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Journal Information: Title, Volume, Issue, Journal Information: Title, Volume, Issue, Journal Information: Title, Volume, Issue,

Date of publication Date of publication Date of publication

This section explains the results of
the experiment or test. Data is
Results Often quite short, the conclusion
Title of article usually described in fine detail and
any equations are solved here.
summarises the main results and
discussion points. It may also relate
the results to the boarder contexts

Author Details of the academic discipline.

Figure 1.1

Discussion Name, I. (date) Title of article.
Abstract: This is a short summary of the article including the This section analyses the results in Name of journal V, (I). P.
results or main idea presented. This will help you decide if the terms of current theories or the Name, I. (date) Title of article.
article is relevant for your purposes. hypothesis proposed in the Name of journal V, (I). P.
It is often indented and written in italics. Methods/Methodology introduction. While results discuss Name, I. (date) Title of article.
the finder points of the data, the Name of journal V, (I). P.
discussion looks at the data as a Name, I. (date) Title of article.
whole. Name of journal V, (I). P.
The discussion will also usually Name, I. (date) Title of article.
suggest conclusions about the Name of journal V, (I). P.
The results section usually discusses significance of the experiment. Name, I. (date) Title of article.
the data and any issues that may Name of journal V, (I). P.
This section may also examine the
Introduction have arisen in gathering said data. Name, I. (date) Title of article.
limitations of the research and Name of journal V, (I). P.
The introduction will typically
Results are usually quite long and suggest areas for further Name, I. (date) Title of article.
provide an introduction of the
detailed, with lots of equations, research, although this is Name of journal V, (I). P.
topic of the article. It may include
figures, tables and diagrams. sometimes included in the Name, I. (date) Title of article.
a review of previous books and
conclusion. Name of journal V, (I). P.
articles on the same topic in order
to show the that the writer’s Name, I. (date) Title of article.
research was trying to fill. It will Name of journal V, (I). P.
also state the purpose and focus Method/Methodology Name, I. (date) Title of article.
of the research and/or the Name of journal V, (I). P.
This explains the way in which the
research question. research was conducted, and often
Terms, or theories, are often also the reasons for choosing this
defined in this section as well. method.

Journal Information: Title, Volume, Issue, Date of publication Journal Information: Title, Volume, Issue, Date of publication Journal Information: Title, Volume, Issue, Date of publication

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