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Contingency Theory, Systems Theory, Chaos Theory,

Human Relations Theory, and X&Y Theory)

1) Who discovered the theory

2) Define the theory
3) What is the objective of the theory? (What is it trying to accomplish)
4) 2 Examples of each theory
5) 1 picture associated with each theory

Contingency Theory

Who discovered the Contingency Theory? psychologist Fred Edward

What is the contingency theory? The contingency theory of leadership
says that effective leadership is contingent upon the situation at
hand. So basically, it depends on if an individual's leadership style
befits the situation.
what is the objective of the contingency theory? The theory try’s to
provide a balance between the importance of an individual's
preference and situational factors.
Examples: Coca-Cola corporation uses the Contingency Management
theory to handle the demand and needs of the products based on the
Steve Jobs and his leadership in Apple Exemplifies the Contingency

systems theory
who discovers systems theory? biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy
what is the systems theory? The key concept of systems theory,
regardless of which discipline it's being applied to, is that the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts.
what is the objective of the system theory?analyzing how society adapts
to its environment through adjustments in its structure
Examples: If you were to lay out all of the ingredients of a cake, you
would not have a cake. Instead, you would have the ingredients of

Chaos Theory

Who discovered the chaos theory? Edward Lorenz

What is the chaos theory? the study of apparently random or
unpredictable behavior in systems governed by deterministic laws
What is the objective of the chaos theory? to better understand and predict
their behavior
Examples: Weather patterns, how small changes to a system can result in
unpredictable behavior

Human relations theory

Who discovered the human relations theory? Elton Mayo

What is the Human relations theory? a school of organizational thought

which focuses on worker satisfaction, informal workplace
organizations, and a means of influencing employee productivity
What is the objective of the human relations theory? The human relations
theory is the ideology that emphasizes the need to prioritize satisfaction
among workers.
Examples: fostering pleasant workplace relationships, providing support
for employees facing challenges and celebrating employees' successes.

X&Y theory.
Who discovered the x&y theory? psychologist Douglas McGregor
What is the x&y theory? Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human
work motivation and management
What is the objective of the x&y theory? explains the importance of
heightened supervision, external rewards, and penalties
Examples: the former assumes that employees do not like their work. If an
employee is not motivated, the manager will provide the employee with

more responsibility and authority

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