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FORM 3:1, 3:3, 3:5




Global warming is the rise in average surface temperature of the earth.

The average surface temperature of the Earth has increased by about 0.8°𝐶
over the last 100 years. Much of this increase has occurred in the last 30
years. This suggests that the trend in rising temperature is increasing.

This may not sound like much of an increase, but even this small rise has
caused major changes to the climate in different parts of the world. This is
known as global warming.

The average winter temperature at the North pole is around-34°𝐶 while in
the summer the average is around 0°𝐶. Scientists who study the North Pole
have been aware for some time that average temperatures are increasing.
The northern polar ice cap is slowly getting smaller and the ice is getting
thinner as more ice turns to water.

In some parts of the world the summers are getting much hotter and drier.
Warmer weather has led to water shortages and droughts in certain parts
of the world.


Australian Outback Farmer stock photo...

Devastated corn fields as a result of a long time drought.
Water is being used up more quickly than it can be replaced by nature.

In areas of the world where there are large forests, the vegetation is much
drier than in the past due to higher temperatures and the lack of rain.

There is land beneath the ice at the South Pole, but the North Pole consists
entirely of ice. If the northern polar ice cap were to completely melt it
would be possible to sail over the North Pole.

We cannot afford to wait to act against the threat of climate change. We
must work together to protect our planet and people and ensure a greener,
more resilient future for us all.

The UK hosted the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 with our

partners Italy in November 2021 to bring together world leaders to commit
to urgent global climate action.

But each of us has a part to play. That’s why we will continue to work
closely with businesses, civil society groups, schools and people across the
UK as part of our on-going conversation on tackling climate change.

Many nations adopted the Glasgow Climate Pact, aiming to turn the 2020s
into a decade of climate action and support.

The package of decisions consists of a range of agreed items, including

strengthened efforts to build resilience to climate change, to curb
greenhouse gas emissions and to provide the necessary finance for both.
Nations reaffirmed their duty to fulfill the pledge of providing 100 billion
dollars annually from developed to developing countries. And they
collectively agreed to work to reduce the gap between existing emission
reduction plans and what is required to reduce emissions, so that the rise in
the global average temperature can be limited to 1.5 degrees. For the first

time, nations are called upon to phase down unabated coal power and
inefficient subsidies for fossil fuels.

As part of the package of decisions, nations also completed the Paris

Agreement’s rulebook as it relates to market mechanisms and non-market
approaches and the transparent reporting of climate actions and support
provided or received, including for loss and damage.



Global Warming

1)Fill in the blanks with either ‘increasing’ or ‘decreasing’.

a) The surface temperature of the Earth has been -------------------------

over the last 100 years.
b) The thickness of the ice at the North Pole is ------------------------------
c) In some parts of the world summers are getting hotter and drier. The
effects of this are that:
1) Water levels in lakes and reservoirs are---------------------------
2) The risk of forest fires is-------------------------------------

3) The number of wild animals and farm animals dying from lack of
food and water is--------------------------------------------------

2) Discuss what effects a drought is likely to have on people and on




3) Imagine there is a drought in your area now. Discuss what steps

you could take to reduce the use of water.

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