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ac. ‘wp RIYy couNert, {wovss oe von] ‘TSAKTROGLOU & 00, LED. NOBIBE THORL G.u2.H Sale of onde—05f-—Reate—“Veat ond Armmzavrs; Hy" + Ragremmarrs, he \ Ss Pret: Vnicooe Stamos, Lon Ban, Lone oto snd Las Gon io, Lane Rasen, Lon FnQuuTy CELA Arrus, fom the Court of Appel (Seller, Ormerod Barman 1.50) * ‘Tie wae as appeal fom an oder of Uo Court of Appeal dated March 38) 1060, fn favour of the respondents, Note Tho GmbH, aiming the order of Diplo J, dad Deouber 0, 1068, whereby 1 wae adjudged that an eward in « eos ease ‘ated by tho bone ef appeat of the Tcerporaed Oil Seed Ass- ‘lation dated Ape 21, 1000, wae corest~ By thas wward the nan of spool poll an avurd ofan orpie data Febery 20, 3002, suring the ropondante 25/25 agnnet the appellants, ‘oakvogion & Co. Lid, ae damages fr breech of cost. "The apeal eras at of « dipole bobwcan the eppalisata ae ‘alles snd the repondenta ou buyers under a waton contest Gated otter 4, 1006, lcecporating the tame of contest fom No. 88 of the inooported Ol Send Asclainn, whereby the ppaate aed to nl to tho reepondeots 800 tone of Sndanere (rocadaus £00 per 1.000 Ele footing bags off. Hamburg. ipment during November/Decenber, 1056. No goods wore ‘hipod by the appellants io falliment af tie costest, td In ‘nah of entre The prinspal quaton essed by thi ppsat ‘worwbather he appllant wera rlyed of toe cligationf hip {ach geode during November/Decombet, 1050, by reuon oft AG. AND PRIVY couNeLL, ‘et thatthe Soez Gansl war Mosked on Novanber 9, 3666, ed remained loge fo shipping watt April 9, 187. Bacau of ths mm elosre ofthe Suse Cali was imposible on aad ab all aerial —™2_ times ater November 3, 1086, to sip woh gos t Hattbarg co ound» vem! pogtediag vn the Soar Canal.” The ayplints ‘oatanded,futr alin tht by vss ofthis event he Soteah ecume imponitla of pavtrmanc, er aleeativly, that the Innppening of th ovet desoyed basis bu tacit seumption of ‘the cootast (namely, atthe Suee Catal would at all mail ‘ses rain ope fo shipping), which thereby boas dcbged ‘hough tho opin of th doting of fname wpe {to hom the depute was eriginally vaace, she bted of emreal Diplok J. and the Court of Appea, all rial this contention ‘od ld th appllani ale tothe cespondent, ‘By a oonbuct ib wckng dated Hanbury, October 4, 1058, tween Teakloglou & Co. 14d. ot Bharous ty slr, od the ‘eapondante, Nooo Tod Gay.H ef Hasabucy/Soburg ‘yer, through agents, se sles agreed fo all and the Dupe to buy about 00 ons of Sudansee groundoute inthe ell bss 8 per cant, almiatre new erop 1050/57 at 50 par 1,00 he inching bags i. Hambag. Shipment November /Deserber, 1856, wid paymeat cu nginst douiente en ist presentation {or 65 por ott ofthe enous of provisional ovate, lave tobe ‘aid tee tho satya on Galion. ‘The conta ore wa 0 be the Incrprai OI Seed Aaswition Concat No, 38 (ere. Inuter called "1.0.8.A. Contac No, 98°) with atten a ‘Loolon, od thai contact was signed by che Homburg agente, lato 1 of £.0.8.4. Contact No. $8 provided for " Shipment frum a West Atean port. by steamer or sume (tankers tecluded) dies or indioel wih or without transhipsent" Tb ‘was found a sfc nth eon stated tat bath parte coancted x the Dae hat the gods would be sipred from Port Sade, ‘Gasse of the const proviol: "Tn case of pokititen “import or export, Mosk ct war, opidemin o ee, tad in ‘il omes of fre msjeure preventing the shipment wikin the “time fie, orth dtivery, the pedo allowed for sipoeat ce alvery tall be extended by not excsding two months, After that ha ease of rw majeure be il ering, the conach shall be eau.” ‘On Ostobr 29, 1056, 2h Tri invaded Reypt on Novesi= ‘ber 1 Batain od Fratoe ommenced tiltary spesons and ‘ce November 2 the Ssor Canal wes bloked to shipping and ‘mined looked wat Ape 6, 1987. vera % ovse oF oKDS (1962) 1.1, (2) No goa wes shipped wder ths contact the sells liming ‘at Shab ley ware peovented from doing 20 by events which had Facngg cvoeed a the Mlaile Ent. PEE "When the content of Oster 4 186, was ented into the roa and oral sole for the abipmant of Sudeuse groundnuts Treo Port Sudan to Hamburg war la tho Sues Canal. After {ho soning of th Canal the abertest code pranticnla rout to rau was vin hs Cape of Good Hope. "The woe souie ie ‘Soe to'Hauery wes apporcaaly 4896 miles, nad vn the (Cape 1,287 mies “Frm Noveber 30,1080,» 25 po ont ght euehage wat cel on gro shipped on ves poatedlng vin the Cape of ‘Good ope std Us was ierneed to 100 par cot. on Destnber 45, 080. "Deel lan that th canteot was at an end buona of ‘he slave of the Boer Csoal wae wot aoapted by te buyer. “a arltrstion prossdigs, tho umpire, by an award dated ‘abruary 0, 1057, warded that th aller were i deft aad ‘hould pay tothe bere a damage to eu of 86,08 topetbne ‘wih 7025, et f fhe avand. Tho alles were diaisGod TTD he aard, and = boned of eppea appsnted to Boar the Tope on Tanury 28, 1058, alzioed the appeal and upheld the A i 21, Sane ler cold have censored tba geods fom Patt Soden to omburg via the Cape daring November or Docember, 1880. 1. The ditaoe tem Pore Sudan to Hamburg via the Some ‘Calis appcninatly 488 mallee ond the dance fom Poet Ac. AND PRIVY CoUNCIL, ‘len. Te fight ring atthe Sime of the sont forthe = “shipment of groustnute irom Por: Sadan to Hamburg via the “Sone Canal wat aboot 10s, pee fon. After the closure of “he Canal the Port Saden-U.K. Gaatereae inpoed the follow Et “ing worcarge fr gondn sped co voonlsprosseing via the 2 ‘Cape of Good Hope, vi. es fom November 10, 1056, 95 er ‘veant, and ao fom December 18, 10, 100 per cnt.” Par raph 10: “At the dato whon the contact was made both paris ‘Coutemplated that ehipmest would be iasde via the Suet Coa ‘The board of eppea's send ani Uhie tem “So far anit is» qoodio of fact ve Sed and as fara ii Gi) Coho wor spent snes oot ony the pang of {ho contact gods on beds ves! but lo their unaprttion to the eoneet destination thea shipmart via the Sort Cana ‘san prevented dusog the eaneet pari of ehigment by one "roe majeare but shipmaat via the Cape wae mot 80 () Te was not lle tere of the contract Sat sbip- "mans ox trangprtation shoul be made vi he Suos Caoal (9) Tho entra woe et fotrated by tho alesre of the “Saar Can (i) Tho pefonasace of ths eau by abipping th goods ‘on vasa Yutad ia the Cape of Geod Hope war not come “mercially er fundameotally disret fom ite bing pertrmed ‘by shipping the goods on veil routed via the Sez Canal” “Bustece Rosi @.0 aR, A, MacCrnde forthe appants ‘Tis the Sit of the" Sue” forson ease to ame to hs Lovie. ‘Thre oro four sus ease, oof wiih apt he ‘ron, ali coourn of coneeia” thay hae gon ree toe Siren o dsl opnin ob Sat Evisce. ‘The ered Sate is whether the closure of e Sues Canal fretted this ei oateuct and relieved the appellents fram shiping the contract 8 ‘nove oF LoRDs (avez) to (By goods, Tn th Set of thove onto, Ceaponaynt & Os, Ltd. 'B.T. Green Lad," MaMa J ldo face sas to thowe bere ‘he lorre of eh Suse Ceol di astra the sonata zee TERGEE te car hc wee solely slr ol loan ont. to hip. To the secon case, wish was thin tft nstance, Diplo 3.*daungusaed Oarspneyot® onthe gros that hare fare wae spell ding of fat in the case stad hat hare ‘wan no coum er fundamental fence torso shipping ‘1c, Goon (Albert D,) & Go. v. Socdté Intrprofasinalle dex ‘idegineur Modan Atmontaen* Ashwoth J. cn face indie ‘quisabl feo the in Cerpanayeti* destined fo flow Madoc Ts dads. Tn tw fourth sae, Soci Branso Tuieme ‘Dedrwoment v. Sdermar PA. Perro J. bald that reyage ‘lneoepaety was Sranteted by he elma ofthe Sr Cal ‘istnglsed the eer hres cies on the grounds that tat ce ‘yas aot soslogous fo one a «cout! forthe sl of goods, No Sppel war taton tothe Cott of Appl In Oareponoyodi® bat the ales in Gaon’ cuso* appsted to the Court of Appa, snd that apped nd that inthe prsent caso were both heard {ogetheet In dimining both appeals the Cour of Appeal {hat cavaponeots bad buen wrongly ese. "Th Sent qsation in ay prblom of statin yt essen what isthe saller's loan ligation, beanie i ie fom that ligation that the applote asl bo bo excused hy Sh dokine ‘of fetration. Inthe praveat eae he tlovat obligation i that the ales Bavang 16 proxi a sonst of srigtnent for ‘he bayere whereby the gods wil be conveyed 4 fhe eatastal ‘Ltiaaticn by the era sod cunemary soate to be auetined at ‘he dale ofthe contact: Kennedy on CLP. Cantoty, Inte ‘0. Tn do cass sated" the oppllant Lave fou fodings of {hot rloeot tothe argument in tee favours me paragrapis 2, 6,8 and 10, Ts fal tram the Sadiogy that thy sls fe ga. aay ce. 3 wz; 6m) 2a 2, wikige Se) igi Eaehe os wien de ee Ac. AND PRIVY COUNCIL, to ths contrast nobititandog the olwure of Ts (8 te held om {Ge Cana they will b held obliged to prt’ eantac fa 8 ‘manner whisk eether party contemplated sod in 9 mune Sa ich if thay had performed fe before November 2, 1086, thoy Would ayo teen a breach. This hag tho ereardnary volt {hat mood of prtarmaace which wosld hare bean breach of ‘oniett befor November 2, 1068, becomes an enforced contre: tual method of perbemanes by reason of exeomtaneas oxide the contampaticn ofthe ones. ‘This fondamental in wei. ooateac of aelgeent that the seller sal hip bye oual end euatunary rots ead Sat ike ig She cer ions of Aaqullh Ly. ip Patiuon (Si inday) & Gs, td. v- Comminionre oj Hie Mejety's Works nd Publis Dungy ™ to tho pret cts, tho slorre of the Suez Casal was a" alatophia vent" wish deatoyed the ‘aslo, thoogh ast, asumption on whish the partes Bad oon: tested, namely, shat tho Canal would remain open throught tho entrct period November/Dotwabn, 1860, eed herfre by Assrying this ait aromption testing ibe contrac all Dans Contactors Ld. v. Parcham Urban Distt Cosel Aletingishabls, or tht decion war conorasl wh whither ‘hare had besa fosteoton by reson of delay, and thee fo 20 question of dley bee, ‘The vial pont Jn te preeat ae fe Sit thar wae no eoom fr abipemeat at a Intr dab. ‘Thee had to bo shipmect ia Novemsber/Desumber, 1056. was a base sesumption af te couteal Wat the Casal wold remain open ‘teouphout the whol of thie paid "hve then eues th quealon wbeiber thi eontaat made Sa cootemplaton of pefomnaaoe vs the Catal es entice per farmance via tho Capo when peroemancs ia the Caal bases ‘nponnble. "This involves soaeraon ofthe apeial Ending by ‘he bone of appeals to this, she question of fondant “erences « matiat of lnw to bo dlarined by tho txt wopoundod by Lard Reiland Lord Radel a Dave Gontractore (20) BED. 0, my aay cee 8 le ah iy Sa Et Ba 109 ‘ROUSE OP LoRDs (as62) 5b) LAd.v. Form Urban Ditst Gouna. Pearton Je spac to te attains ining in Botta FrencoTaniinne D'drme= ‘monty. Sidermar S.A shold be adopted bere. HE Diploce Fe judgment bo upbald on the pls, allows that fm every ‘orate cate an aritraer by bis fodings can put oe or other ofthe parti completa out of eeurt. A ditaction hag fo be rawe bstes v0 diferent types of frustration: where the frastatonvlled on Ss day, then question of fet and degre ‘ie, bat whe, ee hee, the fueron alae ee by virion tthe meant for dirt mehod of perdrance san that tated in the cone! during the timo Tinied or perormance, ‘hat inveves & pore question of lor. ‘This is whore Dilek J. ced for he applied fest epprocnto in enon of festa Dy daly to an enily dierent type of eat The danas butween the ro tppes is between Sho same pefrmance ef aml route, the penloable cou, i here ie caly one, of & Ts By Feutonbly pasa cout, s thera is more than oot. (4) The fmieet can nly ba fretted by ream of au erent allesting ‘he rote which eoscs ar the date of Ge ona ho eft ofthe creat i to Lenve og tio only avalible route one which ‘wold seadeepotoranance ofthe eonkect of sla if that rout be Tilowed pefomanae of something dierent ia hind orally Alert from thet eootamplaled at dhe data of the ootewt (6) On the tate found, the sublttion fo onus of aight ‘moat ooverings oyogo via the Cpe instond of via Sues didnot ner perfomance of tia sort of sla dieret in ied om ‘hat contemplated by the oontact (6) Tha posal nding ie ‘thee eonluive on (5) sine iv exladea ony pos fast tbat ‘might pot the eter way, oe, Knot conaanve, of tho uimest ‘elovanos, a Seles 1. sl a te detrninstin. (7) Cause ©, the exceptions clase, is Kxolvaog if there was frustration fod of ao applation ots toe constrcton if there wat 30 fronton, ene shipment was not prevented. ‘Azo (2) (pra), tea In an Spi em 8 forthe sppallanis to prove it. ‘This point merges Sato (2) namdy, Iwhetor the eelovant dato ls th date of shipment or Ue dle of the contract. ‘Tho oppdllats hove suid lle eboot thi paat Ioce. Te vas fly goed beore MENA J. in Corpaneyote™ ‘shoe dsl thatthe ralvaot doo dhe date of sper hae boon followed in llth subanquont "Suse" delins, Nae En romonng is very eouvncing. Ifthe dae ofthe conkest ‘were taker the suet abrurd rents might eoase, It & to be ‘ote thn ti elatieiy rare forthe contrast of eigen!) Dil of Iding to wpeny the route to be followed. The contact ‘of ssightenoch (6) mua ear cover frm the speci port of ‘vgn to the epeaed port of dstonion; (1) ie must bo ia a form aes inthe fade. Ae to the notre of the conta of areighlment whioh the eller bas to pocus, e6e Keunods on CLF. Contacs, et ed, pp. 80, 40. [Referenos wa made ‘sttion 02 af the Salo of Gas Act, 168.) The comsoded that if no contrast of atigtment wos obtinsble ab all, beh te ‘contact would be frastated. But why shooll eae fodge the ‘ontact of aightment as a Oster 4, 1006, whan th se bie antl. Deowmber 81, 38567 The dato of shipment the sppeopinte data. Ta Ie re L. Suto @ Go. and Heit, Symone my 2 QB, si, ae faa 5 QB, a, eas, 8 i oat 08 moUsE OF LORDS [1962] 1. OL) Go thin pint was ever ine; se per Salle Ormered et LABS. Se the Court of Appeal oR Me sathry of te page im Kennedy, Sl ep 98 ed PERS ty the appalants i ll ualus it bo etalshed that th estbor ig bad mind eroustancn street thooe in the preset we TGA? Te le evden, however, thal the pasoge isnot oxseerned with ‘OSH. ugh wane of abnormality as eobeited ber. No authority bas Toon sled which soporte the appllnta’ exe. propoaiin {ht beonusy the won out has wa losked th slender & ‘conta ir dshaged.- The decison in Reardon Sith Line Lid y Blase eu end Balto Gevoral Ineronco C02" dd nob fn upon an expe deviation elas, but i pe mmen law. llanse i plaol cn Th oto; jas ae thar ik wns Bld that ‘he slevant de lo Ztersine when sip ean served ship It ‘he date whan tn eld to hav arsine nd not the date ofthe rset, to hero, aplying thet dein by analogy, the elevant ‘ate to delerine tho ontore of the eostesct of afiightnent Under ee contrat bh might be ented Into months before {Ge dae of span ot the dato of th conte! but the date {Ge shipper exaroses hopin to ship. ‘bs regs (), sstion 82 (2) of tho Sale of Goods Act, 188, ovis thatthe sonnet of exrge most bo reasonable having gard fo the nate of the guode wud th ote cumstances ot the esee, Pn, i We lengest routs would destoypersable fitda hat wold bean anremoualo contest. So lng ait a Psi to make a reasonable contest in tho ereumstanens, here pe trstatin, Hr tere a nfhing onion tat ad uh ‘ontact bon taeda prformance of the ele contact would Inve bon fodtseetally diferent vont rotate fhe cast. "Thee thing to amggest tal the Cope route was unessoable or damping 19 Go goods. Tho ony thing that cold be eaid tres hat thre yas an Snoean i fight, ws in the come Henoes wos rorprisogly smal. Tt i sobmitted that thi wat ‘route for which s contrast of afiighineat shold have been Chisined, As fo In 0 La Suir Co, ond Helbut, Symone & ‘Go, although the overland role there would hve e>mplied ‘id etlcn 89 ofthe Aot of 260, 5 outed with the express Weeds of he eantaoh, Boon, Sou & Co. v. Canard Stermahip we, [i's BAC, oan = xa, 3, Ac. sep PRIVE CoUNCIL (0, Lido whioh was approved in Reardon Smith Line 148. ‘Black Sia end Blt General Inowance Co. suport Fopet- tion (8) soe azo Prone! v, Moodndvows & Co" "Tha Cape was w passcablo route sod a rascaablo soute in 1 droumstances of the prevent cam. ‘Tb ono ron the appl. Tanta fo ahow the ooatery. It psi tat alr November 1, 1066, th Cap soto wae the sual ruta: an to aps se ‘Tho appallnts donot dusharge at caus by showing that a he ‘imo the contest wae made i wag enraged tant the ode ‘would bo extbd vn the Casal. There appear $0 by no eter ‘utkocies on thi plat, bos the summary ofthe Inv on ei foatuete fa Serulon on Chartarprtin, 12th od, fer tho ual sud cueomary rote at the dale theo ' eateed nto. The respondent adopt tbe observations of the (Gout of Appent* on thin pols. “A te (0, thie meralyretatns the pine of ratabion as ‘uiumbeated ia Davi Uonrector1ad.v.Farsham Urben Distro Conse Ia raion to the Sta hee. ‘Ths onde to (0) the ‘ppatata cans rly ally on tho extra sot? se par Lord Suinnee in Laminapa Co. Lad. v- Sonat Frano-dméreine ey Phorphatn de Modula, Pars Uiinatelytowetion 8 estion of fk Ts is ba buarved hat whaover penn er Into 86. eooieas as wll fo arma tes hoi ep Inting ns to froght este without having abendy booked shiping space ost i limited tho eal semen lft on whieh 49 ‘bee frst te the gronar Leng of voyage. But hat 3d ‘ot fet tbe salle ub al, fr Sy do aot havo to cay the {roe but merely to ship them, proare a contrast of atighaant {tod forward fo the bugs the slerant dosent. ‘A gard the buyers: (0) they enired nto w outa the ‘gang of October, 196, cod ao ue the peston wes bound to be unoeran, noe the elles ab het option could ship the roe any tine doving Novenber/Deounber, 108. Fura, (@) the sure could ship the goods on any vestl thay shee, ‘whisk encompaied, tberefors, Say lip fem on old slow tramp amet to'm modem Tot nor. Ths poosblty of storm ot Trekdowas alo hee Yo be taten Into considera, None of vg gun im aa. iB ie TERS wee 2S ESS asm HOUSE OF LORDS (as62) hens tects aos he alles, Buta to the buyer, dha unt thas the good shoud be sippod ia the Cape. Talance is lacod pit thin latin othe ape laing. Te shows tht the goods ‘Toad ot devote, nn uy lal marke ce raque any special TRalled of tlowog, and hat tho cot was nok Snowdon, AIL Tose tolre ae covered ty the word commercial i itis ‘oding. Zo te pues age all he duos Which all ona vender oder citer a dvred by Lard Atuinson in Islan eiteglor Bron. 0. Ltd sold be camped with. All the ‘hore matters sadee tis end apy equally to MoNai Js dey Imont in Osvapenaytie” MeN. tora sight ofthe fact at ho coneah wane onset of ale aod ot m contest of earigs, Sous Pvanco Tunisienne D'dsmoment w- Siermar 8.P in completely dntngusiable, fe thet case cancernod s cintact (of camage tod itas » tm of the contact tht the vessel ‘Should. proce via tho Soe Cool. Tn a conrach cf carage th essential obligation i fo carry tho gods in quson; ia & (Sit. cmtacs in the provision of tbe gods. ‘The appeals ‘ontend fat he Gaon Slow pores lamina, nel, hat Stilt if te salar bere Novenber 2, 180, bd hipped via {he Cope tint would are bean Brack of cote fir thet elo shipment va the Cape beaume compoliry snthod of Derfareaos, Bvt that argument depends fo its ally on the crohintrptetaton of te sles” ciation, If fhe rearen ists" lerrotation is sight then when the Cena! became ‘eke Sh nnn the eller” duly to provare a corean latlght- ree! ia to Cape because that was th oaly resorable rou. “he to (0, hu fest oth eps Soilg, if not ocesiey fn ener $9 soneed for the rexpoodents to contend hat it is feaeluive, bot, aeveeiles, applying the obueraions of Lord ‘Sommer In Bank Live Lid» Arbur Copel 2 Gout it tural tf tot propery zeta comes to auch fudge coal the teller ‘The appoints, feed with Jockin ¥. Union erie nuove Oo. 14a anghtt daw a ditnetin beeen ‘Postion sonst by delay aa olher types of froteation, but thot since is not tenable he penelpor relating to fre tetin lid awa in Dani Contactors Ltd. v. Fareham Urban Distro Couns apply 4 ll ype [Rarece was alo made fo Briish and Bonington Lid. North Western Cocker Toa 1 omy at, py ae as, lat: 96 1 Bit 3 Sei. "OER bor m Ao. xp Pnivy couNetE, (so Unisrtal Gago Carine Corporation v. Citi) In 18 Complar Commercial Anversis end Ponte, Son Co i Aistinglshable. "Zt isnot disputed thas whetbe ater isto be Implied and wintbee court is nclved are queetions of ew, ‘but wher, as hoe, otal of tak, ving aeertaned all he relevant fst, has delennioed Gat A is aot dierent a B, ‘hat is conlsivo ofthe matter. Allratirey, tl eee ‘hat each a Hading i of the wlmort relatos en fe ok cola. ‘Argus (7), rtano la placed on Ine Comptoir Conemar ial Anserns ond. Powsr, Son Oo. Tho salle wre Dob ‘Proveted fom obtaining « Bl of lading in he euislacee Drevling here. Paitelagh’s oan" ie plainly Stngveeble, {orn that ene there were provisos both agatst prevention of shipmect aad shipmect being delayed, Here thre vase poviion faltsng solely to the condagency of shinent balog prevented ‘itin he time fied, and ithe crometacony, lhe cae as Inpersive. A similar argue by the lla is aropaneyet aad in Goon" was rojnted by MaNalr J. and Askworth J. ‘spetialy. Toshil 0. te reply. bn plain tal the rapondens exnnot ‘hoe to sustain the special nding, for whslher someting “fondanntal”” aad wbat Se ermmerial "are ques of lag. Tn the. ital eam Devin 3 bn that 1h wes for toe birt to stata wat dlay there wes and forthe oor te 8 this ding whater tht delay amounted in nw to rstaion a goaeal, the principle fe that om arietor aloud sta hic ‘ndings of fot and bv It to the ecart to hold whether ot ot on the fais a found tho coctsot i taseled. ‘These de 2 talent ditinatin between the Jeskionv. Union Marne Tana fancy Co, LAd* typeof eae ad the" croton” type of care ‘Section 89 of the Sle of Geode Ach 188, dee nok assist ‘te respondent. On the face of sain 22 dealing wth the cary physloel delivery of goods to thn boye. Is tae slwaye ‘oan diol t relate this setin to 01 contol, Beaute der sch « contract the seller reais hie righe un diary ‘ofthe celevant documents to he bayer, and selina 89 (2) bat {ote read with this in mind. Snooa 3 @2) satan leave AR SRE aug) Bea Hae 895: or: am) a 3s so tg tt. wikaa:in sain” Eso) 293. ak Se, ‘2 aa me ‘efit # i SIRT, os, ow, ENG Sa a Le Teka = 108 MOUSE OF LORDS {ase2) 1.2 OL) clgnlion tut ao alditonl obigation, ad, somdingly, he (enn blgntin under a 03 cortrct dal, ammely ship ‘he goods by» veal aed customary rots md ayo by reson thle route: ow Kenandy on CLP. Contacts, 1b ed, p. Als ‘Ghamers on Ska of Goce Sih ed, p 13. Tt flows that i tf te tine of pecans « urbe aad ooienay rule be not illo the cntast is trntated list that a bil of adi eal be obtained for another reazosbla rote, This ecacded ‘Bat tho salle ender on elgation to tends tho usual fom of Wilf lading, but thie ay, or ay not, specify tho rout, {the rwopandnte ce Hight, ten the allo hue to prose ferent contract of aoightzent by » ferns route. But fn this cconerGoo the posuremeat of « dient contact of ‘sveightment in the sumo category at She eipment of nou Creal gods, and he Joti of frstaion apple bscase it iva mbaly diferent obligation fen thet contemplated by the ston at bo tne of entering ino the ooxtast.. Te would be “ey elrange ity lan onalished ead, who bd aotectd oles he un soot, wece wl obs eld to hale bargain een ‘hough af she time of permanco tat ronte wa unsralabe hie submiied that the only exes Sa which fbe court weal impose soa ewllar a route ofherthan Wot usu od cotomary trould be (0) wher the voyage was fo new port fom wich Te uel stead bee orechds (0 whore tho parton bad (atv into weoncactt te whoa the normal and satomacy Toute wat unsvaiabi.Tallnce is pled onthe paragon ogining wis the word Shipping doounente a Serasion oo (Charerpitn, 100 opp 154,185. ‘Tho ese’ duty i to proce a oaks of atlghiment “+ yplor hich She goo wil be daivered at the ainsi ‘sqontemplated by the coalest "por Hamilton J. in Bide! Brothers. Olomens Horst Go! Aa the otab of dova- fon alowed, Hd route tao in within the peed nto ba fra of he voyage, to B, nid down inthe bil of nding, ‘het ie deamed enspince with Ge Hues of tha content, but ‘he yute tle ie olade ove is, here ae fa peta lows, The euthacy of Boos, Sane & Oo. ¥. Oxnard Steomship Go. Td” iy not aaputed bob only the Penile which she ‘apindente stale to abso om i, They contended that ‘Bere war pastabe wey of petomiog ef const ten omy 1 mB a ene sf oR. te Ao. np PRIVY coUNCHL. ‘ho sr hed to procure performance in that way. ‘Tha nvlnee ing thst Wily J. in using tae word " presisbla” meant 100 me pyselly pacioshlo, but iis sabmibed that ta view eaanot be supported. Te fs vel enlaiaied shat eridnen an be given 1s fo wnt consttaeo praollzabs route am Ato B, sad shat 4s all thot that cae desea. ‘The appllant have bever dr ted that the Cape rate ws phyialy precio, Wot the ‘ble question hao i whetbar to salle ero bound Yo ehip ia the Caps, tbe Cann bog closed. Acsrdingy, ix the oom. tuners, no guaton of caus af pro wine, aloagty it Be In tthe soar, th appallnte have dtchaged Unt ons ‘A rguvds The Aolo™ ie eosceded that in certain lanes ct conten the oligos ofthe partie hare to be determine’ ‘tthe tie of pacarmance (ene Potathaste¥,Prelnd ), bat ‘hat caco™ dels wilh very difeent quetine fram the present ‘dip of no sostnea or aut hae ‘There i m9 aaterty Whioh contents tho appellant” popeten thet fo arta ‘the wana aod outlmtey rote wndar allo’ «Lf ontant one looks at the dia of tbe oozsact. Tt i sigigeant that in the ‘Bur esso™ Dat dat was thought tobe the only linac data. "Tho respondanis aro wang in tho conaation that a e. oa- ‘eact cunot be frodrated if there romaine open play ‘retebie rots. Seppose tpl contract fv the ourings of trode fom Port Soer to Alsandsa throug Hon Canale “At toe felons dato tho Cael is clos. Although i wold be pha ‘ally prastinbe to oury the gods ia the Cap, iis submited ‘hat plainly in thoco ovsumetanec the sucract woold be om: ‘eat. If tas be sgt imprint, thea Ite seat ot te tuscated by the tnavedabile of the cosiamplatd rout, {his ea along 8 ose an ould be fund fr so hldng for the recone given by MoNai J. ad Peston J. Corepanayot® and ‘Sidermar repent ‘As to incascod cet bing felon futraton, se Lei ¥. Lous Dreyfur & C0." aod Braver # Go (Oat tae) Ua “Clark (Jama) (Brash Mates) 2a" ‘Tete Leedhips toa ee fr onside, 9 9 waa. oe th Coan am, 28, glen 2.8.5, gin at 0 HOUSE OF LORDS {1962} March 98, Vinooor® Sornos. My Lords on Ape 21, 1058, ‘ha etn of appa of the Inoapecstel Ott Seed Asis ‘ade an rue by ublch thy upheld th svaed of ox umpi it fn arbitioe, batween the appellants andthe, respondent ‘Sraraing the later the eum of £625 eginst tho fomner as mages for beeah of ectract. Upon ease snl Diplock 3. ‘phald the swacls he deon war aflmed By the Court of ‘Appel, "The sealer now etn bloefhi House. Not for the ‘ee se Tvetare fo pat out hatte Hat two stages in peo- sodings whch wil sltimsaly be reeved in th highs? court ould snvenenly be omit. ‘The costes, for brash of which damages wore awarded to (as rerponientay wa sade on Ontber 4, 1058." 1b incrporaed ‘he terms af enact frm No, 88 ofthe Insoprated Ol Seed Acacinon nd by it thn appliant agreed fo wal fo the respon. Aonts 800 ton of Sodanorsgrouadnte at £00 per 1,000 le lacloding begs ei: Hamburg, shipment during November/ oumdec, 1050." No goods wate shipped by the apelents fultment‘of tis eonrst in the eteumstaneeselted in the ‘pecial ase which T sama. al groves exported rm the Sadan lo Warape ae shipped ‘nom Port Soda, which isthe only sltablo port, At sho date cf the contrast (Gstber 4,196), the wsual ad nec rote fot the shipment of Sodasene groundnuts fn Port Sadao Ham tng wan inthe Goer Casal. Both partes then contemplated ‘hat eipeent wool be mde by that rte. Tk would have been ‘unused are fr a subetanl paral of Sodaese gonad tuts fom Pore Sodan fo Burope toe shipped vn the Capo of ‘ed Hope. Beto the econ of tho Sasa Cael tho appellants ‘equred 00 tos of Sadasers groundnuts in shall whi were I to thie ede in waebouse at Port Snden sfx Novem ee 1, 1058. They ale, before the alone, Dosked ase Sr $00 tons of mate neo ler of our yal scbduled wcll st Port. Sudan batroen November 10 snd Desonber 28, 1058, The ip ‘ig company etnslod nee bookings ac November 4 1056 Bish and Preneh med foreseen military operons aginst Typ on Olabee28, 1058. The Sue Coal was Head on Nove bar 2 and rmained dened fo fctve prpones nl a est Ape 8, 8%, But he appellants could bane kunapored the gods fom or Soden to Hamburg via Ube Cape ef Good ape dving November and Dacaber, 198 ‘Dee dance fem Porb Sudan to Hamburg wa the Ser (Canal is above 4980 mile, sod via the Cage about UL,137 miles. ac. AND PRIVY COENGHE m "The fight valing atthe Gime of he soatat fore shipment fs ‘sroundabts fram Port Sudan to Harbor va tho Canal wes abot ‘8730s, pe tn. Alar the dlsure of th Canal the Pott Suan United Kingdom Confreoe imposed the flowing eorcharges fot goods applied on veslapeceeding via the Cape, aaely, at ‘fom November 10, 106,26 par oot, and ot tom Deve 8, 088, 100 por cout, The mariet pico ot Sudanuna nat io sal ‘hipped from Port Sulen ei. Hamburg vas £68 Iie per tox Totwees Jamun 1 sod 18,2057, Ae as bon eady ea, the ppallnte aid aot ship oy nute. ‘They eliimed that thay were riled fo consider the cooleot a canceled, and 9 this vow {hey adhere ‘The conteot provided by cau 6 thet “Te ase of proibiton ‘of import o asper, hehe o wer, epidemi or stk 0 i “All oes of frse majeure proventiog the shipment within the “time fed, orth delivery, the posed alowed ar eipmest or sive salle exendad by not exeatdng we moathe Attar ‘tif the eat of forea majeure Be ll opting, the eonleaah al be ennel ‘The ard was in those term: “So fara it em gestion of “fact we find ‘nod a lar agit i a qonaon of law we bel (0) There ware tostitis but aot war la spt athe meter tine: (i Nether war nor free manure proven sbpanent ofthe conte goots dig he eoteah pod ithe word hipaa” ‘esos placing the gods en boued a vere dstine for tbe Pot of Hamburg Gi) TE the woe “shipment Include not only sho placing ‘ofthe contest goods on toad aves but also ee twnepor lation to she canes destination they abet vn the Ss “Canal was prevented dviog the entrast paid cf abipmeat by “roscn of free majesze bat shipment via ie Cape wee not so ~ prevented Gn) Ha ota imple term of heaton Aspens or trsaportein shosld bs ade vn the Saee Geoal: (9) Tho coteat a not frosted by the clwure of the Sono Cao "(i Sh petormanee tthe contrast by epg th gods ‘son veselroisd ie tho Cape of Gard Hope wes act com " morcilly a fendamentally diferent tem its beng perfaoned by shippiog she goods on a eset ruled via the Suce Canal, 1 ana ovsn OF LonDs (1962) ‘The fiat thee of thnes aings salute to the claim of the sppaiate that tho easels alana (laos 8 of the conte!) ‘Shelve thm from porformance of the coteact, Til deat with {bia tease and sory. ‘Siar mons fo oss in clase 6 lo bo construed in I re ‘compat Commaril neers and Power Son Go." Babes Smid: "Now, 1 give to the word "shipment the wient Sineaing of which it = pablo, It exo mean, mer then "binging the gods to the shipping port and hen loading them “on sip papa 4 ory Wom ty Hise ooetesinaldstina- “fon.” His jedgment oa thir pint was sfimed in he Court of Appeal It har never bos qcatcoed eo weno reson for (quinn In Fairlowghy Dodd Jone Ltd. v. J. 17, Vasa Tia the esiion toed ot the very polar words of the ‘ost aod fat nants wit tho oor cave. "Tome tea othe sain fame end, ar weve, Tad two ques ions ineoked= (1) What dos th eoaract mean? Ta other ‘rosin shore aged Sr hat he goods aball be cared by 1 yatela route?) Za the conn rota? Tis ecavenent to examine the fies question iat, ough he anower may be neomcloive Ree appears toe that Tt oes act automatically low tat, because ons term of 8con- tenet, oe exntpla het tho gods shall bo crvod By ptolar toute becomes inpeable of Fctamanc, she whale conect ie ‘Barchy abrgtad. "Nor dove fellow, basace ws maller of ‘tanelion term cannot be nied, tt the aout may not be tuted by venta. Tn tbe latent cso, Tor expla, the Stapnabiity ofthe route via Sur, i that wore assumed fo be {the implied content! cigatin, would oot meceunsly spell {he trstation ofthe contrat. tis pt in th fort of the appellants’ ease dat the contre wuss soatract forthe shipment of goods ve Sue. This ententon eas oly reall If tr is implied, forthe contrast owe ot sey 20. To any that tet fe novertbls it sean it to my in ther wonde Ab the tam sna be used or the T fen ground. Tt bs bos sajeted hy th lord ta judge {Sa othe members of the Court of Appeal oa nwo other (hous, Conepanaytt@ Co. Lt. vB. 7. Gren Lid od Gare (divert D4 Ge, v. Sects intorpofoeinale des Oteginewe A RLET Oo ie; SOR aa kG QB ms ate wii os) & i EI Ag. ‘xo PRIVY couNeHT, ‘Flades Alimenties+ wre the ene question ane, iat rejected by MoNnie 3. end Ashwecta 3. repeesively, A raat ‘this contention was that thre shouldbe sea nto te ontrack ty implieaton the words “by tbo usual and estomry ruts" sd tha a the only unl and ostmary route a he dat ol te fonlras was vin Suez, the contasta! oblgtcn wos to ctry ‘ho qooth vi Suet. ‘Thovgh this eoatntion hae been wowed romowhat diferoaty, Tee se Ile grand foe the inpcnton. Tn this Tagroe with Harman LJ, * fort seuns to me that ere se peisly tho stmo grounds fo ejacng the one ae the ele ‘Both of thom sume that sno ad buger lle dnended ad ‘would have agreed thn, i the roots via Sate been ionpostle, {he good should not be eipped nt al Tosemc wu the buyers resumably wanted the goods and might well hoe reold them, ho assumption appears wha uojuslSed Freight shares may sup ct down. I th pater do act spedoaly pots! them frives upset chang, the lose must le where i ft Tor the generl proposition tht ia 2 entack te cige: ‘io, im th sbeoeca of expres tens, t flow the aaa or cnctamnry route thre fs sgnfsant abanes of athe. Some rans was pos en In rE. Suto & Co. and Helou, Symons 460," Bot hw facta sd the queaton arising pea em were Widely aiteen rom Shona in the pont eae ‘The son waa hat snge the contact ley costempleted casage by ce fen ‘he landing pert to the wtimats pork of dosage telat be porlmed by earage party hy ren sod pal hy el, hogs the ariteator had ued tht tas mothod of trangport had be fume usage inthe de.“ ponsible tha, it dion was ‘eviowed inthis Mout, tight aoe tad ite unaecomay tow {0 doterina What queron, Por ar Ihave sid the dc fk ‘here was tbat the woteal route was dierent in kbd fom the ‘natacun rout, Apart rom this atharty the appllante relied ‘on pusage in Kenny on CLP. Conse, Ist ep. 80: “Za ‘he absence of express tem inthe contract the csionsty or ‘ual route most bo fllowol.” Tenaaob aasop tia gona ropontion witht sme qualieation. In parle, iat {any ons, lear that tf nt the dale ofthe contrat but te tie of pefoomason that deermines what is cuieney, the propostion mrt be goalie’ by ago it sane such words ‘the time of peelormanee tbr f 30 customary ot 9B, 90: Cn) Fn) 2, as 2 RR sae SN ua % jou il HOUSE OF tonDs {ase2) “wun out." TE Bese words ae imple, the quston aio "Wak then? ‘The anower sant depen on th eioumstanoee ‘fen eas. ‘This Teds te dastiy sulin 82) of th Sale ‘of Goods Act, 1803, whih provides hat Uns tberise thor SS Sre by tha buyer, dh lier most nae sh contact with the ‘aero eb of the buyer as sna be rosso having re ‘gant tothe ative ofthe guots and the otbercteomstances of “fhe oma.” Te here igo suntomary rte ant routs must be ‘hoven which i reuvosle, Te share only one oct, this mast te talon fi ie penlcble: xa Bvane, Sous 02. v. Ounard ‘Stoomahip Go, Lil,* per Wile 3. Torn sow to what was the mela argumeot fe the appl Iunlas that tha contact war feasts by tho closure of the (Canal from Novembar 2, 086, ll Apel 1967. Were i not for tho dosion of MeN J. in Gren’ ono" Y should nat ‘oopht thie contention srgble ond T must say with the (rentest rupet Wo What Ieeond judge that T caret tak he {ES given all weight to th doision old and mew of this Howse ‘pos the destin of fain. Hs eorecliy bald upon the (uibority of Reardon Gmth Line Lt. Block Sa and Balle General Porience Oo, Ltd that where contract, expealy ‘or hy secenry lplction, provides tut performance, oF ferhtular part of the petrmense, 2 be cared out ln “osmacy inser, the performance mat be carrie ct in ‘hanno which i astrnary atthe ts when the performance ‘igealed fare". Bat be conloded ™ that th. coon svaabilty ofthe Suer route was a fundamental ssumptioe fhe time we tie contact ws made tod thet to impo upoe {he sll the tigers to stip by an emergency zont vn the (Cape would be te impos upon thesn a fundamentally dere Chilgation which neider pty could atthe ino when the con {ouet wae perce Bayo dreamed that the soles weuld be ‘agiad te ptfrm, Your Laake wil observe Bow silat ‘hs Une of sgoment isto tat whith supports We lnletion ‘fe tera atthe routs should be via Suet and no olbee. T ‘hn toe joann frit. We are eoacamad with et fentret forthe als of gonde, not « contest of selghtsnnt, * ‘hough part ofthe slo clgein wil be to procure a sonrset tL afightment. ‘Thar eno evidnco thatthe buyers atatod foam w zzom one fx 336, Ao. ‘Ano PRIVY couNext us ‘ny mportanee tothe route, Thay ware contant dab the nate HU: (8) ‘heold be shipped at aay dato in November oe Decomber. hare ‘eas no evden, end T suppose could not be, tha te mts woud obra as the resl of longer voyage aad « dovble eng ff the Egater, sor any erdense loathe market vas sero fin. Init word, thre vas no evidence tht the buyers eb ly what route or, win asanable int, wher the ate aired ‘What dhs, of te elles? Trend wellnown pomage is ‘he speech of Lond. Atkinson in Jolavon v.Taplor Bron & Ce ‘Led whore he states the ebligxtins ofthe vender of gods dg rn a at hi ot gan See Mane J's word)" fondementally” altered by © route Clay the cosract of ateignens wil be dierent od 20 may be the lara of faaurance. Tn bol them senpesla ‘he solr ay be pul to greater et: Hine pat maybe redvoad or even aanypec- Dut i hardly nueds rasorlig” Sat Taare of expose ana ground ef fronton: soe Larrinage ©.Gn, Led. v, Soodte Pronco-Amiriuine dea. Phorphatr de Medute, Para othing oe resi fo juny fhe view thatthe asture of th coniatt-was "fundamentally altered, Tht the word sed by Vieorunt Simon in Brisk Movitoneus Lid. Loudon fon Disriet Cinemor Led. and by my noble sod learned ent Lrd Raid in Dana Conrestor Lid. ¥.Parcham Urton District Coueit™ Tn the latter eas ty noble and lerced frie’ Lord ali uted the exprenicn "rdialy diferent” and T thing ‘hat the uo axpresions mena the mame thing, ax perhaps do ‘tie: alvee whish have toon vied in this cater. Whatever ‘cpa in rel, T venture to say what have cid myst ‘etre aed lar mare satheriatiely have ed boone ma that tho doctrine of frasttion most be aplcd within very oaoy Timi Ta my opinion ths ose fall fa aoe of sling the ‘ocesary coulis. Baluclat 42 T am to ier fom a judge {5 experened in comers lar MoNsir J, T am glad #9 fod ths my vw i hated by Aahwet J. and ll he mambots ti he Court of Appeal. erg MM i ELD Oe Jel a oe fe 0 2.8 8 ae Ha cuca pun RL Sie; cane) ac wm, ms cs 8 Sesncae kee wig oh ey a ome A. 18 amy fone ‘noUSE OP 1080s {sez} ‘Upon thie part of the cate I have ob chougbt It nscesay to dat with Poron J's dennis fn Booilé Pranco Tarsinne Didrmement v. Sidermas SPA Thee the queton wat wheter a ebaraparty wae furlaled by the Mosking of he ‘Soes Canal. The Tanracl jodge held tat it vas, bos was al ite to pint out dha the poution was very Sfornt im sc ‘Wace fy He ela of geod Upon Sat pol 1 gees with bi sod ned not dann the matter frie “oot folly to « questi wie bas seen me som toube refer to the th Snding in she spon) ease which T have ‘tendy folly sot out, Jt wil be remembered tht ho ial words. wore “not commercially or fundamentally diferent.” Diplok J, rogrding this aso Snting of fact, hoogh tht the fame wns thenhy eonlided. T one! regu thin x a cect ‘eval, Tee a qooton of lw whether ecntt bas been frosted and i commonly eld That fosraton cours when dione sis walsh te dementllyaieent seam thse nlemplted by Whe paras, Dut doce 208 fllow from the eat he arblea of the word" fendemertaly im deseribing ‘he didersnes bobwoen the sotal and he eontmplin] cod ‘lon Gt the eour ir preched from forming ta own judge ‘whether or ol a cotest has ben frssraed, Te is of greet ‘alto the cot to now thet In mtteatrs with pail Le: Iedge door donot segrd th now sitoumetances ec diferent fom thowe cntempited Wot they tine” fandemeotl ” a Sypropeate word to tse, Dut the alsa ix evidential only. Th Ine not the set of m Seding of fact. T'do pol ony that on tbat shoold be debtcred fom the us f the word” fone ‘Coggtal "of radiaa "or any oer werd which be thinks apt toigie empha bis view. But i be doe eo he most not be ‘sien ladvetly > determine the queaton of low wld tho ‘out most desde, “a my pinion the appeal should be diomisscd wth cose Koyo Tim, ‘My Ler, the appellant agreed to ll to the rexpendent 860 fom of Sudan groundite at £50 pr fon 03 ‘Eambarg. Admit, tho poondaute ad to be shipped fem. Port Sofan. The vrval end normal route ot the deta of the otras wat va Sen Cabal. Shipment was to be November) December, 1066, bat oa November 3 1086, the Canal ves loed to traf and it wee nt reopened uni the flowing Ape (an) 9.0m; 2 WLR.) 9A, Ac. xp PRIVY couxert, ut 1 is slat in th opel oute What“ the sellers ou hav “senspored the goods fom Pot Sudan to Hamburg vn th “Cape during November er December 1058.” The fight in Ser would have bom bot £1 10s. parton. ‘Tha fight vin (Ge Cape mar focrowsed by sage It was £16 per ton sitar December 15. sll seat i favour of he nppellants Sat "he proper compuien ix Bataan £710, and 3 per fom, ‘The appellants relund to sip the good va the Cape nnd oo ‘February th rspeodunts gave uote of ai ntention to Dy ‘in agin the appellants The quaian sow ie wheter by reason of the closing of the Sux outa the eootact had en coded by team "The appellant’ fat agamens wes thas if wes nimple scm of the contrac that tipmeat ahold be via Suse, It food in te cue thst bot partie conterplial tbat shipment ‘would be by thst route bet T Sod nothing ia, the oo ‘wast Ia the once 4 indicate thet thay lated to male ‘hin a teem of She conteset ce tht any suck term should be Impled: they leit the mater tothe oriiary role flow. ‘Admitedly the ordaary rela ie that a tipper stat hip by th soa end ostomary reat, ex, fears no euch oat, then by « praccable a resoaae rosa, ‘But the appllse: ‘ext ccntention wae tht his tens the seal snd euromnsy fonts atthe dato of he contract, while the respondent nse ‘hat the rule refer to tho te of pecermance. Thee appt fo be no tied eave aboot this and portage tat in'2ot ‘rising becaoe the Pent sana often arise. Apis fren fhe ‘piston of MeN J. in Gaapenoyti & Go. Zid.v- BT. Geen Td. en of the Goar of Appeal i this cna whish ae aguineh tho appelinsts, there are 0 few expremions of opiion on thie ‘atte but T call nol cxamiae them asthe peel pst my ‘ol have been ithe minds of their slbers, and Tash dng 20 lnjusticn to the eppatiants bacauos ca the wha these opinions favour the verpordenis” cotantion, Regarding the guestion ae ‘an open coe T would ack which i he mera reaconbientrprola tion af hele 1 she appeanta aro nigh, the question whether th centeah ‘i ended does not dopend om the extent 49 wbich the pare thei igs and ebtgatios are afeled by the sbstston St the ew route for the ld. If he now route nde nessary by the clang of the olde substan dierent tbe. sntrck » as 1 Qa. 18 be uoUse oP LonDs (1962) ‘woul be wt an ood were ght the ef the change might ‘hon the parton, ‘That appenra to me to bo quo uarents- tbls in ech it meann writing tr olf role Int the ooneast ‘bough he parten have owen not 4 say anything svt the ‘attr, On the oer handy if be rol nfo anertnn he route hth tie ef parton, then dhe qoetonwhatar So sre ‘eal bound to ai the goods bythe new reste dove depend oo {Bo szeumeanons hey ale ham and the bers: whethne or tot they ne ech af afr fronton of The sontreck That ‘peur to tna mish more jot and rnsoable end in sy opinion SER Shel el tobe toe propor interpretation oto Tle tora thes to could: the postion after the Canal was ‘owes and fo compace the sghta abd elgations of the partes {Bereiter, i the contrat sil bound. chem, wth what thie ‘igh and cligaiaoe wold have Boe f the Catal ad remained ‘open, A regards tho solr, the appelnt, the ooly diereace 1B whch 1'fad rotenone. cand Tole the only ‘tauren suggested In ergement—wra Unt thoy weld ave had fo pey £16 por ton toight intend of 27 20s. ‘They bod 20 cameem wih the naire of te voyage, In other ercamsianees hat might have afectd tho buyers, and itis necesary to ‘onidec the poston of bath pain bane futaion operator trial bing lnvolod By either party aud, i Ue matt price GF rovoloute ad flan fatad ot ing 1 might ave been he bayers who lige trastton. ‘There might be cae whore Gamage fo te goods won a Ty cele of the lnger voyage Shick vow croared the guste, or perhape tho buyer coud ‘he pejaind by te fact that fe normal drain of the voyage a Bore wns aboot ree wins whee the normal deraon (Vn the Cape wan shout sven waskn, Di thre io sggetia {nthe car thatthe longer vopege could damage the growadouts ‘thatthe dsay oul have sued los fo thos buyers of wih Shey could complain. Counsel forthe applints Highly 2d ot srg tat thi inreso io tho traight payable by tho appellant: tres ruen fo fvtete the casas and I need not therfore Grader wnt the resol sight be Hf the Saree bad ruched ft sstsominal gure. ‘The route by the Cape was certainly ‘Dractcsie. ‘Thre could be, ot the Badigs in the ei, no ‘hjation to by the buyers and the oaly objection tof fom ‘Be pint viw of he sallora was that i sou thom more ‘ad it wae oot euloed by the eontnot. Whar, the, ie Uhre ty ba fo retin? Ac. AnD PRIVY couNett a 1 eppones to ms that the aly poate way af seahing «to ‘condusion Wat Ui contat was orate woud be to oon tnests cn tho allrednotue of the voyage. T ave no meust == 1 juging wht, loking ot the mater rom tha paint of view TSS fe alp whos route tr Porb Sudan tus altered trom via Suse to via the Cape, the dferene would be 90 radial as fo ‘avalvefratation ad Tsapresn no opinion about that Ae T bderatod the argomeat i vee bated op the easumplion thet the voyage was the manner of pecorming the elle’ obligations od the shereforo ia ature was sale do no tink 0 What the sellers to do was imply fo find ship roosting by what wi «prac and pow aeaeoableouto-ll perhafe ‘ot got usual roule—to ey the fright and sain «proper Dil of icing, sud to fra tho nocenry dosuments othe buyers. “That was ele manser of peetorming thle obligations, A fo the rentoos whi That given Think tas sich shang ‘thn mative suworo te secnesy fll ar short of Joy. Ing « fading of feusestion.T agree that dh appellants rely on the provisos of claus 6 of th contest roparding pe ‘ection of chipicent,T theelore agree tbat this appl shoold Se aismisn, T hoald, pecaps, 284 «few wade abou she Snding in Sho ence that performance by shipping vis the Oxpe of Gord Hope ‘was “not conmerilly or fondemenaliy difereat fom pe mance by shippag vis Sune. Thin enact be ilended fo rein that t wie aller diferent commarsilly nor diferest {oolamently.” Plainly ther ies eammerel dienes between Drying 87 1s, nd poylag £15 per tan tight. Tt ast taeaa that pestrmance be not fendementaly aire i som: ‘mail sense ub all ebeumerialsonirate ought to be ina [reed in ight &€ commeralconidrtions, 1 angst imag cemmersil cas whee i would be pope to bol tat per fomance Ie fandanestaliy diferent in Inga though oot in 8 ommeci sense. Whichever way coe takes tthe sltinte ‘Qeetin ie whether tha now muthod of paiomanoe ie fad Imeotallydlifeont and that i» quntion of Inv. The comer Sil impatance ef the varcasdiferenoes Snvoled in dhe ehange of route—delay,cak to the goods, cost, ete faeb ea wis ‘pei ings by abit are ently appropri, BUS te Inference to be drawn on « coosieraon of all the relvant fcirs must, in my view, be a mata of lew-—was Where wat hore aot rts, otis x20 ane ‘nouss OP LORDS [1982) ‘Lox Rasouree, My Lars, Iti tht he outcome ofthis sppenlAeperia op a sors point. Te elias, aT seis {fo dsteonine how 1 dfca thn obligation of tho appoints, the ‘ear, under the sai contrast of Ontaber 4, 100, eof a ‘lied i ship of th goods sald andthe povsn of shipping ‘ooamenta, Omen smd whut that defniion hou be, ‘hare is'nt musk duly i sbelag what ao the legal cose- ‘qo Mat abou flow, having pad to the fet found for ty the api ene, ‘hie sale of goods on 4 terms” Bash a al nvles 9 ity of ebigetins oth thon walten out inthe sone tlt {i ewe suri by inltea of lw fore Bosinsreeney fot the fama. Tha aly exer of tase abigaion tht is elevat for She porpee of thie nee inthe vod duty“ to ‘powieem ontant of efeightnent under Wik to goods wll “be darned atthe dernason eatesplatl by the ntact (oto Bidgett Brotharev. B. Clemena Hort C2" por Basin 13), Bven within Sin ator, Bower, Sze wr gape which the Ia ba to lin fr fasten, whol fom of content of alight ot wil net the mene of the tanoston, and what route oF Totes ore peril for fhe crying reset aelaied? Tn the [reeset ling tars on the form of tho il of ang, whish Spot ia evidences everthing urme 00 the question of route. "The wrt outa takes n0exndton show hii aly st Ines being ths shipanotiat bo fom a Wast Aen pol by ‘which wera led f aoe that he partis in fact ono Poe ‘Sedan So the voyage mes to epi ot Peet Suden aod to end ab ‘Hamibong. ‘The pronecy duty unde ls prt of the contrast was to date sh groundnuts by sa from one port the destination othe oft. ‘A Sho dle whun the cosas wa entre ito the esl od normal out fer he shpat of Sudanese groundauis fom Port Suda to Humborg we via the Suse Canal. Te would be unusral ‘od rare for any sibtantal paca! of Bodanose groundnuts fom ‘Port Sodan to Earops to be shipped vis the Cape ab any tine ‘whan the Saez Casal was op. ‘he Ses Casal was ost on ovember 2, 1958, and remoloed.Nooked ntl Ae, 287 Terrible, during the ments of November/December, 158, ‘he pared in which the vendors hal to ship under the co0- “easy twas fea for ham to saneprt the pode vi the Cape (f Ooed Hye. Tt wood ave invaved voyage of vome 11137 pony m4 0 LR ac. AND PRIVY couNerE, rile ae aginst 6365 milos by way of Sen, and it would ave att Hi in fright rate of 26 por cent. (andl hs lat two vee of December, 100 per cant) above shat ruling when the = Sale conte was mada, ‘Those didereaces di nat, homer, i ‘he epnion ofthe board of appeal of the Inceperted Oi Sot Ancien who alle she cate, render traaepet by the Cape roula commercially oe fundkmentlly diferent Som tnepnt by way ofthe Save Cam Yow in thes circumstances wire the appellants under blige ‘onto procure abil of lading for the tampa of the gta by he Cape routs, sh Suse Canal aot being erable? That depends on how Uhr obligation ie dae. It ie ald on thee batlf that the duly of shipment ie « duty to hip by the “cestmary ce wu ou, osta whic ex be octane te ‘hat fllowed by soled ond established preton ‘ees Renae’, CLE. Gants, et ob, p. 80). Faliog expren provision 08 ‘he pat by the terme ofthe cote hat ain my opi, & ret guoeraletstemeat of what the law woud imp; but 120 ‘ot asap the farther proposition which she agellant’ argument rules, narsely tha, ivan th extenze of suo route tthe fate ofthe contect, tha whale ofthe vendor's obligtion with ‘epic to shipoot & eontainsd inthis pra,” eh ousomary ‘er unaal route,” Pig ade exceptional cae in whic there never bosom tablished any catomery rote bal from ‘oe port to the othe, we have o coir those in whith, wile Dot evallsba et the tase when the vendor lead fo ship. ‘The oppolinta say thal, sive the whole ellgeion ens inahippng by th cuemary or eal outa, the contact Yonld in that event bscome unenireabs, citar heonae ie terms a become impossiba of petonmance or beosay it war vie hy frustration. Ta Sis coatont the to alteratines moa ‘amoant 0 the same thing. T think, Bowews, thet Se vader’ ‘ligation has to bo doiaraind inthe ga of mata wo thay stand ab the dole of shipment, andi may be proper for hi to ake» eure in thooeciumnstioes which would aot be boa -woper for him to ais af the date ofthe cont Ta my oplaioe there iso magi in the Intoduin ofthe ln” cosomary o wus ute” t dese th ter plod bylaw. It is ony appropiate becuse i isin ordinary eeum- slasces the tat of what it a racnable to impoce tpn tbe ‘enor inorder round out the imperct frm of the contest a ane Penne wa ty House oP tons (962) foto something wish, as mercantile men, the partie may be [resumed to have intended. ‘The corp of eommersal Iw has ‘em bvl up largely by thi rosso sping frm the comin ‘age of he trade what fs the smorprced intention of the Dare. Teo noosaty fat to acetic wha sth commer ‘ature oc pepe of te advestare tht isthe bjt of De oat ‘wae tit asoranod, It as ext be ake what within this ‘rope ae the esata i wih, ara not wxprened, mst ‘emptied inorder to tte the cotrokeBlerioor ax buenas. Intumeat. ‘The natal way 10 anewer fh qoston i fo Sad ‘out what stb ual tig athe sume ine ofbesnes. Various Iijestives oe phrases ate omployed to. deste the plat ot Tefeeace, oan quota te following om ji dein ‘eongoeed, cure, suromary, seestomed, onal, clit, ‘oper, ctu, In asnodsten with ena ar prac o Unde, ‘tata of sommerealnotosey: and, of core, reasonable. ‘ut emonabla let beonoee I think th he otber rss sro 4) bation merely Sastacees of what Sb i reamble to laply Inving vega 10 the nature aod purges ofthe coleoh, The ‘ano proponition i therfore that lad dows by Bratt MR. ‘onder. Macbean > "The atislaous whih ae inercod ‘yeransieoontats aro alae tol the Pek wil do wba is moreetiy resonable "APping tat popetion to de poset case T do ot thik ‘hat ita onogh fr th apalats to point out that the urs! end ‘nntmacy rota for the tameprt of groundaate ows Port Sodan {5 Hamburg was via the Seer Cal, and that atthe dats of the fle contract bot partine contmpaiad that shipment wold be ty that rie, hie cones wae ale ot gods, bic iver Aepaahing the gods fom Pert Solan to Haoburg: bot of rues, the tanaprt war aot the whole bot only ene of the {scidents ofthe contract in which patols incident ocither ‘vendors nor buyers wer dey implied. “There was nothing {fo prevent the vendor rom dsptshing the goods ws ataced, soln Hey were iid Loun we a trm ofthe contact we ‘oer ute than that ofthe Sven Oana T do aot ace wy ‘ht tm sold be impli and, fH not mpi, the Eve ‘yeetion same tome tbe, sacesipeent was due to be made Sp same roots daring November/Desembar. whether it was a ‘mcnale wot ors marae mn to perform hie cones by ‘ulting the goods on bed sip gong rund the Cape of Good gas QD. W237, 0 AND PRIVY couNCIT, bil of ading on thie basi, A man map habitually Ueave hs hoose bythe foat doc to kee his spain. ent; but I the fot doe uok, he woold Barly be encased for not leaving by the Lack. The qvstio, thee, fe what is th fesomnbe meenatlo method ct performing the eee st ‘ime when th Soss Canal ie clon no aba ine when iis ‘open. ‘To euch a quston the tata the gael and oartomary route” ex hypothe ionppliabe (nthe tt found by tho socal ease Thi thatthe answer ts ieeviabe. The voyage would be » mush lenge os fo tars of mle; but length rect ite In such emattre tie ot ‘cra, condition of goo, increase o ight rte. A ebange of ‘outa may, moreover agent the shece based ofthe topo ‘Thice io nothing in th cesomatanen ofthe oiminrsal ven: ‘are rapeseed by the appelits contact which saggerte that ‘how chaages would have been mateial Time’ was. psaly ‘inte. “Not only ai tho vendors have the option of choose ay ate within a mouth period for atipmert, bu ale tere wae ‘we magia witin whe Were might be variation of the speed ‘apeciy ofthe earring vewel or veel sslected, There wat n2 poled dale for seval al Homburg. Nothing appears 10 oggest that the Capo voyage would be prejdia to the ened. on of te goods or would involve spesal poking esting, ee ‘oce ‘here soem to Have been any season! mat tbe ene sidered, With a thse facsofre them, ax well he tessure of fsght surcharge that would fll o the vendor" acroun, toe ‘boned of spel amde thle Sing tet perarmnoe by shipping he Cage roate wis not" commerially or funfamentally ‘"aiorent” tom skipping ia the Guce Casal, We have maria which would mab It peel oro tdi frre that tonelasin, 1 hae been a matter of debate wher thio Sing ought to be teaed a Boing of fact, by whi a soot would be bowed, ‘or a8 hlding of ln, whinh at such, woud be open to eeview 1h was tread ae tbe fst by the leared tcl jae: It wat teentad mare we the wound by the Cart of Appel hoes view of vse, T think, that whl of the atmoe avnce forthe date minon of the alive ofthe eat, i id ns bind the oar 0 a6 fo dotio what i shoo deed 8 fe asthe distin an be made beiween law and fac, Tago wilh tke Cons cf Appeal. Tsejard it ws» mixed queton of fet end law whether ‘eansport via the Cape of Good Hope was so mately diferent 28 Ea g am ‘NoUsE oP LonDs [1982] fran teanaort vin tha Svar Oana tab 1 was not within the ‘ge of thn et oantast or, sieeutvely, wus co rally {ire das ot hat crtest Busted. Tho ulinats coo tlision Iam oonaluson of lew, but in ease of tis sor tha ‘enelein Sr almost completly determined by wat aeeianed ‘to marnntle rage and tas understanding of merenbls men. do aot baie tat in his, ag In many olber branches of cman law, ivi onl to nals vary presely where lv egos and fact nda,” ‘hat la oon in hs Bld loa olgn- iso an legal ighla ae legal founded vpn orege and pacts, ‘whch theese able a ater oft. Many things Wich ace tow segided sealed prnspen of lw orignted In othing more linn somo merente pestic, andthe ext. ‘hon abd tna of thi peste have eon tossed womelines by Cerone putt ad aorwerd by ape oer emetimes by The ndings and vows of eommarcal wtbitatore and comelimes by ‘ha be sllamene ofthe fee, founded wpon hl expeinot ttt Bare the Bendh, Ie would by dit, folate, to rin the judgment om commer law daivared by three och mater ar Lord Baber, Soraten Ta, and Lord Sumner {Eom (bel personal soqninanon with merle usages and thle (cation oft one its the fama of ths etx To not tink, therefore, tha i eight tobe ery stall ‘in autingihing bntwens quasone of Iw and gustan of fact Se satay of ts kind Since Lord Mana’ dy commensal oy a boon ascertained by = cooperative exchange belwesn flge so jury, end aow hat citar: have tan the place buco Ido al thi that wo eam star all ove again with a3 ‘cists dlatinstion between tae resestvoepbees ot judg and ‘cbiclrs Cenrally sponking, T'40 ot think tat a Soding ia {he form which we buy hess can ever Be eoslsiva om hs lps fesue. When all aoersry facia bave bean found It remains queria of lw forthe cout wat onthe tvs ecastrtion of te raeet ace th cbgaaan imposed ce whtbar, having repel to ‘th tema of hn contet god tho smeuniing sxeomstance, any partolae tem isto be tnpled. But, when th boplaton of {erm doped eumnlly upon hatin customary ar ual 6 Aonpled proto, 5 inevitable Wat the Gedings of fst, what- ‘rar ey ty be, ge vroliy the whole way towards determin he lg res "Tha fing inthis co i psthepaonorul i tat i oes not pk for any mage ce pas of tde-ex hypothe was Ag. ‘AND PRIVY couNeHL, to establshod wage ence the Suet Canal wee blocked but Taller for the vow of merantile men as to Si sgifean ef ‘doping the ulteraive routs. Toie summary way of tating Aha & voyage by tnt route would ot iovolwe any alec of Aifecence tt weal be regarded as mate by porte faibor ith the tnd. would be costar to common nate Thnk fourt, which cannot uninstvdd sacar fhe samsung cane of, sy. surcharge of £710 per ton for fightin. ented of tie hind, should not poy cael atesin to ec "ow fom aush «sore; just as it Would be, I din, ontny to Priipla Unt court said regard a view so exper a folly foaclsive ofthe ga ius ‘Timust ad tant T do at think thet ach ding alogetoe ‘etistantory fr the purges of apes car. Ten ents 8 summary of the cummeril sicanoe of seerl septate ‘sect ofthe Cape outa a catrantod ith the Seca Cava ati, ‘od ite emburasig for w court whieh sto ayer oe que. Sen ris hy the cae to have before it enly he tm od ot the abitatc's ndings upon the iadedualarpstn which ‘ake wp the conclusion. ean ate thay ths fom came ike ‘oneal use, a coat might feel oiled o saad bac fhe ene on. uiing i or fctber and more spl Soiings Tb would bare ‘oan bei if the epcal cas ed iden te severe! eapete ‘of iteence inp, Une, ert rsh we, iby aw Wirth ‘our it left ifr, aad had made with ‘epad fo tho, both seperately and togtber, the Sading tha was slnly Tntnde, ‘has ey ware nb sgnooat fom the mercantile pint of vw. Tages with the opinlons already exresed by my noble td learned tind who have proveded ms, atthe expen Suen lane ofthe eatrach, dow ot ary T would dsmise the sppe ‘Lomo Hootos. My Leeds, the appllante have put ia he fovetrot oftheir angomect Wat en mpl’ term of very ‘Gif, contac, inclating the contest under eineeratic, th ‘he ges sal be cava by th (ri more then aoe) eaten. ‘ay rout. In this ecnnacton it iy contended that thy leans ‘moment of sine for deterining whather a roite is euromary |i tho time when the contet in concluded ‘The Sst par ofthe proposition hes bean ave by Dion 4. and by tho maori ofthe Court of Appent, while the seca back was rjected, it being held in both cows hat the ales” ‘iiption, under contest suche tha, it sip by a route ms ene a a8 ‘novse oF toRDs (1962) sul aod customary att Sine of performance, IF the whol of ‘he propotion wore moneyed b would be equivalent this entre io adding hy Smpleatcn the words "via Suet.” Yor ho romeo needy given uh impontion la unnecemary abd shouldbe reject. “rman Lt. in the Cou of Appl di oot wcapt thor tin ofthe proportion and i not ee the meow of plying ty auch ends sr by the ure snd customary route.” He foie] out tht tho sana’ duty was 4 ship the gods fom ‘Bos Sudan loth named post bya ship loving within the gle ata This tru» thot at Ube oars Sade: AL the date whew tho + egutract as snade the pases colemplated that shipesot vrSaull'be made by the Suer Canal” This, owover, is 8 ‘ost of sale soko ereiage and ules there i ese sposal ‘ls pple lo. cantata th duty of tho sles doe By eonon 82 of ho Sale of Goods Aat, 1B, wich prove “52_(Q) Whee in prsuane of contrast sla the seller ‘sig athorie ov rogial snd the gone tot buyer divery tte gots fo te enti, whither sama by the bere, for the purpva of tesoaminion to the bayer is pre tale " Goemel fe ew diver of te gods to the bes. ‘S(@) Unles eerwisn authorised by the buyer, the seller aust mde such contract with She cacser op bebalé of he yer on may be resale having regu fo tbe nate of she fons and the lier siccuslanca of te our. TE the wale ‘pit a to do and the goods ar let er damaged in eon of Aten, he bape soay delve to teal he dlivey to dhe casor fo dlivery to hime, or ny Bold the sllar responsible in “ar ‘applying the provisos of that elie to thi aca Ch alles cs bound lo ship by a reasonable route boving raged tthe ‘ature of the goats abd the otter eboumetances of the cot. “Tight be an Harman 1. pointe ov}, thal i wae eres sit forthe bugs to vesive the goods within « given time and ‘hot thie cold ony be done by soning tham vis Stes; moreover, fhe gonle might be of « naire whidh would not sod « rte oming the goer ve. “Tales pecusded by authority tbat thi ne of renting Is wong, tnd it coving for the Sale of Goods Astin ect ‘odie the eleva av Ac. ‘Aum PRIVY couNeHE, ‘The applant ny wpon « patage 4 be fous in Kanon (an OLY. Contracts step. 2D! "Tn the sbanes of express "em a he soma te eostmary or waa rots mat be "flowed" “This paseige ie not exported by any authority save hat wan, F think, assumed to bo eopest by Seratton LJ. in Tm 26 Bato & Co and Heibut, Syons & Co." ‘Tho stun dedson In hat can ig not of aston. The majority of the Court Appeal bel tt, in contrat asda in TOI forthe Hale ‘alber lo Be ahippe fm the Hast fo New York, «andor of goods Wht had been Sranumited hy ruil rom the wears set ‘Wourd of the Unit Statr fo New Yorke was not pod tender tnd We bager were aot hound to snp the tame, Sostzon Li, who disentse, was of opinion thatthe tndar was good ude routg taken bythe robber was the tims «usu outa od not excluded by the tems of the conc frots the means ot prtocmanue open to the vender. Ho i, however, ie hase rode "Wher thera i entrant ery frm A to Bi he eset "*routo er mato of cares isnot sexed in Ge comet, "ip cage must be by one ofthe neal routes sod msthoos caine, st the option of ths ear.” hie Inguage i, T Ahink, ppeopiste to & contest of arighment butt toe ‘hat that sentence wes uel in oun where ae sotact wt under ccadration and infor that reason ral opon a a sofbocttive dictum, cootaaed an it in the judgment of taster of the law whose words carey gre weight not leant fe ‘altars sppertasig to commensal IesnenoGoen, ‘Nofwithstnding the fact that the prong of « contract of ofeghiment is part ofthe oblgntion of the wllar wader & ML conlrct, Tam aot perunded thatthe propslton oon tended for by the appellants bv sound aod T am of the tame poion at Harnan LJ, thet iti not necessary 20 py ie thie contrast fhe weds "by We weual and eartamsry route.” ‘On any view it would scam thatthe possge in Kennedy ca OLR. Controle requires come qualfcaton fee, if an event Lappenad whith provented 6 peicula route being uted ao shat 4 Mig Toes Journey, perhaps oulide permis dovstion, sree nusesry, then, othr roles bing arabe, the aller eld ‘rely ot ea he wat fe oem i oom ona am an

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