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198. (quugn’s BENCH mIvision. PHARMACRUTIOAL, SOGDBTY OF GREAT BRITAIN ». ‘TOOTS CASH CHEMISTS (SOUTHERN) LD. (oss Pe 8] oie of serie eyen—Setion of erties by cutee “rom shdver—Poyeant at tah dak fe grass of safe pa Souk sty Parma end Pens fe, 8 2B Omirat=fer and pas et Sal of psd Svcs of oe tho Panna Ln tn eat by 0 de Se prion eg phoma “tht de serie com ld not ams toa ort (Ge deena ll uk men oan nnn fo to eae (eter tty that such an aer wes sapien shir nikal eto exsae €3 ame] 0, ms; (90) 2 ‘WLM 240; [1958] 2 AIL E.R. 466 afirmed, ° Arran, from Lard Godaued CJ. ‘Special eae sated bythe paris under 8.0, Ord. 84 1. ‘he defendant eared ona busines comping the etl oof drug ak premises st Hagware, wich wee etre fn the ‘egher of premin hope puranat to sealion 12 of the Phemnsy ‘nd Plas Aol 1089, and Srom which thay eagle sd deugt Uy stail "The premisoscompried a single fon, eo adapted thet on g 2 s waa cquens! seven orvisiox, (1958) untarar might sore thomssves, so tho businges thre wat Aecrbed by © printed notice ot tho entrateo as" Boo's Bel “Servi” On sat each stomer pared « baer where & srr back: was abated. Beyond the barra th prinlpal past tthe rot, Whisk soalaiead eccommedalion fr 60 cueamrs, eolaiod ialver around the wall and on a ialand Gator i the cents, oo which arises were eplyed. One pat of the ‘oom was deed by a piled alee at Ube "Toot Dep.” {aed eothor part ae She "Chemist? Dep.” On the shelves in ‘he chemin” department drug, Isl propery medion, wre srronlly delayed in fndividal paskager of ootsnare ‘ith » sospltoousfodieatin ofthe roti ee ofeach. ‘The rage snd propitery medion coved a wida tage, snd be ‘eatcn of the selves in Ue chemin’ depen woe dovotal ‘iluslly 16 droge which were included in or which eanuinet funn inode in, Pest Tot the Poise List refered to la Seolon 17 (2) of the Pharmacy end Peoons Ast, 10937 no euch ‘rugs were daplayed co sty shelves oulde ihe wollon, 10 ‘hich shutter was Bed wo fat ab exy Uo all ho wtihe ia ‘thot eotion eould be sesuel inclead end exes from dspay. {oot of the drapy in that ssetin camp within ob Tt the Pokose Hale, 1540 (8.1900, No. 599, “The staf employed by the dolondnts at tho premise com- pied e manager, w regard phir, thee eosants and tro sation, and zing the tne wea the pramises wece pe forte ul of rage the masager, the rpiserod pharmacy, s0d ‘te of mare of te situate were potet in the room. Each ‘stoner nated fromthe shulver the ale wich be wished {buy and placed it in tha wee baskot; fx crder to leer the remiss the customer ld Yo pss by one of two xl, af ch ff which wae s cosh desk whore « cater won stained whe tecunsed the elie slated by tho cutomer, wwsestod the ha drug the pharntie supervised lat pat of io anaution ‘Whi tok place t the cash dea nd wes cutorzed by the Anandaste to prevent at thab wag of the tanec, 1 be perce, ofthe pharmacit's authorization. ‘On Api 18, 1051, ote dafendante’ promis, two oxtomers, {allowing the peels ound above, epestiely purcned 5 ‘olla eotanig » meticne ows a compousd grup of hypo hosptte, containing 0.01%, W/V strychnine, and » boll om Toinlog mediate lnova os fame eeup, coating 0.23% W/V ‘olan, both af which aubeseoce ae pisos inlaed in Part I Of the Poliane Lit, but omlag to the smal parcentges of stryebnin sod codes rexpelively, Bypophcophier ead fel ‘syrup do nc coe within Seb. Tt tho Paoan Rule, 1040 "Tho quarin fr th opinion of tho cout was whether the ‘ne fostancod on April 18, 185, wore elected by ce uadse tho ‘rupervicion of & ropltared pharma, in assonanes with tho [orisins of setion 18 (1) (0) (i) of to Pharmacy aod Paeens ‘es, 1085." ‘Tha Lard Ghist Justice snerored the quastion io the temative ‘The Pharmaceutin Sosety appesed. HE V, MoydtonesQ.0. and. Dever forthe Phrmecetica Sovliy.” Tho tel qustion af oo ln his appeal i whethne ‘der the stores yan of ding devised by he dsendania ‘ho tlo in tat thes pace tthe fab whe the euromer removes fom the hates the ste Gate wishes to buy, aad ‘leit fe tho basket, ce wbether it taban pen atthe ea day ‘whece the mone isp and the phanautal ls stllned. We outead thab the soleervico sytem invite the cuore 10 Durohase, the pie ofeach ers bing fll diplyed, and that ‘he tang of an atte by tho customer i ta atcoptatee ofthe eaters ofc to wal. ren if it be the Jaw tat 4 sunenar ‘canot demand goods marly beawss they ae played in» shop ‘window, th pals i feast where goods are Eaplayed inside 1 salfcuvie shop. I i subultad chat she eontt fn made Sof the property passe ot the moment wen the etnomer taker ‘int cowrat Fot et, SEMIS be ci seed bce at he eure t's hie ol pam ane vip ‘qunis's exon piwisior. (1988) 2p itil om the abel and puta it nthe rceplanle. [Chatire nd Filet’ Law of Cantus, de, . 28, and Timothy v ‘imguon rlered to] In Wen ¥. itadivn® bute was shared with of]encs agunst tb Rationing Order, 100, and the ‘Most (Sexieom Reta Piet) Oréer, 180, by ofeiag met for alot nogitared eustowars at flo exontng th maximo, sud ia excom of tho rationing quantity. He was angled, though be had pt aside the test, with the price sized, bette tho customers hd given no spose odes for the meat sd ba bed ot Intanded to deliver told flowing dy T= {he words of Loed Caldesots OJ, "the fata wet no e0Sb Te Jusy or pena a Satin that thas bod bon an ofr” ‘Rooker J, aprsing, aid: "For mpal, Ishi tat the polon ight be difleeat tthe ora of ont Yetmean tb butcher “Gnd th eotomer nthe ane had been Alen, that 00, Ewha ovidnan ad boon Wat th cutom was for dhe bulcbe "to put «in hia sbop ceriin quotes of meat alcated to nals eusiomer a entan pes and if th paso ad bees or She esters to eal oa « porculas day aod tako ovay "tho ane" Te te present eee, by tha deibertly vind ‘ndcgeevie sytem the deleodsate ae making ao sl, nd the oostomer, ben by talker en arta te sl end pte i nthe reonpece is aonpiog tho oft. By enti 1 2) of tho Sil of Goods Ac, 1505, th property in goods panes when Is {stead fo po, un hove there slang intention tat th tale shal Ue place af the spot where the customer tales he ‘tle froma toe abst ‘Thefntotion ot the lglaire Under fh st of 1088 wee to istrpose sho porn of guidance ot ‘oto on the part ofthe pharmacie whan » euler i acing ‘oon, and eventhough atthe tine of peymant tho phornset {s pesen, tho mls In queton, I subrid, were nt lest In soordance with te pois of setinn 18. [Rotors v. Litiaooi's Mil Order Starx als refered.) Baker Q.0. and 0, D. Boeington forthe deendanie vere ol called of 0 eas Soummeni EJ. ‘hic ia en appl fom a decision of the ‘Lord Chit Justin oa an agreed datemeat of fats rag guerion under secton 18 (1) (e) (li) of the Pharmacy sod ao 69, 2 «om 2 2, an BGR Eo: a a 198, qunan's nEKoa pivision. 05 isons Ast, 1680, The plsintige are the Pharsevutlel Soci, ineorpsenied by Royal carter One of tele dulloe is to tak al romonale stops to eforea the proves af ths Bt. ‘The provision im quuron ie cstaled In eobon 8, (Bla Ld thip rou the min and wited he fc, abd eoanaed:] Tb isnot dinpied that in chemin shop whore thie altaorvon ‘autem dee nok Prova a coneter tay goin and stk e young ‘wean atest, who wil aot horel oe repetered phar, Tor oue of hove shoo tbe lt, etd the transaction may be Heme coopstod abd the ale poll fr, although tho regotared 2 ‘Pharmac, who wil to doubt be cn the prema, wll not MOWMEL TEcow anything himself ef the tanucio, vals tho asstnt serving the sartomst, orth coromer,roqies fo pat « quan to him. Ir right that T shoolé emphoi, a8 dd the Lard CChict uation, tbat thoes ase sot Gaageour drug Thay are Timagne tat many of thors we the typeof rug wich has ‘wering sto what dom ar to bo taken. They are droge which ‘an be oblaned, ander the law, withot a dota’ prcption "he pont taken by the palate thins iy vald tat the porciase Is comple and when a cuslomer goibg rowed the halves taker an esiclo and pute it Inthe rceplane which be ‘rae ie cning, and that Wherefore, i shat i ht, whan the ‘customer comes tothe pay ded, baving compte the tour of {he promise, the cepted phi, If op minded, baw no Dower to soy "Ths drug ough nt tobe eld to this customer. ‘Whaler wd in whet eltoumetanen he would have that power ves asd not Sng, but oor ean, of cour, a00 that tars ft idence if experi oan cay be exerod st time when Tagan wits the Lord Ohit Jonne in everything that he ‘ad, on T will pot the matter tboniy ia ay om. wos ‘Whither thy iow cotanded for by fhe pais igh vw depends on whist are the age implications of thie Iayoutthe {nia to the euatomer. Irs contect to be rated ee bing compat whe the acl ep nt he rept, eis ito be ragnded ase more ongalaed way of doleg wh i dooe seedy 4m many types of shope—aod 1 boolueller fm petbape tke best sample—snmdy,enciing eastomars to have tres accrs to what ‘nin the thop, #9 look atthe Siferent sis, and than, we ‘ally, having gt the one whieh they wit to buy, to eome upto the amitant saying "Tank his"? Tho satan in O00 ties ot of 1000 expe "Tht eal igh,” sod the money passe td 1p. se 7 qvnrx's nxon oivision, [1953] he tranuation Ss camped, I anes with what th Lord Ohiet ‘Tontca has si, so with he reaora wish be han gen fr Bin eeloion, ht ith cvs of an onnary sop, slhnagh god ‘ee displayed and I i atended hat contomern should good hooes wis they wan, the concen o!somplted wal, tn fanorortavingfocaas fhe sstiea which be aueds, tbe op Tope, or somiesna his bball, acnopts hat flr.” Then She tonlent is completed, Icon ae no reason sal, that beng ‘leary the normal poston, for drawing nay diferent implication fe rut of thi apo. "Tue Lord Chit Sac, T tink, expred one of tho most formiable Gfclin inthe way of tho pail” oatnlon whom ho pointad out thal, i the plans aro ight, onco an ne hat been plied inthe rcelace the eulomer Binell 4 found and would have no eight without paying forthe fist ‘tile to mobette marie hah ho ae intr of ilar implying Hom the elbscveon rangement ony” iaplcetion ‘tte thin that whic the Lord Chie! Tule found fi macy, ‘hat ta eonvenent method of eoalingeulorere fo sea wht ‘here i a28 home, end posily put back and ulate, ales ‘whic thy wen to ave, and Ten to go opto the carbiaraod ‘ter to boy what hey have 10 for choeen.” On thet costo ‘ho ono tl eon i i admited that thare wae super: ‘nthe emee toque by tho Aot end athe appropriate moment of ime. or ieee rene, my oplnan, the appeal sould te demined Buumte LJ. I 40 of she sane opaon. The tate are lows stata inthe ered statment of fasts, and the argument fon ham as heen vry sonly stated by Mx Llyd-Joven {Bick thet ceareet ofa wan the judgment of tbe Lowd Chiat Sonic, with wilh Tops. 1a vow of an obtervatin whieh ‘ade during tbe agument, I auld the todd thet under Seaton 25 af the Dharmecy and Potone Ae, 1088, & Se tho ‘uty ofthe Pharmasosial Soxety of Orat Beil by mens of lsspaton and other, "lo ake all racoatie stape to ""eqloen the provisos of Part ofthe Aat”™—thrt ally eal ish the atte of the ripatared pharmacist" end secure ‘eompliance by roped pharmacists and asthoied aller of pois wih tha provisions of Dart I of this Aet’” Thin ‘edlon ‘bot bean brought by the ‘Phurnscootcel Selly in ‘ormaance of tat Gaty whic i Tid ‘upon them by state, end 1QB. quem’s exer pivision. fn thin parioslar shop at Rigwore the ple? My Lord has lune the aytem which had bean istoduoed into thet shop fe Arch of 1951. The two women customers in theese exh took # paroul package conning poton from she paroulat sl, pot into her beet, me the eta Shae paid. Te 4 maid, on the ono bond, shat whes the,casomar thee tbe er caer lage fom the peta seaion tnd pte i into Ber basket the fale thee eed then tates phon, On the olber and, ie eld ‘ho eal dos not take ple en that easter, who hse laned (at package in the bales, come ots ex ‘The Loed. Chet Fontion deat with tbe matter fa this ‘end T would Iie to alops his words: "Tt woes tome, ther tre, that the tana ie im no may diferent tum the onl trate in shop ia mis thee no albearice ‘gabe, Tam gute sled it would be wrong to ay that she Shopper Is making an ofl t mil every arola inthe shop “to any param who might come in and that that percn c Foss og buying any axis by saying "I assept your ofr,” ‘Than he went oa to deat with the ivtratan of the holabop, sod conknord; "Therefore, In my epnin, tha mar fk that ‘a eotomee plcks up a bolle of medsion from the shaves fa {ais cane dee nt wnounh to an asuptsnon of wn oor 6 el “sit i an ofr by the ctmtomer t9 boy ard thre ir 20 ele “afi unl th buyer's ofr to bay i ssepted bythe sono. nwo of Bio poe. ‘The alla, the anceplanc of th pricy ead erfore tas sla taka place oder the supervision of tho Pharmacia. ‘Thabo efile to soy Wp request of “She acsien, fr by tng the words "the ele cle by, ot “andar the supervision of, regred phaacit" tbe hed ‘envisages thet tho sale may be outed by someone nok a “phnroweis, TA, oo, that the slo Je eced under bi fopevsion if ho i fas polon t any “You anna ao have 1 Fthet hat comtaae plea,’ eo Unt Ia any cam, oven HT “wera wrong in the vnw fai I hive taken onthe sain ae “1b whoo tho sle won completed, and 1 way completed when “dhe carom tock toe tile fom the eel, 6 wold stl be “ afeted under tee ropervnon of the pharma within the “"oweing of seton 16.” Tgree wih that, aod T agee that this apes! ought to be iin’, * ea qm 16 a ry cqumay’s maxon vivisoy. [1953] © A Rowen LJ. Tals agree. Tho Lord Chiat Justi obterved rist_ thet om the fotag of he plait eodety'seontnton, if = parce poked up an all, ence bavlag pike Ib vp, ho would Sever bo able to pot it ack and say that be bad changed bis ‘ind, The shopleoper ‘would say: ""Ho, the property. ‘"yeted and you wil have to py.” TE that were tho position {this 0d snl spe, sod thet poston war Ezowa to the feseat polis, T should aglaw thet the popularity of theme ‘hope would wane «good dae In fc Tam elle that tht bao th pant, ud Hat the arlan eventhough thay a> lced nd put fe 'hops Ile tl do not repost an oft by fhe sbopisopr whish can bo scopied merely by the picking op of he aria In question. T gle agree wid the reaaon ot ‘wish the Lord Colet Jaton rrvad at Ut concn and ‘which Bika 1. hus jt refered to, and to thvesbuervaions Tan a nething ony cw T ages that the appeal a Appel domieed. Leave to appeal to Howse of Lorde refused. Bolton: A. C. Cote: Mevons. iN] \ a ff Awa, a omnAGHAW «, DUNBAR ae CPt oP 81 FE ty ute tnt odes sane Elms bothering Bt fia Cty aut ety 104 (4 6 2 Gon 6 83 8 3 ‘oaaly Gon DO Sv

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