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oa fe A LU hated 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE eH) GERMAN SOLDIERS OF WORLD WAR TWO Written by Jean DE LAGARDE Translated by Jean-Pierre VILLAUME Franck BACHMANN: Jean-Francois ~GHINI Pierre-Ange CARAVANO Michel GILBERT Jean-Michel DENIS lucien NOEL Christophe DESCHODT Claude PELTRET Jacques SCIPION ISBN: 2908 182 297 HISTOIRE ET COLLECTIONS, P.O. Box 327, Poole, Dorset BH 15 2 RG UK hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 21929 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE eH) CONTENTS 1939- 40 - THE BLITZKRIEG YEARS 31d Pz. Rat. Officer Cadet 8 Infantry Sergeant, France 10 1941 - FROM CRETE TO MOSCOW Paratrooper, Crete 14 Attillery Captain, Eastern Front 16 U-Boat Seaman 18 1942 - THE LAST VICTORIES U-Boat Lieutenant Atrika Korps Infantryman Mountain Rifleman, Caucasus Sentry in Winter Clothing Food Carrier 1943 - THE TURNING POINT SS3ae8 Feldgendarme on Duty Hauptwachmeister, Marseilles ‘Deutschland’ Squad Leader Polizei Division, Eastern Front ‘Hermann Goering’ Panzergrenadier Fighter Pilot, Sicily KG. ‘Hindenburg’ Bomber ‘Reichsflhrer’ SS Grenadier Engineer, Eastern Front Paratrooper, The Ukraine Luftwaffe Assault Gun Crewman. Heer Infantryman SSsSsssSEssss hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 1944 - SETBACKS ON ALL FRONTS Paratrooper, Cassino Heer Infantryman 46th Pz. Rgt. NCO Tank Buster, Normandy Artillery Officer, Falaise Pocket ‘GroBdeutschland’ Engineer Panzer Corporal, Normandy Infantry Squad Leader 2th Pz. Div. Ariilleryman, Normandy Kriegsmarine Artilleryman Officer, Fiihrer's HQ 17th Luft. Feld. Div. Artilleryman Recce Troop Officer, Italy 'Langemark’ Officer Cadet “Von Salza’ Battalion NCO ‘Brandenburg’ Division Officer 7th SS Div, Mountain Rifleman SSSLSSSSERSAANNSSE Assault Gun Officer Radio Operator, Italy 102 Infantry Officer 106 Mountain Engineer Officer 108 Recce Troop NCO. 110 Grenadier, Kurland 12 Defence of the Reich Fighter Pilot 4 1945, THE LAST STRONGHOLD Heer Sniper 118 ‘SS ‘Totenkopf Div M-G Gunner 120 Belgian Volunteer, Pomerania 122 ‘SS ‘Nederland’ Div. Artilleryman Pomerania 124 SS ‘Nordland’ Div. Infantryman Pomerania 126 arn2a 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) 4n29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) GERMAN SOLDIERS OF WORLD WAR TWO This detailed and comprehensive study of World Two German units presents in a series of close-ups a panorama of an army that made the world tremble from 1939 to 1945. The evolution of the uniforms worn by ground troops, aviators and sailors are graphically illustrated in full colour photographs throughout this work. By focusing on uniforms, equipment and men, the book brings history closer to life by emphasing specific aspects of the conflict though a detailed study of military garments and items. The writers have gathered considerable experience in the arduous field of unifom research and military history, and have left nothing to chance to present the reader with a thorough, well documented and impartial work hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 51129 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of wo Ealtion 2(RBREESSRRSE I) 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) 1939-1940 THE BLITZKRIEG YEARS 11929 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - Rees by Colonel Heinz Guderian until 4 February 1938 when the unit was transferred to Vienna after the Anschluss. Led by Major-General Rudolf Weiel, the jion took part in the Polish campaign in September 1939. Posted to Romania in April 1941, 2.-Pz.Div. was engaged in the Balkans and deployed on the Russian front. hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RURERRARSE HES) CADET OFFICER, fate tencok cut ands ‘poring ter Bide) sew ‘The chostcogle Sips coors) sf the combat bape, ‘one ore days iste nian ne Bon ond es aed ars29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two 3 PZ.«RGT, 1939-42 By Jean de Lagarde itp htmi5.comizhiqsiqwolttp=11 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIESB SE Hh) INFANTRY SERGEANT, The forage capi made good ne r< Sein ry em pecan ¥ Mc tapas sect ’ Titan anaes By Jean de Lagarde FTER an exhausting campaign, forced marches and brutal engagements, the intry companies were quartered for a few days. Off active duty, the men swappped thelr fold grey uniforms lor denim fatigues, During the campaign this RZ soldier was promoted to the rank eins of sergeant and will soon lead afin combat group into action, = hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 101129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIEESE Hh) FRANCE, MAY 1940 ‘The gas mask oxo TeNcols now Streuli sng ort seen serpent encaaee ‘Sepa tne ‘Assinar ts edgy sel “rap of ha ben mat ope te sag eh et ‘Storie ‘oti andthe mess tn Sieserren be atenoskadia surg ovet Pod the en soul ‘Sjoed wn 2 Donped bce. “net ryt five batons down the fren. The cals done up {Spamata nook the anderesiar sth tame nee one seed wits oe doth te sare cotouroa tw colar The sholde abe cergean ‘mado ct ant ue green materal pedi wai ath slvr tae ‘ccur by futon anda howe oop orangoment Te chest ‘ages embroweredin grey trend om» danger asaground The ‘ines prany utone nse nels wey ‘The owing tre were secured othe bal 048 tobe win ey rach (note: the ld ‘rey esiour the gry ba sks se worn om paces Iether frog fo whe i secured the NCOs" sword not veri) aba cra i ction by te man spare pied ae Sm hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 sit29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE DEHN) hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 sane 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) 1941 FROM CRETE TO MOSCOW rana9 14-09-2028 18:05 E Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RURERRARSE HES) PARATROOPER, Teg ren ame smoc adel aiton Siyelon Fallschirmjager Regiment 3 blossom in the sky above Hania, one of the island's westernmost towns. Captain von der Heydte and his men touch down to the south of the road leading to Alikianou. Immediately, the Germans become involved in a violent battle with the 15,000 soldiers from the 4th and 10th New Zealand Brigades defending the iracc’ area, mas he island of Crete, 20 May 1941, The parachutes of | @ Jean-Michel Denis hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 sana 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESESE HN) CRETE, 1941 Toa corer el ory eames ‘Sarah ey ae and eer peanes, Theta gry 151129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) “HEER’ ARTILLERY CAPTAIN, scan made oh Theta wears #192 Pate coh tie at Proll Sitaa donne Commissioned in 1937 with Ulm’s 41st Artillery Regiment, he served as a captain instructor with Assault Gun Training Unit 500. When war broke out, Friedrich was a platoon leader and fought on the eastern front. At the head of his unit, he destroyed 29 enemy tanks between June 1941 eszycs bare onesie to February 1943. On 20 sirens September 1943, he successfully countered a Soviet thrust in the Jasweno sector, adding a further seven T-34s and one 1-60 to his tal- ly. Wounded in this action, he was evacuated a few days later. RIEDRICH A. was born in Karlsruhe on 10 May 1919. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 161129 14-09.2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) ama 14.09.2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) U-BOAT SEAMAN, ATE April 1941, at night mewhere in the Atlantic: the '24, a IX-B ocean going sub- marine, surfoced and stesred a westerly course. Commanded by Kopitéinleutnant Wilhelm Schultz, the U-124 belonged to the 2nd U- Hlotille. Taking aevantage of the darkness, the submarine recharged her batteries as she headed ai maximum speed for her pen in Lorient harbour. The raid was successful: the U-124 had sunk 11 Allied ships amounting to some 52, 397 tons since she left her base in February 1941. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 191129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SSH) 1941 ATLANTIC CAMPAIGN By Jean de Lagarde and Franck Bachmann Fs racist ta woes nd be hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 197129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) U-124 MATROSENGEFREITER, 1941 2oni2a 14.09.2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edion 2(RSRREBIESB DEHN) hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 2anee 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE EH) = hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 2ani29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE eH) 1942 THE LAST VICTORIES hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 2129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIEB SEH) forage saps oe wit Christophe Deschodt UMMER 1942, somewhere in the "=a Atlantic off the French coast. Her mission over, a submarine is hea~ joicen ess ing back to her pen. On beard, the men are exhausted; constantly dodging escort destroyers, diving to escape depth charges, unces Sie Wotches and olterncting from ba the hunter to the hunted is taking its toll, But soon, the ‘grey wolf’ will be back to the safety of Brest harbour. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 2ani29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) _ KAPITANLEUTNANT, 1942 itp htmi5.comizhtqsiqwolttp=11 251129 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jacques Scipion UITE typical of the German soldier fighting at El Alamein, this Oberschiitze belongs to the 21st Panzer Division's 104th Panzergrenadier Regiment. Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB HN) AFRIKA KORPS Lat The ornare el cap = ‘Sra loth een eo . atm Sete 1908 Pane Lat Clow ofthe tile 261129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) INFANTRYMAN, 1942 mail quent: "Sot ole gren brea ie ie be wth ‘Indra ning used ‘erento 2729 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSES HES) SS GEBIRGSJAGER By Jean de Lagarde and Pierre-Ange Caravano N 21 August 1942, elements of the German 1st and dth Gebirgsiager Divisions (mountain sieison) roudly raised their unt Elbrus (5,633m) is irs Coucasus range. Among the victors were soldiers of the 98th Regiment, the 1st Division. “simone from ay 1388. 28 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 201129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) SUMMER 1942 ed ‘Ramen Pew gctain yey une wir botnets have toned aps he our top pcan ae deco. ‘memountin hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 201129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIEE SEH) SENTRY IN Winer 1941-12 Te 1896 Pater stat hla ened Inoue ity The tack si hoes decal on Te ube, chat dof ck we oh the ‘on ood toed back ove ‘Seenouer Tres Guaring the command pos ct be simoored gaup Koma, HE unit commander gave ‘the order to halt. g Immediately, the column a) ne es cies ’ ound to a hal e " g the snowbound (ee te tanks and APCs positioned themselves into a defensive screen for the soft skinned vehicles and trucks. C ly exhausted, the men tri snatch some sleep on the frozen ground. During their rest, the troops were protected by the | unsung heroes whose courage | and dedication have never received the praise they deserve: the sentries. 30/129 14-09-2028 18:05 WINTER CLOTHING Wine 1942-49. Te ‘Sehite baat STive plers tle foteed ths Growing re them ‘eat ofthe oat cena! hatte previews gurment Ks nc wan ry wool ence oe Sted sieves) The colar made of matching sath Soletianrane eye meer ong See SSrcyearmn sacar Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SE Hh) sess lil Ruse Resitee tee By Jean de Lagarde ‘woot nit glove ange siz as nated by he ree white tage rund wy ae ey mana rey ok Initor are spayed on he wht sock ‘The moth butone oe the hp opening for acces tthe pesca Sexy shown at 3129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SE Hh) ‘ia apd wee ) “‘oesanelgn gee | eng ‘ne soir coat IGHT falls over the batieneld. ne ia a gale tot ike now ciel el dowry fi figures Sor will creep in ‘and sneak towards aor roups clin. to pela ey landiope rit Snly by the wrecks of th Burning tanks, solders on fupely duty will selflessly deliver hot rations to their comrades panning the advanced positions. Farther back, the division's bakers and butchers will have a busy time working ‘over hot stoves until aani29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRRERIESB HN) ON SUPPLY DUTY, 1942-43 ) By Jean de Lagarde j and Claude Peltret 33/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections rman Soldiers of World War Two Eilon 2(889 co 2 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 ani29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RSRREBIESB DEHN) 1943 THE TURNING POINT 1 3/120 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jean de Lagarde RIGINALLY raised from the ranks of the ‘civilian’ police, the Feldgendarmerie ‘was a subunit of the army’s provost corps. In addition to keeping law and order among the troops, the Feldgendarmes’ missions were mostly those entrusted to this type of unit and included gathering prisoners ‘war and refugees, protecting captured equipment, controlling the population in occupied territories and directing traffic. Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIEE SEH) FELDGENDARME ON ‘Tne Senior NCO enaeing Ss! parm Duels secuedtotna Sasi Sikes 36/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIEB SS Hh) DUTY, 1943 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 371129 14.09.2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSESS HES) HAUPTWACHMEISTER, By Jean de Lagarde and Jean-Francois Ghini Nearly 1943, the Germans decided to have the old city of Marseille razed to the ground, The Polizei Regiment ‘Griese’ - which had taken the name of its commander - was rehisier provisionally raised in southern France for the mission. The unit first searched the ci had all its inhabitants evacuated. ae hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 38/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEIN) MARSEILLE 1943 Int mn i wcieeiieeitvatnaete aceite Tanita rare eacteeceminsaster shiceeeninaeen "oon colar maar of Farge tp, The tm pear cat inthe ‘same cath the coal The loves singe of ck I) veniised rm an 5 simian bac 14-09-2028 18:05 ATE on 9 May 1943, Obergruppentihrer zerkorps in Russia, outlined his pian for the reconquest of Kharkov which his L= Thauser commande te troops had evacuated a few weeks previously. The commander of the TTotenkopF Di city and hold its northern sector while the ‘Leibstandarte’ would attack from the west. ‘The men of ‘Das Reich’ were briefed to thrust from the east and seize the main railway sdging admiration of the victors. However Frculd teks another wo days of bitter struggle in the mud and snow before the SS wasted the gutted city bok from the gllant Red Army See hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 n was ordered to skirt the Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RURERRARSES HES) ‘DEUTSCHLAND’ $store cot The pret fightin goment ae cata the abedlor be tora mh rank strep eraoesee il sre, ovptchart ower (wert eee Soseiis sewn on ti Thevigh clr Pichi oe ee vetted wn hee ‘SSembosese ata Siversare ie ‘aomesinths tne os worms spreads ns maaan pach Uform) secure em ‘wo staple San Sem ove he cut cape, he S2ertom anda Simin teed ges. ‘ragoine orang = made avenger tre 40ri20 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SH) SQUAD LEADER, 1943 r z rll or 7 Lined with rabbit ad asteing wl tod eeu cr he wearing heme 41 anna 14-09-2028 18:05 HEN the German army swept through the Soviet Union in 1941 large num- bers of Russian soldiers units and joined by par- these regulars were y ha tisans and by 1942 formed into organised underground brigades led by unconventional warfare specialists who raided communication and supply lines in the Wehrmacht’s’ rear, Repression was ruthless. To eradicate the partisan threat, the Germans catid out massive search and Gestroy operations, paculary in spring 1843 when more ter 60,000 socer ook par ra massive SHES Inthe forests between Bviansk and Gore ‘The subject of his close-up is a member of ‘Schutz pole vai as he appeared during th action. fev ahotoned guamosk tox ed Fsignt claus wosdon gris. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSES Hs) POLIZEI BATTALION, ‘he young policeman i pictrain ont 1 obterclebning ‘Geman Poe Day SSRaV0 tres wena orgneaonn amr octg ins Teint Fnedin ey tat grey. te Thee he rea shea with ne wee ce ncn sean the ee typeal of he gomerts ase Fetes. Ye auttone sve mace ef rm {Romnium, The tune Rar lg atone pies paints buon tape. Pesan enand rd wt mata own ‘wo ton ‘endgresn iran ed nse Dockein te foes ian Spor 4229 14-09-2028 18:05 THE SOVIET Bitte, hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREARARSES HES) UNION, 1943 "he fed uniform he wore n action usta prs rons ‘ii gen nara he erage sae Tole npn fn neath Tune apne te fc aarngeein “pcr Tho wrt ot ed oor saute rh se romowateShekte ae Trnenseteree ctr soca rant SoBe mnumrereereperia eis comets, in de Lagarde and By J ‘rancois Ghini Jean- Qipao arc 2 Geman Plc oc ora SS on pana of me 19 win relat an smi Pee Coban Daya, aly, poicessotition fopet bane 4320 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSESSHES) lesa ohare an NCOs, he ‘cmumumote’(peaneaeap cuts rey ‘hue cath and tae Bok tor te ck oar The aka woo tit ‘HERMANN GORING’ Salen za Tere ment is condor Legon N late August 1943, the veterans of the ‘Hermann Géring’ Armoured Division were mustered at Caserta to the north of Naples for refitting after the hard-fought Sicily campaign. Reinorcements had boon boughtin fom France so ‘hat General Corvath could bls his unt elo me tng the Alles who were to lad land at Salomo during the nightot 8-9 Seplerber. Con Underength when twas deployed agai he ase lant at dawn on 9 September, ‘man company made eosiat with te enemy On Mount San Angelo, Under massive sling by British and [American warships, te Hermana Gori” divisional rece group headed for Mao which was aleady hed bry American ranger. The ils were rocked wih exo Sons as throughout the day, attack flow Stack beore eventual pelefing out nt hanate-nand feghting. But her olor wore to no val and the men fe elite Lutte von lad down Pw Ives va ‘bynighl, mee tan 0,000 its and American so Gers had et oot on Haan so." hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 eget Eo sheeroo os porate ome Soom toa Sree =e So ee me sabe 22 srs = Snes Smee eeweumy iimctieact. cr re se sagt tact am oe = See ciate = ie cean cere =e Pimms peer icoteeeaeeurioms Sovemcecese ee Divaer satel lay 18 aani2a 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SSH) PANZERGRENADIER, 1943 45/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB Hh) “Toten peated cpa ack mesons he own png he ser tbe coma ‘stand he ont inagna ae woven ewes By Jean de Lagarde and Jean-Michel Denis IHE 3rd Group of 26th Heavy Fighter Squadron was loyed in the Mediterranean sector shortly after the Eecncutn dot tie Western campai ‘ended. The unit slow sion the unstacned fought there for 30 months, cen notching up 130 enemy aircraft ovsrcontevantin and 1,210 armoured and soft- sched 14er above the skinned vehicles for the loss of 252 sister ot ve nd Ciss ron crewmen. reve spp eng ate The pilot here is shown celebrating {977 ston wee the squadron's 10,000th mission ‘badge are pinned oie hm eft with his comrades. ‘Sleep stn Os AFRIKA 46/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SE HN) SGUEDEOR, SICILY, 1943 Cetin tan coon the ota ad ap Isto brown 471129 14-09-2028 18:05 lieutenant commissioned with the 7th Staffel of Kampfgeschwader 1, was warded the Knight's Cross on 12 December 1943. the original picture PE «second guard of hh was taken ind the Eas- his comrades wh honour. When the ph ch Nevbueg, semsawhere be tern Front on 5 August 1944, Sprung still Sported the rank insignia of second leute- er Gur reconstrocton shows the acer & few months fater after his promotion to the rank of captain. ‘igo leterng made Sms read hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 below, Sprung is being congratulated by \ formed Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSES= HES) resesenaae Tears anutgture by Pip M. Wr on ‘noth ha toh gogges used by theca aa omg ms ‘Srdtoud boc The peoaes Sin tengcann a ‘ower tot te eore's od tnartual ey clon pretcion ge. ‘he mat ports are pais reo, id theta mace of ek a tron ‘ere avid eamage ne ences Tpgeaviains ‘Schima’ ut in =, Bruton on ach bia te nd ‘etna mae Se oie ier wi egrey lamin ited ing deny the Cuvee é ‘png perso ere sioate respi ihe te ‘Shou pipet Woven [Raumim'ten, he, ofa cope ters Hiewetore Iheright chest poset The ‘Seman Gros Gad Te fey Spears urge te ight Blan oe thoet pect The Litwat sre sioner Fry borer go cap eer ora ahore hele ent 48/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB EH) BOMBER PILOT, 1943 | mite aman ro in Gals evstyagteimet ined” re Sep mae tn re tm the plug atthe under he verte! pocket re rset oy hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 49/129 14-09-2028 18:05 (Reichsfihrer SS) Sturmbrigade elements, the 16th $5 Pz. Gren, Di ‘Reichsfihrer SS’ was reised in Octo- | ber 1943, Posted to Corsica when ready, it soon became the only force capable of posing the increasing ‘activites of the island's partisans. When troops landed in Corsica in 1944, the 16th RFSS withdrew to the Bos- ‘io-Bonifacio area prior to being shipped to Italy The move was conducted with very slight losses. In January 1944, elemats of 38h 55 Pa. Grn, Rt. cnn of n's two grenadier regiments), oat the Allied troops defending the F= round a cadre of 28th RFSS successfully ‘the French. Nettuno-Anzio beachhead. Hungary for refitting in April 1944, the division was ferried back to italy in May where it distinguished itself by checking the British 8th Army between Parma and Grossetto. From August to September, the vision fought its way up Italy during the German withdrawal and, during the retreat, severely clashed with Italian par- tisans in the south of Bologna Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) "REICHSFUHRER’ ‘The tropie eine consate of Bronte Soci se nase ot Janey esmer Te ements fever ne of {hotetmet sr mead wih {eee aumiium top eine arsine tom ‘aint prongs. The Mande tauren he 8S Transferred to ‘Te ype otboet rom te oer revo specie ate seen sas “puede. Te ay 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Eaton 2(RSRREBIESB SE Hh) SS GRENADIER sertape con amma seceemermareaett cineeomentens ~enateeemene mcttinas tera aoe ae aera cash lemnaaced en sitar nla pe yon sane he trpocuta on teeta the plates ‘niposata on the aut have Bote ttoned Rope. The pock ‘The sods worn by he gon ‘ate he srs soe posters have outione The 8) Mae irebutong Tetons nso open. The, “Two ype of anon ton sara nrg shes Pouches ae carad (019 and pects} made of whe coh Al butions are mag of ‘tnforoen tyres melee 5129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 52/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) 'REICHSFUHRER’ SS GRENADIER icp ac ap pecuat Of nte ar thct ts and ek The tpered trousers stn ‘de for eater 53/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) ENGINEER, ttt ih ert aan Hcaanonetea terse a crate nese aemoee Sweaters Breen st ary man riginaty pina le oe "ae aataet See Siegen ergs see ra itd being The aoe ‘ere repuaion fed oy a aed oni mr - hog eauany ataed pounding, pouches andbackpacket that a Russian attack was in the fie'Penarstemoepick offing. Ounumbered, the German {rare sunt soldiers ofthe 34th Infantry Division gira esha manning the frontline evacuated their nie soberins position at dusk. Only groups of the 34th Sumroc! me Engineer Battalion were left behind fo urn Tnetmo wo noe into « ‘Teufelsgarten’ (devil's playground) fixe src nicared the renches, the trom wi line positions abandoned by their com- ,"m mei trades. Soon, the engineers had completed ws much ir deadly task: the few remaining buil- ovnnsatee 3s, the ford and the sunken track lea- ding fo the command post had also been tumed into lethal traps. Russian soldiers looking fr souvenirs would do wel be ‘wary of weapons, mapeases and all sorts cof odd equipment ‘los’ by the retreating foe! Making the most oftheir redoubtable skills, the German ordnance specialists had again managed to check the Soviets by chan ling her forces nto ‘mine boc carving cnklogane Srape pease 54129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIESB SSH) EASTERN FRONT, 1943-44 By Jean de Lagarde ‘and Jean Peltret “iter harness ris subsea 55/129 14-09-2028 18:05 @ so JROM Norway to Denmark and from Holland to Belgium, German paratroopers were at the vanguard of Hitler’s forces ehring the opening moves of the Blitzkrieg. Alter seizing key points and ields, the airborne soldiers won fame for capturing fortresses which stood in the way of the panzers. In Greece, the German hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 pe Tele secre nh we sade of oye tiged nea Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSES HES) PARATROOPER, seen a ee Fs wth grey sects 56/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) THE UKRAINE, 1943 The doute resi para Tra parta ae tk ‘aang toe 57/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections 5th Luftwaffe Field Division, are subjected toa shor but intense shell by Russian artillery. Herr spi Rssion escetlonte’ the dazed rurvivers fll back to the rear positions. The barrels of the ES Front, late 1943 early MG-42s glow red as the machine-gunners * loose off burst after burs! waves. Under their wither Russian assault is beaten back but then to the Russian numerous T-34s enter the fray and threaten. to break through to the German battalion’s main defences. The ‘Sturmgeschiitz’ of the ‘3’, led by Lieu- tenant wolg the gap. A deadly duel is about to start. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 1944, the outposts, defended by the men of the 22 crossfire, the jaere - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRRERIESE SEH) LUFTWAFFE stn th ‘pack ahaa ets onahte of hap edgedireglar wood Srown and medium geen tenes ‘Sone ris overs fla rey Sockatund, The pte a Competed by mn gree atipea he toe eet es ae er a aus baing. ng Bach, are callad in to plug Er lea Secu hour FeiceOn ether eice fie 9 na a fespecovl and ust, tatehing te beim ‘Seok cata 58/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) ASSAULT GUNNER, 1943 By Jean de Lagarde ‘and Didier Lodieu ~ _ 50/120 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jean de Lagarde JHE wear and tear on the helmet cover dates this reconstruction to winter 1943-44, Like the helmet cover, the reversible padded parka and trousers set were Introduced in autumn 1943. This uniform was only issued to Heer field infantry units on combat duties. tn ones shew ra aed ine eteows hohe eames can hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSE HES) HEER INFANTRYMAN, Let otter an. 4 " Pater 62 fl gy cap ‘enna, sown egy the hood “at Trecamaoge Stott pen 1931 Zatenn ati Pa. ote ace te neck 2 frase ah tap shine foie i ap andre wth wel ot {apes 0 ‘aol wt woo padang orth boot stn atop e020 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIEB SEH) WINTER 1943-44 “Te reverse parka removatie vce iter tiger) sles is a re naan pul te wig! moe easy. cg eset an = evanag ese Eirwnton ‘veer Ethogh ase ar a fhe nuarous a 1} Of neta are the toe tpn he wr ecg sanguin oon sts ans hom ee 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE eH) 1944 SETBACKS ON ALL FRONTS hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 631129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edion 2(RSRRERIESE SSH) PARATROOPER, Te pullover summer hit has ‘Theheimata covered wh repute iergceves, The ton amourageneting at onen sock ‘pening running dunt the ‘dating te asso bate, Tessie dom uh oe ats have a ap ae Pispd tone? By Jean de Lagarde and Jean-Michel Denis N the Italian front, the Mount celebrated Cassino monastry shrine of Christian 15 February 944. Terns were captured by the paratroopers Luftwaffe 1st Fallschirmidiger Division, The German paras deployed in the talian theatre were clad in a mixture of standard airbome equipment and dothing issued during the North African campaign. ‘rant setae = e4ni20 14-09-2028 18:05 CASSINO, 1944 oe "aaron react =o werent sam ring. inert pase ory ‘Seta a our hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSESS HES) 65 65/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Nspring 1943, German Army Command issued aiiceneds or the es pment of a new infantry uniform. ‘The uniorm was eady in summer and soon issue fering efor uns he 7h ang 73 an tty Dvsione, the Tatn-Sturmaision (assaut intanty {dveton,the eth and 1080 lagaraisions (ght ifan- fry) the 2nd Mountan Fie Dison, te 16th Panzer Division and the ersatzbrigade GroBdeutechland (mecharseednfanty "Tho oors of hese unts were bifod with reporting to High Conmand about the medications and impro Vements thay fete uniform needed. The iew parm tes ofl approved cn 8 Jy 1984 win covry star {hg seven weots later Alhough ofa drectvos soe ‘ed that the colour ef the unform was to be ove ‘row, tis was not sticty enforced as feld grey (or ‘ven giey) cloth i also known fo have boon used "The urstorm Used for ths stucy tly cores with regulations bu variations rave been rofoed: some ther fanks jackets have cut tuups Ike the ofice's whe tinors have box pleated pockets wih tree pointes fags hg, he ope ol some tosers soe wih are Taorg wma tree dont Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SE Hh) THE 1944 PATTERN The Panzer “fia, eet wound ne sage or er. ‘Hott he poke hana ror coverings oy nthe baton, woo which are sched on abel tte stap The color canbe kot up ar ‘Sto ache under he clr tan baton at ‘3oh ceptors srangemend) Tne ape of he chest Ditch poset have seat eagee. Running sown Fem the esow tn aoe ita Valtleon terest tie Tieton ty efertxd).Caeurs uae ‘Back eshes Ta ongreen green and gy. Te perslogron ‘Shaped coir patches {Users y Tw “pera Disptayed on 1044 Pater brendbag ae ‘encepomeleaing x, Yeo at pr ad — atone Scans: areola 661129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRRERIESE SE Hh) ARMY UNIFORM ‘eet apa i o "igi we rama hearse enn ane tubule pouen gr lure) Mere party ten ‘yh hater a The ours et fing re antes grey whe numerous vaalena rte m8 ech te wate bot shook soe ge pouch opp rind ‘The entrenching tot nt ick ase car sured to eet soe eoncesing he og of ‘hetnew pater bayonet secre othe 6, tisalpege and cos cord pate om ean oftne bed up shor ha ae Jean de LAGARDE cheat some aa eth ee pce ‘ode ann str fr he bucne er 67129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIEB SEH) THE 1944 PATTERN ARMY UNIFORM sides cha rch Th vei ‘asthe shoulder ser forthe ocaers,The pats regius moe Pan from abiecx cord “The now pte te bayonet measures 2.5m. The meat ‘onpordnia re mace of ste andthe gr of Boel. The ‘grey anlar shine eases $erige a scney Banter, 68 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 68/120 Histoire & Collections - German Soldier of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSE HES) 14-09-2028 18:05 HE tailors commissior the various infantry comy obviously had plenty of crea~ tive sense as shown by the numerous non-regulation garments they designed and manufactured for troops in the field. One of the tailor’s favourite materials was the camouflage cloth used for shelter halves. Our reconstruction depicts a soldier on duty near Aachen in spring 1944, Belonging to the 116th Pan- zer Di very proud of hs non-regulation hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 ion, the NCO seems to be Histoire & Collections - German Soldier of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSES HES) 116th PZ. DIV. DBivsion tote et sige vey snr Peter one ane panna rori29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) WARRANT OFFICER, 1944 r29 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jean de Lagard: and Didier Lodieu N25 August 1944 at 9.30em, two weakened companies from the Heer’s (Army) 346th deployed in Pont of Epa in front of Epaignes, near Cormelles in Normandy, A short while later, a recce unit from the 49th West Riding Infantry Division ran into the German defence lines ‘and was stopped dead in its tracks. Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) TANK BUSTER, agen gen weiner Eat seep See ‘arte color Teepe See scm se tas nae aoe The ose ask nb ‘Seago ret he et shou ran29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SSH) NORMANDY, 1944 To seal ete! spots dark volo nae nth Barres dre “roen btenenChcken mesh eet se ras been ft “npentes esd buthas nace vei tie luster wts a sors sung “ete we to veto tt oneeaiay aap on te chant Teron age Scoaeaenae Ses Gecomniae erie Siac Sets eee Sire 4 71129 14-09-2028 18:05 ™ ALAISE Pocket, 19-20 August 1944, This second lieutenant has managed to collect around him a few sel pelled guns - all that's left of the retreating batteries decimated in the ter- rible rearguard actions. Allied fighters rule the Normandy skies and, to keep out of their deadly sights, the armoured vehicles hardly ever venture out of the protection of the hedgerows. From under- cover, the aril will pounce on the soldiers of the 7th US Corps who have skirted n to better harry the Ger- mans and prevent them from linking up with the 2nd SS Panzer Division at Saint hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSES HE) ARTILLERY OFFICER, Ereaareaes earner feher tet staninum acting The rousers are ase of Fretntches enn ater Secttewata tn rani29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SSH) FALAISE POCKET, 1944 By Jean de Lagarde ‘tes Feamtntoasca ‘waton Suse rte ner ‘07 ten tr 8 ein! Gow esa iSret canal nan Beam alk rian mo ‘i y fami se ade ot iw guaty ae oe cn iiaolnaat gy yetng bore kbs sey oat Fp Eenade of tae eater hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 751129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SS Hh) GROBDEUTSCHLAND The Senor NCO as conned eld ey ets ea, ed By Jean de Lagarde Nearly 1944, the GroBdeutschland Panzer Division notched up yet another success when it captured the town of Wilkowkirshken in Latvia, General Schérner, commandin ‘Army Group ‘North’, personal congratulated the victors, particularly the soldiers of the engineer battalion. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 71129 14-09-2028 18:05 tence Sarna (iy ace te rir ove Eovtage Somnasan ines erate grey Schawind e Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) ENGINEER, 1944 Trerverie witecamoutns ack un ati Strung trou hepa fetes ul ea age of ro ‘Snine cnet wo vera ls ‘Chmurape const’ o12 mest sor ane hood bow far pind om ot faa grey becky or er tage atc arardom paar hn green ‘toes sappted in places. 7729 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIEB SE HN) PANZER CORPORAL, By Jean de Lagarde Treceporal inno int Ja stop by the edge of the forest lining a Normandy road. But the trees only afford sparse cover and the sun is already Nigh few crewmen leap out of their PzKpfW IVs in shirtsleeve order although others are still wearing their tworpiece denim suits over their black uniforms. Supported by a series of original photographs, these unusual dothing arrangements are the subject of this study. UMMER 1944. The armoured column grinds to hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 71129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) NORMANDY, 1944 wan Crcoos waters sown Reneanenee Eee ernaeear tao Rimeaanes caesar metas ioe Sasa sieeacescmas ae iahos nfl grey hater cares P.08 anogun th colar one up. tbe double breesea back une [ila 's the am ny an afore he same protection at ihe denn garment wormon top ot Sm eae omtangent comets Caio mesma sommes aoe scams Sunes nauniaiaates “Saere eas Ss mipgene sats ies negra eevee ae cee 3 rori2a 14-09-2028 18:05 r N9 June 1944 tho grenadiers the 916th I Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, were locked in fierce camber } with ¥s Gis of the pats Infar 1g igny-Saint-Georges- elle sector tothe zouth-west the most of the terrain which lent itself remarkably wel to defensive warfare, the Easter Front veterans checked evel ever the Americans rough thei nes end advance towards south, Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SUN) SQUAD LEADER, ‘Combined ons commen rapaside Stung wounene ‘ee inpera Neo racks Prater hes ype at. Faatreto e bt inarndelaert wren et cater {Rina of sar feed ‘bouton 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edit NORMANDY, JUNE 1944 By Jean de Lagarde ewi2a 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) rumbled out of its barracks near Caen to muster in the Chicheboville forest and around Virlont to confront the British 3rd Infantry Division. For several weeks, the German defenders stubbornly denied British forces ‘access to the martyred city of Caen. Now serving with the 2nd Group, 155th Armoured Artillery Regiment, the 21st Panzer Division, the man in this study is an Africa Campaign veteran who belongs to the crew of a Hotchkiss half-track armed with a 105mm gun. ARLY on 6 June 1944, the powerful 21st Panzer Division 82 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 21st PZ. DIV. GUNNER, iaaaeese siecanaat Secreta wo etnatcans ‘he oe smn or Inston 3 srry 063 ‘Ste an rege 8 8 “skinonte aus ot corracting an ees or e220 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRRERIEB SEH) NORMANDY, JUNE 1944 aa te Beene: The eer ansehen rea Base as can ete) jess sear Dares gry [Roatery commande’ became sige ‘akabsshen hen halo company Mad been oat ine te a 83/120 14-09-2028 18:05 more than 600 tons of bombs to silence the Kriegsmarine arfillerymen manning the Marcouf battery on the eastern coast of the Cotentin peninsula. However, the raid was unsuccessful as it could not prevent ommander Oberleutnant (lieutenant) Walter ‘Ohmsen’s gunners from hitting and sinking several American ships. the officer and most of his men had been wounded by the time they were ordered to evacuate the position on 11 June. Ohmsen kept the Americans at bay by having th German battery of Azeville shell his ‘own gun emplacements and, for his allantry, he was awarded the night's Cross of the Iron Cross. URING the night of 5/6 June D 1944, Allied Bombers dropped 84 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSE SHES) KRIEGSMARINE ‘The Keegsmarine Nava Coasts Artery Marin Were wae natu oy ‘The Kragamarine airman natn eamutones wit ey soa Tretboos, The “The shoul tbs of as) Se mace oft green Foie Sirol seo oth 8 eani29 14-09-2028 18:05 ARTILLERYMAN, 1944 ‘ier pottors ond cota bunkers By Jean de Lagarde tired tek es, The roud groom heringbone ‘einer ight fap" garmert \edone up wth ive els grey ‘raga sera. ap acne (omaler Pattern) tebe one back posches Te step rampecins srsure good ‘elage esr hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldier of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSE HE) {estampe one lether oreyoenuct es/i20 14-09-2028 18:05 OUNDED several times while leading his battalion in the field, this major has now been appointes to the Fuhrer’s HQ at Rastenburg in eastern Prussia. On 9 April 1944, during a mission at Posen, the officer decided to relax by going to a show, hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldier of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSES HES) OFFICER ON DUTY AT {iertinahed bute masa Ptr) By Jean de Lagarde ‘Ses simoatnossonta ‘there weuna resting Inpermanont nay 26/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) THE FUHRER’S HQ, 1944 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 87/129 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jean de Lagarde ORMANDY Front, 17 August 1944: commanded by General K. Hicker, the 17th Loftwelfe Feld Dison taking up positions to the the Eure river. Its mmission is to hold back the Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RURERRARSEH HES) THE 17TH LUFTWAFFE XIXth US Corps until the bulk of the retreating German forces have crossed the Seine. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 ‘Thefip Firet’ia wor on th lt 2/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) FIELD DIVISION, NORMANDY, 1944 20/120 14-09-2028 18:05 radio operator’ voice sounded almost surreal pach posuetinhe et the message transmitted iced elements reached 20 Tey are nawin he vl wth omour, ae ie Fre guned loge They wileoeh he bidge ete ints. They ae height in your Sri From atop their sely monitoring the advance of fxr fs ess h thoir binoculars. This was early fit wih emo: ‘May 1944 on the Ielian front somewhere bebwoen Frosisone and Vell. Their mis the rece detachment briskly pulled out asthe erille- he Sos The of Px. Art. Rat. 93 of 26th Ponzer Division were athwrbeothove heady training their uns ot the valley. tell Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB Hh) Enrertermpaat Soria anata Sel iientamerarcns Renta Some. See een Seren ieee =oneemeree ogetae pets sata Saesraeseerate, pte apres Seams sama, ieee” orate dca rel HO of Pz. goth a denim shirt and an somes Sao, iierenalte Renee, cet he sion over the men of |S axnoret reand ae | ‘roar ahr ‘Semone accents ‘ome wi outs, ‘uh corner a ‘ounathe edge Tre Spore tn hore Etat ltrmoured one conpany) ‘30m Bane Ovi RECCE UNIT OFFICER, 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) ITALY, 1944 By Jean de Lagarde "mimosa one ith, The mop \ehegt up win wo butane emailer Pater} original panes Blak. the Nee some fread te “The wousers ae made of red green heringoone weave he Tested wine wie Zomarccing mn oniee 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SSH) “LANGEMARCK’ ae preted mata. ovaale ‘oun sau ut The camoctage orate ofs ty ea own iu Darna is wor wth ns ew Se ‘oi can be oweres Simeutage anaoied round ne Salou ar or By Jean de Lagarde volunteer with the SS ‘Nordwest’ Regiment at the ime when Germany turned ‘against Russia in 1941, this young veteran has served as an NCO with the SS ‘Flandern’ Legion (Flemish Legion) on the Eastern Front, In this study, he has just groduated ‘as a ’Standartenoberjunker (cadet officer) from the Academy of Télz before commissioning with the Flemish 6th ‘Langemarck’ Assault Brigade in February 1944, Resch one Soecincr Roi ieacaacres nace ere ote Ream, Serre 3 eari2a 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edion 2(RSRREBIESE SS Hh) CADET OFFICER enirelte hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 931129 14-09-2028 18:05 C j Seat By Jean de LAGARDE ARLY 1944: after a gruelling two- week retreat, the Ilird German Corps units led by thelr commander ‘Ober ruppenfuhrer’ (lieutenant-general) relic Skier reached the ary of Narain Estonia. Although severely pressed, the Germans turned this sector into a bulwark to stem the Soviet steomroller. The city and the defensive positions were soon heavily shelled by the Russians who launched humerous assaults at the stronghold. ‘Among the defenders were the tank crews ‘of $$-Panzer, Abt. 11 ‘Hermann von Salza’ (‘Nordland’ Panzer Division) who particu- lety ly dsinguithed themselves by repelling Russian thrust against the sou- thom cecr ofthe cy on Th February. In this action, the tank crews fought on as infontrymen after losing all their tanks. In early March, one of the battalion's Panther ‘companies confronted and defeated a lar- ge,number of 7-245 ine series of epic Thisi0 tp nas een use bya warn ofc oe Paar Homan at nt Sa sage e e sence es the fn rere e ‘mangowe: he enent ve nau ban oars ay by Stambanrtutne” fra) fern 4 hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREARARSE HES) “VON SALZA’ NCO, This Oberscartiner’ arate) Sted tera ome tarp has of isuered io pret me (I Teroana. Woven'n au greyinveed on ‘blac ackng te Water Ss Woe shor inns ae Pore pes ‘oy met sar mar eari29 14.09.2028 18:05 NARVA, 1944 Te ept up mth ro buck pies ‘Retr SB regulon ry ‘sppenrson eet age ‘rangement cutin sot suey, rom he rte up Te ‘thc ble ot boot hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSES HE) Toon iota mice grey-green fuera The garments kepup wth braces an jis 9/120 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jean de LAGARDE FIER being involved in a ruthless struggle against the Dalmatian partisans threughout spring 1944, the men of the ‘Brandenburg’ Division relinquished the surprise raids and anti-guerilla sweeps to take part in Operation ‘Rossel- sprung’. Refined by the 2nd Armoured Army head-quarters, the aim of this mission was to capture the city of Dvar in pgeeete where Marshall Tito had set up his command post. The men of the Ist Regiment were set at the spearhead of this ® action and, although they seized the city, the Germans failed to capture the guerilla leader, In the process they incurred severe losses as the partisan forces in the area numbered no fewer than six divisions. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSE HES) ‘BRANDENBURG’ naa they bore Theme made, ve grt it ‘an six buttons down te ont The mrpe Siced on seo ren at ae 96/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) | _ DIVISION OFFICER, 1944 ‘OPERATION “ROSSELSPRUNG htmi5.comizhtqsiqwolttp=11 97129 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jean de Lagarde OMMANDED by Brigadefiihrer (ligutenant-general) Carl Reichsrichter von Oberkamp, the ’Prinz Eugen’ involved in a massive sweep ‘against Marshall Tito’s 16th, 17th and 36th Proletarian Brigades from 26 April to 5 May 1945. the action took place in the Dinaric ision was Alps, to the north-east of Sarajevo. The soldier depicted in this study belongs to the 8th Company, N'13. Regiment. hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSES HES) 7TH SS DIVISION {een became 9/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) MOUNTAIN RIFLEMAN “Te man weirs a camoutoge ti cap His ln hitpsontine.tiphimis.con/zhtgsigwolitp=11 99/120 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE Hh) ASSAULT GUN 14-09-2028 18:05 eu chs re ear By Jean de Lagarde N 1935, the then Colonel von Manstein advocated that an assault gun be designed to rovide lose support to infantry assaults. A subcvson ol te arity as indeed byte serie col the Sturmgeschiteewore mosly engaged agaist ser armour ns ar nea re ee 8 eae gr Kewmornabeen area give Goan 1am ssa 100 s00/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) OFFICER, 1944 eather wth sowiea 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SEH) RADIO OPERATOR N 1944, on the Italian Front, the Allies stopped up their offensive ond rap ly skirted the German lines held e 14th Panzer Corps to the sou! ‘ond the 51st Mountain Corps farther north. The two ‘Funker’ (radio operators) depicted in this study are seen some ngcntheamnote seam BD securestone where Arce and Ceprano. They 2ofar voven is oh beth second belong to a small intelligence group _iesson’ingta ue messes transmitting data to the 51st Mountain fenarade's snc Corps from their hideout set up on a roc- ky outcrop. Soon, the German artillery will open fire on the Allies, smashing 2-12." inte ae bridges and pounding assembly areas unten siinegna before a possible counter-attack. ee nee ‘esas coring capecy os the oe ved by ean oh the ight The ample pater roe ited wie a brown = 102 s02/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) ITALY, 1944 “The cpertr caries te near teleprone ‘Shes Manure in 199) Expres oa {eid win tick crying shop sds {ater or prove coon te pe, the wansmite can uicy unl Earns hand eetcore eter By Jean de Lagarde and qrctomer nun ae oun ney Clade Peltret 2 Syne tara The wal ave na Dutons. The les watch haa snl tng for scans sat han The poset on te ih hes oe atc tang octets and coiehYemrcament ae made ef white 103 103/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SE Hh) RADIO OPERATOR ITALY, 1944 ‘The second operator woars 3 1843 Pace na sy re trait aeretaeceut s04n129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SEH) 105/120 14-09-2028 108 1808 N I December 1944, Helmut H. |was awarded the Gold Class [Close Combat Clasp, the highest decoration which could be bestowed on a German infantryman. It ‘was awarded for fighting for 30 days hand-to hand engagements where individual weapons and cold steel ‘often made the decision. Now aged 34, the second-lieutenant is commissio- ned with the HQ Company of the ‘Grofdeuschland’ Panzer Corps “Fisilier’ Regiment (infantry). Exceptio- nally, H, has been granted @ 21 days’ furlough and, after being promoted to a higher rank, is about to rejoin his llenberg. unit based in Prussia near later 18 The siver rey tender me iver grey rear te wages, hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSES HES) ‘GROBDEUTSCHLAND’ The Cle Combat ‘ep Gal ranametopange is ‘The ang cies ron Cows FBbon i siped rd src outanboe ‘sot The aD {Broo Seuechang oui aoe —a tananesd bya (downthe mice ‘pete eg ‘nt sor ban a od ribet eres sbauees ‘ors ue ee poled many 106/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SE HN) INFANTRY OFFICER, 1944 rary rn Een Pcs arin. he Gl hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 so7/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIESB Hh) MOUNTAIN ENGINEER ae ceyidderuss cine sms ceeae Semen Heenan ‘deray be mage o alumni oad The Bel grey tite woud Comoine ont Theped beckng th ee eee: ‘Sin acoueperteas : garments done up th ge ins ed grey et ‘ge Tne Pasha ecard oi By Jean de Lagarde and Pierre-Ange Caravano OSITIONED with his men in the JGustay Line sector in late Janva~ 1. spporsctino ry 1944, this Sth Mountain. 2nd Class Iron Cross, Engineer Division officer will pevereaie, hardly ever have the opportunity to necnetton ‘wear his service dress and so proudly to display the ‘Krefa’ cuff file he was warded for his part in the invasion of Crete. He was still a junior NCO when on 25 May 1941, he captured the city of Kastelli with the 95th ‘Mountain Engineer Battalion. ree pinned he rede totein UiSck enamel. Te. ner Acs Bao ie (orga tere as te i oeage Theteer Mout Cae eat seen heart et on ame estos sed or tae Hearabereetubverltanns arsine on kevin aye nies, The high boots ae made hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 108/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE EH) = ° : OFFICER, 1944 | somites nt bee era menage aaa oeeeraas Totes soos ‘See bien arom oval ‘ovng ond ba coma fimend ona tutonfagoneachhnp. person Paricipoted orhelpes Irie nto of oe ta whe coton tng ‘de wh a bora of yell ctton. {morlereein yellow coton rand On oer se fhe ‘aratons of eu xa Te unaticed te (ou) Ide ot loth adored win 1 scart uses, rea s00/120 14-09-2028 18:05 » CTOBER 1944. Elements of the 'GroBdeutschland’ Panzer Gre- nadier Division were positio- ned between Tryskaia and Plunge to the east of Memel in eastern Prussia. Heavily outnumbered, the Germans defenders eventually yiel- ded to the overwhelming pressure of Russian armour. However soon after, the groups Jogdpanzer’ 261 Hetzer cond the ‘Schitzenpanzerwagen’ (half- tracks) intervened and checked the Russian’s outflanking move. This study depicts « sergeant of the ion ee eae sabtei lung’ (recce company) as he is retrea- fing with Ris unt along the railway line towards Plunge. hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSE SHES) ‘GROBDEUTSCHLAND’ Cockade onthe ort of the 1943 Srewownonscowmonduct ‘cate Secured wits bine tia ona fence oe ‘Sypreri woven olsen hangs man oes: cee, Ye ‘eplaced igen nor29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edlion 2(RSRREBIESE Hh) RECCE COMPANY NCO By Jean de LAGARDE innate star own ne pgtataton ay 36, ne 2, Cave Tan ue ade as mec ‘Slt 3 tan raegaerison rence roma he ort inas Tha badge cules be tod fr 8 nine reqre ie oinn ha ova wan codes iciinieasiee | m1 amin29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB Hh) ‘he ait Sr grainy contact ERE they come!’ The soldiers of ‘Heersegruppe Kurland’ (Kurland Army Corps) trap ped between the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga braced th selves when their front pos Seceeences tions erupted into flames. The charmer Theat Soviets rushed the German ions and soon, after fierce fing, eight of their divisions had broken through. Deployed to the south of bau, the 126th Infantry Divi- sion was in the thick of the jing but soon managed to pleas gop and scoolshed a strong defensive line to check the Soviet onslaught. Mime wrocermenee Gowan arr sce anda fees oe Semi whe ae cite. On 12 March {ots the OKW (Gormon gh Command ereree ‘hate eu tte be eaueao te doencers ef Sovaged regio of usus:Thaco he wan Prasad ioeey ats Raga weaning ” “yoy wouter ae token Mild enrcnd to wld wha "Cae ctboat a nen parti tee gagemeni sustained Sean wnte cpio ne ctr elers tetany ‘is who nena or ree ‘mont wan Newest uae wore sta cgi tom modi in leh tase Te me te nie pps song he hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 nranae 14-09-2028 18:05 I COURLAND, 1944-45 By Jean de Lagarde fastened win wo gy common repro th ach t i Thx ase a tay poring ot He F Seay catchy {0 sung inne gurters Se ut dation an i Ager sla samen Birra totesnppeston Shien tour one 1 ‘Shy ven wos hones ov Sian iey Selon nein, Soin” | | ' i i | | "aeeng te mage ome renee oat chine secktahen | prone bucks Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESBSE HN) {Tatgahed over, wae aware or 6 Saye ioe combat ‘ne 0 Gaas ron Cows ance ntarry Aesout Base oe Dna ont hee pocket ‘The sraght wounere ae cut nt rey cot showing 2 Smetana ie "ot pocket na ner no baton 13129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE EH) DEFENCE OF THE REICH i suet soca on bom cee. aa, eee IMcromon ia tain pace nivel ack Lumet Sgr iad a ‘he mode nae nea ha ‘eurnoraortal snes sear, seen n meer b Ecce mceere Totes eee By Jean de Lagarde Acampus adit and Jean-Michel Denis te mcureto the brn Ti: bring Hitler's Third Reich to its knees, prongs tal buck td fartories le rubble through ©. was stseane merciless round-the-clock pounding. sate a, Braving overwhelming odds, the pilots ofthe Richthofon Fighter Squadron doggedly fought on unt the very end to seve helt i er country from total destruction. Wtrenteesate aon meray Sires “tend pone thetes ela Sic IeSéané pug cnnactg {Verte poet hling he low Seater ne antenna Sing win pressure sud Fa. hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 mara 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE Hh) FIGHTER PILOT, 1944 htmi5.comizhiqsiqwolttp=11 1151129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE SSH) hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 nter29 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE eH) 945 THE LAST STRONGHOLD sta 14-09-2028 18:05 By Jean de Lagarde and Pierre-Ange Caravano NVISIBLE and deadly, the sniper stalks his prey like prowl. Undeterred by extreme weather conditions, he shares his loneliness with his weapon as he scans the enemy lines for an unwary target. The sharpshooter depicted in his study displays the late style requ lation camouflage suit and # semi-automatic G-43 rifle as issued to German snipers in the closing stages of the war. hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RUREERARSES HES) HEER SNIPER, © When wearing th eamoutage gx "he sec py ha enya lion on the siep'ssien he ous rectal enc B ‘Seepecten tat soir =a nana 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESBSS Hh) Escuenusmen Tearing neuer Are ‘ioe "ico at roe ntort29 14-09-2028 18:05 = Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Edition 2(RUREERARSES HES) “TOTENKOPF’ ACRES ‘ie mas 199 Pate elds’ aeeniene Serhan sas wroren ney ead on a By Jean de La arde and Michel Gilbert HE weather was bitterly cold ‘when the 3rd ‘Totenkopf’ $S Panzer Division led by Briger defihrer (brigadier) Helmut Becker tried to relieve Budapest. Las- ting from 1 to 13 January 1945, the operation only forestalled the inevi- ne, one k the Js machine-gunner took pert inthe action elongside his comrades of the al crmoured recte group. toy. re hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 120/120 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESB SE Hh) . BUDAPEST, 1945 ‘ewer has The eimet cove is made of wo ype of "atthe panel stretching rem est ne ES sores pha St peta Pahoa ht | Sere j mses Phen 3 cart comenn ae spe beech, £ Ammunion ah tending tL esracir desasonby to J Gane exvactor unrmoges "ase en beech nrc ag hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 sa1nea 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIESE HN) BELGIAN VOLUNTEER, Carouge scheme shay eae ‘shire Te 1864 Pator aout buttoned nar ne althe sour be st eigen olurteervenrs sins ight sieve te eos tee Th dl soe tay Sanaa ae ‘ined the cst PLOYED on the Pomeranian front in February 1945, the /Wallonie’ 28th $5 Division had dwindled to a noes man he ‘Kampferuppe’ (combat group) in final months of the Russian campaign. Made up of Belgian volunteers, the unit was positioned to the south of Stargard in a lost attempt to stem the Soviet offensive which was sweeping from the Vistula to the Oder. Through the rain and cold, the ‘Bourguignons’ fought their last battle aand held their ground to the last mar ‘The lack ater i ae ‘wi regs Water Se buon pin nla grey. ne tee mato ofaurey gress enue tn ark row re “natioce ether ge. Te ‘outer se of re esherNaress ‘black A egpanaped orev range rom erg ape 122 seariea 14-09-2028 18:05 POMERANIA, 1945 etand tb oye on cea — sae ag Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRRERIESE SEH) By Jean de Lagarde and Lucien Noél ined wits ey mara The rmounton sop one ‘Shoat Teens ofed oP teri scans to ert Te wap secures Sockets hove no ps ‘Tne soves reine wi grey sten Aa resemane ee 123/129 14-09-2028 18:05 Histoire & Collections - German Soldiers of World War Two Editon 2(RSRREBIEB HN) ‘NEDERLAND’ GUNNER, ‘ait pte a sorned the SS runes, andthe hte ‘nts cbr, heWaten SS oticor' regulon Duce, Soars ou (Srna Gof Co ‘Remade ee rely engroved S early as July 1941, Dutch volunteers pretate flocked fo join the ranks | psse of the Waffen SSand ——rovddSnan fought alongside them on the = “"""* Eastern Front. On 22 October 1943, the original ‘Nederland Freiwilligen Legion’ (‘Nederland’ Volunteer Legion! ‘was expan- ded into the lerland’ 4th SS Panzer Grenadier Brigade pins See set before becoming the eect ene ‘Nederland’ 23rd Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division on 10 February 1945. [Abthe pocket ote Dutch volunteers undoubtedly ranked among the most pugnacos sole's and were here requerhy deployed nthe mast exposed sectors ofthe font Many tthem were awarded the Thid Reich most pest fous decorations. This atilay‘Unteraturminvor is uta" Bepetod whe commissioned wth Sré Panzer Armyin Sra NGOs Pomerania. | Manutactured by Bao of Mopper the cul te and piamgrvene ey ees Pang wan and hitpssontine.Aiphimis.convzhtgsigwolitp=11 s2aniea

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