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You have been using a selection of reflexive verbs when describing your daily routine.
You will have noticed that these verbs require a little extra word in front of the verb – this is called the
reflexive pronoun.
Most reflexive verbs are ‘er’ verbs and the endings will stay the same as usual for ‘er’ verbs, you
just need to add in the correct reflexive pronoun.

Exercice 1
Fill the gaps with the correct reflexive pronoun and verb ending from the box:

eg. se doucher = to shower

je ____ douch__
tu ____ douch __
il ____ douch __
elle ____ douch __
nous ____ douch ____
vous ____ douch ___
ils ____ douch ____
elles ____ douch ____
Exercice 2
Fill the gaps with the correct reflexive pronoun and verb ending:

1. Je ___ lèv__ à sept heures

2. Il ___ couch__ à dix heures et demie
3. Nous ____ lav____ dans le salle de bains
4. Ils ___ douch__ dans la piscine
5. Je ___ peign__ chaque (each) matin
6. Elle ___ reveill__ à dix heures le weekend
7. Vous _____ douch__ ?
8. Tu ___ bross___ les dents tous les jours (every day)

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