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, Stratatek

Stra ta tek Test & Measuremen t

750 Oakdale Rd. Unit 5 2
Totonto, Ont ario

Test & Measurementg Phone: 905-406-01 00

info @stratate

Certificate of Traceable Calibration

Documented for:
Stratatek Test & Measurement
750 Oakdale Rd, Un i t 52
Toronto, Ontario
M3N 2Z4

Certificate Serial Number: 26586 Instrument: True RMS Multimeter

Job Name ID: 6686 Manufacturer: Fluke
Customer Asset Number: N/A Model/Cat. Number: 287
Serial Number: 99590032
Condition as Received Returned
Date: October 02, 2022 � Without Adjustment D Repaired
� In Good Condition D Defective 0 With Adjustment D Other
D Phvsica11v Damaaed D With Restrictions /limited\
Calibration Date: October 02, 2022 Temperature: (21 + / -2)°C
Calibration Due Date: October 02. 2023 Relative Humidi tv: (35 + / -10\%

PASSED. No Adjustments Required.

This document certifies that the above instrument has been calibrated with measurement uncertainties expressed or
implied est imated at a 95% level of confidence assuming a normal distribution with a coverage factor of k=2 sigma. I t
has been calibrated using standards whose accuracy are metro logically traceable to the Internat ional System o f Uni ts
through either the National Institute o f Standards and Technology (NIST) or NRC Canada (NRCC) and/or have been
derived from accepted values of natural physical constants or derived by the ratio type of self-cal ibration techniques.

NIST/NRCC Traceable Standards

Asset 600220 Type Multimeter, Agilent 3458A.002 (4 ppm) Cert. 1-2625074715-1 Next Cal. May 22, 2023
Asset 600003 Type Calibrator, Fluke 5101B Cert. 26456 Next ca1. May. 14, 2023
Asset 600010 Type Decade Resistor, ROCT P4077 Cert. 26478 Next Cal. Jun. 07, 2023
Asset 600025 Type Decade Resist0<, ROCT P40105 Cert. 26479 Next Cal. Jun. 07, 2023
Asset 600027 Type Decade Resistor, Gen. Rad. 1432-N Cert. 26480 Next Cal. Jun. 07, 2023
Asset 600151 Type Decade Resistor, Gen. Rad. 1432-T Cert. 26481 Next Cal. Jun. 07, 2023
Asset 600055 Type Cal brator, Valhalla 2555A Cert. 29182 Next Col. July 17, 2023

Calibrated by: Date Issued: October 02, 2022

Daniel Web ster, Calibrati on Technician

QA Procedure: S T RC
_ A L19
_ T est Procedure: 287

Strata: et k Test & Measurement is the trade name of Stratatek lrrws&lg me.
limited Liability
Stratatek Test & Measuremerc. Toron1o. ON. 905-406-0100
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