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Marco Carreon

Name _____________________________________________________________________ Period _____

Body Systems Station Activity

1. Using the image, what are the three layers of the skin? epidermis dermis hypodermis

my answer
2. What are the three types of muscles? skeletal cardiac and smooth

3. What does the word muscle mean in Latin?*** visceral

4. Where is the appendix attached?***

the first part of the large intestine

5. What medication can cause respiratory arrest if abused? cocaine

6. What organ(s) in the human body contracts involuntarily? muscles of the heart

7. What are the two types of digestion? mechanical digestion and chemical digestion

8. What is the muscle that lies under the lungs? diaphragm

9. What are two problems that can occur with your circulatory system from drinking too much alcohol?
y arrest
and heart
10. What does a fever do for the body? turns on the bodys ammune system

11. Why is sleep connected to your immune system?*** it releases proteins

12. How does alcohol affect the endocrine system? it can disrupt the communication between your immune system
13. What is the job of the excretory system?
to remove wastes from the body

14. What is the shape of the pineal gland?*** pine cone

15. What does marijuana do to the adolescent (teenage) brain before it’s fully developed? functions

16. If a female wanted to, how many babies can she have in her lifetime? 15 pregnancies

17. What drugs can lead to testicular shrinkage and low sperm count? steroids

18. What does the endocrine system do for the body? regulates body functions

19. What is an electrolyte?*** it produces an electric conducting solution

20. What is the name of the process that maintains the proper amount of electrolytes? osmoregulation

21. What is it called when you can feel your own heart beating?*** palpitaions

22. How many chambers does the heart have? 4

23. What does long-term alcohol abuse lead to in the liver? it causes destruction of liver cells

24. Where does most of the food absorption occur in the body? the small intestine

25. How much does the average human body skin weigh?***
about 6 to 9

26. What drug is associated with killing skin cells? cocaine

27. What is the smallest bone in the human body? the stapes
28. What is the scientific name of the jawbone?*** mandible

29. When your stomach growls, what is the name of that sound?*** borborygmus

30. Who has the longer small intestine: male or female? female

31. What vitamin is important to the immune system and where can you get it?*** vitiman d you can get it from
the sun

32. What are vaccines designed to do for the body? they stimulate your immune system

33. What diseases can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease? STDS can

34. How many eggs make it to puberty? 300.000 to 400.000

35. How does meth affect human teeth?*** it rots them

36. How many bones does a child have at birth? 300

37. Why is your left lung smaller than your right lung? to leave room for the heart

38. Where is the blood made that circulates throughout the body? the heart

39. Overuse of opioids can lead to which excretory organ to shut down? the muscles

40. What is the name of the cell that sends the signals throughout the body?

41. By the 8th week, what organs are developed in the embryo?*** the lungs begin to form

42. What is the name of the cells that help hold the neurons in place?*** neurogiol
43. What is the purpose of a muscle? contractibility

44. How many muscles does it take to smile? Frown? 12 to smile 11 to frown

45. What happens during an asthma attack? the airways become swollen and inflamed

46. Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system. What goes wrong when a person has diabetes?***
cardoivascular problems begin to
47. What are the two parts of the nervous system? the brain and the nerves

48. As of this year (2020), how many teens have been hospitalized due to vaping? Died? 60

49. How is scar tissue different than normal skin tissue?

scar tissue is oriented in one direction

50. How many sweat glands are in one square inch of skin?***

51. What medications can lead to bone loss over time? phenytoin and phenobarbital

52. How do hormones travel through the body? blood stream

53. How does vaping affect the immune response? it causes the immune system to shut down

54. What is the result of a heart attack?*** it damages heart tissue

55. List two systems and explain how they could work together. the brain and the muscles we use our brain to control
all of our movements and the muscles are what move

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