Gta Roleplay Exam Answers

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Hi i am Jack Sparrow , i am known for ship Robbery in many countries, Unfortunately

during my shipping my ship sunken near senthamizh city. So i am here in order to

sustain my self by doing some decent job or may even involve in robery to get
financially stable in the city.

According to new life rule the in game character should for get about the event
that had took place before his or her death, for example : if some one burn me ,
after the death i should forget about the person name, the event happened, or the
reason for the death or like the job i did etc...

Green zones areas are known for rp performing area where player do their Role
play , It is called Green zone because killing someone or harming sone withing this
zone is prohibited

Torture Rp is the Role Play that is performed by taking advantage of the in game
situation to force some one to do something ,
for example: If i am a police in a city even though i have the right to fine or
arrest someone i should do it with valid reason , i should not force someone to pay
the fine by taking advantage that i am a police.

Cop Baiting is the illegal activity where the citizen is intentionally grabing the
attention of the police by shooting with no reason or raising the vehicle speed
near police. etc...

RDM is Random death match is like killing someone for without any Role play reason.
VDM is vehicle death match is randomly harming someone or killing someone with
CDM is the Car Death match is like crashing others car for no valid reason in the

/occ is used to interact with the system admins in case of emergency situation
/me is used for in game communication with the others

I just show no reaction to them and i use /occ to report the admin immediately for
further action.

Character breaking is just like releasing the in game character details in order to
get self enhancement in the city. for example watching the live stream of other
player in the youtube to take advantage over the Rp situation is character breaking
and also have multiple character and sharing financial resources with each other to
gain some advantage is also a character breaking.

Fear Rp is Role Play that is performed with fear as like in real life. For example
if some one make you in a gun point you should surrender and obey their command
instead should not run and escape which we will not do in real life, is just like
non-fear Role play which should not be done in the game .

I will just use /occ to report the admin to make it clear

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