried to mata thn clear Where pol, we have reproduces the potoprap or photographs ued, however pyri snd ‘odgetary restrictions and donotalwayeaow ths ‘REREERS win tosubmitmatrlshoulécontactthe editor atthe ade shown below Spragete othe iver tutennesroun ‘Alright reserved. Apart from fi dealing for the purpose of priate study, reserch, critsm o review s permitted under the Copyright, Design and Patent dt 1968, no prt of tn pubaton maybe feprosica, stored ho rete aystem r tans nay form er by any Mean, eactrome, ‘ice, Ghemia rachael, opt protoetpyng. recording or otherwise, tho por wren permission of The Olver Publahing Grove. All intsin sry Swan Steet, wotlongong.NsW2500 ‘Front cover: Pakw Tiger. 4Kompani schwere Panzer Abellung S06. Belgium, onvary 1945. Rased fom Panzor1sotz und Asbidungs-Abtelung 500in ly 1940s PonerKomponse Hamme, this unt wos incorporated in schwere Panter abieliong 3080 fourth company in December 1988 {ime toto porcine Ardennes Ofesive Te vee sho ere wos destroyed Oy sew wth two Tie itanks ef the batalon moor Oberwampech, rorteastofBostognen lane) 155, Left An Sdife 251/2 oust Dholf-track of 11.Panzr-Dvsion. This wehile aso shown and discussed i the colour ilustrations onthe outside back cover. (Wael. Right: A PancegerVJogapanterkncced out northern Germany by Caran oops Moreh, 1985 pss from sohwee Panceger ‘Abteing $19 which wes tached to 1 Armee in rch |Abteang, Ponce Regiment 130 of te Pare Lor Ovson whieh od 3 ofthese vehies ond ‘toropertng agate Conationrotthartme.(NovonolarchwerofConada) 2136 14-09-2028 18:00 (On Soturdoy 21 October 1943 Achon-te burl place of Cholemagne the ‘ty where the ler of the Hol amon Emp were crowned bare the {fist Germon onto flto te western alles Between theendof ay onde beainning of September 1844 te US Srtsh and Canedn ares hod ‘rokentrcugh te Germon nes ondyandoavercedata cody pace, reochingthe Seine oul eleven doysbfore ter most opts expects. ‘he Garman commanders had pinned ter hopes on conning an than dering the eg endow in ormond orsaen a they were conde Sy kind of witharowal When the Germ defencs fay broke they ho retherthe reserves toilthe gop prepared postions float west of {he Rhine. ore on arr retreat wet no longer por and amore ‘50.00 German solders were taken prsaner during ths pond whl some 12000 o the conretes lay decd in Normandy. Te latest tara arer between the iain beaches andthe borders the Rech the ier See ‘rovadtobejutcsprediematc tothe erecting uno the Welvmach od Imo ofthe tonks ond ote seis tht sane te Normandy bottles were ‘Shondaned on ts western side. Presuing tne Germans even further, 9 ‘amtaned Franc-Amercon fre Nod onde in he south of France 19 ‘eqs and by mi September hod managed to Inked up wth the US 3rd ‘ety creating © wat of ted omnes ht taged fom Aatvare ote Sets ‘onder nth ond Amercon commander open toed apeacsinte for ‘nd then the Aled advance stoped, Altheuph their heolong rash trough Fronee ond the Low Cours Rag ben spectro sucefl eyhe Jaledtcoptureo port of any slnifiance meaning that ol supeshodta be trenspored by ood from Normandy In odio, the troops were sm ‘notes. In September on ombitious pertion to resort the Aled ofersve ard ‘capture gcresingl the Rhine” Operation Maret Garden “wes unt bya ‘Semon force Soved oound I Sx Ponerorp whith was at leat portly ‘ested andre equipped Ore mportantsoezqvenc ofthe fare of ret Garden had been renal of cardenes mong the solders f the Uictrmcte ranting thie tha Germany wor for rom defeated Ane Indeed the healong retreat wos over and the Germans were how foing [ct on strong, prepared postion. n GetaberHeeerope by nos ‘educed to numbe fad oc bole pros, bed ou apart tw US armies Inthe Hlrgen fret naaltnough chen twas tearm cot othe fier The ed tenets seth for dom if eo of twtor were no more succeed the Germans coniered ths saree of ares tov on oserousdefeatfrthe es Any setbocrRowever coud ‘ttestbeoniy temporary ‘nthe morning of 16 December the Germans lurched o powerful armoured ‘fence nthe Ardennes Codenned Vecchi eating the Aes amps by supe, te mo weight of re offense Folin on oeinge US $y erp In scenes reminacet of he Bist poner os were ‘hiro path ange the intaly weak defence and dive westward towaras etsy in a tert to st the Bish and heer However with, ‘oye mane hed renforcement were ole hat the Germans shor of ther main ebectve te er ese = German Armour inthe West 1945 879457061 Ahough the Ardennes Offensive hod not achieved any of it maior objectives the sudden appearence of 3 many well equipped and Nagy ‘motwotedenemy troops od rove to the esha he German wrest (apate of suprising them, ond indeed Highlighted folie of ed intetigence hat begon aseariyas Normandy when the alfa of operating IntheBovage county nano been foreseen. In Jnucry 1945, the western Alles todon the borders ofthe Reich andthe lost mojr natural brie" he Rhine ay elre them if he fore to aptre a crossing during Moret Garden hed boosted the cnfenexo the ‘Sermans te oferaverof December had shown tat though wo wos re waive body arate norma open 1) mid February he Brits ond Canodion hed captured Cee, Goch and ator andby the fet week of March he mercans hod ten Cologne. In ‘thot proved ta bao great surprise to bath sae the Laendo Sn over theRhineat Remagen wes cptureinacton 7 March Incredioy, many ofthe mejor German armeured formations were sil intct ngnenune we sterperpinpedor cual robedon waning od those that aidwere lite nore tan debate groups, Nal ese te ‘tor umes war Poneer son Coss and © seed oder of bates Dienonpage 32 Iniote Moreh te British crosedthe Rhine ot Wesel preceded bythe last orge fortroop dopo the wor h Europe The ground troops had no dif n fnting wp withthe porotroops andy gal te fst ay th crosing oits were secured Ar mostthe same ime the Americans crossed et ‘ea Oppenheim. 8 he endo the month theimportot towns aj Demstodt ‘nd Westoden were alied honds and US Army unis were clsng on Frankjuromman encring opernmately 3251000 Cermontoops the Femamns of HeresgruppeB ond parts of Heeresgrapoe A in what wes fo ‘come know a thee pocket Fatting doggedly helo German units etouruntl3tpr Late an Wednedoy 1 Ape US reaps rocked the River Elbe ust 50 mies {romberin Thewoxtheagreedinntofhewestern lie oavonce angie {he Bronte roth pressed forword, US ond French foes tured south towards not wes [uly expected to be the Germans fil stand =the ‘Alpefesting. Indeed the spectre of 0 Garman lost dich defence ‘mand personal by sterandcontuctedby fanatic ate unt athe ‘mountainous aio of Germeny and usta war gen somacheredenceby ‘he ales ht the Us dre into Cechoslovato was nderten n ge pore, {prevent Germantroops withdrawing nthe spine Re ‘he deeth of Adolf iter on 30 Apel provided theca 3136 14-09-2028 18:00 = German Armour inthe West 1945 879457061 morn ea ey er ee Penton omer "ALL The Ponzer Asal Badge, thiverson owordedtotankerewswhohadt “100 ermoured ecions. terger thon the origin! Pangerhampfabzachen 0 ‘nmi am be sen on poge 30 these badges were finshed fo «ph stander Utreathinaltandthe cere svered Behind the bese ha posteard suggesting thet {he Hitler Youth should volurteor forthe ermed ores. (Author's clleton!. Below ‘SOM captured into with is 10 Ser lef 18M Rowse. pore fom the obwaNe ‘modifeaton ofa simple straight sled eb, these vebloes were powered by Deut ese engine whchreploced te steyrVBengine sed the R/O. (VARA) 4136 14-09-2028 18:00 Oliver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour the West 19¢5(@HU 945058 DECEMBER 2 23 ra 2 a (ater ag Deca) Pater and 45 wee anton 8.12.44 [90 Poe Vanda7 Panne were baton 14.245 on 2 Pa ond ‘est were vast on 6128, [10 Perv on 10 Pare were onan 31244 (80 hese venice wee Sfespaaet (7) efenoaue 30 Pantes erin ran 4.44) cred rng Ecce 10 Paterna cn ts 44 (1) Par Vand Panthers we natant #8 (2) 5136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945 UE 9457548 Fe a OTe Petite tee NOTE ee eae Hae ae ee eT Pet ess Cec a ee ed ae ara Paracas rane | Dec 0 ore ee ree a ra Piaget eee re oer ieee Perot sca ec een nce Dec er ce eae eer Bearer enya air ere Par tte crete ee ae a ee ee Fe et el cep a PS rT ea ie ee oo VE Face et a ec ee ee nc ere re ee ea La aay ea Lac Ra Ree een ee) Rec oo eer er ER are eT] DS rere ee en AC mone eMC ee Bra cere mace ea a Te Ph ae a ma ies Pace mee peepee re Peep enioeoernepyeemmcrrroinan a ae peep oe ey ae re ee ered Sea twa sara Pee erm ee ecm Co x i - Le | Ca”: a hitpsfontine.tiphimis.comizhtgsicigiip=10 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, Beeline aura here near nee wee emer eet z Meera a cern aaa Pre ed FCP es eae IPE eR Cn ee eo Pre Per RT ta a can eee ae ea a ea era ee - Pearce A Pakw V Ponther ousf 6, of 8.Ponzer sion fhotoaraphed In Human on 28 December 1364 November 134, por tothe Ardennes Ofenive, Pancer Regiment 33 of 3 Parser Outnon had bec ‘but th «Panther battalion of four companies erty by dosorbing Pngerabreling 2305" and @ ‘mined gembeter abtelung made vp of two Companies equipped with ote v tanks and two Eempanies equipped with esau guns. This tone wos started rm evr diet angie od Iteration section onpoge 26 (wARay 7196 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, eet re 8136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, 9196 14-09-2028 18:00 German Armour in the West 1945(@7 945058 COERBEFEHSHABER WEST HEERESGRUPPE G HEERESGRUPPE OBERRHEIN sanuee eames ne ee peeaemtinan natin roe tt HEERESGRUPPE B sanmee sanuee rane ssanwee onetime a sere Seth acne acs imme eee se ci «= [EE oaeee “manatee ead ane Enos Scere ext Armeckarps MLsSArmertons ae, Lo mss ee eet EIS came ‘armies sgt ee Se sori oe Smee ace | EERE eee sieg | ELE on ae eco ameiniese eects | Sim es Specie aero ee a Ln armeckors (Armee 241244) arg 7S Paneer Regent | fawn) geseammer Outen AE 1 email Seakemeiadl = Imeem eee ‘smtemmioenssoae, ey 10136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, of order betacenbosoangssnd Wit. The so cate cvs she of omeufagepetern i eutecearyshown te (HARA) 11136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, MS 0 Fe A bape ae Peet ser wry % pee Ro cece rie err eae ie terme Ener earn Peace) oer: shoo Neg oe oe aca aS Fe59,) ‘Atta Pek Vous knockout in elu during the winter of 19845 damoged ond abandoned neor the tonne] inden, 25\abmetesnortheast 2 Aachen during the heavy Pahng ‘which took ploce there, late November 1944 athough they were ex sherman in 147. Beth the Stumgeschut I! telonang to {ikempone, Pozer Abteilung 3 ond the ogdpane IVs rom Longa, PanzeogerAbsting 103 (NAA) 12196 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, Preece ee: 13936 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945 UE 9457548 ‘Although arrestin 194, some of these Sf 233 schwerePonerspahwogen xml ‘Panzer sion wos photographed near Cells Decembe 1984 ondisshown and dscussed afthehachvetne toning hoot, canbe sen the dison suntnsgnaandtetactasgn de Photographed in Jonuory 1945, ths Pak V Panter ous wos used fo tet th Oe ee eae eet er ree Pde abaeinsatser canieenrtparbiien: sere] ee ee Rate eee eo a Ree eet soar eee 14-09-2028 18:00 Oliver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Wes German Armour inthe West 194587945706 15138 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, ‘an Sf 1014 2em Fok 38 bof track photographed neorFawailesheim, 30 kilometres east of Aachen, on 28 ‘February 195. tnt orinel printf ths petogreph its possibe ta see thot he gun, nung te nse of he gn shield has been pointed no camouflage pater consisting of large ptches of] darer colour By ti time many of ‘hese wohices ed Sen-armoued cabs (NARA) AC lt the ey atvoreoft combat badge or Hees Fak ampfobetchen- worded tothe crews ofantsoeoft guns and aso seachight and sound ranging troops. The ‘uard wos based on o rater complatd points stom and perhonsagagrvoushy, actions ons ground targets werenatconsleredocceptobe rev, tutor scallion) (tgp cr saa UBUTKarpan, some 15 kilometres cost of Dien, incon Morch 1945, these two Strmgesite I ous Gare almost ‘certian 2 oman, anceeteng 1030) rancergenade Dvn which defended thsareai ote FebrucryandearMorch, The lead venice ‘fakcoshownahddetusedintellustaton:ectonnpoge 8. NARA) 16198 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, 2512. au 0 Pon ary the F3 calope =f seem tt min. rc Seariemrfen tere rot Ba ie A ie tli ee 17136 14-09-2028 18:00 Oliver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Wes German Armour inthe West 194587945706 Insignia of ‘te | Inthearsemer Paper IYA) itr Bee Signe. Belgiam, December {os nts armoured tombonet oo formed for T At. amon rsd whch ad of tse ves oad ir Soimantasu Shignarasucre tina thon sepcronietansncraioon ange rane t's gal aural ew fhe omaige seme eof Pater srseed oy Sai brs Sclenber isi andmarinos ron Ee etter re ea onetiatebcbnneh tion enbamend tsi raraio 18136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, ‘oye on pont a shen eurscar oy Sean tse een the dc nd benon th potpaph whi ow haaton [Seog tse ets vee pasateostsome conecton tothe Sh 2342 Pune of orcerAonngs Aug atacedo Komen Son dha te frome fens sumgexchits Mou 6 Posy 5 Komgane,PnsrigerAtelung 6,1 Panzer Ovon ‘Seeman ear 198 heosrbeentfeten of owes aed onthe coon whch ‘Scorers theron ef ner German ef mr en son: te neon tsi ‘ft tohre fideo sthcanpony bens 55h Sa ‘orton ned totem of seek gre fanncton of the un and the Grossdeutschlond:dision is mprosedinnssesgn 7 ‘Sdhaptocttand sora aseut pus were dettpedianctot ot the tren ered “Spprumte 20tlometersuthestf stogne Tumi 1etcomewhat ‘pecaote ony thejstewo dts beng isle nour ottegraph tw I Tae ne seen ere ea SER iat of mo ont debt) ie a tertec ior Sayan (aaah, ‘er sta bres ee = Cae re re oer Aochiss fonts wer (thendaebidgs setae, toting wns oer one Jani he uns veils hod ether Masel canced ¢ 19136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, ‘Sturmgeschite tl ousl 6, 2 Kompante, Pomerogenabictng 10h, 3 ‘iign. “Seman, March 194, Pretogrnhed te ia of Moat, oon 3 ia hol of wth chic number oth en nt meh ary 183 Ths Grioneay a © mone ws sl ee poy ‘stom sed by Weng of h Ser seme oho oe ‘scusedonpose23 20136 14-09-2028 18:00 German Armour in the West 1945(@7 945058 ‘Bath photographs on this page show the same Panzer VO) inthe streetsfthesltown of Mite ut north of Colman Franc. Thiele wos Inochedout when 7 Kaman Poe Regiment 2 which bd been oftochedta Panter Sige 108Feidhermbalatemptedt akethe ownin December 1Dte The vite mesh stor BrotgfietSchuraen i misingfom the diversi ofthe vice lough the skit forte other de eli pce. nthe ‘rol h phooyphet oslo dace abc ane thee tp tee cnr a The ferecy ofthe ting here, whioh sted und January 1945 evident the destracion shown thes andowalottheenroftevioge oe lth remain todey. (NA 21186 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Wes = German Armour inthe West 1945 879457061 22136 German Armour inthe West 194587945706 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Wes ‘This Pw V Rother asf 6 was photographed inthe town of Klbera, approximate) 30 lometres west bf Koblenz on 11 Morch 1945. Te town wos {apturedon 3 Merch by unts ofthe US Ith armoured Dion and occrang tothe Aeon Octane wa defended by Sermon fnks ling one Tiger nearly March Generel von Montes sPancerarmee wes retveating thoughts oreafd ths Poche’ moyhove belonged ta ether 2 Panzer: Dision, SPancer son or 3Porzerareadier Dison. The onl anton the Wester Fee eflpped wh the Tiger at os time chwere Paneer ‘Abteung 505, woshoweverfahting machfrtetothenoth NARA) 23136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, pare “ Be Care t ses terrier at ee ‘though ts general greed ht tis Surmgexchats Vaso gun wos nocd out by its ofthe US 775 Tank Destroyer toon, theres some ‘Senger The off copion orcs uth he March date bt ges Bandana ae ection. Te dete of hs pltegeph ly 9k Juan mon the ground ws covered row. On? arch in support of te US 280 Osim te talon wes nee ten Fac shen 10 {ameter the Geman border with US nteligence reports placing 1755 Ponergrenadier Oven les thon» Lome oway ot ckerboch A few leomerefo tre north ceo the Garon border there area mattaseof towns nomedinthe efengemofSrnselonertof ye athowgh Inve not been ole to laste on exact match anywhere Germany he on ote nt thought to Rove hd ay sereeoble Strmgschts ot hs tie Pane? Regiment $f 3 PonsorbWislon, wos orto the noth ner Uitlen Ths woul sang suggest thot ths vee named Kungunde, 0 gs ome ad botangt0S5Poneeroger Abeta 17 (NARA) 2496 14-09-2028 18:00 Oliver Publishing - Under the Gun 008 - Westws the West 19¢5(@HU 945058 ase tear glean nar ae erate a eueaee Lt Cece, Pecataieere ear er carter are eee ee ae pre ener Ht (pesca el cece ea eae eg rea epee Cc ea Fase ie ear ene eee Fecha ea eas te ee a eee aed FR re en tracer eee a ee ey ee ne eerie 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, tps Aiphtmi5.comizhtqsiciqip=10 25138 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945 UE 9457548 27138 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, ‘An ebondoned Pek VPonthe us Ai ued os cover by solders of {het Cova Groupon 2 Moreh 1945. The offical caption gies the fcoton os exch, however howe been unable f0 leate 2 “ior named toan ip western Germany ond this may fct be Frechenstoutside Colne which wo, according tothe published (1th army Group stution mp for 2 March, taht onthe font ling the Germen dispositions recordedon the mop are caret hs {ani s probaly from Pancer Regiment 33 of 3PnterDUion Sep rraepe eee arte os nana) ert i Cin renee seen Pre eet tees ‘pipet v Panther cuss 6 from Panzer Regiment 15 of 11.Panzer-Ovsion wos, ‘Photogrepteancorremeaiescheiin cary pr 1945. Thitason wor ar of counterattack ogarst te Remogen ridgeheod whch began on 23 March prot the fhtng around Remon, the dvson reported tat rmeuredstrength hod been reduced to 33 ofthese Panter tanks together Wiha Petw PV tanks and 6 asout guns. The town of Feregierschei (Shot ehymdtely 20 tomes northces of Remagen, (NAMA) 28136, 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945 UE 9457548 herrea pee peer Petra Preheat ook poor a PR epee Fe aa aan Ree pacer Ereeraiireine (peace eee Fic errr ’ ieee eee ey frente eects rete Sree etuereteer ed Ear ereeueieeiay eerie tad [peacetateetise sede cer seen si ioe et ame are ener aes Derr at ora Pree aera tara Fee reas erties eoeatroe a Roreir teeta eee et Fenece riy are ly-peel a CS pao’ erate temaieoacesiea Decent tote aaa coats ea rr) Por eater Frere Berroco ere ere ee Nere edecmemner tert teied re a aes rer omens 29136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, 30136 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, Photooraphed jut outside the town of Oxtrode am re, northeast of osel on 15 Agr 1945 thi Pakw V) Tigers qute probably te lor tank echwere Panzer ‘Abtetung 807, the porner ofthe Tgershown atthe top ‘ofpage2? which wosphotoarephedin thecentreof te ‘own. (A) 31736 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Westwall- German Armour in the West 1945519457548, ‘Above fre The Grosdeutschand cf tieworn ereby {an NCO instructor photographed n 1945. A ight top 0 otto: The Fethermhalecuf itl wor nthe west ‘Fahrer Grenadier GrigedecjObeletnant of Panter Grigade 108 o)Major Ponce eh sine) Ponce Astoulbodge, warded for totingpartnthresormouredacton® 22196 14-09-2028 18:00 liver Publishing - Under the Gun 003 - Wes = German Armour inthe West 1945 879457061 An assortment of Pobw tanks, nla vee aus M models doses tothe comera al with coating of snmert paste. 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