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Role-Play 3


 Student A: It´s funny how I used to hate education when I was a kid, but now that I
have matured, I realize how important it truly is. Sometimes people study just to get
money and there´s nothing wrong with that; being able to satisfy our basic human
needs is not something bad, but I think its importance goes beyond just a monetary
value. In my opinion, education is about that process of learning something new and
being able to apply what we learn to our daily lives. What about you, do you think it
is important?
 Student B: I certainly agree that the importance of education doesn´t rely on just the
money we can get. I think it is more about the experience that we live when we learn
something. It stimulates our brains and people tend to forget that we have to exercise
our brain too. Education is key to have a greater quality of life.
 Student A: Yeah, I agree with you! It certainly is important in many aspects of our
lives. Just imagine what it would be like if we didn´t have access to education. I think
it would be different if I didn´t receive the education that I did. I wouldn´t have the
same opinion on things as I do now. Having knowledge about certain things helps you
in making more informed decisions instead of just deciding on pure feelings. It helps
us see facts and be more objective when we compare our objects instead of just
following what we feel might be right. Maybe I just have a more analytical approach
to things. What about you, do you think a person can be affected by not receiving any
 Student B: In my opinion, I think it depends on the person and their upbringing.
Some people don’t receive a formal education, but they succeed in life in spite of it. I
don´t think education measures your success; this is determined by the type of life you
live. Sure, it is important to go through that process since that experience stimulates
the brain and can help you get a better opportunities and better jobs in general. Still, a
person should have access to education because it is a basic human right. Sometimes
we have this perception that if someone doesn´t get a diploma, then they are not
educated and that they are not smart enough to overcome adversities. They have a
different type of intelligence.
 Student A: That´s a good point! Everyone is different, we have different strengths
and talents and educations doesn´t always capture the full spectrum of our abilities.
 Student B: I certainly, agree education can be a valuable tool, but it shouldn´t be the
only way to measure someone´s worth or potential in life.
 Student A: True! Everyone should embrace their individuality and have their own
journey. Speaking of educational journeys, I plan on applying for an internship where
I think it is important because I can put what I´ve learned to practice and gain more
experience before I formally enter a more formal working environment. What about
you, what are your plans?
 Student B: What a great plan! To be completely honest, I haven´t set a plan yet, but I
want to study something artistic and I´m looking into an art school around the area. If
I don´t find something local, then I´ll continue looking for options until I find
something that I like. It is important for me to pursue this path because it is something
I´m passionate about and I rather dedicate my life to something I live, then to have
monetary stability.
 Student A: It´s okay, you´ll figure it out eventually. I hope that everything turns out
the way we plan It and we can enjoy our process while learning and experiencing new
 Student B: For sure! Well, good luck to you as well. It was nice chatting with you.
 Student A: Absolutely, it was a pleasure! See you next time.
 Student B: Bye, see later!

Role-Play 3
 Student A: Hey, long time no see! It´s great to see you again.
 Student B: Hi, it´s been ages! How are you?
 Student A: I´ve been great. I just came back to La Ceiba, I have been living in
Canada for a year and it´s nice to be back for some vacations.
 Student B: Yeah, I saw your posts on Facebook. It must have been exciting; how
have you been enjoying living abroad?
 Student A: Oh, for sure I´ve been enjoying it! I´ve been exploring new places and it’s
a perfect opportunity to practice my English.
 Student B: That´s great! I´ve seen you´ve improved so much in a year.
 Student A: Thank you for noticing it! Practicing with locals sure helps a lot. Enough
about me, what about you? Have you been studying or working?
 Student B: What a great way to practice your English skills! I´ve been great, it´s just
stressful to manage a job while studying too. It’s a bit challenging but its worth it.
What about you, are you studying or working abroad?
 Student A: Yes, I have been working part-time as a waitress and studying to be a
chef. It´s been hard, but I know it will pay off in the end.
 Student B: Yeah, I totally get it. It can be hard at times, but good luck in what you´re
doing. I have to get to work, but it was nice seeing you!
 Student A: Yeah, it was a pleasant surprise to see you again after a year. We should
hang out before I leave in three weeks.
 Student B: Of course! I´ll message you on Instagram. See you later!
 Student A: Bye, see you later and good luck at work!
 Student B: Bye, thanks!

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